HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-10-23, Page 3STEP
Energy comes from food that contains
the elements of nutrition' in well.
balanced proportion and -easily di.
gested form. Get into partnership
a andyour energy
wthNur - t este
P up
bY eating Shredded Wheat with milk.
you the carbohydrates y u need to
furnish heat and energy, all the min.
eral salts for bones and teeth. Deli-
cious for any meal with ith sliced bananas
or stewed fruits.
Sciatica? Lumbago?
T-R.C'aeve safe speedy relief from pain.
and stieee, Mr. B. F. cNeely of
Peterboro, ,Ont., writes "1 hsys so
hesitation m .saying that Tempistm„
Rbeurnatie Capsules are the only resnedd
that has given me relief from m pain.
T -R -C's are equally goodfor.&i t ea,
Lumbago, Neuntie, Netmtlpa. No harm-
ful drugs. and $1 at you dealer's. tot
_ � iaR�Phii�A
idette ani
meitced building a cement .wall at the
north of the new county bridge, a
Miss Ada Gallaher left for Ingersol
on Saturday where she will visit with.
friends for a time,
Mrs. Dan McTavish who has spent
several months in the West returned
to her home in town last week.
Mr. R, J. and 1\{rs, Rann are visit-
ing friends in Toronto. i"
Mr. Geo, J, Town was home from
Guelph over Sunday,
1\11.. Frank,, W, "Wright, ,died Mon-
day afternoon, after being ill for some
time. His wife died some years ago
after which .d,eceased moved to •the
village from the farm: He leaves one
son, Thomas, of Howick Township.'
At their meeting an October 15th,
the members of Montana Loclge No.
177 IO.O.F., had their installation of
officers for the ensuing year, by the
following. District team: D.O,G,M.,
W. H. Haney; D.O.G.W., G. Olver;
D.D;G.M., W, Vanwycic ,D.D.G.R„ S.
B. Mundy; D.D.GF.,' A. L. Posliff;
D.D.G.T., D. Benedict; D.D.D.J.G., J.
W. Dodds; D.D.G. Chapter, N. Fry.
The following officers were installed:.
N.G,,:Bert 1Vlartain; V,G., Wm. Hays;
R.S.; • Thos. Brown; F.S., Lorne
Kaake; Treas., Jas. Edgar; R.S.N.G.,
Ross Pope; L.S.N.G. Jas. Edgar; R.S.
V.G., John Taylor; L.S.V.G., O. Mof-
fatt; W., W. Austin; C,, Thos. For -
time; O.G.; Geo. .McEwan; O.G., Jno.
Douglas; R.S.S.; John Edgar L.S.S.,
M. Edgar; Chaplain, Geo, Paulin.
Following this speeches were given
by visiting :brethren from Brussels
and Arthur, also by the District .Of-
ficers Lunch was served and a most
enjoyable evening was spent ,by all.
A meeting of the Laymen of the
congregations of Gorric and Wrox-
eter was held in the basement of the
Anglican church, Friday evening, Oc-
tober 17th, for the purpose of organ-
izing a Parochial branch of the Lay-
men's Association of. the Diocese of
Huron; Mr. Hartman, the lately ap-
pointed organizer of the Deanery,
was present. It was decided that each
congregation have a branch organi-
zation of their own. The officers el-
ected for Gorric: were: Mrs. N. Wade, • President; Mr. Joseph -Sanderson,
Mr. John Gibson of Chicago is
spending a few days aNith his mother
in town,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Miller of Wood-
bridge were guests of Mr. and .Mrs.
John Snell over the week -end.
Mr, Cliff White and Mr. V. Mc-
Donald made a business' trip to Port
Elgin recently.
Mr. Kenneth Gibson of Hamilton
spent Sunday with friends here.
Mr. G. A. Gibson of town has corn
vice president. and, T. C. Vittie, sec
'retary, For Wroxeter: Mr. Geo. Paul-
in, president; Mr. H. Waller, Vice
President and Mrs. L. Kaake, Secre-
tary. A Parochial Committee of three
namely:. Mr. A. J. Hooper, G. S.
Smythe and F. Davey, was appointed
to attend the Deanery meetings. Mr.
Hartman explained 10 the Laymen
their duties in connection with the
Association. Each one is expected: to
do his share toward helping on with
the work of the Chrttrch. Each fam-
ily in the Church to be visited by
some of the Laymen regularly and to
Evening. rates on "Anyone"
('station -to -station) cauls now
bbegirt. at �' pm, Night rotes.
begirt at 8;30 p.m, Jtest give
"Tong Distance" the num-
ber jou want—it speeds up
the service. If you don't
know the distant number,
"Information'" will look it
up for you.
Twice a week Jitney stays up until, eight -
thirty. Daddy is on the road but he doesn't
want to become a stranger to Ws son, And
so, every Monday and Thursday evening,
he pays a visit by telephone.
It doesn't cost much because he waits until
eight -thirty when the lowest night rates
begin It amounts to about the price of a
movie for a call and in return he gets
something beyond money =- the voices of
bis wife and his little boy — a touch' of
home;-•-- moments. of affection for them all
to remember and .look forward to.
Many people away from borne are using
the telephone these days to, have regular
visits with their .families. Out.of+'towti calls
are so simple to snake•and they are ,quick'
and inexpensive. They ate the tient best
thing to' being really Bogie.
Thursday, October 23rd, 1930
try arid. get each family to attend troit, were week visitors at the home
of Mr, and Mrs^ H, V. Holmes.
Mr, Peter Ramage, Miss Ramage
of Durham, and the Misses Edmunds
rf New Zealand, spent Thursday ev-
Mrs..1. Wade has returned home ening with Dr. and Mrs, Ramage.
from Toronto where she has been vis-; The United Church Women's Mis-
iting her .daughter. sionary Society will hold their Au -
Our teachers, Miss A. Douglas and turnn Thank -Offering service next
Mr. H. Brown, attended the Teachers' Sunday "morning at 11 a,n. Rev, A.
Convention in Wingham last week. W. Brown of Thorndale, will preach.
Mr, Mervin Stephens of • Stratford, ,At the evening service there will be.
spent the week -end at his home' here. a Young People's Rally when Rev.
The Ladies of the 'United Church. Mr. Broiirn•will give the address. •
held a very successful meeting on Miss Lydia Sparling will give the
Thursday: last at the home of Mrs. t topic at the Y,P.S. oh Friday night.
John Scrong. The ladies quilted a Members of the League are arrang-
quilt during the afternoon, ing for a social evening Hallowe'en,
Mrs. Ira McLean of Moorefield was. October 31st,
the gtiest of her sister, 'Mrs: W. King Rev. F. Craik will conduct Anni-
last week. versary services next Sunday on the
Mr. and Mrs. E. Connolly spent the Indian Reserve, near Sarnia,
week -end with friends in London. 1 The United Church congregation
Miss Jessie Elastic of • the K. -W. hope to hold: their annual 'Thanksgiv
Hospital, Kitchener, spent Sunday at ing fowl supper on Monday, Novem-
ber home here. ber 10th. Special ' services will be
Mr. Joe Bennett and Mrs. F. Fer- held .9n Sunday, November' 9th. The
giison motored to Hamilton on Sat- pastor will have charge of the morn-
urday last and brought Miss Margaret ing service. Rev. A. E: Mann will
Bennett home with them, She has speak at the Annual' Armistice sere -
been ' receiving treatments there'_ for ice in the evening. Rev. Craik will
some time. conduct a similar service. at Bluevale
Mrs. Rev. 1:. S. Jones is visiting Church the sante evening.
friends in London this week. ' i A Missionary and Maintenance
.Dr. and Mrs. 'Whitley have return- Banquet will be held in Wroxeter Un -
ed home after spending two weeks in ited church on Wednesday, Novem-
Detroit where the. Doctor has been ber 5th, when Rev, D. S. Davidson
taking a 'special course. lot' India, and Rev. W. H. Pike of
Mrs. R. G. Dane has returned home. Edmonton, will be guest speakers.
after visiting her son Stanley Dane, Gorrie and Orange Hill churches are
in Toronto. allowed 33 tickets only. Secure your
Mr. .and .Mrs. Smythe of London tickets from Rev. Craik. 50c each,
spent the week -end it the Rectory.
Mr. F. C. Taylor was in Goderch HEALTH SERVICE
on. Saturday.
church more regularly,
Of The
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hamilton and. • CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOC-
son and Mr, and Mrs. Ira Hamilton,! IATION
of Toronto. spent Sunday with their !
mother, Mrs. Alex. Hamilton. f
Mr. and Mrs. R. Richmond and son ,
Mervin of Blyth were guests at the Most people realive that . because
home of Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong on our hands come into contact with so
Sunday.. many objects, they become soiled and
Mr:. and Mrs. Thos. Bradnock, also contan-iinated with bacteria or germs.
Miss P. Earngey and Mrs. Cheshire Many of the germs which our hands
of Toronto, spent a few days at Bruce: pick up are harmless, but some of
Beach last week, closing up their cot- them belong to the disease producing
tage. group.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bradnock were If tli:e disease germs present on our
in. Harriston on Saturday. hands are to cause trouble, they must
Mr. and Mrs: Chas. Doan of Mit- gain entrance into the body. Foodt r lilies
thin we say we hev 1 a rid tonnes-.
cheli were guests of the former's ino- or drink may be contaminated by the an fer hundreds av years a lot av
titer, Mrs. Doan' on Sunday, hands, and so the germs are taken in- whise guys hev been throyin to ex
Mr. and Mrs. W. Hick of Mitchell' to the mouth along with food or plain the rayson fer such a shtate av
were Sunday guests ,of Mr. and Mrs. drink. Hands may be carried- to the affairs,fer, shure,thcer is no rayson
face, and the soiled firers touch the
Wessman, 1 fer-it at all, at all, so theer isn't.
Recent guests of Mrs. J. A.' Day lips or nose. In' this wad, disease Wan fellah sez theer is too alma
were: Mr. and Mrs. Tyerman of Brus- germs are transferred to the interior gowld in the wurruld, an another fel-
sels, Mrs.. Crich of Saskatoon, Misses of the body. lah sez theer isn't enough; the banks
McCracken, Mrs. Maguire and Mrs. It is for these reasons we teach say ivirybody shud be savin all the
Hersey; all of . Brussels, that the bands should be kept away money they, kin, an Mishter Prisidint
Mr, and Mrs. C. Day and daughter, from the face and that they should Hoover tells thim they are all wet,
Bernice, also Mrs, J, A. Day, spent be thoroughly washed before food is
a day 'in Brussels recently. touched. There is no doubt that clean
Mr. James B. Wylie of Toronto, hands afford one of the most practical
spent the week -end at his home here. safeguards against disease which we
1111s. James Wylie and daughter, Lor- :possess.:
rra, returned home with him after When the hands are thoroughly
spending the week -end with Mrs. Jno.,washed, we get rid of the gross dirt
Wylie. and a large percentage of the genus
Mrs: I3adl ley of Toronto was a lying on the skin. The hands are not
-Week-end guest of Mrs. 5. Wylie. sterilized by washing. Hy that, we
hh-s. John Wylie, Mrs. J=as. Wylie mean that all germs on the skin are
and daughter .Lorna; were guests of not destroyed as they are when, for
Mr..and Mrs, Clarke Renwick, at Bel- example, we boil objects in water.
more On Thursday. Practically, this means that when
Mrs, J. Hill of Toronto is the guest the hands are wiped on the towel,
of Mrs. W. R. T-Iastie for the past Some living germs are left on the
week, towel.' If the towel is frequently tts-
Mr; and Mrs, S. A.':Seaman.of New ed; or if it is kept in use for some
fork, also. Mr. and Mrs. R. Gilpin of days, the number of living germs 00
Collingwuod were here attending the the towel increases.
funeral of the ladies' mother, Mrs., E. If the same towel, is used by more
James, who died at the home of her than one person, then each user not
daughter,. firs. E. Lambkin; at Moore- only leaves sonic of the germs off itis
field. , hands on the towel; but also, as he
Mr. C. E. Shera spent,' the week -end uses the told+el, he picks up' on his
in Detroit, Mrs, V. Shera accompany- hands some of the germs which ether
ing hint as far as Rodney and, spent users of the towel have left on it,
the week -end with friends there, �. It has been proved that' this is what.
ivir, and Mrs, Cr. Foster, accon•rpan- actually happens. Our reasttn for
ied by 'Helen Jeftcrson of Owen bringing it to the attention of our
Sound, returned home, after spending readers is that it has a practical mean-
a few days with their daughter, Mrs. ing for each one in his daily life.
G. Jefferson,, also of Owen 'Sound. ! It is obvious that the' consnton tciw-
ltr, and vfrs. Lord,. Mr. [-Toward (1, whether in tltc home or elsewhere,
Lowry and 11./tr. jack "Toner, all of may be responsible for the spread of
Toronto, visited with A. E. and Mrs, disease germs, This means that we
Toner, also other friends otter the 'should have our own towel and never
week-ond, use one belonging' to another person,
We arc pleased to have Miss Above all, 'we.,shouldshish the public
M'arraret Bennett with. us again, She towel ,just as we avoid, the public:
has been in I-laniiltc'n for several drinking cup.'
months. j ,, Ideally, a towel should be used but
The W. A. of St, Stephen's Church once. In any' ease, towels should be
will meet at the home of Mrs. G. frequently changed bt rause they do
Ring on Thursday afternoon next. berosnes heavily lath:n with bacteria.
Mr. and Mrs. T. 0. Johnson have True, most, of these. Bacteria are re -
returned home front Waldemar where lativcly harmless;: but we never know
they have been visiting their daugh- when there may be some disease lirrr-
tcr, miss. Gamble. Their grandchild- ducers antonf ' them.
ren returned with them. 1 Oneslions'oncoming Health, ad-
()pita a number from Corrie attend- dressed to the Canadian Medical As -
ed the Plot'ving Match held last week snciation, 134 College' Street, Toronto
in Strafford. • will be answered persontslly by letter.
Mr; J. 11. P. Finrni.ns of 'rota tito,
Mr, and 'Mrs. W.. ",1.`. 'Iibbiies, "Sot About the only thinly that come
Taylors and Miss Eckardt, all of bd� hxtn 'who waits is whiskers,
To the Editur av all thim
Wingham Paypers,
Deer Sur:—
ur:-As 1 time tnebby I tould ye wance
arr twoice befoor,.this is a quare wur-
rind ,an gittin quarer an quarer all
the toirne.
The thrubble wid it at the prisint
toinxe is that theer i; too much av
ivirytittg that paypie .nade ,its it an
we say tonnes' are bad,
Ould mother earth has produced
lashins av good tings fer ivirybody,
but theer sames to be someting bad-
ly wrong-IN••id the way we devoide it.
Some fellahs do be gittin more than
theer share, Theer are plinty av tings
shud be done to make the counthry
happier an healthier fer ivirybody, an
yit tousands av min are widout wtrr-
ruk, an walk the shtrates lookin fer
it till they lose theer rayson, an com-
mit suicide. Theer is a surplush' av
wool, an coal, an whate in the wur
rtild, an yit childer do be goir to
theer beds could and hungry, avers
afther theer mothers hev gone widout
army suppers fer thimsilves, in ordher
that the childer cud hev a little boite
to ate.
Yis, ould . Mother Nature showers
her blessins wid a lavish hand, an
as me bye who wus oversays wild say,
an they shudden't be hcordin up theer
money at all, at all, so they shudden't
but shud be shpindin it freely in or-
dher, to git the whales in the facktor-
ies turnin agin.
Some fellahs say theer is a surplush
av rnasheenery in the wurruld, an oth
ers that theer is a surplush av autos
an gas stashuns.
Some say that builders an mechan-
ics do be wurrukin too manyy-hou.s
in the wake, an others haat the far
ruiners do be wurrukin too few.
Whin a business firruni has a sur-
plush at the ind av the year thin it
it is .good toimes wid thins, but whin
the wurruld has a surplush it is bad,.
toirnes, Cud ye bate it?
Yis, rnebby thcer are too many s tir-
plushes av some tings its the wurruld,
Fer inshtance, theer is a surplus's av
noice girths an widdies in town, au
sit our shtrates do be cluthes•ed up
wid ould batchelors all widdy. min.
Theer is surplush av bootleggers, an
hould tip min, an promoters, an bond
houses, an av crazy half drank fel-
}ahs dhroivin autos, an level crossins,
an sow tistles, an wt'ild carrots, an
lance backs, an niimbers av parley -
mint an wurrumy ap11les an a. tousand
an wan other tings I cud minshun, an
if theer wnsscn't a sur 'shish av good
<S.'dvoice, an too few ,c,od (samples
in the wurruld. at :tlt,: prisint toimc,
nsesilf That cad prcr:croihe a rias-.
idy fer all thine tings.
\an place wheel.theer will be no
surplush this year is wid the new
Tory Governmint. "Thin lads at. Ot-
tawa belave in 'Mishter Hoover's ()id-
ea av shpindin the nu ney freely, an
borryin inoore whin they run short,
an amtebby "tis betther so,:
The ntissus sex• that if I het' anny
surplush in the bank that she nades.
it to begin gittin Christtitas prisints
ready fer the . grandcbilder. As. it
sanies that: surplttshes do be the cause
ay. all our tbrubbles, an that we shall
nivir have good tointes Agin till we
git rid av thistm, 1 may as well hand
it over frrrsht as lasht.
it has dist costae to me t ioind that
archly it wins the surpliSlies a'ts Ale'
late Grit Governmint that put thirsa
,byes out av business.
Yours fer hilpin to git rid av
the surplush es,
Timothy Hay.
Seldom has any single act been of
greater benefit to mankind than that
of Dr. Caldwell . in 1885, when he
wrote the prescripti,, which has
carried his fame to tr_ four corners
of the earth.
Over and over, Dr. Caldwell wrote
the prescription as he found meal;
women and children suffering from
those common symptoms of constipa-
tion, such as coated tongue, bad'
breath, headaches, gas, nausea, bilious-
ness, no energy, lack of appetite, and
similar things.
Demand for this prescription grew
so fast, because of the pleasant, quick:
way it relieved such symptoms oi's
constipation, that by i888 Dr. Cald-
well was forced to have it put ups
ready for use. Today, Dr. Caldwelrie:
Syrup Pepsin, as it is called, is alwaylf
ready at any drugstore.
Phm. B., Opt. D., R. O.
Phone 118 Harristoss, Ont.
"The Best Equipped Optical Es
tablishnient in this part of
New Fall and
Whiter Goods
Our Fall and Winter Over-
coats are now in, ...A splendid
range of Coats and prices ran-
ge from $:13.50 to $32.50.
Falb samples of trade -to -mea-
sure Suits are wonderful values.
Three prices $23,50, $27.50 and
$35.50. _Tailored to your fancy.
Prices are cut away from any.,
tieing offered in same values.....
Fall and Winter Caps, Sweat-
ers, Sox and Underwear.
Green .,Valley . Peas ...:10c a can
Horner Vanilla Extract
2 for 15c
G, M. 3eily Powders,....;3 for 20c
DAr�'rkfn1'% S�r� Tr Y�r�
,VRO,XETs1.° R1