HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-10-30, Page 7Thim,daY, 0Aobor 30th, 1930 WINVOTAM ADVANCS-1174ES " • ' estommammaammmommimmommaiwasammaamammammummosnommsitimmmesismommusawswwwwwwwwwwww0wwwwwwwwwwwwwsemeamissawasmimmisoimememoimmeemmmeersemosmonsintirmaisly ISTICE MEMORIAL CELEBRATI NKSGIV1NG DAY N VE BER 10th Chamber of Commerce Boosters ••••••••••••••••••.; FRANK STURDY Tobacco, Cigarettes, SmokersSundries, Snooker and Pool. ••• 111111111111111111111111111111•111111111 -- GREER'S --- • The Good, Shoe Store For Quality Footwear • GIBSON'S BAKERY. Quality Bread, Butter Baked Pastry. We appreciate your patronage... McAVOY'S DUG STORE Agents for Delicious Betty Brown Choco- lates 60c per pound. Nyal Quality Drug Store. Phone 18, manassmaimil ' HANNA & CO. LTD. New Suits, New Overcoats, Make this your store. Your Favorite Shopping Centre ISSINI1111111011.11111111Y Walker Stores, Limited . Featuring •Popular Priced Merchandise Millinery, R.eady-to-Wear, Corsets, House ft A uiDishtn%S. tapiespfqs Goods, • 14, .Linens„ Men and Boys' Wear 4111USSIMEXIMMINSIMMINIMEM • THE DOMINION BANK A. M. Bishop, Manager. Wingham, Ont, THOS. FIELD & CO. The best of Fresh and Cured Meats always on hand. Phone 35. Furniture A. J. WALKER and Funeral Director Phone 106 and 224. waanawaft FRY & BLACKHALL LTD. Inventors and Manufacttirers of X -Rayed • Chesterfields and Chesterbeds • mottoomorommissoomotiommoomm • WINGHAM UTILITIES COMMISSION itilmomommoommouttstmotoomoomium ISARD'S STORES 'For Rig Stock and Real Values in General Dr3r Goods, Men'sand Women's Ready- ' to -Wear, mottommosommowoormatoutiottooloomm MacLEAN'S Lumber St Coal Co. W. R. HAMILTON Diamonds, Jewelry. Watch Repairing mommommommoomm Afternoon Program SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE • Parade will assemble at Park at 2.30 pm. and will march off in following order:— Citizens' Band, Veterans, Town Council, followed by all other organizations. Your organization may have a place in the parade, and may lay a wreath at the Cenotaph by phoning Mr. A. F'osliff, Chairman - Parade Committee. Individuals wishing to take part in parade will be accom- modated at place of assem- bly. Ceremony will consist of Sacred and Patriotic Music, short addresses, Two -Minutes' Silence, . and The Last Post. Special Decora- tions along line of march, and at the Cenotaph. EVENING • PROGRAM CARNIVAL FUN & SPORT BOXING TOURNAMENT HORSESHOE T OURNAMENT STUNTS: Rope Climbing Blind -Fold Boxing Pie Eating Pole Pillow Fight StiltRace •e Ladies' Driving Nails Soda Cracker Eating and Whistling OLD-TIME & FOLK DANCE Fiddlers' Contest (Old Time) Square Dance Contest Folk Dancing by High School Girls Open Contest in Step Dancing, Irish and Scottish National Dances' Old Time Waltz Old Time Scottische ••••••••.•••1•01•1•11•111•••••••••=1••••••••••1••••••••••••••••••• SPORTS: 50 -Yard Dash For Junior, Intermediate, And Senior Boys • and Girls. Six Events Relay Race— Team of Four, Open to all. Boys' Obstacle Race .amonamomalut PRIZES: For All Contested Events. ADMISSION -25 Cents. 1 , • A FP TR E0 RC NR OA OM N PATRIOTIC CONCERT Immediately After Cenotaph Ceremony Dr. R. C. Redmond Has Arranged a Splendid Patriotic Concert — • Sped I an Music Prominent Speaker zevo•wcrhwm•o••;••••••••••••••••;... Brief Addresses Patriotic Readings Vocal Music Be Proud You Are Canadian" L11,04k•MATIVIKANIMMI.M. ADMISSION — 10 Cents. Organized by The Citizen's Band Committee of the WINGHAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE H. CAMPBELL Chairman. PROCEEDS DIVIDED EQUALLY BETWEEN THE CITIZENS BAND AND THE WINGHAM ARENA • Groceries LYCEUM THEATRE MUNDY'S •Provisions Up-to-date Talkie Equipment Phone'82 Wingham, Ont. 00111111101111110111111111i110111010M1011111011161MOSIiiiiiliNSIDOMMINNIISIMINOMOUNIIIIIIMMillifiSIMISSEMONOMMOIN Ilill111011100 Chamber of Commerce Boosters R. A. CURRIE Furniture and. Funeral. Director Phone 51 and 155 unsinsommor For StYle and Quality at moderate prices call at BURK'S STORE • Use Five- Lilies Flour for Good Bread • HOWSON & HOWSON • MERKLEY'S GARAGE Repairs for all cars, Wrecking Crane in con- nection, Alemite Air Pressure Oiling. H. BROWNE & SON Shoe Repairing Boots and Shoes ONE CENT SALE Nov. 6, 7, 8 McKIBBON'S DRUG STORE Phone 53 1VitiL,Tham ;;;;!!!,!!•.•'!T;.!!;,:;. RAE & THOMPSON Hardware and Coal The CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE C. P. Smith, Manager_ Wingham, Ont. Go to McNAB'S for Confectionery and Ice Cream. Phone 77. UNITED FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE CO., LTD. GUNN.SON-QLA Mann:tact:tires of Wooden Produtti- RADIO & ELECTRIC SHOP Dealer in Radios, Kelvinator, Phone 158 KING'S Department Store Fine Furs, "Caravan" 1,a.dies' Coats, "Fashion Craft" Men's Wear, "Prince" Boys' Clothes, Silks, Linens, Dry • Goods, House Furnishings. King Bros. " 61 A.. , 04,611duai ; „„, ; „ „,„„ • , 41 .21 141 ao 111 0 0 0 0 10 00 'n 0 0 0 0 mommosimmmitmxmak,