HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-10-16, Page 4WeNGHAM ,A. WANCE-TIM$ NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1 ANI) ()`I HF RS LAS. CHINA h [Made in England] ON DISPLAY IN OUR WINDOWS. Any article in display ,... ��� a. h a f f ' I II 1a TOOTH BROOTH FREE A. beautiful 2:c colored handle Tooth Brtishrree with "Rexall Milk of Magnesia, Tooth Paste" • Both for 39c tt 1 A104 SHEET WRITING PAD AND 50 ENVE- LOPES, Kid Finish Both for 39c t ] ,� ROXBURY WATER BOTTLE Guaranteed for 2 years. se♦ 986, a®. McKIE ON' S DRUG STORE Wingham v. Stare Phone 53 in..,,n�.t.Lti:V{...sz:i!'•t�l:.. p',,,, •t:0/ 1•V?, •• !loll. >SRst,z2f ',, .ry ,1f,:.1‘,..t.it T, .tit\tte_i ,!ve '0 z. BRING.r' iia w• 1 F> _ - cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. ii w i-`,-; „.fit ir s ,a i FOR SALE -1930 Ford Coach, trim- =ad : in red. Run only small mile- ge. Cheap for quick sale as ow.n- Phone FOR 'SALE— Quebec Heater, need - tum size, used only 3 months. •Ap- ply to Elwood Armitage. :er is unable to use such. `1 elmore 3r13, FOR SALE—Victrola and 75 records, Apply to B'ert OR SALE— Second-hand Pandora a bargain at $10.00, Isard, phone 127. R+an e with white enamelled warm - ng cabinet and reservoir, in good condition. Also Quebec beater and E_rxension ladder. Buchanan Hard- ware. WANTED—By High School student, employment after school hours. Apply box 175.: FOR SALE—Fat hens and chickens, NOTICE TO CREDITORS ;rive weight or dressed. Apply to .J.t1u Kerr, phone 625r4. IN THE ESTATE OF JAMEg ELLIOTT, late. of the. Village of VOle. SALE—Quebec Heater and' Gorrie in the County of Huron, Re - Chea .. Inquire tore at Advance- tired 'Farmer, Deceased. r ' nines Office. NOTICE N=OTICE IS' -” HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the revised statutes of Ontario, in that respect, that all per- r@.ISE FOR RENT— House now sons haying claims against the Es - occupied by W. T. Booth being era- tate of James Elliott, who died on or .iced about November 9th. • All about the twenty-fifth day of August, =Were conveniences. Reasonable A.D. 1930, at •the :Village ofGorrie, .rzttt,__.Apply-E. S. Copeland. are required to send by post, prepaid to the or or:deliver undersigned, on . • before ;the. er"hteenth day of October, r�atTir—+2�+-.3i, ,,,,11aF n. ,,,,„.,A i.ri4iw.14,,,,,„„g , or three ten, 'ib. pails for x:50.: 1 ti'se a comb With each 30 lb. Jas. Casernore. • ,STRAYED ---e • Brown Driving Mare, has.' ,white .hind foot_ Owner call Pike ' Wightman, 11 miles south of Ittelgrave, WOOD FORGood a a D SALE — o -d la rd-. wood and some soft wood. at 3 i o $5 per cord delivered. Apply to '+C J- Logan Helgrave, phone 621r4. ELLIOTT MILLER AUCTIONEER Sales conducted anywhere. Wink surpenence. Best efforts put forth on eaeh and every sale: lialnue 70. - Lucknow, Ont. Neatit - is hereby given incur nt to • .S,O. 1927; ';chapter 150, that to editors mid' ratherhaving dairies: ainst the estate of John Jauzee Fell, to of Turuberry Township in Harr- n County, fanner, who died on or bout the 3rd day of September A.D. 30, are required to "send on or be; - re elle 29th day of. October A.D. 930 to Jaynes C. Peacock, R.R. 2, iluevale, one of the elr.cutore of the aid deceased, their names and ad- reeses; full particulars of their claims nd the nature of the securities, if ny, held by them. ANl `further oke notice that after such last inen- ioned day the said -1 Xecutors will iraceed to distribute the assets of he said deceased amongst the per - ons entitled thereto, having regard o the claihns of which they shall then save had notice, and' the said Lxecu- ors will not be liable for the said ssets or any part thereof, to any per - on of whose claim they shall not lave had notice at the time of dis ribution. ATED at Wingham, Ont., the 2nd lay of October A.D. 1930. J. A. MORTON, Wingham, Ont., Solicitor for. the Executors. DISPERSAL SALE OF Brookside Farm Holsteins Also 50 Yorkshire pigs, horses, tractor, farm implements, hay, grain and 300 acres in block or subdivided to snit buyers. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1930 (commencing at 12.30 o'clock) - The late W. L. Lambkin was in the Holstein business for about 35 years being abont the first breeder of Hol- steins in the •County of Huron. Sales weremade as far East as New Brunswick and West as far as Sas- katcliewan. The local trade was good, many customers coming back for the 3rd and 4th season for herd sires. • As a foundation for this herd two heifers were purchased from the herd of Matt Richardson, sired by the grand old bull Johanna Rue 4th Lad,. one of the greatest bulls of Canada. The dam of one of these heifers was out of Aggie's Emily (2480 lbs. but- ter) full sister to the 3 year old cow that stood first over all ages and. breeds at Pan American 6 months Dairy Test. The other heifer was out of the 3 year old cow that stood 3rd over all ages and breeds at the Pan American. Mr. Lambkin used in his herd only the best bred bulls he could find, re- gardless of cost. The present herd sire is the noted Show bull Sir Het Burke of Dunfermline, Advance Reg- ister emister R.O.P., sire of a lot of show stock including one son three times All American. The preceeding herd sire,King Mu- tual Burke (Imp.) a show bull, was perhaps the greatest butter -bred bull that ever carne to Canada, bred by the noted firm Hargrove and Arnold, Iowa; his dam and darn's dam bad records of 948 lbs. and 1200 lbs. but- ter as junior 2 year olds, one of then holding World's record for 13 years. There are five daughters of King Mu- tual Burke in the sale. Several young bulls good enough to' go anywhere; females of all ages—a life time's work at your bid. Write for catalogue, look it over and come to the sale for bargains_ Trains met at For -clench, C.P.R., Thursday forenoon. C.N.R. Trains at Gowanstown. Farm 2?i miles south and 2 :miles. west of Fordwich, W. L. Lambkin Estate, R.: R. 2, Gorrie Ontario '\)(i A FAMILY DOCTOR'S LAXATIVE IS BEST r �y�j' eek/ t / // Your health is too important! You cannot afford to experiment with your 'delicate bowels when coated tongue, bad breath, headache, gas, nausea, feverishness, lack of appetite, no. energy, etc., warn of constipation. This applies not only to grown people, but more particularly to children.. That's why a fancily doctor's laxative is . always the safe choice. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is prepared today under strict laboratory supervision from fresh laxative herbs and other pure ingredients, and exactly according to Dr. Caldwell's original prescription. Today, millions' of families rely on Dr, Caldwell's judgment in the selec- tion of their laxative. For Dr. Cald- well's Syrup Pepsin, in bottles ready for use, sold in all drugstores, is now the largest selling laxative in the world! LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. J. E. Fells, Elliott and Fairy, visited with Toronto friends Satur- day. Miss McCall of Durham spent the past week with her sister, Mrs. 3. Carson. Miss F. Kelsey of New York, spent Saturday with Mrs. M. Stewart, Fran- cis street. Mr. Will Brawley of Toronto 7?ni- versity spent the week -end at his home here. Mr. Howard Gray of Niagara Falls,. spent the week -end at the home of his parents. Mr. G. Pinkney has returned to Holyrood from a few days visit with Elliott Fells. Mrs. A. Diebel and daughter of r n spent Friday Palmerston with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Bender. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Currie and son, Jack, of Islington, spent -the week- end with relative5.in town. Oliver Fells and S, Hambly of Port McNichol] visited at the former's home here over the week -end. Miss Lillian Hopper of Victoria Hospital, London, visited at the' home T' ve Iamb Peter Arkell 1 and of her parents a few days last tveele. ' Alias ]glia Cloakey has returned to South' Downs— Aged ram, J. H. 'WEDDINGS Tang -Wilson A pretty wedding was olemriized in -Si., George's Clhtl,it.h, Vancouver, ori ;°«Septeiiiber 29th, when.fesobel Mary elder daughter of 1vlr•. and Mrs. C. It. Wilson, beanie the bride of Mr. H. .Lang, also' of Vancouver, Rev... H. W. Jackson officiated. The bride is a niece of Miss B. Wilson of Turnberry who attended the wedding. Hetherington -Russell The marriage of Mabel Eleanor, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, James H. Russell, 160 Dufferin street and Clif- ford Hetherington of Essex, son of. Mr. and Mrs: Clifford Hetherington of Wingliant, took place in the Cita- del of the Salvation Array, Stratford, at seven -thirty o'clock Wednesday ev eriing. The ceremony was performed by Major R. Spooner of Toronto, a- mid a pretting setting of palms, ferns and baskets of chrysanthemums. The bride who was given in marriage by her father was attended by Ensign Gladys Russel and Captain R. Bond, The best man was Captain W. Lynch of Richmond Hill, and the ushers, Dr. Bert Hetherington, James Russell and George Russell. The wedding music was played by Mrs. Clifford Kelly, and: Captain Nunn sang `Perfect Love' Following the ceremony; a wedding repast was served in the hall of the citadel. . Later Mr. aid Mrs, Heth- erington left; for London. .Among the guests present at the wedding were Ensign Gladys Russell, Adjutant Flo- rence McGillivray, Captain and Mrs. C. Pilfrey, Capt. and Mrs. G. Wright, of Toronto and Captain Jackson;, Mr. and, Mrs, 'Hetherington will reside in'. Esse.. Misses Velma,. Lennox and Eliza beth Ross, of Stratford Norrnal,spent the week -end at their homes here. Mr. and. Mrs. A. J. Alderson, of Hamilton, Miss Annie Kerr, of Tor- onto, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Inglis of Dundas, were renewing former ac- quaintances in town over the week- end. d. GREATER ATTEN- DANCE AT FAIR Thursday, • October 16th, 1930 1 All Set . .. Folks! Your Fallg ootwear WOMEN'S PiUMP,S AND OXFORDS— inodelled on striking new lines in colorful Kid and Suede 'leathers MEN'S OXFORDS -plain or fancy up- pers. Box or pointed toes. Built for coni - fort as well as looks. In Calf .`....... , .$6.00 CHIILDREN'S SHOES --in a variety of fine leathers and attractive stylings . • .... $I.90. up 5;00 W. 1 Gre r The .Good Shoe Store. Wingham; Ont. 1 (Continued from . page 1) son, Jas. Forrester. SHEEP Leicester Ram Lamb, Gordon Brown, H. Patterson and Son; Aged Ewe, H. Patterson and Son 1 and 2; Shearling Ewe, H. Patterson and Son' 1 and 2; Ewe Lamb, t -L Patterson and San 1 and 2. Oxford Downs—Aged ; Ram, Peter Arkell 1 and 2; Shearling Ram, Peter Arkell, 1 and 2; Rant Lambe :W. M. Henry, Peter Arkell; Aged Ewe, Pet- er Arkell, W. M.. Henry; Shearling E , we. y, W. M. HenrPeter • Arkell; iter home after spending the stammer Thompson; Shearling' Ram, J. H. _j Thompson; Ram Lamb, -J. H. Thomp- with' her brother:and other friends in soil;' Geo..T, Rieberteon. Aged Ewe, California. J. H.:Choir, Thompson, . onnell ; .Shear- J ,1 JG Mr. and Mrs.,.E..Tarlin of Palmer-sfon spent rat of their honeymoon ling FZve, J. til,- 7.;hompson; Geo. T. P P _ ' son, :'NV :_M..Heiner. with Mr,. and Mrs, T. A. Bender Di- Robehtson, Fsh•e Iamb, 1 H Thomp, Franklin and, ,hemp, Auctioneers. agonal road ' it ur -this' Dorset—Aged Rani, W. n{.' :Henry; wee as Bele ate 3ttendin' the Dio ani , • c my Mrs, John Gibson .e to T b y cre a g g Ram • I b W M H 1 and 2• AUCTION SALE • nese and Convention of the Catholic Shea Ewe, W. ilii • SHenry Y and 2; hearlingE�� e, W. M. Henry -1 and 2; The undersigned has been instruct- A.D. 1930their hames and addresses cd. by J. H. Stephenson, corner, of with full Ypartinulars of their claims Maple and Shuter streets, town. of ' in writing, verified. by statutory de- Wingham, to sell by Public Auction, ibex if arty held claration, and the nature of the secur- at two o'clock, on li - them. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25th x AND FURTHER _TAKE NOTICE The follottithg:- . 1 after eighteenthday that aftthe said of Chcsterfiele et, 3 pieces, solid wal- nut; three-piece set mahogany; bed. • t a chesterfield, oak; soliday quarter oak g dining room set, large; table and six Vomen s eague. .. 50c'box Armancl's Bouquet Face Powder aihd a 25e *ear Vanishing October, A.D. 1930, the assets of the said estate :Will be distributed bythe Executors ahnoti among' the parties entitled !thereto,:havisig' regard only to claixias chairs; 2 chesterfield tables; 2 floor `of 'wlvch they shall then have notice lamps, silk shades; 2 bedroom suit -•s,. ;and the estatewill not be liable for -walnut; 2 beds, iron walnut finish; any claim not filed at the time of the bed springs;; 2 tnattreeses; Singer said distribution. sewing machine, 2 Quebec heaters, DATED at Wingham Ontario, This kitchen Stove new; 2 kitchen cabinets, twenty-third day of .September; A.D. electric stove and oven; refrigerator; '1930. • 3 'small centre tables; lawn mower; J. . W.� •� BUSHFIELD, wovent 2 fibrehairs• writing desk; cY wrO Gingham, Ontario, auto spring cushions; dresser, large 1 Solicitor for. 'the .Executors. !mirror; linoleum rug; 2 Wilton. rugs; - (kitchen table and thairs; carpets, ;see-- , eral , sizes; Ford .trailer„..2 evaltttttk NOTICE TO CREDITORS ',smokets' 'stands; Victor .phonograph, cutlery 'silverware, .china. and kit - I' THE ESTATE OF \\rILLIAII i eben needs; dozen ref other articles G. DORE, late of the Town of Wing- t tooTERMS—CASH. numerous to mention: ham in the County of Huron,' Gentle- • THOMAS FELLS, Auctioneer. ntan, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, 1 pursuant to the revised stattttes of AUCTION SALE Ontario in that respect, that all per- sons having claims agni.nst the Es- The undersigned has received in - tate 'of William G. Dore, who died , ctroctions to sell by public auction on on or about the.,thirt:enth day of .rip- the premises of Wm 1). McKenzie, ril, A.D. 1930, at the Town of Wing- Lot 7, Con. 1, Turnberry, one mile barn, are fegttired tie send by post, east of Winghanh on i3luevale road,. prepaid or deliver to the undersigned, at one o'clock on own or before the eighteenth day of MONDAY, OCTOBER 20th October A.D. 1930, their names and 55 Head of Polled Angus, Hereford addresses with full particulars of their and 'Durham cattle: 41 Yearling steers claims in writing, verified by'statut- 6 Yearling heifers 4 two-year-old ory declaration, and the nature of the Steers; 4 two-year-old Heifers. sccrttities, if any, held by them. TERMS OF SALE -'-Six inonths' AND Fi RTTT2R TAKE NOTICI 1 Credit on aproved joint notes with tbat after the said eighteenth day' of property owner's security or 5% off October., „A.D. 1080, the assets of the for cash. eaid estate will be distributed by the Elliott Miller, Wm. D. McKenzie, Executrix among the parities entitled Auctioneer. Proprietor. thereto, li`avihig regard only to claitns of which :site .shall then have notice and the estate will not be liable for any thine not filed at the time of the said distribution. Hi>vrins--Its loving remembrance of DATED at Wirhahatn, Ontario, this Mary Jane Higgirtf; whoedeparted twenty-third tla r of Sext tembee, A.D.this life, one year ago, C)ctAtt 11., 1930, .: 1929. . W. Bt1, HF1fRJ.l , SII leas ,gone from otter sight, Wirt hath, Ontario, Bete in memoryw is. eve' near. ;'tl#;drier for the I ` tecutri»`.' Ever remembered, Daughter• 14tattd'f EARN 16 TO $10 PER DAY Ambitious, reliable men wanted t once. Part time pay while train- -log for Aviation Mechanics, Gar- age Work, Driving, Battery, Elec- tric Acetylene Welding, House Wiring, Industrial Electricity, Ma- clhinist, Bricklaying, Plastering, .drafting, Barbering and I-lai:r- assessing. Act quick, get your ap- piieation in now. Write or call for information- Dootnitiote Trade S toolh Ltd. iastern Headquarters, 79 Queen West., Toronto. Employment servlce—coast to coast. Cream and a lbe • week -end Package; 85c value for 50e. lkfeAvoy's Drug Store. lir. and Mrs. Jones, also Laurette McBurney_ of Mohawk .Institute; of 13rantf •d •'s'ted at= 'r the week -end Hart, W.. G. Ross. • • Ewe La:mb;' W. M. Henry 1 'and 2. ShropshirAged •Rem,' Bari. Caid- well,Jas., ' `Harts Shearling Ram, ..Jas,. Hart, W. G. Ross; Ram: Lamb, W. G. Ross, Jas. Hart; Aged Ewe, W. G. Ross, W. G. Ross; Shearling 'Ewe, las: Hart 1 and 2;' Ewe Iamb, Jas. , at the home of Robt. Johnston, Turn- berry., urn � bert :. V,erksbires—Boar of 1930, A. 3 ,. W , Walter Carruthers; Boar, lir. acid Mrs. Thos. 1�IcNeil ,r\'Ir. McLeod, daughter, '• Sow of ..1930 E. Alton W. A. Me - GEORGE WILLIAMS Officials N. ft.. Wrttcly Itisgkettet g Re shin Out � �' tddiiill . � Satihfitctiran GitAitattttedll. 0>r IN MEMORIAM and Mrs, Wm. Higgins andhter prior. to 1930,Walter Carruthers; .Ferrol, all of Chilton were Sunday ' eod; Biteeding so�v, `iV. - McLeod; W. Carruthers. Haines. J. T. LennoxA. er,-Schmidt, Geo. Haines; Early: visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ie W. I. Miller 1 and 2. J, D. Beecroft; Quinces, W. Woods Chickens—Ducks, Pekin or Ayles- and Son; Pears, any other Fall var- bury, Wm. Woods and Son; Ducks, ; iety, J. D. Beecroft; Pears, any other any other, Clarence Clark; 13antams, winter variety, Walter Carruthers, G. ornamental, W. T. :Miller; t ; Leghorns,'Haines; Plums, blue, Mrs. Stroh;. brown, ;male, T. C. Wilson 1 and 2; Plums, yellow, Mrs. Stroh; Plums,. Leghorns, brown, female, T. C. Wil- any oilier, T. J. Salkeld, Mrs. Stroh;. son 1 and 2; Leghorns, white, male, Grapes, any white variety, Allan Fra W. I. Miller 1 and 2; Leghorns, lick, T. f. Salkeld; Grapes, blue, T.. white, female, W. I.:el.iller 1 and 2; J. Salkeld, Mrs. W. J Brown. Minorcas, male, W. L MilIer; Min- ' Collection of Fruit -5 varieties of orcas. female, W. I. Miller 1 and 2; :apple, valuable for export, T. J. Sal- mle Orpingtons, male,' . ' W. I. Miller Otto keld, Wallace Miller; 5 varieties of ap Salkeld.,Wallace' W. 1 desert, T.J. Wallace - Miller, es es Johann; Orpingtons, female, V\ . I. P _ J Miller, Otto Johann; Plymouth Rocks Miller; display of apples, Wallace barred, male, W. I. Miller 1 and 2; Miller, T. J. Salkeld. • Plymouth rocks,' barred, female, W. Grain and Seeds• -=Timothy, eSam I. Miller, 1 and 2; Plymouth rocks, Alton; Fall wheat, red, A. Schmidt; white, male, W. I. Miller, T.. C.,Wil- e son;.. Plymouth rocks, white, fetusle, W. I. Miller, T. C. Wilson; Wyan- dottes, white, male, W. I. Mille; T. ; Berberich, S. Alton;Peas, any other,. C. Wilson; Wyandottes, wh tee fe-'3. Little, W. Weber; Black Oats, A. male, W,I. Miller, T. C. Wilson;; Schm dt; Barley, any variety, S. Al- Wyandottes, an ,ton Schmidt;. Field dent, 6= �\ yandottes, any other, male, .W. L � ,. Miller, T. C. Wilson;;, Wyandottes, !cars, R. Harrison, Isabel Johnston;.. any outer, female;, , W. 1... e lleene Te,_ ',ieid corn, flint, 6 ears, A. Schmidt.• ' on;' Best pair utilityfowl T. 'J. S. Cowan; Half dozen stalks of En - C. Wilson; B st , H. Moore, 'W. I. Mille;;; Four cock- silage corn, Robt Harrison, Geo,.Mc- rt• it ` 'Ewen; ; Sheaf of white oats,Geo. Mc - T. 'bred for export, Viz I:';'Mi ler, T. H. Moore. ;Ewan A. and W. McKag'ue, W. Well FRUIT, iings; :Bushel of white oats from field. entered in fieldcompetition,• W. Well - Alexander, W. Weber, T.Berber Rection of ich;'A.. a . V.,- red, A, Schmidt <MrS' Inas, A.: Fralick; Best co Sts h A.V.,green or el'low A. Grein and seeds in pint bottles, S. Stroh; 0.y 'Alton; A. Schmidt; Best collection .of Schmidt, Wallace Miller; Baldwin,. T. l ,.� pressed. injurious weed .plants, 'Mrs.. J. Salkeld, Wallace al+Iller; Beipela.+v- is T. J. S lleeld, Mrs. Stroh; Bleu- Trembly, A. Schmidt; Best collection i.S �.weed'seedi,' W. J. Henderson, S,' AI - Fall w. , -woods and'` Son,:.;M � �• C. ,.. Fall Wheat, white, A. Schmidt, Sam: Alton; Spring Wheat. T. Berberich, A. Schmidt; Small. White peas, T. H. Edgar; Cayuga 'or 20 ounce ,;Geo. tun Haines, Mee. Stroh; Crab, any. vac-.:, ROOTS And VEGETABLES ietWallace Miller, Is. 'Trembly 'Beans, small white,' frs. Stroh, Fallawater, J. S. Coti}tan„ \Ir. Brber- Berberich; Beans, large white, T. ieh• Fameuse or Siam, S. Alton . T. Wilson, Geo. Dane; Beans, any other,. Salkeld; Golden Russett, T. 3. Sal-' Mrs. Stroh, T. Berberich; Beets, Icing fh• Beets '_ :tad 'A,,.:Sc i t T':.Berbenc t keld,:\V: \�©ods.:•an:i. S,nn;.Graven l�,m.cl', �. ,, ,• stein, Wallace Mi•ller?'`. D. Beeeroft, :any other,Mrs. G. a. Edgar, T. Ber. Ding, \'V:' A..McGill; .T. r ,Salkeld; berich;, Carrots, - field, Mrs. Hone,., McIntosh, T.•J:• Salkeld; J. S. Cowan:;; Mrs. D. Fowler; Carrots, table, short,. Maiden ,Blush, T..J.Salkeld, T. Ber-.. Geo, Haines, Mrs. Stroh; Carrots, in - 1 • liericlt Northern Spy, T. J. Salkeld,; toImo d,late �'. Berberich Mrs. Kewe J. S. Cowan; .Ribson, W, A, \fc%ill; ; itilangold Wurtzel, long, A. Schmidt, J. S. Cowan;. R. I. Greening, T Ber- ;Geo. Haines; Mangold Wurtzel, inter berich, J. S. Cowan; Roxboro Rusett, mediate, Mrs. Hone, R. Harrison; W. Woods and Son, J. S:"Cowan; St. Parsnips, T. Berberich, A. Schmidt; Lawrence,- J\ S. Cowan; , Tolman :Radishes, winter,, A. Schmidt, W. Sweet W. A. McGill,T. •Bei-beri h• Weber; Sugar Mas► old Mrs. Hone,. - , cr a„ , g Mangold, Wagner, J'. S. Cowatt, W. Woods and 'A. Schmidt; Turnips, Swede, George Son; 'Wealthy, J. Salkeld,. Geo, Haines, A. Schmidt; Turnips any oth- Mayor Fells is confined to his home 1 Yorkshires—Boar of 1930, E. Al Other Fruit -Peaches, Mrs. ,Stroh, Potatoes, Geo. Dane, A. Schmidtlr, tl' lou. Poor rior to, 1939 S. AIton; iese days with an abscess on his ' hip. We Jules ...ems' jovial :countenance Sow of 1930, S. Alton,1 and 2; Breed- on the street andhope he will soon ing spiv, R. J Currie, S. Alton. be out ae'ain 'Tatnworths-Boar of 1980, S. Al- b b Mr. and Mrs. David Hohnes, Turn- ton, J. Hart; Boar prior to 1930, S. erry, announce the engagement of Alton' 3. Hart; Sow of .1930 S. Alton, their only daughter, Jessie Maud, to 1 and 2;Breeding sow, Jas. Hart, S. Teter Grant, second son of Mr. and Alton l:rs Robert Grant Culross the hilar POULTRY ' Ducks, Pekior Aylesb n October. Woods and Son; Geese, Toulouse, S. nage to take place the latter part of ury, Win. Turkeys,l r nce lfr. an Mrs. Waiter lliarshail of Alton; bronze C a e Teeswater, accompanied, by Mrs. Jas, Clarke, 1 and 2;Bantams, ornamen nal,W. Sell and little sons, Harold and Wil- Leghorns, !filler; Bantams, game, T. C. Wilson; Leghorns, brown, male, T. fieri.,. of "Wingham, motored to Brante C. Wilson; Leghorn's, brown, female, on Friday and spent the- week -end at C. Nilson; T eghortts,white, Ingle,' the summer horns . of Mr. and Mrs. T, C. Wilson;' Leghorns, white,fe- George Nicol, also visiting friends in g ' male, T, C. Wilson 1 and 2; Minorcas, Toronto. female, W. I. Miller 1 and 2; Orping- tons any variety, male, T. C. Wilson; CREDIT AUCTION SALE Of 30 Registered Hereford? Cattle Sired by Fairfax Jim (57071) front an Imported Fairfax Bull: Young Bulls, Heifers and Cows,' Also 85 yearling Grade Stockers, (Sn ' TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28th at 12.80, at 1;ot 8, Con. 22, Egreniont,. stir miles south-east of Durham. Ae- crrtmmodation provided. W. A. LAWRENCE, Prop., Varney, Ontario P'Irone I:urlute 604r3-1 A., Orpingtdns, any variety, female, T. C. Wilson 1 and 2; Plymouth rocks, barred;.. male, "4 �'. I. Miller, jas. A. Scott; Plymouthrocks, barred, fe- male, W. L Miller, 1 and 2; Plymouth rooks, white, male, T. C. Wilson; Ply- mouth rorlts, white, female, T. C. Wit - sob 1 and 2; Rhode Island Reds, fe- fmde, '1'.. C. Wilson; Wyandottes,white, male, W., I. 'Miller; Wyandot- tes, any other, male, W. I. Miller 1 and 2; Wyattdottes, any other, female, • A 01 CLEAN E R and DYER WINGHAM AGENT H A N NA & CO.COQ L.rtnr#ed� - PHONE 75) WE CALL. AND DELIVER CLOciallo ��yy r■//��r�� t red -�.',�are WWPi VJOH$ST �+ w, �� 4F'Cv'.e179uAilORONI !a,