HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-11-13, Page 6WING7,1AM ADVANCE -TIMES
lgharn Advance -Times.
1Lvery Thursday Morning
W, Logan Craig Publisher
xibscri,ption rates One year $2,00.
iix. months $1,00, iii advance;
To U. S. A, $2.60 per year.
Advertising rates on application.
Wellington Nluttual Fire
Insurance Co.
Established 1840
Risks taken on all class of iusur-
a ace at reasonable rates,
I -lead Office, Guelph, Ont.
PiJ3NER COSENS, Agent, Wingham.
Two doors south of Field's Butcher
P. O. Box 366 Phone 46
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc.
Money to Loan
Office—Meyer Block, Winglaant
Successor to Dudley Holmes
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc.
Successor to R. Vanstone
Wingham Ontario
Wingham, gham,: Ontario
Office Over Isard's Store
Physician and Surgeon
Medical Representative D. S. C. R
Successor to Dr. W. R. Hambly
Phone 54 Wingham
M.R.C.S. (ENG.) L.R.C.P. (Lond.)
ars, manager, is deliberatly wrecking hard as nails and as free of sentiment
Copyright by Charles Scribner's Sons
HAPPENED SO FAR "Pigeons',' repeated Judith.
Tripp nodded.
Ilud. Lee, horse foreman of the Blue --Funny, isn't it," he went on light -
Lake ranch, convinced Bayne Trey- I3•—"that a malt like Bayne "Trevors,
"What were you thinking of to
chuek Trevors? Thoroughly excellent
elan. You should have consulted me.'
1 Don't do anything- more until 1 come.
Send conveyance to meet Saturday
train, Bringing five guests with me.
Judith turned frowning to Tripp,
"As if I didn't have enotigh on any
hands adready," she exclaimed bitter-
ly, "without Hampton dragging his
fool guests into the mixup! I could
slap, his face,
"Do it!" chuckled Tripp. "Good
: h * * *
Busy days followed for Judith San-
ford and for every man remaining up-
on 131ue Lake ranch. A soore of men,
including the milkers, , Johnson, the
irrigation foreman and his crew of
laborers had quit work, going. over
openly to BayneTrevors at the West-
ern Lumber Camp.
.Almost her first answer to Tre-
vors' coup was to telegraph San Fran-
cisco for; a milking machine, together
with an expert sent out by the com-
pany to install and superintend its
working for the first few days. At
the same time she Hired from one of
the Sacramento dairies a man who
was to be foreman of her own dairy
industry, a capable fellow with an in-
timate knowledge of automatic milk-
ers. He, with a couple of strippers'
paid overtime wages managed until
the dairy crew could be builded up
Mrs. Simpson, the matron from
Rocky. Bend, arrived, true to .her
Graduate. of University of Toronto,
Facility of Medicine; Licentiate of the
Ontario College of Physicians and
Office in Chisholm Block
osephine Street. Phone 29
the property owned by Judith San- as a mule, should fancy little cooing;
ford, a young woman, her cousin. innocent -like pigeons? You'll bear
Pollock Hampton, and Timothy Gray,' thein in the morning'
decides to throw up his job, Judith , But Judith was one to be tiis`racted
arrives and announces she has bought •by Tripp's talk. She smiled at hire,
_7.1 • �she had
ranch 'and tt ..•� .. "� that
sharein the :however, - c. iali
Gray's nci.etrr, t_ ehenv
run it. She discharges Trevors.
The men on the ranch dislike tak-pF;e hack e his Tight words.
HOWSON ing orders from a girl, but by subdue, .. . _ 7 - have our hands
�� W,+'rt h'
understood and appreziated the pur-
ing a vicious horse and proving her full for a spell, D;ec," was what she I
John' Galbraith's Store. thorough knowledge of ranch life, , said. "Tre .yrs, _" a free swing
Office over Judith wins the best of them over.
l3eae, it musthave appeared. rather a
All: Diseases Treated
Office adjoining residence next to
Anglican Church on Centre Street.
Sundays by appointment.
Osteopathy Electricity
Phone 272. Hours, 9 am. to 8 p.m.
Lee decides to sta}.
simple matter to :hake so complete a
failure as to force us, encumbered as
NOW READ ON-- .we are, into selling out to the high-
est bidder inside the Star. But, Doc,
Convinced her veterinarian, Bill he must have known, too, that at any
'Crowdy, is treacherous, Judith dis- time there might occur the very thing
charges him, re-engaging an old which has happened—thar he'd lose
friend of her father`s, Doc. Fripp. 'his job. He strikes me as a rather
long-headed man, doesn't he you?
. . & F. E. DUVAL "Prettier than ever, eh, Judye' Now, a lett Who pati ::.lead, nguring
Licensed Drugless Practitioners Tripp coded his head to one side and on this very contingency, would have
Chiropractic and Electro Therapy,ave his unqualified approval of the
h k b u-
more than one trick up his sleeve. I
± apple body, and su t in k the o vio s for you to day g
Graduates of Canadian Chiropractic . barb car -
College, Toronto, and National Col-- mage a,f this gul ctt the r
age, Chicago. '� � � •• ' vital tomvrroty making a thorough inves-
Out of town and night calls res -the ruby face. "Been driving those
"Is it?" smiled Judith,
Accompanying young• Hampton.
were "Major" Langworthy, a little,
short, fat, bald. gentleman, wlio, so
far as the knowledge of his club mem-
bers went, had never been connected
with any part of the army •ar navy,
unless one counted his congenial bri-
gades of cocktail drinkers; Mrs. Lang-
worthy, his supereillious, uninterest-
ing; wife; Marcia, his "languidly grace-
ful daughter, in whorl Hampton gave
certain signs of being considerably in-
terested; Marshall Rogers, the Oak-
land Lawyer, and Frank Farris, the
artist. Also •,Marcia's maid, and
Hampton's Japanese valet, Fujioki, In
clue course of time this representa-
tive of •: the flowery kingdom grew to
be great friends with Jose,: the two
forthwith suspected by Mrs. Simpson
of all sorts of dark plots and of a
racial sympathy which must' be watch-
,ed lest it produce "something ter -
Pollock Hampton, holding a third
of the shares of the big venture, with
his legitimate right upon a third of
the income, was of course a, factor
which must be taken into account:
Judith asked frankly" how long he
Thureclay, November lt3h, 1930
enough to swing a job like this," But, when ag.in the rumor carne,
To himself 'Ile said that the chief this time telephoned up to her from
good he could do at the outset was to the Lower End by Doc Tripp, she
work to get Trevors back. With ,this frowned and wondered. And she was
in his mind and having had no full careful, upon the thirtieth of May, to
account of Judith's anaxiuer of ejectilig sear Charlie Miller, the storekeeper, ley
i Ina er
he went straight into Rock- Bend for the monthly the general xt ,. g , 1 Yy pay
to hei•,
roll money, Charle left for Rocky
"Trevors is a .friend of mine," he. Bend in the afternoon, spending the
said lightly. "I'in going to ask him night in town to get the customary
over to meet. my guests. No objec- morning start for the .ranch, The
tion is there?" men were to be paid at six o'clock.
She looked at hint keenly.' Upon this same day Pollock }lamp -
"Do as you please," was the'cool ton told Judith that.Bayne Trevors
answer. "I imagine he won't care to was coming to the ranch to have din -
come." • nee, spending the night and the fol -
launched upon his first. business'lowing day. Judith made no reply be-
venture, Hampton 'went to the tele- gond favoring hint with a quick look`
phone, That evening at the table he of question. She had not believed the:
surprised Judith not a little when he man would- come. What next?
said. casually that Trevors had said The fast day of May came, and true:
he'd run over in a' day or s'o, as soon to. his promise, Trevors was a guest
as he could find tinnti, at the house from which, so short.
Mrs; Langworthy had no liking to' a tune ago, he had been evicted. He -
bestow upon such' as Judith. The dined tltcie that night, cool and self
girl, she confided every night to the. confident, casuallyiolite to Judith,.
major,' was unladylike, unwomanly, civil and courteous to the other
outre, horsy, unthinkable, an' insult to guests, especially to: Major and Mrs,.
any woman into whose presence site Langworthy and. Marcia, leading con -
came. The major agreed monosyll- versations unobtrusively, making him-
or with silent nods for the self liked.
sake of peace. Personally he was is The. morning after Trevors' arrival,.
planned to stay. ther inclined to fancy Judith's uncor- Judith was up betimes and break
"I'm here'for good," he answered seted,.figure, to admire her red -blood fasted alone. Lunching early, noon
cheerfully. His explanation followed ed beauty, and he always touched up- found her in the- cffice expecting
with a grin, quite as though he were on the,ends of his moustaches in her Charlie Miller, She was at work on
telling her of some rare good news: presence, the pay roll book whett'her telephone,
"Money's all gone, creditors are nuis- Judith, having early taken Mrs,
ances, there's no prospect with you Langworthys' measure, found an imp -
here of having you send me anything. ish joy in murdering the proprieties
What is left for hie but to stay?" . for her especial benefit, 'She said.
Judith suggested a monthly allow- "D—n" upon occasions when.Mrs.
ance. Hampton laughed gond nater Langworthy was there to hear; at ta-
edlv ble she talked of prize boars and stick
"Pay me to keep me out of the calves and other kindred vulgar mat -
way? There's `nothing stirring, Jud ters,
ith. Absolutely.I'ni here to give a But the major' admired her, Marca,
hand," as days went by proved to he a sweet -
Judith had hopes, even yet, that a tempered, somewhat timid, but highly
couple of weeks or'a month at the .good-natured, affectionate creature
most, of life as it runs forty miles' generously. offering ` her good -will;
from a railroad would dampen and .and, Rogers, the lawyer, and Farris,
finally; extinguish his bright enthuse the artist, both of the sophisticated,
iasm.' ]3ut swiftly those hopes died. self-sufficient type, were little behind
This was his first visit to the moon- the-'rnajor in interest
tains, and for a.man sick of the city's During the last week of May, a ru-
social round, every inch of the. ranch, mor came to Judith's` ears of which,
river and cliffs and rolling hills had at first, she thought little. Carson,
its compelling interest. Perhaps the coming to her upon .a bit of ranch
thing which Judith overlooked was"business remarked dryly before taking
the blood fo his fathers. For before: his departure, that a report' had got
Pollock Hampton Sr., had made his around among his men—Poker Face
money, he and his wife had been like had mentioned it to him—that Blue
Luke Sanford, pioneers. Now some Lake ranch was (mite last legs; that
thing in the mountains here called lit was even to be doubted, if the men
vaguely to the'soul of youg 'Hainp ever saw another pay day.before the
ton and made him restless and stirred
his heart, As'he stood looking ou
1"ithile'Bud Lee rode a bucking bronco,
___ a his eyes were bright.and eager.
that long
It soon became obvious
Mrs. Simpson, the Matron, Arrived. ago Hampton had given freely of his,
admiration to Bayne Trevors.
promise, and,'motherly soul that she ! great 'maid" cried Hampton
whole affair went into a- receiver's
hands. Judith Laughed• at him and
told- hire not to worry.
"Me?" said. Carson. "I'm not. the
worrying kind. But ideas like that
ain't good to have floating' around. A
man won't do mare'n half work when.
he's wondering all the tine if he's go
was, took .a keen interest in - Judith's warmly.t"The only' man I know big' ing to get his mazuma for it" .
comforts and in caring;for the big
house, of which she immediately wax-,
ed proud with an air of self -proprietor:
ship. : Jose, from<the first bestowed
upon the cheerful, bustling woman, a t.
black hatred' born of the thorough-
going Latin jealousy.
l Busy days also for Bud Lee, who!
is to make certain that all the rest of
had already begun the education of -al,
d Ch !warming to the sir id 'beauty of the stock -are in shap . 4T�ill you begin
pondcd to. All business confidential
Phone 300.
Registered Drugless Practitioner
Hours: 2-5,1-8, or by
appointment. Phone 191.
'CENSE") AUCTIONEER till having Crowdy turn those calves t t ase r pp q e Y.
c�:,w-college bays down at Berkeley iga ion'"
plumb crazy. I'll bet a prize colt!" "Yee," es,' he answered. "You're right
Judith laughed at hie], watched his there, Judith. There's nothing like
light form disappear in the wide making sure."
keine of a chair which ' eemed to "Another thing I want you to do,"
smother hint in its embrace, Then Judith went on, "is to try to locate
from her own nook by the fireplace all of dad's old men whom Trevors
•'he opened her heart to him:4 lei go. Johnny Hodge and Kelly and
"It's not just that Trevors has crip Harper and Tom Bruoe. We'll need
'Pled me by taking all of my milkers them. Wetve got to have men that
!away; not just that he has come near crooked .honey can't buy."
'doing I don't know how much harm "Aren't you magnifying things, Jud -
.with the lung -worm out into the such a thing as law in this country,
Phone 602r14. ;fields with the others, not just' that You know,"
Sales of Farm Stock and Imple-1 during the last few months, he lost But she shook her head.
talents, Real Estate, Etc., conducted imoney for us right and left. It isn't "Maybe I am seeing the dangers
with satisfaction : and at moderate ; • too bi !lust these things which have set me: g,. But I don't think so. Arid it
tr, wondering Doc What I want to will be a lot better for Blue Lake
ranch if I see them that way at the
beginning. And as for the law, it
costs money. Inn not stere that Tre-
oars or the, lumber people would be
A thorough knowledge of Farm'S
Phone 231, Wingham
'know is this: in how many other, still
undiscovered ways, has Trevors been
;knifing us? And what else will he
;have ready to spring on us new?"
ek • "Just what do' you mean?" Tripp averse to getting us involved in a lot with fox -tails, must be cut without
looked at her keenly. of legal intricacies, Oh, he has been delay and fed into the silos before
"'This case of lung -worm, to begin careful not to leave any definite proof the beards of the interloping growth.
RICHARD B. JACKSON 'with: where did it came from?" behind hint," could. be hardened, Busy days for the
AUCTIONEER I "Imported," said Tripp. "Trevors
Phone 613r6, Wroxeter, or address }bought' those calves, of 'at least ,four
R. R, 1, Gorrie. Sales conducted any- of the sick ones, last month. Brought
where, and satisfaction -guaranteed. !them in front snmetvliere down the
river: Smuggled them in far ' as 1
string of colts. Busy days for Dor
Tripp, who, unhampered, trusted, aid-
ed at every turn by his employer, was
from dawn until dark among the
ranch live stock, all but feeling pulse
and taking temperature of horses,
cows, colts, calves, hogs and mules.
He stopped the calf sickness; effect-
ed cures in every case excepting' one.
And the rest of the stock he finally
gave a clean bill of health.
Busy days for Carson, Painstak-
ingly he estimated, to the head, the
number of cattle the pastures' should
be carrying, counting from long ex-
perience upon the ,hard months to
come from . August until December;
estimating values; appearing at the
week's end to •suggest the purchase
of a :herd of calves from the John
Peter Dairy company, to be had
now at a very attractive figure. Busy
days for the foremen who had held
over from the management of Tre-
vors or who had been taken on since.
The first crop of alfalfa, shot through.
"You hit the bell that tittle!" laugh- ,y`hort-handed milking crew; busy days
cd Tripp, and Judith smiled with hitn of installing the new milking ma
as there came to their ears the faint chine,
tinkle of the telephone-beil in the of- With. Saturday there carne Pollock
Bee. Hampton and his guests. Tnevors had
D.S.; A. J. & A. W. IRWIN'girt concerned. Never gave sane :a Judith excused herself and Baster.- misnaitted hint a fool, sweepingly mis-.
DDNTXSTS chance to look them over." He pates- ed to answer the summons. Iiastetied taking youth, business inexperience
MacDonald Block, m led a second "Specially imported, I because she wanted to be back with and a careless way, for Lack of brains:
iCTRNIT>;i'Rh, AND •Fl:IN`EfiA7
A. J. Walker
Licensed Piineral Director and
1 nice Phone , Res', , Intone 22+1:
Limousine Funeral Coach.
rang; It was Doc Tripp and there
was suppressed excitement in his
Continued next week.
The regular monthly meeting of St.
Andrew's Presbyterian Church W. M.
S. will be held in the church on Wed:-
nesday, Nov. 12th at 3' o'clock. Top-
ic, "The Unfinished Task".will be tae.
ken by Mrs. W, L. Craig. Notice:
Change in date Wednesday instead of
Mother Restored to Family
If you asked the average happy and
comfortable : Ontario housewife what
a gain of 49?. pounds would mean tQ
her, she would probably Took aghast
at the. very suggestion. Suppose
however, she were in the position of
Mrs. Roberts, a' woman with a family
of young children in a small Ontario
town where there was '"little to earn
and .many to keep," • growing weaker-
and weaker from overwork, end•pov-
erty, finally obliged to leave her little
ones to friends and neighbors and be-
take herself to the Toronto Hospital
Cor Consumptives. •
Then' began the long, long light to
put back the precious pounds, whtoh
to Hr -s. Roberts and so many like her,
mean milestones on the road tep--
health. Thanks to ten months• of good
care, rest, nourishing food and ex-
perlenced medical attention, Mrs.
Roberts one day saw the scales reg-
,stew 149 — a happy gain from, the
a9ya Pounds she registered on enter
:ng the hospital, •
Where is she now? Bach at home
•Ioyously taking up. the care of het
family, and grateful for her restor-
ation to.health. A great work assur-
sdly, which needs- much -assistance
from friends because poverty and.
tuberculosis so often go hand in;
hand. Will' you 'help, please? A sub-
acription sent to Mr. A, D. Ames, 298
..,o11e e, _..Street, -Toronto, will . be
greatly appreciated..
might say," Jttet a breezy young fellow, likeable,.
"I knew it!" cried Judith, "That's gay -hearted, keen of the joy of life
the sort of thing I ant afraid of. If b 1 h scarcely more than'a boy, after all.
he has Ione to the Ibnit of introduc- He came to the ranch. prepared to
"t 1 deverythingand y
11 gate 1 1 d y
plague anion CYt1i' cattle, like
P r
what other plagues Inas he brought f 1 d "Look here!" he exclaimed to Jud -
to the ranch? Has he imported- any lib, before she had had tune for ittor�e
other outside stock?" Sl d 1 i than a sweeping appraisal of his.
"No. Ale's been busier selling. at ;i
Tripp as soon as she might be, So,
knowing her way so well about the
big house she went quickly through
the dark hall -way without turrtitig a-
side switch: the lights and came
S e to' on S,
into the office, dimly lighted by the
stars_ shining in through the windows,
She snatche tip the telephone n-
"Hello," said Judith; "Who is it?"
It was the telegraph operator in
Rocky tend, A message kr Miss
tr it'h Sanford or'' front PollockHart*.
torr, Sao Franciteo, And the rtic;ssa
friends, "Why didn't you 'tell me you
sacrifice than buying, just as 1 wrote were up to a think like this? Great
you, Neve another head has he Scott, Judith, you don't know what
w4 .
Running a
bought lately—unless,"and, Tripp'e you are tackling, do you? Itun t 8
eye twiuttled at her, "you count pit. J d t a ri ranch like this -why, it's a big propo-
s tion for a :thunrtoringly dig •wan to
Championship Fish from Ontario Waters
�Results out for the three major fishing tome eti- Lake of the
ultr 9 g 'Woods tout' pbuttds, 13 ouricer in weight " '
t tiH R
to e Cl in ()ntari0 each day at'French If. v
arbNipigott iver and Devil's
Gap Ilun alo eCauapr
hrep contests being sponsored �ro hies awarded
y the Canadian PntAu lwayComay. t
They were: a
910 lnean+
kalung�e '+� ltaken
w�o front
rom t..
PtorxotRiver b S ttts. of iiouNtpn Texas,
i ht Cyos`r e minces, girth, 26 irehee.
took nearlthree-quarters of anhour to land t4
t�. pd irid ti o�'ed broetrt re th
1S•°di*" � r�b�� f o�d
t poop,t
g,� girth. I
d l.a
lyre �� In
Indies tong tta
just over 1 � �
a g
e o.
: I., urs M
o' o J. C over tit $t
to the x �a d �' ►
the "ta ee
'den srweraed, ,� framed eerti�aate signed � b� fh a _ ,
}, ' titt6136L
Of the aonttest and Wet aloe �vern ; gold tape. ,1b
Fiehin Warr err aptlonellY good is year in these
itections and the wirrrrerit Wero up agaiinrt the teat
ki d•, oitcompetition, o
y� a .� uYt h61 *tiller f
wou irfi� kle15t:16 t , tl
;eo « .lots too, nfi k1tthe Woods. Clack
bV'il iw. 'i111 of
tt p , d
y i y
e ill ,>i! t • lf
e eon e• .ont