HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-10-23, Page 8.•=
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VirXtfrOffAla ADVANOS -TIMES Tinirectav, Octobe r4, .1930.
. . . ,. •
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.1, INGS- :PA It4t.4 •
• "
Now is the time to buy Winter Goods - Particularly at these New Price Levels,
Dress Goods - Staples --- House Furnishings
Fresh Groceries
Hosi ;.ry - Gloves - Underwear
„Boys' Overcoats $3.98 to 11.75
•' 13.50 Scotch 131ankets $1L75
$2,00 Silk Stockings $1.00
- 1214Ibex Flannelette Blan-
kets for $2.12
76. All Linen Face Towels, fancy
AkOu t13e0 of) astrikai zap.loo
2 for 50c
Best- Pius° • $19.75
' Youth's and Misses' Leather-
ette Windbreakers $6.98
Triple A Prints, fast color 17c
Dundee Plaid 'Wool Blankets,
$11.50 kr $9.58
40c and 45c Art Sattens .........33c
10 only Women's Good Coats,
about Y2- regular price ... $10.00
To $35.00 Dresses $19.00
$4.50 Wool Pullovers $2.98
40c and 45c Pyjama Cloths 32c
Potters Prints, regular 44c and
48e, now 36c
7 yds. Factory Cotton . . .... 98c
4 only Choice Muskrat Coats,
for $129.00
To $25.00 Dresses $13.98
$2.25 to 2.50 Shirts $1.49
Boys' and Girls' Play Suits 50c
Scotch Plaid Auto Rugs, regu'
lar $3.50 for $1 98
Horrackses Pillow Cases, Half
price 33c
7 only Women's 9Coats, Fur
tirmmed $3.98
Men's Sweaters „ $1.49
$3.50 Sunset Flannelette Blan-
kets. for $2.88
$1.25 Men's Neckwear, 2 1.25
Raysheens, all colors, Half
Price io 39c a yard
36 inch Heavy Kimona Cloth.
Special per yard 85c
Youths' Blue OVercod1..$12.7$..
To $35.00 Men's Suits
Men's Lined Mitts 49V
Men's Slumber XinkPyjamas
Men's Silk STies; -2 for,.., 98c
Parasols, regulair- $4.50•-tO -$5.00'''
Special at $2.98
200 yd; Cotton Spool4'. . .......
Young Men's Suits $16.00 NI
Good Overcoats
Men's Cotton Socks -10c •
Men's Silk Scarfs $1.00
60c Grain Bags 43c
Boys' Fleece Lined Underwear, Iry
odd garments 49c irjr
. ........ . . . ......
BineRoseRice, 3 lbs. for .. -. :25c Pink Salmon, large tin, 2 for 13rooms ...... . .... ..39c Heinz Tomato Soup, 3 for . ..... .... : : :4459cc i
SeedlessRaisins, 2 lhsfor 25c Crepe Toilet Paper, 6 rolls for 19c 75c Green Coin -
- McLaren's jellly Powder, 4 for .., ., .... ..2-3c Fresh Walnuts, halved, per lb $
. 49c 20 lb. Sack Cane Sugar 1.17 5 lb. Pail of=Honey for
29c - Choice Peas, new pack, 3 tins ' 29c 5 Bars Naptha Soap, for - .... -18c
. ..
1, ,..f " •" ' ..-
!I Counters piled high with a Wender Stock of Winter Merchandise. RE -READ OUR BIG SALE BILL, then come and., do Nyour Winter Shopping with us. 1------ ,
, • - . „
. .
Phone 7,1..
Ingham Ont ‘,.11
and. Mrs. Joe Tiffin spent a
yew days last week with Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Alton of Ashfieltl.
Mrs. Murray and Mts. Price Scott
spent a day .lat week with friends at
,Grand Va.ilev. Mr. and 'Mrs. Ab. Me -
Mol.1 13ayfiehl one day last, Blyth.
Week. "Worneri visited with Mrs.
BeatoiO of Bayfield.
Mr„:.:and -Mts;" Andy Anderson and
..retytatd::.:ip Kenmore last
Mond/after visiting with her moth-
er here andwith other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer, Mr.
Quillan accompanied them and at- and Mrs. Cecil Falconer and Angus,
tended the funeral of his aunt, who land Mr,..„and,,Mrs: Jas. Falconer and
-Was buried there.
Mrs. McBrien returned from Au-
1.urn one day last week, where she
visited at the home of her son, Mr.
Oliver Mcarien.,
Miss Marian Casemore has been
visiting at Chatham with her sister-
in-Iaw, Mrs. Alee casemort.
children spent 'Sunday at the hone
of 'Ift: and" ban Falconer of
Bluevale.• •
Miss Florence Putilon and Nestor
visited last week -end with Mrs, El-
gin Wellwood of Orangeville and
from where "Miss P'urdon returned to
Toronto. - •
..1qts. Fox, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mr: and Mrs. • Ghas. Wightman
Rev. Mr'. TraVernor .of Ashfield was
the preacher in the United 'Church
here on Sunday, while
son took anniversary services on the
Ashfield circuit.
, •
Mrs. 13rown of Wingham spent :a
few days last week with Mrs. B. S.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClenaglian
spent Wednesday at the,' Plowing
Match at Stratford, While Mr. and
Mrs. J. D. Beecroft, also Mr. and
Mrs. Kirk, of Seaforth and Mr. and
to Toronto with thern.
Mrs. Lot, Mrs. Gillespie, Miss C.
Laidlaw and 'Vire. J. D. Beecroft mot-
ored to Salem on Friday to attend
the W.M.S. convention froth the N.
section of Huron United Church
Miss Agna Wilson returned Satur- EAST WAWANOSH
day after -spending- the past week with ,
her sister irr'Stratford. Mr. Geo. Taylor of Hamilton, is
M Cl nc C h • d hi
Mr. and. Mrs. Henry Patterson and'
family spent last Sunday at Henry.
Mather's.. •
Mr. Will Johnston of Gladstone,
Man., is here on a visit with his bro-
thers and sisters and other friends.
Mr. are e ox as e-opene
Chopping mill:after having it closed
down three Weeks through his illness.
His father, Mr.: Cox, of Goderich, is
Mrs. Wm. Robinson and Laura and helping."Iiim?,'
Ernest. and Miss Cunnington, went Mr. RhATS 'Pollock, who is attend -
on Thursday.
Mr and Mrs Harold S parlin
g ipo.-
ored to Toronto for a few days last
a-lenry and Will and Mr. Mac Ross spent. Sunday with their family at week. Mr. Bob Kelly also returned
..ommum•Rammumi.• '
: ".',14. •
"7.7ir 411"
•4110, .o...11••• 41f. 40.-
„ ani:re
. - .
DEFINITE Vogue for coloured sheets and slips! They play
part in the bedroom decoration and carry out the colour
scheme already begun with bedspread and draperies.,
Through the courtesy of the Wabasso Cotton Company Lim-
ited, Miss Margitet'Ballingall will be at our 'store Thursday
and 'Friday, October 30thand 31st, to show you delightful col-
:, our combination. .'Sho will be in the department daily al-
though her special talks will be at 11 and 3 o'clock.
KING 811,0S.
in g Shaw' S School at Toronto, spent
the week.:enthat his home here,
Mrs. Norman' Wilkins and son,
Harold, of Wiarton, spent the week-
end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs
Gaunt. Harold' is staying with his
grandparents 'for a visit:'
Mrs. ToS,hbee Lamb 'visited at.the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Kennedy, one day last week. Miss
Olive•returned to Goderich with her.
Four men from Tcronto were in
this neighborbOod lax.: week with sec-.
ond-band cars for sale. •
Mrs, Jas. Barbour spent last week
with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Culbert
of Dungannon. •
The new school in S. S. No. 10 will
not open for a week or so yet as the
painting' and, Tainishi,ng not' yet
Mrs. Hodgkinson of HolYrood is
visiting with her niec.e, Mrs. Elwood
Barbour. •
Mr. Green motored to Hamilton
and is visiting with his sister there.
Mr, and Mr's. L. H. Bosnian and
Airs. C. Turvey spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. Jos. Curtiss.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Shaw have re-
turned home after a mouth's visit with
their daughters at Chex-rywood and:
Craighurst. -
Very stcc'essful Harvest Hotrie
Thank SerVieeS were (observed in the
United Church on Surtqay. The
church was very tastefully decorated
with fruit and flowers. Rev. Mr.
Mann preached two'excellent sermons
and there was a good turn out. At the
morning service Miss Beatrice Thorn-
ton rendered a very beautiful solo.
Mr. and Mrs: John Hall and Mr.
And. Mr. W.'J. Masters spent Sun -
clay at the horn,e. of Mr., J. R. Wendt
at Wroxeter.
Mrs. Robt. Musgrove is spending a
few days with' Toronto friends this
The Sunday School Rally Day ser-
vices will beleld'in the 'United church
next Sunday morning. at 10,30 aux.
Mr. Thos. Stewart. received word j, a Mills and attended anniversary
on Sunday that his cousin, Mrs. Mar- services at Auburn thlited Church,
via Pulver ha.cl passed away at t -Tart- , Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Crozier of
ford, Conn. She was around here on Crewe, spent the week. -end with het
spending part of his holidays at the
home' of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Price Naylor of Tor-
onto, also•Mrs. Wm. Naylor of Luck-
now, called on oldfriends near Cur-
ries school on Saturday.
A very enjoyable meeting of the
,Farmers' Club was held on Thursday
evening. Mrs, Wilmot of 'Newmarket
and. Mr. Hannam of the Educational
Department of the U.F.O. addressed
the meeting. I. •
• Miss Carter of Londesboro visited
at the home of her cousin, Mrs. C:
Coster.. She attended .the Teachers',
Convention in Wingham. •
Mrs. Crozier of Walton and het
two daughters spent a few days at
the home of,Mr". R. J. Curire.,
Messrs. Harry a.nd ;Fred' Deacon
are staying at Mr, 'Harold Currie's. •
Mr. and Mr.s.*Van Hopper and baby
spent a few days at Mr. Harold Cur,'
tie's this week. •
Quite a number'frorn here attend-
ed the Provincial plowing match near
St. Marys last week.
Mrs. Wm..Anderson is slowly
covering from her recent illness.'
Mr. Charles Carter shipped two car
loads of sugar beets last week.
Miss Goodall of -Toronto is visiting'
with her friend, Mrs. Richard' Yule:
Mr. and Mrs, Coriery of Plymouth
Mich., visited with Mx. and Mrs. Joe
Brandon , for a couple of days last
and • Mrs, Fairservice of Lon-'
desboro, spent Sunday with Mrs. Vtati-,
Carnp, :• • • •
Mr. and Mrs. M. Lake of Fergus,'
visited with Mr, and. Mrs. Brandon
on Sunday.
Mr, Toni Shoebottoin has been con-
fined to the house with a bad cold
forthepast week.
Mr, and Mrs. G. A. McLaughlin of
Detroit, were week -end visitors at tho.
home of the latter's 'mother; Mrs. Jos.
Chahar ey,
Mrs. ,Tefferson, sr., spent last week
with friends in Wingham.
Miss. Verna Chanthey visited oit
Sunday with her grandmother, Mrs;
holidays a month ago and was enjoy- rarents, Mr. and Nfrs. Wut Campbell,
lug good health at that time, „ ;Mr„artd Mrs, 'David Chantriey and
4z , , Johnton o stic, fti•iritt. Avit06.8.titmaog. visitaig with Jt.
Mat, brought down a carload of 'eat- and Mrs. :Raymond Finnigan at Crew.,
tlo thitweelt, vid,,,Is spencling.4t.e6041v40. Gpoo,Nolsq,4;:ith .i-siati,I.'`Gbrdoii,
Plc' 0 *.(4.5 wi01 41:40'o4#6'fitvi 'iY,1,511.Pd .011 SIN4ilaif',/',Wit, thee,fOriner's,:
bore:: •-• ester, Mrs., 0
:". 'AC ::••••.:
".... •
- • • a t
' 4
"."; 'scripture lesson was read by Donald
Thompson and an excellent paper on
"Getting" was given by Margaret Jef-
ferson, and Verna Charnney sang a
solo. Next Friday evening will be in
dharge of the Literary and Social.
Vice -Pres., Laura Robinson. A good
time, i
tns anticipated
Mrs, John Chan'ey spent a few
days last week with her daughte,
Mrs. Jas. •Craig.
There was a fairly gotd,
at our Young People's meeting last
Friday night. In the absence of Gor
cion Naylor the meeting-flyas"441;Mr.'
the 'President, Warren Bamford. The
Thursday, FridaY,Sitinday, October 23, 24 and 25
, ,
Alexander -Grey
'Bernice Claire
"Z`' "•'S ,
'Song Hits L. "Crying for the Carolines", "Have a
Comedy -4- LANCY AT THE BAT"
Monday, TusdyWedne‘sday, October 27, 28, 29
Warner Baxter
Story by Elinor Glyn
In Good Variety 3
Take note of this fact "We do
not buy what is kxioii as "sects:rids"
Boots arid' thereforo we re.
commend the different makes we sell
litthout question, ,
fatt,' We 'stand
n •
if We ‘1,,,P1111
i?0,4474, ,
A .4!to
Wbace euctstf014'::..e/tC::: ivaes
every OitotOinir `rfull -
value for„.6Very porch- = .
= 11 19 ei S. shotore
e 129 Wingham
, -1 - s