HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-12-04, Page 8NEW
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, December 4, 5 and 6
Charlie Murray &George Sidney
TheCohens and Kelly in Kilts.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, December 8, 9, 10
Kenneth MacKenna
— And —
Marceline Day
— In
The Master Detective "Bulldog Drurnmond".
Commencing this week there will be only one show
each evening, commencing at 8 o'clock, with
the exception of Saturday evening.
For Troul
due to Acids
n -IAT many people call indiges-
V V tion very often means excess
acid in the stomach. The stomach
nerves have been o er-st:unulated,
and food sours. The corrective is an
alkali, which neutralizes the acids
instantly. And the best alkali known
to medical science is Phillips Milk
of Magnesia.
One spoonful of this harmless,
tasteless alkali in water neutralizers
.instantly many times that much
acid, and the symptoms !disappear
at once. You will never use crude
methods when once you learn the
efficiency of tb',. Go get a nail.
(bottle to try. r <
Be sure to get the genuine Phillips
tMilk of Magic ua prescribed by
.physicians for 50 years in correcting
excess' acids. 25e and 50c a bottle—
any drugstore.
Mrs. Parker and daughter of Tees -
water are visiting at the home of I4frs
Wm. Wellings.
Mr. N. A. Currie visited at the
home of his cousin, Mr. Geo. Currie.
We regret to report that Mr. Geo.
Haines is seriously ill.
Mr. Harold Walker has returned
home after spending a few days with
friends in Toronto.
Mn and Mrs. Wilfred Reid and
;family are visiting friends in Toronto,
Mrs. Robt. Scott received word on
Friday that her brother Constable
Mc23 e of Toronto had
Y a
passed away. Our sympathy is ex-
tended to the bereaved.
Mr. Walter •tc r Pocor.1.
has had the hy-
31 --
dro installed.
Mr. Albert Gallaher attended the
funeral of the late Mr. Chappel of
Mr. and Mrs. Miller of London,
called on Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Palmer
one day last week.
Mr, D, L. Weir attended the Fair in
Toronto last week.
Mr. Joseph Smith of the West, is
at present visiting at the home of his
uncle, Mr. Thomas McMichael, and
other friends in this locality.
Mr. Thomas McMichael has taken
a car -load of cattle to Toronto.
U. S. S. No. 13, Howick, and Turn -
berry, with Miss Doig as teacher, will
give a concert in the school on Dec -
.ember 18th, consisting of Dialogues,
,recitations, readings and ixiti.sical sel-
ections. A play Will be' given entitled
"Above the ,Clouds." S. S. No. 9,
Turnberry, (i owell's school) tender
the guidance and instruetio» of .Miss
Hutton, will endeavour to entertain
a crowd on December 16th in the
school. A programme ,similar to .the
one of the 'Union school will be, given.
These programmes will be given by
the pupils of each section in their Awot
respective schools,
Wednesday evening, Nov. 26th, a
real social time was enjoyed at Knox
Presbyterian church when the choir
entertained, their friends.' The first
part: of the evening was spent with
theregular choir practice, after which
guests and choir members numbering
about thirty-five sat down to a chick-
en supper, served by the ladies of the
choir. The tables . were beautifully
decorated and everything was served
in a most appetizing manner to the
delight of all present. When every-
one had done justice tie the bountiful
repast the tables were cleared away
and the guests enjoyed a social cleat.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ramsay of
Wingham were guests at the social
evening provided by Knox Presbyter-
ian Church choir on Wednesday ev-
ening. Mr. Ramsay was a valued
member of the choir during his :so-
journ in this community.
David P. Rowland of Toronto oc-
cupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian
Church on Sunday.
The regular meeting; of the Wo-
men's Institite will be held on Thurs-
day afternoon, December 11th, at the
home of Mrs. Alex. Mowbray., Roll
Call --Ideas for a Christmas table de-
coration. A paper on "The League of
Nations by Mrs. Jos. Breckenridge.
The members are asked to come pre-
pared to give ideas on plans for Xmas
cheer, also relief work for organiza-
tions outside of our own county. The
ladies of the connnnnity are always
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wallace and Mr.
Hugh Wallace of Barrie and Mr. and.
Mrs. John Miller and Bob, of Toronto
were visitors at Mr Wallace Miller's
having come to attend the funeral of
the late ,114!•. Elliott Miller.
Rev. T. C. Wilkinson attended the
Presbytery meeting at Clinton last.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Webster and
family attended the Golden wedding
of Mrs. Webster's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Taylor of Seaforth, on
November 16th.
The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
per will be observed in the united
church. next Sunday morning. Rev.
Mr. Koine of Dungannon will preach
at the Preparatory services on Fri-
day evening.
Many friends from here attended
the funeral at Lucknow, Thursday, of
the late,, Mr. Elliott Miller whose
death last . Tuesday came as a shock
to this community.
The annual meeting of the St, Hel-
ens Beef Ring will be held in the
Hall on Wednesday evening, Dec, 3.
All the members are requested. to be.
The Sweetest Cift
We have a full assortment of
Fancy Boxed' Chocolates
at various prices and sizes, as well
as our
Delicious Home -Made
Everybody Likes Candy, especially
i;F they are
Thursday, Decent ler 4t1, 1930
Ar little girl,. Betty, arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Gil-
lespie, on :Thursday, November 27,
Mr. Robert McGee of Blyth is visi-
ting with his brother, Mr, Leask Mc-
Mrs, Wesley Leggatt was laid up
last week with a severe attack of
Mr, and, Mrs. Jack Currie of Wing-
ham and Mrs, Jack 1.3ircliell of Turn -
berry and Mrs. Lance Grain visited
Iasi week with their sister in Sarnia.
and with Mr. and. Mrs, Spence Currie
in Fostoria, Ohio. They arrived back
on Saturday and were forced toleave
their car in Clinton en account of the
deep snow, and they came back by
Mr, and Mrs. Win, Garton and babe
from Leamington and Mr, and Mrs,
Frank Patterson and son Jack of De-
troit,spent a few days last weekat
their respective ponies here. • They
left on Sunday for home, while Mr.
Jas. Patterson went ahead of thein to
Clinton. However they were fifteen
hours on the road before they arrived
in their homes in Leamington' and
Detroit, so it looks as though winter
has set in, in real earnest, in Huron
Mr. Ryhs Pollock of Toronto
spent the week -end at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Laidlaw and
Miss Marion Casemore of Chatham
are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Casemore and family of Turnberry.
There is quite a lot of practising
going on in this community for Xmas
concerts. Mr. Fells is having his
school concert in the Institute Hall,
Suggeds UsefulGif is
Skate `outfits, a popular
gift for all, from the
6 year old up.
Rubber Footwear
A pair of our new Gal-
oshe"s will bring joy on
Christmas morning, and
.comfort all winter to the
lucky recipient.
For the Melt Folk,
young and old, a pair of
comfortable good look-
iiig Slippers.
An order for a pair of
beautiful evening slipp-
,ers thrill the femin2
ine heart,
Call and. see ottr cam-
plete line of Useful and
Practical Gifts for
Phone 77.
1 Greer
The Good Shoe Store.
MMOINOSIMP+ INIInMIllalilli llillE 10wr1r1111>11wr111r rrl ,1w,N11111111w 1r,111111Mat
New Mufflers New Socks
• Forsyth Shirts
Christmas Ties
Salk U;icrderwear
Sleepwell Pyjamas.
Sweaters W: - Pullovers W . - Caps
House Coats Belts -:- Bath Robes.
Kayser - Holeproof Silk Hosiery
Pyjamas Sets, Gowns,
Boxed Underwear
Kid or Silk Gloves
Table Linen, Madeira Linens
-Luncheon Sets
Breakfast Cloths, Serviettes,
Kimonas, Negligees,
Scarfs, Umbrellas, Purses
Select Fur Coats.
Make the most of this -T `The
Greatlest of all Seasons". Choose your
gifts from our marvelous collection.
Something here for your every pur-
pose, including a wonderful choice of
Family Presents, for Dad, Mother,
Sister, Brother, and your friends be-
20% Off all our lovely. Cloth
Coats for Ladies and Misses.
Thursday to Saturday.
KING BROS. - Phone 71
iiss®®■■®®■®®v11111 MITI®®.IIIIIIIR IWIII M1.11111s11101i111111111M� •
on Friday, December 19. The Unit- REPORT OF HOG SHIPMENTS His, Interpretation
eel Church Sunday School are holding
theirs on Monday, December 22 and
Chalmer's Church Sunday School 'are
holding their concert on Tuesday, De-
cember 23.
Mr. Stanley McBurney, a well -
k o n East w Wawanosh boy passed
away very suddenly in Toronto on
Thursday 'morning, following a hen!-
niorrhage from the brain. He was
42 years old and he had been on the
police force in that city for aver
nineteen years. Besides his wife and
two children Lloyd and Velma, he
leaves to mourn him, three sisters,
Mrs. Chartiss of Montanna, Mrs. Ro-
bert Scott and Mrs. Jas. Down of E.
Wawanosh, and four 'brothers, Allen
of Vancouver, 13. C., William, of Car
nock, Sasl,, and Charlie of Ft. Chap-
elle, Sask., and Stewart of E., Wawa -
,nosh. He was a member of the Un-
ited Church and was buried in Tor
onto on Monday, Mrs. Scott, Mrs.
Dow and Mrs, S. McBurney and also
Mr, Charlie McBurney attended the
funeral. This community extends sin-
cere sympathy ,to the bereaved fam-
Mr, Robert Webster of Varna,
spent last Friday with Mr, and Mrs, tionally fine program.
Will Ritchie, 12th con.
.For Month ending Oct. 31, 1930
Total Hogs —Wroxeter- 67, 13e1 -
grave 252, Huron Co. Locals 1909,
Huron Co. 4482.
Select Bacon --. Wroxeter 28, Bel -
grave 84, Huron Co. Locals 561, Hu-
ron Co. 1867.
Bacon — Wroxeter 33, Belgrave
137, Huron 'Co. Locals 1181, Huron
Co, 2560.
Butchers — Wroxeter 5, Belgrave
22, Huron Co. Locals 114, Huron Co,
Heavies -- Belgrave 2, Huron Co,
Locals 38, Huron Co. 68.
Extra Heavies — Htiron Co, Locals
7, Huron Co. 10.
Lights and Feeders — Wroxeter 1,
Belgrave 2, Huron Co, Locals 20, Hu-
ron Co. 47.
Ripley Party Got Through
The party from Ripley who were
to broadcast over 10 13.P. on Sunday
afternoon encountered considerable
difficulty with the heavy roads and
reached here about an hour and a
half late. Many of the listeners who
had given up hope that the, party
would get through and turned. in on
some other station, missed an excep-
We are pleased to report that all
the sick folks are able to be up again.
Mrs. James Ritchie, Mr. Frank John-
ston and Mr. Dynes Campbell who
have all been confined to their beds
for a few weeks.
Mrs. Sanderson of Guelph spent a
week with her cousin, Mrs. Wilson
There was no election last Monday,.
as the Council went in by acclama-
tion. Reeve, John McKenzie, Port
Albert; Deputy Reeve, James Ritchie,
Zion; Councillors, Messrs. Sam Swan,
Dungannon, Ritchard Johnston, Mafe-
king and Murdoch Mathewson, Loch-
Howard, the little son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Blake, of Mafeking, is
under the doctor's care, with scarlet
Mr, Borden Ritchie and son. Wal-
ter, of Walkerville, spent a few days
with the formers' brothers, of Zion.
Mr. Gillies Haines, south of Dun-
ganiton, is near Wingham this week
with his father; who, we arc sorry to
hear, is very low,
Mr, John Campbell, . near Dungan-
non, passed away Sunday at moon. He
took pneumonia eat Wednesday and'
seemed to be getting along very well,
till Sunday, when the change caitic
He lived near Belfast for many years.
We extend our sympathy to the be-
reaved ones.
S3ec cover a distance of soynetlii
like' 806,000 utiles' in collecting
pound of honey.
Son: "Aren't you going to wait up
for father?" Mother: "What's the use?
I've got such a cold. 1 can hardly
Teacher: Who was Anne Boleyn?'
Boy: "Anne Boleyn was a flatiron,"'
"How dare you 'make such a friv-
olous answer?"
Well, that's what it says in the,-
"Nonesense, show it to me,"
The boy brought up his :book and:
pointed out the sentence: "Henry
VIII pressed his snit with Anne Bol-
An excellent assortment of
Gifts suitable for the Christmas,,
Watches. for Men and Women,
all kinds, at prices to suit
all pockets.
Community and Rogers Plate.
Pearl on Amber Goods, Ffench
Ivory, China and Glass:
Hundreds of Necklets and
Other Gifts
All Moderately Prided.'
Courteous and Efficient Servide:;
tIi�IlI/111 1!Iii111�IN�111 11111111U11531 911111f11A1111111111tl111#111411111111/1IIN111111II11111w1iIi1 units tl
I! •
` ity
• I�x
Boys who wear ordinary rubbers (We reefer
to, the kind that cover the shoe, only) have need, �.. -
in, fact "very great need" of some kind of cove!:-
ing for the leg just. above the shoe, and,."LEG-
DINGS" such as shown in the illustration are
a teal panacea as a "leg covering!:'
Boys' Leggings are madein sizes•. 11, 12` and
—ill small boys, aged from 6 to 10 years old and
the Price $1.75: per, pair.
A '
Leggings such as this are known as "Military" !'
they are neat in appearance and are clean , and IRs,
keep the Iegs dry and waren. Doctor billseake
saved and good health preserved by takhigrtcare
of the feet ane' legs, and leggings. such as. these TAF!
goa long way towards., precluding troubles of
this bind:
13• for very
Leggings for larger boys, from 10 to 15 years• o1•d and ilk 114
1 sixes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. We .'have two qualities in these. sizes, at 14
Pkxkes $1.75' ants $z:01Y' per Pair:, r
g ` Willis' Shoe Stoll, Phone.} 129, i
a A
11 ltillt11110041r111116111i1INM1.1111s11111N 11111 114i011.1110111i1A1111R11t 111 111 4.41 1N101001l/tl