HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-10-16, Page 3• ..•�xuw�r urpwws :M o�-rie Vid�tte ani roxeter News Thursday, October pith, 1930 i6 99 Children say great You can eat Shredded Wheat Biscuit right out of the package with milk or cream --but it tastes better if you crispthe biscuits in the oven and pour hot milk over them. The fiavory shreds of baked wheat. are so crisp and d i el cion --children always ask for "more and it is so good for them. Contains everything their growing bodies need. Delicious with fruits. H ED WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY.. LTD. HEALTH SERVICE Of The CANADIAN MEDICAL, ASSOC- IATION HYGIENE OF THE NOSE The nose has more than one im- portant function, 13y warming or cooling the air we breathe; it adjusts it to the temperature of the body, At the same time, it moistens and filters the air. The nose is the organ into which drain the sinuses or bony cav- ities which lie adjacent to the nose. A large part of our sense of tastc'real ly is the sense of smell as perceived throughthe nose. A healthy nose filters, warms. and moistens the air before it reaches the lungs. If we breathe through our mouths, this control of the air is lost, and the air arrives inside of the body without the preparation it should have, and which it would have receiv- ed.had it been breathed in through a healthy nose. The healthy nose dc,es not need to be washed out. Indeed there is some danger in the -use of washes, The way to clean the nose is to blow it gently. One nostril at a time. .If the nose is not healthy, then the use of sprays or drops is recommended by the physician to relieve the condi- tion and to restore the nose `..to a healthy state in which it is best able to do its work and to cleanse itself without interference. The two symptoms which most commonly occur and which indicate that there is something wrong with the nose are obstruction to breathing, and excessive secretion from the nose, When a child cannot breathe freely through the nose, he becomes a mouth -breather. This usually means that there are adenoids obstructing the nasal passage. Every child is born with some adenoid tissue at the upper and back part of the nose. If the adenoid tissue grows beyond a certain size, it obstructs nasal breath- ing and should be removed. In addi- tion ddition 'to obstructing breathing, it will very likely result in partial loss of hearing if not removed. When tire catch cold, the secretions ra morroRisTs be CAREFUL • The season for wet,slippery pavements is here and demands that special care be exercised by all drivers of motor vehicles. DRIVE .CAREFULLY .... and read carefully every word of this advertisement HE Highway Safety Committee has READ CAREFULLY beets urging motorisg year ts during theDrivingwithout holdinga cha a i u to exercise CARE, COURTESY and or oprator's license. ` uas COMMON SENSE in .the. operation of ' their vehicles. The Committee appreciates Reckless or negligent driving or ex - the whole -hearted support its efforts have reeding the allowable speed limits received from every source.. We, have had• if any injury to persons or property 1 the best of co-operation:from the Advisory oe Committee, which is compbsed of some of Driving, or being 'in charctusge' of a the leading citizens of the Province, from motor vehicle, while intoxicated, or the press, 'from motorists and, from pedes- any other criminal offence involving trians and,'as a result, driving conditions the use of a motor vehicle. "following have improved. Let us continue to be Evading responsibility an traffic conscious and at all times CARE accident. • FUL and COURTEOUS when driving. Operating a motor vehicle in a race or on a bet or wager. Severe penalties are provid- Chauffeurs, operators and owners of ed in our motor vehicle motor vehicles are warned that the' laws for those who are care- : provisions of this law must be applied less or inconsiderate of the in every case. rights of other users of the ACCIDENT REPORTING highway. The law now requires every person directly or indirectly involved in a motor vehicle The Financial Responsibility Law which accident, if the accident results in any became effective on September 1st provides personal injuries or property damage that the driver's license and all motor apparently exceeding fifty dollars, to vehicle permits of a person convicted of report such accident to the nearest' police any one of the following offences shall be officer. A penalty is provided for failure suspended until proof of financial respon- to so report. sibility in the .form of a certificate of an Renumber your Personal Res onsi- insurance company, a bond or securities bility whenever driving a motor ehicle is filed with. the Registrar of Motor or you may be required to prove your Vehicles. Financial Responsibility. 1 Highway Safety Committee • The HON. GEO. S. HENRY, Chairman Secure a copy of the Highway Traffic Act. Write ::-.--Motor Vehicles Branch, Parliament Euiidings, Toronto. 1888 4xs,kx.ix.xa.x,i, swxx,o..ixxxiixxx,t.� 1 QC 10 Daily. Make IPJ Money Easier. )en y to Wantedbecome EX,— PIERQuick, to Msue watAu- chanc, Welder, Electrician, Brit;k• layer or Draftsman. Earn 55c per hour, part time, front start. Advancement in few weeks, Free Railroad, Fare and Employment Service. Write at once for 11- lustrated Booklet. Commercial Engineering Schools 557 Queen St. W., Toronto, Suite One Hundred of the nose are altered in a way with which we are all familiar. The cold is serious because it makes' us miser- able and interferes with our work. It is very serious when the germs re- sponsible for the cold spread to other parts, If they spread into the sinuses connected with the nose a yellowish Mrs. Kragg, in. Pre.stnn. GORRIE Mrs, Janice Wylie and daughter, Lorna of Toronto are visiting with Mrs. John Wylie this week." Miss Bessie Wylie of Whitby, also James Wylie of Toronto, were week- end visitors with their mother, Mrs. J. Wylie, Mr. and Airs, Allen G. D. Ellis of Detroit visited with the former's sis- ter, Mrs, V. Shera, last week. Mrs. W. Gamble and family of Waldemar are guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Johnston.. Miss Johson of Orangehill was a week -end visitor at the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. Whitfield. Miss Jean R. Stinson and brother, Robert, spent the week -end in Tor- secretion from the nose, after recov- onto. Quite a ntirnber from here attended the Wingham Fair last week. Recent guests at the, home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J, Hueston were: Mr. W. Musgrove and John, of Essex., Mr. and .Mrs: John McIntosh, also of Essex, Hon. Robert Weir, Minister and be responsible for disease in oth- of Agriculture and Mrs. Weir and er parts, of the body. Such a focus of daughter, Dorothy, of Ottawa. Hon. infection should, be treated promptly. Mr. Weir is a brother of Mrs. Hues- Obstructed breathing should be ton. corrected, because it is necessary for Mrs. Mawhinney and daughter of the promotion of health to breathe Detroit, are at present guests of Mrs. freely through the nose. Children E. Sparling. who are mouth -breathers should be Mrs. R. S. Clegg has returned home examined for adenoids, and these ,after visiting friends in Brussels and should be removed if they are found Ethel. to be obstructing the nasal passage. Mr. and Mrs. L. Earl and family, Colds should be . cared for in order of Ethel, and Mrs. Patrick of Arun- to prevent the spread 'of infection sels, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. throughout the body, and if the infer- Clegg on Saturday. tion does spread into the sinuses, Mr, and Mrs, Ih V. Holmes and treatment should be secured soon ev- Miss Perkins were Stratford visitors en if there are no acute symptoms at on Saturday. the tune. Rev. and Mrs. M. A. Garland of Questions concerning Health, ad- Ilderton, also Mr, and Mrs. W. Long dressed to the Canadian Medical As- of Walkerton, were recent guests of sociation, 184 College St., Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Herzog. will be answered personally by letter. The Gorrie Women's Institute met cn Wednesday last at the bome of Mrs. 13. Cooke with seven members present. The president, Mrs. L. F: ' The Layinen's Association of the Ashton presided. The Roll Call was Deanery of Huron held its first meet -,heartily responded to' by naming a ing of the season at Wroxeter,' with vegatable containing Vitamin A, B or seventy-two Laymen of the Anglican C. The paper for the day was, "Eat Church' present. After a delightful ing for Beauty and Good Temper," supper served by the Ladies' Guild of and was given by Mrs. Shera. After the Church the minutes of the last the business was completed the ladies meeting were read and confirmed.nominated a delegate to attend the. The Chairman in his remarks pointed Institute Convention to be held short - out that the purpose of the meeting 1y in 'Harriston. The meeting was Baas to have a round table conference closed by singing The National An-. regarding payment of our budget ap- then, after which the lunch commit- portionment, Mr. Douglas Brown of tee served dainty refreshments. Goderich spoke rather effectively on 1 Mrs. R. G. Dane is visiting with. disposal through investment of the her son, Stanley, in. Toronto, this Anglican Forward _Movement Fund.. week. He showed that not a dollar of that Mr.and Mrs. J. Pollock and fam- huge fund of over three million .dol-, ily of Pine River, also R. G. Dane, lars was misused and that the expense'were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. incurred through collection, adminis- y George Dane. tration and investment is only 6 per: Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. cent. of the entire ufnd. ( Graham were:—Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Colonel Coomb of Clinton introduc_ Mayberry of Woodstock; Mr. and ed the topic - "100% Payment of our Mrs. Johnston Peebles and Jack and Budget," ;pointing out the necessity Billy of Atwood, M. Charles Barber of its worth. This' topic was discuss -'and Mrs. V. Adams of Hamilton. Mrs. J. R. Smith of Stratford, also cd from a great many angles but the' general opinion was that no one could Misses Muriel and Agnes Elliott of be excused of hi responsibility to Brussels • and J. J. Allen of Wroxeter the extension of God's Kingdom. The were guests of Mrs. M. Ross on Sun Diocesan commissioner, Mr. Hartman. day of •Clarksburg was present and spoke Mr. Johii Shaw of Caledonia was briefly to elle meeting regarding his a recent guest of Mr, and Mrs. W. A. duties as commissioner and pointed Irwin. out that he would spend a few weeks of his office, which begins on Octo- ber 15th, in the Deanery of Huron I among the •parishes requiring assist- I In the absence of the Pastor at An- arise in their budget collection. .'niversary,, Mr. Watt of Drew, and:Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kitchen spent Nicholson of Arnao, took the services a few days in Toronto last week visit- in the Union Church, Belmore and ing.their daughter. '.McIntosh. Mr. and Mrs, John R. Wendt spent Those out of the village are: Miss Sunday with friends in Kitchener. Mabel Baker and Mrs. Irwin, at Har- • Mrs. G. S. Smythe, Mrs. Davey and riston; Miss Elizabeth Hackney as - Mrs. Waller attended the semi-annual !siting with the sick at Harriston; Mrs, meeting of the Deanery of .Huron, ! Peternian renewing acquaintances at held in Fordwich Tuesday, I Htintingfield; M. Jeffrey with friends. 112r. D. D. Sanderson purchased the in Wroxeter. Ringler farm adjoining his property, Mr. Edward McGrogan of Toronto,. consisting of fifty acres with 'frame called on .friends in the village recent• house and barn, • ly. A kitchen shower for a. recent bride Mrs. Carrick of Winghant, Mrs,' Mrs. Lorne Kaake, was held at the "'Muir and 'Norman of Glenannan spent Monday evening with Misses Mary and Hannah Stokes. Mr. Alex. Corrigan is quite proud of a two-year-old colt in his posses- sion, it having carried off first prize in different Masses at the local fairs. In spite of the drizzling rain marry journeyed to Wingham Wednesday, to inert the ,Hon. Robt. Weir. Thettmini s cot r ty ata, shocked to hear of the sudden passing of Willie Baird of Blyth, a former Bclrttore boy. Mr, and Mrs. Duncan Campbell' of Kinloss visited at Geo, Herd's, over the week -end. Aniversary serivecs will be held in Delmore United :Church on Sunday, ing their Nome with their daughter, October'26th. Rev. Monteith of 'Tees - ery from the cold, it a sign that one orother of the sinuses is affected, Infected sinuses are serious even though they are draining freely and not causing any pain. Any collection o[ pus in, the body is a locus which may undermine the general health WROXETER BELMORE hoiae of Mr. Geo. Paulin, Tuesday evening, when a large number of peo- ple of the village and vicinity attend- ed laden with useful articles.. A: pleas- ant time, was spent with games and dancing, On Tuesday evening quite a large number of friends and neighbors Bath ercd at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bop ltingter who receiitiy sold their fariu south of the village and are re- tiring, to bid thein farewell and to present them with quite a sum of money, Mr: and Mrs, Ring]cr- have long been residents of this community where they were honored and respect- ed citizens, They will be missed from the neighborhood, They intend mak- i tAiri for Keep FIRE at Bay with GYPROC FIRE seldom visits houses having Gyproc Wallboard ceilings, partitions, walls and sheathing. On the contrary Gyproc has saved many homes. This pioneer Canadian fire safe gypsum board has a Lew Ivory coloured finish this year that makes decors tion unnecessary (when pan- elled). It is just the thing to use for making extra rooms in the cellar or attic. Quickly erected, inex- pensive, structurally strong, GyprocWallboard gives per- manent fire protection. Your dealer's name is listed below. Ask him today for full information (Sr write for interesting free book, "Building and Remodelling with Gyproc." GYPSUM, LIME AND ALABASTIN.B, CANADA, LIMITED Paris Ontario 9)eN(W [IVO PY 1 c For Sale By Rae & Thompson. ...... ... Wingham, Ontario H. Buchanan Hardware Wingham, Ontario R. J. Hueston Gorrie, Ontario water will be the special preacher for Rises and falls, travels about, wears the day: out boots and never has boots to wear? A football. SALEM Miss Marie Mines of Stratford Nor- mal spent' a few. ,days with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mnies. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Palmer and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Weir of this locality and Miss Gertie Bush of Wroxeter called on friends north of Teeswater and :attended anniversary service at Salem. A number from this neighborhood attended the plowing match, north of Teeswater last Friday. Mr. Jack Wil- lits took first prize in his class. Con- gratulations Jack! The Anniversary Services will be heldin church herethe'first theon ,the ft st Sunday in November. Further par- ticulars later. B B1ES are Upset BABY ills and ailments seem twice -as serious. at night. A sudden cry may mean colic. Or a sudden attack of diarrhea. How would you meet this emergency—tonight? Have you a bottle of Castoria ready? For the protection of your wee one—for your own peace of mind steep this old, reliable preparation always on hand. But don't keep it just for emergencies; ,let it be an everyday aid. It's gentle influence will ease and soothe the infant who . cannot sleep. Its mild regulation will help an older child whose tongue is coated because of sluggish bowels. All druggists have Caseous. Lots To Count Firstl'olitical Writer -Do you ev- er have any trouble getting to sleep after a hard day's work? Second—Not at all. I just count politicians straddling a fence. F. F. HOMUTH Phm. B., Opt. D., R. O. OPTOMETRIST Harriston. Ont. Phone 118 "The Best Equipped Optical Es tabliehment in this part of Ontario". New Fall and WinteP Goods Our Fall and Winter Over- coats are now in. ...A splendid range of Coats and prices ran- ge from $18.50 to $32.50.,, Fall samples of made -to -mea- sure Suits are wonderful values. Three prices $23.50, $27.50 and $35.50._Tailored to your fancy. Prices are cut away from any- thing offered in same values.-- Fan alues .,..Fall and Winter Caps, Sweat- ers, Sox and Underwear. JUST A FEW ,LOWERED .GROCERY PRICES Green Valley Peas ......IOc a can Homes Vanilla Extract ..::..... 2 for 15e G. M. jelly Powders 3 for 20c BRING US YOUR .EGGS. WE SAVE YOU MONEY. DAVEY'S STORE WROXETER.