HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-10-09, Page 4ATLAS CHINA [Made in Itnglandj ON DISPLAY IN OUR WINDOWS, Any article in display es e 98c TOOTH OOT FREE A beautiful 25c colored handle Tooth Brush Free with "Rea`:all Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste" Both for 39c A 100 SHEET WRITING PAD AND 50 ENVE- LOPES, Kid Finish Both for 39c ROXBURY WATER BOTTLE Guaranteed for 2 years. PI0u 98c .ee McKI ,, ONES DRUG STORE Wingham store Phone 53 elideddanneeeneeeletend �7'..... 4. . n/!,. WINGIIAM ADVANCE -TIMES NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1N THE ESTATE OF JAMES ELLIOTT, late of the Village of Gorrie in the County of Huron, Re- tired Mariner°; Deceased, NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN pursuant. to the revised statutes of Ontario, in that respect, that all per- sons having claims against the Es- tate of James Elliott, who died on or about the twenty-fifth day of August, A.D. 1930, at the Village of Gorrie, are required to send by post, prepaid or deliver to the undersigned, on or- before rbefore the eighteenth day of October, A.D. 1930, their names and addresses with full particulars of their claims in writing, verified by statutory de- claration, and the nature of the 'secur- ities, if any, held by thein, AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after the said eighteenth day of October, A.D. 1930, the assets of the said estate will be distributed by the Executors among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice and the estate will not beliable for any claim not filed at the time of the said distribution, DATED at Wirtgitarn, Ontario, this twenty-third day of September, A.D. 1930.. J. W. BUSHFIELD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors, NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM G. DORE, late of the Town of Wing - ham in the County of. Huron, Gentle- man, Deceased. entle-man,Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, I pursuant to the revised statutes of I Ontario in that respect, that all per- sons having claims against the Es- tate of William G, Dore, who died on or about the thirteenth day of Ap- • ril, A.D. 1930, at the Town of Wing - ham, are requiredto send by post, prepaid or deliver to the undersigned, on or before the eighteenth day of October A.D. 1930, their nahnes and • (,y r 1 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. e- .mill ii: er retne . diedi{evil.. eidne\nleder-i neaden senele riii: see eeirTiefeivienlentiet'areenia`nie. CIDER N A DP A P LE BUTTER— T ER— WOOD O FORALE — Good sodI o lard- }im makingcider er a n d apple butter wood and some soft wood, at 33 Tuesdays and Fridays, By my new to $5 per cord delivered. Apply to process I require 1 bag of good C. j. Logan Belgrave, '2 r ;t hone b 1 4. g � P cooking apples to every five. .bags of cider apples for apple butter. No batch of less than six bags of ap- ples can be cooked separately. Ap- ple butter for r' o sale..J. Olheiser Tees -water. FOR SALE -1930 Ford Coach. First class condition: Cheap for quick sale. Apply to. Ross Vogan Bel - I amore 3r13.. ,. FOR SALE—Range 'in gtaosl repair. Burns either wood or coal. Priced reasonable. Apply to Mr. Writ, - field lg SAI.1—Choke 4. mos, -old bred - to -lay Rock Pullets. Apply to J. D, Beecroft, phone 614r5, Wingham. MOLASSES—A car load of pure 1;am•re feeding molasses to arrive About October 14th. Special price .off car. Molasses is a splendid sub- stitute for turnips. Geo, B. Arm- strong, phone 44, Teeswater. .'O RENT—House with all modern conveniences on John street: Apply to Mr. Robert Allan, Wingham. WANTED—A farm to rent, Apply to Milo o Casemore,R ,4 l+r , ELLIOTT MILLER AUCTIONEER Sides conducted anywhere. Wide , experience. Best efforts pat forth' on each and every stile. 1 hone 70. - Lucknow, .Ont. j ' 1 EARN $6 TO $10 PER DAY Ambitious, reliable men wanted Ott e, Part time pay while train- ing for Aviation Mechanics, Gar -- age Work,Driving, Battery, Elec- tric: Acetylene Welding, House iring, Industrial Electricity, Ma- inist, Bricklaying, Plastering, Drafting, Barbering and Hair- dressing, Act quick, get your ap- plication in now. Write or call for information. Dominion Trade Schools, Ltd Eleterrt Headquarters, 79 Queen West., Toronto, Employment service—coast to coast, FORE WILLIAMS off icirtl 141 . Watteh Inspector Repearin One Seel Satief*ttioh 'Gnertritteti Opti. " Otloktoi Hoot NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held pursuant to The Voters' Lists Act by His Honour Judge Lew- is, at the Town Hall, Wingham, Oc- tober 15th,- 1930, at 10.45 'a.m. for the purpose of hearing complaints against the Voters- List for the. Municipality - of Wingham for the year 1930. A list • of complaints is on file at the Clerk's Office, Town Hall Wingham: Dated at ` Wingham this lst day of October, 1930. -- W, A, Galbraith Town Clerk. MORTGAGE 'SALE Of Valuable Village Property Under and if -virtue y •V t e o� the power contained ' in. -a certain. mortgage which will -be 'produced at time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction on Saturday, the el- eventh day of October, at, the hour of 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon, at George Toxi'n's •lintel. int.the Village of Wroxeter, the following property, namely: All and si•ngutar, that:' certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in ' the dillag@ ' of Wroxeter in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, and being composed of Lot number Three on the North side of Hvwick Street in, the said Village of Wroxeter, and containing one-quarter of en acre of land, more or less. Upon the said premises, it is said, :here; is situate .a two storey frame house containing seven rooms and about 20 ft by 30 feet with a frame addition about 10 feet by 20 feet. TERMS: Ten per cent. of the pur- chase money to be paid at time of sale and the balance to be paid within thirty days thereafter. For further particulars and condi- tions of sale apply to the undersigned. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this twenty-third - day of September, A.D. 1930. # J. W. BUSHFTELD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicit or r o f the Mortgagee. CARD OF THANKS Mr. jack r)eyell wishes to ex'pr'ess Ms appreciation to the firemen and neighbors for their prompt, effective action when his residence took fire recently. Only by their quick work can be attributed to the small loss. he sustained, with a high wind blow- ing a few minutes made a tremend- ous difference. CARD OP' THANES The family of tite late John Mc- Callum with to express 'their apprec- iation to their neighbors and friends for the many acts of kindness and words d of sytttpatlry'expressed dttrinS the long illness and death of their l iether: addresses with full particulars of their claims in writing, verified by statut- ory declaration, and .the nature of the secrrities, if any, •held by them. AND FURTHI R TAKE NOTICE that after the, said eighteenth day of t Thtaxsday, October 9th, 193te cent, below last year in spite of a 20 per cent. increase In acreage. The crop for the United States is now es- timated to be slightly below that of last year, • and the yield will probably be the smallest since 1:917. Appeal to Producers In coinfection with the "]3uy On- tario -grown Products campaign which 1, being .aggressively` prosecuted by the Government, an appeal is trade to producers to help snake the scheme successful :by being even more care- ful than in .the past about their offer- ings. The Department is recommen- ding Graded Vegetables and the:pro- ,ducer has a splendid opportunity to get this new business by offering gra- ded products. Tlie radio talk given daily atnoon from Station CFRJ3, Toronto, is a service to housewives suggesting how high quality produce may be purchased and of course, On- tario -grown products are being boos- ted. Some of the large merchandis- ing; 'firms have "definitely changed their policies and in their advertising. are. featuring Ontario ;grown farm products. Consumers are turning more and more to. Ontario produce and,it only rests with the producer to give them. what they want. That agriculture as a profession is appealing more and more to the,wom- enof Ontario every year is evidenced by the fact that there arc five girls enrolled in the freshmen class at th O. A. C. this year. e ' This Barnyard is Clean Oa a farm near. Gait Sher is a barn yard that.' is always clean. The whole of the yard is paved with concrete .A scraper drawn by lwrses makes the cleaning eagy. Those who have done such paving,say that the main require - anent is a welt drained site on ]Which to lay the concrete. in inairy cases he first move is to tile the yard. The October, A.D. 1980, the assets of the , s c s a fa said estate will be distributed by the Executrix among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which she shall then have notice and the estate will not be liable for any claim not filed at the time of the said distribution. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this twenty-third day of September, A.D. 1930. J. W. BUSHFIEL.D, Wingham, Ontario, O arr Solicitor for the Executrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND N OTHERS Notice le hereby given pursuant- to R.S.O. 1927, chapter 150, that all creditors and other having: claims against the estate of John James Fell, late of Turnberry Township in Hur- on County, farmer, who died on or about the 3rd day of Septernber;A,D. 1930, are required to send on or be- fore the 29th day of October A.D. 1930 to Janes C. Peacock, R.R. 2, Bluevale, one of the executors of the said deceased, their names and ad- dresses, full particulars of their claims and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them.. AND further. take notice that after such last men- tioned day the said Eiectttors will. proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased amongst the per- sons entitled thereto, having regard to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, and the said 'Eyecu- tors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any per- son of whose claim they shall not have had notice at the time of dis- tribution. DATED at Wingham, Ont., the 2nd day of October A.D. 1930. J. A. MORTON, Wingham, Ont., Solicitor for the Executbrs. News and Information For the Busy Fanner (PUrnished by the Ontario Depart- ntent of Agriculture) O. A. C. Cattle Sale 'l'he annual auction sale of 'pure- bred cattle, ,sheep and swine at O. A. C. will be held on Thursday, Oct, 23, 1930. This event has always attract- ed widespread "interest among cattle. breeders and fanners generally and a large attendance again this year is an- ticipated. 131g Plowing Match Widespread interest is being evin- ccd in the International Plowing 'Match and Farm Machinery Osumi]- v .tration which will be held October 14, 15, 16. and 17, on 1,(ing's Highway No. > 7, near the city of Stratford, z'hrs year's match promises to set a new record for number of entries, COt1- tests and enthusiasm. The Bean Yield Reports from the beastgrowing sections of Ontario give the actual bean yields as somewhat higher than was first estimated. About 67,000 e,c- res of beans us were grown ovn hn Ontario .this year, an inereme of 30 per ccitt. over 1929:' Yields however, have been. severely cut by the long spells of dry hot weather and the total yield will not be larger than its 1,929. The -On- tario been crop has a yearly value of well over two million dollars, Mithi- gen reports a bean yield of 12 Patt,. I wner of the yard mentioned above ays that it is a good inestment, be- ause it means. cleaner cows, cleaner tables, manure properly conserved nd more personal comfort and satis crime, Those Old Engines, Did you ever wonder what becomes of alt the old steam traction engines when they die? If they're good, they. go to Norfolk County and there they stand outsidedobacca kilns and pumpP in steam to cure the bright leaf. Many have been seen at work -during thepast month doing jus this thin and ,praying coneltfsively that there i always some way to vse even the mos apparently outworn.agricultural 1 inf g New Interest in Sheep Raising Marked success is attending the Department's effort to stimulate a greater interest in sheep -raising by the establishment • of Sheep Clubs throughout the province. A member- ship of ten is required before applica- tion can be made to start a Sheep Club. The members must be tinder thirty years of age and reside on farms where sheep are not now kept and inhere the accommodation for `uccessfulfy raising sheep is satisfac- tory. atisfactory. Each member will be supplied with five ewe lambs by the Depart- ment and with a purebred ram for a period of two years. The first year one lamb must be returned to the On- tario Livestock Brandt and during each of the next succeeding three years two lambs until a total of sev- en lambs hat >e been returned. Each member must care for his flock in ar- cordance with regulations laid down b • the Livestock Pr v ,rock , and n 3 x a dt mus dip his flock for external parasites at least once a year. A considerable number of clubs are already in oper- ation and other applications are being received from time to time, Fall. Fo�tweav on ..:.. •K •'.:ich. u "Save with Evr,.St IVO THE FIRST, STEP , , BUYING IT. SAVE steps by coming here directly, Second . the price you pay. A step that means saving to;you. Third stepping out in Greer's Shoes sage you any Worry about being shod. with the latest: Fall rootwear. You know you are! WOMEN'S OXFORDS— in straight one -tone or combination leathers. Suedes, Kids, Two of the Foremost Autumn Shades $4.00 to $5.00 STRAPS AND TIES — 'charming Pumps in the new Autunua: Browns,. Kids, Suedes. • $5.00 to $6.50 ". lai= Y, ..a. • n,µ chiefly on Winnipeg and Montreal," Mr. Somerset, who. is 'an expert on advertising and marketing conditions, will make recommendations on the situation, supplementary to those al and took great. interest in the affairs of the towns although he never ac- cepted a public • office. While in Wingham he travel] :d''for the Mas- sey -Harris people of Toronto. ,-- nto, Coni - ready made by Hon. Mr, Kennedy. ` ing to Stratford "thirteen years ago The Department is co-operating he continued his work with this corn - With agricultural authorities from. all :any and because he was out of the parts of the province in an effort to city a great deal could not fill any solve the problem of excess cheap public offices although be took keen cattle feed now in the farmer's hands. interest in the growth and general "Weare making an effort to find welfare of the community. He was some way to assist the " farmer in a member of, the Central United keeping cheap grain for feeding," de- Church and also of. the "Canadian Or- elares Hon. Mr, Kennedy,' 'so that we der :of. Foresters. Mr. McKie had will have the farmers selling cattle been with the Massey -Harris people next year." for :twenty-seven years and was well liked by both his customers and his British Apple Market" company. He is survived ,by his wife, Andrew Fulton the Department a brother, William, of Paris, and two fruit representative in 13ritain, writes sisters, Miss Jennie McKie, Bright, that early shipments of attractive, and Mrs. H. Hannell, Brantford. The well colored apples will be in demand funeral took place on Tuesday from at fair prices until the middle of De- his late residence, from which the cemr. b e Su cI varieties 1 as Wealthy, Ribst r o r, Baxter, King, Snow, Bald- win, etc., :should sell satisfactorily, The encouraging outlook for Ontario apples this season is based on the fact that the British embargo against Ti2ary. Jane Waltzer the lowergrades of Ameuican apples There passed peacefully away on hass reduced uc d ed arrr als front that comp. t es da Y evening,Mary Y Janela Walker, try bYOYet50 per cent. comparedwidow of the late Villiam Foxton, with a year ago, This restriction 'who predeceased her g 22` years ago, gainst the United States remains- hi With the exception of three years, force until 'Nov. 15th, Mr. Fulton when she resided in Toronto, deceas- points out that really high values can- ed had been a resident of this locality not be expected due .to the low spen- all her life. She was born September-, ding power of the public in Great Bri- 18th, 1861, in the. Township of Turn- tain. However if the apples are pack- berry, B. line. For the past two years ed well and every precaution is taken Mrs. Foxton had been in very poor to have them arrive in good condition health but had been very fortunate Ontario apples should 'find a "ready having the care of her daughter,.1 sale on the British market in the next Norma, who was very much devot- I few' months., ed to her mother, She was a mem- ber of the United Church. Surviving are seven sons and four daughters, John, of Lavine, Man.; William, of Shoal Lake, Man.; Frederick of Tor- onto, Albert of Morris; Herbert aiid Milford of Wingham, Harold' and Nor:nta at home, lot 26, concession 1, Culross; Mrs. Wm. Cassels, of Shoal Lake; Mrs. J. L. Mair of Winnipeg and Mrs. Alex, McDonald of Culross, also two brothers, Joseph and George of Turnberry and three sisters, Mrs. Wm. Hunt of Cliilliwack 13.C.; Mrs, Jas. Scott, Herniate, Man,; and Mrs. Jas. Williamson of Brussels; one sort, Henry, predeceased her 18 years ago. The funeral was held from- her late residence on Friday afternoon with interment being made in the Wing- corte geroceeded to P the Chesterfield cemetery at Bright where interment took place. OBITUARY Harold Henning A shadow of gloom was cast over the community when the citizens of the 8th concession of Turnberry. learned of the death of little Harold Henning, the 20 -month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Henning: The little fellow was only ill a few hours, suffering from infantile paralysis and the doctor's services were of no avail. He was a bright .little fellow whom everyone loved, Surviving Vesicles his 'sorrowingparents, are two sisters and two brothers," A private service was held at the house on Thursday afternoon conducted by Rev, Boling- ham Cemetery, yoke. Interment being made in the l `Vt ro.- teeter cemetery. I -•-_.__ 1 Prepare for 1932 Show b The Ontario Department is taking time by the forelock as it were, inso- far as making preparations for the World's Grain Exhibition and confer- ence of 1932 is concerned. Fanners are being urged by the' Department to beep this year's seed in the event of the crop of next year not being up to the high standard of former Yeats. Fall fair judges have been instructed to be on the watch for extra fine quality grain and seed at this year's fall fairs and to sena samples to the field husbandry bre.ncli at Guelph for eecantination, Officials of this depart- ment report that already there has been touch interest evinced by grow - ere, many of whom have announced their intention of preparing for the 1932 exhibition. Will Investigate Markets W. B. Somerset of Burlington has been appointed. 'by Hon. T. L. Ken- nedy, Minister of Agriculture, to del- ve into the question of marketing. fruits and vegetables from the faint- er's standpoint a work that was start- ed by Hon, ;Mr. Kennedy. "We are. endeavoring to find new markets for Ontario's fruit and a+egetables", said; Mr. Kennedy. 'We' art centering The heartfelt sy=ntpathy of the whole community is extended to the sorrowing family. "Tender Shepherd, Thou hast stilled i Now, Thy little lamb's brief weep- ing, C) l show peaceful, pale and mild Te its narrow bed his sleeping, And in sigh of anguish' sore Heaves e, s t hat little e bo SU#11 no mere. in a, world of pain and 'care Lord, Thou beholdesr, no longer leave it To Thy t es ati s height and fair air Lovingly Thoth dost receive it; Clothed in robes of spotless white Now it 'dwells with Thee in light, James Mc1Eie Many people in Stratford to -day are mourning the death of one of the city's most popular residents in the person of James McKie, 62 Front et., who passed away on Saturday after aft illness which extended over a per- iod of three weeks. Mr. McKie was born its Bright, Ontario, fifty-seven years ago, and singe then had lived iii different towns in '()maria, among which . were Tare, Varna and Wing - ham. In each of these plaice he was an active number of the community, BELII�ORE Mrs. A. H. Baron of Morecambe, England, announces the enga.getnent of her youngest daughter,. Helen, to - Lloyd loyd Henry, son of kfr. and Mrs. S. 'Link of Wroxeter, Ontario. The marriage to take place 'quietly on - October 18th, in Toronto. 11- A census clerk ,in scanning one of the forms to see if it had been prop- erly filled up, noticed the figures '120" and '112' under the :headings "Age of father, if :living,". and Age of mother if living." But your parents were never stk old, were they?" asked the astonish- ed clerk. , was the reply, "but , theerd ould have a,e been if living." 'Aches and PAINS! When you take Bayer r Aspirin Y pile are sure of two things. It's sureenlsefe and it's harmless. Those tablets with the Bayer cross do not hurt the heart: Take them whenever you • Y su#i'er front Headaches Neuritis Colds Neuralgia Sore Throat Lumbago Rheumatism Toothache When your' head ach cause --when a cold has salt eta settled jet your jointa, or you feel those deep. down pains of .rheumatism, sciatica, or lumbago, take Bayer Aspirin and h�eet real'relief. If the pacica&e ea Ba ., n y'tr, :t s genuine. And genuine' Bayer Aspirin is safe. , Aspirin is the trade -mark of Bayer "Manufacture of , of salicylicacid. monaaceticap BEWARE o IMITATIONS : CLEANER R a nda YE WINGHAM .AGENT _ HANNA 4 CO. Limited t PHONE '*O WE CALL AND DELIVER C 4:x"1 I.. fa �d� W .,410 iis ra COC C1tnrt.3.0RDNI'` anna