HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-12-25, Page 1.Single Copies Five Cents. ARN1OUR1ES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25th, 1930. Y MIX WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25th, 1930 ti r SIX HUNDRE*D cheil filed charges, against Hon. Jas, HAPPY KIDDIES t t i44Zalcalm, successful candidate in N. Bruce. •The charges were of wide van e Iiety c>rni-_ Community .,,. Christmas Tree ma, Malcolm's supporters CUUUter^ ed a couple of weeks later with sim- ilar charges against William Ivlitchcll, the defeated Conservative candidate. Then came another against a Con- setvative, George Spotton, elected in ion atid received heartyapplause North Huron, with a similar inclusive for their splendid musical 'nuttibers. list of allegations. Two dayslater a Mrs. Wilford and Mrs. VanWyck in petition was filed for the unseating of George B. Nicholson,wiso defeated Hon. Beniah Bowman in East Al- goma. tired Concert hedl Tuesday evening, Dee. 23rd brought a crowd that pack- ed the Town Hall to capacity: The Wingham Citizens' Band ren- ••a,ered ,suitable music for the occas - their usual . inimitable tnanner . render- ed numbers which delighted children ,and' grown-ups alike. The chorus singing by the Public School and the shills were excellent numbers. Mayor Fells led the children in three cheers for the Chamber of Coln- snerce and for that jolly old fellow, Santa Claus, who was the chief at- traction; of the evening, Santa Claus arrived promptly on time and' with the assistance of the t Chairman of the. Evening, Dr. Red- `111 .ed Mond, and Mr: A. Posliff, Pricnipal mlnt. the public school, ,oversix hundred- tags of goodies were, distributed. X'hose present who donated 'to'the 'Chrifittnas Tree and Santa Claus Fund felt amply repaid in seting the child- -ten enjoy themselves, Married Fifty Years Monday, Dec. 1st, marked the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. R, E. Hamilton, old and respected 'residents of Grand Valley. For more than half a century, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton have resided contintrausly in Grand, Valley. On the above date and on various afternoops since, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton have been the re- cipients of congratulations and well wishes front old friends .and neigh- bors throughout the ;town. Many of such expressions were accompanied ff by gifts, numbered among which were a dozen chrysanthemums from As we go to press we. understand the ladies of Knox Church. Both that the fund nears the $275.00 mark. 1Mr. and 'Mrs. Hamilton are enjoying 1 •O'iing to the early issue of the pa- igood health at the present time and -ter this) week exact figures were not It they have the hest wishes of town obtainable' but over $30,00 evas receiv- folk for many more years of health zed in collection at the Mall and this, and prosperity. Mr. W. R. Hamilton of town is a son. .added to last wit eek's total makes , ;nice increase. Mr. Herb Campbell, who ,organized the Christmas Tree concert for the i . -Chamber` of Commerce modestly kept in the background during the evening. He has however reason to be proud broke out in one of the ventilators at of the splendid eyenirsg's programme' the Fordtvich Continuation school on resulting resulting from h.is efforts. ilast Tuesday afternoon and For a time He wishes his thanks extended to threatened to 'destroy the splendid his Committee and to all those who assisted in the programme, not for- getting the l3and who vounteered their servioes and gave generously of ;heir music. We understand that the Chamber sof Commerce have prepared over twenty hampers which will add to the Christmas Cheer its as many hotnes. .A teserve from the fund is still on, Mand and will be used for relief meas - tures, until it is exhausted.:' FIRE THREATENED FORWICH• SCHOOL Fire, of an undetermined origin, modern structure: The fire was first noticed by some of .the villagers who reside near the school. The alarm was sounded by ringing the school bell, also the bell. on the Anglican church. Willing hands soon 'farmed a bucket brigade and by the use of ladders which were placed on the 'roof a stubborn fight took place against the flames, Every well in the immediate vicinity of the school was pumped dry and teams of We list here donationsreported horses were used to carry water in this week. . ; barrels' from the river which is quite T. H. Gibson -30 Bread Tickets, a distance away. A few small hand Howson & Howson $ 2,00 extinguishers were also brought in'. 1.00 ,use and after a fight of about two 100 hours the flames were brought under 1.00 control but not before a great deal W. Wellwood D. Falconer G. W. Carr Mrs. F., Griffin Miss E. S Graham ifet R =1krrtstirri"' ' Priscilla'Gov/dy Frank Angus J. A. l�MacLeati H, .Baechanan Hdware. A. �: ltit It Gell. Olver iEo T. Thomson. rant Ernest .. `I; i tua i -I U W an I �x� ��� ��d X11, � �e�rr� mug it lir Or iu w of all Or gar. the arrival of Dr. R, C. Redmond who 1 LOCAL AND PERSONAL was called. Mrs. Love did not know of the very ,sad news that awaited her until her appearance on the street, when she thought he was a long time in corning. The body was removed to his late residence cwhere funeral services will be conducted on Wed- nesday afternoon at. 2 o'clock. Inter- ment will be made in• the Brandon Cemetery, Belgrave.' Fannie Elston Miss Wilma. Johnston of Gran Valley is home for the holidttys. Mr. Jerry Lutton of Kingston home: for the holiday. Miss Glenna Spotton of: To is visiting at her home here Miss Effie Bowers is visiting at lhei home here for the Christmas holidays. Mrs. J. Carson is spending' th Christmas holidays with friends it Foilotiving an illness of;short dur- ation; there passed to her reward on I)urhatn. Sunday, Fannie Elston, widow of the Miss Ida Lutton of Port Francis, late F. H. Hubbard, who predeceased1is spending the Chtistrnas 'holidays at her twelve years ago, The late Mrs,' her home here, ,Hubbard was born in Oxford. County Mr: Walton A. McKibbon; of Lon- and was in her 71st year, At the age don, is spending the holiday at Itis • of one year: she came with her par • enta to the Huron Tract, where she ', home here. resided until a young woman, when she went to Detroit, remaining there for a few years until her marriage to her late husband, making her home in A•i'Ir. Bill Brawley, of 1ipronto, is visiting at the home of his, parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brawiess• Mr. and Mrs. Archie AleKirthey and Wain, Mich:, where'.she was a resi= baby, Sarnia, are spending the Clr`rxst-'.,., dent for 34 years. For the past five Inas holidays in town. years she had her home with her sits Miss Georgina Bowers is spending" ter, N,ellie, in Wingham, where she the holidays at the home of her par - was held in high' esteem. Surviving are: one son, Dr. Edwin E. Hubbard, of Dearborn, Mich., four brothers, Hall; Guelph, is borne for. the Xmas John of Star City, Sask., James of Holidays. Austin, Man.; Robert of West Hope, Miss Louise Thompson of Kitch- ener Dakota, and who is coming to is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr: and Mrs. O. Thompson. Miss Grace Fry of MacDonald. Hall, Guelph, is visiting at her home here. Mr, and Mrs. Eldon McKinney tat Torottto are visiting friends in town.. over the holiday; Mr. Chas. McKibbon of Toronto is spending the holidays at his home here Miss Irene Allan of Cott-trn t, BY BLUEVAL W.M.S. spending her vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. The annual meeting oft 1e W. M• S. Allan., for the election of offiec s was held Miss Alice Williamson.. of Kitcit•.. in the 'United Church We Inesday af- ternoon when the followi ected for the following Mrs. C. Hetherington; vie Arthur Shaw, sec„ Mrs. R ureas., Mrs. James Maste s; cor. sec., Mrs. G. Gannett; orgatii Mrs. M. day with the former's motnirr, ,t,'ti' J. Smith; M.Blind see.,; Mrs, Iter. J. J- Eliiatt Mann; church steward, Mas. E. John- ston; Literary sec., Miss, M. Collie; associate helper, Mrs. D.jewitt; press reporter, Mrs, G. O. Thor'iton; stran- gers ., Ms. i. J. Selle`s and M E. Barsecnard;rmite 1.to;: sfc., Mrs. Jrs.. Breckenridge. ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Bowers. Miss Billie Gibson of MacDonald resembled the thug who entered his 'FIRE THREATENS office and ordered the staff to throw FRAME STRUCTURE tip ,their hands. About ten o'clock last Thursday In the afternoon the two other wit - morning firebroke out its the rear of OBITUARY Mrs. Palmer MYf orden Wednesday morning marked the attend the funeral, William and Nellie of Wingham, the latter being the only girl of seven sisters. The funeral will be conducted at her late residence, the home of her sister, on Minnie st., Wednesday afternoon, at- three p.rn., by the Rev. S. Davison, Internment. will be made in the Wingleitr. •Cesit cloy. OFFICERS ELE•C'"ED g were cl- ear; Pres., -Pres., Mrs. bert Shaw, ener, is spending. the Christmas ;holt:,. days with her mother, 'Mrs. Willa Williamson. Mr. and Mrs. Weir Elliott and se of St. Thomaa are spending the hot Miss Eleanore McLean, represen- tative of the MacLean Pub. Co., Tor- onto, is spending the Christmas vasa tion at the "home of her parents, and MTs. T. J. McLean. Change of Business ,.:, towing ,to a .� orttetnpl ted.;e.laan another of: the . pioneer at- - p q ,LS , . °fist of t ux y cleanin 1?1gSing:erf..ana N'T'ARICi I<Il, it1'Iny"btasrnVss at the i C..Tcvz>gtexu�tt s :l,a:alor and , g ., f. .,�, .... . .<.., r:., , ... izeis�'of'"Win htnt;'in the'•persem o �m Ietttarl was at his g LEADER till..ins�urancc prcmittnts at" an earizcr• bench in t f pCHOOSE partof the shopMargaret Faulkinghana, beloved wife date than Dec. 1, aunts be paid et:. the front Palmer er Morden. She was boat at of Sam'Mitchell l . Hepburn, 34-year-oiti once. Abner Cosens. 1„00 of damage was clone by smoke and nesses were heard, Allan Lamont, a ,', f ,the bank ,t ho ttas in 1.00 tntate.r-.aS well, as by :t:he flziave5t I ai-:3 cu„tcrr�t'eY Y o,. , . t -'`•,i • the:offtei± When the 'robbery took 1;Q(f titians� •tver;: ^ herded tai a i• -the ,25 place and John Oliver who was on the .50 street as the robbers emerged from 5.00 dam- aged the bank, ,50 Mr. Oliver stated positively that the !~ .50 acetated pair were the same -lien that 1.00 he saw conte out of the bank, one 1.00 of them carrying a bag, in which it .25 is supposed the loot was carried. The accused who appeared in court well dressed, were defended by D. m t- nnti Ca Jr.,d r Camp- bell G E. Holmes, 1 bell Grant, bValkertoll, Crown At- CHARGEDTH twiny, D. E. Holmes, K,C., father of 'VVI BRUSSELS �'+ccttsed •A3A1.Ua7r7.F�L�7 THEFT one � of the.ammo) for the accused, plaster on the ceiling was knocked to the floor by the weight of the water and some of the equipment was am- a ed in removing from what tnany of the residents thought `to be a doom- ed school. The continuation school is a new and up :to date building just erected a few years'ago and adjoins the pub - t school. e viaes tic Christmas Carrot S ,An itual Will be held in St, Pattl's' Church' on Sunday evening next: at 7 pen. . Soloists willbe: Miss \nuie 1rvh l 'Mrs, H. J. jobb, Mrs. E. Armitage, Messrs, A. J. Nortorp, C. '•CempierrYan, R. Douglas and C. R. Wilkinson, Nova Scotia, at Brussels, were ELECTION PROTESTS com- mitted for trial at the next court of GO BEFORE JUDGES competent jurisdiction where they ap- peared for prtlirninary hearing before Nether the broad charges laid MagistrateC. A. Reid, at Weasels can Whether a ittst several candidates in the Iced- Thursday. alga oiuo to Deep interest attached to the case oral election last July ever come trial or not, the itinery of the. judges and the hell where t'.tie hearint was of the Sept�enie Court of Ontario is held was filled to overflowing and i 'being arranged. to conduct the bear- panther loitered in the anti -chambers. 'b g g lit , cof these petitions' for the unseat- The accused brothers were 'derid- ing fid by three persons as being the ing of candidates. ' n e from air that held up the bank, late. in Saturday it ' was announced d p Sac y Chief Pose: October and escaped with upwards of �sgotcle Hall that r:,lttcf 7ustioc. W ri rht t had been as- $6,000 in cash. and Mr, justice W �.. Algolrt and North The evidenece of Vi. M. Wilmot was A taken ` in the nsornuig. Mr. Wilmot 1:� the marte ;er of the bank and testi McNeil, the ;~Bort tified� that Gilford i r { er of the two brot:itt.re, COT (1aS,ely' atapeared for the crown. ar , The MGNt:ils were retureed to the Gilford and Harvey I41cN'cil, ,cls b where ed with the robbery of the Bank 'os Huron County jail at Goderich w they will be incarcerated until. the date of their trial. John Hallam, a young farm Hand was also committed for trial by Ma- gistrate Reid, ' at Brussels, yesterday, oil a serious ° charge in which a seven- yc:ar-old girl. is concerned. He was arrested some time ago in tine Town- ship of Grey: Y led' to East 1 BALI �'• l'dtiroii for the sante .. What appeared. to such *at. 5 petitions'g when supporters C pagle.' be a deluge 'of au' September tf•, William Mit- ateeSta while his son was cleaning some -clothes at the rear, when without a moment's notice the r•ooni was all a- blaze, sending out dense clouds of smoke. Within a very short time af- ter the alarm had been sounded the firemen had two streams playing on the flames. • The building which: is entirely of ll 1' t�cal aC l u lit: to be Y :.was thought p frame g irnpossibl,e' to save and all the furni- ture was removed but the efficient work of the firemen confined the fire to the one part of the building. The less was partially covered by 'ithsur- Christmas Tree, i3elgrave The Sunday School of Trinity Church, gve h 'Bel g rawill hold their an, , nual concert in the Foresters' Hall, on Dec. 24th ('Cheisttnas Eve.) A good ro ,�t•,�.uii. will: be present:ed, Ad- �, p b niiss1oe 15c and 25.c: Miss. i.)ototlty .1:iaxiinitid of 1vIcW York, is visiting' it her horee.hnre, NOTICE i\lr. Partner: Durham, Ont, and was in her 74th tneYxlbcr of the House te Commons year. The deceased woman had been for West Eight” a fartue with .but lr Arena.Christina, et- a for fort >-five Skating in t e rAr a resident of 'Wingham 5 �ar. and for the past year had been y( S, in poor health. Surdivitig besides her htishand are: five daughters and tiva sons,Mrs. James Worley, Walker- ville; Mrs. 3. Campbell, Winghant; Mrs, 13, Chapman, Mrs. j�: A. Cor- nish, and Nelson, Donley al , Mrs. W. I)U ey Toronto, and Winfred of St. Thomas, also one sister, lefts. R. Miller, Brant- ford, and one brother, William c,f. Durham. Funeral services were conducted at her late residence,' Edward street, on Friday afternoon' at 2 o'clock by Rev, Kenneth•'' MacLean. .Interment` was trill not real`*it immediate imide in the Wiegham Cemetery. g a few year's experience • Politics, f: ternoon and night.. indInission 25e` last Wediaesday was elect leader ct Par Ontario Liberal the. t Mr. Costas: t rate,- a Philpot of feared Elmore F list by the overtvh u eac. c r He de- and 15e. Season tickets at rcgtitttr- 'Toronto. lining Ina - N. Sinclair journalist, r .. ' r Aute- a ttie+).,.•,. narts,,, 427 r was t resnaved. j c>rity of to 3 r. � . E. ' t bate: th ttthrgal'es alano't no ',i zones lelider tat the party forte last se 1 pas ,ed a tt: olution vvitic i hat) the +• efor > p •r ,cl b e s h• l r rt r.'tr a c �.1 fficult .s . c G d t , y vtehettvioonle,i- trleefsus` ttrlcrco cgaoul f1 b-ta. C ucna nt .,,,Lr e fem ocvinttgf discarding l rtllra" Y ar,and i d the ettestios entirely fhtnt • v aolitics. `l"iiis e to the realists of '•party I •t it tat ' � fint� r i t i. r a5 G a ' tit.•, 1 v to y however lac: u cif ,progress was not mac1C., the ecsnventioYY, ctattting at the c d views tram varied inlet opposite a ' of excite. lore many a day which ltad been fu ,as: ed arid before t.tvF, Leader, �tvcre 'expesaee utc'nt' and stirp . The nev1F l.�eader, it i zntettdticists to the resolution weri; int rntluced. llatir gtrr5larhsctl' changes were voted down. tndcrstood,. frotn his inion Par it Ottawa nation, of its. Then,' vincial el - 1 As we have unforttutitely, a'tiutn-! ber of unemployed i:ti 'Town, also! seine coaling in front time to tone from outside. the '1'oteri, any farmer who feels that he is in a position to make a donation of wheat or potatoes may make the same .to the tinder signed and all donations will be giv- en alit where they will do the most good. Any farther• requiting the ser- vices of a man 'for wood cutting or touch with t ul gut ]n other work shoal(' d t, the undersigned. .111 off -Sirs will be tiatcfully :received, Phone`, ,231. 'Thos. 11'o11s, �Iztyr,r. 'Vest Elgin seat in the i)o liamcnt, but will carry on William Love ' for two year bis repreee his West Elgin coitstitue on the eve of the next Pr William Love, , a resident of Mar- : East Warvttrrosh, passed away uoch , very sttddeniy while in Wingliam on hteittday afternoon, , 1..e and Mrs. Love had driven to tows to do their Xmas shopping, *, and had put his horsejs pp b i:h,c livery lin li �r stables of Robert Beat- tie. When their purchases had been completed Mr, Love went to get his •horse while Mrs., Love remained in caticofthe . stores. He had hitched the i ht;rse. tea the vehicle, and apparently 1 was preparing to leave when he was rulalcnly stricken Anil ] e . nd exp befitrt& cetizn, he will resign his i oderal seat and wiliest his i'roetveto tiding tor - responding to that of the 1' cderal Pol- itical :division. 13tit he wv"li trick up Iiia 'Provincial leader hip 'tspattsi1il- hies at once, anti, as twain as Ile tate , mak, the Arran L -curt tete, tri tr iht Pro- r vines, from end to -.rid. 1 -le inteircled, 's, t•eputaticru he said„ to maintain his as a hard worker and iirirel fight+•r•, l'roliibitioii, es a cardittttl 'planta in `, Liberal Part .,i PIM for n1, t{bt t_ iht�lltt i7.r.X t;� Paul's Ch. tlh Christ nm s tit 3,30 it.y Cdrxl 10 a.m.--Holy Corrliti :tame, e let as ado- Christ the tote n: