HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-10-30, Page 6inghava MvanCe-•Tunes.
Published at
Every Thursday 1Vlorning
W. Logan Craig Publisher
One. year $' .
S.t�iisea"ii,tiott rates —" 00.
in advance,
months $1,00,
To 13, S. A. $2.50 per year.
Advertising rates on application.
ton Mutual .a ire
Established 1.840
Risks taken on all class of inur-
ince at reasonable rates.
Head Office, Guelph, Odic.
Two doors eolith of Field's Butcher
P. O. Box 366 Phone 46
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc.
Money to Lean r dram
ice—Meyer Meyer :block, l� ins
Successor to Dudley Holmes `_
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc.
Successor to R. Vanstone
W ingharn, Ontario i
Office Over Isard's Store
n Surgeon
Physician and
Medical Representative D. S. C. R.
Successor to Dr. • . R. Hantbly
Phone 54 Winghant
R.C.S. (ENG.) L.R.C.P. (Loud.)
Graduate of University of Toronto,'
Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of the
Ontario College of Physicians and
Surgeons. I
Office in Chisholm Block 1
Josephine Street.. Phone 29
Oifice over John Galbraith's Store.
Copyright by Charles Scribner's Sons
HAPPENED 'SO FAR • commanded nut to getup a natural
sweat. nor to kick over the traces
foreman of tisk Blue
with which some woman had hitched'
Thud Lee. horse rse ori
Lake ranch, convinced Bayne Trey
you to the cart of convention. How'd
ors, manager, is deliberatly wrecking 'you like it, laud Lee?"
]the property owned by Judith San- = Bud Lee grinner' and a new look
ford, a young woman. her cousin, ;crept into his eyes. '"Rung Bud Lee,"
Pollock Hampton, and, Timothy Gray, ;he answered frankly, "I wouldn't
decides to throw up his job. Judith ;stand for it for one tick of the dock.
arrives and announce, she has bought !I'd say there': two kinds of rtten,• too.
Gray': share in the ranch and will F There's my kind; there's the Dave
run it. She discharges Trevors. Burrill Lee kind. You see, he's a sort
NOW READ ON : of relation of mine is Dare. Burrill
',Lee, and I'm not exactly proud of
thins- He's the kind that wears dress-
'That's- sure putting it 'straight,' 1
said Lee slowly.
!suits and sticks M a bungalow. He's
,proud of his name ':null' and Lee,
"You just bet it's putting it
straights" she announced vigorously. both, because big- men down south
!wore 'em before he did, and they were
And you 11 find that it s a way .I; relations. He's swelled up over the
;way he can dance and ride after a
ifox, and over the coin he's got in the
bank. Then .there's Bud Lee who
ducks out of that sort of scrap -heap
',end beats it for the open,"
-rI "
, get you.!broke
in Judith, her
;ryes very bright. "And you men here,
my men, -ant me to he the sort of
tit o.
t T your; precious tonsil),
;Dave Burrill, is a ;lean? Is that it.
Where's your logic this morning?"
"Meaning horse sense?" he smiled.
"Its in these few little words: 'What's.
right for a man may be dead wrong
for a woman-"
"Oh, scat!" she cried impatiently,
t"What ant I wasting time with you
' for? She swung hack to her table.
'What was Trevors' Tritest excuse for
:selling at a sacrifice.' she asked.
"Told me he just had a wire last
' night From young Hampton, asking
i for three thousand dollars," he ex-
plained in a similar tone, though his
, eyes were twinkling at her.
"Pollock a.
ollock• '
Ham rnerve!"
Hampton has. his nerve.
she snapped. She took . up the tele-
phone instrument at her elbow and
demanded .the Western' Union at
I was 'I'rained by a Better ..Y1 Than Rocky Bend. "Judith Sanford speak-
ing," she said crisply, ."Repeat the
tmessage of last night for the general
have, putting things etraight. 1 was manager, Blue Lake mech."
trained to the business by a better; In a moment she had it. "So Tre
man than you'll eater ,be, Bud Lee." -tors wasn't lying about that part. of
"Itlaybe eke," he adtaitted without it," elle said 'reluctantly. And to the
T)cat. "f'fl take off my hat tc, Luke Wt.stcrn Vidor) agent " "'Pah ;'s
t )i
Sanford for a man. And P11. takeoff mess' Y •xa,t. '
. .
. hatr
you, if you Want':
t tr,
yYJ1r '•know, , t n ta, 1,u11uck Hampton, Hotel file:ftnlyn,
But, training or nrt rr:airrin�, this 'is San Francisco:
no job for a 'lady,' tied shooting. up "impossible send moneyr
� rrt,w .,r for
Trevor.. and riding; the 'Prince isn't some time, 1.1
Prince ave fired Trevors, Run -
going tr,rnakt it so," Ping outfit :myself, N te
d (avers rent
. "What you're !oo.ilung for," sniffed ,we Canise r'
rag c t J pay rr•ter(ist on loans
Judith contemptuously, is x female r<n's salaries ;and keep going, "1'Jris
being extinr t. this. one hundred yearsi k
fire tl.
You'd have i:v£rry girl wear tails to "Judith Sanford,'Gtnc -al Manager."
T an• r .tf.,t.r.
her gowns, arid duck and:dodges-be• "That maystart hi;
gray 'natter,
hind fans and faint 'every time she working," she ended as she:.
rlickcd up
jabbed 111r thuioh vwifh a pin 1" the •r£.rriver, "Now, 'see, will you
"I can't err• test a wc,rrta.ir'S Mere stick tv'
I I rite me fern days 7517 srJ and give
is ride) but:i,in - r ' r .. me .... ?"
r, t, br Jric:tt ,� and.Barn', rc time to get ,r man in your place?"
sing around. ' " "Ve,s jr"1 r r l
"A woman's -r' "You
1 r that, Miss i'iarrferd,•,�
r, y plarr.e.. :;hr! s,rnffkul, 'You will /AP ore itt tvcr way
"Her ,lace, w'h °rr , : , ,Y •"
1 c .t binrn i£.r fte,t.£1r,rl yr a can while'' you nrt: With rimer
num Putti her! How do You know "When T work fvr a than--nr
where her .,lace is? Hr wouldyouwoman," ,... 't
i ,w be added t,, .tti cry, ! don't
like to he told just what your glare,r1t back atytlrrnti."
is? '1'o be jammed, for t
natancc, ito "All right, Then start in right t it<, w
a. little bungalow In r' to . en tel nit
b a thy; t J lit. [ .' nut about the 'parr 1'r :v r.
gang � a
squeezed into a diesa.,sugt And 'r>ld; Lis taken on, Are tf,cy all crooks?
'Stay Bete: and 1ne,1: K,K"„'('f'e; to be' , rhea little- gray,f ti £ 1:•^S token' man
! r
OgTEOPATf1. "" •�..
All Diseases Treated
r{.'ss. adjoining residence next to t
;'r igiic-till eh1ireii on Centre gtreet.
Sundays by appointment.
Osteopathy Electricity
Phone 27g. Hours, 9 a.ni. to 8 p.m.
A. R. & F. E. DUVAL i
Licensed Drugless Practitioners j
'Chiropractic and Electro Therapy. 1
Graduates of Canadian Chiropractic
Cuilege, Toronto.' andNational Col-
lege, Chicago. .
Out of town and night calls res-
ponded to. All business coufidentiaL
Phone 300,
Registered Drugless Practitioner
Hours.: 2-5, 7-8, or by
appointment. Phone 191,
Phone 602r14.
Saks of Farm Stock and lmple
ne3tts, Real Estate, Etc., conducted
with satisfaction and at moderate
r; '
Athorojttlt knowledY,t, of Farm Strick
Phone 221,, Wingleun
Phone 613r6, Wroxeter, or address
d;;.:1, Gorrie. Sales conducted any-
where, and satisfaction guaranteed, •
DRS. A. 1 & A. W. IRW I N
'Office: Mac '',lock Wingltam.
A, ;f, Walker
J•reetrsed I*trner:tl t)ir 'err ti:o•
aiifN . C c
Phone 1;
0 It , o Res,Phone to 224;
st Limo it "
o erne Puneral'.
Co .
You'll Ever Bel"
with the smelly, pipe—he's straight,
Isn't .lie?"
"That would be old Carson? Yes;
he's a good roan.. You won't fired a
bet ter,"
"is be going to quit, too? just
I've cone? Has he any love
for Bayne 'Trevors?"
"Maybe you'd better ask Crason."
in a flash she was on her feet and
had gone to the door. "Carson!" she
called loudly. "Come here, will. you?"
There was a little: silence; a Iow
sound of laughter, then' Carson's
sharp voice answering: "I'm coming'
Judith went back to her chair. She
did not speak until Carson's wiry
form slipped through the doorway.
Then With the old cattleman's shrewd,,
hard eyes 'upon her she turned from
a clip full of pape••s `she had been
looking through and spoke to him
quietly: •
"lou used to work for the Granite
Canyon crowd, didn't you, Carson?'i
"I' es'm," he answered.
"Cattle foreman there for several
"Helped clean out the Roaring
Creek gang, didn't you, Carson?"
Carson shifted a bit, colored under.
her fixed eyes, and finally admitted:
i.. -.., •�.:%V,'�"�Ilul6�°t,�Y.2i� ' "! •SSB.
She said quietly. "On your way •don't
forget to look in on your friend,
Carson went hastily down the
knoll, his eyes bright. Judith lauthcd
"I've got his number, laud Lee! All
that's needed to keep that old n)otrn
tain•lion on the job is to •show, hien a
real fight ahead! And by godly, Mr,
Man, •there's going to be scrap enough
from the very jump to retake Carson
forget Whether he's working for a
woman. or John W, Sitan, •Esctttire!"
Bigness of the Venture
"And now," said Judith Sanford to
the stillness about her—she was alone
in the . big ran'eh-house—"not being
constructed of iron, I'm going to take
a snooze."
Vivid blossom that she was upon
the tough, hardy stalk of her pioneer
ancestry, :creature of ardent flame and
passion which her blood and her life
in -the open had made her, she was
not devoid of the understanding' of
the limit of physical endurance, • Last.
night, through the late moonlight and
later starlight, through the thick dark-
ness -which lay across the mountain
trails before the coning of clay, on
"Haven't had a real first-class• fight' into the dawn; she had ridden: forty
for quite a bit, have you, Carson? Not miles from the railroad at Reeky
since that ;ash on your jaw healed. Bend. Certain of treachery on the
Not since you and Scotty Webb mix Part of Hayne nTevnrs, she had an-
With the rived only to find him plotting Roaring Creekers?"
Carson rubbed 'his jaw, 'flashed a other blow at her interests. She, had
quid, look at Bud Lee as though for ridden a mad hi -me of a horse Whose
moral support, looked still further
rebellious struggle against her auth-
embarrassecl, and finally choked over Drily had taxed iter to the last ounce
of her strength. She had shot a man
his brief: "No'nt:" io the right shoulder and the left fore
Judith sat sntilling brightly athis arm. .. And now, with no one to
hard features. "I've 'heard •clad talk ere her, she was pale and shaking 1
ibo,ut that," she said thoughtfully."1 little, suddenly faint from the heavy
guess I've got at least one real titan heating of her own heart, She had
on the ranch, Carson, Oh, don't dodge had virtually no sleep last night. She
like that! I'm not going to put ins was glad of it. For eciw she would
trots around you and kiss you on the sleep, deep.
top of your head. Bet I do .love a "1 ani' not to be called; no matter
.)tan that loves a fair fight. . Lee, what happens," she said to Jose, who
here, has given me this promise tc, came trotting to the tinkle of her
'.tickon the job for ten 'days or sobell.
o give me time to get some one else • Slipping out of he clothes, she
o lookafter my horses?' drew the sheet up to 'ler throat—and
"Yes'm," said Carson, fingering his tossed '.for a wretched hour before
pipe and Iooking down. sleep .casae to her. A restless sleep,
Igor 'a few ttronrentS, the girl sat filled with broken bits of unpleasant.
still, now and then flashing a quick dreams.
teen look from one to the other of At two ,o' . clock swiftly dressing
her two foremen. Then, abruptly, her after- a leisurely bath; she went out
?yes on.. Carson, she snapped: "You've into the courtyard, where ;She found
found out, more or less recently,
haven't you, that Bayne Trevors is a
-rook? You've perhaps even guessed
hat he's been taking money from the
eaith one hand and from the Western
Lumber with the other?"
"Yes'rn;" said Carson, "I doped it
up like that,"
'Why," cried the girl, "he's fired all
the old men and heaven knows ho*
navy of his sort he's put in their
places! Where will we begin? I've
Crevors and Ward Hannon: Who
roes next, Carson?"
"Benny the cook," said Carson
gently. "An' I'd be obliged, ma'am,
1 you'd let sue go boot him off'n the
"That's •
tal1-.)rtg, she Said enthus-
astically. "You can; attend to him.
any one else?"
Carson shook his head. "I' got soy
suspicions," he said. "But that's a:al1
f'm .dead sure on,"
"The others can trait then. Now,
1•'m taking a gamble on you and Lee.`
You have all kinds of 'chances to
louble-cross me. But I've got to tell
you something; Trevors is trying to
ell me out to the Western` Lumber
;conk, He is one of their crowd and
bas been since they bought hire up.
;ix months ago. The ranch, outside
'he stock we've got running on it, is
vorth a clean million dollars if it is
vorth a nickel,Well,theWestern
We. tern
Lumber 'company has offered us ex-
tctly two hundred and fifty thousand!
hie -quarter of what it's worth! 'They
now we're mortgaged, they know the
merest we have to pay is heavy;
they know that Pollard( Hampton, for
one, is a .spender who knows nothing
ehout big Business; they think that I,
tx:causc I'm a girl, am a fool, It looks
to 'them like a melon easy to'•eut and
inc. for the ;
1rtrn. ,.
She paused a moment, frowning
houghtfully at the floor, Then sud-
denly she lifted her eyes to C:arson's
saying crisply; "Trevors took time at
the end to tell me something, That
something was that he was going to
make me sell, He even threatened
if l hadn't come to my senses before
the ranch was dry' next stu•ntner, to
burn ore out!"
"The Burned polecat!" whispered
the cattle foreman.
"Now then." cried "you've
Judith, ,
got your first job cut out for you
Let Bayne Trevors or one of his gang
Jct foot on Blue Lake land, and x'11
tell you what I tiiiitk' of your, Carson!
Or is the job going to be too gfor'
g f, big
Carson :smiled deprecatingly, "I'd
like to see 'ein try it," he said
. in
soft, whispering voice which upon
easions ryas characteristic of him, "1
stare would, Miss'. Judy!"
"That's all this Morning, Ca:rson,"
Jose snaking a pretense of gardening,
Whereas in truth for a matter of hours'
he had' done little but Watch for her
"Jose," she said, as he swept off
!:itis wide hat and made her the bow
reserved for la senorita and la senor -
i i wr r .tta alone. I am gotng to telephone
into town for a woman to do my
cooking and housekeeping. and be a
nuisance around generally. While 1
do'that, will you scare up something
for me to eat and then isaddle a• horse
for nie?"
She tient to the office, arranged
over the wire with Mrs. Simpson ef.
Rocky Bend to come out on the fol-
lowing day, and then spent fifteen
Minutes studying the pay roll taken
from the safe, which, fortunately,
Trevors had left open,. As Jose carne
in with .a big tray •rhe was running
through a file of reports made at the'
month-erld, two weeks ago, by certain
of the ranch foreman.
• "Put it . down on the table, Jose,
Thank' you," and -she found time for
a smiie:at her devoted: -servitor. "Now
have'•a horse ready, will your And
without waiting for Jose's answer,
taking pop the, telephone, she asked
for the office at the Lower End, as
the rich valley land ,of the western
portion was commonly known.
Briefly snaking herself known to
the owner of the boyish voice which
answered; she .asked fox "Doc" Tripp
and was informed that the ranch vet-
erinarian 'was no longer with •the out-
fit. Judith frowned.
"Where is he?"
"Rocky Bend, I think,"
"Hmn!" said Judith., "Who has tak-
WI his place?" ,
T3ill Crowds is sort of acting ,vet,
right ndw•" ' •
"Thanks," she said. Clicking off,
she put in a call for "Doc" Tripp in'
Rocky Bend. "Get hire for me as
quickly as yon can, will you, please?"
she asked of the operator itt town.
For five minutes shw tumidted at a
sandwich, and 11
pored ever the papers
before her, When at last her tele-
phone -4)01 rang she found that it was
"Hello, floc," she said cordially, "i
• haven't seenou for SO lou ":i altttost
have fo'r'gotten how you eninb your
hair!" Tripp, laughed with het' at
that; across the miles she corbel pic-
ture hien running leis big haat'
through the rebellious shock, "Yes,
I'M back to stay, and from the looks
ef.,it 1 didn't come away any too soon,
What was the trouble with you and
'1'rc:vors? What was the'excuse for
canning you?"
"Case . .g- • s "
tM.tse. erf lung -worms," ni.., hr: toil her;
"Some of the calves:, don't know
irtst how' many yet, : He insisted on
thy. treating theta. the Old way,"
'Slaked lime? Or sulpltur,fumes??"
she Said gttiekly,, "And ytu insisted
on chloroforxia?"
"You've bit it!" he exclaimed won-
deringly. "ticiv'd You 'know?"
"I haven't been loafing on the job
the last six months," she laugi ed-
"I've been at the school at Davis and
hobnobbing with sortte of the univer-
sity men at Berkeley; They're doing
some great work there, Doc, 1'11
avant to talk to you about it. You're.
going down • thet e, expenses paid, to
brush up with a course of two this
year•. Now hoar sono can you get
back bene?--Trevors? Oh, Trevors is
fired. I'm running the ranch myself.'
'You've hit itt How Did You Know?'
And Doc; 1 need a few ]nen` like you.!
Can you come early tomorrow?—To-
night? You're ;a God -blessed brick!
Yes, I'll stop that murderous' sulphur
treatment if it isn't too late. Goodby."
She lost no time in calling forBill
Crow•dy, the man whom '.Trevors had
put into Tripp's place.
"By the way," she said when the
man with the voice which had sound-
ed so boyish in her cars answered
again, "who are you?"
"Ed Masters," lie told her. "Elec-
trician, you know."
(Continued next. week)
To the Editur av all thim
Wingham Paypers.
Deer Sur:•
A fellate who has lived as long as
I hev in this ould wtirruid sees a lot
av changes. Wance it ,vasiviry fef
lilt fer hirnsilf, an the. song iviry wan
wus singin 'Wtis ' "Nivir. sit down wid
a tear nor a frown; but paddle yet
own canoe.", Now it is the toime av
big :mergers—pulp wood Mergers,
'ihtanteship I mergers, oil merges,
church mergers, bank mergers, whate
pools; chain shtores, Goveremint ,cou'-
throl,.• hydro, an a hundred an 'wan
other big.comboines till we shall soon
rev ivirting unher wan roof, laike the
otttbuikcsings on a Dutchman's'far'rnm,
arr wan av thim big shtores itt Tor-
onto,•arr the Tory pirt:hy, as it spud
Thim lads over in:"the ould. conn•
thryat the prisint toime, hev gath-
from the inds av the wurtatld,
so to.shpake, to put the whole'Brit
rete impoire undher wan roof,. art,
shore, 'tis no airy' task they will be
laVin, Our Mishter iiinnitt is tltr0y-
in to boss the jawb, an he is the bye
to do it. Thim lads in the ould land
musht buy our whate an' ba'l`e,• an
chaise, an lumber, we will 'rape
iviryting at home an ate it oursilves
barrin the luiuber. ' Yis, an poor ould
Jawn Btttl, is crazy 10 his head if ltc
tinks we will he atflier• takin :Scotcl'
twades, an Irish Linins, an English
Warshtids iii exchange fir the tints
we her to sell., Shure, 'tis the caslt
we want, an lntind to hev, be rayson
av naidizm it to btty more autos, an
to build more hoighways fel tlliirt to
tun on. Thin we tray to fade our un-
etti:ployed, an to build bigger an bet-
ther jails fer the bandits, an lmul.d
tip in, an drunken 'auto drt`vcrs-
whin we catch 1him,
Mcbby ye tink we etidden't ate all
vitt kin grow en our, fa.rt•ums, but that
ie a ntishtake•intoireiy, so it is. A few
years ago we had to ,'hip tons av bla-
ther Ont av thc co•uiltbry but Pow we
ate iviry pound av it; an lieu 'to bitYe.
from thin New Zealanders. Whin
teinics `gic bather, art ivirybody kir)
sit down to tree sh.quate males a day,
we will soon make a hole in the sur-
plush av whate an mate, an, if they
git wursc, ars mebby they Will, we
tvil1 Inv to fade the otternployed, so
it doesn't snake any• differ which way
the milt' cat jumps,
"Thin ye mustmt rc*miiurber that the
farrt,ms do be growirt up 'avid sus
tistles, an wog() Carrot, an bohid wade
an ex eye daisy, an gowldett
r rod, alt.
<t hundred
t e anwan other wattles that
41v0n the cattle heists won't ate, e
that plinty av fields are not afther
projucirtg half a crop av tings fer'
;torr arr barset t -o ate, 'so it soon won't
Thursday, Octobe
30th, 1930
"I had a lot of troublewith 71151, j.
stomach and indigestion during the
last 11 years ,and toxic poisons seem-
ed to be all through my .systetn• T '
was in. a dull, listless half -sick• state
that steadily sapped my strength and!
vitality, Sargon put inc back on my
feet in the very pink 4`f -health and I:
feel.. ass strong. -and rigorous :as when..
1 was in the army.
Sargon fills ,rot 2051 bowels regu
fated and cleared my'systena of pois-
ons and for once in my life I'm en-
tirely over rely constipation."—Floyd=
Robinson, 78 Eastern :Aye., Toronto.
Sargon may heoobtained•in Wing-,
haat at: Mc'Kibben's Drug Store. .
be army trouble to git away vl'id the-
urphtsh, at all, at all, so it won't:
1 .see' be the pay pers that thim Grits:
do be tnalcin `art attimpt to ansate
targe' Shpotton, but, shure, it will be:
the heaviest jawb they ivir undher-
took,in more ways than van. Besoide-
they can't foind out annyting agin
him, Nobody wurruked for him army
harruder than I did inesilf, an nivir
a rid cint did I git fer all me thrubble,,
an not aven the prawmise av a Gov-
ernmint jawb, ` although I am afther
ixpicktin wan whin Mishter i3innitt
gits home from London an begins to -
hand out tings to the byes.
As -I said. befoor, I' am hopin to be
made wan av thiin cinsis takers, so -
I kin foind out how ould some av the,
wimmin are who live on our shtrate..
If I don't git that jawb the least Jarge-
kin do fer me is' tohen nie appinted-
as shuperintindint av wan av thim
sow tistle ixterminashun gangs.
Yours fer a Governmint jawb,
Timothy Hay.
Mr. and Mrs. James MacEwen and'
children of Detroit, spent a few days.
at the home of Mr. A. MacEwen.
Mrs. :. vVrn. Orr and baby, Jack,
spent a few days with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Casemore.
Mr. and Mrs. A. McMichael of -
Wroxeter spent Sunday at the home
of Mr. Charlie Campbell.
Mrs. B: 1Wi11iams ?If Detroit spent
Sunday at Mr. John Hunter's.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Robertson and
family spent Sunday at the home of -
Mrs. T. Abraham.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross' and
children, of Whitechurch, also Mrs.
.Alex. Coutts, of Wingharn, visited at
the home of Mr, Robert Hethering-
ton on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Golley spent
Sunday at the home of Mr: George
Corti+; things people 'do to help the
fo'e's whenever any bad breath,
feverishttess, biliousness, or a lack of
appetite warn of constipation, really
weaken these organs. Only a doctese
knows what will cleanse the system
without harm. That is why the laxa-
tive in your home should have the
approval of a family doctor,
The wonderful product, known to
millions as Dr. C.aldwell's Syrup
Pepsin' is a family doctor's prescrip-
tion for sluggish bowels, It never
varies from the original prescription
which Dr. Caldwell* wrote thousands
of 1112)es in many years of practice,
endP roved safe and reliable for their,
women and children. It is made from
Herbs and other pure ingredients, so
it fa'pleas:tnt-tastfng, and can form no
habit'You cats buy this popular 1a nw
five 'from all d,t ugsto 'cs.