HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-10-23, Page 2iIN!W!�YeN,W,d5S8FJ'F..•r, •4u�x�; �: J'm
' it ntpm iLmittem !rlillrlll
6 '41f, 1; .
Operates a year without any attention,
`3 Screen Grid Tubes, 7 tubes in all, new
vola type. )P.e. Inductor, Dynamic . Speaker,
Push Pull Power Output, complete Shield-
Complete Installed.
• 53 down, 10 monthly installments of $13
Free Installation.
rn Sn+m Hur m war U i yt m ,ti ;;•
u yiur+ fu..nlrouwimm 1l
The new low priced ' Electric
Console, -Screen Grid Tubes, Dy-
namic speaker, completely. shield-
Complete Installed
$31 down, 10 installments of
$13.00 each,
Buy your radio where you get
reliable service,' you'll save, and
get much better satisfaction.
Free Service 90 Days.
PHONE 158 or 234.
No. '20- Best Herd of Hereford art, Mrs. S. Young:
Cattle," $3.00, donated by Frank Wat- No. 53 -Best 2 pies, ist, 2.0.0, don -
son, -J, l Little. ated by Fred- Carter; 2nd, 1.00, -don-
No, 21 Best three fat Steers, 1st, ated by .Mrs. Cummings, Mrs. Stroh,
$5.00, 2nd, $3,O9; $ ^d $2,00, prizes Mae Coulter
donated by Union Stock Yards, of No. 54 --Best Loaf of Bread, :one
Toronto. -Frank Thompson J. A. Mc- bag of .Hive Lilies Flour, donated -by
Lean, Jas. Forrester, Howson & H'owsoe. Mrs. Finnen,
No, 22• -Calf, raised on Royal Put- No. 55 -Best 10 ib. crock of butter,
pie calf Meal; 100 lbs. Calf Meal, don- 5.00:cash, donated by A. M. Crawford.,
• ated by W. A. Jenkins Mfg, Co, -F, Mrs, A.. Edgar.
G. Todd. • No, 56 -Best collection of house
No. 23 -Best Baby Beef; 1st, $3,00, plants; 2.00, donated by I3, E. Tsard.
2nd, $2.00, Prizes donated by D: For- Walter Ross.
tune -W.. Woods and Son, J. T. Lit- •No. 58 -Best and largest loaf of
tle white bread, 50 ,lbs. of bread flour,
donated by T. A, Mills, Mrs. Finnen.
No. 59 -Best and largest two loav-
es of bread, .08 lbs. of flour donated
by A, C. Adams. • Mrs. Finnen,
No. 60 - Best dozen largest hen
eggs, 1.00 cash, donated by W. C. Le -
pard. J. A. Scott.
No. 61 -Best bushel late potatoes,
1.st, 2.00 mdse.; 2nd, 1.50 mdse., 3rd,
1.00 mdse, donated by Mr. Barr, man-
ager of Walker store. J. D. Bee-
croft, A. Schmidt, W. I. Miller.
No. 62 -Best half bushel of table
carrots, :lst, 1;50 mdse, donated by
Mr. Barr, manager of Walker Stogie:
A. Robertson.
No. 63 -Best pint jar of jann nine -
inch silver cup, Mrs, Wallace Miller.
No. 64 -Best pint jar jelly, nine-
inch silver cup, cups donated by Gen-
eral Foods, Ltd., distributors of' Ger-
to. Mrs. W. M.. Henry.
No. 65 -Bicycle race, 1st,: 2.00 don-
ated by`Elweil Webster; 2nd, 1.00,
donated by Thos. Henderson. Ralph
Saint, Leonard Bolc,
No. 66 -School Children's chorus
or singing contest,,,asilver trophy by
A, E. Sih'erwood. : Miss Reynolds,
No. 67 -Oratory contest, medal of-
fered by W. L. Craig for pupil deliv-
ering best • oration on ` The Rural
School -Its Future Evelyn Patter-
WINGHAM FALL FAIR i ter Ross, Mae Coulter.
(Continued from last week) Horses
No. 1 -Best and largest group of
horses, $3.00, donated by A. and W.
McKague.-Alex, McDonald.
No. 2 -Best halter- broken colt,
foaled in 1930, 1, $2.00, donated by
Robinson and -Fuller, Massey -Harris
Agents; 2nd, $2,00, donated by Sam-
uel Young (Blacksmith) -Geo. Mun-
dell, Alex. McDonald.
No. 3= -Best colt, three years and
under, Neckyokc, donated by A. F.
Borne, Blacksmith, --Alex. McDonald.
No. 4 -Best Draft or Agricultural
Team, hitched to wagon: one pair of
Leather Top Rubber: Boots, donated
by W. H. Willis-Robt. Graham.
No. 5 -Best' brood mare and three
of her colts, $5.00, donated by Chas.
Robertson, M.P.P.-Alex. McDonald,
No. 6 --Test heavy horse: 1, $5.00,
China Painting - Realistic design,
Miss grant, Mrs. Greer; Convention-
al design, Miss Grant; Ornainent or
wase, Miss Grant, Mrs. Salkeld; Lus-
:#re or matt work, Miss. Grant,.. Mrs.
:Salkeld; 'China Painting, Miss Grant, •
Mrs. Greer; Best Collection, Miss'.
Miscellaneous -Carving, Miss Liv-
ingstone; Basketry, Miss Carrick,
Mrs, T,H. Moore; Specimen silhou-
eitte, Mrs. Bishop, Mrs. Greer.
Sdmool Children's Competition -To
The child ander 12 years of age, for
;the best map of Huron County, Marg.
'Coulter, W. M. Henry; Ti) the child
hinder 12 years of agc, for the hest`
;Bind. House, Mrs. .Trembly, McKen.
Mowbray; Best collection of 3 pieces.
se.eater color, Adam 'Robertson, Wal -
No, :24 ---Best Grade Butcher Heif-
er; lst, $3.00, 2nd, $2.00; donated by
W. S. Mitchell and Son. -J. T. Lyons,
Frank Thompson.
No. 25-13est Shorthorn Bull; $5.00,
donated by R. Wilton. -Kerr Bros.
No 26 -Best Dairy Cow; lst, $5:00,
donated by United Farmers' Co -Op-
erative Co.; 2nd, $2.00, . donated by
Dr. Irwin. -R. 5, Currie, 5, T. Little,
No. 27 ---Best Herd of Registered
Shorthorn Cattle, A 'silver cup, value
,$11.50, donated by the Robt. Simp-
I son Co., Toronto. -Kerr Bros.
No, 28 -Best Herd Reg. Hereford
Cattle; A silver cup, value $15.00, don-
ated by Dominion Bank, Wingham-
J. T. Little.
No. 29 -Best Herd of Registered
Poked Angus" Cattle; A silver cup,
value $11.50, donated by Canadian
Bank of Commerce, Wingham.-F. G.
Todd: .
No. 30 -Best Pair Butcher's lambs;
$2.00, donated by A. J. Nortrop.-J.
No. 01 -Best four Female Sheep,
$4.00, donated by Robt, Conites.-W.
M. Henry.
No. 32 --Best Pen of Four Lambs,
1st, $4.00, 2nd, $2.00. Prizes donated
by John L. McEwen. -H. Patterson,
W. M. Henry.
No. 83 -Best Ewe Lamb; A 26 -
piece set of "Dorothy Vernon" Had-
don Plate Silverware in a suitable
case, value $22.00, prize donated by,
T. Eaton Co., Toronto.---Robt. Henry.
No. 34 -Best Pair of Bacon Hogs;
1st, $4.00;, 2, $2.00, prizes donated by
Cruikshank and -Field. -Geo. Mundell,
S. Alton.
Poultry • '
No. 35 -Best Pen Single Comb
White Leghorns One 25 lb. bag of
Swift's Layniore Meat. Scraps (fine).
-Jas. A. Scott,
No. 36 -Best Pen Barred Rocks;
One 25 ib. bag Swift's Laymore meat
scraps (fine). W. T. Miller.
No. 37 --Best Pair Dressed Chick-
ens; 5 gallons of Motor Oil, donated
by Merkley's Garage -Mrs. Walter
No. 38 -.Best Dressed Duck; $3,50,
donated by Frank Sturdy. -Beatrice
No. 39 -Heaviest Live Rooster; $5,
donated by A. H. Wilford. -W. L
No. 40 -Best Dressed Chicken; lst,
$3.00 in goods, donatad by Buthanan's
Hardware; 2nd, $2.00 cash, donated by'
John McMichael. W. Weber, W L
No. 41 -Best Fancy l)ressed Chick-
ens; $5,00 cash, donated by A. C. Ad-
ams; 2nd, $2.50, donated by Machan
Bros, -A. Fralick, W. I, Milller.
No. 42-13est Pair. of Barred Rock
Chickens;lst, $2.00; 2nd, $1:00, don-
ated by Leslie Cunningham, Manag-
er of Wellington 'Produce Co. -W. I.
Miller, .1st and 2nd.
No. 43 -Best pair of Dressed chick-
ens; $5.00 donated by Capt. Adams.
-Mrs. W. Jeffray.
by George -Spotton, M.P.; 2,
!'$8.00, donated by Adam Robertson.
IRobt. Graham,Alex. McDonald:
1No. '7 -Best draft or -agricultural
t spring foal: Buggy whip, value $1.50,
donated by Thos. Kew. -Jas. Forres-
'No. 8 -hest matched team on fair
grounds: Pipe, value, $2.50, donated
by W. , R. Dyes. -John Rintoul. .
No. 9 -Best Read. Horse: Pair of
Driving Gattetlets, value $4,50, don.-
on-ated by W. H. Gurney. -J. J. J ry-
No. 10 -Best Gentleman's
Turnout: $5,00, donated by
Smith, Manager of Bank of
S. J. Miller.
No. 11 -Best Lady Driver;:
C. I',
1st, $3,
2rid, $2,00, donated by Dr, Redmond.
-J. J. Fryfogle, S. J. Miller..
No. .12 -Hurdle Race; lst, $5.00,
donated by I2, A, Spotton; 2nd, $8.00,
donated by Dr. Colborne. -J. Elphick,
W. 5. Brown.
ialosounina® !®1anismetwom ®1 1mm!mmigl• No. 13 -Best Horse under saddle:
1.st, $8.00; 2nd, $2.00, donated -by Mc-
■ I,eod & Arthur, and Mr, A, Cosens.
Maitland Creamery --J. Elpltick, Jas, Colbert,
a' No, 14 -Horseback Potato Race:'
i.st, $3.00"' cash, donated b ;•' McKib-
Crew d Eggs
• boa's Drug Store; 2nd, $".00 mdse.,
al a donated by Dominion Storrs,. Ltd.,
IN s•
le 3rd, box of Chocolates, value $2.00, No. 47 -Hest Bushel of Apple.s, , lst,
D donated by McNab's Restaurant -E1- $3 mdse.; 2nd, $2 tads c , prizes donat-
m cion Renwick, J. Elphiek, Art. Stpalc- ed by Mr. Barr, manager of • Walker
NO ,. ■ ton, Store T. Salkeld; T. Berberich.
No. 44 -Best :13ushr;l Northern Spy.
Apples; lst prize, $5,00 pair of shoes,
by Greer's "The Good Shoe Store";
2nd, $3.00 in goods by Bttchanan's
Hardware; 3rd, $2.50 cash, donated by
E. S. Copeland.', 4th, $2.50 in Dry
Goods by TCing Bros.; 5th, $2.00 in
Dry Goods by King Bros. -T. J. Sal-
keld; W, Woods and Son, T. Berber-,
ich, .
No. 45 --Best bushel of King Ap-
ples; -1st, $3.50 cash, donated by E. S.
Copeland; 2nd, $2,00 in Dry Goads;.
donated by King 13'ros.-T. Salkeld,
T. I3erberich.
No. 46 Lest 3 Varieties of Whi-
ter Apples; lst, $3.00 mdse; 2nd, $2.00
mdse, donated by Mr E. Barr, Mair:-
ager of Walker Store. -W. Woods
and Son, 1'. J. Salkeld.
II No. 16 -Best boy driver: $'2.00 cash Not Classified -
in Our trucks etre the road and we will be Illi donated byDu Ford -Otto Johann. No, 43 Blest dozen 'Eggs, dress-
a No. 17 -Best lady driver of auto- ing table set, value .`3,50, 'donated by
a mobile, prize, 5 gallons of gasoline, j„ 1-1, Christie. Jas. A. Scott.
IR i and change of oil in' ear, donated by No. 49' -Best and Largest Hubbard
glad to give you pick-up service.
Open Saturday Evenings.
Inghaltllill, Ontario.
Phone 271
linginitiliNlitaninianninin 0,
Youttg's Garrage.---Mrs. Geo. Black, Squash, 1.00 in goods donated by Bri-
g Cattle • eltanan Hardware. T. Bcrberich,
a No, 18 -Exhibitor making most en. No, 50 -Best 5 lbs, of butter in ib,
wtries in Cattle; 1st, $5.00 Fountain prints, 5.00 cash, donated by George
Pett, donated by H. ii. Elliott; 2nd, Spottort, M.P. Mn.'sJ. Wheeler,
a; $2.50 Box of Cigars, W. A. Miller.--- No. 51 -Best working, man's din-
', T. tittle, Prank Thompson. ucr, lst, fountain pen, donated by J.
No. 1.0-ii:3est Dual Purpose Cow; Mason; 2nd, 2.00 in trade by Hanna
1st, $3.550 in Goods, donated by C. & Co. Mrs. Jeffray, Mrs, Robertson.
:EL McAvoy Druggist. - J. A Mac- No. 52•-13est exhibit plants an debt'
No. 68 -School children's marching
silver, cup, presented by the .Walker
Stores, Limited, Mr. Posliff, . Wing -
ham Public School. '
No. 69 -Best decorated auto, 1st,
5.00 cash, donated by. Isaac Wright;
2nd, silver plated fruit basket, donat-
ed by Wliliams the Jeweller; 3rd, $2,
donated by Thos. Moore.. Mrs. Braw-
ley, Miss Graham, Mary. Frallick.
No. 70 -Largest family attending.
the fair, 5.00 donated by the president
C. G. Campbell. Chas. Paterson, D.
Council met on October 14th with
all the members present. Minutes of
Previous meeting were read, and
Communication from the Twp. of
Kinloss a ,g'skin ,for a settlement on
the Lott Drain received and ordered
to be paid. '
The tender of J. G. Gillespie at the
Engineer's Estimate for both the tile
and open portions of the Elliott drain
was. accepted.
The Engineer's report on the Rob-
inson drain, was ,read: to the partes
interested, Engineer Monteith being
present and explaining matters in
general. The report was provisionally
adopted and the Clerk instructed to
have the necessary by-laws in connec-
tion therewith prepared for next
•aeieeting of Council.
The sum of $25 instead of $40.00 as
formerly, was voted the Wingham
and 1313th 'Fall lairs, and $10.00. as
can. flowers, 2.00, donated by Dr, Stew-
CHILDREN will fret, often - fur no
apparent reason. But: there's al-
ways CastoriatSdarinless is the reeipa
on the wrapper; mild and bland as it
tastes. But Its gentle action soothes
a' youngster more surely, tits-' a trade
powerful medicine.
That's the beauty of this special
children's remedy! it may be given
the tiniest: infant -as often as there
is treed. In. Cases of colic, diarrhea of
similar disturbance, itis invaluable.,
A coated tongue calls for just a edt
drops to ward Off constipation; sdt
does any 'suggestion of bad breath.
Whenever Children don't eat well.
don't rest well, or have any little
upset -this pure vegetable prepares.
tion is usually all that's' needed,
Walker Stores• Limited
Thursday, October 23rd, 1930
Be Prepared.
The Cold Snap Is Here
Check up on your Winter Requirements
-then do your `shopping at Safe And
Easy Shopping Centre
Are prepared with Fresh Stock of seas-
onable line, to fill your rnany needs .
Quality and Prices'have not been 'better
for years, so you will not need to hesi-
tae in deciding where to shop. '
Three Shopping Floors
Brim full of warm and snappy things to
help make -life more livable, are at your
service • •
A service for every member of the family.
Consult your Favorite Shopping Centre
Walker Stores
0 = 0 o- -o
usual to the Belgrave School Fair.
The following accounts were paid:
The Municipal World, supplies $3'74;
The Advance -Times office, adv., $3.95,
The Reeve, .Clerk and Assessor, sel-
ecting : jurors, $11.00; Jas. Curring;.
payment on the Cuming Dram $250;
R. Buchanan, payment of Contract on
the Cook drain $500.00; Walter Cook,
payment of contract on the Cook
drain $700.00; Twp. of Kinloss, mun-
icipality's share on.I Lott drain $317.00;
E. Killough, inspecting contract on
the Killough drain $22.00; J, Gilles,
pie, road superintendent $87.50; The
Pedlar People, Culverts $183,16; H.
Buchanan, hardware $53.54; A. E.
Purdon, hardware 58c; Lorne Scott,
crushing gravel $216.54; Chas. Car-
ter, trucking gravel $2'77.30; Patrol-
men: Roy Toll $11.90; ,Geo. Wight
pram $150.50; R. Chamney $26.25; G,
Couites, $26.57; Chas. Carter $20.25;
S. McBurney $15.'75; G, R. Vincent
Council adjourned to meet again on
Tuesday, November il.th.
A. Porterfield, Clerk.
Anniversary services will be held itt
the United Church next Sabbath, Oc-
tober 26th.
• 'Those who attended the Presby-
tery meeting held at Salem, Friday
were: Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Vogan, Mrs.
Doig, Mrs. John Inglis, Miss Eleanor
Jeffray. They report a very interest-
ing meeting.
The young folks are getting up a
play, proceeds to go toward purchas-
ing a library.
Those who attended the funeral of
William Baird at Blyth Wednesday,
were: Mr, and Mrs, Harry Gowdy,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gowdy; Mr. and
Mrs, Tom Abrain, Mr. and Mrs. Jno.
Fitch, Mrs. Mulvey, Minnie Jeffray
and . the Metcalf family. The funeral
which was conducted by Rev-. Scobie
of Belgrave, was very Iargely attend -
et, the floral tributes were beautiful.
Mr. and Mrs. Baird have the sympa-
thy of a large circle of friends in the
removal from their hc.me of a kind
and thoughtful son, Willie, who was
held in high esteem by his employees
and young associates. Another son,
Robert, died. a few years ago. Ron-
ald is in the Children's Hospital in
Members of the Women's Institute
with their hubby (those who had
one) were entertained at the Manse
Wednesday. The main feature of the
eveningwas an address by the Rev-..
Turnbull after which games and •con-
tests were indulged in, and lunch
was served.
Mrs, Alex Casemot a is holidaying
in Petrolia. .
Big Wallpaper
Large Assortment at
5c per roll
All Patterns Reduced.
Varnish Tiles 22c
The Wallpaper Shop
The ;business of farming under
present ' day conti1tton0 • requires
considerable knowledge .of > lnan'
Bial matters.
Consult the manager of the near.''
est branch of The Dominion
Bank, who is always willing to
discuss your problems .with you.
A. M. Bishop, Branch Managet
Wingharrr, arttar;o,