HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-09-04, Page 4WINGHAM A1),N.7MNCE-TIMES
Thursday, September 4tli, ly3lll
Y1Fti!A/Iw.YPZ4ZtppaalIA111 i,1 PS1FIp.rt 1 1 i 11u 1,,I 11,14 it l,,.,s.IFp!1i.l.,llµH*Illill,aPll*1aP1111111F1*1*1!YI bb ,!n'I,YNIn111^�
Safe Bargains for Everyone
(Sale Ends September 13th)
The 4Zeneetnedes ;Nana
Phone 53
YRatl➢404iYI}IIll1011ll10M0.011411,11111110111111.111,Y!r11111111111110111I101111111101,11111.10t111111111111111111111F11111tlll lllllllli11111141111.
•I J.ti ,010 tit, 1.4.t}.."ti 4.�'�.•4S,e-+,d4 .I
1 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c.
ham General Hospital,
{ Voters' Lists, 1930, Township of East
Alii) --Lady's ring. Owner may' Wawanosh, County of Huron.
have sauce by proving -property and Notice is hereby given that I have
,'lain ,£or• advertisement. Apply to complied with Section. 9 of the Vot-
dvance-Times Office, ers' Lists Act and that I have posted
" up at my office, Lots34, Concession
• 9, on the 28th day of August, 1930,
I'OR SALE—Ford Coupe in. good' the list of all persons entitled to vote
running condition, also.. an English' in the said Municipality,. for .members
saddle. Phone 290, Wingham. 1 of Parliament and at Municipal elec-
i tion, and that such list remains there
OR SALE—Dutch and crab.apples for i>`ispection.
10c a. basket. .Apply to Mrs. Den-. And I hereby call upon all voters
mss, Lower Vijinghanx, to take immediate proceedings to
Trate any errors or omissions correct-
ed according to law, the last day for
TARM FOR SALE In Morris Twp., ' appeal being the 19th day of Septem-
abaut 2i miles from Winghana.. ber 1930,
'Terms.. Apply to J. W. Bushfield, Dated at Belgrave this 2nd day of
Bok 119, Wingham. ; September 1930."
Alex. Porterfield, Clerk,
East Wawanosh.'
TOR SALE—A modern Heinztman
Upright for sale, must be disposed
of at once, Terms accepted from
responsible party. Apply Box A,
.Advance -Times._
1—OST—In Selrite Store or Mill's old
stand, small inner purse; containing
mall suin of money. Finder kind-
ly leave at Advance -Times. have posted up at my office at the
Town Ha11, Wingham, on tbe 29th
day of rugust, 1930, the list of all
PROPERTIES FOR SALE— Bar- persons entitled to vete in the said
,zaia for anyone desirous of buying municipality at municipal elections
a home. Apply to T. Fells. ; and that such list remains there for
Voters' Lists, 1930. Town of Wing -
ham, County of Huron.
Notice is hereby given that I have
complied with section 7 of THE
And -I hereby 'call upon all voters
to take immediate proceedings to
have any errors or omissions correct-
ed according to .Iaw, the last day for
appeal being the 22nd day of Septem-
ber, 1930.
PULLETS—Barred Rocks, S. C. W
T,.eghoorns. I have hundreds of
choice bred to lay pullets in both
breeds to sell. Some are March
hatched and are ready to lay. Sev-
hundred are May hatched and
are going to snake choice winter
layers. Also several hundred more
yearling- hens in both Rocks and
L+eghorns. Can still supply choice
yearling males. Ali priced reason -
:able, for immediate delivery. Let
ne quote you prices on the quan-
tity your require. Maitland Spec-
ialty Farm, Auburn, Ont.. Phone
Myth 10-24,
be open every Tuesday. and Friday
for Cider only, until further notice.
Jos_ Olheiser, Teeswater.
WANTED—Housework, by young
girl. Phone 332.
Dated. Clerks' Office, the 29th -day of
September, 1930.
W. A. Galbraith ,Clerk,
Wingham, Ontario.
• The tiildersi;kned auctioneer has re-
ceived instructions to sell by public
• auction the `estate of the late Mary
Ann Scott, Edward street, Wingham,
at 2 o'clock, on
The following: •
1 fallen leaf table, glass cupboard,
lot of 6 kitchen chairs, cook stove.
4 wooden bedsteads, quantity of bed -
16 -19; 27;11-26; 29:1, And all the.
LESSON X.• ---September 7
Josiah, A Royal, Refermer.-2 Kings
22; 23;1-3, 21-25; 2 Chronicles $4.35,
Golden Text.—Thy word is a lamp
unto my • feet, And light unto my
path. --Ps. 119,105.
Time,—firth of Josiah, 13.C, 646,.To-
siah becomes king, B.C. 638. Josiah
begins to seek after God, B.C. 631.
Josiah begins his reforms, 13.C. 627.
Josiah's great reformation, B.C. 622.
Death of Josiah, B.C. 608. ,
Place.—Jerusalem, Megiddo in the
plain of Esdraelon.
Josiah was eight years old when he
began to reign, This boy -king re-
minds us of the girl -queen, Victoria,
who, when she heard how likely she
was to succeed to the mightiest
throne in the world, is said to have
raised her hand said simply, "I will
be good.'.',„ And he reigndd thirty and
one years in Jerusalem. A long reign
such as was enjoyed by all the goo.
kings of Judah. And his mothers'
name was Jedidah. Meaning "Belov-
ed.". The daughter of Adaiah of Boz-
kath. This was a, town in the ex-
treme south of Judah.
And- he did that which was right
in the eyes of'Jehovah. This godly
lad referred all his acts to God. And
walked in all :the way of David his
father. In many ways Josiah was
like that godly poet -king. In the
same manner let the young people of
to -day study the lives of the "noblest,
of their ancestors and the great men
and women of the nation, determin-
ing to be like them in all the ways
of heroic and beautiful manhood and
womanhood. This is the sort of aris-
tocracy that counts for God and man..
And turned not aside to the right
hand or to the left. Josiah kept a
Straight, unwavering course.
And Hilkiah the high priest. Jere-
miah's father was Hilkiah and a priest
but he lived in Anathoth. Said unto
Shaphan the Scribe. The scribes cop-
ied and taught the law, so that Sha -
plan would be especially interested in
Hilkiah's discovery. I have found the
book of the law in the hottse of Je-
hovah. The book found by•
must thus have contained Deuteron-
omy at leist,'and it may have been a
copy of the entire entateuch." And
Hilkiah delivered the book to Sha-
phan, and he read it. This does not
mean, of course, that he read the
people stood to the covenant. The
entire assembly "gave a rising vote,"
standing in solemn silence to signify
assent; compare Dent. 29:10-13.
Athe kir r in ed a' 1
And ig co a and all 'the
people. It was to be a universal out-
pouring of gratitude To God for His
great • kindness.' Saying, Keep the
passover unto Jehovah your God. As
Christ, the Lamb of God, our Pass-
over, died on:, the cross at the pass,
over, that feast had been taken over
by the Christian communion, or
Lord's Supper. As it is written in.
this bopk of the covenant. Accord-
ing to all the regulations for observ-
ing it set forth in Deni. 16:1-8.
Surely there was not kept such a
passover from the days of the judges
that judged Israel, nor in'ali the days
of the kings of Israel, nor of the;
kings of Judah. .Of course passovers
and great ones had been 'celebrated,
as set forth in Josh. 5:10, `11, and,
Hezekiah's 2' Chron. 30: 13-26.
But in the eighteenth year of King
Josiah was the passover kept to Je-
hovah in Jerusalem, Kept to His
honor and praise, with God in mind
throughout; not kept to the'glory of
Josiah . or even of the temple or the
holy city, •
Moreover them that had familiar
spirits, and the wizards. Impostors
who pretended to a knowledge of the
future derived from the spirits of the
dead. And the teraphim, and the id-
ols. Teraphim were good -luck imag-
es, which did not, like the idols, re-
present particular deities. And all
the abomination that were seen in the
land of Judah and in Jerusalem, did
Josiah put away. These incldued the
licentious ceremonies, the vile secret
rites, and the debasing superstitions
which attended on idolatry. That he
might confirm the words of the law* 'purpose in recent, years, and the
windjammers are subsidized in the'
which were written in the book that United States, But the British Gov
Hezekiah the priest found sin the eminent, so far, doesn't see its svay
house of Jehovah, It was a reforma tui help.
Ike (Beton of 'White Sails Against
Blue Sky and Sea Rouses the
Heart of 'Ever'y Briton,
Every year the race of the wheat
ships from Australia to Europe
brings home to thousands of people
a sense ox the romance and drama
of the sea, For the racers are Bail-
ing ships—the pick of the few that
still keep alive the glories of the old
windjammer days.
By this time some of the ships are
on their way; others are getting
ready to start, Which of them will
make the best time?
At the moment, says Answers, the
Herzogln Ceeilie, which won the last
three races from Australia to Europe,
is the favorite, but the Pammern is
also a possibility, especially as she
beat the Hersogin Cecile on a recent
voyage to Australia. loth ships are
sailing to Falmouth by way of Cape
Although Britainhas built the.
best of the world's • sailing-ships—as
she now builds the best steamships—
there' is, at the time of writing, no
square-rigged sailing -ship under the
British flag. The last of them, the
Garthpool, was wrecked on the Cape
"Verde Islands last November.
The Garthpool was principally used
for the training of cadets, and now
that she is gone, her owner, Sir Wil-
liam Garthwaite, is setting on foot a
scheme foe replacing her with an-
other ocean-going sailing -ship, to be
used for the same purpose. This
movement is being enthusiastically
supported by those associated with
the sea.
Yet there are big difficulties in the
way. In the first place, it is no long-
er possible to run a sailing -ship at a.
profit,as Even if a second-hand "sail-
er" were bought, the Toss on working
her would be: about $10,000 a year,
If a nixw ship were obtained, the loss
might be double that.
Loss or no lose, however, the sail-
ors feel that Britain ought to have
at least one sailing -ship for the train-
ign of young sailors. Germany has
actually built sailing -ships for this
tion based on the $ible, as all true This is one reason why British
youngsters are often found sailing
under foreign flags. r The best train-
ing that a seamancan have is on a
sailing -ship, and youngsters who
or is similarly given to Iezekiah (2 know this, and know that they can't
Kings 18:5); but that noble king ems- get this valuable experience on a
British ship, go elsewhere smut's
they can get it.
If their ambitions take a certain
direction, indeed, they have to do so.
and abiding 'reforms must be.
And like unto Him was there no
king before Him. Pre-eminent hon -
celled in trust in God, while Josiah
excelled in obedience to God's word.,
That turned to .Jehovah with all his.
The Highway Traffic Anaendm.ent Act, 19$0
Safety Responsibility Law
of Ontario
It Makes Necessary
Two Thingsry
Careful 1 The new law provides suspension of
driving license . for the motorist
-_--__� guilty of offence in regard to ,rules
• • laid down in this Act, designed. to
riving safeguard person and .property on
---omsa.. -- the highway.;
Insurance The motorist who causes damage,
unless protected by insurance, must
e be prepared to pay up to $11,000100,
or ability Failure to pay will result in suspen-
to pay sion of driving 'license.
Be Insured �
Drive Carefully!
Suspension of driving, license applies to all
cars owned by the offender.
Through reciprocal arrangements this law
applies to Ontario , motorists : when in other
provinces or in the U.S.A. and to motorists
visiting Ontario.
Every Motorist should�
details of this.Act
Pamphlets explaining the new law can be procured with-
out charge from the agent of any company a member of
The Canadian Automobile
Underwriters Association
TIM GIVES A harrud toimes all over the wurruld,
an the sow tistles an the_ woild car -
'rots, an the felialt.s who want wurruk
an can't git it, an the fellalis who cud
To the Editur av all thins hev wurruk an don't want it, an the
Wingham I'aypers. gasoline pumps, an the radios, an a
Deer Sur:— hundred an wan other -thrubbles I cud
heart and with all', hi§ soul and with Before' Trinity House will grant a Purty soon afther ye hev this minshun,
. pilot's license it must be satisfied
all his might. That is, .with ail his that the applicant has .at least printed the byes will all be 'down in AV worse it wudden't be fair to
toall the law twelve months' training in ails. That Ottawa dhrawin 'theer twinty foive blame the Grits fer all thin tinge now
affections. According t o a t g s
of Moses. Honor paid to God's : law regulation, in itself, is a pretty good dollars a day fer doin w=hat Mishter that the elickshun is over;' but T be
nit en through Moses was thus, Jos-teatiiuonfal to the value of a sailing- Binnitt tells thin. He is a shiners lave thine Lads wus glad to showlder-
gship training: the burthen aff on the broad backs
iah's chief title of honor. Neither • man, so he is, an made a lot more
fter him rose a 1•1 1 im All four' Wassailing Apple Trees, money than I ivir did; but I don't av us Tories, fer see how anxious
any Ise
of the kings that followed Josiah, to During the month of January, tink he ,undherslitands the poll•ytickle they .are to let us make• a sl tab at
the fall of J erusalem and the exile, Somerset, England, ;farmers partici- game quoite as well a:s some of xis fixiii sings up. ley Banded in theer
were wicked rulersnot o be pated in the time-honored custom of ould fepahs, an; may Ii tliim Grits resignashuns as if they wus .sick av
coin- "wassailing" the apple trees so as to
pared with him for minute in any lhrip hint up if he "isn't 7reerful. T theer jawbs, an nivir opposed wan av
p i b 1: Th
way. ceremony takes place at night by the tink I weld be neglicictin me dooty the new cabinet Minishters, Theer
, flickering and uncertain light of the if 1 didn't wroite him a lettber givin wus some raysorr fer all this frindli=•
old -socia lantern, The villagers ness other than brotherly love fer us-
'. gather in each orchard in :turn, round him a wurrud av advoi.ce.
RESULTS IN' MUSIC Av coorse he has made a good Tories, an so I musht wroite to Mi h=
the largest apple trees they can find, '
whole of it at once; he read enough
:A bucket of cider accompanies them, shtart be incraisin the dooty on Yan- ter Binnitt an put him on his guard,.
to know that it was actually the long-
Pupils of A. W. Anderton Clinton in which a small piece of toast is kee fruit, fer if shim lads don't want
so to shpake.
who were successful at the Toronto duped- and placed in the blancheo- to buy tinge from us, we won't buy Tani jaist,afther raidin in the pay -
lost book of the law. i Then an old chant is sung, starting. per about the big shwim in Toronto
pp. f h' I
come to sail the This e a t� it ices fer'thim— fur 'Tis 'Nolte a pollyt ckle elickshun—iv-
per Conservatory of Music Examination "Old a : le -tree old apple -tree we've tangs from tin, so we won't, unless
FORMS, !Results 1930.
was_ thee." s sang s pay o f o wan
with an exhortation to the rrybody cant w=in, but, spur
some av thin lads got the proize-
Governmint fer Booty_ Wid . Newr
„ money putty aisy compared •to what
Piano t crow Apples enow Zealand butt1 • it .is diffrunt—lave
dah and of Jerusalem. These elders ' I wance done rnesilf an. nivir got a.
Intermediate—Helen Lane, honors; Hats full, caps Stili, three bushel bags the dooty at a cint' a pound, see I, I cint pearls of the fa7uilies and clans, 1 , gull, fur it. Ye. re�nianber that I touldd,
M. A. Pentland, I. Ryan. aven if some av the farromers do
those representing the largerdivis-Big barn ftoors .full, and a little heap ye avarice befoor ay shwimmin ,the
funs of the important.` Junior—T. Bouthron, L. W. IIarri under the stairs."make a row about it. Shure, ye can't
people being+ plaize. ivirybody, an he the toiine the Maitland River befoor the nice wus
tl•T.G.i1I. completed Examination concludes the fruit itself, an the other to the e, I tint
And the king sent and they gath-
tree to:
ered unto him all the elders of Jit -b. Naftel, honors; S. A. Cole, ' ,
leaders, the .princes of the Jews.
ding. 2 feather ticks, sofa, 2 mirrors,And the king went up to the house
wash stand, chest of drawers. 3 kit- f elf Jehovah. The restored temple of,1
:ellen tables, cupboard. lot of 5 kit-
chen Boarders, students or . Solomon, the most appropriate place
chen chairs, Quebec heater, 4 bed i'
otherwise, all conveniences. Apply springs, 4 mattresses, 3 rocking's for the solemn service the king had l'
to Mrs. H. Green, it hn Street, op chairs, 2 bedroom toilets, 2 dressers,' in mind. . And all the men of Judah
posite Dr, Colborne's.. 'centre table, Iinoleum and carpet, a and all the inhabitants ofJerusalem
p � J
, quantity of dishes, quantity of wood' with frim. The invitation was given
and coal, washing machine, 2 wash I to all; it was a mass meeting• as well •
tubs,2 sets of smoothing irons, lawn ,
as a representative gathering. And 1
JAIF --i F
Well kaowa Fir= of Pions:c4"•-
"Ride reputation is desirous of
xeurieE District Representatives
qualified to
incltall uding' W.,b
1dsell ines, Cream 8epa-- tors.
Radios. Stove., Faraitare, E.
ta'ical Appliances. and otteY hoax-
kold' needs. Sales to iv made direct
fa c`onsorner on a commiviian.basi:s.
y aaheapptaa'tlonet-tingexpesdeace
taBoxlio.Unotlatertlu LSopt,,,i't,
11 Wellington St.West - Toronto
Ambitious, reliable men wanted
at once. Part time pay while train-'
stag for Aviation Mechanics, Gar-
age Work, Driving, Battery, Elec-
tric Acetylene Welding, House
'Wiring, Industrial Electricity, Ma-
chinist, Bricklaying, Plastering,
Drafting, Barbering and Hair-
dressing., Act quick, get your ap-
ieation, in now. Write or call for
Don Inion Trade Schools, Ltd.
Eastern Headquarters, 79 Queen
West., Toronto.
Enxployrnent service --coast to
C. N. Watch Ttrspetteir
Repairing 'Oitr Specialty.
;aatiefection Guaranteed,
Phone~ S.
Opp ..�..
nine er about 48 feet of hose and reel,
Inuit jar, and garden tools and num- the priests, and the prophets, and all
crows other articles. q the people, both small and great. The
1 P ,
TERMS—CA.SH- `Bible is fcir rulers and ruled alike, for
T. 'Walker and Mrs, Pearl Thomp-1 t
Alin. Fxecutors. i the rich .and the poor, the famous and'
' I W. IBUSHFIELI"t T. F1 LT.S, i the obscure. And he read in their ;
Solicitor. Aucli-oneer. earn all the words of the book of the
covenant evhicli was found in the
house of Jehovah. Note that Josiah 1
did not delegate the -public 'reading of:`
1 the Bible to Hilkialr or Shaphan, or 1
lir, and afro, Donald Rae'wish tri' salab or any oilier person, but wish -1
1 sincerely drank their friends and mei-
t libors for the kindness and sympa- r cd ,to signify . his personal adherence 1
thy extended during their recent sad lto the Scriptures by reading them
bereavement, also for the beautiful himself. 'So .should it be with all who
floral tributes, would hold exalted positions.
Andthe king stood by the pillar.'
COMPULSORY ACT It is noted that King Joash stood in
that place just before the wicked us
1i1 accidents occurring in Huron urper, Athaliah, was executed. And
County are to be reported at once to, 'made a covenant before Jehovah. Ie
traffic officer Leaver atClinton
e ,I
phone 91;.renewed the ancient covenant which
Primary—B Thornton
A.•1',C.m.—F. Beattie (solo perfo
iter); E. Holt (Teacher) t h u I b t th
less urs will Shtick to the parthy aven if
Then, are fired `and the vii- out in the shpring, whin 1 sus only
mixt elickshun is hild we wont be
lagers drink .the health of - the trees a bye twinty years, ould, in ordher to
in cider. It is a quaint 'Custom, and naidin theer votes. 'I mane the votes it in me vote: befoor ChitGrit`
r- has been kept up for centuries, av the U.F.O. farrumers, fer the rale goo n
ssclrrootineers got 00 the lash, an,
� , htrong, -Bold in wool,.Tory fai•rutix-'
1Norgetfuli Bench s Nation. . s r re a e iii to it as me bye
Intermediate—V. Fraser, R. Mac- folk
M. Pi How do Manage to forget we take theee fai•runxs away fiorri who sus oversays wild say.
Donald, L. R. Woods, s , Pent-;
en - money, asks Looker-on in the Lon- • Jaige has prawinised to tltroy
land, 5. A. CoIe, don Daily Chronicle. Dividends on thin, Anyway mosht av thin will be to
git ine tbe position av circus taker,
Junior—C. E. Coultes, F. E. Ryan. Government stocks are now due, and houldin Governmint jawbs be that
it is likely that the Exchequer will toiine. tint he sez theer do be alot av fel-
Theory benefit (as rt does annually} by the , 1 1 f 1
'v Piano—S. A. Cole honors 1 Shure, tis _a lot av tines Mishter '
A.7 ,L., I. Pia o absent-mindedness of stockholders Yours fer the su cc v n •
xis afther it
Binnitt will hev to shtrai lulu out. G ss a the new
E. I+ielxer, E. E Ryan. who Pail to claim their share The g o
r . Tart' Governmint;
A,T,C.M, Singing—E. Snider. .. - 'amount left uqglalmed averages a , Tink av the mess the counthry is in
nailer of a 12111 ion pounds year be a the 1 t 1- k
nttimediate Form—S, tl. Cole" b, , q l - rayson v : s i ac.. mar et
I the whale pool,an the
Gordon, honors, K. lemg, honors, traceable, is eventually taken over,
Intermedia e Harinou" - E• Fisher,on Debtommissioneis rum runners, an the hoigh tariff, av The Literary Digest wants to know
t er • by the National Cwho put the heat in wheat. But what
honeys A. Cole, honors, B. M. Gor- t'iriren Goschen converted the Ndion- the lads to the soot of us, en t
t which, if the ownership proves un shmash an
God had made with Abraham and
he dcoy is more to the point is w?ro took the
` , i
••.,; .notices sent to stockholders wereeatoutot,
re- ,
al' Debt in 1859 over 12,000 of the weather, an the low proices an the {1-
dun, honors, I, 1(104, E. ;`Taftel, B.
Gordon, a turned. "unknown," and after every
Intermediate Cou
Fisher, honors, K.n pounds remained
Ryan. End of the Sunbeam
Intermediate. History—S. A. Cole
Known at practically every port in
int class honors, I .' King, honors. ,the world the Sunbeam, Ntiaich is
nterpaint — E. possible inquiry had been madonnas -
King, honors, S. eight. million
A. Cole, Honors, H. Bugler, g. claimed.
Junior Harmony— G. Wendorf, l shortly toe be broken up, has a his- j
honors, A. Cochrane honors,
Pentland, horrors, B. Thornton. She was built for the first Earl Bras- ±
say in 18 7 4, and On h,er maiden
Junior History G. Wcitdorf, 1st ,cruise; famous through Lady Bras-
clues honors, A. Cochrane, honors, M. Isere book, she travelled 37>000 ,
A. Pentland Honors B Thorson. miles. Since then she has covered
he , ' tory unique in the annals of yachts. j
Junior Counterpoint—M A Pent-' over 500,000 miles and girdled the
globe with Lord B.rassey many times.
with the long line of successors. To land, 1st class honors, A. Cochrane, 'In 19055 the stout old Sunbeam chai-
His Understanding
The assembled, company was, dis-
ra,.ing the sagacity Of animals.
lr firmly believe,'" said an elderly
rtentleman, ....that a horse understands
tntlrr than a dog."
"I don't," said; -an inner tering young
ricers, ruddy.
"i'r.*bably not, but I was referring
ifs the h. rse, "ivaa the quiet reply.
Thornes—At Buffalo oftAug ust 21,
1930, to fir. and Mr's. I. Thomas,.
(nee Evelyn Soth,ern), a daughter,
1 oee "Naris: Edith.
walk after Jehovah. 'l'o walk in the
sways which . Jehovah had marked out
in Isis law. :'lnd, to keep his corn-
sirnndrnents, and his testimonies, and
his statutes. So the Christian wishes
to know God's full will, in whatever
itplay be disclosed, that. he may miss'
no fragment or phrase of it, since all',
ia' for his- lasting weifare., With all
his heart, and soul. This phrase also
is characteristic of Kings and derived
front Deuteronomy; marks the coni
pleteness with which our wiils ehould.
respond to the divine will, no shadow
of desire being allowed in contraven-
tion of it, 'I"o confirm the words ed
this covenant that were written its.
`tl'ris book. See' Dent. 10:12, 13;. 26:
honors, G. Wendorf, honors, B. tlenged raeing yachts of the latest de-
Thornton, honors. ltligns in the Atlantic Race, and gave
Primary --R. MacDonald, 1st class i shunt the racy of their lives.
Quite a Bargain,
Thinking that his iiia of $1.2.50
tibought only one machine when a
batch of six motorcycles were offered
at auction at Alfreton, England, re -
1 cently-, a fanner mounted his pur-
ebase and rode home, Later he wan
`rtotifded that it he did net take away
the other five included in the 1;12.5.0,
hit would: be charged storage.
honors, H. Lane, 1st -class honors,, L.
R. Woods, let class honors; M. Ry-
an, 1st class honors, T. Roth, let class
honors, F. Beattie, Ist class honors.
The Matle Wasn't Told
I;rnanue' Jackson, mule tender, ap-
pcared otic morning on crutches.
rrl�$'Vrsy," exclaimed a friend. "Alt
thought yo' was one o' de bes' mule
ban'lcrs in de. business."'
"So Ah is, but we gota mule in die largest
of these institatlens in trio
ria igen' dat didn't know -ole rcppita-
1300,400 Depositors,
The Glasgow Savings Sank,which
has 300,000 tlepoeitors, is tine of the
and nd DYE R
HAN NA & CO. Lirmited
C1rCTlib s
Vat -bred erd J t s Ure
1P A J