HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-08-14, Page 8ar d,ta \ V,410,Ifeil:i(dIA•di,;;Ativ,riiiiiriiiiiire-svtitroixtdaiiiiiriiiirniN --far N1riVIre lt(iN 'OPENING rn-1100 PER CENT. TALKING PICTURES‘. 5. THE MUSICAL COMEDY Starring Marilyn` Miller' ALL TECHNICOLOR Also Short Subject Featuring Ruddy. Vallee and His Orchestra. AUGUST 21-22-23 NOAH BEERY — In -- "THE ISLE OF LOST SHIPS" A Drama of the Sea. Two Shows Each Night -7.30 and 9.30 ..Admission—Adults 35c plus 2c war tax -37c, Children under 12 20c. •Matinee Saturday 3 p.m., Admission 25c and 15c. a.tit_mcmiktmaikw isonemnsaisv.imaatint.,emastuo-a• 4Pr.-T,nqtaiTirS9P-Tai1,4A.!tm- WHITECHURCH Was Ida McQuoid spent a few days last week with Mrs. Arthur Clifton rand Miss Martha Clifton of Lucknow. Master J. C. Reed is visiting with 'his cousin, Gordon Anderson of Ash- field. Mr -and Mrs. Will Reid and Calvin, who have been visiting with his mo- ther here,returned t0 their home in Paris on Saturday,, leaving Miss jean here for her holidays, Mrs. R. F. hodgkinson of Kin - lough is visiting with Mrs. A. Clow and with other friends on the. 4th of glifill11119111RillICIIIII31111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111118111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111 131 GENUINE SHOE BARGAINS 41 Women's fine patent shoes in ties and strain, a selection of Ira odds and ends of high class shoes usually ,sold at from $4.50 to 7- 45.00, in all sizes = id $1.95 per pair , IVIen's fine Oxfords, in mostly all sizes, some are calfskin •---= and some are patent, in both black and brown it $2.65 per pair Misses' and children's strap slippers in all sizes, starting at size 6 (small) to size 2 (next to women's sizes) $1.00 per pair Men's heavy work boots with Panco Soles in all sizes ex- cept size 7, $2.35 per pair - Listen in to the Enna Jettick Songbird over WEAF and associated stations, every Tuesday at 9 p,m. (Wingham time). 414.1:1111, i Willis' Shoe Store, Phone 129, Wingham "THE ENNA JETTICK SHOE SHOPPE" • 01.111131111110111111111111111111•111P.1111.11111111101111111111111111111111111110111M1112111•1111111161111111111111111i13111t a Professional Boxing Tournament At Goderich Friday Evening, August 15th FOR A PURSE OF $2000 FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE CRIPPLED CHILDREN OF HURON COUNTY. "Frenchy" BALENGER.74 A • Ex-WfVrld—Charn pion and Present Canadian Chatnpion, Will Meet ,‘ Bobby Clary Fly -Weight Champion of Buffalo, N.Y., in the final bout, 8 rounds it to a, decision for a purse of $1500, to be divided $1000.00 to the win- • ner and $500 to the loser. Ref- • eree's decision to govern.( Lou Marsh of Toronto to referee.) • In Addition to the above main bout there will be 3 preliminary bouts as followS: or 1.st bout; George Barber vs. Wil- 4v41". Ile McDonald, 6 rounds at 128 lbs. fx, 2nd bout: Tommy Bland v. Hu- gie Lees, 6 rounds at 145 lbs. 3xd bont: Fired Call, Detroit, vs. • Roliow Burke,,, Mitchell, Ont., 4 rounds at 144 lbs. Tournament wifl be staged Rain aor Shine. Covered stand. Ladies • will enjoy this event as well as • • mn. Erecting stands to seat 4000. 8000 seats at $1.00. 500 seats at $1,50. 500 seats at $2.00. Gates open at 7.30 p.m Boxing com. mences at 615 p.m. Cars free, • Parking Space Ott grounds. Band in Attndance. Kinross. Mr, and MI'S, John Chibb anent last, week with his relatives at Thames - Miss Wianifred Fairiet has resign- Qd her school at Cedar Valley and has taken a position as aSsistant tea- cher in Ripley High l.Fichool. Mrs. Charles •Gillespie and son, ht wee Donald, sliest a few days lic at I-Iolyrood with her parents, M derich ar Mrs, Clar- opt ver r, and Mrs, Hodgins. Mr, and Mrs, Cox a Go visiting here with Mr. and ence Cox. Mr, Harold Sparliag is ly busy extracting honey these days an for d reports it a very good year the honey crop, Mr, Bert Reed returned home from 'Northern Ontario for the Nveek-en f Wing s Laur rson an Iiss Jean Sunday d. Miss Dorothy Hutchison ham, is visiting with Mis Conn. Mr, and Mrs. Archie Patted family from Luckno' and IV Ross from Teeswator were visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Tay - 414444,1•44./ WIMOS AM APVANCS-TMES Dr, and Mrs. H. A. Hession •and family of Toronto spent last Sunday with his sister, Mrs. 1. B. Morrison. Miss Winnifred Farrier. is ,visiting with old friends at Cedar Valley this week. .„ The Mission Band of the United' Church are holding their picnic at Zetland on Friday, August 15th. A full attendance is requested. Miss Nettie Sharpe of Hamilton, has been visiting with Mrs. A. Fox. Mrs. Wm. Beecroft and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft and Florence and Ernest spent Sunday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk ,of Seaforth, Miss Robina Henry leaves this Fri- day for Toronto, frOin where she and some ether teachers will take the boat trip down 'the St, Lawrence. Miss Kathleen Terriff and Miss Addie Ross arrived home from Tor- onto on Sunday to spend their holi- days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ross. Mrs. Cecil Parsons and son, tYonald, are' also coming from Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott and son spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Conn. Mrs. Jack Griffin and family from Toronto have been visiting for the past week with her sister, Mrs. J. B. Morrison. Mr. and Mrs, jas. Cornelius and Mr. and Mrs. Anios Cornelius spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Ir- win of Lucknow. Mr, Irwin has just returned from London hospital where he had an operation on his face. Master Chester Coulter left last Monday. with his uncle, Mr. Aldin Pardon to visit for 'a few weeks in Leamington. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Newby of Lon- don spent the week -end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lott. • .A.4fr. Frank Paters m motored from Detroit on Priday and spent the week end with his father and his family here. Mrs. Paterson and jack return- ed to Detroit with him. Mrs. W. R. Farrier and Misses Winnifred and Olive visited with Mrs. Sheriff and Mrs. Geo, Tiffin of Wing - ham last week and attended the Chau- tauqua programs there. • Miss Myrtle Beecroft, R.N., return- ed. to her duties in New London, Conn,; last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lovatt of Clinton, visited with her mother, Mrs. Mc - Brien, on their way to Hanover. A Missionary Tea was held• at the home of Mrs. Bert Reed on Wednes- day last with a good attendance. Miss Doreen Pardon has been holi- daying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Anderson of St. Hel- ens. The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Institute was held last Friday in the Hall with the president, Mrs, V. Emerson, in the chair. After the business part, a good program of readings and musical numbers was given. •Mr. and Mrs, Irvin Henry and Ross of Lacknow, Miss Mary MacLean of Timmins, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Purdon. The following pupils' front S. S. No. 10, are to be congratulated for pass- ing their lower School examinations: Thos. Wilson, who received honors, Miss Merle Gaunt and Miss Evelyn Reed. Miss Norah Falconer spent the week -end at the home of Mrs. Walter Mason of 'Westfield, and Mrs. John Falconer' Mrs, fes. FAICOrler and chil- dren andMrs. Elgin 'Wellwoocl spent Monday there. Miss Helen Paterson left on Tues- day to spend her holidays with rela- tives in Toronto, while Mt, F, McK. Paterson leaves this week to visit re- latives at Leamington and Detroit. • Mr, jas, Purdon and Jean and Mr. Wrn, Purdon and Mrs. Coulter and Isabel returned from .a motor trip to visit relatives in Lanark, lait week. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson ,atid Miss 'Laura Robinson .spent a feW days last • week with Dr, Harold RObinscrit •of Walkerton- and attended Chautauqiia there, Mrs, Joe Thompson and. family of Mitchell was visiting with her par- ents, Ur, and Mrs. Thos, Robinson and other relatives in East Wawanosh last week, Quite, ‘a number from here attead-' ed thse Chautauqua meetings in Wing liattl last week, Miss ratite, Robinson left on Mon- day to join a party of Warkertott girls who ate taking in the 3 -day trip on the boat 'front Owen Sound to Sault Ste, Marie and Lake 1Wackinack, We wish her a pleasant holiday, "44'14.4.444.744'." 1C:7' BLUEVALIE Mrs. Ross Douglas and son How- ard of 'Hamilton,. and Mr, Gerrond Duff of Welland were Sunday visit- ors at the home of Miss Mary Duff Your Baby's FgaTur2 ? THAT little life entrusted to your care--wht will its future be? It all dpen@ upon the provision you Make for its later years—TODAY. In only 120 mnths, through Investors Syndicate Plan, you can provide $1,500 and upwards for the edu. cation of your child, or you can have the same amount for your own use by merely investing $9.45 or mom during this period in' unconditionally guaranteed compound in certificates. Here is a tested, guaranteed plan of systematic investment which you should investigate. It may mean your clatld's future happines. Mail the coupon below for our illus- trated booklet showing how this plan is GUARANTEED and baked by our own resources of over $34,000,000. -----CLIP THIS COUPON Name Address.. iNvrstroRs SirgiiirATF Established 1894 A. G. Smith, District Represehtative 280 Eglingtotn Ave. E, Toronto. NATIONAl; irA11.14 AGENCY. 11 Sellitimr Farm! II —then LIST IT with the Agency that GUARANTEES YOU the iiBIGGEST MARKET of Bonafide Buyers. —the NATIONAL FARM AGENCY receives MORE IN- QUIRIES fol' Canadian Farms from Canada and Other Parts of II • the World than all other simiiar Agencies combined. —EVERY FARM Listed and Ac- ""' cepted IS ADVERTISED in our OWN NATIONAL PUBLICA- r- TIONS—Thousands circulated an- nuallyth ALL OVER e World. MI --if YOU have a Farm or Other 00 Property You WANT TO SELL, see the nearest "NATIONAL" :AGENT, or write AT ONCE to Head Office, and we will send for- ward a Special Repre- sentative of NATIONAL FARM AGENCY "ESIN LilvilTED ?KEMP= Toronto - Canada_ MR. R. N. ARMSTRONG Box 305. Telephone 108, Wingham MOTECT YOURSELF When You Buy Aspirin look for the Name BAYER It pays ta be careful when you buy Aspirin. Genuine Bayer Aspirin Is safe as well as sure. These tablets - are always reliable—they never depress the heart. Kncry what you are taking far that pain, cold; headache or sore throat. To identify genuine Bayer Aspirin look for the name BAYER on every package and the word GENUINE printed In red. ThttrodAY AttOthat 14th, 19$0 IT'S !VISE TO HOOS E A SIX rom first cost to r4Aisiale vain . o ch�ose , ' • ' • .t. . . ..................... IT'S wise and economical to choose a Chevrolet Six! For the new Chev- rolet is a six -cylinder car ---with all the advantages of greater smoothness, comfort, speed and hill -cli mb in g power which nothing less than six cylinders can give, Yet, priced as low as $635 at the factory, Chevrolet Six is actually one of the lowest -priced cars you can buy! And this great Shccostr no more for gas—costs no more for' oil—costs no more for tires—costs no more for upkeep than any other car on the road today. • The Spare Roadster- • - $715 The Coepe • • - • • 740 The Coach - 750 The Super Sport Roadster 795 (Six wire wheels standard) • In addition to giving you smoother, faster performance now, Chevrolet's modern features---uch as low suspen- • sion, longer wheelbase, lengthwise., mounted springs, new Fisher Bdies, plush upholstery and ,smart appoint- ments —assure higher re -sale value for your ear when you come to turn it in, Come in and see us -- today — for a road demonstration. Ask about the General Motors Owner Service Policy, the most complete service policy in the industry—and the G.M.A.C., General Motors' own deferred payment plan. ROADSTER Or PHAETON The Club Sedan • - - $810 The Sport Coupe - - 840 The Sedan • --, • 870 The Sport Sedan .- 940 (Six wire wheel's stattdard) Prices at factory, Oshawa. Taxes, bumpers and spare tire extra. 4 complete • line of Commercial Cars and Trucks from $485 up. HEVROLET SIX A-. M. CRAWFORD • Wingham, Ontario T BETTER BECAUSE IT'S CANADIerg and 1lr. and Mrs. W. J. Duff. •111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111WINIM11111111111111111131111111r111111111111111111111111111111111111M11111111111111111 Mr.. Russell McKinney of Toronto la.. - ....-. is spending his vacation with relatives Ili JITNEy DANIcE 1" h ere. II _ . 131r. and Mrs. Geo. Donaldson and iii - • Mr.s and Robt. Hamilton returned to ii• . _ Toroto on SUnday after spending the past few weeks at their summer home • Frank McCormick's LIT here. Mr. Percy Diamond and two dau- LI— - VVingharn — Tee'swater Road is= ghters of Detroit spent Saturday with IIII -va Mrs. Robt. Hamilton and family fa 11 Friay August 22d P gi. = Mrs. Stewart Young. d • were at Stratford taking in the Dim:: ent family reunion. Miss Lorena con - Modern! and Old -Time Dances tinned her vacation for a time with her cousins. Mr. John Hamilton of Bossavain, Man., is vlsitiltirg at Mrs: Robt. Hain- 1 ilton's, and' friends at Ethel. - Good Floor---Gboa Music—Everybody Welcome. it Willis' Covered Pavilion Mr. Wm. Hamilton and family of Ethel spent Sinaday withMrs. Earl .11 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111•11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,1111111111111111111* Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hail; Mr. and Mrs. •- , .• Earl La e. \ •.• 0 rne. 4. w.b. la Women's Institute will be held at the r d - -- '. d t' ..,th G. Hall; Mr. and Mrs. 5. Masters, week Mr. spent Sunday at Southampton irather nasty accident. He was.mak- home of Miss Cora jewitt on Thurs- Mrs. Chri. O'aurrre• and daughter, in, some repairs to tae rhachinewlien day afternon, August 14th,- when a Margaret of Guaiirh spent a few days the horses became frightened Midi 1121n1 .goocl program will be given. All the - ladies of the commiinity will be made welcome at these meetings. Mrs. and Dr. Ed. Coultess of Phil- adelphia, Dr. John Coultess and son, of Philadelphia, are holidaying with Mts. T. Couitess. . with their couin Mrs, R. Musgrove, Mrs. Alice Aitken and. Miss Dor- othy Aitken left Sunday for a short vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Duff at their lakeside home at Wel- and. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Xing of Turn- . berry spent Saturday- with Mrs. Robt. Smith spent Sunday at Toronto. Musgrove. • Miss Mabel Coultess of Toronto, is Mr. and Mrs, Ed.. Johnston and spending her vacation at her„ home family and Miss, Beth Barnard spent here. , Sunday with friends at Guelph. • Mr. Norman Hall of Wroxeter is spending his holidays with hi a4 aunt, A very pleasant evening was spent at the home, of Mrs. Thos. Coultess Mrs. J. Master. on Friday when she had all her fam- • Rev. G. K. Bamford of S'auk Ste. ily home with her and they presented Marie\ preached. in the Presbyterian her with a purse of gold, this was church at Eadies' on Sunday, and Mr. her 79th birthday-, and she is quite Ethel. David P. Rowland preached at Cran- active for. her age_ Her many friends brook and :' join in wishing her many rnore happy Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Newhigging returns 6,1 -he flay. •and family of Weston spent. a few Mr. rPanspdeuMtrsSunday 'W. AlthMr. .viMahorleya:(1 IdaalyFsactontehre. home of Postmaster, D. Ga Mrs. R. Musgrove. Mr. Jas. Campbell is quite Hi and Mr. and' Mrs. Geo. Mathers spent ander the doctor's care: We hope he Sunday -with their son, Earl. will soon be better again,. ' While raking tip hay one day last The regular` monthly meeting of the planned for August 22nd.- • away throwing Earl.in front of the rake and clrag,ged him along, quite a distance before the horses could he stopped. Miss Ethel .Mitthrs of Brussels, was home over the week -end. Messrs, Stewart Young and Alvin Willing to Oblige The manager—Are you married or single? • Applicant for a Job—Well, I'm en- gaged. If you want a married man I'll be back tomorrow. e FLOWER SHOW • CANCELLED Owing to the draught of the past few weeks making conditions so un- favoiable for flovvets the Horticul- tural Society deemed it nnwise to at- ternpt staging a flower show, and much regret therefore having to can cel their former' arrangements of bolding the exhibit which they had momissimmissmimmuninionsiummosismonsitensumumsiolinunsisiommui me • SATURD UCT1ON SALE '...• • • • • H. • ••••.•-•Jobb, Wingham. :.•••,. • •.,.•••••.•:•.••••,,.... . • • an. NO RESEI(VE EVERYTIIING, CLEARED - YOUR PRICE ri