HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-11-06, Page 3741.7 7'7 roxete oyal]w oultry Specific Keeps Poultry Free fro NORMS iv. Wm. Darrott of B "gden, wrote us a year ago stating that his poultry had ri become badly infected with worms. We advised him to use 2 lbs. of Royal Purple Poultry Specific in each 100 lbs. of Laying Mash for two weeks add continue throughout the Winter .with 1 lb. After using it for three weeks he wrote us stating that in three days he noticed blood streaks in the droppings, and that his egg pro- duction had gone up 100;6• During the Fall, Winter and Spring months he pur- chased 600 lbs• of this Poultiy Specific. We received a letter from him the latter part of August, stating that he was amazed at the results he obtained, that his poultry were entirely free from worms, and that during August of this year his production was 1001 larger than lastyear. It will pay every poultryman, no matter what feed he is using, or if he mixes his own, to add one pound of Royal Purple Poultry Specificto each hundred pounds of feed during the whole season the Poultry are shut in. While this great tonic de- etroys.the worms; it at the same time tones up the birds, keeping; their digestive organs active the same as if they were on range, compelling them to take from 15% to 20% mora good from the feed they eat. This is naturally reflected in increased egg production.'. Worms poultry in oul $s often mistaken for other diseases. The birds become very thin and show symptoms of diarrhoea. When badly infested they will die. Put up in 30c. and 60c.'packages, $1.75 and $6.00 tins, also 100.1b. air -tight bags—$14.00. For sale by 4,600 dealers in Canada. If your dealer cannot supply you, write direct. LayingMeal Purple We can supply you with Royal Purple Laying Meal with or, without the Poultry Specific mixed in. Mr. T. L. Matheson, Innerkip, Ontario, te11s us that he fed Royal Purple Laying Meal to 600 pullets last year with the Royal Purple Poultry Specific and got an average of 74% production from the middle of Decem- ber until the middle of March. He also states that he has received, the largest pro- duction of eggs heehas ever had during the twelve months he has been using Royal Purple Laying Meal, and that it keeps his poultry healthy during the entire season. If your dealer cannot supply you we will be Pleased to quote you a price, freight paid to your station. VIIVXLITE tfofinerly knownas We are solo Vitalite) distributors for this wonderful wire -filled product used for windows in poultry houses, barns, sun -rooms, etc. It lets through the ultra -violet, growth rays from the sun that will not pass through ordinary glass: Write for descriptive circular. We. will be very pleased to send you one of our 32 -page books E 0 on diseases describingthe with illustrations in colour. Purple of the Royal particulars p of Stock and Poultry with par Y remedies for each, and details of all the different lines of feed we manufacture.' It deals with 186 subjects of vital interest to every fanner and poultryman. - 10 F THE W. A. JENIKINS MFG. CO. LTD., LONDON, ONT. visiting with friends at Sault Ste. Marie, Mks Edna Gamble of Howick vis- ited oft. 'Sunday with Miss Jean Wi1- ton, Mks Irene'Mundeil and. Ivlr. George spent on day recently iri Clinton. Mr, and Mrs,. George Muir and children of Toronto, were visitors ov- er, the week -end at the home of Mrs. Muir. Hints For Homebodies Written for The Advance -Times By Jessie Alien Brown A Bed Time Story There are times when I wished I lived .in'the country a axile away from a neighbour. One of those time is when I am trying' to get a small son to bed in time in the evening. 'then you are assailed with "jinunie is out yet, why do I have to go to bed?" "Jennie is not as old as I am, and she does riot have to go in yet", Then af- ter he is actually in bed, there is fur- ious resentment when he hears the other 7childrn still oui Playing; The average child never wants to go to bed (nor get up, unless on Sunday; morning,' When everyone else wants. to sleep), but to have to go to bed before their playmates is a real hard - Ship. I am still living in hoot's, that sometime our children will play With other children that have to go to bed on time, but it has never happened yet.. There are Other tures that I am thankful that I do not live in the country, and one of the thankful times is when we are driving On a crowded, :highway, When the children are go- ing to school. Then 1 ata thankful that our children have the conipara- tive safety of the city streets. Coun- try children must be very cautious, or there would be more accifl€lets than there are. I am sure maty mothers must be anxious about their t k ildroll Thursday, Nov.erstber 6th, 1930 a moderate oven of about 300 de -1 GGRE.LE groes. When the meringue is piled roughly, the to gets the brownest, Mt, and Mi -s. W. 5clattock of and there are different shades of Ethel were Sunday guests of Mr. and brown, to add to its attractive aps Mrs M. ' Abram. pcarance. I M'r, and Mrs. Gordon Jefferson and If you want to add. a meringue to dartghter Gwen, of Owen Sound spent some dessert which cannot be' put in rile week -end at the honte of Airs. an oven dish, tile. meringue tnay be Jefferson's parents, fele, and Airs. G. poached. Di"vicie•, the meringue into Foster. individual. portions, and place on a Nati of hot water. If you want a white I Miss Helen Jefferson returned to meringue,` poach on top .of..stove, but 1'0']]Dine with her ptrnts, since if yuu wish to have a : delicately, spending a .couple of week �t•ith 11er browned one, put the pan of water grandparents., it• the oVeli and coelia gently. Re-! Mr. and Mrs. T. Iiradnock and Miss Move the meringues, and'drain, then j�anet Murray were Wingham `visitors. put on top of dessert. Cocoanut on Friday. i z tnerni ,ue makes it a 1 Miss liable Wood of 1.akelet was slirinkleci n i i, rich brown. a week -end guest of. \'ire and Mrs. 'C• A' meringue that i:> well browned Earl - (01 the surface, not thoroughly cook• ; Mrs. Percy' Roseberry of Owen -�d throuf,hout and inclined to be Sound is visiting herr sister, Mrs. tel - tough, has been co:ilccd in too.hot best Clegg. ail olden. Jf there are beads of iilois-1: Mr. W. C. Ferguson of Row01an- ture on il, you may know that it has ville is visiting With his brother, Mr. been chilled too rapidly, Meringues should never bo put in the refrigerat- or, or in the cellar, until they are cool. After :all the heat has left them, they may be. thoroughly chilled, with- out danger of spoiling. GLENANNAN. Sunday visitors with the latter's aunt, Mrs. Robert Crawford of Milverton: Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stokes were l Mr. Wm. Elliott and son Wm., are -.�-- -- -arm • yes. P s kip 4 R V D If A N D Y 0 tJ it e. Ilk. •�• -trats e i JIOME, a fr any, erhaps' a buea- Y you ' Yls U ' esi Q p ttYl `�.n � � .our owlia..'Fni�se� y have gouts cl around you as the natural rewaral. of years of bu'iildiug and c�tltdr. avor. Viewing' them you feel a 7tural pride and security. Yet, like a bolt from the bltiue, may come the hand of fate knocking at.your door. A sudden crisis with its dread' obsiblities of loss.' It may be that such at p ata i,ic yet it .. 'sounds fantastic, e y pf3..311Dllit� happened, what would. you do? Would you face a ball situation secure n, your c tion? • rprotection? investment and 1 111\ C$tn'1 •i ofI backing xl. f:7 Can you look forward, now, with abso- lute confidence? .,•.-. a 'lit ll�i'i�11@ �l • 1]11£3 yoti title These ate r( 4 ,�' answer. All of •thenx Witty the nit i 1 of insurance. ` WW planned xazsl-1<ra;rra+s •3 i ��. Our,. repl'cscxlt�►t.x•1e will Diff glad to ex plain the nuttily benefit tit Mutual Life Insurance. A postcard to the address below will brine; yea] full intornsatiort rant the ii n1'ty advantages or ,. Mttt�{tat Life Insurance, El pi going to scboal 1ol11 the 1.tghways. It set: his too 'bad that foot paths can't ' Craipil spent Sunday with Mr. and be built; even though they do .cost -'�'-- For Troubles due to Acid laniassrioacio STOMAcs isasstraurin eassuAcsic GASI:s'N i' S. Ferguson for , .hurt time• The W. A. of St. Stephen's church will; meet at the home of Mrs. Nor- man Wade on Thursday at 2 p.m. - Mrs. (Rev) Jones. has returned to her ]wane from London Where she spent the past week. • Mr. and Mrs. R. Grainger were "Toronto visitors on Sunday. Mrs. R. S, Jones spent Thursday in Toronto. , Mrs. Wessman, Miss Louise White, Mrs• (Dr.) Whitley, also Mrs. H. V. Holmes attended the reception of Mrs. D. W. Hicks - (nee Gertrude White) •received 'for the first time since tier marriage on Friday, Octo- ber to 6 o'clock i' n .., o'clock b (:1 J .l,t from at lief• 'home in Mitchell, which was artistic with cut flowers and Hallow- e'en decorations. Mrs. L. Lancaster was at the door. Mrs: F. 0. Wass man, mother 'of the hostess, received. with her, while Mrs. Chas, Doan pour- ed tea and Miss L. White served to the many 'callers. Mrs. 1-1. V. Hol- mes and Mrs. Dr. Whitley motored to Mitchell with Mrs. , Wassman and Miss White and enjoyed a pleasant 1, Mr, and Mrs. (Bert Reid of Pa1m- Sala t, finality' o inexpensive , ,aP IP 'Fresh from the garde 709, also Mr. and \Irs. Kenneth 1=lastie 'Miss Alin :Smith, Miss \\ 1 til,aaai spent Sunday at the. ]tome of .l rank and Miss . Pertha Smith ;pent the Earl at Wroxeter week -end in ,Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mastic have Mr. T. Reid is starting a chopping returned home front their wedding mill in the building formerly, uc;esi;p- trip which was spent at London, Lea- ied by Arnold Edgar as a garage. Mr- ri7iugt'on and Windsor. Reid has purchased a. new chopper" Mr. and Mrs. V. Shera .spent Sun- and with plenty of power, he is pee.- r atf Mrs. Shera's nus- pared,to do good work it r'the farm- titer, arn.i da} the home, u ther, Mee. Ellis at Guelph. ers. Miss. \ionto Earngey of \Vingllatn ' The Wroxeter Continuation scltoolfe spent the week -end at her home here. teachers and pupils, held a ,naskcd Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon 'Bricker and Hallowe'en party in the,Nall last little Jack of ` Fordwich were recent Thursday night when abulia seventy guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. Shnson. five pupil; and ex -pupils and some in- Misses n- ti iss s E. Stephens and :\. Douglas vited guests spent an enjoyable even- were ven- _ I,. c 1, Ws ere Harriston visitors one day last irg. An excellent ptLoatanl of . recita tree]:. tions, readii7gs and cif iloaues n as fol \1,•s, Zimmerman and 'Mrs, Stewart lowed by a dance and a dainty lunch.. f:rigden. of Harristc;n were guests on served by the pupils. Thursday. last at the home of Mrs. • There was :tined service ini the LJrtit011 A. A. Holt.tilt church last Say au account of a fowl super in the anniversary services at Salem c•uzrdaac-• "]'here' will be I 1 United Church school room on 'fan- ted by a farmer pastor, Rev. D. A. dayevening. See ` advertisement in Armstrong, ,if 1.Ondun, which has 'Elie Anglican Church t this paper. 1 1 1 'rhe Hallowe'en social last Friday beet] rCdeCtn'attcl will be opened again evening in the United church was a net Sunday eveni,t- at 7.30 o'clocl~, dicided success. The program :con- Nov. 9th, when a special service, it silted of games, contests and a witch being also Thanksgiving, will be con - was there to tell fortunes which prir.. ducted. I'1i interior of the building, ' cd very amusing. Refreshments were has been much unproved. served at the close of the meeting, \Ir. Robt. Sharpin of Turnberry' died : un Monday and was buried on, \Vednesday afternoons in the Wrox Iter cemetery. Mr. '',\'ard .Shaerpin o$' I-Wroxeter is a son of the dee Less -- - ,. ._ rvenn7g WWtth 1fr, r17fi \ILS Hicks, There was a sinal attendance at Iwho his the sympathy of the coni - Church Sunday owing to Anniversary tntr0ity. at Salem. .- • . ,xt1 a -... 1 a� as observed in,y_ The Lord's Supper W r ` alI E� .after -occasionally Sabbath �you Decd y b howl if HalllroW �itiDont' the l: i esb «ter a That y water.T Milk of Magnesia w S noon,.nine joining the' Church at this s an alkali, effective yet halrrlless. t ' Mr. Cleve Stafford coral one (lay j 2 it in the neck; be thankful that yott has been the iltalt" t 'hof last week with friends rn Mitchell. time. _ I are nota giraffe. ,,,,,•:•. >zirali iVIr. C Ali. n». BEJ MOR s:* Mrs, F. A. W. .,.m,n and. Miss Louise pp o Phillips t ste 86.9 able I none UST t a P3 't' Bite. a •e, Ww + d Y Butter is a Valuable Poor] st A...correspondent 11tt7 s ltle if it is perintlsaltle to tine otlserfats .in place of •btit;ter. She clots not say 'whether there are children or not, and that is th crux of the 'Situation. Butter ex - cells in Vitamin A, and'as Vitamin A has a great influence on growth tall] provides protection allallitt' disease gertrbs, it can be easily seen that.but- ter is an important' food for children. Adults require Vitamin A too, but not to the sane extent as children, as they do not need to provide for so much growth. There are no vita- mins in lard, and there are none in most lard substitutes. So the conclu- sion ditlwn is that butter is better than its substitute, but, if Partaking. of a. full giltfe`ral tart; adults can use the substittttta. Home baking is bet- ter fc,r: children than • bought baking, as butter is more generally used. In t- homes where there are children, but- ter substitutes should be used spar- ingly. They provide calories, but no vitamins.. If ever I sold food, I would try to have meringues on as many desserts as possible.- Nearly c..vcryl)ne is at- tracted by a meringue, and yott know we enjoy our food with ortr: eyes, 'al-. most as much as by our taste, Mer.-, simple 1, ton take—but very t 'tus are.P rt C g you would not think so, to see all the poor 'apologies, that are served as s Meringues. 1,7 Y nes. r' '!e c ' to � � 1 ' t0 (1 t 7 t5 t17 , 't � The first thing � s;�'aal 4h4t stiffly.T'stis r, 1,e ' ,. white eit: e gt chi gb r w r any )Te fe "'1c < V 1 in r JY e i Vt. `. h le W , beater is ,..., i•ut i. .aP (40,1 't!!,..slt 'but s( ,.tc wo- en1G11 l '' P t{w¢ 4t ,'�ulet l7e tt.e>t �)eSt. 'And .t -,,teas+ +aid `still s 22110 i'l'td-F4shioned .s i . r,. fork. ,., c 6i7o1��� 'tixihr,r � StC�;..tt, using ffi��ee Tl dins]e gc;t1"111 t�W, t�li ecessury strokes 1. t ,e s,'rix, y 1INN Alta a'n1„,thy � ,use take. The utest- mal sill and o•i`••'tie*sctual beating doesn't t,lliattcr, it1:is''the results that commit. An clip,,• f'tile can he spoiled by lame' one•`pf 'tlih'1n. •'i?lihtiin <t1t egg white is beaten, 3tti'tl n''itt:tit; go at it as if you meant in.; .Brill rp`•`sti`illy-shallyittg: Von cannot 1bt11t1: • a'''terrw strokes and rust, and then ibed't i `23'few more.' You ,mist go iTt;lit 'at •it, and stick at it until your eggwhile is stiff and dry. `Then add w"cxttr ibge,r a. tablespoon at a tiule, a11nVWftit two tablespoons for each egg- Tt5s<tr,•until it is glossy. After the nicriltguc is-Ililtile it must be cooked, and many a gocsd tnet'iltgsse n1 is spoiled in the coc7l.>stt1. 'The that thing to reulelnber is try kCeln the terry- peratute loWv,. windl as 'you lcno'ty, r5 the rule for any egg tt,a ltctst. l'a'te the meringue roughly, 4o not spread it smoothly, and bailie ;for 15 i17'lfttttes, b0 years. One spoon. w eu le i Stafford spent the week -enol and Mrs. jack Reid roved, et once ninny times its volume in acid, • lt' tl 'ghtw'ay thequick pleasant in Fordwich with Mr. and Airs. 7. -sed' their 'household effects to W'ro.cetet and efiic' ' All the 1Demmerling. ---~" this week, where Mr. Reid has recur -i excess go -LTA -0 Tu ae becounie (Mrs, 1V. I{tl:s of Mitchell, lornz- &ae'1. t paali).y depar* you etre d1 ► stgstts in live minutest.. t'erly Miss Gertie White of Gorrie, on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Janes HcSWes and daughter of A'thur were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howes. Mrs.. H. Herzog, Mrs. R. Newton,, were in Cargill on 'l'nesday on busi- ness', and visiting Mr. • and Mrs. W. Rovwmn ey Dr.• and Mrs. Whitley were visit- ing friends in Londesboro on Sun- 8n't depend on crude method* Employ the best way yet evolved it all the yeArs of searehin$. Thstt is Phillips.- Milk of Magnesia. ite sum to get the genuine. ' "Milk of Magnesia” hat been the U. S. t� Trod. Mark ml the Charles H. Milli Ctiemicar Cmc nasand sines GLiselisie 9�g, ed work. Mrs, Reuben Stokes of the Tenth, spent the week -end with friends in , the village. The Young People of the Union o,•- Church are putting on their play November 21st. .. ,.• -tet sew Miss Margaret F„d't alas i3 at pres- ent ros ent in Walkertees Hospital having 12213'- , dergone an_ operation for apperldicttis, i Mis t\fiirinie Jeffrey visited Th:irs» r' dad ht lobt, Baird's, Blyth. YOU HAVE A DOCTOR'S WORD FOR THIS Jam- TIME da •. � if `timothy Hay is One of, 't re cin-, T 1:i/01'0V-ink Mr. George Balzer of Orangehiil�. (s '•us takers to #fiiit out Ir4>,v old some;Filfta havir4 a seri;',.0 'y7t, of the (W • _ titratiii'ri tett his hand. • Phm. B, Opt. D., RL �y Wel- ,....-' bP OMP IST. ' 4 Phone 1t Harriston, . Mr. �• Itt . Robt. Shari n-�f `DWltrnti;eriy, 'tiied. Monday ?,,ttiF titlliC,t:rrng; illness. The tlecer„s� lytta, \41] uncle '61 Mrs. Mrd. Pritcll Mr. and t;;�ti� .W. .r',raztYblc of „. "The Best Equipped, Optical Es tablisbment in •Ibis part of OntrArlo". F':tl- ''e5�i1~Wd at the home. of ti'Irs parenfi, Mr. and. T. 0. ohltyst on Wednesday, and Anna �•talli4 Billy Gamble who. 'mem visiting seeloa..,., v........... ,,�,,..�,,,....... )t ietr 'grandparents for bac past two `vete6 returned hoes* wish them. Tun TITA . ,VE ASSURANCE COMPANY e CANADA. WATE.E L(J, ONTAlIO 1HJ�tablished 1069 W. I'. Booth, b'istriet Agent, Wixigli Wm, Vflebster, Agent, R. I{. 2, Le R. H. Mattyll, Agent, Rip' ,clknoW, Ante Ay, Ontario • and tl Y. i Winter .i r Pat Over- coats O ve Our ball It'd coats ate now '1h >• •.A splendid range 'df trliats 3itat prices ran- ge.fist► tt3?S4 0 132.50. l a'l1= ai}i' 'a:� off made -to -Plea= t t'Shita"•� ire: wonderft i values. ' `lit` el, ;stlOes $`23.50, $27.50 and 85:5'0. n"T•ailored to your fancy. `$ from any- 1RliCt't,5 are cut away ;tbfty,g'offered in same' values.— Vali and Whiter Caps, Sweat- •cers, Sox and Underwear. JUST A FEW LOWERED. GROCERY PRICES Green Valley Peas ...,..l c a can Homes Vanilla Extract 2 for 15c G. M. Jelly Powders 3 for 20c RILING 'US YOUR RGCxS. WE SAVE YOU MONEY, DAVEV'S STORE ' 1 SKaJ XE dl 11C+ . onseSi are, it "(you'd be wise to give the jawb to. 'some of the Wro Wren. Mr, and Mrs: John R. Thackaberry I and Mr. Ernie 'Thackaberry of Lions' Head, •and Mr. Harvey Th :•claberry of Toronto, spent Sunday evening at1 int 18'75, an cermet '.ot! l IM rm fie George Herd's, on their way to the l n to practice medicine. h5 a Daggs of Bervie, .olden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. I lazzlily doctor, he the aBasail',' George ..._x r,r”- , purgatives forconstipation began po> g, bars to search for something harms.- ; less to the sensitive bowels. out a1 is experience was. born f a zea o us ss prescription. Ile wrote thousands of times. I.t pro le The Wo rim's Institute is preparing 1 1a ati•v for old and young. As,peop slug---', the most marvelously .fur rt r nlarvelot y a ?;,alp r second-hand old, clothinga saw }low rk and would, be pleased to rc i �sh bowels are startedi. anal batlii cel Ivo headaches, fev;erisliilesos r t}3 E , > li,. in C a one �Y r cciv�e donations from and r appetite; and staff:; gas,pp t, arses t ttti Donna, ca ll to -articles err nmunit The , ;ll •tll,e� ;res la" i col. Y ze p ,of clothing :suitable for men, women diosord�etzbecane�rtiecess+n'y iaa'�l',tt} It n '� it7c ,'ell:. .O 11 rite ld . at Ca Et � `r. beler D to and aoda rCnT , I ld- use. 'Y • hsu c , ori!o a ready ad y Of Miss :Bary l'opc not later than Syrttp ]Pepsin, as it is called is the' November lbtit• world's most popular laxative. Ire Mr. and Mrs, G. S. Smythe and ver 'varies from Dr, ative..e friend, in Stratford on ori i n al effective and harmless family visited g u stoles have it. Sunday. formula. All dr...,g ._ ' . Mr. and, Mrs. Stanley Flynn (nee of Clarksburg) �t � da ` ot,tafiernn o S A IS J M1. • Staynert call -c22 'ono Mtn, and. Mrs. T- O. Johanson ':avhi'1e tnoveY21trlouln 'und. O g were Gallagher ltc r 14 . r « a �« Mr- and .t\7t,. I. Woodstock visitors lost week. r died at 7 attended t�1t7tS75try'31 De. and Ails j Supper , aiv ip the. d'•res�Fiy't•c•lxa:n s+a7nnvrra um 1'•eesWva'ter last week, Mrs. At in - :teeing ;rextsaitae'd velli, hz.r sister, Hors. Whelk ;fear a few days ion L�aa ' 111r. ' cnc7 Mrs. Ritchie -and son, h.&1„ .tai Teeswater, spent Stinday the 'vests ioi Dr, and Mrs. Armstrong. 'the Presbyterian Ladies' Aid was had at i?he home of Mrs, W. R. Hos- tile on Tuesday. Further .arrange - me arrange- ments were made in regards to the 1\tt7aar being held in the '1mvn 1da11 on November 15th fu'm.mi 1 o'c.lorl: un- til 8, 'Miss A. Douglas spent the week- end at 'her home at Belnrr,re•.. id r. 1:'1. Brown 511)01 the we,elesend at Elora, sym- pathyAdapt 1-1uIehisun has the c,f a' wide^ circle of friend; in the loss of his barn and contents which was burned last Friday nicht about (1 p.m. The cause of the fire is utlknown. Misses Jean Black and Alma Hass tie of Kitchener spent the week -end at their homes south of Gorrie. Mr, and. Mrs, W. 'Rini; and son Masi Herd were also gate8tS. ' 'ROXETER efit ri -clear: tt,7 try. g A.��A,Aryli, s Crea utry , See our No. 1 Potatoes be or putting in your WinterSupply'. Wellington Produce Co. V anigham Branch Phone 6 rl .