HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1931-01-15, Page 1tSingle Copies Five Cents.
A suddendeath occurred on
'Monday morning with the passing. of
3'rwin J, Pattison, The sad news came
as- a great shock to the citizens of
Wingham as he had been in his usual
load' }mettle although he had . com-
plained en Sunday with his arm. Mr,
Pattison had been out around and had
.gone in the house and was edit .'come
:iplaining with his arra. He sat down
in a chair, and without warning to
any member of the household expired
instantly. Deceased was born in East
Wawanosh and had been a resident
-of this locality all Ms life and was in
Ins 60th year. His wife pnedeceased.
hint about seventeen years ago. Sur-
eviving are, one son, Charles of Sar-
.airia; his mother and one sister Mary
at home; Mrs. Thomas Leakey of
Kincardine; Mrs: J. Johnstone of
Toronto and one brother, John W.
•of,Port Elgin. '
Funeral services were conducted at
:his late residence, John street, on
Wednesday afternoon by the Rev: S.
Davison, pastor of the United church,
of which he was a .member. Inter-
cadent being made in the Wingham
Mailing Lists Corrected
Our mailing lists have been correct-
ed up to. Thursday, Jan: 8th and all
who remitted previous to this date
should be credited. Look at your lab-
el and see if it is correct, if not please
iotify us at once. If your subscrip
'tion is in arrears we would appreciate
your renewal as soon as possible.
Mrs, Dr, Stewart is visiting friends
in Toronto,
Mrs, G. L. Baker is spending 'a few
°days in Toronto.
Mrs. J. M. McKay is °visiting her
mother in Toronto.
Mr. Ernest Morrison is spending
the latter part of the week in London.
Mr. and Mrs• W, Logan Craig have
returned home after spending a con-
;ple.of weeks in 'Toronto and Hamil-
Mr. John McWhinney of Bruce
Mines, and Mr. Will Todd of Paris;
:attended' the funeral of the late. Her-
bert. J. Thompson.
Prosecution of twenty-eight farm
eel; of Usborne township, charged
with carrying guns without . the nec-
essary permit, will notbe proceeded
with; on ,instructions from the On-
tario-:'yGovernmezt, it was 'learned' in
'Goderich. It was stated that one of
the men against whom information
was laid had taken the precaution to
apply for and secure a permit to con-
duct the "rabbit drive" which was in-
terrupted by Gaine Overseer J. Id.
Hammond, > of London, said to have
acted under instructions from the De-
isartnrent of Game and Fisheries.
The farmers were interrupted' in
Rheroces ridding p s of riddiii� their wheat
fields of the rabbits, their guns were.
confiscated, and they were taken be-
fore Justice of the Peace W..D. Saun-
dcr§ at Ee.eter. This official has not
the power to act unless accompanied
on, the bench by another justice of
the peace. The cases were referred to
Magistrate Reid at God,erich, who ad-
vised that the prosecutions will be
dropped. The guns which were seiz-
ed and taken to London will be re-
turned to their owners,
It is the opinion of Magistrate. Reid
and: of Provincial Constable White-
side that prosecution should never
have been launched and that the law
providing that a permit must be tak-
en out in South Huron, while it iS
not necessary in North Huron, should
be amended at once, It was held to
be ridiculous, or that the prosecution
in this case were never intended to
+cotri.e under it,
Many complaints were txiade by the
farriers regarding the action of the
official of the Department of Game
and Fisheries, as Usborne and neigh-
boring townships are becoming over-
tidden with rabbits. They burrow
in the snow and eat the fall i t wheat. It
seems that strong representations
were made to have the cases with-
drawn, although, legally, the farmers
May have been guilty,
"Plow is one to know when he is
in South or North Huron?" was one
pointed question,
With Which is Amalgamated The -Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter .News.
Lueknow, the old rivals of Wing-
ham, ;provided one of the hardest -
fought games that the locals have en-
countered this year and was witness-
ed by a fair attendance: The game
was Buil of excitement and at times
was fairly rough, the referee not
checking the boys up as strictly as
he should,
In the first or second period neith-
er team was able to score, but in the
third McDonald came in fast for .a
rebound and bulged the net for the
only counter • of the gamey winning a
two -pound box of chocolates donated
by the Peacock Cafe. During the last
few minutes of play the Lucknow
boys put all they had into the game
and at times bad the entire team on
the forward line,
The goal tenders for both teams
played exceptionally well and: saved
many a hard shot.
The line-up:
Lucknow--Goal, Johstone; defence,
Treleaven and 'Agnew; centre, S.
Thompson; wings, McCoy and Hues -
ton; subs.,
ues-ton;'subs.,' A. Thompson, McCartney
and Henderson.
Wingham-Goal, McGee; defence,
A, Lockridge ' and W. Lockridge;
centre, H. Mitchelt wings, H. Browne
and W. Gurney; subs, A. Mitchell A.
Ross and W. McDonald
Referee—Burroughs of .Harriston,
The Juniors. journeyed to Kincar-
dine on Monday and defeated the
lakeside team 1-0. During the first
few minutes of play Jack. Bracken-
bury, who is a speedy skater, gat hold
of the puck, and before he could be.
stopped, had scored.'
The Seniors have established quite
a record thisyear; in the only three
games they have played they have
scored 8 goals to their opponents 0.
Every game has been a shirt -out.
Come' out to the game on Friday
evening and see if' the boys can re
peat their win from the Ripley Red -
The 'standing of the teams
group is:
W ingitant
Won Lost
3 0
1. 1
1 2
Wingham ..... „.,........
Kincardine ..
The Official Board of the 'United
Church at a meeting on Wednesday
evening last extended an unanimous
invitation to the present pastor, Rev.
Sydney Davison, to remain for his
fifth year.
In the four years that Mr, Davi-
son has been pastor of the church,
Rev, Sydney Davison
much has been accomplished. Dur-
ing the past year and a half the
Church has been redecorated, with al-
teration and improvements being
trade to the choir loft and pulpit, a
new and up-to-date organ has been
installed,as well as an addition being
added to the rear of the church.
Mr. Davison has not as yet given
his decision, but expects to do 'so.
next Sunday morning:
The United Church school rote
was the scene of a very interests
meeting on Tuesday afternoon, ja
6th; About forty-five ladies were pr
sent. Mrs. Willis, past president, o
cupied the chair for the first part •o
the meeting which, after Prayer b
Mrs. Morton and; Scripture readirt
by Mrs. Davison, consisted of t.
giving of reports by the Secretarie
who have served': during' the .yea
Each of these showed her departrnen
in a very satisfactory condition,
The report of the Treasurer wa
especially encouraging as until
short • time ago` we were afraid ou
objective would not be met. Iioweve
we are pleased now to report havin
reacher and passed. our own object
ive of $'775 and voted $15 to help th
young ladies of the Circle who were
a little down in their finances du
to their having lost some of thei
membership during the year.
Mrs. Willis brought this part o
the program to a close by thanking
all those who had helped in the woe
of the society during the year,• and
asked Mrs. Field, the new President,
to take the chair, Meanwhile Mrs.
Gowans had risen to move a vote of
thanks to Mrs. Willis and the retir-
ng officers for their untiring efforts
during the year to make the work of
he society so successful. Mrs. J, Wil -
on seconded' this motion and Mrs.
Willis replied in a fitting manner for
erself and the other officers.
Mrs. Field then took charge of the
meeting and the. Secretary read the
ninutes of an Executive meeting held
on Jan. 3rd. The : World's Day of
Prayer will be held Feb, 20 in the
Anglican Church and our Society will
oin with the ladies of that Society
n this,
This' year, we purpose holding an
xtra. meeting during each quarter in
order to get our funds collected eeri-
er in the year. This meeting will
ake the form of a work meeting and
wi11 be in charge of the Finance Corn.
Mrs. J. .Pattison ..started to read a
aper on "Preparation for the Mas-
rs Work" but it'e he crucial mo -
lent the Hydro failed and she could
of continue the reading. However,
w:e did hot miss anything as Mrs.
Pattison just spoke briefly her own
ioughts on this subject and quite
tisfied us as. to our duty during the
ming year. The meeting closed
with prayer by Mrs, Field.
Thomas Sage celebrated his 99th i
birthday on Monday.
Since the; death of Mrs, John.Gib-
son, in .December, who lacked a few
in the days of attaining her 101st birth -day.
Mr. Sage' claims the distinction of be-
ing the oldest person in this district.
Points He is in good health, bright and
6 cheerful and his memory is clear.
2 --.Mr. Sage comes of a family not-
for ,longevity, his mother having
0 lived to the age of 99 years, 8 mon-
ths, 8 days.
Lost Points
1 2
1 2
2 0
Fortner Resident Dies
Word. was' received in town ofthe
passing of" Peter S. Keyes in Winni-
peg, last week, Mr. Keyes was horn
in Luciciot r•, but for a number of
years resided in Wingham where he
learned the tinsiuithing with Dave
Sutherland, going to Winnipeg about
thirty years ago.
Recount Asked In W. Wawanosh
William Mole, who was. defeated by
W. J. Stewart by two. votes for the
reeveship in the municipal elections
in the e Township of `Nest Wawanosh,
is asking for a recount. Application
for the recount evil be tirade to the
county Judge by Mr. Mole's solicitior,.
D, E, Holmes, of Goderich. The vote
in the \Vest Wawanosh election was
as follows: Williams Mole, 197, W. J.
Stewart,' 199, Other candidates for
the reeveship were J. I;, Forster, who
polled 155 votes and William Carr
who polled 86,
The Fertilizer Division of Canad-
ian Industries, Limited, (C.I,L• .), are
sending the listeners of 10 33 P• a ser-
ies of old time concerts starting this
Thursday at 8.45-9.80 p,m.-45 min -
Mei of olcl songs and tunes.
A large number of.fans are taking
advantage of the Walter Rose Poul -
try .Farre cotitest which is part of
their broadcast every Thursday 8 -
8,45. Time in and then get in the
Broadcast Periods
.Thurs.-8-8.45 Walter Rose .Poultry
Farin Concert. 8.45-9;80 C. I, L. Old
Sunday -010.80 your Radio"talar.
10.45 'Organ music. 11,00-12,10 Unit-
cr Church Service. 4,15-5,15 Sacred
Colleen. 6,45 Organ :artusie. 7-8.20
St. Andrews Presbyterian Church ser-
Tuesday -.- p.in, 1 ecord�ed
Is our,
W. C. T. U. Meeting
This union held.its regular <month,
ly meeting at the United Church par-
sonage on Thursday, January 8th.
This organization holds its meetings
the second Tuesday_ of;.every month.
Will all who are interested in Tem-
perance work snake an effort to at-
tend these meetings.
Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the 'Turn -
berry Agricultural Society will be
held h the - Council Chamber, Wing -
ham, at 2 p.m: on Tuesday, January
20th, to receive the report of the Dir-
ectors, elect officers and transact
other .business pertaining to the So-
cies . P
y. � C. G. 'Campbell, Pres,: • W.
Greer, Secretary,
Wood Contract Given
On Monday evening the High
School Board awarded the contract
for the supply of 20 cords of hard
maple 20 . inches long', to Mr. C. J,
Logan, R. R. 1, I3elgrave, at a price
of $4.45 per cord deliver -:d, .Fourteen
tenders were received ranging from
$4.45 to $5.25 per cord.'
Wingham Fall Fair
The Citizens of Wingham are invit-
ed to attend the annual meeting of
the Fall Pair, to be:held in the Coun-
cil Charihbeee on Tuesday, an. 20th
Y. J ,
at 2 pen, The Fair is fast 'becoming,
the best annual event in town, and
this can be improved by showing
your interest in attending' the annual
meeting on '.Tuesday next,
Will. Address Canadian . Club
On Friday evening, January 23rd,
Professor Landon, of Western' Uni-
versity, London, will address the Can-
adian Club on "Three Canadian Prime
ministers, --• ,Macdonald, Mackenzie,
and Laurier," The speaker is Assoc-
iate l?rofessor in History in 'Western
'University, and three years ago, spoke
in Winghatn on the subject, "The
Romance of Canadian Hietory.'
Those who hid the pleasuue of lis-
tenitrg to Professor Landon at.that
time will look forward to hearing
him again.
Franci-St Residence Sold`
The residence of the late Mr. Bos-
man, on Francis street, has been dis-
posed of to Elwood Armitage: Mn
Armitage expects- to take :immediate
The regular :monthly meeting of
the Women's Institue was held on
Thursday afternoon at the home of
Mrs, R. F. Garniss, with the presi-
dent, Mrs. Robert Shaw, in the chair.
The meeting -opened . stn ;m
Institute ode arid repeating the :Lord's
prayer in unison.. The corresponden-
ce consisted mainly of letters of ap-
preciation from the shut-ins of the
community .for Christmas greetings
received. The meeting decided to dis-
pense with a government this year
on account of the district annual
meeting being held here. The roll -
call was answered by almost all pre-
sent repeating a verse of poetry on
Miss Olive Scott read a paper on
Friendship, showing the real charac-
teristics of a true friend, and what
sincere friendship means-- "Thee way
to have a friend is to be one."
Mrs. Alex, Mowbray read a splen-
did paper on the art of letter writing,
addressing letters acid parcels; and an
example of a letter and parcel prop-
erty addressed and parceled was
shown to those present. Letter writ-
ing is an art and the paper stressed
the idea of an effort: to write in or-
der to please and entertain rather
than a few formal remarks, where the
receiver' could reed between the lines
and feel that when finished the . send-
er er remarkedTltere, I amg lad that
is off my hands." 'The paper was
very instructive and was enjoyed by.
all those present. Some discussion
followed 'on removing stains,
The meeting closed with sin - in' the
National Anthers, after which the
'hostess served refreshments, assisted
by Miss Scott.
Mr. Finlay Anderson upon complet-
ing his thirty-five years as Treasurer
of the Township of East Wawanosh,
has tendered his resignation. Mr. An-
derson celebrated; his 91st birthday.
on August 9th last seventy-five years
of which he has resided in East Wa
Besides being Treasurer, he has
served on both the townhsip and the
Mr. Finlay, Anderson
County Council, giving in all forty-
seven years of service to lus•munici-
pality, a record of which he may feet
proud, and one that will be hard to
Up to the present time, a period of
63 years, East Wawanosh has only
had three men to Gook after the treas-
urer's books, over half of that time
being served by Mr. Anderson.
Mr. Anderson is still in good health.
and we, with his many friends; wish
him' many' more years of health and
On Thursday last a rink of 'curlers
from Lucknow were entertained by
the local club, The ice was in good
shape and an afternoon and evening,
game was played in which the local,
boys were winners by a narrow mar-
Afternoon game
Lucknow ' Wingham
R. McPherson T. Hardy
W. Porteous H. Gibson
A. Stewart O. Thompson
G. Smith ski-- 11.5. Mason, sk. —14.
Evening Game ---
R. McPherson J. Carr
W. Porteous H. C. MacLean
G. Smith H. Walker
A, Stewart, sk.- ••10W. Mitchell sk. 18
Legislature Opens February 12th
The. Ontario Legislature will .open
on Thursday, February 12th. It is ex-
pected the House will sit for six
weeks and be adjourned. befeze...Eas-
Underwent Operation
J. Arthur Wilson, Manager of the
United Farmers' Co -Operative, local
branch, was taken to the Wingham
General Hospital, where he under-
went an operation for appendicitis on
Wednesday last.
Christmas Fund' Correction
in the report of the Christmas
Cheer Fund published recently an er-
ror occurred in one item, $6.00 for
revenue stamps should have read 6c.
Since that report $5.00 has been re-
ceived from Wingham Masonic Lodge
and later disburseineuts are:, 5. Mc-
Nab $18.20, W. J. Greer $2.50, leav-
ing a balance on hand of $1.50.30:
Will Meet at Wingham
According to Saturday's press, the
clergy and 'delegates of the Anglican
churches of this district will meet at
Wingham on Wednesday, Jan, 21st at
2 pan, and 7 p.m. Parishes to be re-
presented—all in . Huron, together
with Kincardine, Ripley, Lucknow
and Bcrvie from South Bruce, and At-
wood, Listowel and Millbank from
North Perth.
May Drill for Oil Here
Probability that oil will be located
in this district, as predicted by an
expert here last summer, is being fol-
lowed out by a Toronto firm, which
has respresentativesiin
.the area in-
terviewing farmers and securittg cot -
to drill on their land, The re-
presentatives have not stated if they
will drill or not, but are procuring the
contracts so as to keep other firms
out of the running. The contract calks
for the owner of the land to receive
every eighth barrel during two years
of 'production.
That is a question that is occupyin
the minds of the Council and niair
o fthe citizens. Whether the restnur
ants in the town should chose at 7.4
p.m. on Sunday or remain open unti
a more reasonable hour that the tray
Wing public may be assured of pro
per accommodation.
It seems that a few years ago the
hours for Sunday business were cur
tailed because of complaints as to th
conduct at one of the eating places
Last year and again this year, re-
quests came before the Council for
extension of the closing hour, The
Council must consider the needs of
the travelling public as well as the
demands of the citizens.
The last few years has seen marked
change in travelling customs and now
a matter of two hours represents
what would be a full day's journey in
the past. Consequently people are not
accustomed to dining at a specific
hour and may run'50 miles in a motor
to reach a desired spot. Almost ev-
ery town of any importance realizes
this and certain business men make
provision for the proper entertain-
ment of these travellers.
Just this week Ingersoll set the
ottr for closing at 1 a.m. every day.
Now if these men have a proper
conception of their business they will
keep their places attractive. and free
from idle onlookers who are no asset.
but rather 'a detriment. The license.
for these places carries an expressed
and implied assurance that they will
be conducted in a satisfactoryy man-
ner. Repeatedviolation of this should
mean cancellation of the privilege.
This should more readily meet the
need of the case than penalizing the
public in unreasonably shortened
hours. To secure this it may be nec-
essary to evoke the assistance of the,
authorities once or twice and there
is no reason why an observant, judic-
ious man could not attain this condi-
tion without trouble:
Ladies' Aid Meeting
The regular monthlyf the
the-Ladies' Aid of United Church will
be held in the Church Parlor on Tues-
day afternoon, Jan, 20th at 3 o'clock.
A full attendance is requested as the
work for this season is to be planned.
New Markers Now on Sale
Mr. D. McDonald, the local issuer
of auto licenses, has receivedhis sup-
ply of plates,and: to say the least
they aren't hard to see, being some-
what larger than, last year and painted
a bright .yellow with black figures.
'The number, for Wingham start at
KN 751 and run to KP.
Money By -Laws Receive Little
Support at Mount Forest
At the recent election in Mount
Forest three by-laws were snowed un-
der by the electors. One for sewer-
age outlet and disposal was defeated
261 to 62;. the fire alarm system was
defeated 298 to 102, and the one to
purchase a new fire engine and
was pump-
erlost by 90. The by -'alis.
Were defeated mainly because the
ratepayers did not wish the tax rate
Teeswater Must Hold
Nomination Again
At the inaugural meeting of the.
Teeswater Council on Monday, two
former members of the 1930 Cour
cit, W. H, Mani and W. L. Thomp-
son, who had received an acclamation
for 1931, resigned, as they had with-
drawn their names from the nomina-
tion papers and later had signed the
qualification papers, which is claimed
to be contrary to law. A new nomin-
ation will • be necessary. The other.
members of the 1931 Council are:
Janes H. Ross, Reeve; N. Hiseok and
F, Jeffery, Councillors,
Not So Customary
Fred met Dick an the wayto tay t
station, "Good gracious, old Iran,"
said l'rect, "how did you rtiallege to
hurt your eye?"
"It was done by a than whose wed-
ding r attended as best man," Dick
explained. "Just because I kissed th
"But, my dear olcl elan" exclaimed
his friend "it's the custom for the
best then to kiss the bride."
Dick put a hand to his injured eye;
"Yes, 1 know it is,f1 he replied. "taut
this was five years after the cere-
Subscriptions $2,00
At the January meeting of the 1.s1 -
dies' Aid of St. Andrew Presbyter-
ian Church a pleasing " event took ..
place at the dose of the business skit
sion when Mrs. Linklater, the retir-
ing ''resident, was called forward and
the President, Mrs. N. Fry, in a neat
speech, voioed the feeling of the so-
ciety and ,asked her to accent a gift
as a retneziibrance of her twelve year,;
of faithful service as Presiders Mrs,
W, Stewart then presented Mrs; Link -
later with a beautiful purse co stain-
ing a good sum of money. Mrs.
later was completely taken by ur-
prise and feelingly thanked the la les
for their kindness saying it had
ways been a pleasure to her to wo
for her church,
The ninth annual erecting of tlic
Wingham Horticultural Society will;
be held in the Council Chamber on:
Friday -evening, Jan, 16th, 1931, at
o'clock. All members are cordially
urged to attend.
Airs. W. Nash, ,Secretary
Dance Pavilion .O.pening
The new dancing pavilion above the
Peacock Cafe is holding its opening
dance an Thursday evening, January
15th. This building has been newly
decorated and has a good dancing;'
floor. Music by •'Moffatt's Melody
Mixers. Admission 75c per couple.
Engagement. Announced
Mr. and Mrs. Norman .Fraser, .or
Kincardine, Ontario, wish to ext
nounce the engagement of their ;only
daughter, Edna Caroline, to Mr. Clyde
Avon Louttit, Phan. 13., son of Mr.
and. Mrs. A. E. Louttit, Wingham,
Ontario. The marriage to take place
January 24th.
Former Wingham Resident
Mayor of Wallaceburg
'Joseph T. Saint, a former resident
of Wingham is the newly elected
Mayor of Wallaceburg and took oveer.
his duties at the inaugural meeting
on Monday morning. He has been a
member of the Council for a number:
of years, his past record serving hien
well in the °election which was spirit-
edly contested, and perhaps one 'of
the wannest in the history of the
tow n,
Wingham Loses . Citizen'
William English, who for the .:past
two years. has been employed: as one.
of the foremen in the Guinn -Son -Ola
Co., is severing his connections with
this firm, and is taking over new dut-
ies with a firtrr in Hespeler. He, with
a number of other business associates,
were entertained at the hone of Mr.
Roy Collins on \Wednesday evening
of last week, prior to his departure;
on Saturday. Mr. English has always:
been held in very high esteem by then
firm, with whom he has been t employ-
ed, and a favorite;: with his ; men. i .,
is with duck regret that we lose Mr.
English as a resident of Wingbani,
but what is to one a loss, is atiother'ti
Percy Crich, aged 39, son of Her,
Bert Crich of Clinton, ended his 'life:;
early Sunday morning its the barn of
his employer, Thomas 1tfcMillaii, M
P. for South Huron, on his farm in
Paella •t
et township, ,
The deceased man was found be
Mr. McMillan early Sunday morning
after his presence at the house was
missed after the early morning chores
the barn had been done. Mr. Grid.
apparently was in good health and
relatives are unable to give any rea-
son for the act. He. had been employ-
on Petr
McMillans farm .for seine:
years, and was well-known through-
out the community and word of his
death conies as a shock to a large
circle of frietids.
Besides. his fattier it Clinton there
are surviving, rug, two sisters; .Mrs, Boy
Pepper, Tuckersntith and Miss Gladys
Crich, Clinton, and one brother,
Frank Crich on the homestead
Coroner 1')r. Shale of Clinton in-
vestigated they death and after vi:
ing the circuinstances has dt:ci
that an inquest is neat neress;ry.