HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-09-04, Page 8•,,
ei„.:(eiteetereetreit-ei‘eir.elietiec,-.6-eifieeenre. 1i4t\ /Air 411r7iNiralAtre\ltf‘Viert},i, 114111.:41
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, September 4, 5, 6th
John Garrick
— In —
A Sensational Drama of the Air
Also two -Reel Talking Comedy
MATINEE—Saturday 3 p.m.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, September 8, 9, 10
Zane Grey's
George O'Brien & Sue Carroll
Comedy Cartoon "Mickey The Mouse."
4 ep...••••• . • 4,
Bring New Rooms
to Your Home
with Gyproc
A WORK -ROOM for you
IX —a play -room for the
youngsters in the basement.
An extra bedroom or two in
the Attic. These are now
possible in your home at
little expense.
The new Ivory coloured
Gyproc Wallboard that does
not burn and needs no decor-
ation (when panelled) will
give you additional space in
your present home.
Easily and quickly applied,
structurally strong, it pro-
vides fire -safe walls, ceilings
and partitions.
Your dealer's name is
listed below. Consult him
today and ask for full infor-
mation regarding Gyproc
Wallboard or write for in-
teresting free book "Build-
ing and Remodelling with
Paris - Ontario
eiheNEW 0'70
For Sale By
• 1-1. Buchanan Hardware Wingham, Ontario
• R. J. Hueston Gorrie, Ontario
Wingham, Ontario
Severainice tines of Misses' Shoes in ties and, straps '1
sizes 11, 12, 13, 1 and 2. for $1.65 and $1.95 per pair
Smaller sizes 8, 9, 10 and 10 for $1.45 and $L65
Boys' Oxfords, siz. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 for $2.35 per pair
Smaller sizes 11, 12 and 13 for $2.15 per pair
'Then we have "High Shoes" for both girls and 1
'1"oys at real bargain prices. 1.
'rune hi your radio to WEAF and associatdd stations every Tuts- i
clay night at .9 o'clock, and hear the
II .
Enna Jettick Songbird
Willis' Shoe Store, Phone 129, and k
Wingham i
Mrs. j. AfIcKee u (I children of
Montreal are spending their vacation
with Mr, and Mrs. Jos, Curtiss,
Miss Gertie Turvey of 'Toronto, is
home for a few days' Vacation.
Miss Ruby Duff, RN., of the Wo-
men's Hospital, at Toronto returned
home after a pleasant vacation levith
relatives here,
Mr, and Mrs. G. Cl allaco,nbe and
chiliiren spent a few days with Mr.
and Mrs, .Jas, Nichol.
Mr. Arthur Shaw is spending a few
days with his on, Dr. Shaw, at Tor-
onto, this week.
Mrs. C, Turvey, while" going into
her home one dark night fell into a
trap-door that was open and cut her
head. and received a bad shaking up;
forinnately no bones were broken.
Misses Agnes and Thorhas of
Woodstock spent Labor Day with
, Mr, and Mrs, Peter D King.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Masters and Mr.
and Mrs. J. Hall spent Sunday with
friends at Wroxeter,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Johnston, Chas,
Johnston, Mrs. A. Shaw, Mr, and Mrs,
Wm. Peacock and Wan. Peacock and
Mr. and .Mrs. Geo, Mathers, were at
Bayfield on Sunday attending the
funeral of the late Mr, Reid.
Mr. and Mrs. P. D. King spent
Sunday with Pelatives at Harriston.
A/a and Mrs. Chas. Coultess of Lis-
towel •spent Sunday ,with Mrs. T.
Coultess and Mrs. G. Snell.
Miss- Olive Scott, Miss Olive, Gar -
rim and Mr. Ross Douglass spent
Sunday with Dr. and Mrs, Pilkie of
Mr. Burns Moffatt of Durham
spent Sunday with his father here.
Miss Agnes Maguire of Wingham,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H.
/qrs. R. Douglass and daughter, 01,
ive, returned to Toronto Monday af-
ter a short vacation with Miss Polly 11
Duff, 1
School re -opened to -day with a
good attendance.
I s
Anniversary services will be held in,
the United Church, Bluevale, on Sun-
day, September 14th, when Rev. Mr. !s
Sinclair of Hensall, will preach; and t
Ebenezer Anniversary services will be
held' on Sunday, September 28th,
when Rev. Mr. Jewitt of Kincardine,
will be in charge. 15
IVLiss Margaret Hall and Mr. David
Hall of Hamilton spent Labor Day -
with Mr. and Mrs. John Hall.g. •
The regular meetinof the Wo- 1
men's Institute for the month of Sep-
tember will be held ou Thursday, the t
llth, at the home of Mrs. Jno.
dell. . Th s program is in the hands d
of the GiTandmothers of the Institute, 1
and gives promise of being very in- d
teresting.' The ladies of the coramun-
ity especially grandmothers, are in- S
vited to attend.
if ' •"' ",-11.' "Tr,--7'1f,',"73-.7.--r.YWIPT.,,,,1.'VT-,17)1',
Thursday, September 4th, 1.93()
Mrs. W. R. Farrier.
Mr. Elliott. Fells of Wingham open-
ed schoolagain on Tuesday in S. S,
No, 1.0, Kinloss, while Miss MacDon-
ald, front Lochalsh started teaching
in S, $, 34, WaWanodi,
Miss Olive Farrier and Carman
Farrier are attending. High School in
LuCknow this year, while IIiss Win-
nifred left to take charge of a room
in Ripley High School.
Mr, and Mrs, George Walker and
sons of East Wawanosh visited on
Sunday at the home of her brother,
Mr. Will Humphrey of St. Helens'Mr.
Mr. and Mrs, Roy Patton of Lucan
spent the week -end here, before leav-
ing on their 'holidays,
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft and
Ernest, also Mrs. Andrew Kirk of
Seaforth motored to Detroit on Fri-
day last and spent the week -end with
the latter's daughter, Mrs. F. L.
Mr, and Mrs. Albert Sutherland of
Parkhill were visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sutherland last
Mr. Fred Tiffin is visiting this
week at the home of Mr. Alec. Mur-
ray, chief detective of Toronto, and
attending the Ex.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peppier of
Tavistock spent the week -end at the
home Of_her sister, Mrs; Reuben Tif-
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cameron and
his mother and brother, James and
sister, Mrs. MacDougall and son, Jack
of Lanark, spent Sunday at the home
o Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Purdon.
• Miss Evelyn lee of Winnipeg and
Mr. and Mrs. John Martin. of Tor-
onto are visiting their aunt, Mrs. A.
Mr. John Maguire of .Hdlyrood is
visiting with Mr. Geo. Murray.
Mr. Chas. Tiffin and Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Emerson spent Sunday at the
tome of Mr. Henry Mathers, of
Mr. Jim McInnis of Teeswater
pent Sunday at the home of Mr. J.
Misses May and Agnes Morris and
tatiley, who have been visiting .at
he home' cif Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dav-
dson, returned to their home at
Hamilton on Monday.
Miss. Barbara Weir left for her
chool at 13elmore on Monday.
Master Carl Vanner ivho has been
isiting at the home of Mr. Jas. Cor-
ielitts, returned to his home in Wing-
tarn on Saturday.
The local maii-carriers observed
he Labor -Day holiday.
Miss Mabel Johnston left on -Mon-
ey for her school at St. Marys.
Miss Kathleen Ter -riff left on. Mon -
ay to rcsurn'e her work in Toronto.
Mr. T. H. Moore and Mr. Harold
parling motored to Toronto one day
I• a
st week with a truck load of honey.
Fle had four and one ltalf tons for the
o -operative.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross and son
f Delmore visited for two days last
week with Miss Catharine Ross.
Mrs. Richard Wellwood of Orange-
ville is visiting with Iter daughter,
I °
Miss Christina Laidaw and Mr. Joe
Laidaw left on Tuesday to visit rela-
tives in Powasson, Ont.
Mr. and Mrs. jack Little of Ash-
field spent Sunday with Mr. and Miss
Mrs. Murray and Miss 'Vehna Scott to
are in Toronto this week attending
the Exhibition.
Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Purdon of Bel -
more, also Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Water -
field and son, Jack, of Toronto, visit-
ed on Sunday with Mrs, Wm. Daw-
Messrs. Alec and Hugh Sutherland,
of Holyrood, also Miss Sarah Garbutt
and Messrs. Beth and Joe Gaunt were
Sunday visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. Sutherland,
Mrs. Craig Sr., is visiting with her
sisters, Mrs. Greig and Mrs. O'Doud
of Brantford.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Naylor and
daughter of Chatham, also Mr. anam.
Mrs. Alec, Naylor and family fro
Southampton, spent the week -end at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Nay-
lor, •
Miss Mary Martin left on Tuesday
to teach in a school at 'Wahos Station
north of the Soq.
Miss Florence Purdon, R.N., left
one day last week for her position
hi TorObt0; she was accompanied by
her brother Hector, who attended the
and Mrs. Calvin•Clubb and
family of St, Marys have been visit-
ing, here with his parents, Mr. and
*Mrs. John Clebb.
MiEleanorSprung and -Miss K.
Patterson, who have been visiting
with their aunt, Mrs. Clarence Fox,
returned home to Auburn one day
last week,
Mr. Dawson Craig attAded the
Thom -Good wedding at Auburn last
week and was best man for the
Rev, J. Pollock took the services
hi Chahner's Church here on Sunday
after returning from his holidays.
Dorn—On Saturday. August 30th,
to Mr. and Mrs, Will' Humphrey of
St. I-Teleas, twin baby boys----kennoth
Mrs. Arthur Moore.
Mrs. Robert Arseott and son, Wal-
ter of-Teeswater were Sunday visi-
rs with Mrs, jas. MacGregor.
Mr. Roy MiteGreger spent:a few
ays last week attending Toronto Ex
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kerr and son,
Carman of Nile spent Sunday at .the
home Of Mr. and Mrs. Will Conn
1\iIr.:and Mrs. Irving Zinn and boys.
spent Sunday with friends at Grand
Mr. Jinn Cameron from Lanark,„
County; returned me ho'Tuesday af-
ter spending a week with We form-
er's son, Mr. T. A. Cameron,
Mr, and Mrs. Roy Alton and fain-
ily and the Misses Meld a and Hilda
Lane, motored to 'Rivers/it:NV on Sun-
day and spent the day with Mr. and
Mrs. LaYburna
Messra, Isaac Nixon, Wm, Twain-
ey and Tom Twat -11'10y motored to
''.(liacyallonto, Saturday and returned Mon!
Miss Maizie Hackett spent a few
days this week -at the C.N.E.
Mr. and Mrs, Alia-ti Alton motored
up from Toronto Saturday reburning
Moaday. Isabel, Marion and lire re-
turned home with them
vripril—To Mr, and. Mrs. Spence Ir-
win, a datightea on Thursday, August
28th. - Congratulations.
Mr. and Mrs. Davis of Tara have
moved into Mr. Will Rutherford's
atonAtitise. We welcome thorn. Mr.
Davis is the teacher at Belfast school
M ,
rs, . Robertson of Auburn, is'
spending a few weeks with her dau-
ghter, Mrs, Spence lrwin.
We are sorry to hear that Mr. El.
finer Alton is not improving very fast.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sherwood
motored over from Detroit and spent
their holidays with Mr, and Mrs. Sam
Sherwood. •
'Criss 17reda Barbont Godericli,
Church had a quiltirw, in the hall on fill •
F LL ,`" 1
The. Ladies of the Presb.ylerian sHowitTG P.
Thursday afternoon,
'rile W. t. S, nut in the 'Union
Cheryl' 'rhursday afternoon with an 5
atteedance of thirteen. "Church of
all Nations" was taken by Mrs, Wm.
Mundell, Roll call, different nation-
alities -of the church of all nations.
Reading by Mrs. Mulvey, praie'r by
Eleanor :feffray, collection
The 'opening meeting of the young
people's Society was held Sunday ev-
ening with a good attendance. Miss
Annie Douglas addressed the meet-
iug, while Miss Mary Inglis gavela
report of the Summer School. 1
All those who attended the picnic
at Port Elgin Wednesday came home
tired but happy.
Mrs. Wm, Curl and children • re-
turned to Toronto on Friday.
Our visitors are Mrs. Turnbull's fa-
ther of 'Waterloo at the Manse; Mr.
and Mrs. McKenzie of Ripley, renew-
ing acquaintances.
Mr. Clarkson Douglas and Miss A.
motored to Toronto last week.
Rev. -John Hutton of New Liskeard
with his brother and nephew, visited
at VYtn. M,uridell's on Tuesday last.'
-Miss Margaret Mundell and Jean
Curl were Bluevale visitors Tuesday
and Minnie Jeffray„ Mrs. Joe
Wilson of *Wingham. •
Mr. and Mrs. French and son and
daughter of Midland, were visitors at
Mrs. McNeil's on Monday, also Miss
Ross of Midland, the guest of Mrs.
Rob. McKenzie of Windsor spent
the week -end at his borne.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Lake of Fergus,
spent Labor Day with Mr. -and Mrs.
Joe Brandon.
•Shirts' Of Course
F. A supply of good shirts is a comfortable
feeling, Here they are, Forsyth, Stewart and Ar-
row makes, All sizes.
• $1.88 — $2.25 -- $2.95
New Hats
Borsalino BroCic Sackville
1V --$4.5-- $6.00$7.50
Top CiNats
New Tweeds and Covert Cloths
in Standard and Young Men's Mod-
• $18.00, $22.50 and $27.00
• ,
Youths' Suit's
Navy Blues and Neat Tweed Ef-
fects to fill the wants of the High •
School Student.
$16:85, $19.50 and $22.00
Socks — Gaiters Belts
50c $1.00 to $1.50
Caps •
• A fine range to choose from. All the new
Tweeds in medium and the darker shades.
her home\.after visiting with friends K
in Guelph.
1VIrs. Kohn Coultes has returned to
Mrs. Wade and Mr. Hamilton of
Fordwich are attending Wade store
while he is in 'the city.
Mr. and Mrs. G. • Scott of Detroit
visited with Mr. and Mrs. David Scott
on Sunday.
Mr. R. Leathorn of Brantford vis
ited with Mr. Joe Brandon.
Mr. and Mrs. Mellor of Detroit
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.W.
5. Geddes over the week -end.
;qr. Cameron Geddes and Miss
Robinson have returned to their home
in Chatham after spending their holi-
days with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Geddes.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwards of Goderich
visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. S.tewar
Mr. and 'Mrs. John Stewart spen
the week -end in Guelph.
Mr. and Mrs. Wade and Mr. and
Mrs. Mel Bradburn took in the Tor-
onto Ex. last week.
Mr. and Mrs. G. 0. Brandon ap
son of Lancaster, Penn., and Mrs. W
Brandon and two daughters, Gertrud
and Olive of Hamilton, spent a fes
days with Mr. and 11.Irs. J. A. 13ran
e are pleased to see Mr. Gordoi
Stonehouse home again after spend
Irni several weeks in Toronto Hospi
ta1Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Wilkinson ar
• §
I1111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111alt
will be supplemented by a similar
stun f. °in the Massey Fund at the
College. That 'is to say, the lucky
student will receive $100.00 during his
first year at the college. This am-
ount should represent a large part of
the first year's expenses of a boy at-
tending that institution.
The conditions are briefly as fol-
1. Applicants should be farmer's
sons residing in Huron County-.
2. Applicants must be eighteen
t- years of age on or before September
t 19th, 1930, the opening day of Col-
3. Applicants•inay enter either the
two year Association Course or the
Degree Course,
4. Applicants should figure ent tak-
e ing up farming as their vocation at
v the conclusion of their college course.
5. Only one scholarship is available
for the year 1930-31.
_ 6. The total amount of the scholar-
- ship -is $100.00, payable in two instal-
ments, one at the opening of the Fall
e Term and the other at the opening
visiting friends in •Thronto this week
Mr, Alvin Woods hoine for ..a
week: before rettirnieg to Toronto.
University. Alvin has spent the sum,
tiler practising at the Monntain.Sani-
taritnn, Hanfilion. .
lVIiss Annie Clark has left for Sas,
katoOn after spending the sumrner
with her. mother,. Mrs. P. Clark.
The following students have.re-
turned to school after the holidays..
Misses,. Helen Thorn and Isobel
Miller :and John Forlunt, Lucknow,
and Misses Dorine and Jean- Webster
to Wingham,
••School re -opened: after the vacation
on. Tuesday with the following. teach-
ers m charge, Miss Mitchell of MOles-.
worth as principal and Miss Beatrice
McQuillan, assistant at St. Helens;
Miss Grace Lockhart, Lucknow, again
at Fordyce; Miss Lena Hackett of
Ashfield at No, 3 and Mr. Watson.
Davis of Tara again at Belfast.
The following teachers who were
home for the holidays have left to
take up their ditties again t 'Misses W.
D. Rutherford to Kirkland Lake, Ma-
bel and Irene Woods and Vera Todd
to near Kitchener; Dorothy Webster
to London; Zylda Webster to 'Tor-
to; Dorothy cQuillan to Sand-
wich and Lulu Weatherhead to Tory
Hill, -'Born—To Mrm.
. and Mrs, As. Hu-
phrey on Saturday, August 30th, twin
boys. Congratulations.
The Iittron County Council has vo-
ted $50A)0 tovvards a scholarship for
"THE• ENNA JETTICX SOE SHOPPE° N Afrs Sarah Irwin of Toronto is spent a ‘few days with lier grand -par- a: -county bok attending the Ontario
useslemeneattalMallitlallaillillalltifilatialillalleallaeleenaegamsamiaatifoloot spending this Week With her eettsin, ant:4, IVE2r, and Mrs. Sana Sherwood. Airiottl'tOral College, Till's orriou'ill
'•'• •'` ,"".
I I,
of the Winter Term.
7. Applications along with charact-
er and other recommendations should
b,e mailed to The Ontario Department
of Agriculture, Clinton, not later than
September 10th. •
& If a number of applications are
received itonay be necessary to have
the applicants appear before„a com-
mittee to decide the winner.
It is not necessary here to dwell
upon the advantages of a Course in
Agriculture at such a well known In-
stitution. There should not be scar-
city of suitable applicant There-
fore, it is hoped that any boy con-
tetnplating entering the 0,A,C. this
fall will make an effort to win a
worth while scholarahip.
No Excuse -
• College Lad (arrested for speed?
ing)--33uti, your Honor, I am a col-
lege boy.
Judge— Ignorance doesn't excuse
anybody!—Lethbridge Herald.
For Troubles
due to Acid
BOUT two hours after eating
many people suffer from sour
.stomachs. They call it indigestion. It
means that the stomach nerves have
been over -stimulated. There is excess
acid. The way to correct it is with an
alkali, which neutralizes many times
its volume m acid.
The right way is Philips Milk of
Magnesia—just a tasteless dose m
water. It is pleasant, efficient and
harmless. Results come almost in-
stantly. It is the approved method.
You will never use another when
you know.
Be sure to get the genuine Phillips
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by
physicians for correcting excess acids.
25c and 50c a bott/e--any drugstore.
"Milk eif Magnesia” has been the
U. S. Registered Trade Mark of the
Charles H. Philips Chemical COlti-
pany and its predecessor Charles H. •
PhiMns since 1875,
In Untamed Ontario
VVho wuldn't fish in unspoiled couritry like thi? The scene is at 'Virgin Fah
On the NipigOn Itiver. hs charin keeps Folks returning every year. John Sea ot
ndeptadtrice, Kins has fished the Nipigon for 35 year a now,
never missing a year,
. lf,tk114,