HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-09-04, Page 3rt (iorr!e Wroxeter:News:: 'Thursday, September 4th, 1930 Build up, by regular savings from -your current earnings, provision' for the developments of the future. • Put by a definite proportion of your salary every pay-day. Regular saving leads to financial independence. THE DOIvfINION BANK A. M. Bishop, Branch Manages Wingnam, Ontario. 23U GORRIE My. and Mrs, A, E. Toner and son, Earl, also Mrs. John Hyndman mot- ored to Toronto on Sunday and will visit friends for a week or so. Mrs. John Wylie 'and daughter, Miss Bessie, are. in Toronto and Whitby. Aliso • Bessie has been en- gaged as teacher in one of the city schools at Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Earl and fam ily of .Ethel, Mr. Delbert CIegg were visitors at the home of R, S. and Mrs. Clegg on Monday. Mrs, A. Hamilton and Miss Alex- andria .accompanied Mr. and Mrs. T. Bradnock. to Bruce Beach on Satur- day and spent the xifeek-end there,' J. T. Shera and. M. T. Alit -am were in Ata> od on Monday on busin.ess.. J. L, Campbell shipped a load of cattle on Monday. Air. and Mrs. Philip Sippel, Mr. and IVirs. Conrad Sippel, all of Tavistock were guests of Adam Sippel on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. Arval Steinn filler and family, Mr. and Mrs• Melvin T•Iam- mond of Chicago, visited with Adam Sippel on Sunday,' Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Q. Leech, and. Mr. Carl A. Leech of, Detroit, were guests of Mrs.. Leech on kion - day, H. C, Leech left Gorrie around 50 years ago, and says it is quite fam- iliar yet. Miss Isabell Lamb of Wingham, was the guest of R. J-, aiid Mrs. Hues - ton recently, Mr. and IvTrs. George Anger and` baby of Listowel spent Monday in town. Mrs. J. Bingham. spent Sunday at the home of IVir. and Mrs, Thos, Shearer at Orangehill. Miss Myrtle Short and Miss Pearl Gondie of Toronto, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Short. Mr. and Mrs, VVillertan. Tonge of New Orleans, La., 'Mr. and Mrs. H. Tonge, of Rochester, N.Y., were Sun- day guests of Iqr. and Mrs. Geo •e Foster. The W. A. of St. Stephens Church will Iioid their regula? meeting at the rectory on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Moutain of Londesboro, is spending a fey,' days with her nephew, Dr. N. L. Whitley, ' - - - Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Jefferson and daughters, of Oweu Sound, spent the week -end in town, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Foster. Born—On Friday, August 28th, to Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Dane, of Tor- onto, a daughter. Dr. and Mrs. Ramage and baby son ,spent Sunday . at Mitchell. D. W. and Mrs. Hicks of Mitchell spent Sunday with the latter's moth- er, Mrs. F. A. Wasiman. Mr. and Airs. Edgar Higgins and son, Alvie, of Brussels, were' Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Gallagher. Mr. and Mrs, W. Gallagher accorn- panied by Miss M. Higgins attended the funeral of the late Mr. Ralph 13a1= lagh of Rochester, Mich., formerly of Guelph. The late Mr. Ballagh was. on his way to work whn he was hit and knocked clown by a passing car, and died almost immediately. His friends will have the sympathy- of the community. IVir. and Mrs. 3. Johnston and dau- ghters of Kincardine; also Miss John- ston, also of; Kincardine, called on their sister, Mrs. Gordon Simmons, an Sunday. Mrs, Sparling Sr., also Mrs. Whit- field are spending two weeks' yaca tion with friends near St, Marys. Mr. and Mrs. H. Walker of Brus- sels, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. J. Bingham. Air. and Mrs. B. Miller of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. George Love of Chats- worth, Mrs. Robt. Breen of Wingham were guests of Mrs. J. Bingham last week, • Mrs. Mervin Walker and two child- ren and Miss Faggin of Coldwater, have returned home after spending their vacation at. -the home of Air. and Mrs. J. Walker. I Mr, rand furs.. J, Alien of 'Wrox- eter, J)r. and Mrs, W. Ross of Kit- chener, were guests of Airs. M; and Miss E, Ross over the week -end, Mr, and Mrs, Cooke spent the week -end with Bolton friends. Knowleson Hueston spent a:. few days at the Exhibition last week. Rev. and Mrs. Stanley Johnston and family spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. T. 0. Johnston. The W.M.S.'of the United Church meet at the parsonage Thursday 'af- ternoon of this week, at 3 o'clock. They will be guests , of the Mission Circle Girls. Miss Anna and Master Billy Gam- ble of Waldemar returned home on Sunday after spending their vacation with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Johnston. Mr. Chas. Barber, Mrs. V, Adarns, of Hamilton, Mrs. Harris of Toron- to, Mr. and Mrs. S. Albert of Listow- el, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Graham. T1Tc Rev. L. C. Harriston of Clin- SAYS WHOLE LIFE WAS DAILY .MISERY "For 10 years before 1 started Sar- gon life was, one day of misery after another. A: disordered stomach and ton will conduct services in the An.. ALEXANDER ,McPHA.IL gl.ican Church next;' Sunday at the re- severe bilious and vomiting spells had gular hour. me in mighty bad shape. I 'Jost • Mr. 3. R. Hueston alas .the sympa weight and ,was weak and rundown. thy of the community in the death of Sargon put all of my troubles behind his sister-in-law, the late Mrs. Wil-' me, and by the time I'd. finished my liani Hueston of Melford, Sask., for-' third bottle I was like a new man. mcrly of Gorrie. i I've gained back 5 pounds of lost The Newbridge Choir were much' weight am strong and well and feel enjoyed at the Gorrie 'United Church I line. on Sunday evening- when they had l "Sargon 'wept all the poisons from charge of the singing. They rendered my system, 'gave m perfect regula- two very appropriate anthems, a tion without the least upsetting and quartette, Mrs. S. Munford, Miss E. II. haven't had a bilious spell since I Foster, Mr. A. Stinson, Mr. G. Cooke, :started- them."—Ali:cander McPhail,sang "Twilight Falls." 1166 Jarvis St., Toronto. Sargon may be obtained in Wing - ham at McKibbon's 1)rttg Store. Here and There 592 Asbestos production in Canada during 1929 set up a new high rec- ord, according to the finally revised figures of the Bureau of Statistics. Shipments in 1929 amounted to 306,055 tons, valued at $13,172,581, , an increase of 121%a in quantity and 17.2% In value as oompared with the previous year. The average value received by the operators was $43.04 per ton, compared with $41.16 the previous year. Nipigon trout, known all over the continent as the gamest of game fish, are coming into the spotlight again according to reports from the famous Ontario resort where the annual contest for the largest speckled trout is now in full swing and will continue until September 14. The best entry to date is a 5 - lb. fisb, measuring 22 inches in length and 14 in girth taken with a single spinner with fly, on a 94 - foot rod, by Edmund Stalter, of Pa- terson, N. J., July 29. East and West, Orient and Occi- dent, will meet in the British Em- pire Piping competition, one of the ,,most important of the new fea`Iures to be introduced at this year's Highland Gathering and Scottish Music Festival to be held at Banff at the end of August. Pipe -Majors John Clark and E. L. Collins of the Royal Soots Regiment of Scotland, of which Princess Mary is Colonel - in -chief, will come from the British Isles, while Pipe -Major W. C. Mac - 1' ie of the Scottish Company of volunteers is on his way to Banff from Hong -Dong. TORONTO'S FINE SK'Y'LINE. du ingnhe tall months are goodects for increasediand directors of the Canadian Pacific Railway have no intention of reduc- ing the dividend, said E. W. Beatty, chairman and president of the com- pany, recently hi reply to rumors that the,dividend might be cut. �" 4a•.`• ;•ret:? This unique dose -tip of Toronto's )waterfront gives a vivid ideal of',the extraordinary growth of the city's downtown area since early in 1923, Centre of the picture is the Royal York Hotel, largest hotel in the British Empire; left is the Burroffice; and rightthe fine structure of the Bank of Cortirn.etcey 1{i Nowadays the world moves on rubber and this does not apply to automobiles alone. According to a recent return of the Canadian Gov- ernment the people of Nigeria in June bought 800 pairs of shoes with rubber soles from Canada. Barba- does took 3,020 pairs and Trinidad 6,555 pairs. In June the export of Canadian automobile tires exceeded $1,000,000 in value. Canadian: fanners are now pro- ducing all the fine tobacco- required by Canadian manufacturers, ac- cording to a statement just issued by the Dominion Department of Agriculture which also claims that the tobacco is of better quality than that usually imported. Canadian tobacco has also become a factor in the British tobacco market. An increase of 5S% in motor tourist traffic from the United States to Now Brunswick is shown in ,statistics for the 1930 season up to Jelly 31 as compared with the same period last year, according to figures 'sailed by the provincial government Bureau of Information and Tourist' Travel from returns from Canadian Customs collectors at the 24 ports of entry along the International Boundary. It is not generally known that the Prairie Provinces -- Manitoba,. Saskatchewan and AIbert.a •-•• coir= fain important coornterelal fish- eries. In 1029 the cotrtmereial value of fish caught in these pro- Minces 'Oifceeded $4,996,000, 1 WROXETER • Mr. George Willis of Michigan, a former Wroxeter resident, called on his cousin, Airs. John Gibson, last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Wendt and Norman Hall, motored to Toronto on Sunday. Mr. Lorne Kaake and George Ben- nett left by' motor for Saskatchewan the early part of this week. . Mr. Andy Inglis; teller in the bank of • Commerce is taking two ,weeks' holidays.' Miss Margaret Davey is spending a weeks'• holidays with friends at Al- liston. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMichael are taking in the Exhibition at Tor- onto this week. The school opened on Tuesday with a good attendance of scholars '•1,i,1.&,I,J..r,.1„d..9-.P.,R..@.d..Li telet.i, .drzee $5-10 Daily, Make Money Easier. piW.--Quick, sure wayon to becomeantedEXeERTAuto Me- chan.e, Welder, Electrician, Brick- layer or Draftsman. Earn 55e per hour, part tune, from start. Advancement in few weeks. Free i Railroad Fare and Employment p. Service. Write at once for Il- lustrated Booklet. Commercial Engineering Schools 57 Queen St. W., Toronto, Suite One Ilundred eier ^ rt tet re a reer-r-re ^ -t wv ter e 1 - The University belongs to the people of Western Ontario. It is supported by Provincial and Municipal grants, by Endowment Fund income, and by tuition fees. The enrolment a regular students in 1929-30 was 1260, not including approximately four hundred students in special groups, who received in- struction from the University Stsff. Registration Days—SA TURD A Y, September 20th --2nd, 3rd and 4th year students ham London. MON- DAY September 22nd, all freshmen. TUESDAY, September 23rd -2nd, 3rd and 4th year students from centres other than London. WEDNESDAY, September 241h, Lectures begin, For further information write to THE ReGISTRAR or apply to--• 55 UNIVE*SITY WE rEPN ONTAPI0CANADAIta LoNooN Bring New Rooms to Your, ` Iiol e with Gyproc A WORK -ROOM • for you LI —a play -room for the youngsters in the basei'nent. An extra bedroom or two in the Attic. These are now • possible in your home at little expense. The new Ivory coloured Gyproc Wallboard that does not burn and needs no decor- ation (when panelled) will give you additional space in your present home. Easily and quickly applied,. structurally strong, it pro- vides fire -safe walls, ceilings and partitions. Your dealer's name is listed below; Consult hien today and ask for full infor- mation regarding Gyproc Wallboard or write for in- teresting free book `Bund- ing and Remodelling with Gyproc." GYPSUM, LIME AND ALABASTINE, CANADA, LIMITED Paris ` - Ontario ?i4eN(W aro .5-1114 1!4 and some changes in the teaching staff. Miss Wasmann takes the place of Miss Johnston as principal in the Continuation School. Miss Gamble is the assistant in the Continuation. Miss Little has the primary room and Miss VanVelsor the Senior room in the Public School. Mrs. Sarah Gibson spent last Tues- day with friends in London. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kitchen return- ed home Sunday evening after spend- ing the week with friends in Toronto, Port Colborne and Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Knapp, of Toronto, called on friends in town on Sunday. Mrs. E. Goodfellow and daughter, Margaret, spent the week -end with friends in and around town. Mr. and Mrs. White spent Sunday with friends ,in Harriston. Mr. and Airs. Russell Moffatt, of Toronto, spent the week -end with friends in town. Hiss Beatrice Howe left Monday' morning for 1.eamingttm tti resume her duties as teacher. ABY ills and ailments seen twice' r►' as serious at night. A audden.cry may mean colic: Or a sudden attack of diarrhea. I1ow' would you meet this emergency—tonight? Rave you a bottle of Castoria. ready? Por the protection of your wee one—for your own peace of mind -- keep this old, reliable preparation always on hand. But don't keep it just for e1nergeneies; let it be an everyday aid. Its gentle influence will rase and soothe the infant who cannot sleep. Its rnilcl regulation will 'help an older chtid whose tongue is coated because of sluggish bowels. All druggists have Castoria. ELLIOTT MILLER AUCTIONEER Sales conducted anywhere. Wide experience. Best efforts put fords on each and every sale. Phone 70. - Lucknow, Ont. F. F. HOMUTH Phm. B., Opt. D„ R. O. OPTOMETRIST Phone 118 Harriston, Ont. "The Best Equipped Optical Es tablishment in this part of Ontario". emasonnevrAceoreesen Summer Sweaters and P lhers al Boys' Black Pullovers, wing- wheel, ing wheel........................-. $1.50 MVfen's Taney Stripe V -Neck Sweaters $2.75 Men's Fancy Silk and Wool Sweaters $3.00 'tu WORK PANTS and O'ALLS Men's Ithaki stripe pants something new $1.85 Men's Grey covercloth work pants _.. $1.75 Men's Work Shirts, fast col- i. ors, from $1.00 to 0,39 Boys' Blue Chambray Shirts 75c r, Boy's ihaki Shirts 95c All new goods. Note the prices Ml Orders for Made -to -Measure Suits Taken any time. u: GROCERIES G. M. Jelly Powders, 3 for 20c Peanut Butter in pails, lb. ..17c Quart l3ottle Catsup 25e 2 Cans Clark's Pork and Beans 25c Redpath Sugar, 1001 lbs. $5,50 BRING CTS °YOUR EGOS. If Mrn SAVE YOU . MVI:ONEY, DAVSEY'SSTORE WW ROXETER. otAN !Nee Nee p;P l40t LIMITED' Free Flowing Fertilizers It's here at last! . An entirely new, Free Flowing Fertilizer that can't clog in the drill! . . . That saves you time and labour! . . That gives you greater and more even coverage! ' C -I -L Mixed Fertilizers, made in Canada. Let us tell you about them. Kept in stock by J. A. MILLS Wingham, Ont. CIF -2D Build up, by regular savings from -your current earnings, provision' for the developments of the future. • Put by a definite proportion of your salary every pay-day. Regular saving leads to financial independence. THE DOIvfINION BANK A. M. Bishop, Branch Manages Wingnam, Ontario. 23U GORRIE My. and Mrs, A, E. Toner and son, Earl, also Mrs. John Hyndman mot- ored to Toronto on Sunday and will visit friends for a week or so. Mrs. John Wylie 'and daughter, Miss Bessie, are. in Toronto and Whitby. Aliso • Bessie has been en- gaged as teacher in one of the city schools at Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Earl and fam ily of .Ethel, Mr. Delbert CIegg were visitors at the home of R, S. and Mrs. Clegg on Monday. Mrs, A. Hamilton and Miss Alex- andria .accompanied Mr. and Mrs. T. Bradnock. to Bruce Beach on Satur- day and spent the xifeek-end there,' J. T. Shera and. M. T. Alit -am were in Ata> od on Monday on busin.ess.. J. L, Campbell shipped a load of cattle on Monday. Air. and Mrs. Philip Sippel, Mr. and IVirs. Conrad Sippel, all of Tavistock were guests of Adam Sippel on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. Arval Steinn filler and family, Mr. and Mrs• Melvin T•Iam- mond of Chicago, visited with Adam Sippel on Sunday,' Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Q. Leech, and. Mr. Carl A. Leech of, Detroit, were guests of Mrs.. Leech on kion - day, H. C, Leech left Gorrie around 50 years ago, and says it is quite fam- iliar yet. Miss Isabell Lamb of Wingham, was the guest of R. J-, aiid Mrs. Hues - ton recently, Mr. and IvTrs. George Anger and` baby of Listowel spent Monday in town. Mrs. J. Bingham. spent Sunday at the home of IVir. and Mrs, Thos, Shearer at Orangehill. Miss Myrtle Short and Miss Pearl Gondie of Toronto, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Short. Mr. and Mrs, VVillertan. Tonge of New Orleans, La., 'Mr. and Mrs. H. Tonge, of Rochester, N.Y., were Sun- day guests of Iqr. and Mrs. Geo •e Foster. The W. A. of St. Stephens Church will Iioid their regula? meeting at the rectory on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Moutain of Londesboro, is spending a fey,' days with her nephew, Dr. N. L. Whitley, ' - - - Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Jefferson and daughters, of Oweu Sound, spent the week -end in town, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Foster. Born—On Friday, August 28th, to Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Dane, of Tor- onto, a daughter. Dr. and Mrs. Ramage and baby son ,spent Sunday . at Mitchell. D. W. and Mrs. Hicks of Mitchell spent Sunday with the latter's moth- er, Mrs. F. A. Wasiman. Mr. and Airs. Edgar Higgins and son, Alvie, of Brussels, were' Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Gallagher. Mr. and Mrs, W. Gallagher accorn- panied by Miss M. Higgins attended the funeral of the late Mr. Ralph 13a1= lagh of Rochester, Mich., formerly of Guelph. The late Mr. Ballagh was. on his way to work whn he was hit and knocked clown by a passing car, and died almost immediately. His friends will have the sympathy- of the community. IVir. and Mrs. 3. Johnston and dau- ghters of Kincardine; also Miss John- ston, also of; Kincardine, called on their sister, Mrs. Gordon Simmons, an Sunday. Mrs, Sparling Sr., also Mrs. Whit- field are spending two weeks' yaca tion with friends near St, Marys. Mr. and Mrs. H. Walker of Brus- sels, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. J. Bingham. Air. and Mrs. B. Miller of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. George Love of Chats- worth, Mrs. Robt. Breen of Wingham were guests of Mrs. J. Bingham last week, • Mrs. Mervin Walker and two child- ren and Miss Faggin of Coldwater, have returned home after spending their vacation at. -the home of Air. and Mrs. J. Walker. I Mr, rand furs.. J, Alien of 'Wrox- eter, J)r. and Mrs, W. Ross of Kit- chener, were guests of Airs. M; and Miss E, Ross over the week -end, Mr, and Mrs, Cooke spent the week -end with Bolton friends. Knowleson Hueston spent a:. few days at the Exhibition last week. Rev. and Mrs. Stanley Johnston and family spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. T. 0. Johnston. The W.M.S.'of the United Church meet at the parsonage Thursday 'af- ternoon of this week, at 3 o'clock. They will be guests , of the Mission Circle Girls. Miss Anna and Master Billy Gam- ble of Waldemar returned home on Sunday after spending their vacation with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Johnston. Mr. Chas. Barber, Mrs. V, Adarns, of Hamilton, Mrs. Harris of Toron- to, Mr. and Mrs. S. Albert of Listow- el, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Graham. T1Tc Rev. L. C. Harriston of Clin- SAYS WHOLE LIFE WAS DAILY .MISERY "For 10 years before 1 started Sar- gon life was, one day of misery after another. A: disordered stomach and ton will conduct services in the An.. ALEXANDER ,McPHA.IL gl.ican Church next;' Sunday at the re- severe bilious and vomiting spells had gular hour. me in mighty bad shape. I 'Jost • Mr. 3. R. Hueston alas .the sympa weight and ,was weak and rundown. thy of the community in the death of Sargon put all of my troubles behind his sister-in-law, the late Mrs. Wil-' me, and by the time I'd. finished my liani Hueston of Melford, Sask., for-' third bottle I was like a new man. mcrly of Gorrie. i I've gained back 5 pounds of lost The Newbridge Choir were much' weight am strong and well and feel enjoyed at the Gorrie 'United Church I line. on Sunday evening- when they had l "Sargon 'wept all the poisons from charge of the singing. They rendered my system, 'gave m perfect regula- two very appropriate anthems, a tion without the least upsetting and quartette, Mrs. S. Munford, Miss E. II. haven't had a bilious spell since I Foster, Mr. A. Stinson, Mr. G. Cooke, :started- them."—Ali:cander McPhail,sang "Twilight Falls." 1166 Jarvis St., Toronto. Sargon may be obtained in Wing - ham at McKibbon's 1)rttg Store. Here and There 592 Asbestos production in Canada during 1929 set up a new high rec- ord, according to the finally revised figures of the Bureau of Statistics. Shipments in 1929 amounted to 306,055 tons, valued at $13,172,581, , an increase of 121%a in quantity and 17.2% In value as oompared with the previous year. The average value received by the operators was $43.04 per ton, compared with $41.16 the previous year. Nipigon trout, known all over the continent as the gamest of game fish, are coming into the spotlight again according to reports from the famous Ontario resort where the annual contest for the largest speckled trout is now in full swing and will continue until September 14. The best entry to date is a 5 - lb. fisb, measuring 22 inches in length and 14 in girth taken with a single spinner with fly, on a 94 - foot rod, by Edmund Stalter, of Pa- terson, N. J., July 29. East and West, Orient and Occi- dent, will meet in the British Em- pire Piping competition, one of the ,,most important of the new fea`Iures to be introduced at this year's Highland Gathering and Scottish Music Festival to be held at Banff at the end of August. Pipe -Majors John Clark and E. L. Collins of the Royal Soots Regiment of Scotland, of which Princess Mary is Colonel - in -chief, will come from the British Isles, while Pipe -Major W. C. Mac - 1' ie of the Scottish Company of volunteers is on his way to Banff from Hong -Dong. TORONTO'S FINE SK'Y'LINE. du ingnhe tall months are goodects for increasediand directors of the Canadian Pacific Railway have no intention of reduc- ing the dividend, said E. W. Beatty, chairman and president of the com- pany, recently hi reply to rumors that the,dividend might be cut. �" 4a•.`• ;•ret:? This unique dose -tip of Toronto's )waterfront gives a vivid ideal of',the extraordinary growth of the city's downtown area since early in 1923, Centre of the picture is the Royal York Hotel, largest hotel in the British Empire; left is the Burroffice; and rightthe fine structure of the Bank of Cortirn.etcey 1{i Nowadays the world moves on rubber and this does not apply to automobiles alone. According to a recent return of the Canadian Gov- ernment the people of Nigeria in June bought 800 pairs of shoes with rubber soles from Canada. Barba- does took 3,020 pairs and Trinidad 6,555 pairs. In June the export of Canadian automobile tires exceeded $1,000,000 in value. Canadian: fanners are now pro- ducing all the fine tobacco- required by Canadian manufacturers, ac- cording to a statement just issued by the Dominion Department of Agriculture which also claims that the tobacco is of better quality than that usually imported. Canadian tobacco has also become a factor in the British tobacco market. An increase of 5S% in motor tourist traffic from the United States to Now Brunswick is shown in ,statistics for the 1930 season up to Jelly 31 as compared with the same period last year, according to figures 'sailed by the provincial government Bureau of Information and Tourist' Travel from returns from Canadian Customs collectors at the 24 ports of entry along the International Boundary. It is not generally known that the Prairie Provinces -- Manitoba,. Saskatchewan and AIbert.a •-•• coir= fain important coornterelal fish- eries. In 1029 the cotrtmereial value of fish caught in these pro- Minces 'Oifceeded $4,996,000, 1 WROXETER • Mr. George Willis of Michigan, a former Wroxeter resident, called on his cousin, Airs. John Gibson, last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Wendt and Norman Hall, motored to Toronto on Sunday. Mr. Lorne Kaake and George Ben- nett left by' motor for Saskatchewan the early part of this week. . Mr. Andy Inglis; teller in the bank of • Commerce is taking two ,weeks' holidays.' Miss Margaret Davey is spending a weeks'• holidays with friends at Al- liston. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMichael are taking in the Exhibition at Tor- onto this week. The school opened on Tuesday with a good attendance of scholars '•1,i,1.&,I,J..r,.1„d..9-.P.,R..@.d..Li telet.i, .drzee $5-10 Daily, Make Money Easier. piW.--Quick, sure wayon to becomeantedEXeERTAuto Me- chan.e, Welder, Electrician, Brick- layer or Draftsman. Earn 55e per hour, part tune, from start. Advancement in few weeks. Free i Railroad Fare and Employment p. Service. Write at once for Il- lustrated Booklet. Commercial Engineering Schools 57 Queen St. W., Toronto, Suite One Ilundred eier ^ rt tet re a reer-r-re ^ -t wv ter e 1 - The University belongs to the people of Western Ontario. It is supported by Provincial and Municipal grants, by Endowment Fund income, and by tuition fees. The enrolment a regular students in 1929-30 was 1260, not including approximately four hundred students in special groups, who received in- struction from the University Stsff. Registration Days—SA TURD A Y, September 20th --2nd, 3rd and 4th year students ham London. MON- DAY September 22nd, all freshmen. TUESDAY, September 23rd -2nd, 3rd and 4th year students from centres other than London. WEDNESDAY, September 241h, Lectures begin, For further information write to THE ReGISTRAR or apply to--• 55 UNIVE*SITY WE rEPN ONTAPI0CANADAIta LoNooN Bring New Rooms to Your, ` Iiol e with Gyproc A WORK -ROOM • for you LI —a play -room for the youngsters in the basei'nent. An extra bedroom or two in the Attic. These are now • possible in your home at little expense. The new Ivory coloured Gyproc Wallboard that does not burn and needs no decor- ation (when panelled) will give you additional space in your present home. Easily and quickly applied,. structurally strong, it pro- vides fire -safe walls, ceilings and partitions. Your dealer's name is listed below; Consult hien today and ask for full infor- mation regarding Gyproc Wallboard or write for in- teresting free book `Bund- ing and Remodelling with Gyproc." GYPSUM, LIME AND ALABASTINE, CANADA, LIMITED Paris ` - Ontario ?i4eN(W aro .5-1114 1!4 and some changes in the teaching staff. Miss Wasmann takes the place of Miss Johnston as principal in the Continuation School. Miss Gamble is the assistant in the Continuation. Miss Little has the primary room and Miss VanVelsor the Senior room in the Public School. Mrs. Sarah Gibson spent last Tues- day with friends in London. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kitchen return- ed home Sunday evening after spend- ing the week with friends in Toronto, Port Colborne and Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Knapp, of Toronto, called on friends in town on Sunday. Mrs. E. Goodfellow and daughter, Margaret, spent the week -end with friends in and around town. Mr. and Mrs. White spent Sunday with friends ,in Harriston. Mr. and Airs. Russell Moffatt, of Toronto, spent the week -end with friends in town. Hiss Beatrice Howe left Monday' morning for 1.eamingttm tti resume her duties as teacher. ABY ills and ailments seen twice' r►' as serious at night. A audden.cry may mean colic: Or a sudden attack of diarrhea. I1ow' would you meet this emergency—tonight? Rave you a bottle of Castoria. ready? Por the protection of your wee one—for your own peace of mind -- keep this old, reliable preparation always on hand. But don't keep it just for e1nergeneies; let it be an everyday aid. Its gentle influence will rase and soothe the infant who cannot sleep. Its rnilcl regulation will 'help an older chtid whose tongue is coated because of sluggish bowels. All druggists have Castoria. ELLIOTT MILLER AUCTIONEER Sales conducted anywhere. Wide experience. Best efforts put fords on each and every sale. Phone 70. - Lucknow, Ont. F. F. HOMUTH Phm. B., Opt. D„ R. O. OPTOMETRIST Phone 118 Harriston, Ont. "The Best Equipped Optical Es tablishment in this part of Ontario". emasonnevrAceoreesen Summer Sweaters and P lhers al Boys' Black Pullovers, wing- wheel, ing wheel........................-. $1.50 MVfen's Taney Stripe V -Neck Sweaters $2.75 Men's Fancy Silk and Wool Sweaters $3.00 'tu WORK PANTS and O'ALLS Men's Ithaki stripe pants something new $1.85 Men's Grey covercloth work pants _.. $1.75 Men's Work Shirts, fast col- i. ors, from $1.00 to 0,39 Boys' Blue Chambray Shirts 75c r, Boy's ihaki Shirts 95c All new goods. Note the prices Ml Orders for Made -to -Measure Suits Taken any time. u: GROCERIES G. M. Jelly Powders, 3 for 20c Peanut Butter in pails, lb. ..17c Quart l3ottle Catsup 25e 2 Cans Clark's Pork and Beans 25c Redpath Sugar, 1001 lbs. $5,50 BRING CTS °YOUR EGOS. If Mrn SAVE YOU . MVI:ONEY, DAVSEY'SSTORE WW ROXETER.