HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-11-06, Page 2! INtGkI1�J MW
Tlrursday, November 6th., 1930
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Still the weary folk are pining rica, etc. offering- intercourse and
the seven by the Sea of Galilee Ap- with the desponding character that
.X132.[,ltt1111{IIttl,t,tlYl,Att/tllttttttt.ttt tttlt,ttttlt"ttttct ttt.tttt•
: 1 or the hour that brings release: markets, mechanism would then have rilA.D.. 30.
iAnd the.city's crowded clangour ;found outlet for all its contrivances. THOMAS''
Cries aloud for sin to cease; 1 Certainly as this hymn concludes, in •
t[ t[n1l
1 = a...tuulnu.Anuu, nul.wuuuuua eau nu Then Jesus th erEfal'e said unto;And the homesteads and the wood -la fine summary of tite needs of our
judge eternal, throned in splendor, lands own :Empire --not to go .an further tixein plainly Lazarus is dead. The
P A � Y
waited strangely
fa •' .
r two
t (days, till He knew that Lazarus had
ilf ith 'Thy living fire of judgnkent r d 1 1 dpurify'
iPtirle this realm of bitter thins: Crown 0 God Thine own endeavour; that comes froth tr r.t earnest] to
g i Y a Y i t. r"
the Lord upon tion. of ooin to .Bethany to "awake
1 „
Lord of Lords and Icings, of kings, Plead in silence for their peace. than what is iminediately our business
l—we nee the cleansing an ing
died, and then announced His"inten-
.solace all its wide dominion -I Cleave our darkness with Thy promote .the glory of
'.' Vith the healingof Th wings. ' sword:: earth as the first duty of every land him out;•of sleep•' To the Lord of
Y :, � f d ti
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With the richness of Thy Word:
!Cleanse the 'body of this empire
Through the grore, of the Lord..
looks upon the visit to'-Jerusatem as
necessarily leading (o death, that.
Thomas is now as one who has given
up the cotnon hope of- the band of.
disciples, and is not; present with
them, It, has happened as he had
thought; the death he had foretold
has come to pass. How much Thom-
as missed by not attending that
fested himself on this wise. 'John was
fond of repeating a thought in this
Theywere together. The little
tug t
band of disciples did not break up
after the death of Jesus, but Contin=
tied their' association, although the
temptation to return to their homes
and to their connections of three
years •before must have been strong.
With i e, ea i seethed nothing but a brief church meeting! His loss should be Simon Peter. Named,first as still the
and every ratan. b� ith that duty done lessonhaving
a' to us. leader, his denial of Christ
first everything else must fall into
sleep, and so it should seen] to us.
lace the ori machinery I ani glad for your .sakes, that The 'other disciples therefore said been forgiven if•'not forgotten. And
p c v d swould all I n unto him 1V h Thomas called Didymus. One .of evi-.
was of there, to the intent ye may e ate seen the Lord, Y
be' in gear again an all would be
:tiveil, believe, The workup, of thus miracle
"'here were
ten c them really dent power named tiros only second
( und.oubtedly 'increased exceedingly "
Ali of this is contained in the spirit.
Read this little hymn through care-'• the opposition to Christ on the part were there (Luke 24:86). They knew
, of •our hymn, if it be considered
fully, and then think if there is anyJesus ?thouahtfulIy, and internal evidence of the Jewish rulers; and so: hasten Je u well, 'every bit as well as. did
,ntlier. which expresses more perfect- ed Christ's death bat it oweifully
Thomas. The' testimony was over
,would seem- to prove that'it was writ- p
gnterecentlytoex express
!world at this timet dP tireless let us go unto hint. "Never- clusu=e. 13ut he said, unto' tlient,'-• Ex -
r of the present time. As has often.
• twelve, for the'two frorn Emmaus to fete r. And Nathanae1 of Cana in
{ ly and concisely the reeds of aur' 1 influenced Christ's followers.' Never- whelming; it would seem to be con-
ten 't I d
i This realm of Greater Britain is;been remarked in the course of e the
'theless," 'though Lazarus is in his cept'I shall see in his hands the print
;indeed cursed with bitter thip s, that tarticles -upon H ons opts are fie- grave, "let us go to him, to the Iiv- of the nails, and put my finger into
Hymns, poetsthe print hi r thespreadn
ndc of that sweetspirit?' to I. z rut of thenails as s a s i'
s Tlt'.Tand i
8 t is a remarkable 1mit m
P sbe,
P. y
i nue sly to peeps
regarded as prophets,I hand into his side I will not belies =e,
hof contentment based upon faith in 'as though peeps into the future were proof•
of Christ's belief to inmiorta.l- .
,our God's over -ruling wisdom, and'. t?e.rnti..,
which must be purged and done away ,writings might provide for its needs,
I'with before real happiness can return I This hymn was written twenty-five
to us. If the triad hatred of the war •• g
,years is passing away,there has anis- I ur thirty rears abo t1s a matter of constituency, and
• fact. In 1906 -it was printed in a i Y= so made use of
'en out of it a class bitterness, an up- wide] used; Thomas"Greek name. Said unto his
Widely se book "The English Hysn
t heaval of discontent; a disturbance' of rah with Tunes " Tis 2utho th Ret - : fellow -disciples, i et us go, that we
at t ity. Thomas is a confirmed egoist. He
will believe nothing on say-so, -no.
matter whose, no natter how many.
And after eight days again. A.,week
after. Easter, the 1--evs counting in CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIA-
both Sundays, His disciples • were TION . -
within, and Thomas with them.' No
hey 0)' tlieir
Thomas therefore, who is called
Didymus. John, living in Ephesus,
was writing for his Greek -speaking
Galilee..' Therefore an iiland pian, but
he continued his association with the
men of the sea -coast, _ And the sons.
of Zebedee. In his modesty John no-
where in. his Gospel names himself
or his relatives. And two other of his
relatives. And two other of. his
ci hes. Probably these other two were
not members of the apostolic band.
of the •
Social. conditions, a hamilfating lack eren.d Henry Scott Holland, Canon tnay die with hint. At the feast, of doubt again in Mary's upper room,'
:of employment, which is more threat -tot St. Paul's Cathedral; London, Eng.,dedication, a 'few weeks before this,, made " sacred , by the last supper.
ening to our valued status of civilize, -?alas a brilliant Oxford scholar, lee- Jesus had been in Jerusalem, and His I. The clear implication is that. He
'.ion than actual warfare could ever 'hirer at that great university, a noted claims to divine, Sonship had so an came. through -the closed doors, being
be, • ipreaclter, and valued porker among gered the Jews that'they had started ,in the spiritual bode; and' yet • He
Mechanical invention was speeded
tip by the Great War to a degree un -
'warranted by the needs of the world
in peace times, and has overpass the
i passibility of a quite necessary re-
adjustment of the relations between
employment and labor. The social
world is out of joint as it were, and
'the machinery of -civilization is not
i moving evenly with ;perfect justice to
all, as used to be the case. Weary
folk are tiring of the long delay in
I providing honest work with righteous
pay, Sins of - selfishness and greed
pervade even the councils of the na-
tions, and put obstacles in the pahts
1 of progress towards betterment.
Not only the working classes suf-
fer from such bitter things. The coup-
. t silence than are the noisier, more eas
Remarkable progress has been.
made in the campaign against 'tuber
workingmen, and a remarkably warm i to kill Hinr, by stoning, the prescrib- could retake his body as firm to the cillosis. In spite of the fact that -no
*lover' of humanity. ' He was born in' ed penalty for blasphemy (John'10: Itouch' as any' flesh.` And stood in the specific means of preventing or cur -
1847, and finished an ahvays euth _ 3I),' Though He knew He was to ; midst, and said, Peace 'be unto you. int'' this disease has been
us }t e discovered,
nevertheless; year by year,its ravages
are being -lessened. The progrss is en-
couraging and sltoold serve to stimu-
late us' to even greater- ef4'or•ts to ov-
ciconYe adisease which still remains
hymnal compilers, that one shows a know• we the fray' Thomas was al -.I saithh c to Thomas, Re�aeb One of the most powerful foes against
polver and thought which' mark him waysshonest, and so' be was willing, (hither shy finger, and sce my heeds, which we have to contend,
out as one who night haveThomas had said (verse 25) that he I We should never lose' sight of the
greatly'.as so few are, to confess'i i „
enriched hymnology had his busy life • His slow mind could not follow .•theiinust see" the pri.tt of the' nails. fact. that tubereulp,,ci5 is preventable, A reputation for wisdom'. may be
found timeand ct� Christ's r acquired a] n ing
opportunity to _pry Saviour.
'Christ's , knot ledge, c l His dtsetpies and d �urable. The, nia,to� ity of persons r,by IpP a d t a the opinions
duce thein. Jesus with unto ]iiia 1 li tl expressed doubt must have convince- become infected with the germs of your neighbors.
ed Thomas without it tuberculosis •.earl in lite,
e truth, anti lire fife. liow prate-. ( 1 £t ther proof. y se but not all
l we should be fox-'1'hotn Thomas' blond And reach hither thy hand, and put of them develop the disease. In most
iastically active life in 1918. He wrote i die, He chose His time, the most sig- ;This is the ordinary Jewish, salutation,
mean -
several books, was a popular speaker!
nificant of all tithes, the passo,•er. but it must have carried a new mean-
at church meetings, atter, though theTHOIVIAS `INQUIRES THE WAY. ing; for, Christ had indeed brought
one printed above is the only
hymn! Thomas sat It un peace to the disciples and to the
t to hixn, Lord, we
i }vcirid.
from his pen which found favor with know not •whither thou attest. how `
question of cure natur•aliy becomes
the most important consideration.
Whether or 'not the disease will. be
cured and the length of time .required
for cure, depend chiefly upon the ear-
ly diagnosis of the disease.
When, the disease is diagnosed ear-
ly there is' every chance of its res-
ponding to proper. treatment. The
longer the interval between' the on-
set of `the disease and the beginning
of treatment, the less chance there is
for cure, and the time required for
treatment is proportiorally increased.
A practical consideration is- that it
is in the group of persons. who have
been exposed to tuberculosis that new
cases most frequently develop. The
more intimate and prolonged the ex-'
posure, especially if during childhood',
the greater the likelihood
of tubercu-
Any person who has been exposed
to tuberculosis, and this generally
a Y
means anyone who has lived in a
home where there has been an active
case, should be regularly examined in
order that the disease, if it does oc-
cur, may be detected in its earliest
stages. Such a person should., of
course, avoid those conditions which
we have mentioned as being likely to
predispose to the development of the
disease by lowering resistance.
The person who, for any reason,
suspects that lie may Have. tubercu-
losis should seek an examination
without delay. If there is nothing'
wrong, then the mind is set at rest;
if disease is present, the sooner this
is -known, the better, Ey diagno-
sis is the key which 'unlocks the door
and admits the hope of cure.
Questioes'concerning Health, ad-
dressed to the Canadian Medical As -
sociation, 184 College St., Toronto,
will :be answered ;personally by letter,
am the way; '
Cathedral, which was th
aptly termed "The Parish Church of fu
the Empire," for the great . special `ering question which brought out this a il. into my side. Christ ,places no cases, the germs lie dcrmant because
�trt'ic.e� held there, from the earliest reply! brand upon the question . Instead the individual's powers of resistance
golden l The wanted to , are maintained at a sufficiently high
days of British Christianity down to know especially where Christ was go He deliberately complies 'with every y s
that impressively si
p S p,ely grand re -opening
i • • cte•cnancl for: proof, - He assails : doubt level to hold the genres in check.
g at- ing�, :but our Lord Said �*irtualty.
The c`Natiotaal" is intended bythedin Q { _ upon its own round—evidence. And
It is when our resist •
rant woodland districts, feel the'strain King,. ,-licca and 'Roy- • the road is more important than the g r ante has been
service again Between
Toronto' and Winnipeg, of dwindling wages, though residents
leaving Toronto 9.30 there are more . inclined to suffer in
p.m. daily arriving Win- 'silence thane, re the noisier, more eas-
nipeg.8.45 a.m. second it inflame factoryand
nnorrung after. y d other City
udbiirysleeperiscarried workers.
in this train. There appears to be a hint of a pos-
1nfonitatimt and reserva-
:tiores from an Canadian '.rblc secondary cattle of this unver-
Natimial Agt. an tial distrust, dissatisfaction and bitter-
en4ott gess in the last verse of our :hymn
T -Tad the Christian nations been as
eager as they might have been to feed
the heathen nations 'with the Word
of life commerce would naturally have
a1 Tamil over three lionhe not faithless, but believing. Thom -
Y, died 13ish goal; take the right road and you will g
ops and many thvusands of other+reach theright as's insistence on his own
J i ht goal experience,
uorsii:i ars it n his obstinate refusal to belie
PP o t every rank and file i No one contest unto the , Father, C vc the
sof life a fewweeks ago, Canon Scott i , tit by. me. Many seek Cod through teettritvriy of others, would make him
Han Canon Al xiin an infidel, if he did not fighf against
r , der, Canon !philosophy; others through ritual and a
NC.rvbalt, Archdeacon Sinclair'with ;religious obsery nc s others the tendency. It is necessary far him
a e., t ere throuc,h
Bean Church, and the renawued Can-lg'ood works; others through the ex- —and all
like hint—to : cultivate the
on i,i r �' rhabit of, faith in Christ andinChrist's
ddon, Dean Inst., Bishop Ingram l ercise of their will -amen .s they
and other officials, wort for the time- I would taken heaven by violence, titre followers,
Thomas answered and said unto
him. Thomas did not make the Ma-
terial test which he had proposed,
My Lord and My God. ' With one
bound,., the man who could believe
nothing t
; PdS.es into a man .Wi
Who be
lievee all! .
Jesus saithunto him, Because thou
hast seen rile, thou hast believed. All
the other apostles,astics C r
collie to believe because they had seen
instrument, the tune is played, ling in .Hina. Front henceforth ye the risen Christ Thomas had. had the
1.now hila, and have seen ]tint, The opportunity to rise higher into the
;great event of His own death and re- higher realm of faith which trans-
Isurrection and ascension, together tends taterial vision, but he had not
1with the outpouring of the spirit, was seized the opportunity. Blessed are
so near, so. vividly ],rest rtt to the they that have riot seen, and yet have
nand of Christ, that He uses the pra-
re» believed Just as it is possible, for ev-
1st,ttt tense. in dIrsscribing the effect of ery Christian to become equal in
blessedness to Christ's mother and
brethren by obedience (Matt, 12: 49,
50); so it is possible for them to tran-
scend the blessedness of apostles by
faith," -
After these things,' Att indefinite
'note of time, suited to an appendix,
Jesus tiianifested himself again to the
disciples at the sea of Tiberias. The
disciples were on familiar ground,'
While waiting for Christ's appearance
at the rendezvous which Re had ap-
pointed in Galilee, on the suggestion
of ]Peter they were taking up their old
trade of fishing'. Ahd• lie rani -
Hallowed Fane a reputation for useful ;None : of these find God. Thomas
effective` preaching 'actual to that it !found Him through Christ, and. so
njoyed in pre-Refurmatinn days. must we.
Our tune 'fehiuldlan, chines from the. 'i 'If ye had ktrciwn lire, ye -void have
So. Th. Father
the ani mirrored British, t ,rtttsh _ ,
pre-1in�,lsth c}sur Minas perfectly- iatirro;.eri in the .Son:
ch, and: is'a good representative of the ,The he apostles had lived with Christ for
strong minstrelsy which animated three years, and -should have known
that warlike, 'Christian ,people. The !Hire.; but they did not yet clearly per-
hvan>, of the liar -stria *s can hardly cc:ive His real. nature,
gY ien they did,
c hidden however, or on 'whatever :they rtrould perceive the Father. dwell -
Followed enlightenment, and with old Veelsh Church, true successor of .known xny 'Cather al,
DA China, Japan, Thibet, ?tifrtngolia, Af»
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11111!LESSON XIS ISovember 9, ill all on of the spiritual view of His
ii Thomas, the Honest Doubter. Joal
A ; 11:14-16,
. 14:5-8
a ! Golden Text. •-w Thomas answered Christ had just said that whoever
Inand said unto hiW, My Lord and my knew 'Him would know the Father,
el God*—John 2012g, 1 and then Philip said "Show its the
II ' Father," His blundering, however,
'THT LESSON /N XTS SETTING. ;fkefJItvartas';s, gave Christ opportune
■ : y for
another perfectly clear state-
I'une and Place,-- 't°he raisntf' =•)f !orient of His ,diety: "I -le that hath
II Lazarus, Bethany, February'',A.D. 34. keen Me hath seen ow Father:,
IN The discourse in the upper room,
'Jerusalem, 'Thursday, April 6, A,1"J, i 'THO 1!AS'E1✓QUTl2Y S PROOF.
a 50. Jesus ;appearu to the - apostles in- nut Thornas, one Of the twelve,
il eluding. Thomas, ar s teat - Sunday,called 17idyanus tvatr not with them
0, � r .1 Ct Z r. Y , , e tt
N April 16, Al). 30, Jevtts appears to when Jesus eaait0, It is in harmony.
1 1'blliir suith unto Win, Lord, shorty
Lias the Father, and it sufficcth its.
}woken down that;. the dormant germs,
become active and tuberculosis w cnlosis level -
ops, The disease is always due to
the action of the germs which get
their opportunity when, through bad
living conditionR worry,
or 'some debilitating disease the re-
sistance of • tiro body is weakened.
If the disease does develop, the
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