HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-12-18, Page 4IMPORTER'S SALE -OF SELECTED STANDARD
Present this Advertisement during sale with $1.00 for Chocker Size OS -inch)
or $.1.35 for 18-24 and .30 -tach size,
.. ' 1r?.'• R.
Winghaan sr4,re
Phone 53
-Best quality at reasonable prices.
Strings and accessories. Children's
violins a speciality. Apply G. A.
Schatte, agent for Beare and Co,
BOY WANTED -To learn the print-
ing, must have fair education. Ap
ply at Advance -Times. •
FOR SALE -Good cow, due to
freshen next week. Apply to J. D.
McEwen, phone 602r14.
Mrs. Patrick McGlynn and family
wish to thank their many friends for
their kindness and sympathy during
the illness and their sad bereavement.
suant to Section 56, Chap. 121 of the
Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all
persons having claims against the Es-
tate of ` William E. Finley; late of the
Township of Turnberry in. the Coun-
FOR SALE -Radio Set, 5 tube, batt- ty of Huron, Moulder, deceased, who.
ery set in good condition. Apply to died on or about the twenty-sixth day
F. R. Howson. of August, A.D., 1930, ' are' required
to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver
FOR SALE -One Blue. Winter Ov- to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executors on or be-
ercoat, size about 40, worn about
a dozen tithes, going at half price. fore the twenty-ninth day of` Deoem-
elephone 190. ber, A.D. 1930, their names and ado
dresses, with full -' partiouars . in writ-
ing of their claims, and the nature of
the securities (if any) held by them
duly verified by a statutory declara-
that after the said twenty-ninth day.
of December, A.D. 1930, the said ex-
ecutors will proceed to distribute the
LOST -An Auto Tire Chain between assets of the said estate among the
Maitland Creamery and Belgrave, persons entitled thereto, having re-
on Friday, Dec. 12th.: Finder kind- gard only to the claims of which they
Iy leave at Abell's
Service Station. shall then have had notice, and the.
said executors shall not be liable for.
the said assets or any part thereof
LOST -Fox hound, large fox brown to any, person of whose claim they
head and ears, and gray back and shall not then have received notice.
Notify Clarence Brooks, R. DATED at Wingham this tenth s
R. day of December, A.D. 1930,
Wingham, Ontario.
Solicitor for the Executors.
FOR SALE -Hand Washing Mach-
achine and wringer, motor can be at-
tached. Price $12.00. Good as new.
Used only short time. Apply to G.
A. Schatte.
LOST -Saturday, Dec. 13, ivlacicinaw,
woollen gloves, woollen mitts and
leather pullovers and
a pipe, be-
tween- the chopping mill and a half
a mile west of Bltievale. Leave the
same at. Advance -Times Office,
suant to section 56, Chap 121, of the
TOBACOO-Sample Package, 10 lbs. Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all
Mild' or strong leaf tobacco. Ship persons having claims against the es -
•.inywhere on receipt of $2.50. Ad-
dress G. Dubois, 18' Henderson,
tt5iw a.
'!'F.,ACHER WANTED Protestant, U.
S. S. No., 2, Turnberry: Duties to
commence Jan, 6th, 1331. State
qualifications and salary expected
Raymond Elliott, Secy, R. R. 1,
Mrs. Robt, Musgrove, Bluevale,
wishes to express her deepest apprec-
iation to her many kind friends, nei-
ghbor -8 and relatives for their kind-
ness and sympathy to her, also beau-
tiful floral tributes, in her recent sad
Conn• -In loving memory of Robert
J. Conn, who died December 20th,
When you have passedsince that sad
God called the one we loved away.
For tet him, no we never will
Fo our hearts he-liveth still.
•v was great, the shock severe
thought of death so near
those who love can tell
of parting without farewell,
hissed by mother, father and
tate of Richard Vanstone, late of the
Town of Wingham in elm County of
Huron, Barrister -at -law, deceased,.
who died on or about the twentieth
day of September, A.D. 1930, are re-
quired to send by post;' prepaid, or to
deliver to J. H. Crawford, Wingham,
Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor,
The Toronto General Trusts Corpor-
ation, on or before, the twenty-ninth
clay of De'cember, A.D. 1930, their
names and addresses with full partic-
ulars in writing of their claims, and
the nature of 'the securities . of any)
held by theta duly verified by a stat-
utory declaration,
that after the said twenty-ninth day
of December, A.D. 1930, the said Ex-
ecutor will proceed to distribute the
assets of the said estate among the
parties entitled thereto, having regard.
only to the claims of which it shall
them have had notice, and the said
Executor shall not be liable for the
said assets or any part thereof to
any person of whose claim it shall
not then have received notice.
DATED at Wingham this eighth:
day of December A,D. 1930:
Wingham, Ontario.
;Solicitor` for the Executor.
ing the outside alone of the
the largest ship afloat, the
eyed, wil cover an area of
ti'ec «kC# ts,
Hints For Homebodies
Written for The Advance -Times
Jessie Alien Brown
Christmas Cakes
The recipe for a Christmas cake is
important, but I have my doubts if
it is as important as the baking. Any-
one, who bakes a Christmas cake per-
fectly, has accomplished something to
be proud of. There are two methods,.
of cooking the cakes. Originally, fruit
cakes were always baked, but of later
years, a great many women steam.
them before baking. Personally, 1
think that cake that is cooked com-
pletely by baking, has a shade better
flavour, but the cake that is steamed
first, is a moister cake, and is much
less worry to cook,
If you have not tried steaming your
fruit cake, it is well worth trying. A
large cake should be steamed for 3
!hours, then baked in a slow oven for
another hour to dry out. Anyone
who has a canning rack for their
boiler is in luck. Otherwise, to steam
two or three cakes, your own and the
neighbors' steamers will be called in-
to requisition. Thanks be for neigh-
To Line The Pans
Fruit cake pans should be well lin-
ed with paper. The method of lining
to line the pan. I like to cut the pa-
per wide enough, sothat it will fold
across the top, and protect the top of
the cake from too much heat. To
ciit the lining press the paper over
the bottom of the pan. This marks
the paper and makes a pattern to cut
by. Cut about ; inch larger than the
mark. Cut, a stripof paper the height
of the pan, if you are steaming the
cake. If you are baking it, cut the
strip several inches wider. Fit this
strip around the edge.. Then put in
th,e bottom piece, bringing it up a lit-
tle on the side. Butter well. The
chief thing to remember in baking
your cake, is to use three or four
thicknesses of paper and to fold it
over the top.
To Mix the Cake
' Fruit cake is hard to mix. If you
have a bread mixer, use it, as that
simplifies the work. If not, take two
days to make your cake, that is if it
is a large one, as they are heavy to
mix. Cream the butter very thorough-
ly and add the sugar gradually. Then
cream at intervals. 'If themixture is
left in a warm room and creamed fre-
quently, a few minutes at a time, the
work seems so much easier. In any
case the cake must' be thoroughly
worked, to ensure success.
Christmas Cake
3 'lbs. raisins
2 lbs. currants
e Ib, mixed peel
3 ib. figs
1 lb. sugar
1 Ib. batter (spices if desired)
1 doz. eggs
1 cup corn syrup
teaspoon soda
cup brandy or fruit juice
4 cups flour
lb. almonds.
Prepare the fruit and dredge it with
orne of the flour. Create the butter
rid add the well beaten eggs. When
he sugar is pretty well dissolved, add
he, syrup atid brandy of fruit juice,
ift hi the flour spices and soda. Beat
or 10 minutes, then add the fruit and
beat or work with the hands until
thoroughly blended. Cook for three
differs with the method of cooking.
If the cake is to be baked, use several
thicknesses of heavy wrapping paper
or four hours.
Light Fruit Cake
: lb. butter
1 cupsugar
5 eggs
3 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
t Ib. fruit.
Cream butter and sugar, Add well
beaten eggs. Sift in flour andbaking
powder, 'Befit well and add fruit,
Lightfruit, as bleached sultana rais-
ins, and candied cherries and pine-
apPle and walnuts make a good choic
for ,this cake. Bake an hour and .
quarter in a slow oven..
Inecpensive Fruit Cake
2 cups brown sugar
2 cups hot water
2 tablespoons lard
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground cloves
1 package raisins
Boil the above ingredients for 5
minutes. When, cold, eift in three cups
flour and 1i teaspoons soda. Add
lb. peel cut fine and cup blanched
almonds cut in pieces lengthwise:
Mix well and bake in a moderate ov-
en 45 minutes.
A Mince Meat Booth
Have you tried a mince meat booth
at your bazaar? People like practical,
things to buy these days. Last year,
one group of women went together
and made mince meat. They were
sold out in no time. This yearthey
are getting many requests to melee
it again.
Mince Meat
1+; lbs. currants
1 Ib. mixed peel
4 lbs. chopped apples
13 lbs. brown sugar
1 lb. raisins
Grated rind and juice of 3 lemons
1 Ib. chopped suet
Mix ingredients. Let stand before
usin g.
Th* rsday, December 180
ell, Weed Iuspeetor $15,40; 5, L. Me -
Ewen, 1 ,0,31. $5.00; Dr, Redmond,
13.01-1 $50.00; : P. McGue, Dog tax
'amid fund $4 Q0; J. Gallagher, clog tax
refund $2,00; D. L. Falconer, dog tax
refund $2,00; Id', 13, Elliott, account
$5,55; Miss H. Sutton, Account $1.00;
J. W, Bushfield, Account $16.00, J
Douglas, Hyslop drain ; $29.00; A,
Hislop, Hislop drain $1.50; 'Thomas
atifartin, Hislop drain $24.00; A. Doug-
las, Hislop drain $12;00; W, Breck-
enridge, patrolman $16,00; W. J.
e Campbell, patrolman $11.60; J. Kelly
A $3.85, J. Potter $4.00, 5, H. Wylie
$2,25 J. W. McKinnon $3.75, A, Mof-
fat $4.75; J. T. Wylie, supt., $9,60;
Howick Twp., Boundary acct. $15.; R,
Breen, sheep worried by clogs $7.00;
G. Walker, patrolman $7,50.
The ;neeting then adjourned.
W. R. Cruikshank, I, J. Wright,
Clerk. Reeve.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Ladies' Aid ` of Knox United
Church was held in the basement of
the church Wednesday, s The presi-
dent, Mrs, 5. Rintoul had charge of,
the meeting. After the opening ex-
ercises and general business had been
concluded the election of officers for
the corning year took place, with Mrs..
Carl Proctor in charge.
The following officers were ap-
pointed for the ensuing year: Hon.
President, Mrs. A. Proctor; president,
Mrs. F. McCallum; 1st vice-president,
Mrs. J. M. Coulees; 2nd vice-president.
Mrs. rs John
Rintoul; ire
asurer r'
M s. H.
Wheeler; secretary, Mrs. George Jor-
dan; assistant secnetary, Miss Martha
Armstrong; organist, Mrs. Joseph
141iller; assistant, Mrs. Carl Procter;
auditors, Mrs. J. A. Geddes and Mrs.
C. R. Coulees; flower committee, Mrs.
Stewart Procter, Mrs. E. Stapleton,
Mrs. Joe Clegg, Mrs, N. Walsh, Mrs.
J. A. Geddes, Mrs. Jesse Wheeler and
Mrs. Cyrus Scott, The Aid has just
verysuccessful 'a
year and
is looking forward to another year's
work with interest. -
The minutes of 'Council meeting
held in Bluevale, Dec. 15th, 1930.
Members were all present. Minutes
of last regular meeting were read and
adopted. Letters were received and
read from the following: A. E. Wil-
son and Co., Toronto; County Engin-
eer at Goderich; Mrs. F. J. Lewis,
Wingham; Mrs. T. Abraham, Wrox-
eter; 'Hydro and Electric Power Com-
mission, Toronto; and Mrs, J. Green-
way at Bluevale.
Moved by Wilton and seconded by
Baird that we hold the Nomination
meeting in the Foresters' Hall, Blue -
vale, on Monday the 29th day of
Dec., 1930 from 1 to 2 pan. Carried,
Moved by McEwen and McTavish
that By-law no. 21 be passed appoint
ing the following election officers for
year 1931,
Returning Officer --W. R. Cruik-
Polling Division No. 1-D,R,O., R,
Deyell; Clerk, R. Thompson.
Polling Division No. 2-D.R.O., C,
5, Higgins, Clerk, Alex. Magee.
Polling Division No. 3-D.R.,O,, G.
Wray, Clerk, Leslie Bolt,
Sub Division No, 4-D.R,O,, D. H.
Wallace, Clerk, A. .Lincoln,
Moved by Baird and McTavish that
we extend the time for Collector's.
return of roll of 1930 to 12th of Jan.
1931, Carried.
The following acounts were paid:
Turnberry Agricultural Society, grant
$60.00; Brussels Telephone, '7 phones
$91.00; Geo. Thornton, Rent of Hall,
$15.00; J. Latronica, School At-
tendance officers $25.00; W. R. Cruik-
shank, balance of salary, $150.00, B.
Fralick, assessor, $85.00; 13, Cruik-
shank, balsalary $50.00 post, 40e;
stationery $7.50, error in taxee $18.78
-$111.28; L J. Wright, salary $65.00,
phones $5.00, 130.11. $5.00; j: Mc-
Tavish, salary $55.00; P,. Md.Ewen,
salary, $55.00; R. Wilton, salary, $55,;
J. 1, laird, salary, $156.0'6 T. K. Pow-
Mrs. Graham , Campbell spent a
few days last week with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. McMichael of Wroxet-
Mr. and Mrs. J. Wheeler of Bel -
grave, spent Sunday at Mr. Duncan
Messrs. Wm. Findlater and Wm.
Abraham are in Goderich on jury
this week,
Mr. John Robinson of. Kincardine,
spent the week -end at the home of
Mr. R. Galley.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Cunningham of
Wingham, visited at the home of Mr.
John Hunter, last Sunday.
Mr. Archie Paterson, of Wingham,
spent a few days at Mr. Alex, Mac-
Mr. David Little, from Courey's
Corners, was in Galt a few days "last
week attending his cousin's funeral.
Mrs. John Emerson, near Kinlough
spnet the week -end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nixon, Belfast.
Miss Mary Famish spent a fend
days last week in. Lucknow.
Mr. and Mrs, D. K. Alton spent
last week with their daughter, Mrs.
Percy Graham, near Shakespeare.
Mr. and Mrs. Erving Zinn and, chil-
dren motored to Clinton on Thurs-
day and spent the day with the lady's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Holland and
other relatives.
Mrs. Adam Johnstone, near Cour-
ey's Corners, spent a few days with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sher-
wood, Belfast.
Mrs. Roy Alton in company with
her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie
Alton, -of Dungannon, . motored to
Toronto on Sunday and spent the day,
with their cousin, Mrs. Roy McQuil-
lan, widow of the late Mr. Roy Mc-
Quillan, policeman, who was shot to
death Thursday night while on duty.
We extend our sincere sympathy to his
bereaved wife and children, parents,
sisters and brothers and relatives in
their sad. bereavement.
Mr. Wm. Irwin, near Belfast, pass-
ed away Sunday evening about 6 o' -
Clock at his brother, John's, home.
The funeral will be held on Tuesday
afternoon by the L.O.L.
The spirit of Xinas pervaded the
cheerful home Wednesday afternoon
of Mrs.Walter Renwick Huntingfield,.
the occasion being the December
meeting of the Women's Institute.
Meeting opened by singing the open-
ing Ode, followed by minutes of last
meeting by Lilian Edwards. Some
time was taken up .with the. transacttransact-
ing of business. Community songs:
"Silent Sight;" A lengthy and inter-
esting report of the convention at
Harriston was given by Mrs, Reuben
Appleby, Roll Call -What I would
like for Xmas. Needless to say all
enjoyed the splendid lunch and cup
of tea. The next meeting will be held
in the Community Hall.
Mrs, John Peterman will make her
hone with her son, Eldon, in Wing -
ham, for a while.
Miss Maggie Bell Stokes is quite ill
with Flu,
The first dance of the 'season was
held Friday evening in the vacant
house of Mr; Henry Weishar.
Mr, and Mrs, Tackaberry wore vis-
itors over . the week -end at the Gen-
eral Store,
Mr. Sterling Haskins has purchased
a building in Mildmay, which he will
set up for a chopping mill.
We enjoyed Timothy's limericks on
Teeswater and Gorrie, why not try
Now Wingham is some town, begorry
There's an old man there who told a
big story,
We all know he's a Grit,
And he's Irish every whit,
But he 'tries to retake out he's a 'Tory.
The Presbyterian congregation will
hold their contest on the 28rd, The
'Union Social afternoon on the 24th,
Everybody welcome,
A pageant will be put on in the
Community lIlall next Sunday even.
ing.tn behalf of the Endeavor Society.
_ The Peacock Candy. !„
Shop ande .. st: rapt
u �.
hNO }4
• Full Course Meal ir
Candy Specials for
i CHRISTMAS MIXED DROPS, 2 lbs. . , , .25c t''
PI 1�:
MIXED CHOCOLATES, Ib. ','......... ...35c i
iiia IinlsIIIsiIll moIIIn IIOIIIQl u igi lmInI m !lullllgtlIISIII1E9 inllllil1991mIu (1®1116 int,
Present a gift that betokens the very spirif of.
Christmas -a Bulova watch! There is no remem-
brance so precious as a dependable timepiece
none that lives so long in active service. And
whether you pay $25 or $2500 you'll find each
Bulova a dependable, accurate timepiece.
a >
' b ' 8'i r 40 1147RVQ
You'll be proud to present this
rich looking Suloval With ra-
dium handsand dial and
woven mesh band -
and only -----24
Set with two diamonds and
four simulated emeralds . or
• ra.pphiros; filigree bracelet
to match. ISesS„
Created m honor of Col. Lindbergh.
With back curved to fit the wrist, 4143750
engraved dust -roof case. 15 jewels. g P j •
Flexible link bandto match.
A feature diamond value
lustrous gem revealed
In en 18 kt. white solid
gold mounting of hand
engraved distinmtlon
Sahel for gift giving.
A modernistic 18 kt: white
solid gold mounting designed
to *mho hoe the beauty of the
gleaming, pure white die.
mond. The prime represents
outstanding. veto..
L W r,
AM -0 404
nAW.U,A+►WW4WAIMMUMEDI ": J0.•.tlMAC3✓RIR/4W4A19WL WWW.10kU'J.•%f0.• • • u •• 9
THESE $E '''
WANT AD'S „ E I RESµp1 �
�VLTS f •
art. ,4 w •
i r k 1 xvr w t
IP -
, 1y, cents a word per insertion, with a minimum 'charge of 25c. i
• d si.zr-wt,. i -N. • •:9• : •+tn,antrnn,n<i*rAi n i.mme%+ .'rnnrnm one nirnnAl!fr nirn In iL.
-Best quality at reasonable prices.
Strings and accessories. Children's
violins a speciality. Apply G. A.
Schatte, agent for Beare and Co,
BOY WANTED -To learn the print-
ing, must have fair education. Ap
ply at Advance -Times. •
FOR SALE -Good cow, due to
freshen next week. Apply to J. D.
McEwen, phone 602r14.
Mrs. Patrick McGlynn and family
wish to thank their many friends for
their kindness and sympathy during
the illness and their sad bereavement.
suant to Section 56, Chap. 121 of the
Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all
persons having claims against the Es-
tate of ` William E. Finley; late of the
Township of Turnberry in. the Coun-
FOR SALE -Radio Set, 5 tube, batt- ty of Huron, Moulder, deceased, who.
ery set in good condition. Apply to died on or about the twenty-sixth day
F. R. Howson. of August, A.D., 1930, ' are' required
to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver
FOR SALE -One Blue. Winter Ov- to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executors on or be-
ercoat, size about 40, worn about
a dozen tithes, going at half price. fore the twenty-ninth day of` Deoem-
elephone 190. ber, A.D. 1930, their names and ado
dresses, with full -' partiouars . in writ-
ing of their claims, and the nature of
the securities (if any) held by them
duly verified by a statutory declara-
that after the said twenty-ninth day.
of December, A.D. 1930, the said ex-
ecutors will proceed to distribute the
LOST -An Auto Tire Chain between assets of the said estate among the
Maitland Creamery and Belgrave, persons entitled thereto, having re-
on Friday, Dec. 12th.: Finder kind- gard only to the claims of which they
Iy leave at Abell's
Service Station. shall then have had notice, and the.
said executors shall not be liable for.
the said assets or any part thereof
LOST -Fox hound, large fox brown to any, person of whose claim they
head and ears, and gray back and shall not then have received notice.
Notify Clarence Brooks, R. DATED at Wingham this tenth s
R. day of December, A.D. 1930,
Wingham, Ontario.
Solicitor for the Executors.
FOR SALE -Hand Washing Mach-
achine and wringer, motor can be at-
tached. Price $12.00. Good as new.
Used only short time. Apply to G.
A. Schatte.
LOST -Saturday, Dec. 13, ivlacicinaw,
woollen gloves, woollen mitts and
leather pullovers and
a pipe, be-
tween- the chopping mill and a half
a mile west of Bltievale. Leave the
same at. Advance -Times Office,
suant to section 56, Chap 121, of the
TOBACOO-Sample Package, 10 lbs. Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all
Mild' or strong leaf tobacco. Ship persons having claims against the es -
•.inywhere on receipt of $2.50. Ad-
dress G. Dubois, 18' Henderson,
tt5iw a.
'!'F.,ACHER WANTED Protestant, U.
S. S. No., 2, Turnberry: Duties to
commence Jan, 6th, 1331. State
qualifications and salary expected
Raymond Elliott, Secy, R. R. 1,
Mrs. Robt, Musgrove, Bluevale,
wishes to express her deepest apprec-
iation to her many kind friends, nei-
ghbor -8 and relatives for their kind-
ness and sympathy to her, also beau-
tiful floral tributes, in her recent sad
Conn• -In loving memory of Robert
J. Conn, who died December 20th,
When you have passedsince that sad
God called the one we loved away.
For tet him, no we never will
Fo our hearts he-liveth still.
•v was great, the shock severe
thought of death so near
those who love can tell
of parting without farewell,
hissed by mother, father and
tate of Richard Vanstone, late of the
Town of Wingham in elm County of
Huron, Barrister -at -law, deceased,.
who died on or about the twentieth
day of September, A.D. 1930, are re-
quired to send by post;' prepaid, or to
deliver to J. H. Crawford, Wingham,
Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor,
The Toronto General Trusts Corpor-
ation, on or before, the twenty-ninth
clay of De'cember, A.D. 1930, their
names and addresses with full partic-
ulars in writing of their claims, and
the nature of 'the securities . of any)
held by theta duly verified by a stat-
utory declaration,
that after the said twenty-ninth day
of December, A.D. 1930, the said Ex-
ecutor will proceed to distribute the
assets of the said estate among the
parties entitled thereto, having regard.
only to the claims of which it shall
them have had notice, and the said
Executor shall not be liable for the
said assets or any part thereof to
any person of whose claim it shall
not then have received notice.
DATED at Wingham this eighth:
day of December A,D. 1930:
Wingham, Ontario.
;Solicitor` for the Executor.
ing the outside alone of the
the largest ship afloat, the
eyed, wil cover an area of
ti'ec «kC# ts,
Hints For Homebodies
Written for The Advance -Times
Jessie Alien Brown
Christmas Cakes
The recipe for a Christmas cake is
important, but I have my doubts if
it is as important as the baking. Any-
one, who bakes a Christmas cake per-
fectly, has accomplished something to
be proud of. There are two methods,.
of cooking the cakes. Originally, fruit
cakes were always baked, but of later
years, a great many women steam.
them before baking. Personally, 1
think that cake that is cooked com-
pletely by baking, has a shade better
flavour, but the cake that is steamed
first, is a moister cake, and is much
less worry to cook,
If you have not tried steaming your
fruit cake, it is well worth trying. A
large cake should be steamed for 3
!hours, then baked in a slow oven for
another hour to dry out. Anyone
who has a canning rack for their
boiler is in luck. Otherwise, to steam
two or three cakes, your own and the
neighbors' steamers will be called in-
to requisition. Thanks be for neigh-
To Line The Pans
Fruit cake pans should be well lin-
ed with paper. The method of lining
to line the pan. I like to cut the pa-
per wide enough, sothat it will fold
across the top, and protect the top of
the cake from too much heat. To
ciit the lining press the paper over
the bottom of the pan. This marks
the paper and makes a pattern to cut
by. Cut about ; inch larger than the
mark. Cut, a stripof paper the height
of the pan, if you are steaming the
cake. If you are baking it, cut the
strip several inches wider. Fit this
strip around the edge.. Then put in
th,e bottom piece, bringing it up a lit-
tle on the side. Butter well. The
chief thing to remember in baking
your cake, is to use three or four
thicknesses of paper and to fold it
over the top.
To Mix the Cake
' Fruit cake is hard to mix. If you
have a bread mixer, use it, as that
simplifies the work. If not, take two
days to make your cake, that is if it
is a large one, as they are heavy to
mix. Cream the butter very thorough-
ly and add the sugar gradually. Then
cream at intervals. 'If themixture is
left in a warm room and creamed fre-
quently, a few minutes at a time, the
work seems so much easier. In any
case the cake must' be thoroughly
worked, to ensure success.
Christmas Cake
3 'lbs. raisins
2 lbs. currants
e Ib, mixed peel
3 ib. figs
1 lb. sugar
1 Ib. batter (spices if desired)
1 doz. eggs
1 cup corn syrup
teaspoon soda
cup brandy or fruit juice
4 cups flour
lb. almonds.
Prepare the fruit and dredge it with
orne of the flour. Create the butter
rid add the well beaten eggs. When
he sugar is pretty well dissolved, add
he, syrup atid brandy of fruit juice,
ift hi the flour spices and soda. Beat
or 10 minutes, then add the fruit and
beat or work with the hands until
thoroughly blended. Cook for three
differs with the method of cooking.
If the cake is to be baked, use several
thicknesses of heavy wrapping paper
or four hours.
Light Fruit Cake
: lb. butter
1 cupsugar
5 eggs
3 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
t Ib. fruit.
Cream butter and sugar, Add well
beaten eggs. Sift in flour andbaking
powder, 'Befit well and add fruit,
Lightfruit, as bleached sultana rais-
ins, and candied cherries and pine-
apPle and walnuts make a good choic
for ,this cake. Bake an hour and .
quarter in a slow oven..
Inecpensive Fruit Cake
2 cups brown sugar
2 cups hot water
2 tablespoons lard
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground cloves
1 package raisins
Boil the above ingredients for 5
minutes. When, cold, eift in three cups
flour and 1i teaspoons soda. Add
lb. peel cut fine and cup blanched
almonds cut in pieces lengthwise:
Mix well and bake in a moderate ov-
en 45 minutes.
A Mince Meat Booth
Have you tried a mince meat booth
at your bazaar? People like practical,
things to buy these days. Last year,
one group of women went together
and made mince meat. They were
sold out in no time. This yearthey
are getting many requests to melee
it again.
Mince Meat
1+; lbs. currants
1 Ib. mixed peel
4 lbs. chopped apples
13 lbs. brown sugar
1 lb. raisins
Grated rind and juice of 3 lemons
1 Ib. chopped suet
Mix ingredients. Let stand before
usin g.
Th* rsday, December 180
ell, Weed Iuspeetor $15,40; 5, L. Me -
Ewen, 1 ,0,31. $5.00; Dr, Redmond,
13.01-1 $50.00; : P. McGue, Dog tax
'amid fund $4 Q0; J. Gallagher, clog tax
refund $2,00; D. L. Falconer, dog tax
refund $2,00; Id', 13, Elliott, account
$5,55; Miss H. Sutton, Account $1.00;
J. W, Bushfield, Account $16.00, J
Douglas, Hyslop drain ; $29.00; A,
Hislop, Hislop drain $1.50; 'Thomas
atifartin, Hislop drain $24.00; A. Doug-
las, Hislop drain $12;00; W, Breck-
enridge, patrolman $16,00; W. J.
e Campbell, patrolman $11.60; J. Kelly
A $3.85, J. Potter $4.00, 5, H. Wylie
$2,25 J. W. McKinnon $3.75, A, Mof-
fat $4.75; J. T. Wylie, supt., $9,60;
Howick Twp., Boundary acct. $15.; R,
Breen, sheep worried by clogs $7.00;
G. Walker, patrolman $7,50.
The ;neeting then adjourned.
W. R. Cruikshank, I, J. Wright,
Clerk. Reeve.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Ladies' Aid ` of Knox United
Church was held in the basement of
the church Wednesday, s The presi-
dent, Mrs, 5. Rintoul had charge of,
the meeting. After the opening ex-
ercises and general business had been
concluded the election of officers for
the corning year took place, with Mrs..
Carl Proctor in charge.
The following officers were ap-
pointed for the ensuing year: Hon.
President, Mrs. A. Proctor; president,
Mrs. F. McCallum; 1st vice-president,
Mrs. J. M. Coulees; 2nd vice-president.
Mrs. rs John
Rintoul; ire
asurer r'
M s. H.
Wheeler; secretary, Mrs. George Jor-
dan; assistant secnetary, Miss Martha
Armstrong; organist, Mrs. Joseph
141iller; assistant, Mrs. Carl Procter;
auditors, Mrs. J. A. Geddes and Mrs.
C. R. Coulees; flower committee, Mrs.
Stewart Procter, Mrs. E. Stapleton,
Mrs. Joe Clegg, Mrs, N. Walsh, Mrs.
J. A. Geddes, Mrs. Jesse Wheeler and
Mrs. Cyrus Scott, The Aid has just
verysuccessful 'a
year and
is looking forward to another year's
work with interest. -
The minutes of 'Council meeting
held in Bluevale, Dec. 15th, 1930.
Members were all present. Minutes
of last regular meeting were read and
adopted. Letters were received and
read from the following: A. E. Wil-
son and Co., Toronto; County Engin-
eer at Goderich; Mrs. F. J. Lewis,
Wingham; Mrs. T. Abraham, Wrox-
eter; 'Hydro and Electric Power Com-
mission, Toronto; and Mrs, J. Green-
way at Bluevale.
Moved by Wilton and seconded by
Baird that we hold the Nomination
meeting in the Foresters' Hall, Blue -
vale, on Monday the 29th day of
Dec., 1930 from 1 to 2 pan. Carried,
Moved by McEwen and McTavish
that By-law no. 21 be passed appoint
ing the following election officers for
year 1931,
Returning Officer --W. R. Cruik-
Polling Division No. 1-D,R,O., R,
Deyell; Clerk, R. Thompson.
Polling Division No. 2-D.R.O., C,
5, Higgins, Clerk, Alex. Magee.
Polling Division No. 3-D.R.,O,, G.
Wray, Clerk, Leslie Bolt,
Sub Division No, 4-D.R,O,, D. H.
Wallace, Clerk, A. .Lincoln,
Moved by Baird and McTavish that
we extend the time for Collector's.
return of roll of 1930 to 12th of Jan.
1931, Carried.
The following acounts were paid:
Turnberry Agricultural Society, grant
$60.00; Brussels Telephone, '7 phones
$91.00; Geo. Thornton, Rent of Hall,
$15.00; J. Latronica, School At-
tendance officers $25.00; W. R. Cruik-
shank, balance of salary, $150.00, B.
Fralick, assessor, $85.00; 13, Cruik-
shank, balsalary $50.00 post, 40e;
stationery $7.50, error in taxee $18.78
-$111.28; L J. Wright, salary $65.00,
phones $5.00, 130.11. $5.00; j: Mc-
Tavish, salary $55.00; P,. Md.Ewen,
salary, $55.00; R. Wilton, salary, $55,;
J. 1, laird, salary, $156.0'6 T. K. Pow-
Mrs. Graham , Campbell spent a
few days last week with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. McMichael of Wroxet-
Mr. and Mrs. J. Wheeler of Bel -
grave, spent Sunday at Mr. Duncan
Messrs. Wm. Findlater and Wm.
Abraham are in Goderich on jury
this week,
Mr. John Robinson of. Kincardine,
spent the week -end at the home of
Mr. R. Galley.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Cunningham of
Wingham, visited at the home of Mr.
John Hunter, last Sunday.
Mr. Archie Paterson, of Wingham,
spent a few days at Mr. Alex, Mac-
Mr. David Little, from Courey's
Corners, was in Galt a few days "last
week attending his cousin's funeral.
Mrs. John Emerson, near Kinlough
spnet the week -end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nixon, Belfast.
Miss Mary Famish spent a fend
days last week in. Lucknow.
Mr. and Mrs, D. K. Alton spent
last week with their daughter, Mrs.
Percy Graham, near Shakespeare.
Mr. and Mrs. Erving Zinn and, chil-
dren motored to Clinton on Thurs-
day and spent the day with the lady's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Holland and
other relatives.
Mrs. Adam Johnstone, near Cour-
ey's Corners, spent a few days with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sher-
wood, Belfast.
Mrs. Roy Alton in company with
her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie
Alton, -of Dungannon, . motored to
Toronto on Sunday and spent the day,
with their cousin, Mrs. Roy McQuil-
lan, widow of the late Mr. Roy Mc-
Quillan, policeman, who was shot to
death Thursday night while on duty.
We extend our sincere sympathy to his
bereaved wife and children, parents,
sisters and brothers and relatives in
their sad. bereavement.
Mr. Wm. Irwin, near Belfast, pass-
ed away Sunday evening about 6 o' -
Clock at his brother, John's, home.
The funeral will be held on Tuesday
afternoon by the L.O.L.
The spirit of Xinas pervaded the
cheerful home Wednesday afternoon
of Mrs.Walter Renwick Huntingfield,.
the occasion being the December
meeting of the Women's Institute.
Meeting opened by singing the open-
ing Ode, followed by minutes of last
meeting by Lilian Edwards. Some
time was taken up .with the. transacttransact-
ing of business. Community songs:
"Silent Sight;" A lengthy and inter-
esting report of the convention at
Harriston was given by Mrs, Reuben
Appleby, Roll Call -What I would
like for Xmas. Needless to say all
enjoyed the splendid lunch and cup
of tea. The next meeting will be held
in the Community Hall.
Mrs, John Peterman will make her
hone with her son, Eldon, in Wing -
ham, for a while.
Miss Maggie Bell Stokes is quite ill
with Flu,
The first dance of the 'season was
held Friday evening in the vacant
house of Mr; Henry Weishar.
Mr, and Mrs, Tackaberry wore vis-
itors over . the week -end at the Gen-
eral Store,
Mr. Sterling Haskins has purchased
a building in Mildmay, which he will
set up for a chopping mill.
We enjoyed Timothy's limericks on
Teeswater and Gorrie, why not try
Now Wingham is some town, begorry
There's an old man there who told a
big story,
We all know he's a Grit,
And he's Irish every whit,
But he 'tries to retake out he's a 'Tory.
The Presbyterian congregation will
hold their contest on the 28rd, The
'Union Social afternoon on the 24th,
Everybody welcome,
A pageant will be put on in the
Community lIlall next Sunday even.
ing.tn behalf of the Endeavor Society.
_ The Peacock Candy. !„
Shop ande .. st: rapt
u �.
hNO }4
• Full Course Meal ir
Candy Specials for
i CHRISTMAS MIXED DROPS, 2 lbs. . , , .25c t''
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iiia IinlsIIIsiIll moIIIn IIOIIIQl u igi lmInI m !lullllgtlIISIII1E9 inllllil1991mIu (1®1116 int,
Present a gift that betokens the very spirif of.
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A modernistic 18 kt: white
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