HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-08-14, Page 2dLDVANCEmTOMS A BETTER, BRIGHTER BREAKFAST The better the breakfast, the brighter the day. Don't fog the brain and clog the body by eating a. heavy, indigest- ible breakfast. Brighten the day by eat- ing Shredded Wheat with milk and go to work with buoyant step and mental alertness. Shredded Wheat with milk makes a complete well-balanced meal containing everything the human. body needs for growth and strength. Try it with berries and cream. It's a rare treat. RE,DDE NHE4 WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY. LTD. >CIt1N' ERS' MISTAKES, Mllslirinte iso Apt You Csse!,t 1•3111tk They Were l;R:ally li fr Every editor has received, at owns time or other, lettere from readers Pointing out prieters' errors which have appeared in the columns et his Journal. But it is very ottee the mis- take welch has newer rea'ohtel the getzdr;:al public :that shows the geeiue of tlie'ptinter at its best, ,Nor is that „mitts always tuisguid- ed ---•Littre are tunes when as jnrieter's error may enrich the language, for instance, in one of the groat news- Pole * ounces the other day it was no- taced that the word "barbarians" ap- peared on a proof as "earhm,rlaus," Tao discoverer of the error bard - stied has heart, and corrected it, but later on vie of tine paper's leader- writers offered it to the public as the perfect word for motorists who drive to the public danger. Sometimes, indeed, a misprint is so apt that one can hardly. believe it was the result of a slip. The corn- yositor who converted "eaudid friends" into "undid fiends" had probably suffered' from the belliger- ently truthful. Malice may .also be suspected in some eases -as when a printer in the United States made "battle -scarred veteran" into "bottle- scarred veteran." One letter can make a lot. of dif- ference. Sir Edmund Gosse has be- come Sir Edmund Goose"; and "the most. romantic figure in history" been rendered as "the moist roman- tic." And once au advertisement of a firm which specialized in stained glass came out es follows -and In a church newspaper; "Painted Widows Make the Best War Memorial," But it is not fair always to blame the printer when an error occurs. When a certain admiral was describ- ed as having two sons, one at the Im- perial College, Windsor, and the oth- er at Dartmoor -Dartmouth wain meant -it was probably the hand- writire that was at fault, HEALTH SERVICE irritation predisposes to its occurr- Of The ence. During childbirth, injury to the CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOC- lower end of the uterus --the cervix INION -is not uncommon, ' If such injury is not properly repaired, there is a part CANCER IN WOMEN subjected tochronic irritation which apparanetly predisposes to cancer, as he question : is sometimes asked as it is in the cervix that most cancers of the uterus begin. to whether more harm than .good re -of women ii Ire - old from articles on cancer.' We are '� and .The attentiontheneeded ;old that through reading these artic�- 4uentlig tly drawn to les, people are needlessly worried, and and value of pre -natal care, We would, at nunnber of thein. go to their like to add that post -natal care is Ila a , about the best form of life insurance have Victors in fear of cat;cor, wbo no zeal ,cane for their fears. We. fear any woman. Bay post -natal care It e mean proper medical and nursing �niawLver; •.can. place against this state- aneut, the number, who, because of care after the birth of a child, and.'; what they have learned, have gone for as c part cu that ai cry_. an ex znnna- 4reahneatin the catty stages of the tion by the physician, after a period elisease, and who have been cured, of .zine weeks' to determine if all the With our present knowledge, it is parts are normal or'if any triatinent, Possible, to a great extent, to seduce is iaadic xted. , p Proper post -natal .ane and premor: the number of deaths from canCer,atteantitau to any discharge of irrxigu providing rases Colrte under treat-, xnexxt early. It is obviously impossible, r lar bleeding,„ particularly after the however, for physicians to go out and i lraencapu.,e, "'ill dx1 much to control eex- 3001: for such case.; the patientsmust {Caaarer of the uterus.A. complete .1 enlination by a physician is the way coarse to ytphysicwe t,? exure such rare t•t d attention. a t , his If evert person were to go c to • ve-noted t3octer regularly. once a vear. tor a -Ti. in addition the above -noted V.ieal& examination, this would allow ?r"nt , tvenxeaa weland praozxxptly con - ;tor the detection of many early cases.1 'I'll their pihysidan :altcanit any lutnp t,n• x?r dischar fr:aall the breast, 'Ilial i-,• one reason? l.s the periodic t?sere tr+.,uld be a dafixrent story tel health examination -- a guild habit - aaad rdl abc.�ut cancer. t arty lreatmeut cif :'should be cultivated by every one-- e1' cancer c is successful 'In a large p :tinetx as well as lttaalx':ia, r - tentage; cat e:a,e� T. real problem 1 loaf -kneader, and few ladies notra- `tat brings tlti lnv,orn examination,he e_ :is to bring cases ander: treatment ear- " says are In the habit of kneading what bran; the tve�iniaat tee her dee_ lx` and the solution of that problem l dough and making bread. Brett the tor? Sy r pte,„tw. Theearliest it r+. 1 teras s`wxannan" is more than spin - ' t .,:tla tl a l,atitisnt, stets have .a right to claim. A wo- , t3,d. Cl rinl?ttnu site r+. z +�'�' yi2 �333dd cturx•},lc'Stions c[rti:cE'.rrii' 3� Bea�llla, ad- : roan is a Crit-n:an, and yet tuna arried nveryThe , woman to consult c her ar doctor. d dressed to the Canadian Medical As- ,t •aamzneu would feel aggrieved, I think, cash sa,la c.aa. +u c tatter are the ,,,dation„ 1,8 t.c4lege ; t,eel. 'r �se+aaR,n 4 ii you told thein they have no real :ate as 'those otcnrrtn in either c:+n-,• 1 dight in, their name dtscant and the physician ce3li ilec3tla: will be an tri -red personally by letter. ' as to what the actual condition i?„ Millionof Coins Ssrur#:. More than one-third of all cases of ; ,, i The humble cent is stili the most The rare Food f.+t,ildiant at the popular coin in Canada. The Royal ?an' en developin the ut 4i t struck 12,330,000 WALKER STORES, LIMITED UGUST CLEARANCE All Peoples' Association. The fostering of closer. co-opera- tion between peoples of all nations is the aim of .a new society, A. P, A., which stands for All Peoples' Asso- ciation. It Is to be an international organization, self -governed in eagle country, whose only aim is to make the peoples of the world, irrespecteve of color, class, and creed, better' known to one another, to make' the foreigner, wherever he inay be, feel at home and to remove misunder- standings. There will be branches in alt coun- tries, and it is hoped to publish a monthly magazine in four languages. Later, an international club will be established in London to act as a clearing house and information bu- reau, where, the foreigner, so far as Great Britain is concerned, can be put in touch wits. those aspects of our national life which most interest him. Souvenirs of. Wesley. Wesley's house in the City road, Lendon, adjoining. the chapel of which he laid the foundation stone in 1777, has been converted into a museum n interesting rakes of the t � famous preacher_ Here may be seen his bedroom as it was when he died there on March 2, 1791, intact with its beautiful Chippendale furniture, one article of which; a massive bu- reau with curious secret dratveta, rein w t been ,rdhted at many thousand of pounds, apart from its associations. Adjoining the bedroom are his pray- ing cioaet and his study, the latter a spacious apartment, also furnished in Chippendale: Here are preserved his preaehing gown of flowered brocade, his riding shoes and stirrups, and many other personal belongings, in- cluding the yen he was writing with when he lay dying. That Word Spinster." If it be the that there Is' to be an attempt on part of women to sub- stitute he word single for the term "spinster," which originally meant one • who spins, wilt it be sought to do away with the word lady' For how many women to -day are strictly entitled to be raked ladies? The true uta ening of "lady" is s one -cent �earaaer in ttc t �. - not s c" .e t., 1, Ve 4.0 not know the a an,�e Canadian National Exhibition cot pieces in 192.9, according to a state - neer, but we d know that chronic. $300.099 t;; construct. A trent issuedat the Department of • 3, ;? Other coins struck were .H _. ....r.. - _ I dvee-cen.t pieces a,34s 0'00 ten-ceint Finance > l ' # RlBll lBt111111IB111111 �il11t#[i21111l ,1111i11B<1!l ''pieces, 50.000; 25cent pieces, •.,, ,R¢ " 683,000. and 50 -cent pieces, 16.5,- ilk 7 000. The Table of 'mid and silver re - .11 1 calved at the anint during 1329 was •1 • 49,101 $1.'9,62. Cold bullion deliver- ed to the Depart:eent amounted to *3,68x3,139.99, and $969279.1 was sold in bars. Maitland Creamery Buyers Cream and Eggs Our trucks are oar the roc ,#lad to give you pick-up servile. 1�' 9 Open ,Saturday' Evenings. 411 T:iE, 'UNITED 'FARMERS' iii ■ d a .B be :xt",� 1 in ■ `. Aged Caekatoo Dies. 'S After Living for ,about 110 'years, n. Moses -Bill -Mtn-, a slender - billed 1 cockatoo, has dust died in the Lon- don .Zoo. Though no very termite dates can be given, its length of life OPERATIVE I' i, helzet et to be a record. Women May Not Cross Bridge. A sign posted on the F- -ForthB Bridge in Scotland forbids any woman walk- ing alking :across the structure and it is said the rewbiction is rigidly enforced. The reason is that the ',calk is con- sidered too precarious for a woman to attempt. Rayon VESTS or BLOOMERS 59c Reg. to 89c -all good shades Rayon Novelty BLOOMERS 98c Reg. to $1.25 -Assorted Styles Ladies' N. S. and S.S. VESTS 19c Reg. to 35c -Sizes 36 to 40. O Ladies' Silk Strip BLOOMERS 29c Reg. 49c -Sizes 36 to 42 COMPANY, LIMITED. +l ntarlo. �IfJ'I:1tt.Bl<it�liiillloy• �• PhOne 71 111111.1111111111141.1111111inSIMISINItit 0e. Misses' . STRAIGHT LEG Hose 59c [.leg. 75c -First Quality Ladies' O RAYON SILK HOSE 39c qRegular 50e -All First Quality Summer SILK MESH HOSE Regular $1.50 --While they last 98c 0 PURITAN MAID HOSIERY Great Introductory Offer for the Month of August Only Reg. 195 Reg. 1.69 Reg•_ 1.50 Reg. 1.25 $1.79 $1.49 $1.39 98c for 3.502' for 2.902 for 2.702 for 1.95 T H R E E S iH 0 F� P � 1 N jF a 0 R S Summer DRESSES Voiles Crepes etc. Reg. to, 5.75 Summer DRESSES Printed Crepes Reg. to 14,25. Plain Crepe DRESSES Long Sleeves Reg. to 12.75 A Few Left 7.751° COATS 1/2 Price Ladies or Girls Hair Braid HATS Reg. 3.10 Odd Lines HATS Ladies or Girls 1.95 .95 House Dresses DRESSES Reg. to 2.69 1.95 1 S H Printed . nal. CREPES p Better Q1.19 P Reg. to 1.75 -Specialty Priced P Odd Lines ,iI SILKS and SATINS 1.1 9 i [eg. , to 2,29 -Specially :Priced .Printed WASH GOODS Regular to 45c- Clearing, Ward - - - Plain and Printed WASH GOODS Reg. to 59c. --Extra Special, Yd. 35c Printed RAYON CREPES Reg. to 89c, Choice Patterns, Yd.59 c l Plain BEACH CLOTH Worth 75c -Ail Good Shades F L 0 S 59c •Feather -Weight d 0 o. 0 0 D 0 WOOL FLANNEL 1.39 Regular 1.75 -Bright Shades BATHING SUIT SPECIAL Every Suit Priced Low to effect a Clean-up. 0 Reg. 2.95 Reg. 1.75 Reg. 1.00 Reg. 69c 9 1.39 79c 49c q 1. 5 Rubber Pants 1.0c 1 •Saxony. Yarn 19c 1 Infants' Crib jackets Blankets 49c 69c 1 Infants' Vests 39c 1 Baby Bibs 19c Girls' Pullovers, 1.95 1 Bathing Bdts 29c Canvas Harvest Gloves Mitts 10c 29c 1 Harvest Gauntlet 39c Men's - Boys Dept. HATCHWAY UI WEAR Reg. 1.00 Reg. 125 Reg. L50 Reg. 2.00 69c 98c $1.19 $L49 13" �Ie s BROADCLOTH Shirts 1.39 Reg. 1.98, attach. or sep. collars Men's COVERALL L SUITS' q o Reg. 2.95 -Blue or Khaki 0 11 0 Men's KHAKI PANTS Regular to $1.75 .. 1.95 1.19 MEN'S and BOYS' CAPS Reg. to 1.75 Don't Reg. to 89c Miss 1.19 3 � ss 59"c These Bovis' COTTON -JERSEYS 29c Regular to 45c -A1:1 to dear WASH 8r PLAY SUIT Special O Reg. O8c Reg. to 1.4.9 Reg. to 3.75 y c - .95 c 1.19 �9G qe or Refunds on Sade Lin, No Suffrage in: Collate, A xneanute which provides for ant - Tema" :stnlfrag'e at the age :of 21 baa been passed by the 'Legislative Coun- tail of Oeylon, this being ores el' the r, otintitutiional reran -as pr 1posed by gear the British Goverumeat. f� ,..r... ws�•. •M "nh • s H 0 P S tA� Y E Bargain Basemen Easy to Shop Here Shaped Auto CUSHIONS Reg. to 1.00 .69c 3 -Piece Reg. 98c U ISM _ AL a � 69 C SAUCE PAN Sets.. Clover Leaf CUPS & SAUCERS 6 for 69c. A.;soy ted 3 for GRANITEWARE 69c Worth ap to SOa Each 3 -Piece 1 Pitcher 69C WATER SETS 2 Glasses PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS S H' 0 5 AA V E Staple -Linen Dept. Checked WASH CLOTHS' 7 for 25c Quantity is Limited. fl 0 Fancy~ BATH TOWELS . for 1.00 3 Regular to 49c Lines Check or lex SPOT M USLIN Regular to 25c, Yard 0 19c 0 32..Inch WIDE GINGHAM 121f Reg. to 25c -Note the Price " 2 Heavy PIJ-.I--OW-:COTTONS 29c Regular to 45c-40 or 42 -inch • q 0 Nide TABLE DAMASK 69 c Regular to 95c -Great Value at Plain or STRIPED DENIMS Reg. to 50x-Specia 1, Yard 39c No Exchange or Refunds on Sale Lines YOUR FAVORITE SHIPPING CENTRE ALAER STORES -LIMITED -W ngham TH:E CIRCUS IS COMING, ire.nad of mind and action. SHO s Celt ,fir Rogers Circus comes her - COLE & ROGERS . aided v.ttla just enough heroics.. to WILL SOON BE HERE snake it foretell a real circus event, ,,There are no extravagant claims to Community life, hereabouts, is due 'ureasness, no false declarations of th m superlatives to e ax � at lVan{lax „magnitude, n®clog car a genuine uta=etta � 3 an Thursday. Aaigost 21st, when -Ci le ,story in its telling. Cole & Rogers Rogers Circus, cOlnei- to toTari ior:Circus promises good. entertainment; #swb performances that day. There is promises novelty in its program of nothing short of a visit front a circus events axed undertakes to assure for+- tlaat so changes and disarranges the vers of thrills and strange presenta- racial and economical habits of the ,tions an afternoon or evening of true country+side-for there is nothing like ?enjoyment. a. circus to appeal so generally to the l There will be an excellent collec- hearts of normal launians big :and Illiti0n of wild and rare animals. There tle. Old age gets the thrill of youth will be brought before the children reCalted; youth lives its full day c+f ,!the very beasts and birds. they :lna?,t, happiness,and talk of politics, crop` r,seen pictured, have dreamed of and r, seen 'work-a-day things arefor one ;now Can really behold in their natural daysubmerged in the appeal of the!state. Lithe and sinewy girls will fly i~ pin !I state. Make up your mini, theta, io htheou h the air or prance gaily on soon be jolted nui of your usual 'the backs of beautiful horses. Strom~ and sinewy men will perform the .Feats of. giants with grace .and scen- ling ease.; Tn short Cole & Rogers will present a ctjcus performance well t. , r�orthy .of i.hx, great itudilinns of llfis fascinating style ,of amusement, Feels I+'c•t, 'a �f h •sen t ' oz natsh ' ", t .nit, pr c. ! lttcn. of animal training, and au attractive' array of interesting and odd perform- ances will lend novelty to the pro - green, Among the rare' and curious sights will be the tiny horse so 41l9- propriately rained "Peewee" ---weigh- ing only 40 pounds, standing 26 inch- es high and glossily shining in its louse -colored hide, a perfect horse done in miniature,• indeed "Peewee" is said to be the smallest horse in the world and if this 'be itot entirely so "Peewee" is surely the a smallest allest horse our •townsfolk are ever likely tta see,, ---Assemble all the words to- Bother and there is 'none that stars the old and young: like the words "The Circus is Conning" PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED - The Partnership ofuec & Mit- chell Ol� it- chell has been dissolved, and all "acvt° e , Its Dryingthis firmmust be paid not later than Sept. 1st, Ac- eounts may be paid at the store which will be carried on by Mr. W. Walla. "After years o! theucatotism, ileal inti P tt t Tfleutends writer .r eutnathi valet, henriiis, math like teakie r,?Ih"3huit.Lives^,tenStipntion,io]]t- eeiteeertouietsnt•ru -it