HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-08-28, Page 4"e tetee. �;;ir�,a•',�ar•‘e0.-rt•r�..`t�.1t�`atWt,see 21",f'ml°9th”.:ke •,,.l;�Z,:i.
cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c.
,_ a,"'cs�tnYtfir,.'rod,r�ii',��,�ra�,.imp.cta��ii�o`r6�:Roi1NaY�i�'1Yiii-M1'dY`i„'r1iMY�l'17e\.7A\tr`B:Itli Y�1'I►1b1a1'lirfr`'s`'Yfr'v
BOARD—For High School students, IN MEMORIAM
girl, Mrs, Thos. Jackson, Cattier -
the street. In lovin memory of George B.
'Elliott, who died A&.igust 31st, 1928.
aide Gone but not forgotten.
Missed by father, another and fam-
tRS WASHED—For $1.00. 0
FARM FOR SALE -1n Morris Twp.,
about 2a miles from Wingham.
Terris. Apply to J. W. Beshfield,
Box' 119, Wingham.
EOR SALE—•A modern Heinztman
upright ,for sale, must be disposed
of at once. Terms accepted from
responsible party. Apply Box A,
Advance -Times,
FOR SALE—Lombard and prune
plums, cheap to anyone who will
bring basket and pick them.. Apply
to Mrs. Copeland Sr,
FOR SALE CHEAP -British Treas-
ure wood range, in good condition.
,Apply to J 1\'. Walter, Pleasant
Valley, or Box 173.
OR SALE -50 Opera Chairs at 50c
In loving memory of Joseph Cham-
ney, whn died August 22nd, 1929.
The.. rolling stream of life goes on
And still the vacant chair
Recalls the love, the voice, the smile
Of one who once sat there.
We cannot Lord, Thy purpose see
But all is well, that's done by Thee,
Sadly missed by wife and family.
Hints For Homebodies
Written for The Advance -Times
Jessie. Alien Brown
Women in Politics
each, Appy at Lyceum Theatre. i+Yhen the smoke of the battle has
cleared, are there going to be any
OUSE TO RENT— All modern more women representatives mn par -
conveniences, corner Catharine and liaanent?: Surelybythis time MissVictoria Streets. 'apply to Samuel
Morton, phone 624r1&. - McPhail has proved that a woman is
not going to throw a monkey -wt ench.
HORSE FOR SALE—Driving horse into the machinery. We are inclined
6 year old, about 1.000 lbs. Wm. to think that we are more progress-
Finley. ive than the Mother Country. Yet,
Took at the number of women in the
LOST— A grey suede bag. Finder ,English parliament.
please leave same at E. Wilkinson's ' Some of the old die-hards still say
Wallpaper Shop.. is a mistake for women to have a
vote. Women, on the whole, have a
PROPERTIES FOR SALE — Bar -1 good deal to learn about politics.
gain for anyone desirous of buying i But what about the men? These
a home. Apply to T. Fells. 'same rnen who think women know
nothing and.are not interested in - poi
rifts, never stop to think of the ap
preferred. 'Mrs. Wm. Sneath, cry. , aping- ignorance of many men.
Shuter and Patrick streets, phone;P y
142; atlritngham. What used to `get' ire, before wo-
men had the franchise, was that so.
... MERS WANTED—Boys pre- rnaiiy
men could -vote whose only
I`'OO ualificatioh was the fact that
termed. Mrs. T. R. Bennett; Fran q they
cisteet were men. nn
Soe of them had neither
A 6O -cent bottle of
Astring-o-sol and
a beautiful •Pastel
LansterGlass (choice
of five colors) for"
your .bath room —
for only
McKibbon's Drug Store
The Rexall Store
Wingham, Ont.
i cup lemon juice
2 cups chopped pineapple
1 cup orange juice
Boil water, sugar and .pineapple 20.
minutes; add fruit juice, cool, strain,
and dilute with ice -water.
Milk Drinks
The cool 'drinks make an easy way
to add milk to the child's summer
diet. A milk drink, sandwiches, and
a cookie with fresh fruit snake a pop-
ular and well balanced supper .for a
Vanilla Milk Shake
1 cup milk
2 teaspoons sugar
i teaspoon vanilla
Mix and shake well in a shaker (a
getn jar makes a good substitute),
and serve at once.
Orange Milk Shake
1 cup milk:
2 teaspoons sugar'
2 tablespoons orange juice
Makes as above.
Chocolate Syrup
1 cup sugar
h cup cocoa
1 cup water
1 teaspoon vanilla
Mix cocoa, pinch of salt, sugar, add
water, stir until melted. Boil one min-
ute, add vanilla and bottle. oFr ad-
ults e cup of .coffee may be used in
place of the water.
To make iced cocoa, add 2 or 3
tablespoons of the syrup to a. glass
of milk. The easiest way to 'mix it
is to beat it with a dover beater. This
makes a frothy drink and appeals to
the children.
Miss Edith Durnin returned to her
home in St, Helens after spending
three weeks with her cousins, Mr.
and Mrs. Dynes Campbell 10th con.
s r
common sense nor intelligence, yet ` Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pardon and
ROOMERS WANTED—Preferably they were men and could vote; and family spent Thursday afternoon with
.school girls: Apply= to Mrs. H. A. 'women of intelligence, retro were in- Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Cameron.
. .
McCall, Edevard street. terested in the affairs of the country,1 lir. JohnMullin receivedword on
were deprived of that privilege. Wednesday of the death of his ne-
SMALL PIGS FOR SALE -5 weeks Women can not be expected to be phew, Mr. Stewart Alton, of Mont -
old. Apply to Wm. Chandler, R.R. politically wise, all at once, no more real. He was tariff manager of the
2, Wingham. C.N.R. there. The funeral was held
on Thursday afternoon in Toronto to
Mount Pleasant. Cemetery. He leav-
;than a baby can be expected to run
,before it learns to walk. We have
The .Faster a Vehicle le Goiter tleee
1Vorse the Smash, If
it Conies,
Far-sighted members of the mo-
toring community ere already begin-
ning to realize that things may be
worse,and not better for the motor-
ist when the speed limit Foes on tete
scrap -heap,
The point which the othere over-
look is simple, says an article in An-
swers. In certain circumstances a
speed of anything from twenty-five
miles an baur upwards may be re-
garded as dangerous driving, even
although, in actual fact, no one may
be endangered.
When this is more generally rea-
lized there will, of course, be loud
and bitter protests front motorists,
but pedestrians have a right to pro-
tection, and it is by no means certain.
that even the dangerous drtving
regulations will safeguard them
The plain fact is that the faster a
vehicle is travelling, the most ser-
ious any accident which it causes, or
in which it is Involved, may be.
This is proved by the fact that, al-
though there are more accidents in.
large cities, the percentage of acci-
dents that prove fatal is much high-
er in the country. The traffic con-
gestion which muses so many mis-
haps in crowded streets, by slowing
downthe pace at which vehicles trav-
el, makes them less deadly.
Anyone who doubts this has only
to consult the .figures. Taking the
twel4'e largest' cities in England apart
from London, we And that .in 1928,
the last yeas for which .exact eatnpar-
ative figures are available, there was
one fatal accident in, roughly. every
thirty-three accidents. Taking the
counties in which these twelve cities
are situated, the proportion of fatal-
ities is doubled, being two in roughly
every thirty-two -accidents.
The same holds good in London.
In the city there is one fatal accident
in every seventy-five accidents; in the
Metropolitan ' Police area, one in
every forty-two; and in the counties
round London, one in every seven
tees, Mel
Link With Crimea.
Every Victoria Gross, no matter In
what war and in what part of the
world it is won, is a link with the
Crimea. For each of the bronze
medals_ "for oalor" is cast from" guns
which were captured by Britain dur-
ing the Crimean War. The War Of-
fice keeps a supply of this raw ma-
terial, and when a V.C. is awarded
it sends along the order for the cross,
together with a pece of Crimean
bronze, to the firm which makes the
decorations. Each cross is cast sep-
arately, the design and the famous
legend "For Valour" being added
Originally, only white troops could
win the V.C., but since 1911 it has
been open to Indian soldiers also;
and since 1920 to women or, in cer-
tain circumstances,. to civilians.
There is only' one foreign V.C.—Mr.
T. Dinieson, of Copenhagen; and
only one case in which the coveted
cross liar not been awarded for some
Thu day, August 28th ,19342'
A, Truiy Modern Car
You Will be , I'roud to , Owit
IT is wise to choose a Chevrolet Six—
ix_because this is definitely a better
low-priced automobile..Priced as low
as $635 at the factory, it is more
modern—in design, performance, ap-
pearance and features—than anyother
car in its field. It is a car to be proud
of, wherever you go.
More titan two million owners have
found that Chevrolet's modern six -
cylinder design means more enjoyable
motoring. That six -cylinder power is
always smooth and flexible; That six
cylinder speeds are always quiet and
comfortable. That "Body by Fisher"
means infinitely smarter appearance
The Sport Roadster - - $715
The Coupe 740
The Coach - . • ` 750
The Super Sport Roadster • 795
(Six wire wheels standard)
and finer construction. And that six.
cylinder. performance, as Chevrolet
provides it, is just as economical as any -
other kind;
In selecting a low-priced car, you:
should also consider this fact.—Be-
cause the Chevrolet Six is so far ahead'
of its field today, it will be modern.
tomorrow and command a better re-
sale value when you come to trade it
in. Conte in today. We will give you a
demonstration gladly and tell. you
about the' General Motors Owner Ser.
vice Policy, the most complete in the
industry and the G.M.A.C., General
Motors' own deferred payment plan.
Prices at factory, Oshawa. Taxes bumpers and spare tire extra.
Cars and Trucks from $485 up.
The Club Sedan • • ,t8i 0'
The Sport Coupe - 840
The Sedan - 870
The Spon Sedan • - - 940
(Six wire wheels standard)
R complete line of Commerciale
Wingham, Ontario
C -1830B
To the Editur av all thim
Wingham Paypers.
Deer Sur:—
Now that. the elickshun .is all over.
an done wid, an the fog av the foight-
in sittled down, I don't moind sayin
a few tings that I wadden't hev oven
admitted to the misses six wakes ago.
In the fursht place we hev to tank
the ivirlashtin foolishness av thin
Grits fer bringin on the elickshun
whin they did, wid'a lot av min out
av wurruk all' over the counthry.
Whin the Dunning, budget was brou-
ght down I fought we tees in fer an-
other thrimmin, fer, shure, it looked
definite exploit. This is the V.C. laid i as if thine Grits eves houldin:all the
on the War Memorial at Washington.hoigh cards, but as the game wint on
on Armistice Day eight years ago, it was airy to see that than lads did -
and dedicated: to the American LIn, n't know how to play 'a good hand
known Warrior.
Picture of Livingstone.
Of the many portraits of Living-
stone, to whom aftne memorial is be-
ing dedicated at Blantyre, which best
represents the great Pathfinder? Ap-
whin they was either dhrawin wan.
Thim Grits may be purty good at
payin. aff the debt av the counthry,
an 'rejucing taxashun, : an devilopin
thrade, an makin the railroads pay ix -
TEN DOLL small reward for the re- been learning and pro ressin slow
lark female Porn- es to mourn his loss, three daughters parentiy his was a face that changed proses, bet, shure, 'tis little sinse they
b z
turn ofWed-.
� ! It some think too .lowly. last t give considerably during life—ant little
errnran dog lost at Brussels, T ed , • , and two sons, all at home, and one hev whin it comes to tt e pollytickle
tand n
nesday after the 20th. Answers to us time. wonder, conEidthe what he w the foine pints av the
Harare of Trixie. Anyone kttot� Fruit Juice ;brother, Mr. Allen Alton of Toronto. through. At the request of John
c, a
_ for
the Mr. and Mrs. Chester Ritchie root Murray, his publisher, he sat game. U. Tortes cud bate thim an
ink; of whereabouts atotify Mr. Dun -\A e are aecusz tined til serving cool
can Kennedy, \iiltitechitturh. t Detroit d s t portrait to henry Phillips, and when hould nothin in our hands hoigher
drink: , because they taste d ,bar re -
finished omplained to Mrs than sl of What differ does
d t -
goo ?red over from
etroi an pen a i wasc
a tin shpot.
week' with his mother an - Murray: "I don't much lane it; it ,i
t tine rnerll
run av voters
rn kn e t a
latices here. makes me look a- ,great deal t00
:. Wil I d on t She replied: "I Have seen whether the income tax is rejuced
\;\+ANTED—Girl fo,
work. Phone 177,
s ry o d rea_
is ,' a o
:which t t course, >, t
, g
general house- ' on. Did you ever strep to think, that
when you serve those made with fruit
juke, you are adding valuable mat -
NOTICE c:riah to the diet? Leman er orange,
;ars the basis of most fruit drinks,
roti is List, 1930. Township of laird these With the addition Of other
Turnberry, County of Huron. ,- .
Notice is hereby given that I have ;1'1121 fauces give variete, both' as to
complied with section' 7 of THE flavor, and as to the very necessary
VOTERS' LIST ACT and that I minerals and vitamins. On a hot day
have posted up at my office in Turn- there is no more agreeable way of
berry, an the 2nd day of August, 1930, ,,ettini them,
than in cool drink:.
the list of all persons entitled to vote ,
in the said municipal elections :and (Save your fruit juices that may be
for in- }eft from any Ct?t)l:irae and canning,,
that such list remain there
o happen to do. A little added to
specton. t r u .app
And I hereby tail i'pon all voters i aiuy drink _fens flavor and color.
to take immediate proceedings to have ? • SugarSyrup
errors or omissions corrected ac -1
cording to law, the fast day for ale- .any fruit drink is made tnore eas-
cording August,-„- a us_
peal being tla<. 30th -clay of .ly and ucr:eSsfully, if a syrup is
1030. ed tr, sweeten it, instead of sugar. It
Bated, Clerk's Office, the 2nd day est is more t tx atcrnit al t+ ti, as we have
.August R. , 'ail had drinks, where' rntrst of the
W. R. Cruikshank, Clerk,
Wingham, Ontario. 'sti, ar las remained in the bottom o
Wherever you go, banking
service. awaits you if you
carry a Dominion Bank
Letter of Credit or our
Travellers' Cheques.
When abroad, on
business or plea-
sure, they' are a
it ne -o-
safe,eas y g
tiable means
of carrying
I I�
A. M. Bishop, -Branch Manager.
Win -ham Ontario.
Mr. and airs \ i stir Irwin an s stern."
M nday afternoon in your face look very much like that, 1 arr . not .fer, shuns, they don't nir-ir '
Palmer, spent Monday
Dr. Li!ringstane." "Iry to
to pay. army av it, err whether
Winghiam. The last letter hr ever wrote to l
Murrayn l the postage is tree arr two cints on takin agin, an 1 musht
the glass. This syrup will keep for
Ambitious, reliable men wanted
at once. Part time pay while train-
ing for Aviation lfechanits,' Gar-
age. Work, Drh-ing. Battery, Ehec-
c Acetylene Welding, House
'WirinE, Industrial Electricity, . Ia-
inist, Bricklaying, Plastering,
Drafting, Barbering and Hair-
dressing. 'act quick, get your ap-
plication in now. Write or call for
Til 'ti
D® Ire n
Eastern Headgt ertcrs, 79 Qlueen
West.,. Toronto.
Employment sert+ice-coast to
0. N. r'�w Watch ixtslreetOf
Repairing' Cittf Specaktltya
Satisfit'ttionittltt attttCCt
lame time. To make the syrup use
1 cup sugar
1 cup water
Stir until dirtied and boil 3 min-
mss. Bottle.
Lemon Syrup
1 stip sutgar.
2 lemons
1 cap water
Boil sugar and water 3 nine ea ±
Add lemon juice and bottle.
Thio lemon syrup may be made in
quantity and will keep for some time
rf kept in a crew place. Lemon m
prrn•es almost every drink and this:
syrup may be made the base for a
great many summer thinks, or m'
he used to equal advantage ale
simply diluting it with water.
Use equal tytiantatite tat letntuti sy-
tip and grape juice, and diItite
he required : strength with eil'1
lain or soda, water. Garnish: 'a e
rtig ,yf Ittiutt.
reit Pnmth
1 •quart cold' water
2 tops sugar
CHILDREN bate to take medicine
'kr/ as a rule, but every child loves
the taste of Castorma.And this pure
vegetable preparation is just as -good
as it tastes; just as bland and just as
harmless as the recipe reads.
When. Baby's cry warns of cone,
a few drops of Castoria has hire
soothed, asleep.egain.in a.jiffy- Noth-
leg is more valuable in diarrhea.
\Then, cttated tongue er bad. breath
tell of constipation, invoke its gentle
aid to cleanse and regulate a child's
bowe;''s. Itt colds or children's diseases,
on should use it to keep the system
ort dogs.
Castoria is sold in every drugstore+;
the ;genuine always bears Chas. 1.
Fietelter's signature.
Mfrom Central Africa, only a a letther, or whether a hundred dollar
few weeks before 1.,., death, had h ge 'about gittin me a
postscript: Please tell Mrs. Mnrrar check Hades foor Gini: arr two cinesae the enootnerators.
that I have seen any face, for the on it? Faith the mosht av payple
Rist time for many months, in Lake ' don't wroite' tin ietthers in a year,
Tanganyika, itisvery like the
Tont sit." z :dna T3 . inn nivtr saw a hundred dollar check
portrait." 1
An Early Saxon Cemetery. l Thin look at the way we got a lot
The discovery of more than forty lav thin Grit la.F.O.'s to vote wid us
n 3' r Huron;, thine fer
Guildford, England, has revealed that
skeletons on the Hag's Back, nee -1'1i Not some
u' , n slipote, an some av shim be rayson
there was once large Saxon settle -
went there It was thought, when ,
av the low proice av whate, an 'some
rtrit the skeletons were unearthed, lay thim 'on account 4"1' the New Zea -
shpake to Jar-
jawb as wan
'Tis far'bet-
Cheer to hey ould married min to do
the wurruk, fer the wimmin wud ra-
ther admit theer roight age to thim
than to young fellates, Another ting,
wurrud shed be sint arrourtd to the
byes not tocount too manny' payple,
arr the Gritswill take cridit fer the
incraise . av populastaun; seeinthat
they hev been in awfmce mosht av the
that they were the remains of male- ramie fer the pasht tin years.
Hands butcher shtory, , but the mosht
.factors hanged on the gibbet which av thim because they knew Jarge, an
once stood there. But further exca-
vating resulted in fads of great in-
terest, including a perfectly-preseirv-
ed drinking vessel and a. spearhead
and ferrule, From these British Mu -
pied Ever -sharp Pencil:
ve et Hing's Store.
`•; C. lyinge
didn't know the other fellah, bot,
shure, it didn't make anny differ to
las, at all, at all, what injuced thini
to vote Tory, so long as we got thitn
seem authorities are able to place i
date of burial somewhere be- 3 to do it. 'Whin the ballots ryas conn-
thetween 600 and 660 A.D. Among the g ted no wan cud tell a U.F.O. vote
skeletons are ,orae of very large t frunt wan polled be the besht Tory
men, several 'measuring taker rix feet. that ivir lived.
Shpakin av New Zealand btatther,
Glass Rouses.
A steel tower 110 feet In height,
with a, glass - enclosed cabin at its
top, le to be erected near Doaktowh,
N.B., to be used to the protection of
vast timber areas of the Southwest
Miramichi River. district.
Tbis will be the twenty-fifth tower
In the existing system of forest pro-
tection towers in vets Brunswick. A
motor road will, connect the hew tow -
a lo..
a S
h the
math highway, htv
r It g .,
e w
cabin will be Provided at the base o}auto l1,at Ontario, , aTthe /amber
the tower for the use of the ranger
in charge:
The Lnibrelia Fish.
,When strolling among the rocks
b the British sea coast, you niay
often see a quaint, bulletlteaded 5sht,
'basking in the sunshine well up
above water level.. It breathes quite ➢
naturally hi the outer air and with-
out apparent mliscomfort. '"hie is the
bleiatiy, called by 5sherfolk the runt-
breila fish. "To get a good view e
It 'holt need to be rextrentely icautious,�t9i
as the Ashtwill rude at the slig_.:it'test •l
sttslticion of danger.
that was another blunder av thiin
Grits. Protnisin to incraise the dooty
oaa it in October didn't git thim waif
vote, so it didn't, an only slatirred up
thine Inds itt the South Says to treat
en to buy no more autos from us. 'Tis
the ebonite av a loifetoime' fer Mish-
ter llitataitt to say that . ite will lave ;
the dooty as it is, an so plaze the !
n fish thin av British Columbia, an
the earrtukie payple all over the
counthry, an sorra a bit av differ wed
it make to the farrumiers, at all, at
all, st, it wudden't. .riven if some av
thiin do shtart grumblin we naden't
moind thitn, fer 'tis a long tointe he -1
four the nixt elickshun, an Cheer will
be i linty av toimc to fix tings up be
thin, arr, if we can't Link av •ani-
other skamet; w kin blame the
le thrubble on the Grits.
shtaring tl'1e dnstts has to be
yours ler. the success av the
new Tory Gavernmint,
Timothy- Hay."
Hall -Rowland— At Santa Barbara,.
California, on Monday, July 28th,
Ruth Eleanor, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. A. Lincoln Rowland, to Mr,'
Earle Basil Hall, son of the late
Mr, and Mrs. Theodore Hall, form-
) erly of Winghatn.
HAN N A at CO. Limited
WIL.J014114STOW et.004mited,TORONTO
Hanna & Co.