HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-08-14, Page 57 M"'tef' 'tIM no N,yp"wxr a .nr•rlAt Thu daY A1140st14th, 1939 �j7M'Vr7fYiVO �' t'4Mq,LH1-'w• Y 1 i �Yw�:�:tfi 1 .,. WINGi3Al& ADVANCE -TIMES ■ ■1 N ■ ■. .■ ■ ■ Al ■ IM MNIMI MI1111■ II ■ NI IN ■ ■ MI ■ ■ 111■ ■ F ' ; Women's and Misses' new models in ■ ■ y'y `' rinted Chiffon and Voiles, Fancy Crep- i ■ . vi�,,• es ancl: plain Celanese dresses all on sale ■ • p■ ata saving of 25 to 50 per cent. 1111, �frY} i(� Fancytinted Dimity and Rayon •■ 1 .7.n � n n / Vii`-Ya;�;� �' ;., � ,:a y.p.'. �.,■ ■ .~�.;'� •,� a,� � Dresses, our pick for..... $L69 e v Plain Delysia and Toga Fabric Dresses in best colors, to go $4.95 Rayon Silk Dresses in light colors small Patterns, -now only ..... $2.95 $10.00, to eleal at $6,95 Women's sizes in printed Crepes and Rayon Dresses, val. up to Pretty Models in new patterns. in • Voiles and Chiffon Dresses, the very latest styles, values up to $18.50, to clear at $10.50 Zoology C'las$ iti-'Weir, D, Vilalker^, V. Majorrty .at'obertso 38. ,Thorns; Tiffin, J. Pattison, A. MacLean, A. 1 - ...:•, MacGillivray, C. Farrier, W. Crui4k '2........................................•dl' k. shank, A. Comites, A. Adams.,' 3 i fl. .Class II ---M. Mollie, 'i). Deans, 4 €bi Class III=R. Thompson; 5. Schaff - ter, M. Rae. 323 Pass --L. Robertson, H. M:cil-oney, Majority for Robertson 23, V. Browner. FORM B 1 84 GrammarII2 ....... ........ Class 11- 1. Fortune, K. oI,tt, Class III -I?. Pollock. 4 Pass -H. Beattie, J. St. Marie, L €r Kelly, M. Dobie, J. 'Herd, C. Johns- '7 ton, M. Cantelon, M St. Marie, E. '7a, Metcalfe, R, Chettleburgh, E. Johns- 3 ton, M. Scobie, D. Fixter, V, Fry, S. 8a Mit�rell. Fail -H. Fry, M. 'Mulligan, 798 Latin Majority fur Spotton 67, Class III 5, Fortune, 1, Kelly. Grey ■ Fail -J: St. Marie, V. Fry, R. Har- 1 Mrison, J. Herd, M. Dobie, E. Metcalfe, ,2 ■ D. , Pollock, E. Johnston, M. Scobie, 3 a C. Johnston, M. St, Marie, S. Mit- 4 ■ cbell. H. Fry. 5 :. l®� 7 ■ 8 8 142 64 57 109 '73 90 50 72 Vre}lch Class II --I. Kelly, H. Beattie.. Class III M. Dobie. Pass -E. Metcalfe. Fail -J. Herd, D. Pollack, M. Sco- bie, . R. Harrison, J. St. Marie, E. Johnston, K. Lott, V. Fry, J. 'For- tune, C. Johnston, : M. St. Marie, F. Ford. Special in new Blouses, $2.00 and $2.75 See our new Si1I and Wool Sweat- ers, bargain at $2.90' NMI Sport Sweaters for girls, fine qual- ity, all wool, sale . , $1.95 ■ ■ Girls' Pleated All Wool. Crepe Skirts in best colors, Special . ■ Summer Coats in Fancy Tweed l ffects: in new models, 25 coats to clear $9.50 ■ ■ $3.75 ■ Clearing Line of Silk Hose, Broken in sizes and colors, now . 111 ■ ■ ■ ` (ii■■®®■■l ®®®■MMMA MISSMl MMEIMM IIMIMMMAIIMMINIMMIHIMMOIMIROMMEIMMIAMMA Bargain in Hous Dresses, colorfast, now only ... Rayon Silk Bloomers and Vests, Special at_;. ... .. 89c 79c .... 59c H. E. ISARD & Co. SIMPLICITY PATTERNS NOW ONLY 15c. ■ LOWER SCHOOL EXAM. RESULTS (Continued from, last week) Arithmetic Class I-5. 1'attisom, J. Woods, W Cruickshank, • V. Tiffin. Class II -A. MacGillivray, A. Ad- ams, H. IbtcI3-urney,D. Deans. Class III -C. Farrier, A. MacLean, A. Moir. Pass -R. Thompson, D. Walker, J. Schaffter, M. Moore, M. Rae, A. Coultes, L. Robertson, W. Moir. Fail -J. King, V. Brootner, English Literature Class I -J. Pattison, L. Robertson,' J. King, J. Schaffter, A. Adams, J. Woods, M. Rae, R. Thompson, V. Tiffin, A. MacGillivray, A. MacLean, M. Moore, H. McBurney, W. Moir;; E. Weir. Class II -D. Walker, A. Coultes. Class III -D. Deans, A. Moir, W. Cruickshank. Pass -C. Farrier, V. Browner. English Composition Class I-V. Tiffin, A. MacLean, D. Deans, E. Weir, W. Moir, L. Rob- ertson, D. Walker, ..5. Pattison, A. MacGillivray, M. Rae, R. Thompson. Class II -5. Woods," W. Cruick- shank, V. Browner, A. Adams. Class III -A. Coultes, J. Schaffter, C. Farrier, M. Moore, J. king, H. McBurney, A. Moir. Physiography Class I -D. Walker-, V. Tiffin, J. Pattison, M. Moore, A. Moir, A. MacGillivray, W. Cruickshank. Class II -E. Weir, R. Thompson, J. Schaffter, W. Moi:, C. Farrier, D. Deans, A. Coultes, A. Adams. Class III -A. MacLean. Pass -J. Woods, J. King, L. Rob- ertson, M. Rae, H. McBurney. Fail -V. Browner. CHAMPION MERMAIDS IN ROCKIES ,raw •:..� ;.c� r. r<�:,xa.,,f „..:. ,y -t:. fines Geraghty, kJnrted tarns. 'They' are, from left to right, Agnes Olynpie swimmer Catherine .Ames; Lisa., l.indstrorrt, metropolitan distance ehani»itin and Olyinpsn swimmers, Constance . Haist, junior.: inotxepolitan ehantpio#i, Eleanor Holm, national sehampion oE' the United ,$tatec, 100 and X200 yards, batik stroke; ,and Geet`gia •C lrei ah' .rnitional champion diver; who as •alsa itinet: '• gg A14'ar'e` From New ' brk except -11118$ "�llei�,an,. -who Champion lady ittrininterS' and divers of the States irivadtd Banff and Lake Louise this month utd gave thrilling e5chibitions in the pools attached to the Canadian Pacific hotels at heti,. resorts, tins ilreda o :guests at both hotels. witnessed the • show. +ok'her0-Ski'll,a`h4 series of sups •li•'naturitl�besuty, i1(irJ is remarkable' ci,rithination Illustration Shows 'Effie is front Los `Angelcti.' teiam with :sa, background Ot Lake ,tati:ise„ and tnoun-. Geometry Class II -M, St Marie, S. Mitchell, L Kelly, 5. St. Marie, M. St. Marie, C. Johnston. Class III -M. Nicholson, M. Dobie, Pass -D. Pollock, J. Fortune, H. Fry, M. Cantelon, E. Johnston, J. Herd, M. Scobie. Fail -H. 13eattie, D. Fixter, R. Chettleburgh, K. Lott, E. Metcalfe, V. Fry. English Literature Class I -J. Fortune, M. Dobie, K. Lott. Class II -5. Herd, S. Mitchell. Class 111-D, Fixter, D. Pollock. Pass -- M, Cantelon, V. Fry, R. Chettleburgh, H. Fry, H. Beattie, E. Metcalfe. Fail I. Kelly, E. Johnston, M. Scobie, J. St. Marie, M. St. Marie, English Composition Class I -R. Chettleburgh, K. Lott, D. Pollock, let. Dobie. Class II -J. Fortune, H. Beattie, E. Metcalfe. Class III -V. Fry, E. Johnston. Pass- M. Cantelon, D. Fixter, I. Kelly, S. Mitchell, H.'ry... Fail -M. St. Marie, J. St. Marie. 1 Majority 2 ..... 3 4 '74 95. 69 99 55 119 89 74 674 or Robertson 240. Goderich 6 -...�.. . 8 9 11 Advance Poll ...._....._ 63 137 80 123 116 143 96 113 61 70 89 92 9 1192 Majority for Spotton 26, Blyth 1 103 2 72 175 Majority for Spotton 47. Turnberry 1 .................._......._..._............ 105 2 107 3 ._.. 69 4 _ 86 367 •Majority for Spotton 31, Morris Physiography •2 Pass -S. Mitchell, E. Metcalfe, K.'3 . - Lott, I, Kelly,E. Johnston, J. Herd, !4 J. Fortune, R. Chettleburg, 5. .St 5 Marie, M. Cantelon, H. Beattie. 6 Fail -M. St. Marie, M. Scobie, D. Pollock, H. Fry, V. Fry, D. Fixter, i M. Dobie. Majority for Zoology East Class II -S. IVlitcheil, M. Dobie. 1 Class III -E. Metcalfe, J. Fortune, 2 M. Cantelon. 3 Pass -.T. St. Marie, M. Scobie, D. 4 Pollock, K. Lott, E. Johnston, J.. 5 Herd, R. Chettleburgh. Fail- M. St. Mane, I. Kelly, H. 1 Fry, D. Fixter, H. Beattie. Arithmetic I Class III -S. Mitchell, K. Lott, R. Chettlebuu gh. Pass -E. Metcalfe, ` I. IKrdly, E. Johnston, J. Herd, 3. Fortune, D. Fix - ter, M. Dobie, M. Cantelon, E. Jen- kins, J. Coulter, N. McGee, M. St. Marie. rail J. St. Marie, M. Scobie, D. Pollock, V. Fry, H. Pry, H. Beattie, M. Milligan. Form II Departmental Examine.- 1 tions are; Arith., Zoology, Grammar, 2 and Physiography, Any student who j3 mental papers may try , the supple -14 96 67 74 57 60 99 453 Spotton 104. Wawanosh 57 68 77 69 68 339 Majority for Spotton 20. West Wawanosh 70 119 74 108 38 67 67 . '" 42 93 34 6 55 ` 32 897 s 402 Major•itiy for Spotton 5. Wingham 1 2 5 1.01 73 96 30 friends for a couple. of ruontlr's lr:avr irklll it 1 left fo their home in California, Miss. Nettie ;Sharpy of Fxaknilton vis- ited with Mr. and Mt Joe Brandon. Miss Wise and Mr. Cot of London, Mr. Sutton of Lucan, visited. with Mr, and Mrs. R. Yule over the week -end 300 Mrs. Scandrett is visiting ;with her sister, Mrs, Alex,,, McGowan, Myth, Mrs, John Coultice is' visiting with friends in Guelph. The regular monthly meeting of 13algrave Women's Institute will be held on Tuesday afternoon, August L.3th, at the horse of Mrs, Jas. An- derson, assisted by Mrs. John Van- Carnp and Mrs, Guo. Proctor, Rgll Call -A' Golden Deed Recalled. 'Top- ic, selected, Mrs. Jas. Anderson:. Grandmothers' Day is being held at 865 this meeting Mrs. Jas. Taylor is :con- venor of the program'. All the ladies of the community are invited to at- tend these meetings and a special in- vitation is extended to the grand- mothers this time. Miss Isabel Stewart of Stratford is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr., and Mrs. John Stewart. 130 78 118 94 80 • •17 ,12' 86 100 79 51 44 39 53 45 46 73 434 65 135 129. 132 139 109, 122 151 71 57 47 55 6 1218 112 110 222 159 95 76 68 398 67 100 79 98 112 101 557 40 128 75 64 57 359 69 95 'a' 51 failed on not more than two• Depart- 3a 68 49 mental examinations in t4e non -De- i5 48 partniental subjects in SepternbberS:Alt i6 64 others must repeat their year in Form Advance Poll .3 II. r a Il ^^"-'-- 457 _.:._457 SPOTTON'S OFFICIAL • Majority for Spotton 266. Summary MAJORITY IS • 233 With the official compilation made in the riding of North Huron by the returning officer;, Alex. Porterfield, the rnajority for George Spotton, Conservative candidate who was re- turned to the .Mouse of Commons at the Dominion election last week is given as 223. The uuoffieial majority <nnnturced last week was 281. Ashfield Robertson Spotton 1 72,. 115 2 55 109 3 61 93 4 45 88, 103 33 6 84 '25 7 ..........:...:................,100 25 520 , 488 Majority for Robertson 32, Brussels 82, 78 2..... ....-.,.... .... 61 49 3 w,,. 89 67 5 232 194• 136 150 96 66 95 90 83 723 Robertson ' Spotton 520 488 175 222 232 194 823 300 674 434 1192 1218 798 865 453 551 367 398 339 359 397 402 457 728 5927 6160 Ashfield Blyth Brussels Colborne Grey Goderich Howick Morris .........- Turnberry E. Wawanosh W. Wawanosh Wingha:m BELGRAVE kfiss Sarah Cole has returned to her home after spending ;several weeks in Toronto. ,Miss i VI ss 'VV'r,r de and Mr. Hamilton o,t Try`'iirdsvich visited over Sunday with Mr; and Mrs. Clarence Wade. • Mrs, Irwin and two daughters of Orangeville spent (he week -end Mr with v ,arid Mrs. Brandon. Dr, B. Anderson wife and little xlau- 4ht0 whe ' have been visiting with OVER 15,000 DAILY DEMAND SARGON Vast Growing Army of Sargon Users Marching Single, File, Would Encircle Globe in Only Felty Years Time. (By Richard I.. Simms) ATLANTA,GA.,:- More like a tale from the Arabian Nights of old than a record of modern business achievement reads the story of the marvelous growth and development of Sargon the New .Scientific Compound which has become the sensation of the drug trade throughout Canada, the United States and other countries. The old illustration of the pebble dropped into the pool best describes the phenomenal demand and its fame is rapidly spreading over the entire Continent. Recently compiled figures reveal that aproximately 15,000 men and wo- men are marching into drug stores for Sargon and Sargon Soft Mass Pilis, the marvelous new treatment this is restoring health to countless thousands by new and .remarkable methods undreamed of only a few years ago. Already more than 5;000,000 suffer- ing inert .and women have put to the test .and have told other millions what ;t has done for therm.. Marching regulation army fashion -single file -this vast army of Sar- gon users would reach from New York to San Francisco and at the present rate of sale -would, in a few years time, encisssle the entire globe. The only explanation of Sargon's triumph in the Medical World is Sar- gon's true worth. Back of its triumph in the drug stores its triumph in the homes and it is the grateful endorse- ments of its millions of users that has made it the most widely talked of medicine in the world today. Sargon is extensively advertised, it is true, but no preparation, no matter how extensively advertised, could pos- sibly meet with such phenomenal suc- cess and it can be told in one word -MERIT! Sargon may be obtained in Wing - ham at McKibbon's Drug Store. GORRIE H. Jessamine of Ottawa, and J. Munro, of Cleveland, attended the Al- len -Ross wedindg on Saturday. Miss Marjorie Ross, of Toronto, spent last week at the home of her aunt, Mrs. M. Ross. Mrs, M. Ellis and daughter, Helen, have returned to Guelph after spend- ing a week with the former's • daugh- ter, Mrs, V. Shera. J. Hyndrnan motored to Toronto on Saturday and spent the week -end. Miss Ethel Hyndrnan returned with her father and will spend her vasa tion here. Miss Dorothy Edwards spent a few days last week With friends in Forel• with. Mr's. M. Ross, of Garrit:, entertain - cd at a delightful trousseau, tea re- cently in honor of eer daughter, M. Mable Ross, when about 100 guests called. The dainty trousseau was shown by Mrs. M. Abram, Mrs. V. Shera and Miss Pauline Ashton. 'l'he guests were invited to the dining. room, where Mrs. A. "earring and Mrs. J. N. Allen, cit Wroxeter, pre- sided over the tea table and poured tea. Dainty refreshments were serv- ed by Misses Louise White and Beryl Ashton of Corrie, anti Miss Marjorie Ross of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Romnney, and Wain Rorisery of Car ill, and Miss Dorothy Perisac 'nf 'i'oronto, were recent visit- ors (if Mr. and Mrs. Herzog. Mr. and Mrs. Flarc<rt, motored to Cargill on Sunday: and sent the day. with Mr. and Mrs. John Garland, ktiss Evelyn Stephen has returned home from Toronto, where sire has templeted a: fire-•iaeeis'' special nntts- ical,.couise. Mr, and Mrs. R. :.Ashton, ace rrri:- y: It I1$1(I ll 19(Ii! (LII11(wl ll M } 111 AMATEUR fliR . Tournament flY9 - At - MIs M B.f.,) OI�7'T., E,• On the Driving Part Grounds, Evening August 22nd BOXING: ` s ▪ 3 Bouts. 3 Rounds, 3 Min. Each ill r Conte71st to a Decieion, 2 lb, Class' r Ross Gallow, . Thomas, iH, 1.19112-- Ontario Champion, vs. Jimmy Cudbertay, o£of StSt.' Thomas, �' iirs formerly of Toronto. 147 ib. Class I Bumps Wright, of St. Thomas, I&' WI vs. Del Raby, .of London, West- t 6J ern Ontario Champion,. 150 lb. Class Chu, Thonia. gr 1927ck WoolOntarioeyCof St. hampion, ve. $, Cy. Peterson, St, Thomas. II WREG b Bus. Loucks, WindSTLINsor, Pete Laign, .St. Thomas, RIBdl Former Eastern. Canada Champ.. Fs Jas. McCallum, Referee. aster 0 tyre, Judges. 1d Dr. McMaster pt Blyth Citizen's Band in Attend- #G, ancean. Bert Morn - d E Seating Accommodation for all. 6 Ladies will enjoy the tourna- ment as well as men l Open Air Dancing after the i. Tournament, Gates open at 7,15 -- _ Boxing at 8.15. 11- t Free parking space for cars. i' Admission 50c. 111211IIf sI111211(121111WI11t8111W1111 1(I16II(tail1114!hills panied by • Miss Befyl Ashton and? Mr. and Mrs. William Strangway of Sarnia, spent a few says at Niagara. Fall. and B•ufflo, N.Y. . Mr. and Mrs. Ca -ter McKee and fancily have returned to their home' at Galt after spending their vacation here. laimmesssgsgaiggsgwriSSWEREM1111211111YW THE UNIVERSITY OFFERS: 1. A wide range of excellent courses in Arts and Science, in Medicine, in Nursing and in Public Health. 2. Up-to-date buildings and equip- ment. 3. Splendid library facilities. 4. Physical education, athletics and military training. 5. An attractive social fife. 6. Close personal contact between professors and students. 7. The co-operation of the staff in helping worthy students to get placed after graduation. 53 UNIVERSITY WEEN ONTAI1O: LONDON CANADA' 19 ■ If ba y w ACRY in the night. Colir;l No cause for 'alarm if Castoria is handy. This pure vegetable prepara- tion brings quick comfort, and can slaver harm. It is the sensible thing when children are ailing. Whether it's, the stomach, or the little bowels; colic or constipation; or diarrhea- •When ship toe nes 'are coated, or the breath is bad. Wheneverthere's need of gentle a ulation. Children love the t»,le o£ Castoria, and its, mildness maims it safe for frequent use. And a more liberal Bose of Gastct°ia. is always better r for growing childrenthan strong medicine meant only for Adult use.