HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-10-23, Page 6is
Published at
Every Thursday Morning
W. Logan Craig - Publisher
Subscription rates One year $2,00.
Si:r. months $1.00; in advance,
To .T. S. A. ;2.50 per year.
Advertising rates on application.
Wellington Mutual Fire
Insurance Co.
. 1q-euasea.1 lx aatie
Established 1840
Risks taken oti all class antittsitr
Head Office, Gttelph, Ont.
ABNER COSENS, Agent, Winghatn
Office in Chisholm Block
P. O. Box 360 Phone 240
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc.
Money to Loan
Office—Meyer Block, Wingham
Successor to Dudley Holmes
barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc.
Successor to R. Vanstone
Wingharri : -
Windham, Ontario
Office Over isard's Store
Physician and Surgeon
Medical Representative D. S. C. R.
Successor to Dr. W. R. Hambly
Phone 54 Wingham
Copyright by Charles Scribner's Sons
the horse whirled, leaping far out 'to
DR. ROBT, C. REDMOND' 'the left, striking with :hard hoofs
Bud Lee, horse foreman of the Blue
Lake ranch, convinced Bayne Trev-
ors manager, is deliberatly wrecking
the property owned by Judith San-
ford, .a young woman, her cousin,
Pollock Hampton, and Timothy Gray,
decides to throw up his job. Judith
arrives and announces she has bought
Gray's share in the ranch and will
run it. She discharges Trevors.
M.R.C.S. (ENG.) L.R.C.P., (Lond.)
Graduate of .'University of Toronto,
Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of the
Ontario College of Physicians and
Office in Chisholm Block
Josephine Street. Phone 29
Office overJ ohn Galbraith's Store.
All Diseases Treated
Office adjoining residence next to
:Anglican Church on Centre Street.
"r"-- .aStitldays by appointtnent.
Osteopathy '- ' Electricity 1
,Ighone 2'i2. Hours, 9 a.m. to 8 part.'
Licensed Drugless Practitioners
Chiropractic and Electro Therapy.
Graduates of Canadian Chiropractic
College, Toronto, and National Col-
lege, Chicago.
Out of town and night calls res-
ponded to. All business confidential.
Phone 200.
Registered Drugless, Practitioner
hours: 2-5, 7-8, or by
4i17}ia iittne tl.. --nee— •°;.:�.. Ilane lee
Phone 602r14,
Sales of Farm tit St:hrle and and Tm i1le-
ments, Real Estate, I' tr,,, conducted
with satisfaction and at moderate
bucked. gathering, li mse as e a
ed, .swerving with the quickness of
;light, plunging again to the right.
And again he stood still. Judith ;sit
ting secruely on his rebellious back,
laughed. Her laughter, cool and un
afraid, sent a strange little thrill
`through Bud Lee :who, with fear in
:his heart, was watching her.
1 "Looe: out for him: now!" lie called
In truth the Prince had not yet'be-
un. He plunged toward the corral,
He's an ugly devil, she said, and
• his purpose plain, the one desire in
Lee, at her side, smiled again. But his hea t to crush the rider against
the girl had not altered her intention. F
She stepped closer, looking to cinch, 1 the high fence. But Judith's spurs. an
pp, , swered him, and the bit, savage in
bit and reins. She commanded: and
his jaws, brought him about, whirling,
to draw the latigo tighter, and. Ward : sidling,striking, buckle r as one a
did, so dodging back as the big brute; ta, 6 )
strong, fearless, devil -hearted horse
snapped at him. t knows how to buck: He doubled up
Judith laughed. "Look out, Ward, ;under her; he'rose and fell in a quick
site taunted him. "He's after your series of short jumps which tore and
hair!" •'"" i jerked at her body, tirltich strove to,
tear her knees way from his sides
.Two Men held the Prince. At Jud
ith's command they shortened the •and break the grip of her hand in the
stirrups and then blinded kiln with , reins. But it seemed to the men
answered surlily: "Awl think f want pis in with 'eat. Any pian on the rase)
to take orders off'n a woman? You're that don't know that, don't want to
right, I'll get off'n the ranch!" know it!" He removed his pipe at
last, and his look upon Benny was
full of meaning.
l3cnny growled an answer brit dkl
I •>l
I e l v
t circ.
not take ,la he qt
Carson wellenough to know that
,there was no man living readier for
a fight or abler to conduct his own.
part of it.
x y * *
"Que bay, Bud?" called 'a voice, and
old Josi:, his face . shining with his
joy -laud was certain that Judith had
actually kissed the leathery cheek and
wondered how she could do itl—came
down the knoll. "La senorita wants
'you!" .
"That's two down," said. Judith,
"Now, take this horse back to the
stable; I'in being ;up to the office.
el" in f1Ye.in;ilntes.
'You Men Collie there
If you want to stay, and are tvorth
your salt, you• can, Or I"11 give you
your time. It's up to you: it's a free
country. hut--" and she said it slow-
ly, cslnfrunting them "if you -all
throw ale down without giving ine
time to take on another set of men,
you are a pretty ,low -lived bunch!"
Then, .wi:thout, ter iing, she went
:swiftly to the ranch -house. Old Man
Carson wiped the sweat from his fore-
"I remernber hearing about Luke
Sanford's girl," he said simply. "This
is her, all right."
"Old Man" Carson—so called
through lack of courtesy, and because
of the sprinkling of gray through his
black hair, a Man of perhaps forty-
five—filled, an unthinkably disreput-
able pipe with his own conception of
"real tobacca" and chuckled so that
the Second. match was required before
he was ready to say his say.
"You just listen to me, you. boys!"
he said, "None of: you fellers ever
saw old Luke Sanford?"
"I'd been working here close to two
weeks; when he got 1 died," .Bud said
as -Carson's twinkling eyes went from
face to face. "I gotmy job straight
from him, not Trevors."
"'Fiat's so," said Carson. "Well,
rind knows the sort Luke Sanford
was, :He was'dead and buried when I
ccine to the Bine Lake, but I.'d saw
iiim twice and F,d heard of hint more
times than that- Quiet pian that 'tend-
ed to his 'ort -n business and didn't say
so all -fired much 'less he was stirred
up. -And then=!" He whistled'.his
meaning. "A fighter.' All lie ever
gist he fought for. Alt -We. ever held
on to, he fought fora He bucked Wes-
tern Lumber for a dozen years, first
and last. And, by tripes, he nailed
their d—d hides on his stable -door,
"Well, I heard tellabout this same
Luise Sanford len. yeare ago and more.
-::bout him and his little girl.. From
what 'folks said 1 guess. there never.
was a man wanted a boy -baby worsen
Luke Sanford before Judith come,
And .1 guess: there never Was a man
more stock in his Own flesh and`
put .,
blood than Luke did in her as soon
as he got used to :her being a she. I
don't know just exactly how old she
"Haw!" gurgled Bandy O'Neil face-
tiously. "It's your. manly - beauty,
'Bud! You al' son -of -a -gun of a lady-
Bud Lee swung about upon his heel
to glare at Bandy. But suddenly con-
scious of a flush creeping up hotly
ander his tan, he turned his back and
strode away to the house. Hisface
was flaming when he entered the of-
"What do you want with pie? lie
said shortly, angered at Bandy, Judith
Sanford and himself.
"Bow, wow !" retorted Judith, look-
ing pp from Trevors' table, "On your
high horse, are you? All right, stay
there. What 1 want is some informa-
tion, Hoiv lonehave you been on the
Blue Lake pay roll?"
"A: little over six months," he an-
swered colorlessly.
"Over six months?' A quick look
of interest came into her eyts. "Tre-
vors hired you? Or dad?"
"Your father."
"Then"- and a sudden, swift . smile
came for the first time that morning
into the ,girl's eyes—"you're square!
Thank God for one Ivan to be sure
She had risen with a quick impetu-
osity and put out her hand. Lee took
it into his own, and felt it shut hard,
line a man's.
"Just how do . _ :you know I'm
square?" he asked slowly.
"Dad was human," she replied soft
Iy. ''He made some mistakes. But
he never made a mistake in a horse
foreman yet. He said to me a dozen,
times: "Judy, watch the way a man
1reats his horse if you want to size
him up! And never put your horses
•into'the care of a man who isn't white
clean through.' Dad knew, Bud Lee,"
Lee made no answer. For a little
was ten years •ago, women folks be- Judith, back at the long tableand
ing so d—ci tricky in the looks of their looking -..strangely small: in the big
ages, but. I'dsay slie was eight or bare'room before this massive piece
of furniture, stared into vacancy with
reminiscent eyes. Then, with a Iittle,
nine or ten' or eleven years old: Any-
how, Luke had took her it hard al-
ready. Why, .that Sire's rid real rheug of her shoulders, :she turned
horses since she was the size of a again to the tall foremal
pair of hoots. Luke took her every
where he went, up in the mountains,
over the Big ridge, down valley -ways,.
"Why did you tell Trevors this
morning that you were going to quit
work?" she asked with abrupt direct -
into town when he went off on his tress,
Luke and, .b
yearly. And they say >'Lu e v vasn't � P,ccause, he Y
no poky rider, either. You've rode now his flush had subsided and his
his string, Bud? What are those grave good -humor had come back to
'horses, huh?" him like his customary, serenity.. `,"I
"I'm a little particular when it felt like moving ori."
conies to a saddle -horse,"' Bud adrnitt- "Because," she insisted; "you knew
a bandanna handkerchief. l hen, .vr-atchin that the Pirl knew before „
g(cd. But I never' asked any better ,tela: there was some :dirty work afoot
moving with incredible swiftness she
was in the saddle, the reins firmly
' the horse which way he would jump,
than old- 5anfurd's string."and did notcare to be ta,essed up in
"You hear him!" said Carson. "Well it?,' r`
that Judy girl has rid horses like` them Now here, most positively, l3ud Lee
for dozen years. I guess," and he said within himself, was a "Person to
together in some mad devil's dace. spoke With slow thoughtfulness, "that reckon with. How did she know all
• and whipped the blind frrirn 'hi, red -
pp "Can .she ride!" whispered laud she's a real:chili off 'tile old block.: that? What business did a kid like
It's my guess number two that sli.e this have , of knowing ; so blamed
ain't just 'shootiltg off her face pro- much?'
iniscuously when she says there's "You've got your rope oil the right
something crooked' in the deal Trey -pair of horns," he said after his brief
ors has been handing .her. And, third . pa:usc,
bet, there's most likely going to be "How did you know that Trevors
seven kinds' of 11-1 popping around .was working the double-cross on this
this end of the woods for a spell." deal?" she demanded.
"What are you -donees' about it, Car- "I didn't know," he said. stiffly, "T.
son?" asked the man whose unusually just guessed. The same as. you He
was headed for the open valley, run- Vacuous eXllressii'n gave him'the was spending, too much honey; he
tiny toward th.i West yivin . llixtl his melte �,f 17c�jie . Face. "Stick on the was getting too little. to show for it
ri ed. The Prince, a sudden trefnb- : that she knew how to sway her:body
gripped. with his so that she and he were not
ling through him, stocd with his four separate beings but just one, moving
feet planted. The girl leaned forward d
A thorough knowledge of -Farm Stock
Phone 231, Wingham
,Phone 6131-6, T
u,<ter, ;rcres,
`+LL.,Tt. T Cr�Tric,
Sake an
where; and s`atiifact.ic,it guaratnteed.'.
rtmmc eyes.
"There's a good hey t" said Judith ,Lee. "I want to know!
coolly. "Buck a Tittle for the lady,' Again the maddened Prince reared
9 gain brought him, to, earth.
Prince!"and a„ she, b
Slowly the great muscles of Again he resumed the terribly tearing
Prince's leg and shoulder and flank series of short, sharp buck. And still
her hair tumbling, blown about her
shoulders, she rode him,
Soddenly; with a :}nick, concerted
action of spur, whip and rein, Judith
swung the Prince 'about so that he
DRS. A, J ,& A. W. IRWIN
i,IacL)onald .Block, Winghain,
S, .I V'It;E•
A. Walker
licensed Funeral1)1reeti,r a11d
111 Cr,
Office Phone 1007. Ties, i'hanc '224
I -nest f,int7otlllitte l`tltter'al 'Coach
!,earl only a'littie, drkktttg Tient. T -le
tlsru!ee'intu a t!ivndcr3t !�, ttlt, ti u rtz
Y t i ,ts, with mane and tail flying, he dash-
ed through the nien Natio fell away
front hiy furious resit. And as lie
ran, Judith spurred iiim so that; his
only thought lay in running away
front ihc• menace' upon his hack;
Three minutes later she rode hack
t,, the brink-hrtust and .slipped from
!ie. saddle. l]ud Lee, going to Iter,
had his hat in his hand,
"Now, Ward," :elle said -quickly, her
breathing hurrid, her cheeks red,
"what do you say?"
";1 said I'd stick if you reels h.ina,"
muttered Ward, "And'--"
"And," Cric'rl the girl- with quick
1i,t5'Sloe, "1'11 tell yo1J something.
You're a :great big lumbering, coward!'
iStir.'k with me?" She laughed ,again,
!a neW laugh, ringing with her scorn,
• +"T1cre`.''a your outlaw; l've w,c:ilticd ilial
ticking as tiny a Dc^rX-Hearted a bit. 1''{il ride mire,
Ixoese i tzaws How, t Ills fellows laulried at Ward; for
thi' field toroniar was Tto:beirseniiln
811(1 1111' tittIr,r? tis way in which 110 had
lit'<rtr,glr1 out this snapping, vicians itn-
irual had testified to the feet. He
a dt•i•w Bark 1)ciw, mutter;rn,
t ; Ride hint!" Med Judith, her'vdiee
Thursday, October 23rd, 193fJ
reason in the world i;; there why you out citizens, but rarely not for thoso
choose to think 1 havc.ti't any ltusiness! who hold to their sins, and avhe do
wearing my own shoes? not break away from them, 'finding
forgiveness, and entering the new life
1 spirit.fgeneration through the 1-loly
:«,..�,- I
�lI3ut the Hutt of the Spall.
word `fruit' here takes the ,place of
LESSON XXVI,-•'•OCTOBER 26 l'works' inverse 19, as being a more
Worl'd's Temperance Sunday (Spirit- sautgh!e designation of what are ra-
ual Weapons in. a World War) tiler states of mind or habits of feel•.
Golden 'rei t.— Every Ivan : that' Ing than concrete actions like' most,
striveth in the games exerciseth self-
control in all things. --1 Cor. 9: 25,
Time.—Paul wrote his Epistle to
the Galatians' A,D, 57, in the course
of his third missionary journey:
Place.—••—He wrote :it in Greece, in
the city of Corinth, where he spent
three months at this time.
For ye, brethren, were called for
freedom, The Jewish element in the
churclis in Galatia triad trouble for.
the Greek element; , insisting on a
strict adherence to the Jewish forms
and ceremonies as: a condition of sal-
vation. On13' use not your freedom
for an occasion to the flesh. "By the
word `flesh' we' iuust understand not
merely sensual indulgence, but' that
natural selfishness which finds ex-
pression in the disregard of other
people's rights and ,interests." But
through love be servants one to an-
other. Thus that love which, is the
true realization of liberty, is most
completely realized in washing the
brethren's feet. Act on this principle,
and there will be no danger of your
liberty lapsing into license.
For the whole law is fulfilled in
one 'Word, even in this: Thou shalt
love thy neighbor as thyself. C•hrist's,
siumnary of the law included a whole-
hearted love of roan; but .."the state
of heart requisite to the keeliing of
this commandment cannot exist with-
out corresponding love to God, so in-
timately connected, .so absolutely in-'
separable, are the two—our love of
God, and . our love to man."
But if ye bite and devour one an-
other. Tearir4 one another like wild
beasts in such partisan disputes as
had afflicted the churches of Galatia.
Take heed that ye be not consumed
ane of another. Church dissensions,
harmful enough in well-established
communions; would be absolutely fat-
al in young churches, seeking a foot=
bold in the ntidst•Aif flourishing hea-
But say I, Walk by the Spirit. A
person's "walk" is his„ way of life.
And ye shall not fulfill the lust of the
flesh. To fulfil the lust of the flesh
is to yield to sensual desires, such as
the desire to come under the influence
of alcohol.
For 'the flesh lusteth against the
Spirit, and the Spirit . against the
flesh: "The lower appetite and the
higher aspiration are in active oppo-
sition the one against the other, with
the result that each ..tends to paralyze
the working of the other, whether it
be inclined toward the evil or towards.
the good. For these are contrary the
one to the other. No "respectable"
wino 1, no compromise- with the li-
quor traffic, is possible. The church
and. the saloon are opposites. That
ye may. not do the things that ye
But if ye are led by the Spirit, ye
are not under the law.' "Law finds
no just occasion against men who arc
led by the Spirit, for they themselves
check every wrotig desire within them
and so fulfil the whole law.
Now the works of the flesh ars
manifest; But probably Paul is not
merely referring• to cot:temporary cir-
cumstances, He means that there is
no 'mistaking what this self -abandon-
ment to the lower life leads to, Dr.
Jekyll cannot keep the secret of Mr.
Hyde, Which are thee fUrnica
encleanliness lasciviousness. These
three sins, closely akin, are to be
grouped with idolatry, which is next
aentioncd, because the rites of idol.,
atry were grossly licentious,
Idolatry, sorcery, ' Surgery, whose
devotees believe that demons give
then information regarding the ftt-
tuie and 'supernati.tral: power over oth-
ers, is closely akin to idolatry. Both
arc: terribly debasing. i nniities, strife,
jealousies, wratlis, factions, divisions,.
parties, nese, together with "envy-.
i e +ti" named i t the 'be ,inin r of tate
nl., i. ed r ,g b
next verse, are all foetus of, schism
such as rein the (alatian church and
furnished the °occasion for this letter.
Envyings, drunkenness, revelling,,
and suci, life. J'ltc'iist, even though
long and terrible, is by 00 means
complete, Of which 1 forewarn you,
even its 1 dill .forewarn you, Ibuil
refers' to his spoken warnings when
he was in Galatia establishing the,
churches. That they, who pritetise
sochiblegs shall riot. inherit the king-
dom of aiod, : God's itit'azelore, his ruler
ri gh(101tsne;s, is of (Turk for those
:vlrr, rt10 t'i,hteolts»l(ut frit' tllattc tvhei
11 VC, 11rver t°,K1mmittod tilt, foe then
the kingdom :of God week! be Wallet»
,r + ' , a,w„-a :• he was selling too, Much stock too
r quit?" 7 <,t it
":ll?e?"� Careon sought a Match, and cheap,"
r. r. 14- " •1, with •�ou?"
when he had found It, held it Juni, W41at s the Matter � wt y
his grimy fingers, staring. at it cried the girl, surprising ilial with. the
tllotig]ttfully. "Me stay an' let a she- heat of her words and. the -sudden-�
1110 Well it ain't the play darkening of: her eyes. '"Why do you
gi�•1 l.ro;s;+ C 1 Y
<t man alight book tci Tae to make, an' insist on being so downright stand -
1 a;n't saying it's the trick I'd do ev-
ery day in 1110 week, llut Isere there's
some tfiinga to Set a 0100 scratching
hie heads site's <t winner -all right, an'
I'm the first man to no and say so,
Slie's got the sand an' she's :;rat the
savvy, 'I'akc� 'ern together an' they
corded. The trembling raese4; he was
like a horse. careen 111 b!t ish'-trra,eite.
Ill: shook his head a little Judith,
her hand tightening vpon- the refits
field his herd well tip, the severe: br
thwarting tlieatterrtpt to -get his ewe
down between his fti1cle,gt,
"1bee, s,Ttddettiy, 'ithottt
t't fti
stinging him, "Ride hien or get off
I11t:.tr.ITlcftl ';Which is it?"
Waal 1Hannon,tgladrif the,cspenlltg,
o{fish and stiff and aloof? What have'
I clone to you that you Gait': be de-
cent? 1 uni only,r
ccnG.? putting foot
on 'my land and yoit Tiiake 'me feel
like an iutred or"
"Like a half-aniinitted trained y ice-
berg, es. Can't yeti act like a Ittr-
previously enumerated `works.' " Is•
love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kind
n.ess,. goodness, faithfulness. "The'
fruits of the Spirit,' says Paul, not
the fruits as we might more nature
ally have expected, and as the phrase:,
is most often quoted; all this muelr
-variety of graces, of conduct'and of'
character, is thought . of as one. The
individual members are not isolated!
graces, but all connected, springing'
from one root and constituting an or-
ganic whole
Meekness, self-control, The words
translated "self-control" means the
"holding in hand the passions and de-
sir. es," like athletes preparing for the
Olympic games. or. othei great Greek
contests. Against such there is no
law. There. is no restraint upon those
whose impulse is in this directioli;
for who ever heard of the prohibition
of such acts?" To the man who does
not want to drink or make others
drunk there is no such thing as a pro-
hibitory ,amendment.
And they that are of Christ Jesus_
They that belong to Jesus the Mes-
siah. Have crucified the flesh with
the passions and, the lusts thereof.
This they did when they were baptiz-
ed and became followers of Christ.
If we live by the Spirit, by the
Spirit let us also walk... "The life
which the Spirit quickens needs hum-
an co-operation, an active effort .on
the part of the Christian, to realize
it completely in practice.
Let us not become: vain, glorious,.
provoking one anotltr, envying one
another. These were special faults of
the Galatians.
make what you call gam noon, T roan being? 011, I: ve got your 110111-
might bu -trailing m hick, sonic oth- ber, Bud Lee; and you tiCe ;itis: its
, s, y la
:'t �' 'w n the hoses as the fest
did the first fool the �, �narr ciw betec
rrttl,c,•ct,if 1 < t4�
that eoppcid into• my nut. 'I3ttt play- of the outfit. Yon are narrow and.
Mg: fair, l'lt, going to stick lin' tlo ttiy prejudiced and blindly t.tm•casoiiablt:l
<1--eedcst to sec Tarke Satlford's girl 1' know as much about ranching' las
putup her scrap. Yes, sit." any of you; I know more about this
"What did she. want 'to fire "1'revrii's loutfit because the best man that ever
for?'.' asked Benny, the:' cook. 'set foot on .11:, and that's 1,tike San -
Carson, looking at hurl contemptu- ford, taught me every crook and 'bend
ously, SpOke nice inconteiriptu<lus answer
About the stem of ITis pipe, "Any Mar
on tete - job can atiiwet' yee that,
i, Ili: open ,r` stint -thct
C:c,ol.ic., Tt :. hecto i1>c t a 1
lash month Trevor's is either era y or,.
ct'ooked. 1 said, didn't T, Western
Lumber's Itching to get its devil -fist,
!eggs, wrapped aratin' Blue Lake tim-
ber? They've busted ed i11ot'er than one
of it; and n<iw, just bccsnse I'm a
girl and not a, boy, 3,,51 ,Mance off like
I had :the .stnali-pov; jest vvlic.n 1 need
loyalty and tinderstst iding and when,
the Lord knows, I've already got a.
double handful of 11 otrbie, I can't
count for a nli1ritte 0(T men that have
been taking my ,pay fol', months! Get.
soiltc of the mildew and cobwebs out
rancher up in Ilse• ntonutaiee. 'frevore of your head and telt me this: What
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Strong and
family, ` Mrs. D. Miller of Listowel,
spent Sunday with friends near Pike
Lake and 'attended anniversary ser-
vice at Drew.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Zurbrigg and fam-
ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Heipel, Clifford.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Pritchard and,
family spent Sunday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Jarnes Stevenson.
Mr. Thos.- Strong and her aunt,.
Mrs. Miller spent Friday with Mrs.
Mary Taylor,Harriston,
Quite a lumber from here attended:'
the plowing Thatch Wednesday. and
Mrs. Hugh McLeod, Alice and Mar-
jorie spent a few days with her moth-
er in Clifford.
Squash. Pie
1 eup niashed'squash
213 cup brown sugar
1 scant teaspoon cinnamon
113 teaspoon ginger
} teaspoon salt
1 egg
213 cup milk
Mix the first 5 ingredients. Add the
beaten egg and the milk. Line a pie'
plate with pastry and fill with the•
settasli mixture. Bake in hot oven to,
start, then lessen the heat to set the -
From Headaches
Colds- and Sore Throat
Neuritis, Neuralgiaa
Don't be a chronic sufferer front)
headaches, or any other pain. The*
Is hardly an ache or pain Bayer
Aspirin tablets can't relieve; they are
e great comfort to women who suffer
,periodically. They are always to be-
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