HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-10-09, Page 3rw:
orrie VidLette
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Thursday, October 9th, 1.030
new patterns,
old ivory tint,
new irregular borders
Class 1—Agriculture—l3rood Mare,
Telford Montgomery, John M. Dar-
roch; Foal, John M. "Darroch, T.
Montgintery; Gelding or Filly, one
. year old, T. Montgomery, D. Rayson;
Gelding or Filly, two years, H. Doug-
las, E. Gadcke; Gelding or Filly, three
year, ' T, Montgomery, R Metcalfe;
Team in 'harness, T. Montgomery., J.
Class 2—Heavy Draft—Foal, J. R.
Darroch; Gelding" or Filly, one year,
Jno. Richardson; Gelding or Filly, 2
year old, Alex. Corrigan; J. R. Dar-
roch; 'Team in harness, Robt. Graham,
Best, horse on grounds in Light and
Heavy Draft Classes, Robt, Graham.
Class 3—Roadsters— Brood Mare,
E. Dickert; Foal, E, Dickert; Gelding
or Filly one year old, E. 'Dickert, E.
Gadcke; Gelding or Filly, two years
old, Jno. Wilkin, Jno. Huckeeth; Sin-
gle Roadster, Wm. Roberts, E. Gad-
ade e, J.' Richardson. •
Class 4—Carriage--Brood mare, ov-
er 15,1 .hands, P. Dickert, J. Richard-
son; Foal, P. Dickert; Gelding or Fil-
ly,one year old, P. Dickert, J. M.
Darroch; Gelding or Filly, two years
old, F. Harrison, J. R. Darroch;
rgle Carriage Horse, J. Otto, J. John-
ston, J. Otto; Team in harness, L.
Lee, Geo.' Darroch; Best horse on
=rounds in Roadster and Carrie e
g g
Classes, F: Harrison,
Class 5—Best Gen. purpose or farm
team, P. Dickert, Jno,` Richardson;
Gentleman's Outfit, W. J. Roberts, J.
Otto, J. D. Johnston; Best Lady Driv-
er, Geo. Darroch,.]. M. Darroch; best
High Hurdle Juniper, W. J. Roberts,
J. D. Johnston, E, Gadcke; Saddle
years old or over, Wnr, Zeigler; Bull,
under two years, Roy, Lambkin 1 and
2; Cow four years 'olcl or aver, R.
Donaldson 1 and 2; Caw under four
year, R, "Donaldson, 1 and 2; Heifer,
two years old, Wim Zeigler, R. Don-
aldson; Yearling Heifer, 'Win. Zeigler,
R. Donaldson; Bull Calf, R. Donald-
son, Wm. Zeigler; Heifer Calf, 13.
Holton, R. Donaldson.
Class 14—Grades, ]:)airy Type —
Cow, Geo. Baker, A. Johnston; Year-
ling Heifer, Jas. Downey; Best Calf,
Bruce Holton.
Class 15-Leicesters- Aged Ram,
G. Brown; Shearling Ram, G. Brown,
R. J. Sanderson; Ram Lamb, G.
Brown, R. J. Sanderson; Ewe, G.
Brown, R. J. Sanderson; Shearling
Ewe, Brown, R. 5. Sanderson; Eve'
Lamb, R. J. Sanderson, G. Brown;
Pen Sheep, G. Brown.
'Class 16—Oxford Downs— Aged
Ram, Arkell & Sons, J. Connell;
Shearling Ram, Arkell and Sons, J.
Connell; Ram Lamb, W, Henry, J.
Connell; Ewe, Arkell and Sons; J•.
Connell; Shearling Ewe, Arkell ancl.
Sons, W. Henry; Ewe Lamb, D. Ray-
scn, J. Connell; Pen Sheep, Arkell
and Sons.
Class 17—Shropshires—Aged Ram,
Jas. •Hart;' Shearling Ram, C. Dan-
brook; Ewe, Jas. Hart, 1 and '2;.
Shearling Ewe, Jas. Hart 1 and 2;
Ram Lamb, C. Danbrook, Jas. Hart;
Ewe 'Lamb, Jas. Hart 1 and 2; Pen
Sheep, -Jas Hart.
Class 18— Dorset Horn-- Aged
Ram, W. Henry. 1 a.nd 2; Shearling
Ram, C. Danbrook, 1 and 2; Ewe,
W. Henry, 1 and 2; Shearling Ewe,
W. Henry 1 and 2; Ram Lamb, C.
Danbroak, W. Henry; Ewe Lamb, W.
Henry 1 and 2; Pen Sheep; W. M.
Horse, ,5. Richardson, Geo. Darroch; Henry.
Exhibition of ,Noreeback Riding, je Class '19—Grades—. 3eet Mutton
Richardson; Potato Race on Horse- sheep, Jas. Connell, Jas. Downey;
back, H. Douglas, H. Sperling; Slow Best pairof market lambs, D. Ray -
Horse .Race, J. Otto, G. McNichol, J. son.
Otto; Horse Winning Diploma in Swine
classes 3 and 4, J. M. Darroch; Best Class 20—Berkshire—Boar, over 1.
year, 0. Felker; Brood Sow, 0. Felk-
er 1'and 2; Sow, over four months-
and under one year, 0. Felker 1 and
Class 21—Yorkshire White—Boar,
over one eyar, N, Wade; Boar, over
four months and under one year, R.
Lambkin; Brood Sow, N. Wade, R.
Lambkin; Sow, over four months and
ander one year, N. Wade 1 and 2.
over one year, N. Wavle; Boar, over
year, G. Douglas, Jas, Bart; Boar,
D. Jackson; Bull, under three years over four inonths and under one year,
old, Geo. Baker; Bull, . under two G, Douglas, Jas. Hart; 13rood Sow,
years, Strong Bros; Bull Calf, Geo. ,Jas, Hart, G. Douglas; Sow, over 4
Cow, four Years old or over, months and under oneyear,'G. Dong -
Agricultural Mare, G. Brown; Best
Boy Driver, I3,.Sparling, 'W. J. Rob-
erts; Best ' Four Horses -' in Agricul-
tural or Heavy Draft C1asSes, T.
Montgomery; Horse . Winning' Dip-
loma in Classes 1 and 2, R. Graham;
Best General Purpose Colt, H. Spar-
lin; Best Lady Driver of ,Automobile,
1-1. Sparling.
Class :C -Shorthorns— Bull, three
years old or over, R. J. Sanderson, J,
j. D. Jackson, Strong Bros.; Cow un-
der four years, Strong Bres,.1 and 2;
Heifer, two years old, J..1). Jackson,
Yearling Heifer, 5, 1). Jackson, Strong
Bros.; Heifer Calf, °utrder one year,
R. J. Sanderson, Strong Bros.; Herd,
J, D. Jackson; Eetnale, J. D. Jackson,
Class 8—Polled Angus•• -Bull Calf,
Fred Sehmidt Yearling Heifer, Fred
Schmidt; Female Fred Schmidt,
Class 9—Herefords — 13n11, three
years old, John Giles, Jas. Johnston;
Bull, under two years, 5, D. Little &
Son; J. Downey; Cow, four years old
or over, 3. Metcalf, J. 1). Little &
Son; Cows under four years, J. D.
Little & Son, Jas. Downey:; Heifer,
two years old, J, D. Little & Son, J.
Giles; Yearling Heifer, 5. Metcalf 1
and 2; Bull Calf, J.. D. Little & Son,
P, Schmidt; Herd, J. D. Little 8.7. Son;
Female, any age, John Metcalf.
C a s -,10 -Grades, Beef Type—Cow,
Albert Johnston, 1 and 2; Yearling
Heifer, Albert Johnston; Heifer Calf,
A. Schmidt, J. Downey:,.13est Baby
Beef, 3. D, Little & Son, A. Schmidt,
Class 11—Jerseys—Cow, four years,:
o over, Mel Johnston; Cow, r� ov Joh � t tite,
der four years, Mel Johnston; Heifer
Calf, ,7rto, Dayton, L. Detnerling.
las 1 and 2 Pair Bacon hogs, any
breed, G. Douglas, H. Spalding,
Class 23--13est pair of market
lambs, W. Henry 1 and . 2; 13est pair
of bacon hogs, 3. Johnston, H, Sper-
Barred Rocks—Cock Jas. Downey,
A. E, Toner; Hen, A. E, Toner, L.
Brown; Cockerel, T. C. Wilson, A.
E. Toner; Pullet, A. E. Toner, J. C,
Th =son.
White Wyandottcs--Cock, J. Doug -
last Jas, Downey; Hen, Jno. Douglas,
n - ; Cockerel,Jno. Douglas,
Jas. I ow eY, ,
Wilson; Pullet, Jno. :Douglas,
T. C. Wilson.
Reds—Cock, , Dou
Rhode Island J Doug-
las, .Jiro. Douglas; Hen, j'no. Douglas,
Jno. Baylor; Cockerel, Jno. Douglas,
Jno. Pellet, Jilt).
Leghor•its, S.C. White—Cock, Jno,
Douglas; Hen, T. C. -Wilson, J'no.
l Brown; Bullet,
Douglas; 'Coekerel,,l'�..3 ow ; , ..lt let,
h, I3rov,m,
Le horns buff --,Cock, J 110 Don g o t;.
las; Hen, Jno, Douglas; Cockerel, Jno,
Douglas, Jas. Gibson; :Pullet, Jas,
White Rock —Cock, T. C. Wilson,
Class 12—Holsteins--, 13u11, three, Pee, Douglas; Hen, »5no. Douglas, 1
and 2; Cockerel; Jno, Douglas 1 and
2; Pellet, j'no. Douglas, 1 and 2.
Leghorns, S,C. Brown-Coek, T, C.
Wilson; 1cn, T, C,' 'Wilson; J. Doug-
las; Cockerel, T. C. Wilson, R,' Don-
aldson; Pullet, T.' C, Wilson, 1 and 2.
Minorcan, black—Cock, L. Brown,
Jno: Douglas; 1 -len, L. Brown, fait:
Douglas; Cockerel, L. Brown 1 and
2; Pullet, L. Brown, 1 • aid 2.
Buff Orpingtons-Cock, G. Brown,
Jas. Hart; Hee, Jas. 'Hart; Cockerel;
G. Brown, ,Jas. Hart;' Pullet; G,
]crown; R. Donaldson. •
Anconas— Cock, leo. Douglas, L.
Frown; Hen, L. Brown 1 and 2;
Cockerel, L. Brown 1 and 2; Pullet; er, '.A. Schmidt; Celery, H. Stroh, W.
L. Brown, \V. R, Failis: Weber; Gallon Potato Onions, 1V.
Silver Laced Hamburgs—Cock, L. Pike, Mrs. F, R. Lynn; Seed Onions,
of Jelly (made with Cc' to), G, Brown
• Rot and Vegetables
Class 27—Potatoe, Irish Cobbler,
Geo. Dane; Potatoes, early variety,
A, Schmidt, "W, Weber; Potatoes;
Green Mountain, Geo. Dane, A. Clark,
Potatoes, late variety, 111, Stroh, A. E.
Toner; Swede Turnips, A, E. Toner,
A. Schmidt; Turnips, any other kind,
A, Schmidt; Mangolds, red, A.
Schmidt, 5. Johnston Alangolds, yel-
low, 1,-Demerling, G. Baker; Man -
golds, Ohite, J, Johnston, A. Schmidt;
Carrots.; garden, H. Douglas, A,
Schmidt; Carrots, field, A. Schmidt,
E. Jacques; Sugar. Beets, A. E. Ton-
i3rown, T. C. Wilson; Hen, T. C. Wil=
son 1 and 2; Cockerel, I:, Brown;
Pullet, L. Brown 1 and 2.
Pair bronze Turkeys, E. Ankneman,
C. Clark; Pair" Geese, -Emden, James; ger, A, Schtnidt; Pumpkins, .\. E,
Hart, J. Douglas; Pair Geese, any Toner, C. Clark; Citrons, J. Sterling,
other kind, J. Douglas, Jas. Hart; E. Jacques; Long Rlood Beets, 3.
Pair Ducks, Pekin, J. Douglas, W. Connell, A. Scliniidt; Turnip Beets, J.
A. Spence, H. Stroh; Onions from
Dutch Sets, W, Weber, 1-1, Stroh;
Collection of Onions, Mrs. N. i'Ic-
Dermitt, W. Weber; Parsnips, J,' Rif-
Hainstock; Pair Ducks, Rouen, T..
P,rown 1 and 2; Pa? ` Ducks, Indian.
Runner, C. Clark; Pair Guinea Fowl,
E. Ankenrnan, A. E. -Toner; •Pair Pig
eons, Fantail, P. Dickert, E. Dickert'
Peng ' 1 cock and 3 hens (beau
Connell, Mrs. F, R. Lynn; Tomatoes,
Iarge,'H. Stroh, W. Weber; Toniat-
ees, small, H. Stroll, A. Schmidt;
Cabbage, white, Mrs, C ..FI. Willits,
E. Ankentnan; Cabbage, •red, H. Stroh.
L. Demerling; Red Peppers, W. Web
breeds), J. Douglas, 7r'. C. Wilson;' er, Mrs. E. A. Wallace; Cauliflower;
Pen, 1 cock and 3 hens (light breeds), 1-1, Stroh; Watermelon,, E. Jacques,
C. Clark, L. Brown; Best pair of 1930 W. Weber; Squash, R, Donaldson,
chickens, W. Hainstock 1 and 2; Pen W.' R. Failis; Cucutnbers, W. Weber,
Poultry, any variety (cockerel and 2 Mrs.' N. McDermitt; Sunflowers, L.
Pullets), W. Hainstock, B. Haltom, Demerling,E. Jacques; Table Corn;
Grain H. Stroh, W. Weber; Field Caorn, T.
Class 25—Red Winter Wheat, A. C. Wilson, A. Schmidt; White Beans,
Schmidt; White Winter wheat, A. G. W. Dane, H. Stroh; Butter Beans,
Schmidt; Spring Wheat, any kind, A. H. Stroh, A. W. Keil; Farmer's Pas•
Schmidt, J. Downey; Barley, A, ket of Vegetables, W. Weber, J. l;il
Schmidt, 7. R. Sterling; Peas, small, ger; Collection of 'Vegetables, W.
W. Weber, A. Schmidt; Peas, large, Weber, A. Schmidt; Best Bushel of
A. Schmidt; T. C. Wilson; White Dooley Potatoes, L. Demerling.
Oats, A. Schmidt, N, Wade; Sheaf Fruit
Fall Wheat, A, Schmidt; Sheaf White. Class 28 --Winter Apples— North -
Oats, A. Schmidt, W. R. Pailis; Sheaf ern Spy, J. Sterling, H. Sperling;
Barley, A. Schmidt; lest Bushel of Rhode Island Greenings, J. Sterling,
Oats, grown with "AA. Quality Per- T. A. Gibson; Wegner, J. Sterling, A.
tilizer", W. J. Weber; Best Bushel ` Schmidt; King or Tomkin's County,
of Wheat, as it•comes from machine, J. Sterling, ..R. Lambkin; Russet, J.
L, Demerling; Best Bushel of Bar- Sterling, T. A. Gibson; Baldwin, J.
ley. as it comes from machine, L, Sterling, A. Schmidt; i'eewaukee, R.
'Demerling. Lambkin, 3. Connell; Taltnan Sweet,
Dairy Produce and: Provisions 3.Sterling; W. Weber; Cull. of Win
26—Packed butter W. 'Web- ter Apples, J. Sterling, R. Lambkin.
Fall Apples—Colvcrte, J. Sterling,
er, Mrs. J. Williamson; Five pounds T. Gibson; Alexander, Sterling
Butter in rolls, Mrs. W. Leonard, J.
Wilkin; Three Prints Butter, Mrs. E. C. Clark; Snow Apples, J. Connell.
A, Wallace, Geo. Baker; T3ens' Eggs, J Sterling; St. Lawrence, J. Connell.
white, Mrs. W. Leonard, E. A. Failis; M, s. W. Leonard; Wealthy, A. Spcn
Hens' Eggs, brown, Jas. Johnston, J.
Vie, Mrs. E. A. Wallace; McIntosh
Loaf Bred, home made, W Red, J. Sterling, A. Schmidt; Graven-
Stein, H. Spa
Weber, Geo. Baker; Apple Pie, WmSpading, T. A, Gibson; Coll,
Weber, Mrs. 5, Williamson; Pumpkin
of FaII Apples, J. Sterling, T. A. Gib-
son; Gen. collection of apples, 3. Ster-
Pie, Mrs. C. H. Willits, Mrs, J. Wil` lin , A. Schmidt.
iiamson; dozen Buns, Wm. Weber, g
Jno. Baylor; :I dozen Oatmeal Cakes, Other Fruits—Six Crab Apples, G.
H. Douglas, Mrs. J. Williamson; Baker, H. Stroh; Six Lombard Plums,
Dozen Tea Biscuits, F. Demerling, H. Stroh, J. Sterling; Six Yellow Egg
Jno. Baylor Fruit Cake, Mrs. J. Wil-
Plums, N. J. Wilkin; Light Layer Cake, ing; Best collection of Plants, H.
F, Demerling, Wm, PikeDark Lay- Stroh, W. Weber; One dozen Pears,
er Cake, F. Demerling, Win. Pike; W. Weber, J. Sterling; Three Clusters
Date Bread, W. Weber, Geo. Baker; of Grapes, H. Stroh; Best bushel of
6 Tarts, E. Anken.man, C. Willits; 6 Spy Apples, ':l', A. Gibson.
Fried Cakes, G. Baker, Mrs. C. H. Plants and Flowers
Willits; 6 Drop Fancy Macaroons, Class 29—Asters, Mrs. C. H. Wil -
E. Ankenman, F. Wilkin; Best cheese tits, Mrs. F. R. Lynn, Dahlias, A.
Dish,E. A. Failis, F. Demerling; best Spence, E. Jacques; Sweet Peas, W.
dozen Sandwiches, F. J')einer•ling, Mrs. A. Stinson, H. Stroh; Stocks, J. Bry
J. Williamson; Vegetable Salad, F. ans, H. Stroh; Gladiolas Spikes, H.
Demmerling, T. C. Wilson; Fruit Sal- Stroh, F. De -meeting; Bouquet, table,
ad, T. C. Wilson, F. Demrnerlieg; W. Hallman, E. A. Failis; Basket of
best Variety Laking, A. W. Keil, W,. Annuals, H. Stroh, Mrs, F. R. I -yen;
R. Failis; Marmalade, Mrs, F, R. Collection of House Plants, Mrs. F.
Lynn, H. Sroh; Best collection Jelly, R. Lynn, F. Demerling; Begonia, rex
H. Strop, Mrs. C. H. Willits; Best ,variety, Mrs. F.R. Lynn, 1V. Pike;
collection Canned Fruit, W. 'Veber, Begonia, other fancy leaved variety.
Mrs. C. H. Willits; Canned Raspber- A• SPe"ei Geraniums, best coll., E.
ries, E. Dickert, W. 'Weber; Canned Jacques; House Fern, R. Donaldson,
Pears, Mrs, C. H. Willits, E. 1:)ickeet; W. Pike; Foliage Plant, F. Denier -
Canned plums, W. 'Veber, E. Dick- ling, A, Spence; Hanging Basket, for
ert; Canned Cherries, Jno, Baylor, F. verandah, 5, Eryans, Mrs. E. A. Wal-
Demmerling; Preserved Strawberries, lace; Verandah Box, E. A. vallis.
H. Stroh, r. C. Wilson; Canned Ladies' Work
Peaches, Mrs. C. H. Willits, Jno. Bay- Class 30—(guilts, pieced cotton, W.
lor; Currant Jam, J. Heuckeratli; Zeigler, Mrs. J. Williamson; Quilts,
Raspberry Jam, H. Stroh, W, Weber; fancy quilting, Mrs, Willits, W. Hall -
Grape ` Jam, F. Demmerling, E. A, An- man; Comforter, down filling, W.
kenman; Apple Jelly, F. Wilkin, Mrs, Hallman; Comforter, wool. filling:,
C. H. Willits; Grape Jelly, Mrs, C. Mrs, 'Musgrove; lied Spread, white,
ET. Willits, E. ' Ankenn,an; Currant Mrs, Willits; Bed Spread, otherkind,
Jelly, '\'V. Weber, Mrs. C. H. Willits; Mrs; Savage, W. 1 -Tallman; Cotton,
Canned Tomatoes, E: Jacques, A. W. sheet, hand made, Mr's. Savage, Geo.
Keil; Canned Corn, W. A. Stinson; Dane; House Dress, •ci iton, H. Stroh,
Mrs, C. H. Willits; Canned Peas, T`•' )vfrs. Willits; Lady's Sport Sweater
A. Failis, Mrs: .C. -H: Willits; canned in Silk, Mrs. W. Speers; Lady's Sport
Beads, E. Dickert, F. Demtnerling; Sweater in wool, Mrs, Savage, Mrs.
collection Pickles, H, Stroh, Mrs. C. Willits; Lady's Knitted Scarf, A.
H. Willits; Mustard Pickles, W., Web- Spence; Hand made Woolen Socks,
er; Fruit Pickles, named, T. C. Wit- coarse, Mrs. W. Leonard, Mrs. Wil -
sari, W. Weber; Tomato Catsup, T. tits; Hand i , Woolen cn 5 cl,., fine,
C Wilson, H. ,Stroh; Comb Honey, Mrs, Speers, Mrs, Musgrove( . Hand
Mrs. W. Spears; 'Strained Honey, E. Knit Mitts, coarse, men's, W. Weber,
Aitkenman; Maple Syrup, 'W. R. Fal- Mrs, Musgrove; Floor Mat, braided,
lis, > Geo. Baker; Dressed Chicken, , H,' W. R. Dallis' Jno. Wilkin; Floor Mat,
Douglas, W. Weber; Roasted Chick- other Band work, Mrs, W. Speers;
en, E. Jacques, W. Weber; hest five Mrs, Savage; Moor Mat, hooked, 51.
pieces 'Cold Lunch, Geo, Dane, Mrs, Stroh, Js. Jacques.
J. Williamson; One pound horse made
candy, Mrs, W. Spears, Mrs. C. 14.
Willits; test pint jar of Jarti (made
with Certo), I.i, Stroh; :Best pint jai'
cheon Set, other hand, work, Mrs. W.
Speers, Mrs. Savage; Pair Tray cloths
W. Hallman, Mrs, Sneers; l3ttffet sets,
Mrs. Speers, W. Weber.
Sleeping Room Furnishings—Pair
Pillow Slips, embroidered cut work,
Mrs.' Savage, Mrs. Musgrove; Pair
Pillow Slips, other hand work, lace
trimmed, Mrs. Savage; W. Weber;
Pair Hand rowels, embroidered, Mrs.
•Speers, W. Hallinan; Pair Guest
Towels, crochet trimmed, W. rHall-
man, H. Stroh; Pair Towels, . other
hand work, Mrs. Savage, Mrs. Speers;
Bath Towel, hand trimmed, H. Stroh,
J. Bilger; Dresser Runner., white,
Mrs. Savage, Mrs. Speers; Laundry
Bag, hand made, Mrs. Speers, 'Mrs,
Savage, Vanity Set, 3 pieces, Mrs.
Speers, Geo. Dane,
Ladies' Personal Wear— Apron,
fancy, Mrs. Speers, Mrs Savage; Lad-
ies' Work Apron, E. Dickert, Mrs.
Willits; Boudoir Slippers, Mrs,' -Sav-
age, Mrs. Speers; Night Robe,. em-
broidered, Mrs. Speers; Mrs. Savage;
Night Robe, other hand work, Wm.
Weber, Mrs. Savage; Lady's Kimona,
\V, Hallman, Mrs. Savage; Ladies'
Slip, fancy, Mrs. Savage; Fancy Work
Bag, Mrs. Savage; Handkerchiefs,
Mrs, Sheers,Mrs. Savage.
Infants' Wear—Jacket, Wool, Itfrs.
Speers, Mrs, Savage; Bonnet, wool,
Mrs, Speers, Mrs. Savage; 'Child's
Short Dress, Mrs. Savage, Mrs.
Speers; Carriage Pillow, white, Mrs.
Speers, Mrs. Savage; Bootees and
Mitts, H. Stroh, Mrs. Speers; Smock
Suit or Pantie Dress, Mrs, Willits,
Mrs. Speers,
Living Room Furnishings, Centre
Piece, colored,. Mrs. Musgrove, Mrs.
Speers; Centre Piece, white, George
Dane, W. Hallman; 'fable Runner,
colored, Mrs. Savage, Mrs. Musgrove;
Table Runner, white, Mrs. Savage,
Geo. Dane; Sofa Pillow, embroidered,
Geo. Dane, Mrs, Savage; Sofa Pillow,
other hand work, Geo. Dane, Mrs.
Savage; Sofa Pillow, washable, Mrs.
Savage, Geo. Dane.
Miscellaneous : Needle Craft—Bed
Room Set, Mrs, Savage, Mrs, Willits;
One pair hand made Curtains, Mrs.
Savage, W. Weber; Specimen Modern
Cross Stitch, Mrs. Savage; Specimen
of Tatting, Mrs. Savage, E. Dickert;
Specimen of Filet Crochet work, Mrs.
Savage, ;Mrs. Speers; Specimen of
Modern Cut work, Mrs. Savage, Geo.
Dane; Collection of Fancy Work,
Mrs. Speers, Mrs. Willits. .
Art Work
Class 31•—oil Painting, original
subject, Mrs. Savage; Oil Painting,
Scene, Mrs. Savage, A. Spence; Col-
lection of Oil Paintings, five, Mrs.
Savage, Mrs. 'Willits; Water Color,
flowers, Mrs. Savage,, Mrs. J. Mus-
grove; Water color, Marine view,
Mrs. Savage, Mrs. Musgrove; Collec-
tion of Water Color Paintings, Mrs.
Savage, . Mrs. Musgrove; Crayon
Sketch in colors, A. Spence, Mrs.
Savage; Pencil Drawing, Mrs. Sav-
age, Mrs. Musgrove; China Hand
Painted, realistic design, Mrs. Mus-
grove; 2 Cups and. Saucers, Mrs, M
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"Darling," he cried, fallinf on his
knees and covering her little white
us- hands with kisses, "can't you sec that
grove, H. Stroh; Reed Work, H. I love you?"
Stroh, Mrs, Willits. She drew herself up to her full
Children's Work height_ "Well," she said, "1 should
Two Tea towels, D. Musgrove, R. hate to think this was just your way
J. Sanderson, Mrs. Willits; White Ap- of behaving in company."
ron, Mrs. Willits, H. Stroh, D. Mus-
grove; Knitted Wash Cloth, R. J.
Sanderson; Handkerchief, crochet
edge, D. Musgrove; Hand towel, em-
broidered buttonhole edge, Mrs. Wil-
lits, W. Pike, E. Demerling; Darning
worn woollen stocking, D. Musgrove,
W. Pike, E. Demerling; Six Button
Holes, done on cotton, R. J. Sander-
son, E. Demerling, i\irs, Willits; Doll
dressed as Canadian school girl, R,
3. Sanderson; Six Baking Powder
biscuits, E. Demerling, Mrs. Willits;
One Apple pie, W. Weber, 0. Mus-
grove, Mrs. Willits; Loaf white bread,
E. Demerling, D. Musgrove, W. Web-
er; Six Oatmeal cookies, Mrs. \Villits,
D. Musgrove, E. Demerling; Layer
Cake, Mrs, Willits, W. Pike, E. De-
merling; Water Color drawing, vege-
tables,5. Sanderson,7. Rattan
R. J, E,
Demerling; Pencil Drawing, horse in.
motion, W. Pike, R. j. Sanderson, N.
Rotted; Posters, coloured, Fair Ad-
vertisement, Geo. Baker; Essay, "Rur-
al 1ducatiott Mrs, Willits; Any ar-
ticle made withjack knife, Mrs. Wil-
lits, E. Demerling, Geo. Baker; Coll,,
leaves of native trees, Mrs. Willits;
R.abbits, R, J. Sanderson,
Class 33— 1, Two lines caeb of
three Freehand movements. 2, one
set of Capital letters. 3, One set of
Small letters. 4, The figures, 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, '7, 8, 9, 0. 5, One verse.
of "God . Save the King," or "Thr,
Maple Leaf Forever:" To children 13
years and 14 years old, 1M; Demerling,
Dining Room Furnishings ---Centre 1, Rtittan; To children 11 years and
12 years old, W. Pike, Nellie Dane;
To ehitdren 0 and 10 years old, Mrs.
Piece, white, Mrs, Savage, W, Hali-
man; Luncheon Set, embroidered,
Mrs, Savage, 'Mrs. Mttsgrovc; Lan-
`CHILDRIN hate to take medicine
'1✓✓ as a rule, but every child loves
the taste of Castoria. And this pure
vegetable preparation is just as good
as it tastes; just as bland and just as
harmless as the recipereads.
When Baby's cry warns of cone,
a few drops of Castoria has him
soothed, asleep again in a jiffy. Noth-
ing is more valuable in diarrhea.
When coated tongue or bad breath
tell of constipation, invoke its gentle
aid to cleanse and regulate a child's
bowels. In colds or children's diseases,
you should use it to keep the system,
from clogging,
Castoria is sold in every drugstore;
the genuine always bears Chas, i3.
Fleteher's signature.
Phm. B., Opt. D., R. O.
Phone 118 Harr iston, Ont.
"The Best Equipped Optical Es
tablishment in this part of
New fall and
'inter Goods
Our Fall and Winter Over-
coats are now in. ...A splendid
range of Coats and prices ran-
ge from $1.8.50 to $32.50.
Fall samples of made -to -mea-
sure Suits are wonderful values.
Three prices $23,50, $27.50 and
$35.50. ...Tailored to your fancy.
Prices are cut awayfrom any-
thing offered in same values.,,._
Fall and Winter Caps, Sweat -r.
ers, Sox and Underwear.
Green Valley Peas 10c a can
Homes Vanilla Extract
2 for 15c
G.' M. Jelly Powders.....3 kr 20e