HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-08-07, Page 37,707
Thursday, August 7th, 1930
The tire of today for the car of today
has extra strength where strength is
needed; design refinements to meet
every crisis.
A sensation from their start in the summer
of 1929, the Dominion. Royals are now
standard equipment on many of Canada's
finest cars.
Put Dominion Royals on your car for safe
and trouble-free driving this year . . and
Dominion Royals are sold and serviced by
Canada's greatest tire organization — the
Dominion Tire Depot System—each inde-
pendent unit distinguished by its blue and
orange color scheme.
!just returned front the West, is visit-
ing' friends in this Vicinity:
:Mr. Lloyd McMichael and friend of
Toronto, spent the week -end with his
Parents, Mr. and Mr.
Cha el.
SEPTEMBER Gth 1.3thl 1930
Make .your plans now to come to the best
Western Fair ever held. You'll derive Profit,
Education and Pleasure from it.,
Live Stock, Agriculture, Art, Pure Food,
Manufacturers' Exhibits, Government Dis-
plays, Women's Work, etc. Rubin and
Cherry Midway, Extra Special Grandstand
Features. Evening Horse Show, Trotting
Races. 'Something to interest everybody.
$5090 0 IN
and attracaons
Entries close August 28th
Write for information at.d prize lists.
J. H. SAUNDERS, Pres. W. D. JACKSON, Sect'y.
qtr. and Aers. William Wendt and
daughter, of Oshawa spent a week
with die. former's brother, J. R.
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Henry, Dor-
othy and Jack of Dundalk, visited at
Tt G. Hemphill's and other friends:.
Miss Edith Patterson of Harriston
is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Herb..yat-
Afiss. Edith Wasmann of Toronto
has been engaged as 1..rincipal for the
continuation School.
Mrs. Fred Davey is spending a
week -with her cousin, Mr. -and Mrs.
R. Philip at Milton. •
A rink composed nf T. Ritchie, F.
Sanderson, ID. McTavish and L S.
Durst, attended the Lawn .Bowling
tournament at Seaford' last Wednes-
day and secured second prize which
was handsome wicker chairs. As they
competed with some of the Western
Ontario howlers they are to be con,
gratulated on their success.
Miss Bowes, a former teacher in
the Public school, spent a few days
at the home Of Miss Minnie Smith.
Mr. Richard McMichael who has
whicb a dainty picnic lunch Was ser-
ved. Later in the evening the school
girls, accompanied by a few friends,
presented Miss Ross with an iyory
and green kitchen shower. Was Ross,
who was taken. by stirPrise., exPressed
Worhen's Institute picnic was her thanks. The evening., too, was
held on Mrs. C. White's lawn ThtirS. spent in ganles. Mrs. Ross served the
day, July 31st. Alarge number were girl's a very dainty lunch.
present from the Brussels branch. James T. Sheri", accompanied by
The afternoon was spent in games Charles Hovey, of Toronto, spent
anrcontests in charge of Mrs, Mc- Sunday. in Rodney, the guests of the
Naughton. Messrs; G. Brown and N. ilatter's _ sister; Mrs. (Rev,) F. 13,
Hall entertained the company with Meyer,.
music during the afternoon, also play.- Harry:Brown, of .Elora, paid a viS-
ing for the c.onummity singing, Tab- it to Gorrie on Wednesday .last.
les were arranged under the trees and Mr: and Mrs. Jaynes Howes and
lunch was served during which Mrs, three children of 'Arthur, Were recent
W. S. Scott, President of the Brus- ivisitors at the former's brother, Mr,
sela Institute, spoke briefly. • Mrs. and Mrs: Earl Howzs.
Stocks, acting President, made a ' Rey. and .Mrs. Craik and son, oNr-
short reply. m,en, and Mr. and Mrs. John Hynd-
A very .enjoyabletime was spent mart spent Civic Holiday with frieads
at thc home of Mrs.. Wearring on in Kitchener.
Friday evening,. when about thirl,v ' Mr. -;and Mrs Hilton Ashton and
guests were present. at a' .pretty kit- son, tiord, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Fat -
shower in honor of Miss Mabel lis and family of Fordwich, and. Mr.
Ross, bride-to-be. The hostess had and Mrs. hutchard,, of Guelph, had
her home very suitably decorated for a picnic at Bruce. BeaCh. on Thursday:
the occasion, and the bride -elect Was of last Week and report a very enjoy -
the recipient' of many pretty and use...- able time-
ful gifts. A dainty limucheon was al- I Mr. and Mrs. Lockhart Dane, of,
so served.
'Port Erie, and Mrs. Stickles of Wood -
(lune a number frons here spent stock, were recent guests of •Mr. and
Sunday at the Beach. Mrs. George- Dane.
There was no service in the United Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Johnston, of
church, on Sunday owing to the ab- =Toronto, were guests of Mr. .and Mrs,
sense of the pastor who is away on Wilfred King last week.
his holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Radford and son, of
Mr. Dick McMiehael of North Walton, Mrs. William Strangway; of
is at present visiting his brothers in Sarnia, and Stirton Ashton, of Tor -
and around town. 1.onto, 'spent the .weekiend with their
Mrs. R. C. Berkinshaw motored ,up 'PaAi
rfelt..tse,neRI 14%f rrzs gAssph:onnt Sun -
leftToronto Monday morning and
left for Detroit Tuesday morning to dtTY with friends in Walkerton.
Miss M. MableRoss spent a day in
Kitchen er receri tly.
Fairy Rhymes Come True
"Hey diddle, diddle!
The cat and the fiddle,
The cow jumped over the moon . . . ."
In. Our childhood days we accepted the above as
gospel, the world being then new and wonderful
where anything might happen, Ent it remained for
the year 1930 to make it partly true with the airplane
flight of Strathmore Hanna Fairchild, prize Holstein
calf of the G.P,R. Experimental Farm at Strathmore,
to Calgary and back. Little Hanna whose mother's
bnif sister is the famous Strathmore Sylvia with a
record of 29,3'71 pounds of milk irt one year, was
clad for her journey in a pneumonia jacket. Her
feet were secured and a strong sack placed around
her up to the neck, She lay quiet in the plane and
teemed to like her trip. Lay -out shows Hanna who
VMS hattltld after a'olin H. iunna, sddrestaxy of the
Calgary Board of Trade, greeted by A number of
leading Calgariarts and visitors ot bet. arrival. Inset
Shows her peering out cs her pneumonia jacket
aboard the plate,
visit friends, accompanied by her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kitchen.
Mr. Lloyd McMichael of Toronto
spent the week -end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Neil White spent the
holiday with their daughter, Mrs. A.
Pleasance in J?ort Elgin,
Some from here took in the picnic
at hayfield last Thursday and report
a good time.
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au“.11.. '4( E"Pruit.a.tivu."ilom drutigii,t today.
Mrs. Margaret Ellis and daughter,
?kiss j.ielen, of Guelph ,are visiting
4 h e f Srrne r's daugh ter,- MrS. SI" e ra, for
a week.
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Ashton, accom-
panied by Mr:: and Mrs. John Jar-
dine and daughter, Miss Alberta, of
'irugaska, Sask., spent a couple of days
at Niagara Falls last week.
Miss Dorothy Edwards returned
home „on Sunday after spending her
vacation with relatives in Elmira.
Hercousin, Miss Elsieh anon, return -
cd with her and will visit here for a
few days,
.-Kr8. W. Taylor and daughter, Miss
Roinelda, of Wingham, also ivliss Es-
ther. Geesop, of Toronto, are guests
of R, H. Carson this Week.
Rev, R. S. and Mrs. Jones and son,
Dick, spent ,,che holiday with friends'
in 1.istowel. • ,
Aliss Gertie Kelly, of Wingham,-
Mr. and Mrs, Whito and family, of
'kloronto, ,wery recent guests of R. G.
and Ifrs, Dancl,
W illiam Graham, A, fornier Gordy-
ite, of stratiord, visited at the hotite
of Thomas Day recently.
Mr, and Nfrs. W. j. Gallagher vere
guests of 'T. 0. and Mrs. Johnston at
their cottage at Bruce Beach a few
days last week.
Fri ends in town over the.. holiday
"Wert': Walker Hastie of Toronto,, al:
the litnne of his brother, Kenn et li
Hastie; Mr. and Mrs, liavid•Kane. of
Torimte, at the hone of Mr. and Mrs.
Isaac WadCharles 1-lovey and son,
George, of. 'I.`oronto, al the hoine' (>1
James T, Shera; Miss Mac Shera, at
the: home of J. T. Shen; Miss Clara
King of Toronto, at her home north
1of Gorrie; Miss Ethel Hyridmati of
Toron10, et het home here; Miss Myr-
tle Short of 'Toronto, al her 'unite
here; Mr. and Mrs. LeSlie Earl and
family of Ethel, also dr. and Mrs. R,
S. Cleggf at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. 1.4Inlay. Lynn at Fordwich; itLri.
Barton of Toronto, at the home of
Iher mother, Mrs, :Stinson,
A number of school pals of Miss
Mable Ross; a bride of this week,
arralig0 a Picnic on Thursday last,
which 'was held in Wroxoter Park,
the afternoon being spent in renew -
ing olti friendships and games, .a.fte.r
Do you intendto make yourl if e count?
Do you desire a high place in one
of the professions, in teaching or in
A university degree will open the
door of opportunity and help you to
realize your ambition.
Competition is keen. The modern
world demands the best trained, the
most industrious and the most trust-
worthy men and women available.
Why not qualify by taking a univer.
sity course?
For information write—, 52
so easily relieved
How to treat
or check a Cold
WvARE some women s•
patient With pain? Shopping
with a A.ead that throbs. 'Working
when they ache all over. Sometimes
it's hours before they take Bayer
• Aspirin and get relief! Most men take
these tablets the ni ;lent some ache
or pain threatens their comfort. And
so should you. Genuine Aspirin is
perfectly harrnle.ss; cannot depress
the heart. The tablets stamped Bayer
are always genuine Aspirin; always
the same, &ways .safe, It isn't seo-
sible to suffer with a headache, a
cold, neuralgie pains, or anything
else these tablets relieve so quickly.
Buy by the bottle and tave n141W,Y4
Don't Starve The Teeth
Teeth have to be built out of foods that
are rich in phosphorus and calcium.
Many children take into adult life
teeth that are defective, unfit for the.
job that nature intended. Shredded
Wheat with milk helps develop sound
teeth, good muscles and good bones.
It is rich in the bone.making salts. The,
crisp, crunchy shreds make chewing,
necessary and that develops healthy
gums and good digestion.
coN7a,tc. Vt.
SALEM Physiography, Arithmetic, Botany.
Waller, History, Geogra-
phy, Arithmetic, Botany..
Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Palmer visit -
4111 sAtlSunday. Mir. and rR6bRobert
Mitchell of
Mr. Wm. Weir spent a few days
at Kincardine recently. •
Mr. Robert Stocks of Wroxeter,
will occupy the pulpit here neat Sun-
We are glad to know that Jean
'Lane is progressing favorably after
her recent operation for appendicitis.
.\'Ve wish her a speedy recovery.
The hum of the threshing machine
is heard once again in our midst.
Mr. Gordon Gibson and his men
are busy building the bridge just east
of herr.
Mr. and Mrs. George Fralick, of
el'oronto, are visiting the fornter's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, Allan Franck.
Lower School Report, Departmental
Subjects, Wroxeter Continuation
Pass -50% on each paper.
Below shows' subjects pupils ha' e
pa -,sed in, excepting where marks are
Brown, Dorothy. — Physiogralmy;
Arithmetic, Art, Botany.
Brown, George -- Xiig. Grammar,
Physiography, A.rithmetie, Zoology.
Chamberlain, Loreine Ilritish
11 istory, (ieography, A rt, Botany.
1)nrst, Vvra—l3. History, Geogra-
phy, Art, Botany,
Fit ch, Lyle -13. History.
Gibson, Attlthr—Patt, History 31,
GQ(igraphy, Art, Botany.
1 -Tall, 'Norman—E. Grammar; Phyl,-
iography, Botany.
'Harris, 1.esly—l3. 'History, Geog.
raptly, A rt, Botany. .
Higgins, Lenora—B. ldistory, Geo-
graphy, Art, Botany, .
Slewart—it, History, Gen_
graphy, Art, llotany.
Hooper, Alfred— Geography, Art,
Arithmetic, Botany,
yacgtivs, 'Nfary—E, Grammar, Phys-
iography 23, ,Nrith. 42, Botany.
McLeod, John—II, Geog-
raphy, A rt, Botany.
McClelland, Roth E, Grammar,
Physiography, A ri thinetic, Botany,
Musgrove, Doris -- E. Grammar,
1)ilysiography, A rit hnictic; Botany.
Robt,-13, History, Genera-
PhY, Art, llol:e0Y
Pritchat1, Eric—B, istory, Geog-
raphy, Physiography, A rithmetic and
, liot any.
Waller, Marjory — 1L GranntIne,
Sales conducted anywhere. Wide
experience. Best efforts put forth
an each and every sale.
Phone 70. Luc.know, Ont.
Phm. B., Opt. D., R. 0.
Phone 118 Harriston, Ont.
"The Best Equipped Optical Es
tablishment in this part of
ISummer Sweaters
and Puiiovers
Boys' Black Pullovers, wing -
wheel, $1.50
Men's Fancy Stripe V -Neck
Sweaters $2.75
Men's Fancy Silk and Wool
Sweaters $3.00
Men's Khaki stripe pants
something new $1,85
Men's Grey covercloth work
pants $1.75
Men's Work Shirts, fast col-
ors, from $1.00 to $1.39
Boys' Blue Chambray Shirts 75c
Boy's Khaki Shirts 95c
All new goods. Note the prices
Orders for Made -to -Measure
Suits Taken any time.
G. M. Jelly Powders, 3 for 20c
Peanut Butter in pails, lb. .17c
Quart Bottle Catsup 26c
2 Cans Clark's Pork and
Beans 2fic
Redpath Sugar, 100 lbs. $5.50
4g. roV, , , „ „„„ t”,•ttt