HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-09-25, Page 4minommammommionamo IKill the Flies and Moths :P 4.c ANIS,4" S.eAP .U..I'k/!t\vJ.. 941104.AY!,et.:S9. tttIgS a4lvi:\sl;,lq.`t.r:ivi;;St2 4..i\. e,,;•wiJ,r1,1ISIWOV.lt'-‘v;;'4,e) LI! lr 4 r,` i� i0 cen SAN TOAD BRING _. RESULTS ADIS ; s a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. eteee teereeeteregreee . geaeage iereemiraYRiIL"reiliaei letaVaaiirielesetri1val rieree egrietre?vre FOR SALE—Several good hous. es. Should you be looking for a good investment or home see T. Fells. FOR SALE—To close estate, a 200- aere farm, in good condition, on loth Con. of Wallace, 2 miles from Palmerston; 7 -room brick house, bank barn, drilled well, Apply E. Gallagher, Palmerston, or Henry Gallagher, West Lorne, Executors. MOUSE To RENT—Corner of Cath- arine and Victoria streets, All mo- dern •conveniences. Apply to Sam, Morton, phone 624r15, LOST—York Sow strayed from pre- mises, September 15th. An,yone 'knowing of whereabouts notify M. Casemore, phone 627r3. WANTED -Washing and ironing to do. Mrs: Geo. Moir, in the .Morton; Block. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM G. DORE, late of the Town of Wing - ham in the County of Huron, Gentle- man, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the revised statutes of Ontario in that respect, that all per- sons having claims against the 'Es- tate of William G. Dore, who died cm or about the thirteenth day of Ap- ril, A.D. 1.930, at the '.Gown of Wing- liam, are required to send by post, prepaid or deliver to the undersigned, On or before the eighteenth day of October A.D. 1930, their names and 'addresses with full particulars of their claims in writing, verified by statut- ory declaration, and the nature of the secruities, if any, held by them. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after the said eighteenth day of October19 0 A.D. 3 the assets of the said estate will bedistributed by the Executrix among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which she shall then have notice and the estate will not be liable for any claim not filed at the tiine of the said distribution. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this twenty-third day of September, A.D. 1930. J. W. BUSHFIELD, Wingham,' Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrix. AUCTION .SALE The undersigned has been instruct- ed to sell by Public Auction at her house, on Lot 27, Concession 11, W. Wawanosh, by Mrs. John Martin,; 'at two o'clock on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th The following: - 4 beds, ?. dressers and stands, 12 chairs, couch, 3 rocking chairs, 2 rockers, sideboard, writing desk and book -case combined, pictures, white woollen blankets, carpet, rug, dishes, jams, stove, table, small tables, crocks carpenter's tools, .lamps, fruit, Chatham incubator, wood, sewing machine, scales, seed -drill, plow, har- rows, spring tooth harrow, hay fork, hay rope. TERMS of SALE—CASH. THOMAS FELLS, Auctioneer. DRAIN TENDERS Drain Tenders for the Township of Turnberry will be received by W. R. Cruikshank, Township Clerk, Wing - ham, Ontario, until the 27th day of September, 1930 for the improvement of the McDougall Drain: Length 1,043 lineal feet of covered drain, and 400 lineal feet of open drain. Ten- ders to be in the forrn of lump sums, not unit prices. Must be accompan- ied by marked cheque payable to the Treasurer of the Township of Turn - berry for 10% of amount bid. The ivork is to be commenced within one `week from awarding of contract and completed on or before November 30, 1930. Plans and specifications may be seen at office of Clerk. Lowest and any tender not necessarily accep- ted. I. J. Wright, W. R. Cruikshank, Reeve. Clerk. MORTGAGE SALE Of Valuable Village Property Under and by virtue of the power contained a red in a certain mortgage which will be produced at time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction on Saturday, the el- eventh day of October, at the hour of 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon, at George Town's Hotel in the Village of Wroxeter, the following property, namely.: All and singular, that certain parcel or tract of land and prelnises, situate,. lying and being in the village of Wroxeter in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, and being. composed of Lot number Three on the North side of Howick Street in the said Village of Wroxeter, and i containing one-quarter of an acre of NOTICE. TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES ELLIOTT, late of. the Village of Gorrie in the County of Huron, Re- tired Farmer, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the revised statutes of Ontario, in that respect, that all per- sons having claims against the Es- tate of James Elliott, who died on or about the twenty-fifth day of August, A.D. 1930, at the Village of Gorrie, are required to send by post, prepaid or deliver to the undersigned, on or before the eighteenth day of October, A.D. 1930, their names and addresses with full particulars of their claims in 'Writing, verified by statutory' de- claration, and the nature of the secur- ities, if any, held by them. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE tliat after the said eighteenth day of October, A.D. 1980, the assets of the said estate will be distributed by the Executors among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice and the estate will not be liable for any claim not filed at the time of the said distribution. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this twenty-third day of :September, A.D. 1930: J. W. BUSHFIELD, Winghanf, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. EARN $6 TO $10 PER DAY Ambitious, reliable men wanted at °once. Part time pay while train.- ing for Aviation Mechanics, Gar- age Work, Driving, Battery, Elec- tric Acetylene Welding, House Wiring, Industrial Electricity, Ma- chinist, Bricklaying, Plastering, Drafting, Barbering and. Hair- dressing. Act quick, get your ap- plication in now. Write or call for information. Dominion Trade Schools, Ltd. Eastern Headquarters, 79 Queen West., Toronto, Employment service—coast to coast. GEORGEILLAMS, official C. N, .1 . Watch Inspector Our Specialty, itiai Guaranteed, Ii epa Satisf i` deed, more or less. Upon the said premises, it is said, there is situate a two storey frame house containing seven rooms and about 20 ft by 30 feet with a frame addition. about 10 feet by 20 feet,• TERMS: Ten per cent. of the pur- chase money to be paid at time of sale and the balance to be paid within thirty days thereafter. l For further particulars and condi- ' tions of sale apply to the undersigned. I DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this twenty-third day of September, A.D. 1930. 5, W. BUSHFIELD, Wingham, Ontar• •o, Solicitor for the Mortgagee, IN MEMORIAM l3arbour—In loving memory of our Dear Husband and father, who pass ed away one year ago, September 24, ,1029. Short and sudden wee the call Of one so dearly loved by all; i The blow was great, the shock severe, We little thought his end'so • near, And only those who loved can tell The pain ,of 'not saying a last farewell. His memory is as dear to -day As in the hour God took hint away. Sadly missed by wife and family. 11 Tr, V�I11fGHAM ,&DVA.NCE-TIME$ Hand Spray FREE with each 75c bottle Positively Kills Insets Both For 75c McKIBBON'S DRUG Wingham Normansmaar Helen Thompson, Norman Van Camp, Jean McCallum, June Irwin, Dick Irwin. Wash Cloth -Ruth Ne- thery, Helen Yuill, Verna 13e11, Edith McClenaghan. Laundry Bag— May. Frisby, Ferne McCallum, Donalda McLean, Juneve Hull, Edith Arbuckle Margaret Coultes. Doll's Dress Margaret Coultes, Ruth Wheeler, Ferne McCallum, Zella Cook, Hilda Black, May Frisby. Buttonholes — Jean Higgins, Florence Nethery, Ma- bel McCallum. Guest Towel -Helen Edgar, Florence Nethery, Myrtle Yuill, Dorothy Golley. Clothespin Apron = May Frisby, Jean Higgins, Mildred ]Mason, Mabel McCallum, Emaline Nicholson, Mary Scott. Manual Training Any model in plasticine— Stewart Jamieson, Russel Jamieson, Rozetta Corbet, Clara Van Camp, June Irwin, Mitchell ,Scobie. Any Cardboard Model—Jean McCallum, Jean Breen, Lenore Wellings, Ariel Johnston, An- nie Cook, Kenneth Johnston. Win- dow Sticks— Clarence Golley, Edith McClenaghan, Roy Robinson, Lloyd Mason, Stanley Irwin, Creighton Reid. Tooth Brush Holder—Dwight Reir, Ferne McCallum, Kenneth Ma- son, Alfred Mason, Stanley Irwin, Creighton Reid. Plain Book Ends— Ronald Coultes, Jim McCallum, Poultry Feed Hopper—Clarence Yuill Ronald Coultes. Scrapbook, live- stock clippings — jean McCallum, Stewart Jamieson, Wilma Watson, Mabel Coultes, Edith McClenaghan, Ross Anderson. leaves Collection of lest .s of deciduous trees Helen Y uill, Edith McClen- aghan, Percival Breen, Evelyn Scott, Laving Scott, Verna Bell. Collection of 10 riative woods — Creighton Reid, Dwight Reid, Henry Patterson. Col- ection of 8 injurious Insects — Ron- ald Coultes, Gertrude Arbuckle, Ma- bel McCallum, Collection of 12 worst weeds in school section — Margaret Robinson, Myrtle Yuill, Mildred Ma- son, Wilma Breen, Garner Nicholson, Emaline Nicholson. Writing "Our Fag" — Roy Bennett, June Irwin, Arthur Edgar, Jean McCallum, Mabel Coultes. "The Rainbow" — Willa Reid, Lenore Wellings, Ferne McDowell, Thelma McGuire, Edith McClenaghan. "The Rain" — Elaine Walsh, Bobbie Henry, Juneve Hall, Alfred Mason, Ruth Nethery. "The Maple"— Hilda Black, Luella Kerr, Dwight M. Reid, Donalda McLean, Annie Scott, Stuart Cloakey, "The. Song My Paddle Sings" — Jean Rob- ertson, Louise Breen, Cecil Arm- strong, Garner Nicholson, Roberti Scott. "0 Canada Florence Blair.. i Drawing I Map of Huron County .— Bobbie r Henry, Juneve Hull, Wilma Grigg, Ross Anderson, Ruth Wheeler. Map of Southern Ontario Jirn Coultes, Donalda MacLean, Mae Young, Janet ' Scobie, Nora Wheeler, Map of Do ; ninion of Canada—Gertrude Arbuck- e, lRobt. Scott, Margaret Nichol, Roy Pattison, Emaline Nicholson. Map of l Europe—Doris Scott, Florence Bl fir, ! Group of Apple, Manana and Orange' in Crayon— Ariel Johnston, Lenore ' Wellings, Mabel Coultes, Elmer Young, Mabel Cook, Group of three Vegetables Bobbie . Henry, Ross Anderson, Wilma Grigg. Alice Cook, I Ruth Wheeler. All-over Pattern in • at least two. colors—Dwight. Reid, Al- bert Cook, Ferne McCallum, Graeme Anderson, Creighton Reid. Calendar design— Garnier Nicholson, Emaline Nicholson, Gertrude Arbuckle, Post -1 er calling for weed control Rosie Scott, Florence Blair, Essays "My Favorite Pet" -- Bobbie Hen.; ry, Alice Cook, Jack Taylor, Ross Taylor, "A Fell . Fair"--Donalda tyle- Lean, Janet Stobie, Hilda Black, Mac l Frisby, Zella Cook. "Weed Control Measures" — Dorothy Golley, Cecil Armstrong,.. Ferrol Higgins, Mary Scott, "The Early. Settlement Of Huron' County"---Plorence Blair. Judging Livestock, boys - Stanley Black, Bruce Scott, Clarence "Skill], Dwight'_ Reid. Poultry, girls ---Margaret Rob- inson, Amia McDowell, Jatiet Scobie, ,Mildred Mason, Weed 'naming con- test--.l3recte Scott, Myrtle Yttill, Clar- once Vhill, I.iwight keid,' BELGRAVE SCHOOL FAIR ISS SUCCESS (Continued frompage' one) Helen 'Yuill. Light Layer Cake Mary Scott, Zella Cook, Helen Ed- gar, Florence Blair, Perrot 'Higgins, Myrtle Ynill, lions- Margaret Hi g- 6 g gins, Florence Blair, jean Higgins, Mildred Mason, Mabel ; McCallum, Myrtle Yuill, Raisin Pie—Jean Hig- gins, Florence Blair, Margaret Hig- gins, Mabel McCalttn, 3orothy. Got- icy, Hilda Black. Biscuits Helen Edgar, Donalda Johnston,' Mabel Mc- Callum, Sean Higgins, Zella Cook, my! tic Yuill. Drop. Fruit Cookies--- Donalda Johnston, Myrtle. Yuill, Mary Scott, Wilma Breen, Jean Higgins, Ferrol Higgins, Breakfast for eight- year-old child on tray—Florence Blair Laving Mt:Burney, Margaret Higgins, Jean Higgins, Myrtle Yttili, Ferrol: Higgins. Butter, 2 ]sound prints -W- Ferrol Higgins, Myrtle Yuill, Flor- c'nee Blair Maryea .Sc Scott, Wirntifred Edgar, .t1vlabt;l McCallum, 5 pounds of buttcra-MyrtlettiilT. Canvas Mat 'ACAalANS k rtr.clltion Strong Enough to Unite Peoples From Extremes of Continent. "Waste are those pleasant farms, and the fareaere Xorever departed; Naught but tradition remains of the little village of Grand Pre." So wrote Longfellow in his "Evan- geline," says an article in the To- ronto Star Weekly.. But if naught but .tradition remains, that tradition is proving strong enough to unite peoples DOM the extremes of a con- tinent, and to centre their interest for a few days each year at least, upon a little park at Grand Pre, where exist the only remains of,Aca- dian settlement in Nova Scotia. Prom 'Louisiana and Massachus- etts, ,from Quebec and New Bruns- wick, from Digby shore of Nova Sco- tia, as well as from other parts of the continent, descendants of the original Acadian inhabitants of Nova Scotia, gather for one clay each year at Grand Pre, and there, before the little shrine which stands upon the site of the Church of St. Charles, the original Acadian church, they pay their respects --to the Acadian dead who lie buried within the church- yard, and commemorate the event which scattered the living Acadians to all parts of the North American continnent. The tale of the deportation is too well known to need more than a sum- mary. ' In 1755, after having receiv- ed what they believed to be proof of Acadiap collusion with the Indians and with the Isle. Royale French, the British ordered the deportation of the Acadians to the Louisiana terri- tory, then ander French rule. According to extant records, no care was taken to see that families were kept together, and no consulta- tion with those deported was taken with regard to their preference of companionship. The result of this was the separation of 'families, of children fromtheir parents, of lovers from their betrothed. It is on the last theme that Longfellow based his "Evangeline. In one respect, however, history seen -a to contradict the beautiful ro- mance which Longfellow wove. Ac- cording to the records, Evangeline, whose name was really Emmeline Labiche, lost her mind when her 'lov- er, instead of waiting through life as in the poem, married another. Her grave on the banks of the Teche rev ereis still pointed out to the tourist. For over a century and a half -the Acadian relics and grounds at Grand Pre went neglected, but early in this century, interest began to manifest it- self. The grounds which once were the site of the .little church in. which the deportation edict was read to the unfortunate Acadians were made into a small but beautiful park; a statue of Evangeline was made by Philippe Hebert, himself of Acadian descent,;, a replica of the Church of St. Charles was built upon the site of the orig- inal g inal church, and the park grounds, sacred to all those who boast of Aca- dian blood in their veins, were given to the Acaclian descendants as a per- petual heritage, To these grounds comes the pil- grimage made each year, and in front of the little shrine, the stately willows which were old at the time of Evangeline, looking on and seem- ing to move their limbs in silent bene- diction, French and English join hands and hearts in solemn com- inemo •tion of the black day of deportatiah. This year, the 176th anniversary of the expulsion, a pilgrimage . of over a th•nusand Acadians, headed by men of illustrious names, made their way to Grand Pre. Three main dele- gations, one from Louisianan, one. from Massachusetts and one from Quebec, came and took part in the solemn, ceremonial, at which French marines and members of the Royal ,Canadian Regiment acted as guards of honor. QUEEN'S NAME TO AN AGE. Though " Vict rite " 'Was Called Bar- barous Itt Furled Language. A hundred years ago --on May 111, 1830, to be exact—a letter appeared in the London Times which said: "As there is every reason to be- lieve that the daughter of the late Duke of Kent will, ' at some future day, become the sovereign of these realms, it is very desirable that her barbarous continental name (Victoria Alexandrine) should be altered by act of Parliathent, or otherwise, to some application more ,familiar and more grateful to English ears -such, for 2xample, as Elizabeth or Char 1Qt1e . The sooner the princess is divested of her anti -English name the better ", y*w 'Phe young princess seven years later, at the age of 18, carried her "barbarous continental' name" to the throne. Long before her death, six- ty-three years later, her name had been given to an age in English his- tory, to a great body of English lit erature, : to a code of manners and morals, Victorian has become an adjective with distinctive meaning and impli- cation. Though it is the fashion to employ it disparagingly, there are' signs of its emerging from the cloud which has overhung it as the real greatness of the age is more Clearly recognized, The. English language would be the poorer without this word. It is diflioult to imagine 'what would have been substituted for it had Victoria's name been changed to Elisabeth. There has been Only one Elizabeth, who gave, her name to aft - other famous; age. And only one "V'ietoria. Jlu xitsu Parties Latest, Jiu Jitsu parties are the latest thrill for London society women, Their principal feature is a demon- stration of the Japanese method of wrestling and is popular because jiu jltsu is said to be a Sesh»redueer. One hostess, who had had a two -years' course of training under a Japanese expert, has made her event the most .popular by perisonally giving demon- stratlons. Cost of 1i3ailding'a; CtailwnyY. Constructing it railtv'ay Oosts about $800,000 a mile, while a ttanxwatiy 04 t.s $1715,000, Thursday, September 25th, 19.36 CANADA'S MARKET FOR CANADIAN WHEAT Enormous Growth in Use of Prepared Whole Wheat Foods. That Canada is finding one grow - lug market within her own borders for Western Wheat surpluses is re- vealed by statistics compiled over the Past . few years and released to -day (September 15th) by the. Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd. Thc figures, which in the t•,ature of a mar- ket research,are a .wide'spread sur- vey of the use of whole wheat foods in Canadian homes and show an en- ormously increased popularity for wheaten articles of diet compared to five years ago. This is particularly. true of prepared whole wheat foods. Since (in the case of the Canadian Shredded Wheat Company's product at least) the sole source of supply is Western whole wheat 'grain, the con- sumption of crop surpluses in this form has been very considerable. "In round figures you can take it. that nearly two million families are today including whole wheat foods in their daily diet," said an official of the Shredded Wheat Company in an interview. "Our researches, while not of course covering every home in Canada, tend to show that hund- erds of thousands of these homes are using today at least one ounce more of prepared whole wheat in the shape of Shredded Wheat Biscuits, pee' head of the family, than was the case five years ago. Thus Canada is finding, a market for.about 2,000,000 pounds more Canadian wheat weekly from; this source alone.'= We attribute the growing popular- ity of whole wheat prepared foods to a growing interest in dietetics on the part of Canadian housewives. Both the medical fraternity and the whole wheat food manufacturers have for years been urging, and rightly urging, the essential food value and the ec- cnomy of wheat in articles of diet. The combined propaganda is begin- ing to take effect and as a result Canada's surplus of wheat is being reduced at a time when reduction "is badly needed. TEACHING THE BOYS To the. Editor av all thim Wingham Paypers. g Ypers. Deer Stir :— Wan noight iasht wake the misses tuk a noshun that she wanted to go to the talkie show, but 1 purtinded arc back wus worse, .o she got wan. av the nayber wimnvn to go wid her, an I got another chance to give a few wurruds av advoice, an a lot av gineraj informashun, to thin Hoigh School byes. 'Tis shmart lads they are intoirely, an willin to larn whin they hew some- body to tell them tings, an not afraid. to ask quistions about what they do- n't know thintsilves, an what the tai- chers: up at the school are not afther tellin thin. The fursht quistion they asked enc wus what I maned be, a tarrif "harse hoigh bull shtrong, an pig toight." I tould thine 'twas a menner av shpak- in we used to hev out on the farrums whin we reins buildin the ould shnake rail, shtake an roider, filmes. It rnan- cd that it wus so shtrong that it cud- den't be bruk down, so hoigh that no baist cud jump offer it, an •so tight that no pig cud git troo it: An ye see, sez 1, that Misther Binnitt has been afther takin'me advoice, as fur as he has got up to the prisiet, fer all he has to do now is to chink up some av the, holes to kape out the. rats an moice, an squirrelsan chip- munks, an to set traps . all arround it to prevint the ground hogs an rabbits. from burrowin undher, an thin it will. be perfickt. Thin they asked me what we intind- ed to do about the birruds an aero- planes flaying over it, an 1 tould them that Mishter Binnitt had asked Jarge Shpotton an mesilf to -Link up some skarne to overcome thio difficulty, but that we hadn't got our plane proper- ly diviloped yit. Av worsebyes, see. I, ye undher- shtand that the fince oidea is what ye nloight call a figger av spaich. Does yer taichers not. tell ye about thin tings? Some payple.who loike to be<stoylish, loike sue datvtcr-in-law who wus a school taicher hersilf he- foor she had the luck to marry into the Hay fancily, calls then rnettyfers, but 'tis the same ting, loike Grits an U,F,O,ys. A mettyfer'is'"sayin the ting that is not" as some av thim furriners me ould brothel' vfatt, used to talk about, wild call it. Thcer do be lots av diffrunt petty- fcrs, an be rayson av thim ye kin say wan ting ate mane another widout tellin a wttrrud av a lole. Thin that shpalpaane av a Hill bye tought he wad git me in a fix be ask - in if Mishter Ferguson wus alipak'rci' fit mettfers whin he prawnrised to a- bolish the bootleggers, an Mishter kithrie whin he said he cud do away wid ttiiemploytnint in tree days, That wits prrllytickte mettyfcr, f tould him, loike thim Grits used whin. they lrawiised to iefa n the Sinnit , en thin the U F,Q,'s whin they p.raw- mised clane, honest and economical itovernmint: .ivirybody uses mettfers to, some ix- tint. Fer inshtance, whin an Irish- man tells ye he has been kilt intoirely he only manes that he has been badly hurted an knocked spaichless, an whin. ye make a remark to a Scotchman an he sez, "1 doot it," he manes that he agrees wid what ye hew tould hien. That bye av moine lamed a lot av shlang whin he wus oversays,. an 'sonnetoimes he says "I shud worry' whin he manes that he has no intin- shun av worryin at all, at ,all, so lie: hasn't. I, don't go in very shtrong fer met- tyfers mesilf, be rayson av belaivin that it is betther to say what ye mane an mane what ye say, but so long as they are considhered a part av the hoigher eddicashun in these niadhern days, it sh-ud be yer Booty to know how to use thine, arr ye will be out av the runnel., so to shpake, which sante is another inettyfer. An byes, sez I, theer is shtill wan more koind av mettyfer that ye will moshtly notish Scotchmin usin. Fer inshtance whin ye ask wan av thim lads• annyting, ye may git an answer that manes annyting, arr it may mane nothin at all, at all. I remimber whin targe an Archie an Shelly wus runnel fer Parleyrnint, in what wus called the G. A. S. elick- shun, I asked ane ould frind, Sandy Banks, what he tought av the candi- dates. "Well noo," sez he, "I have no mickle to say aboot thin. Archie is a braw laddie, but -he is no jist the man to fecht a hard battle. Shelly is glide eneouch, what there is o' him, an av 'Geordie I' can only say that there is eneouch .0' him sic as it is." Ye can't ketch a Scotch herrin wid a pin hook, so ye can't. Yours fer a hoigher tariff: Timothy Hay. aut.5ie°vta'kdlF� ONE "After years of rheumatism now in perfect ;math," says .Mr- A, Duch arme. Thousands write rheumatic pales, •neuritis, vanish like mngie with"Ft uit-a•tives".Constipation,indi-. gestion end overnight. Nerves quiet- Get"Fruit-a-tives"fromdrgoist today. HEADACHES YOU can't always stop work and: give -in to a headache, but you. can always get relief from such suf— fering! A tablet or two of Bayer Aspirin will ease an aching head every - time. Perfectly harmless; prescribed: by thousands of doctors. An effective: antidote for pain, taken by millions, of men and women whenever they've] a cold, headache; neuralgia or nett-• ritis; rheumatism, lumbago, sore: joints, etc.:. Read : the proven direc- tions that come' with Bayer. Aspirin, and realize how much suffering these. tablets can spare you. Buy Boger. It is genuine Aspirin. You know What you are taking. AYE R IN PLAN TO TAKE IN THE ATTRACTIONS AT WINCHAM FALL FAIR Tuesday OCTOBER 7 & 8 Wednesday MAKE YOUR ENTRIES EARLY FOR THESE SPECIAL SILVER CUPS Donated for the Following Dominion Bank - Silver Cup Best Herd Registered Hereford Cattle Robt. Simpson Co. Ltd. – Silver Cup Best Herd Registered Shorthorn Cattle Bank of Commerce Silver Cu • p Best Herd of Registered Polled Angus Cattle: T. Eaton Co, L.td. Case of Silverware lwaye For the B ... - est Ewe Lamb Walker Stores Limited-- Silver Clip School Children's Parade General Food Limited — Silver Cup For the Best Jar of Jam General Food Limited — Silver Cup For the Best Jar of Jelly A. E. Silverwood— Silver Trophy School Children's Chorus �Villialirls Jewelery Store — SilverFruit Basket Best Decorated Auto in Parade Over Seventy i Write the Secretary for Prizedwe. Li st