HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-11-20, Page 44§AMIN,
ing Cards
For Chris Inas and New Years are now on display.
wingham The 'Phoirie 53
_444. eet tars . • Van& NI • iiitlYsit • iffeiRa ditt
ceots a word per insertion, with a mininautn charge of 25c.
'34" 4: ta, JAW:. ift:74t-IVICirk.161141VriiiifierCitritff•,:rt•AlYttlIrlir.V4),
ALL MUSICAL InstrunaentsaStrings
Eta, best quality, lowest prices. G.
A. Sehatte, Agent for Beare St Son.
FOR SALE--„APple Rutter. Jos. 01-
heiser, Teesweter;, Ont.
FOR Saki -El— Second-hand Furnace.
Gciod Size Quebec .Hea,ter, and El-
ectric Washing Macanne. All in
splendid ordere, Buehanan Hard -
FOR; SALE -e6 . Gilson Engine,
and Gilson, 41, Grinder. All in
good. shape. „Apply to Thos. Tay-
lor, phone 613r6.
FOR SALE-e-Ma1e-1-16und, three year
old; night „ready .fer• work running
,gobef on 'grouted: or snow, a true
trailer and'a gdcjd voiee, and not
cross with children, pfice reason-
able. .• Write for -particulars to Box
, .331,- Lucke -tow, Ontario..
'work -after ;4 in -afternoon. Apply
to -Advance-Times.
HOUSE -FOR SALE—Now rented, a
real -.paying :investment $700 cash
payment down. Will handle this pro-
perty. Apply. to,..13ox ,A, Advance,
Times.- , ' ••• •
SPECIALS •-inal-Iouse Values—Sever- Nair. :21st, at iriclack, the follc'/Wingl
ing your Cedar Chest from George
Wraith. They make beautiful Xmas
gifts. I-Ioxne in evenings, phone
104. -.
WANTED— 2 Girl Roomers, High
School or College girls preferred.
Apply to The Advance -Times Of-
In loving memory of mY dear Mo -
there 'Mrs. T. M. Henderson, who
passed awaY. -November 17th, 1929,
Short ,and sudden was the call,
Of one, se dearly loved by all, •
The blaiet waS great, the shock severe,
We little thought the end so near.
Only those who loved, can tell
The pain, of not saying a last fare-
Sadly missed by loving Son, Ferric.
PureBred Cattle:
D. M. Scott -has been instructed to
sell at Lot 30, Con. 3, Morris, N
miles North of Brussels on Frida.y,
al good housts ,for sale atG
cally half their price. Apply to T. T.
Fells. maina.infwordilftSnoe,bwnsrtioirmjan7,71:118;331992-1;.
Of :Faroe Stock 'and -.Implements,.
will be held; on ,Lot _20, Concession 2,
Turetlae.rry, '
Sale to continence at 1 o'clock p.m. I
Clifford, Jaenktus, 'Viet Gaynor,
Pieetpliet-or*. 4> I Auctioneer.
!bred by .1! A. !Watt; Elora, Ont.
Dam—Villao Maid 17015; Minnie
;Sailor 4th; Minnie Sailor, Sire—G-ain-
'ford Marquis '-*--83755 (1086,90); VII-
I age'Duke --80287—; Pride of Scot-
land Imp. e --,e4521,8.—; altoeeel • Sailor
I (Imp.) —0969 --!el
'Tracing to iso 1c»r Imp. —95
B'roadheekkatiet lee. .÷- Red; bore.
Feb. 15the192.7]*br4 fry Archie His-
lop, Eresselt'Ont; •
Dar--Broadhdok's Jilt —84522 -.•--
Roan Rose :(Inite) —43611— Sire—
Mina Champion —170253—• Prince of
. —60861— (92900); Scottish
PFinee —.50090-- (84728), With.Roan
..... .
. i
01'..l7vialilable.,1artre Property
tirid:e.r, arid*.''by, vittne• of thepowers
aontain•ed in a certain Mortgage
which will be prpcloCeil at the time ,
of sale', there evill be offered for sale i
by Public AtletiOn 'cm* Saturday, tile ;
29th day of" NoVember, A.D. 1930, at i
the hour of 2.30. &Clock in the after- i
nopn at the Brunswick Hotel in the '
Town of Whigham, the following pro- i.
perty naintlye In the, Township Of i
Morris, in the County of Huron and ,
' P,rovince. of Ontario , and beieg coin.. i
posed of the South half of Lot num- ,
ber Twelve in the 1.hiril 'Concession .,
of the Said Township of Morris, and
also that part of ,the ;North half of i 8
Lot number twelve, in the fourth con- i
eeSsian of tbe said Toweship of Mor- 11
ris ' which" iS lietted •alicP bounded and I
particularly described las follows: ' a
COMITIgric iii;g at the year t h-weeterly en-
gle of tbe eaid 'half L,oti. thence south- I b
(Ay along the etr:eatetly limit of the i I
said half lot to the :middle of the bed!,
of the Rivet' Maitland, thence follow-
ing along the centre,of: the said bed l S
of the said river Maitland, against the ; '
stneana until the sarne intersects the I ,
easterly limit of the said half lot, or 16,
in, case !thasame does not at any point I''
intersect the said litnit, then follow-
ing the sane couese as last before
en en Hon ed :until the ,eam e reaches the I f,
point thereof uclarest, the a,:aid easter-1s
ly lenit and frben 'thence easterly in .
a line parallel to the northerly limit ''`
of the said half lot to the said easterly , 11
lintit , 141(trOOS,, and in 'either case II)
thence, itortberly" along the said east- 4,
eirly limit to the norib-east angle of d
OW Said ltnit ..101:, hbenee westerly a-
long the northerly limit of the seat;fo
half lot to. the place of beginning, 1 :
'Upon the property it is said there
Are• three frame bares, frame house
and a supply of water.
TERMS—'rett :Per' dame of' the Pei.
e hese money- to be, paid down at the
time of sale and bialstnce to; be paid
within thirty days.e*1:ermis of sale, if
agreeable to the itterig6,gees, may be
arraoged,' •
!or fuhltie,t pal -tiddlers and condi-
'oils of sakapply to the und,Creteeea)
DATED at Wilighate this eighth day
of Veveiniette, AJ), 1930a • 10
Trii0MAS .0,ilil,, * Au etiteriette " ap
0 twice Sc
•ie`figitg .
calf heifer at foot, sired by Gainfoi
Snowetortoe; Eged again Sept. 29 t
Gainford Snewsteirm,
Broadhookee Jilt 2nd. Roan, bor
Feb. ,and, 1929; Sire—Gainford Snot
stolen —148339—. Dane — Broad
hooks Jilt --118440.—e•with roan hi
er calf af fool
JaSul2t,ni Maid a-177054-- Med, born
415347, :1.. Dam—Red Ribbon,
Sultana (Imp.) —31160—
Sire— Gaiefbrd of Salem —90413--
-ord Lieutenant (Inm.) —500502—
'rince, of Rettie (71248), Bred Mar
th to Gainford Snowstorm.
Roan *Sultana ---Roan, born Dec. 5th
05. Dann --Red Ribbon —115380—
Sire—Ivanhoe 122760, Roan bull cal
t foot.
• Claret I'rincess 7th ---163569---Roa
,oen Dec, 1918. Dam ---Clare
rinceSs 78638; Sire—Spring Valle
Hero 95930; Newton Princess TI
5395, racing to Claret Princ,es
brod Oct. 17th It
;ainford Snowstorin —148339—.
Mina Lass lst — Roan born Dec
rd, 1925, Dam—Mina Lass 111539
ire—Ivanhoe Count of
Voodfickl —66152—. Treeing to
lina Lass imp. White heifer calf at
ege Bred again to Gainfoed Snow -
1 non, Nov, 2nd.
Mysie 3rd —151444--. Roan, born
ug. 2nd, 1918. Dam—Mysie of Sun-
yeider 3rd 111540. Sire—Red Start
—69744--; Crown . jewel, —883-
4—; Tracieg to Mysie*37th. 1111 —
In giving judgment against a delin-
quent subscriber recently, judge 0',
Reilly, of Cornwall, mAde ,the state-
ment that newspaper publiehers had a
bard enough time fitiancing their husi-
ness without being dene out of the
If it person wanted 10 stop a news-
paper the proper way was for him to
pay all arrears, and get aetectipt, or,
if he was paid ep, refuse to ' take Che
paper al the postoffice „ena. •have a
record made of his refusal. • A inan
who °Wed for a Newspaper could not
stop taking a paper and, expect the
publisher to go without his pay.
It may be added that no publisher
wishes to force his newellaper on any-
one and any subscriber wishing his
paper discontinued will have no trou-
ble if he •does so in an hotiest and
businessllike way,
Buy Poultry on Grade
As a result of—a -;:ionference of lead-
ing wholesale .buyers and representa-
tives of the Federal and Provincial
Governments, an agreement has been
reached on the part of the buyers to
recognize Government grades.
The agreement marks one of the
mbst important developments in the
poultry' industry in many years, Just
what this announcement means to the
farmers of Canada is indicated by the
fact that through the simple process
cif crate -feeding and properly finish-
ing poultry for market, from 50 to 70
ents in mark -etc value may be added
to, the individual bird. A mini/num
differential of 3c per pound premium
for all grades in the milk -fed class
over the corresponding grades in the
class selected is. guaranteed by the
buyers, and supplementing this will
be definite and substantial price dif-
ferentials between grades within
classes, the differentials increasing
substantially with each decrease in
grade. •
A significant feature of the situa-
tion is that for the first, time on a
province -wide basis the premium
which the consumer readily pays for
quality in poultry, is passed along to
the original producer. ,
Feeding experts tell 'us that it costs
less to put the last pourideon a ma-
ture market bird than it does to raise
the bird to maturity. It costs from
7c to 8c per pound to raise the bird
to maturity, and front 3e to 66 per
pound to crate feed and finish.
It- is further. stated that the aver-
age range bird may be expected with-
out finishing 'to "*igade "SeleCted B"
while by being •ceete-fed and finished;
not only is it possible to increase the
weight approximately one ,Poned, but
what is more inMertant, to . raise •the
market grade to "Milk -fed B" or to
tiMilkefed current prices this
means an added -:Value "per 'bird ,of
around, ;T5c. •
This whole .situation means that a
premitut be , paid fOr the better.
quality bird, ancr that lih b
very lattleeena.eket,•dernand.foresmall,.
thin and poorly finished birds. There-
fore it behoottes the Pleilltry-raisers
to make a, speeial effort; this year •to:
crate feed, properly finish and prep-,
erly killealt birds. for market', ••
n The Council oft the 'Corporation of
aithe County of I-Inn:in will meet in the
_ I Council ,Chamber,. Goderich, at 2 • 0'-
f.. clock ie the •afternoon of -Tuesday,
.the 2nd .day of December, 1930 All
accounts against the County must be
in the hands of the Clerk not later
than Saturday preceding the meeting
of Council.
Godench, November 15111, 1980.
County Clerk
I a--
n HENDERSON— In lovin4 'memory
t of our dear mother, Mrs, T, M.
Y Henderson, who passed away Nov-
ernbei- 17th, 1929.
S Gone is the face we loved so dear,
Silent the voice we loved to hear;
When days are dark and friends are
Dear Mother, how we all long for
A loving motbert,htiluikeeahnedr, kind find;
No friend on ear
For all of us she did her best,
And God gave her eternal rest. '
Sadly missed by Husband and Family.
8e--, Roan heifer calf at foot.
A heifer, 11 months old, from Gain -
rd Snowstorm,
Roan 13u11 Calf, 11 months old from
Gamforcl Snowstorm. and out of cow
(No. 5) Roan Sultana,
1 Grade cow, 7 years old, calved 4
weeks; 1 1=16Istein cow, years old to
calve about' time of sale; 1 calf 4
weeks old.. ,Horses,, -1 •Colt, 1 year
old from Perdu:roil horse; 8 spring
colts from Pareherons horses; it quan-
tity of wood, 14 inch; a mow of hay;
about 12 bags potatoee, Sale with-
reserve,;;J:T;ortgis-All surds of $10
and under, c avee
moethe,dicelit giYeet futillShing
Provedeiblift liotele*;f4,110, r aet t. per
num ofr credit' amounts, a ivr.
tti AuctI9,ti:Npt, t reee
A meeting of the Electors of the
Town of Wingham will be held for
the nomination of Candidates for
Mayor, Reeve, Councillors and Trus-
tees for the Public School I3oard on
at the Town Hall, Wingham, Ont,
Nominations will be accepted coin-
Mencing at '7.80 and will close at 8.30,.
Candidates must be nominated in
writing; the proposer and seconder
must be present,
Immediately after the close of nom-
inations the Candidates Will addrese
the Electors, 'the' election', eequir•
ed. will be held at' ifie'ge4OSata 'Mb:As
named in the by-law 'on Vidnday De-
, a
comber 2nd, 1080, 3 • ' • •
W, A. Galbraith,
Returning Officer. "
4.1'1' 440,4
FTIINT A(i.111008..
Terrible Chances Taken in *akin
of Fatuous Picture*,
The aiereen-struck and the despere
ate -will do anything for the "movient"
and- .W0 "t says Peaiisee.'s
Weekly. They wilt defy. death, alsk
'Lath and life, alid throve safety'and
precaution to the winds If the illin
• director Says, "Do at." •
There is as much reckless dariag.
filmland, as much stark dare-devit-
ry and, utter disregard of personal
safety as in a.vitation, the army or
the navy.
When ships are blown up, housee
fired, gene discharged, rivers forded,
battlee • staged, aiiplanes crashed,
tights fought, to make seristetion tor
the cinema, Dyes are beiug gambled
and grave risks run.
liowerd ,Ilughes, stunt picture -
producer of Hollywood, wan.ted a
man te throw e. heavy hombhm Gotha
into a 7,084efoot tailspin. No sane,
experienood birdmata would attempt
such, a eraikv feat-- yet Hughes
found a Alm man to do it.
He escaped without injury, al-
though his mechanic was killed.
Once, in South Africa, during the
filmiag of "Battle. of Blood River,"
a1ta doxen men volunteered to be
thrown into, a torrent. Nphe of them
could swim, one was drowned.
Salinity Lee, daretievil of British
ftims„, has, done many hair - raising
stunts for a moderate•fee. During the
Aiming of "AtLitntic" two men had' to
be thrown 60 feet into the water.
There were several volunteers,
In "Ben Hur" many people were
hurt in the great chariot Beene. "In-
toletanee;" "Quo' Vadis" and "Birth
of a 'Nation" had their casualty lista
also, But for every titan that fell or
died' there was another to take, his
Two actors were killed a whilss
ago in a snowslide. More than one
man was Smashed up in "Wings'
and "Flight" — those unforgettable
air pictures.
A new motor -racing filth is certain
to add someone to ,,the list of ,film
suicides; while fires, shipwrecks and
explosion sbenes have eontributed
their extensive share. Dick Grace,
Hollywood's supreme stinit raan, 'says
film' daredevils live only to be killed
or go inSane. And the star Mext at
the game 'rarely earn more than fif-
teen hundreda year. '
The son • of the late Alec Hurley,
who has adopted a screen career, has
completely shaved his head to' play
a Hun in "Phe W Plan." More than
it dozen. men have svreat away beards
and moustaches;
Brunettes': have become 'blondes;
redheads gone vrhite, and white men
turned placket the wish 01 the cUm-
ero goal' •
Izi "Weeterits"—as Atherican-made
Alms dealing'''with °cowboy life are
called--4nett and women are tieing
constantly injured and sometimes
killed. But no one regards the mat:
ter seriously. The supply of heroes -
is greater than the demand ' '
Charges Vymer' Brooke Retains 'Title
of 'Ttujaile of gaiativak:'' •
F'Ve 'recently iieeetzloyeil" Chi:
' nese eriart,er' in Borneo.; • •
Bernie°, in the'diiiliaw.Archipelage,,
is the largest inlisibited 'island
In tbe. 'iverid,- and ha § a .tiejint'atioe
of Over Bbr•
neo has ,neier been united,..and feut
divitlions eouiprise theeilland•, tateee•
' being Brunel, NOrth
neo, and.' ' lloas'eSsitnis,1-- in
vrhitii is Fontianak- besides 'the Is-
land ''of Littman. • 1.• ,
The prosperity Borneo 'as t
. whole, 'and of Sarawak 'la Pdetienlar,
15 larsoly due' to ' the' ' of '
Sir 'James Brooke,' an Ebglishniao t
who wen there in late, imbued with' 1
the latisabetlian of''ailientare.
He arrived in the island to' find the
un5le at rebel
tribes; and immediately went to his
assistance, As a reawardr•Brooke was
given'4.he title a first
white ,hean tO esoahoilored•ind also
sday, November 20th, 1930
., Few men in America aro known te
more people from coast to coast than
William D. Upshavv, former Con_
gresairian from the. Fifth (Atlanta)
District of Georgia, °During hie eight
y,ears in -Washington ,he attained mi-
tionalprominence,A,Well known tia-
iional magazine described Itim.aS,'"the
most amazing ,niare.in Goagress,"
Obeying a grateful hamoise beCause.
of the great .physical blessing receiv-
ed through •tbe use of •Sargon ; Mr,
Upshaw writes .that he :Is eimply do-
ing unto ;others e2tee he ,woujd have
theinedo unto !him. liaakiiit the fol-
lowing voluntary,:statement:
"My first experienee with this re-
markable . inyigoratOr •.in the
summer of 1928, when Sargon was
brand new, I was suffering, from ner-
vous .debility' and- a.n-alarming physi-
cal depletion .as.7.,the result of over -
week on the • lecture .platform, and
really feared I would 'not have en-
ough strength to get -me through the
political campaign of july- and Aug-
ust. Unbelievable as it may seem, two
bottles taken with the Sargon Pills
simply made me .otier, .After the most
hectic speaking. • ;campaign through
which I evertpaseed, Came out. ac-
tually feeling far etronger than when
I began, ' ••• : •
"Later, ruShing away On another
busy speaking 'tour "ceVering several
States, I did not persevere -in the daily
use of the. Medicine Until: systein
was tboreettghlY dleanSecl, with the re -
salt that ,teviee*inee flren•I 'found my-
self again suffering froth' general de-
bility,,'ConStiPatiOn and dizziness, and
each'tinie the Sargon Coinbination has
cleared me up and left nee feeling tin -
"Living now in the aftermath of
those refteshing, experiences, I am
moved by cominonegratithde to heart-
ily commend this vehcilesorne and ef-
fective medieine tb' everybody whose
rundown conditi-On calla for complete
restoration." '
Sargon may be ' Obtained in Wingc•
hem at McKibben's Drug Store. ,
, M'aeday, Noir. ,24th: 'the' opening
day'o'/ . the' great ciafieri-Oide Christ -
m, as 'Seal Sale:'''Pesthien froth coaet
to •eodse will delati-ei• thousands of,
lettere Containing .iChrietnias Seais
during the Wlee•k'Tite 'ofoceeds from
this"annual sale lloisible the
orgatliied* cainllh,igit': against tuberctie
loSis through'itlit !the' ' Denainion.•In
sisting Sanatoria 'Ye' Put *efficient
trearnent Withi'd "the *i.:e..Ach of every
stiffelrer'fi•om tubet'eulosie"; hp 'provide
-*Syateinatic e'ieirriiiiktien• of all
those exposed the" disease espec-
ially children, in order that eases inaY'
b,t'diaceyered‘ early: ehOlugh to cure
hem,"arid pt.,.,,,:ifar'e to those
vho are suffering atql*Canntei afford
6 Pay for 'die` t?'e•iliCrieeitt." Tubercu-
esie' 'tette of"' tie."'n;*6l' costly *che-
eses becau„Se the 'long period of
I nes 't
EverYone .1i.kes Santa Claus, there -
ore be appears, this year on' every.
eal and it is hoped he carries an ap,-
eal to*gvellichl,066-IY•One who can will-
eneeonslY respd'hd. When. yeanopei
ao hi. letter rernernber theee t ingse•-•
made Governor of Sara:waka
•• He at onee,set to
• the existing government; introducing!
w0.11t: to egatirin
free trade and it oeve•eode of laws.
• with death and .supPreeseff• piracY.•
Soon he was made ConsuleGeneral•oi
night' while" bit' was acting as
Itailthe of:ISaraWak fel. the 'sultan,
Brooke, -at attatked by Chinese 'who
reseatedataitt gfforts tp stop, ; opiate
He defeated his enemies,
andeledd theeeat'IsfactiOn (if peing the
andependenee of his provinCe recog-
nized by the British Government. The
country prospered; in the chief town
of Sarawak there were 25,000 peo.
,plea, whew' ,i3rooke eJet eonillarad •
with 1,000 whom he had found there.
His sister's son eueeeeded, him in
'titles multi:die; and tittartig his San,
Charles Verner Brooke, retains the
title of Rajah of Sarawak, and holde
his grandeninaWg•lpdsition Borneo,
Pollittienced ThirtY-rive 174earrs Ago
• Now. Virtually Completed. • •
•••$' Ile made "head hunting" punishab
The job, of,. wideleinge the stnend,
begun thirty-five years ago, and
which. ha,s.•cose more, than ,47,500,-
000, is virtually Completed, but te a
few years haVe tie be done:all
Over again, The task ttlettolved Wid-
ening ot the <Strand, known, to Mil-
lions of, teneiete, was undertaken
when it beeatne 'obvious' that the
many "bottle *heek". ebetinetions
would seriously hamper the move-
ment of norniallY lnereasing traffic,
Experts new .predietethat in ate
other twenty years traffic difficulties
on the Strand will have increased to
sueh .extent .that the nee/ vvidth
of eighty. feet from wall to 'wall may
riot be sufficient. Ati arbitrator now
is fixing the sum to be .paid by the
/gondola County Connell 'to.the
nalssioner of Tirovlen foeadft
tional • spitee !heeded for widening at
the, IslantiA.., Sae.. ,bofendede ,• by the
Strand, tritalgaar' Squire and Dun -
caution steeete is planned to coft-
atrutt stately bnolidings thie aite.
laeiret, Steel ',Ptatientattettie ,
''-'The:"ArOKititta4jeanatinefed Of
•stool to ' h " t as the
• •
*tient* Aittositit,i Atall
I- The seals are 'useful.
2. The scale' apt*al for 'help in an
'urgent cause. Everyone ia aware -of
the difficulties confronting needy
homes. When there is more poverty
or the need ,it more ,pcute, the cause
is accentuated, Teiberculpsis thrives
where hardship exists,
3. The educational value of the ap-
peal to millions is helpful.
4. The restoration to :health and'
01 those physically afflicted is one
of utir greatest obngatkpriS. 4.
The seals and all the 'materials us-
ed in this Canadian effert are pro-
duced in 1' •tcap,a4m,-;,,
1 •
There neve.i.,•:WaSeseetrinC:'•O'Nee" the,
generosity of t1iejbli was more es:-.
sential than this eeeteOra The -net p.roe
ceeds are Made as large eoesileie
.theeugh ':united V,rOdnCtiOil and ewell
organiaed :wOrk, so ., thee. the local
committeeee are *able to ;spend the
maximninAmourne•fde, anti-tuberculo-
eis '11.).e: 'people of their
The' :Clerietetaa';',,,Seal• "Sale,„iii; the,
countiee• Pcii14., Elgin,
Huron, K.-ent,:i.Lainbton and. Oxford,
is cenduetedbee Queen'Aleicaltdra:'
Sanitoriethe 13yton, •iselst-ed by :the
Canadian ..rnberenlosis Association,
Christirins su.,als and help a
Worthy cause.
Chisholine-On 'Monday 'cweeinga Nave
either 17,1-1920, •'at • 'it er reai-
• deeeee Playter f.e,eererit, ,Ttai•onto,
•Alargaiet, Gerriem bolervedWife.of
hcjt 8th
, .
eft s';,1
ment, :;•eatsel eielereY; cfreenignel,
11.1 tttttt atottilutotoili'iteitionttts....ttitt tttttt
tt tt llllll 1.1 ll It l I ll lll Mt.
Author of life divine,
Who lista table SPread,•
Fueeielfd with mystic Wine
And ev-erlasting Bread,
Preserve theelife Thyself bast given,
,And feed aticl 'train us up, far. .heaven.
: •
Our ,needy Souls sustain
With fresh siirealies 61 loye,„
Till all Thyl"life'li.tiee
And all Thoefedueseeplaave,i,
And, strengthen',c1,44 Thee pereiilt
• grace, '" • I
Behold without a veil Thy.,face.
This sweet little sacramental hymn
comes from a book published in 1145
• entitled "Hymns on the .14,re1's Sup-
, per, by-: Clthrles Nesley.i"
contained a hundred and sixty-six
hymns, and is notable for the, grasp
it has upon ddetiriee" Of '
enoe of jesus Christ in the sactament
of the LoriPs''' Sullpaer; "as fauglii
the Church Catholic, and also for its
preface made im'of 'extracts frOm'flie IteelI.
writings of the Reverend Byevinte The :cc -liters "Hymns Ancient
This last hanied eviderifiy and *Modern," best known of modern
made a great,i7Tression inpon thi;,,din-
vout mind Of Cliarle;, 'Wesley, for
many of the hymns in the.• h.00k •aele
made up of Dr. Brevint's own pines- ton tins present writer knows not
es, versified. ' 4.r may swpAise sq3-4
to find one of the founders of Meth-
odism quotirigi'with ",enthnsialstierad-
rniration such words as the follpvving
in his Preface, an ree,ferenee 7p1,-0`
death of our Lord jestiS Ch
riet: "This
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given throulle the j:Ioly Communion,
And in Hs metey'atteliVtans, cleans -
end p,erfcts it, tottil, at last it and
',Sve.ate eiitibrecl'ililniee'it Him face to
Paritdisq and finally in Ileav-
• • • • i; ' a.•
English hymnaks, 'have, -,ascribed our
little hymn to ''John" Wesley, whetle
et, from peryereity ,oreespecial reveia-
fcerrIt.:'aitlYis°a.!tiltd .tvhlaret17:ei:Sitllyfintrnts awPPereearbeya
'Charles" fVtresleyl,
In.1745 Charles Wesley makes spe-
dial Mention ;ofibi-sAtatiiiit •elebratiorts
of the Blessed Siacrament as bestow -
victim having been offered up in tlie ing •speCiat. blAsings;l*rah'ehe himself
fulness of theme, and in the mid.st Of communicated every day in the East -
the weelg, ewhirette is Cleriat's geeea, lerisepasop.epy eubject was atigeh in
Temple, and havingithelace been car- his ming that ye#r in which bitbooktruieadFyu;p4toonlietiaiveSniti.41hpireeliaciiitii,n4s1,saatino'ai-, .5.,cipf;`.'.a...A.y.,Yeciltirl;gilpb, ii6....,ard,, $dpper-
sanirooired:;:Ancflitt!'t: (Lf:f3e4ii:::[ditt, :" IS-Hibere' any significanC'e inAlie o-
mission of nearly all of the sacra-
ethillaii:see.s;ae.c.a°mItit7.?pe: trbutiet'il.,:;P.IC1:,e.jal.,,i,;1,...13;;',i:eg"'`,11ofTafi-;:tildhl,aall:**•;,(11'lltSrci:e:91,,ini.itt:in':!th:,oe.n.'1: 1.,Oi4i1.°e.ctirris1,11.,11's.ym..mn°als:
:*** ' t' '''' - ' •-.1*,fhe 'hymn
So in tlite .hymn beginning- •"Victirn •1211,e, '','('.1.12'- -..a,mta.b.J.e, tune 01 .
Wesley writirtgi: ,
g smo -es thrOaidli ‘ia'rt•tia
we find "Atltb°r 'qf.....0.1f.',"4f'..it4's.'spg4*:•.',;\irit--
te:i for it; ;f,eii, ,!,•:);1, 'cii?.01•P•O•ii,e, to,i's;, ;tat, 1-1. yi-
divine, -Illy grace We claim,"
"The Oanffde1411i*e's' '; i ''. k. ' mns-Ancieni,ilinii Modern 'lily' tih,e. late
,f ..';,i '•• •,''.. '; '.. IScr ojhn Stainer,,,O.ne, c),:f dhe'grcatest
Diffusing life and if -1y and, peace; !modern composers, the 'Oegayilst for'
To these TEY'IOWe'r'Latires,'It,./:Cont,e":14'11Y4Y'e4fskfe'f'dSt.:(P.a..iii's' Cathedral,
. Afkclit.ifni.i.T.;:,0:Pin,evitlie. divine, per-- •!..:-.91?0,9?-1/ •
'We n e ed "eta 'now' go " ull te •heeyeit
Td :bfing' the lorig seingfii. Saviehi.
' aleoan;' ' • ee.;
'Thee Art ta'alt slready given
Then dost 'levee • iiloW -rri banquet
.'croevn; '
every. :faithful font appear !
. Andl'shrew 'Thy real: Presehele
•10 others cikethese hymee he lat.51s,
es"sing: ia• e • ee,•• ••
"•NoW•on‘ ThYa,Saereti table laid
'Thy flesh .becoitiesaoute•fciedfl
e eeeeli • •'••••' .*
- "Taste Thee in. •the'.brolcen,43reae
,Drink••Thee in 'the 'mystic..•:Wine;"
etc. : ;;•
,• ,
' It is aleC:rl'Se'neceastilY to rementher.
that the ettily Metbodists Ubyer. in-
tended to separife tlieni,selyes from
the ancient' Catholic Church of Eng-
land,:and that jOhn
Tey .find.. aMong
what are often known ae
Chnien. Their VifterendeS ' with tlie
pot doctrinal, '
Otir Itynintet,laas a gyeat favor-
ite' of One 61' lainiliest ;and*:h'e'el
knoWii 'of''CAUaclianlergYrrien:',Ntito,e4
beautiftil 'IS ',still' beYtig Far•
On' by devoted con '1.egation
worshillping 'in a 'noble bielar
built, his second succeeding a 'bor-
. rowed pleat Ythe
tombs. Ifeeoften, said that the Whelle
:rs t Out oftthe Ike; eaflit lee (1.10;terian had
been •compressed into these len" lines!'
So it is; the inspired. thoughts of
;Charles W,esley talcee becle, to the
that ' ;PPIYitilial.
!tomes as it free "gift' front *,Jesiti
Christ, that :He ..hoteriehes it through
.,H,s Chutch, *endits sacremente, 'knits
if1ariettt into :thae COMpany thblea-
sed 'after failure ccinfessd 'alfd' for-
Don't forget the-Elay "The Private-
Seereterti,loethe ,c9Tripvpitx, p4,4,oza
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