HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-11-13, Page 8Fye ?rani NEW LYCEU t , t .. 1 Ern uTRE /ITH 100 PER CENT, TALKING PICTURES Thursday, Friday,' and ySaturday, Nov, 13, 14, 15 Alice White In "THE GIRL FRO WOOLWORTHS" � ►Y �.OLWOR 1 HS A Comedy of Youth. Monday Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov., 17, 18, 19., Laura La Plante - Irn -- "SHOW '0A'Y"" Show. Boat Life on the Old Mississippi. Edna Ferbea-'s Great Novel al WH.iTECi-IURCH Mr, [i-. and Mrs. Russel Reid of Brant-' fa:,rd spent the holiday with his mo- ther, Mrs. Alec Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Fred 'Ilhompson of ``Toronto, spent the weekend at the Lorne of her sister, Mrs. 'Joe Tiffin. Mr. Harold Sparline is in Stratford est present, where lie is starting business' of making bce supplies. PP Miss Ida McQuoirt spent the week- end with her- cousin, Mrs. Patterson {,f Lucknow. Mr. Rhys Pa' ck of' •,Toronto,. :spent the week -en ` at the Manse Mr. and Mrs. David Kennedy and family, and Mr, acct Mrs. Duncan Kennedy spent Thanksgiving with the former's daughter,,, Mrs. Tichbourne, of Goderich, t` Miss Barbara Weir of Beltnore spent_,thce week -encs at her Nonce here. Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Kirk of Sea - forth spent Thanksgiving with Mr. .arid Mrs.' J. D.:l eecroft. Mrs. A. Emerson and James and e a .yc which was very interest Lila visited ou Sunday with Mr. and ang and rnstructave, and the society Mrs. Victor Eitierson of Kinloss, tendered' her a hearty vote of thanks. Mr, andM s. Buschlen and Marion,, She said.' next year she .Handal and ,Jean and MMiss FannieI would speakrs- on the. causes of High Blood. I'ress- ?atterson_ olg Torbnto_ spent a few i,are. After a short program and the days- last week. at the,home of their business meeting., s. , the: hostesses seri,- brothel- I' McIt Parer'sp May spent'th:e holiday rte}t1L (;Irani Of Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. Lieklray and Miss hG int, Henry told Mr, Green of Tor na 1 •ti ' ttc a a Lt ll the 1 l c, Y\ 44k -Cit it with Mr. and Mrs, l�renic Mr. and Mrs, Cl ile:nice Cox visited over the week -end with her brother, A1r. Patterson of Auburn, Ur. and Mrs. Lovett and family of Clinton, and Mr, and Mrs: Percy Vin- cent and fancily of Westfield, spent •Saturday last with their mother, Mrs, Mc13rien. 13eV. Dr. Mortimer of Auburn oc- cupied the pulpit in th.e United church here on Sunday, and gave a very in- teresting Missionary sermon. Little Luella Laidlaw hes not been progeessing� as rapidly as her many friends would like to see. Nurse Free is again with her. We hope to hear better reports. Mr, and Mrs, Archie Anderson of St. Helens, and Mr. and Mrs, Irvin Henry and Ross of Lucknow, spent- :Monday pent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Purdon, • WINCH-1AM AX VANCE-TIXMIES Mrs, hlri; Bert Mashers, dialogue "The 'free recitatioe, Lyla bucavert and Marjo Idall, reeitetion, by Beth Barnard; - ^lto • t � t S > Y t ' 6 the school, recitation, ' t ttUtl , Falconer a Duca and 1 .. lharritotr, boys' clr dialogue ]lie Sick Baby", recitatt, 1 VV. Hall and 1.oi Ona Hamilton, gig ctu,ri.is, dialogiie "The' Naughty, Mon se", recitatious, Reis Barnard an Jack Kerr, patriotic d`i'll, dialogue "Lem Hicks Horse" selection by th. 13lttevale orchestra. Then presentation of prizes by Mrs. Aitken to tice win noir, who were Joe Nicholson, Rus Barnard, Alma 13osrnan and lively Masters, Then a s,etcetion by. the Ka zoo band, after which all sang ``God save the King", • Our teacher, Mrs. Aitken, deserves much credit' for the fine program, things are going along very smoothly at the school and she has the good will of both parents and -children. The proceeds amounted to around $25, and will be used to pay prizes for the Field Day held last month, Mrs. Thos, Coultess has gone to. Toronto, where she will spend the winter with her daughter, Mabel, We are' sorry to report Mr. Robett Musgrove on the sick list and hope he will soon be well again. Mr. Frank Fair of Cainsville, spent a few days with Mr, Geo. Thornton, Mr. Ivan Sytnes of Mount Forest, spent the week -end at the home of Mr, R. F. Garniss• Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Shaw are on a visit with relatives at Toronto and Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs, Roger Oke, Mr. Jas. Hardy and Mr. Robs. Aitchison were et 'Toronto Tuesday attending the funeral of the late Henry McHardy. Mr. Chas. Messer of Guelph, was home over the holidays.' Mr, David Hall and Miss M� • ar,narete Hall of Copetown, and Mrs. H. `Miln- er of Port Colborne, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Hall. MIr. and Mrs. Harvey Messer of oronto, spent art Th n P a k i ' sg ving at the, otne of Mr. and Mrs. John Messer. Clen- DO NNYBROOK of St. The Women's "Institute met on Wednesday afternoon of last week at the home of Mrs. Hugh King. Mr, and Mrs, J. Daniels and child- ren of _Toronto were week -end visit- ors at the home of lirr mother, Mrs. Wm. Nixon, The Misses s L� r tits a and 'Mary Johns- Itun spent the week -end at their home in Goder}ch. Mrs, Jos, Chamney, Mr. Cecil Chamney, Margaret C ttnnington and Elwyn C hancney were Crewe visit Mr, and Mfrs. Archie Ste daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Steele and Alvin and Mary, don, spent the week -end wit aunt, Mrs. Jas. Cornelius, Mr. and Mrs. Dti.rnin of St. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr id Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Percy Webb onto arc visiting with Mr, an It will be of interest to many to Jas, Purdon,' hear that Miss Bridget O'Malley who mer.. Harris Pardon and M has been rvtrrsin on Cameron motored last,heck t g probation in. St, bury and 1'owasson and from Joseph's Hospital, London, receives to Mr, lvtacL)oiui ' her nurse's cap this week. We wish MacDonald's homein L her success in her cho `•: Miss An?tetta Fisher of St sen profession. is holidaying at her homelier Mr. and Mrs. George Jacques and Misses Ethel and family.of:Preston spent the week -end Jean :burr -11'r, Russel Gaunt slxent the we with his parents, kr- and Mrs; Eli in Toronto with' Miss Rhea Jacques,C Misses Lorna,':Doris • and Mr. and Mrs. Murray acid family of MICCIena hati spent `few Walton spent .Sunday with Mr, andg P t a cla week with Mrs. Jas; 'F;anc�iui o Mrs. Gibson Gillespie.'dyce. Little Kenneth Ross, son 'of Mr. • Mr. and Mrs• l�vilm • cr and Mrs. Robert Ross is r�ecoverin t , M g and son, of 'Auburn, .spent ; M nicely after his recent operation. with her sister, `Mrs. Geo. Mc Mr. Jas. Ross and Mr. Robt, Mac- aghan, Sr.: Donald o£ Holyrood spent a day last Mr. a,` s.7, Purdon week with the formers sister, Miss 7 o i and 'Elmer ,Helens are plowing with .their trees: Katharine Ross: for on. Mr. Thos. Henderson's farm, About thirty ladies gathered at the i Mrs. Ben McClenaghan, • Mis. Jas, home of Mrs. Lance Grain on Friday Barbour and Mr. and Mrs. Elwood last for the regular monthly meeting: Barbour and family. spent Sunday of the Women's Institute. Dr: Cald2 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ctil- er from Winghaan, was present and bert of. Dungannon. gave a splendid paper . and talk on Mr. 1+red Davison was .in Goderich' "The , l F interest- John M : r Iorvlira} Was in Walk- erton, last week attending Petit Jury. The School Board of S. S. No. 10, Kinloss are having the rceopening .of their school on Wednesday. Mfr, and Mrs: SamC�outter and _Ino. visited it} '1!f ele and Clarence of Lon - h their 'Helens -s. Dav- of Tor - d Mrs. i•. • Jas. o Sud-' there anark. ratford c. rie and ek-end urrie. Eileen }re last floor- IIr I� Olson it onday SENDS SARGON' TO FAR-OFF ROUMANIA President of Big Canadian Firtn Says He Never Saw Anything To Equal New Treatment, Thursday, November 1t3h, 1030 ii `"After taking five bottles of Sar' , gon and two bottles' of the'Soft Mass e Pills I want to say that in all my '70 years .I've never seen anyticing to - equal this remarkable treatment," re- s Gently said Jaeob Ghernxan, Evelyn the Western Hardware C - Winnipeg, Canada, who moved . to Winnipeg from Roumania :30 years ago and who has acquired extensive real estate holdings in that city. "In fact, Sargon has been < of such great help to me that 1 ant sending a full treatment to two friends of `mine back in my old home country. I wrote them what a wonderful medi- cine it is and how it restored my health after all other medicines and treatments failed. "I suffered torture with indigestion after meals and only those who have had this terrible affliction know what blessed relief it means to get 'rid of it. ' I also suffered from chronic con- stipation almost as far back as I can remember. ``After the first few doses . of Sar- gon my stomach seemed to right it- self, my nerves grew stronger and I began to' sleep well and now I am in better health generally than I've been in 35 years. "I use' to take a physic almost ev- ery day of my life, but since taking Sargon Pills my bowels are as regu- lar as clockwork. Their easy natural action makes them especially suited to elderly people like ;myself, T only hope my statement will help other sufferers." This is only one.of the thousands of cases where grateful men and wo- men have received such wonderful benefits e, efts, from Sargon that they have sent it to their relatives and friends hi distant Iands. Sargon may be obtained in: Wing - ham at McKibbon's Drug Store. , , n• ed lunch and a social half hour was . - iCpnCr.gnMt7nday: Whiter carne in teal earliest last s S, r.t andfain- Si.. a n 'Helens last Sunday Mr, and Mrs, ,Falconer and child -sent., �p -err. spent' STinday with Mr, and Mrs. r Mr: and. Mrs, John Falconer Jefferson represented Donnybrook _ f1 • • n ,' ' and S. Fu -n .Falconer of Culross. Mi and Mrs. Cecil F• I at the Convention. t ' week: an a cone f t o L n d John i tit clo n had r d help I P C cr n Thursday. _ Ifput cars that were hopelessly t - s• Mr. Gordon Naylor and 'Liss Irene Mr. Melville Beecroft of Westerne' rly spent Sunday with Mr. and M;r hnrch 'University, London, spent the e strug- Jas. Gobal of the 8th Con.Culross. we 1, gling in the .snowy out 'of trouble,tof itr , and Don't . ,eni with his father, Mr.John Bee -forget the Instituteer ii TII the mail -man had to turn back nr�•ing t 10th LINE. I$OWICK on the 14th of November in the In- stitute The 'v Institute 4 Hall G Y U. t " here. tnC t .fti n it s .t tute ..are holding M r, and Mrs. !r_. Ab. McQuillan spent Mr. and Mrs. Wesley llazaar in',their Hall on Friday, Sunday with their Y Leggatt, G t tctr aunt and uncle, cicin and Lela spent. Thanks •i• Noacaaber,, 14th and are having a con -Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McIntyre, of Thanksgiv core' ii '�e Hall on Friday, November Brussels, with his mother, at the lit o f of '21!••,•:'.r ; promises to be a splendid Mr. T. H.brasher, Mr. Sam Leggett of Dr Moore and Milan motor- ton, .rihy l d• croft. to the heavy drifts. r tea. which '"side puts up the hest ten num- bers.'" r bers''Everyone 'welcome. Come a- onto for a few days last week. hong and judge for yourself, Mrs. Brayford, of Toronto,_. Miss Hazel .Potts of London, , s ent Mr. andMrs. spent the rye k -p John McGee made a the week -end with her mother, Mrs, end at her home here. 'business trip to' London nn Monday 'MacGreor, Born -In Clinton Hospital, on'Nov.e, P ,1 Gr last: >\lr.and \lis. Chas. Wightman and 6th, to Mr, and Mrs. George. Wilson, a son. Mrs. Wallace Potter is ���� visiting her ®®�l dta.ugltter,'M Mrs. Maitland Bell at Hain- ■ ilton Rev. Eric Anderson took charge of the anniversary services at Londes- boro on Sunday, Rev. Mr, Johnston, the pastor, conducted the services in Queen street church, Misses Stothcrs of Denver, Col., ac- companied by their father, Mr. Jos. Stothers of Sarnia, spent a few days in town during the week. Miss A. Gillespie' spent the holiday with friends at Wingham. Rev. George Weir and Mrs. Weir are visiting their family 'in Toronto. Mr. and. Mrs, Harvey McGee at- tended the wedding of Miss Welsh and Mr., Beatty of Varna on Saturday near Ripley. BLUEVA:E 4. a lees :have- chosen ed to Toronto last week to market -a `;;are .having, a contest to'• see car -load of dressed fowl, Mr: John Kennedy of CulrosswasI3LY Y also in "['0 - TH Mises Maude and Ruby ,larding or- of Toronto, and. Stratford, respective - big ly, spent the week -end 'end the holi- his day under the parental roof here. • ay- Mr. Morley Zurb •ig�, teacher at No. 12, Carrick, spent tlfe "week -end and holiday at :his home. Mr. and .Mrs. Thos, Strong an fancily were Swtday visitors with M and Mrs. Henry Reynolds, near Pik Lake. Mr. Elmer ]-larding and ciaughte Esther, of Mount Brydges; -spent th holiday with his parents, Miss Es ther Harding returning with thein lo a couple of weeks. Mr, and Mrs. Hugh McLeod, Alic and Marjorie, spent Sunday with friends in Clifford. • Mr. and Mrs. Adatn Zurbrigg and fancily spent Monday with Mr, an Mrs, S. Zurbrigg. Mr. and Mrs. Randal and fainly o Hanover, were Monday visitors with Mir. Writ, Fleet, I14®a�laaal llame ;;, GREER'9 SHOE SALE- WI givi4 for this week an extra SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 10% OFF On all Shoes left on our Sales Tablet ble $1.89 Women's, Misses dren's Overshoes, and Sizes. Crean up Sale ....... Me and Chii- aIl Colors .: $1.89 $2e19 Women's high laced Boots in Calf and Kid Leather, 'Val - les up to $5.00 Sale ......... $2.19 Real Clean, up araXJ�s in all our Sale Shoes Rubbers 89c Women's. Rubb s . , 890 HE GOOD 'HOE STORE maw min smignie IP X 1 ■ • • • • oils 1 1 ■ 111 ■1 r (The of the largest flocks of wild geese seen here for several years pas- sed over on Friday, they were head- ing north-east, The pupils of Bluevale School put on their programme on Friday even- ing, and there was a good turnout, the hall being well tilled. Mr, Robt, Shaw acted as chairman. The pro- gram was as follows: Opening chorus by the school, chairman's Address musical selection by 'the Bl+uevalc or- chestra, recitations by the printer glass, recitations by children below school age; dialogue' "The Mission- ary Doll", reading by Dorothy Ait- ken, recitations, Ward Cameron, ,los. Nicholsott and Jack Liilow, pumpkin song, recitation by Elizaleetlt ;Math - ere and ath.errand Jack Tlosntan, banjo solo by EAST WAWANOSH Mr. and Mrs. Stanley, Elliott and family of St.-Catherine,'spent the week -,end at the home Mrs. John El- liott. ltr, and Mrs. Roy Anderson and fancily of. Stratford, • visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ander- son. Mr. and Mrs. Haines of Dungann- on, visited at the borne of Mr. and Mrs, Wettings. Miss Rachel Currie . spent a day with. her cousin, Miss Etta Currie: M. Ir. and Mrs. Herb. Shiells and fa- raily. of BIuevale, visited at the hoine of Mr. and Mrs.'Win. Anderson, Mr. Harold Currie held. a wood bee last t T 4r ee' I.. Mr. Georg Tayl•rr of Hamilton formerly of the Bank of Commerce, underwent an operation.recently in Wingliant General Hospital, and we are pleased to report he is progress- ing nicely. Mrs. Harold Currie , held a wiId cl goose, supper at her home one night r, last week. e • Mrs. Geo. Taylor and daughter, Sara, visited at the home of Mrs. W. r,• 5, Currie. e Mr. Ed, Marsh visited at the home of M'r, and Mrs, Wm, Wellings. r Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Elliott of l,luevale, and Mr. and'Mrs. Robert e : Montgomery spent Sunday at the home cif Mrs. John Elliott, <1 f , At the fall assizes of the Supreme Court held at the courthouse, Goder- !eh, Wednesday, 'William T. Grieves, of S,eaforlh, who was charged with criminal negligence, was found not guilty by the jury. The charge arose our'of,a motor accident which occur- red in .:Huron County in July of this year inwhichGeorge Kelly who was a passenger in the car which accused' was driving when the accident occur- red, and who was killed. The evi- dence submitted Wednesday was highly contradictory. A. rather sensational development. at the trial was the arrest of John Staples of Wroxeter and Alex. Clark of Waltotc, two crown witnesses They were arrested on instructions of Hon. Justice Logic, charged with wilful and , corrupt perjury and were committed to the county jail. On the witness stand both witnesses swore that the accused, Grieves, was riot drunk when they hadseen hi:tn just prior to the accident, whereas the constables testified that at the time of the investigation witnesses stated Grieves was intoxicated, Justice Logic refused to grant bail to the accused witnc;sees. A titnnber of persons offered to go their bond, but his lordship reserved his decision in the matter. FORDYCE' ARRESTED FOR PERJURY Mr. and albs. John Webster had one of the happy days of their exper- ience on Monday, Thanksgiving Day, having every one of their eight child- ren horse, together with all their wiv- es and husbands, and all their grand- children. Twenty-six in all sat clown to dinner, and in the words of Bobbie Burns could all say, "Sonic hae meat and canna eat, other would eat who want it, but we have neat and we can eat, and so the Lord be thankit," They were, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitch- ell (Evelyn) and family of Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. E, Smith (Pearl) and daughter of Toronto; Zylda of Toron- to; Mr. and Mrs. W, S. McCrostie (Myrtle) and family of Belfast; Ur.. and lvlrs, Will 'Webster and family; Dorothy of London; Elwell of Wing - ham, and Doneene of \''V'ingham High School. BORN Mclreod- In Mitchell, on Tuesday. November 4th,, 1980, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLeod, 'Mitchell, a dote, Otter. • KING'S ICOR Novemf ,er The Month For Whit :rr kT FJ{lire Coats, VVraps, 5�,,; p , Cl�l1 th Coats Dresses, Hats An Exclusive Model for Every Purchaser, IT COSTS NO MORE Have them Early and be Stylishly Dressed For the Entire Season FUR COATS $129.00, $200.00, $300.00 and up CLOTH COATS $19.75, $2100, $34.00 to $85.00 DRESSES $13.98, $20.00 and $29.50' HATS $2.49, $2.98 and $3:89 Come in and look: around-..:7- You'll round-=You'll surely see something you'll like Buy Men's Wear Now WARM OVERCOATS YOUNG MEN'S SUITS $16.85 $16.00 YOUTH'S VACKINAiS $4.39. GOOD .SWEATERS $1.49 -- $2.98and up FINE SHIRTS PYJAMAS $1.49 reg. 3.50 for @ e 9'$2.49 New;Mitts and Gloves Large Tin Fresh Salmon 2 for 29c 20/b Sack Sugar '$1.19 New Pack Peas 3 for 29c McLaren's Jellies 4 for 23c Fresh Walnuts Halves 49c 2lbs. New Dates 21c IT IS NOT TOO EARLY TO (THINK OF CHRISTMAS NEEDS RENO KING ROS. BELGRAVE Mr. and Mrs. Osborne of London visited over the holiday with Mr. an Mrs. john Stewart. Ste`Ya t. Miss Louise McKenzie �4n ae of Sturgeo Falls, spent the week -end with he parents, Mr. and Mrs: Re McKeri ie, l Mr. Clifford Stewart' of Toronto 1 visited with his father, oh • John Steuart Mr. and Mrs. M. Lake, also Mr Moore of Fergus, visited with Mr. an Mrs. 5. A. 'Brandon, Mr, and Mrs, Howard of- Toronto, were visitors with friends in the vil- lage. Misses Sarah and Ruth Cole spent Thanksgiving with their parents, Mr, and Mrs, Cole • Mr. and Mrs: Marlton of Parkhill, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Yule. The regular meeting of.the Won- en's' Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Jas. Taylor ore the afternoon of Nov. 18th. Assistants, Mrs. Jesse Wheeler and Mrs, M. Grasby, ,r The topic will be "Music in thee Rural School", ,by Mrs, J'as, Scobie. Roll call, "What inspiration do I derive from music". It has been requested that: each member bring a parcel val- ued at ten cents, also that quilt blocks 1 be handed in at this meeting. All the ladies of the community are cordially invited. No, 15 East Wawatioali. for the trios. lof September and October. , Sr. IV -Mildred Mason 682. d Jr.I V Margaret r ar ertg Robinson 64.4; Lavine McBurney 68,8. ti Sr. III-Donasa Armstrong 66.3. r Jr., III -Mary Brophy 67.1; Alfred Mason 65; Kenneth Mason 57.4. , II- LIoyd Mason 69.6; Margaret . Brophy 1 P t 68; Roy Robinson Y65,2 • Number bt roll, 22', average attend- a- i attend- ance 11.2. M. I. Robinson; Teacher. SCHOOL REPORT The following is the report of S. S. 110111% osnimono....160".11.04 The following is the report of S.S. No. 13, Howick and Turnberry, for the month of October. 75 or over is honours, 60 is a pass. Sr. IV -Donald Fortune 79, Beulah, Lewis 70, •Gladys Wier 67, Gladys Fitch 66, Jack Wier 65, Bob'Corrigan 62, *Viola Willits 61, Lila Cathers 60, George Gallaher 51, Sr. III -Lloyd Weir 86, Mary King 85, Eva Willits 73, Earl Halliday 72, John Lane. 66, Myrtle Cathers 61, Jr. III --Edith Willits 49, **Jack Willits 48, Helen Willits 65, Evelyn Cathers 37, Jack Fitch 28. Sr, 15 -Muriel Lane 81, Margaret Niel 62, Reita Cathers 60 *Mae dHalli- 5 a•.58 • f -Georgina McMichael 98, Eldred Cathers 89, Emerald ' Lewis 7,7, Laura Bennett 65, Priner-Kathleen 'Willits 90, Billie Abraliain 90, Ross Willits 83, Everett Cathers 75, Jack King 75, 'L -]rave missed any examinations. M. R. Doig, Teacher: itirllle1111III11II111111 IIlMi111MIH11III11lIlilllly IIMIIIM iWIIlollll; MO113.III�IIIMII1111111 IIIIAtIIIIIIIt�llt Real Bargains - III i IR Prominent =angst lour "Bargain Galoshes" for Women _i is a line 'of Black a � shta>teretlfe, high cut with' kw heel and 3 far- '� r tenings in front, in sizes 3, 31 4, 4.1, and 6 only 1i $1.25 per pair, t� Other lines in Bargain Galoshes+ ,law as $1,00 per air. 1 ' h ij. Variety is large and comprehensive a' we feel Confident in saying d lil y g th at we can satisfy any parse. Willis' Shoe Store, Phone 129, Wily .hi:. Note -Tune in to WEAF and associated sa'tations every Tuesday at 10 p.m., Winghant time, and listen to the•.- lli Enna Jettick Songbird "I 1�1MIIIIMIfIIII HI#IaININhIYMtiI�IIIMiI111611111111011111110111,111111111119111111111111111041111111116111411110111111111111119110 Goloshes for 'Women