HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-10-30, Page 4\!.Y. TI•t\t t+9/llw/leU CA 6l_'!(17 n S•,1iLtl:%*
13, cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c.
asossaasra.r.garaiilli'ri-L astiaaJCr lfriegierreisaaeiTi l lela7siifivaseirevasiita irtaNtravi fiseg ristagrige
rO,R SALE — Second -Hand Cook
Stove; Red Hot Furnace; Wood
Heaters $4,50 up. Also 'Second-
hand. Electric. Washing Machine.—
Buchanan Ha,rdyvai-c and Stove
.EIOUSE FOR SALE—Now rented, a I
A very interesting nun of the pro-.
gram was the picture study by Miss
Johns of Wingham, \kith her class of
tiny children. After the singing of an
October song, the .pi :ture "Saved" .by
Edwin Landseer ------ studied. After
real paying investment $700 cash a short talk on the childhood of the
payment down will handle this pro-
perty. crty. Apply toBoxA; Advance- '
:or:cupied by W. T. Booth, being va-
cated about Nov. 9th. Modern in-
erior, compact yet commodious;
easily heated, all conveniences' good
garage, garden lawn and shade trees
.Rent reasonable. Apply E. S. Cope -
'HOUSES FOR SAL.!: ---A few good
bargains to be sold at once. Apply
to T. Fells.
HOUSE TO RENT—Corner Cath-
erine and Victoria streets, All mo-
a conveniences Alppi r to Saui
Morton, phone 624r15.
LOST—On Thursday afternoon be-
tween High School and Arthurs'
garage, pair tortoise shell rimmed
glasses. Finder kindly leave at the
Advance -Times office and receive
artist, the picture wag studied in its
most prominent :characteristics, then
in its minor details. The story was.
developed, and the response by the
1 class testified to the ocellence of the
preparation aration by Miss Johns, and the
interest'aroused in .thz class.
The :institute decided to offera
igaiii, prizes for leading pupils at the
Entrance examinations in 1931, at the
;various centres in East Huron.
Dr. Field closed the morning ses-
rsum with an address on 'Better En-
Iglish," Although he found the Eng-
'lisp of teachers to be above the ayes -
yet 'on various occasions` he had.
jfnund teachers guilty of inexcusable
!errors, and gave some quite glaring
;examples. This he blamed largely on.
early training, environment, or care-
lessness rather than on lack of know-
now:ledge of correct usaga He urged tea-
chers to cultivate ilii power of ex
pressing clearly and correctly. He
great prophet like John? And others,
Elijah. 'This his belief also had been held
for sonic time (Mark 6:15),* The niys-
teriGtts way in which Elijah had left
the earth, carried to heaven in a fiery
whirlwind, had led to' the belief that
he would return again (Mal: 415), as
indeed his like did come to earth in
John the baptist, But others, One of
the prophets. Matthew instances the
great prophet Jeremiah, whom the
jews held in the highest'estecin 'and
reverence, wenn higher than Isaiah.
The answer was disappointing..,
though of course Christ knew whist
itwould be: It .testified to Christ's
power as: a preacher• and to the in1-.
pressive nature of Itis Miracles, but
it showed that His real nature and
niiasian Were not- yet .realized by His
own 'p'eople.
And He asked theist, But who say'
ye that I am? This question must.
be answered by each one of us, 'as
it had to be answered by Peter,
)acnes, John, and the other disciples,
Nothing but the reply of each heart
for itself is acceptable to. Christ.'
Peter answereth and saith unto Him,
Throughout.the Gospel hi -tory 'Peter
is the spokesman, of the Twelve.
This outspokenness is one element in
his character to be imitated by all of
us. Thou are the Christ. Matthew,
Who was present undiottbtedly gives
us Peter's full statement (Matt. 16:
•Simon, Simon. Jesus rc,peated
i ,compared English with other lan-
W., ,Nc ED— Roomers or Boarders, ' euai;es, and showed that it best of all
ail conveniences, One block from
High School. Apply to Mrs Ar-
thur Field.
The trustees of S. S. No. 10, Kin-
loss, will offer for sale, by Public Au -
ORM at school house on
NOVEMBER 30th, 1930
At' two o'clock in the afternoon: the
School house, wood sheds, seats, stove
and other articles. Terms—cash on
ntents; school building—six months
r.redit will be given on approved see-
:LIB:At Miller, Frank Henry,
.Auctioneer. Secretary.
is capable of expressing any thought
or feeling adequately, and is constant-
ly being added to, so that it is always
efficient. He deplored our careless-
ness in our pronouncing final letters,
as well as a tendency to use slang ex-
pressions.- As arneans of improve-
'ment he suggested the study of the
history of the words frtin a good dic-
tionary, the reading cf good authors,
'practice in good letter writing, trans-
lation of Latin and other languages,
but above all self -inspection.
On Friday afternoon the conven-
tion broke up into sections for the
study of problems peculiar to the var
Tr ious classes. `These sections were led
eaCllerS COliVelitlOII by representative teachers of these
(Continued': from. last w eek;
'Miss Dorothy Reinke of Tucker -
smith, illustrated her rnethods in tea-
s:Laing Composition to a class supplied
„by the Wingham Public School. The
stta;ect chosen was '`A Country scene
ass Autumn," She developed by ques-
:aeu3ng ideas of autumn and Indian
sruter, compared the seasons and
lmd. the pupils arrive at the impres-
sions they desiredto give e.g., leis-
:€ ,leis -
quietness, abundance.. They. then
ds and rase iit
cisme words Phrases s st i ed to ex-
was their impressions. The results
eel the lesson as shown in the compo
gluon plans were satisfactory and
(re wead.that with proper teaching this
veiry difficult subject can he brought'
a*Ta srmch higher plane", 'than ns use
sir- achieved in.our •Public'Schools. .
Dr, Amoss" nett demonstrated ,the
'Lead/lug of Geography in a Senior
rt1 Class in a .lesson on the idus-
r, es of Canada. Ji,sing the sand to
�n7e lie built up, an effective tableau of
the cod -fishing rndustry of the Mari-
dir Provinces, showing how the fish
"^axe caught with hook and line, long
said and otter -trawl and the curing
seal the fish on the drying rack He
re -commended making the objects us -
these lessons by pupils for home
"aA," d pro raised `in tyre -satisfactory
reslalts than at•e:psually obtained from
'bsiantworie of the incite stereotyped
.nit usually giy en. An interesting
;t tlnibit of maps' built tip with ,plasti-
+cine <tnd other materials, as well as
is odels of a pulp mill, a salt factory
and other interesting phases of
.try, consiructed .by intermediate pup:
its, many of whore' were of the : type
Who do not care to read, cancludecl
'his •address. Dr. Amoss was a trios
popular speaker, and the Institute was
:latticed favoured in having him addres
Particular classes as follows:
Fourth book, Edwin Crawford of
Seaforth; third book, Miss Gladys
Hutton of Winghain; second book,
Miss Mary Bell, Seaforth;,.first book
and primary, .Miss . Annie Little of
`.'Wroxeter •
Jack-' Edgar, :.President, George . H.•
Jefferson, Secretary::
.Simon.. Peerer, • Frorn' Weakness. ss. to
Strength—.Mark :8:27-29; -Luke 22:
31-34, f[ohn'18 25-27, 21.:1:5-17,
Golden Text.—N'ow "when they be
held" the boldness of Peter and John,
and had perceivde,-that theyi•were un- j
!learned and ignorant they mar-'
yelled; arid they took knowledge of
them, that- th .ey grad b±een.with Jesus.
--Acts 4.13.
Time and Place. -The first call of
Peter at 'l;etharaba, Fehtuary, A.D.
27. 1'et- res cortfessian..tear Caesarea
I?hrlippi, $rummer of A.D. 29. Pet'er's
denial, during rthe trial of Jesus in
1Jerusalein', 1 to 5 a ni„ • Friday, April
17, A.D. 80. Peter restored' to apostle -
,ship, at the Sea of Galilee, April, A.
D. 30. •
Ant Jesus went forth, and His dis-
ciplc's, into the village of Caesarea
Philippi. • This city was near 'Dan,
thi extreme northern point or Pales-
tine. Its older name was I'alteas,
from a deep cavern near by associat-
i ed by the Greeks with the , worship
of Pan; and its modern name is Ea-
near. And on the way he 'asked His
:disciples, saying unto them,' Who do
men, s ay t at. I ani . liars rs the cen-
tral question regarding C.htist. It was
=the test question of Christ's ministry,
then approaching its end. Whist was
the result of all Christ's teaching and
miracle -working so far as His people
were concerned?
And they told him, . saying, John the
Baptist. '1110 guilty conscience of
Herod Antipas, the murderer of John
the Baptist, led hint to imagine that
,Jesus was John risen from the dead
(Mary 6:14), and some of the peo-
ple, unacquainted with the facts fan-
cied the same thing; for was not Jc-
Atti rt soul-searching 1rreacllvr and,tt,
Sales conducted anywhere. Witte
experience. Best efforts put forth
0fi each and every sale.
rntiue 70. Lucknow, Ont
C. N. R. Watch Inspector
Repairing Our Specialty.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
110510 5: Opp:
names thus in especially earnest and
appealing address, as "Martha, Mar-
tlia, "Saul, Saul." Behold, Satan ask -
Thursday, October 30th, 1930
The liver is one of the
most important of the
digestive organs. It has
mach to do with your
digestion and the purity
of your blood. If it
gets sick or sluggish
you can best relieve it
with this great medicine,
made entirely of roots
and herbs.
Get a bottle, today, fro.- a
McKibbon's Drug. Store: It` is also
being sold by a good •druggist in all
other towns in. Ontario.
Peter,':' instantly Peter remembered
Christ's prophecy 'of the denial, and
his shame carne upon him in a great
flood of grief and remorse. He rush-
ed' out into the night, tireeping bit-
terly (Matt:. 26:27).
So when they had broken their
fast. With his invariable thoughtful-
ness, Jesus had made a fire on the
beach, over which fish were broiling
when the weary fishers came to shore,
and bread 'lay beside the fire, -a
breakfast which became in his hands-
ed to have you. One more added to
another eucharist. Jesus with to
the many evidences that our Lord re-
j.Siinun Teter. It was by a fire of
cognized the existence of a personal
e trig xt st. t ow- his Lord; by a similar fire be has
as wheat, . "Christ has His winnow -1 to rri,rtnc. r,n 1 ri ret.
th -1 ane
ing• fan` to separate wheat from .chaff,
spirit 'of evil, That h 1 'f
coals that Sinton had thrice denied
Simon, son of. John. A s
Satan: has his sieve to toss, shake, formal a p Ilreal. Lowest :thou .tie more
and prove the saints by trials. 17110
than dieser This May mean • more
e rt y e tetters, than you love' these fishes and boat,
But I made supplication for thee. the i l occupation tion to which you hayt,
�d la
Doubtless often, as he was 5000 to so readily returned; or, more likely,
do for Peter, and all the others in the question was a gentle reminder of
his last prayer with the disciples, Jno. Peter's boast that,' though all • others
devil seeks' to destroy believers,
17:9, 11. That thy faith fail not. It might forsake Jesus, he never would fail partially and for a time, but (Matt. 26:33). "Do you still," the -
"the word means 'fail not utterly, or., \faster. asked, "thin that you love
finally.' And do their., u hen once Ime - More .than the ether ..disciples
time hast turned again, establish thy, do? The Lord was piobing for hum -
brethren. This Peter did gloriously, ility. He' saith unto .Him, Yea, Lord;
becoming the chief preacher of the thou knowest •that I love thee. Pet-
apostles ;after the ascension.
en's pride was Jost in shame, but his
• And he said unto him, Lord, with love .was stronger than ever, He
Thee I am ready to go both to prison saith unto him, Feed my„lambs. Pet -
and to death. Peter's over -confidence ter is restored to his pastoral charge,
led to his downfall, but he is given the least arduous care,
And he said, I' tell thee, Peter. that of the lambs.
Here alone, as if to remind Simon He saith ,to him again a second
of the rock that be should be, our time Sinton sot' of John, lovest thou
Lord arses "Peter” in addressing his urea Christ in this second question
changeable disciple. The cock shall
g p kept the 'exalled and more distant
not crop,\* this day, until thou shalt word for "love," but oinitted the keen
thrice deny that thou knowest nre.lreminder of Peter,'s br_ast. He'saith
Mark 14:30 reports Christ as saying. 'unto him, Yea,,Lord; thou knowest
"Before the cock crows twice, thou that I love theexPetsr answered with;
shay denym thrice • and it is the ,: .
t e •- _ the. same' �ratds. •tzuntbly ' using the
tradition that Peter -.vas Mark's in- power, but rriore intimate .word i' l -
Formant in the writing of 'the second "love." - He saith `unto him, Tencl-my
Gospel: Mark and Matthew record sheep. `.Phei•e is.. a double• promoti,oii
for us Peter's indignant denial that here:. .1?titer is advanced to'•t.are for.
he could do such a dreadful .
the c
beep, they need rnore thai mi
denial in which all the other disciples -feeding;;they iriust go forth to tate.,
joined; yet in.a.short time, at Christ's pastures, and they need guidance, that
arrest, they all forsook Him and fled. they may find food for themselves. •
PETER DENiYING.. H" with unto' him the third times,
Now Simon Peter was standing Simon, son •of. John; ,•Ic\vest; thou me?'
and warming himself.- He was stand- In his love a•nd'-wisd m Christ was
'! a ,
ing•by.,•a fire; as the night was cold, 1 unsparing; but this time he adopted;
in . the courtyard of the double palace I Peter own word ' tor love,,, asking;
occupied by Annas, the former high "Dost thou love .me dearly?" Peter
priest, and Caiaphas the ruling high was grieved because be said unto him
priest. They said therefore unto hint.
Art thoualso one cf His disciples?
The cold, torrether with a longing h
learn the progress of the trial, drew
the apostle back again to the fire,
where another maid said that he Was
one of Christ's disciples; and again
Peter failed his Lord. He denied,and
said, I am nrat. It was impulsively
said. if he stopped to reason at all,
he probably argued, Just such spec-
ious reasoning leads many to deny
their Lord to -day. •
One of the servants of the high i
priest. The third test 'avas the sever-
est of all. Peter would have needed
all his spiritual strength to resist: ii,
but that strength was broken down
by his previous denials. Being a kins-
man of hien whose ear Peter cut off.
The naive of that man was Malehus
(John 18:10), and Peter had cut off
his right ear at Christ's arrest, flour-
ishing one of the two swords which
the disciples had (Lines 22:38); in or-
der to make good his foolish boasts.
Christ had worked a miracle to heel
the ear, as Luke the physician re-
cords (Luke 22;51), and had rebuked
his foolhardy discipline (Matt. 26; 52•,
54), but .the remembrance of Itis rash
deed rrtade Peter doubly timorous.
Saith, Did not I sec thee in the o'ar-
den with Him? This charge was
more definite than the others, and
Peter had no courage to meet it.
Peter therefore denied again, This
time with cursing and swearing
(Matt, 26.74), explicitly saying (Mail:
14:71), "T know not this matt of
whom yc spial:." And straightway,
the cock crew. tate (22:' 61) tells
us that after the, 'secondcock-crow
,rthe; Lord ttl:rned, and looked upon
Is always SAFE '.
iUNLESS you see: the name Bayer
and the word genuine on the package
as pictured above you can never be.
sure that you are taking the genuine
BayerAspirin that thousands of
physicians prescribe in their daily
The name Bayer means gerzuin e
Aspirin. It is your guarantee of
purity -your protection against the
imitations. Millions of users have
proved that it is safe. •
believes;Genuine Bayer Aspirin promptly
Headaches Neuritis
Colds Neuralgia
Sore Throat Lumbago
Rheumatism Toothache
No harmful after-effects follow its
use, It does riot depress the heart
the third. time, Loveet thou me? The
sick initn protests against the bitter
medicine; but :when he ,is well, he is
grateful for it. And he said unto hizl,
Lord, thou knowest, all things; 'thou
knowest that I love thee, Peter ap-
pealed to Christ's omniscen'ce. Jesus
said unto hini,,Feed my sheep. With
this eonuiiand Christ returns to, the
main purpose of ° it shepherd, to see
the 'sheep -are well nourished.
.Mr: Harold Mills of -Toronto spent
the week -end at 'his he cue here.
Isard's Wonderful value in. Ladies'
Knitted Suits, now on :sale at $6.95,.
Mrs. Omar ' Westeil; of Kincardine,.
visited friends in town on Saturday
last.' _
Mr. and Mrs. W. J: Johnston of
Detroit attended the' funeral of . the
late A. 1. Porter,
Mr. and 'Mrs, Lawrence Ilislo;p and
daughter of Listowel, visited friends
in to0•n on Saturday:
Ma .and Mrs. Harry McKay, of
Moorefield, spent Sunday with Mr.1 u�
and Mrs. J. M. McKay.
Mrs, S. C. Burkett of Montreal was
the guest of her friend, Mrs, Geo. C.
Hanna, for the past few days.
Miss Diana Crandall of St. Thomas,
visited overthe week -end' at the home
of Mr. aid 'Mrs. John Crandall.
?vtr. and Mrs. Geo Schaefer and
children, Gaderich, were Sunday visi-
tors at the itorne of Mts. Jolla Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. ramie Deyell also Mrs.
:Lair all of Stratford, visited at the
home of 'Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Deyell
over Sunday.
Mrs H. T Rattly -s of Toronto,
spent a few days last' week at the
home of her parent;, Mr. and Mrs.
John Galbraith. •
Mr-. and Mrs. W. J. Greer arid' Mr.
and Mrs. G. L. Baker, were guests
of Mr. and Mrs, R. F. Berry, Bruce -
field, on Sunday. -
Mr. and Mrs, W. Sproar and daugh-
ter also. Mr. Moor. e of Hamburg,' Visi-
ted at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
placed to 'the credit of the. Township
at the Canadian Batik of Commerce,
at Win ;_;•ham.
ace ulits were paid:
The following 0 1
1Walton Bros., tile'put in r road for
johnson drain $3.60• John Grasby;
land and crop damage, .Phelan drain,
5.00; John Grasby, ditch constructed
on Phelan drain 7.50; R. B. Alcock,
sheep killed, $10.00; Robert Bird, 2
sheep killed $16.50; Selecting jurors,
1;A. MacEwen, James Peacock, W. J,
Henderson, each $4.00; Patrolmen:
os. Yuill $16.75 ,(l3oclman Bridge);
J $
R. D. Goliey $20.00; Lewis- Jewitt,
drain and tile and. catch basin $60.19;
Thos. Miller, general account .$7:40,
Council meets on ,November 17t1i,
1930. A. MacEwen, Clerk.
the of September and October. Those
I marlced with an asterisk have -missed
one or more examinations.
Jr, IVB John Gear 87.8%, Hilda
Black 72.5%, *7_e]la Cook 05.5%a.•
Sr III—Mac Frisby 49.4%.
Jr. 1.11 — Anna McDowell 73.9%,
*Bobbie Henry` 70.8%n; Alice Cook.
62.9%, Ross Taylor 55.1%, Gordon
Ncthery 40%, *Albert. Cook 30%.
Sr. II—Ruth Nethery 78.5%, Jack
Taylor 66,6%.
Jr. 11 Ferne McDowell 72.4%,
*Thelma McGuire 60.5%%, Mable Cook
Primer class -Lois McGuire, Nor-
ma Taylor, Billie Henry, Lloyd Tay-
During the month of September
Anna McDowell and 1'crne McDowell.
SCHOOL REPORT had perfect spelling. Number on the
The following is the report of S.S. roll 19,
No. 13, East wawanosh, for the mon Jessie E ,Finlayson, Teacher.
a mit a? ZEE NE Mr
Robt. Deyell, on Sunday. 113
Chief and Mrs. Allan were called MI
to London on Wednesday evening,
owing to their son, George, being op-
erated on for appendicitis.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nye and
daughter, Joyce of Sebringvalle visited in
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. NI
Armitage over the week -end. ■
Come to the Fowl Supper and. Con-® Are now beingServed .iia connection with our.Ice.
cert in the United Church, Thursday, e
November 6th. Supper 5:30 to 8: Ad- ■ Cream and Confectionery Store.
mission 50c, children under 12, 25c. in
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Buchanan, of.
Grand Valley and Mr. and Mrs. W. A.' a•
Mahoney of Guelph, were week -end R,
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W: L. Craig. 1
Miss.Mary a Spence of I3rantford,
has been the guest of her cousin, Mrs,
C. `Young' and Mrs. I'. Gowans, hiin
rie st.; during the past three weeks.
Sirs. Peter Gowans leaves for Villa
Norfolk Nova, Ao
tf0lk County,. Thursday
=morning to visit her husband who
teaches there., Mr. and Mrs, Gowans
will attend the Masonic banquet in.
'Waterford on Friday evening, Octob-
er 31st. -
S r. and Mrs. Eal1 'McElroy of
Flint, Mich,; spent the week -end with
the former's Parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.
C. McElroy, Mrs. McElroy•retgrned`
'rith them to spend a couple of weeks
with her two sons: and daughter, Earl
of Flint, Mich.., Bert of Dearborn,
Mich,,,and her daughter, Mrs. Annie
Campbell of Detroit, Mich;
SALE, Winghain, Ont. Watch and
look kr the big posters in your snail
box, for details regarding one of the
greatest Shue Sales and Value Giv-
in events in tiie history 'of 'Wingham
and surrounding district. Sale starts
Friday, October 31st, 9 a.ni. Conte
early is sound advice. Bring 'your
'neighbors and friends, you won't be
disappointed. 'W..3. Greer's,' Wing -
ham, Ont. "Where the Good Shoes
Come Front:"
Minutes of Council meeting held
in the Township Hall, Morris, on
Monday, October 20th, 1930,
The members of the Council were
all present. ''1.`he Reeve presided,
The minutes of the last meeting,
and of the special erecting, held on
October 1st, were read and on motion
of ilrydges and Brown, were adopted.
A resolution was hissed hi favor
of having the Council of the Town-
ship of "1'urnberry apply to the .Hy-
dro Electric .Power Commission to
have street lamps erected in the ham-
let of lliuevalc,
W. T. Ilrydges • w.s appointed as
collector for the present year, salary
$125.00 and the Council to , pay the
bank charjies for transferring this
money. Taxes may be paid.. at, the
Canad'ian Sank of Commerce et
Wingham, ilrtisscls, Wal.t.011, Myth,
or 13elgrave and at. the Bank of Novi.
Scotia, ,brussels. ',x.11 moneys to be
i e
iussa luu ui SsiauiiI*iuumni unli son
We will appreciate your patronage.
Vt CILlj .!, •assaly;Matte j•4: •' mi. • pp; • ' • 5 / u• aS s\►, 10 9al.f,\ /104!40,4.11 :\•r�.Pi4 '2lr.. .
• : :
L now out and are showing some ver attrctive aP-
gg The �e Fall c ewaIl Saper .sample 'Woks
g era at rea8aashIe, prices. ampe books taken•aa •:
our home on request
Y �
i er ''.
Pa nt and. Decorator
rr-i51C a a'BYa\rtla�2ai\ a 1f!'�a'1rli\'IiYiIU s iffittlYaYdYal1fl51Y \lrtillrr: , a Irani nYaS Minima ?S:;
HANNA at CO. Lian't`ed
PHONE 70 ,
. RAJ O14 w41 S M O Nal to O 67/hied X0