HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-07-24, Page 4�q ter le jtete cele t;e Atte �e1 . WANT atti, cents a word pet insertion, with a minimum charge of 25C. a \ r! - eve - ' :FOR .SALE — Good Clover Honey. WANTED -Groundhogs, 15e each. Bring your pails. Mrs. Edward R. Laidlaw, phone 3669. Lewis, B. 1 itie. „t.t,tt„r,tt;,t,,,,tt,tttt,00000 a lll tttttttltll.tl,ltt,11111 iii iii FARM FOR SALE—in Morris `[asp about 2i miles from •Eusghard FAVORITE HYMNS Terms. Apply to J.:W..Bushftcld �a' Box 119, Wing -ham. FOR SALE—Brick block on Joseph- ine street. „For further information apply to Advance -Times office. • FOR .SALE—Large quantity of sal- vage grain, slightly damaged by fire and water, cheap. Apply to A. C. Adams, phone 40. FOR SALE—Fresh- Honey in 32-1b. pails for. $2.50. 10 lb. pails 10c a lb.'in my pails, 9e in yours. The larger amount you buy the lessyou pay. James H. Caeemore, phone - 627r13. GOING OUT of Felt Roof and Sid- ing Business. . Will sell stock . on ?land. at reduced prices. Thos Stewart, Bluevale. lettere 11111le,1et11,ttllttet,It1'',11111ttt t e telt Itett..tAIM Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee;.' F'en though it be a cross That raiscth me, Still all my song shall be— Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to. Thee! Though, like the warxderer, The sun gene down, Darkness be over the, )Ly rest a stone, Yet in my dreams I'd be Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee! There let my way appear Steps tette heaven; All that Thou ' end'st to me, , IRIS ROOTS -70 named varieties. In mercy given; Apply to Mrs, J, A. :McGill,' Blyth. ;:\ngels to beckon me WANTED—To rent, two, rooms on ground floor. Apply to Advance - Times office. AUCTION SALE The undersigned has been instruct- ed by Mr. Mark Cardiff, Catherine Street, Wingham, to sell by Public Auction, at two o'clock, on SATURDAY, JULY 26th The following articles: 5 -piece parlor suite, 2 dressers, 2 wash stands, 2 wooden beds complete, dining table, china cabinet, 6 dinner chairs, couch, 2 upholstered chairs, kitchen cabinet, kitchen table, Mc- Ciary's' took stove, heater, Congoleum rug 9x10, kitchen utensils, oil stove, lawn mower, garden hose, garden tools, good organ. 'TERMS of Sale—CASH. House and property, lots 115, 116, subject to reserved bid, modern con- veniences. THOMAS FELLS, Auctioneer. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MARGARET KERR, late of the Township of Kin- ltsss in rite County of Bruce, •Married Woman, Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the revised statutes of Ontario in that respect, that all per- sons ersons having claims against the Es- tate of Margaret. Kerr, who died on or about the nineteentlt day of June, , D, 1930, at the Township of Kin- "'loeS, are required to send by post, prepaid or deliver to the undersigned on or before the twenty-sixth day of , July, A. D. 1980, - their naives and; addresses with full particulars of their claims in writing, verified by statutory declaration, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them, AND FURTHER.' TAKE NOTICE that after the said twenty-sixth day of July, A. D. 1930, the assets of the said estate will be distributed by the executors among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice and the estate will not be liable for any claire not filed at the time of the said distribution. DATED at Wingltan, this seventh day of July, A. D 1930, J. W. IL'SI-IFIELD, it in hath, Ontario, Solicitor tor the Executors. -Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer:to Thee! Tlaen with my waking thoughts' Bright with Thy praise, I Out of my stony griefs Bethel' I'd raise; So by my woes to +e Nearer, my God, to 'Thee, Nearer to Thee! Or if on joyful swing Cleaving the sky, Sun, moon, and stars forgot, 'Upwards I fly, Still all my song shall be, Nearer, my God, to Thee, „7717111 WZNQH I nember Cardinal Newman's, Gerota- ius, rushing to meet God when freed: from the body of sun, only to fall back as a burnt mothfrom the flange, from His tremendously wonderful presencel To this writer it appears that no more appropriate hymn could come from the lips of the glorified ones. than the sccll sworn old earth song, "Nearer aty God to Thee, Nearer to Thee,"' even though it be the bitter cross whereon our sins crucified the Son of God, that 'raised us to the heights • of blissi .After years of thought, the Wt -iter of these . articles can think of no more fitting hymn than this to be our marching song'in- t to the Heaven of heavens, which J e ices 'won for' us by His death. Its writer was: Unitarian in belief it is true, hut the hymn is highly Catholic, capable ofbeings sung by Christians of all shales of opiniene and is, as a matter ' f fact, sung in nearly all the churches. Its, pious au- thor may have the joy of hearing h sung on the other ;side of time when her body, changed anis glorified, has been given back to her at the Resur- rection. Mrs. Adams was about thirty -sic years old when she acceded to the wish of her friend and pastor, the Rev. W. J. Fox, and contributed thin hymn to his then forthcoming book of "Hymns and Antltenis" in 1-841. Her father, .BenjareinFlower, was an active politician, editor and propriet- or of "Tlie Cambridge Intelligencer,” who . married Miss Gould of Dorset - shire, and had two daughters, Eliza, and Sarah Fuller. Mrs. Flowers was a highly talented lady with a superior education, but did not long survive the birth of hug younger daughter who was born in 1805. Both girls were carefully reared under their father's supervision, and both soon showed literary talent and wrote books, poems and magazine .ar- ticles; Upon their father's death mot long after they reached maturity, they moved to Lipper Clapton and it 1834, Sarah, the author 'of our hymn, married William Bridges .Adams, a well known engineer of his day. El- iza, the elder sister, was stricken with tuberculosis, and had a long illness during which she was lovingly tended by Mrs. Adams, until her death in 1847. Two years later, Sarah, Mrs. Adams, died from the same cont - plaint. Over her grave was sung one of her own .hymns, entitled "Father Nearer to Thee! Thy will be done," beginning: ' "He sendeth sun, He sendeth. shower, The only mortal than permitted to Aiike they're needed for the flower; look into the heaven of bliss which And joys and tears alike are sent is to be the eternal home of those To give the soul fit nourishment:" redeemed by our Lord Jesus: Christ She had written a drama founded and accepted by Hint at the Tudgment upon the death of the martyr St. Per- petua, and a useful Scripture Cate - day, told us that the blessed ones'chisnt entitled "The Flock at the ing "rite sung of Moses the man of 'Fountain." Both w,..re well known God, and of the Lamb:" Which song sevenety-fire years ago. It is her of Moses one wonders? That one grand hymn 'Neare*r'mi God to Thee' sarin on the sea -shore after Israel's i` Meir preserves her memory note; deliverance from Egypt; "Sing ones and no doubt will presert-e it through ,., einem and s , ti Lord _for ,,. (who fent n .) Ierfaa ss in the Lt rd He hath triumphed lar- 1 1 =lowly, the horse and its rider hathltiern al time also. He cast into the sea Or that ten -1 ane 01 our musical composers der trustful old man's song the nin- have written tunes to the hymn, mos* tie:th Psalm, "Lord 'Thou bast been Iuf them of great beaury. But Beth our refuge, etc.t which has become ;an?* written by the United States mu ;icon echo set to music Palmer Ray', one of our national anthems �n , • English poetic version, "O Gtrd our ',grand hymn "My faith looks up to help in age. Mast"? Which tree' Thee," Dr, Lowelllfason is sten fi,••: Nuts manyChristian hymns are !favorite among thein all, with 1): `D3-ke.s' noble melody in second tlac there whkh sv cattld ging amongthe l e'ansunted, safe ft,r eternity? The Te ; Deem Landatnus, "We praise Thee,';TWO LETTERS t) (3,..d. we acknowledge Thee to be , - (� (� the l.;urd,' as it lett it'. :Cont.p oscr'z'. $ROM FIMOTHY hands, without the eeplicating petit- ham ions, might be one. Sin would be lo the Editur as all t.�ttn tltaarr ais`ay u itlt. 1 ) tai e:d would there�1)et.' \Gtns hater I'ayp t s. he for those necessary prayers for ut•:— full, and forgiveness, with which •ltd eiem ° fellahs, en zy back in the laslat cintu care umstanccs d nap l us to fill our t•y, whin min tsus_shnaai-ter le: Ulna], ttt+sv. than they do be in the prtslitt de,,in yet the lratht.r lik;rs tri have Hi pirate :days, used to fay sorome iwaise cltiidrtn .ask grim fir 'what they may wurruds, so they did. Amen. re t cis \cct,rdinL to cur Revelation Fe'r inshtattce wan fellah made up AUCTION SALE•liar 1 uid sayin that -"Conlin evintc i 111 abode, we sisal! find c,ttx.elwea-cas]rt their shaddies' befoor "' an an - ie ie is l,t.rpttact• but not all of us at ' • • Of property itt the Township. of West Wawanosh, Under and by vir- tue of the power of side crtntaiteed in t certain mortgage. which will be pro- duced at the time raf sale there will be offered for sale by public auction by Thomas Fels, auctioneer, at the Metre . wick Hotel, in the `limn of siVznt leant, c,rt FRIDAY, AUGUST 1 At 2. the following proper- ty namely: The northeasterly ten acres 0,3f lot number twenty-one in the eighth con- cession of the Township of West Wa- vantrsh' in the County' of Huron. There is situate on this property a one -storey house about 18 it by 20 £t., a smell frame .table and :bout twa ae re-:; of timber. The land t • in fairly good condition. Terms of Sale. --Ten per cent. of the purchase stoney 00 the day of sale,. and the balance within twenty days tit eteafter, The l.rurchaser will be en - ed to pose:•slam I, 11 completion of 'purchase. 1itt: property will be titter- ed subjee~t to a reserved bid. Feetfter renins and conditiens cif stile will• be amtde known at the tittle. of sale ,or may be had ,nit ,application to the endersignt•d. Dated'tltis 1,6tlr day of Tula r\.1). 1930 "ff0;;, P11 1 2., R. VANS"PONE, r,. Wirt c'ham, Ont., Win ghant, (lett, Aueti+,,neer. Solicitor for titi' Vendor. .steer itrperfect c , ene,, to Htan. , ether fellala shtarted the oid,ea' that e There is the Way .of Life, near to fi�le1ts-..lrar"ks \t+•,bboort•dy hthea rtr,vughta}�thav anss•niny- tl River e£ ilar.- Waters x,f Life t:, the eras elletl. Y rt either side f e it are ting bother to ,ay sit, so they ]leve- tet. tin `if ave swatch the shaddies an "never u ttiiurint " trers te•itr,ae "leaves ' are ft,r the haling' of the nations.'tier sfalr irks at the prtsint tnirrae the hitt tee hefts; the ei ,„.10; eon is aoin, to Ali that spoils the free of nicutrlrs, all irr„ tlr ,re • lu• ie e rtt.r+1 by tltt. i sort- rkv c:t,trr ; a lot d.pan.ds on the litho,- of what st e. made, our Sat orur sltlrt:atetc av ser; at�t.tt,iad antrashtuairtnmicnt., k 1t infer are to be lteaitd before per -s fent pleasure cath be our' -t. Without ;shtr sc kta t: sh'r;;ltt ra, Ltesilt, sake, fur inslttance, ye will rt- t''ur tneinnrise we slttttald :lrl.5"y aurr.,traitober- that .1 tc.uld ye av the tuisstts identities. 1 � t, r• . t•+,tad. in oho I. t niLittlt se air' of ' _ n ltt.,ti5', bar rays<n at atain. too 'Yt7aalny ett4'tei11, t%]1tt ~arta' '45''uld t"•elntC: s.porlk 5:ate5ar,,,eS fer brikfasht', 1 twUS +•tet• trust in and lOtu for ester t;�ad, .failin blue, an euddtn'1 tell which sway .regi at, the same tie,- 1-N. tern.., +11ar 't rife slalrarlW:; viu� t,'et:a, ata sudden t olecd e,f help 111 re:1n ''.se 1 erytlain cis tnanes harddtes .ptnintin our twat' !that Ilrt:s[uis our t,r., ^t+ cI?'1st alp t:t'at ail, at a.11. 'Allis shake till s 'dtt he ;ill the intimate pee,.te+C of the 1\l --'"a l,;,t bvithtr wid fees slituttaanitlr *a- .mt.,hty. Creator of .ail. tlaita;,rs' T:e- r• fan shtr<,ng alio, an nxc; hack. betther I �- - - ., than usual,an the sun shininin frig Y• . clay, an the: hay rosw`.in into the bar- ELLIOTT.. harses kin MILLERruns as fasht as the hates kdltraw AUCTIONEER fit—hundreds an tr,u,ands as tons av Sales conducted anywhere. Wide'it an:the witate bernnin'to turn aft i e tperience. Best efforts put forth f, , rm each and every salt, fire It iritti; gratrts tai•Yir lttokin brtt- *!0. Lueknow, Ont, iter ltrt,e l ,gran"tt out 00 the ould farrum takin r.t „aloe:_ that lovely :the; cinsue ac the grandcltilder an ay 1: ih t)VANCE-TIMES with NEW glade with the purcha a of any one of these 3,gti, shaoingsoaps at w Palmolive Shaving Cream Colgate's Rapid Shave Cream Colgate's Handy Grip Stick McKibbon's Drug Store The Rexall Store Wingham, Ont. Absolutely NO HAY FEVER or Summer Asthma, this year, if you'll start taking RAZ -MAH CAPSULES before your attack is due. Relief guaranteed from one $1' box or money back. No smokes, sprays; snuff or sertuns. No'harm- ful or habit-forming drugs. RAZ- MAH has stopped Hay Fever where people had it 20 years, DON'T LET THAT HAY FEVER START USE 1s9 J. ODaily. Make Money Easier. Men Wanted._Quick, sure way to become EXPERTAuto Me - ellen eehane, Welder, Electrician, Brick- layer or Draftsman. Earn 55c per hour, part time, from start. Advancement in few weeks. Free Railroad Fare, and Employment Service. Write at once for Il- lustrated Booklet. Commercial Engineering Schools 57 Queen St. W, Toronto, Suite One Hundred srrT7"I'VPI• 7i"tT'4`S^rTTI•VTI' t :'4.. 1- 1 - Whin Whin the sun shoines, as it has been doin fer spnie days, I kin see the shaddies av a cornin Tory vic- tory, an I will ininshun ,some av thine. In the fursht place Jarge Shpottoe trows a considherable shaddie •hiinsel, so be does. In the nixt place we hey W. T. R. Preston bilpin us this toiut., an he trows a black 'shaddie over it-'- iryting; an.lknotvs all the thrieks ar the Grits, an kin bate thin; at theer own .game. He wudden't be wid ui. unless he wus purty shure we s::.. gain to win. Thinwe hev Mishter Fergus, t, ONLY A DOCTOR KNOWS - t WHAT A LAXATIVE SHOULD ` + ��E1fJLD BE wearin Mishter . McKenzie King's foive cint :shirt, shtumpin the praw- Vince, an ye know what that manes. Howard trows a purty dark sbaddie too, so he does. Nixt we her the shaddie av hail- shtornas an hot winds an droi wea- ther in the \Vesht which shud hili) its some. Lashtly, as the praichers say, whin anny goveinmint has been in power fer a number av years, the payple tink it is 'tointe fer a change, so that is another shaddie av the 'corninTory victory. Av coorse we ,heven't angry, argy- mints to shpake av, but that duzzen't stake anny differ, if we' only hailer loud enough, If we had the Grit pol- ishy we caul shwape the counthry wid- out half tinoyin, but undhei• peisint circumslilances we he.v a lot av hag- rud wurruk ahead av us, but we are the byes -who kin do it. Yours fer a, bigger an betther Canada, Timothy Hay. This wets intinded fer lasht wake, but `got crowded out, loilke the ould Auntie whin the family wint fer an auto ride. T. H. To the Editur av all titins Wingham )?aypers. Deer Sur:— Wid the Nominashun over we are now aff on the home stritch wid the harses runnin nick an nick sr.:to shpake,;but wid the Tory wan in bet- ther form than the Grit wan, tanks to his thrainers an shwoipes. I wondher what thim Grits brought that fellah r Hunter all the way from Toronto fer. Shure, they hev plinty av min roight aground home that cud rnal:e iviry bit as poor, a spaich as he did. Be the sound av his voice I tink he wus Irish, an that's what hurt - ed me wurst, but nebi y even an Ir- ishman shudden't he ixpickted to make such a spaich on the Grit soide; It takes range to roll out the itur ruds, an make thin Grits sit up an take notice. He is a regular Samp- son among the Philistoines, not main - in that he uses the same iraypon to shlay thim wid, although inebby some of thio, Grits will be inane enough to say he does. 'Tisa quare wurruld, so it is. r Whui thim L. F.O.'s used to be rennin min av theme own, both Grit an Tory shpakers used to call thin' interlop- ers, an butters in, an a lot av other tings too numerous to minshun, as the sale bills say, but now that they are ` only dishinterested byshtanders, as ye moight say, :boil Grits an 'Tor- ies do be pattin thim on theer backs an callin thine putty names. At coorse it is all in the pollytickle:game but I don't tink ye kin fool thim lads as' airy as some fellates same to tinf:. Wan bad break Jarge wus afther rnakin, but thim Grits wus too shlow to thrip him up on it. He warned payple to kape out at' the hands at- the lawyers; an thio announced him - sill as a follyer av Mishter Binnitt, the shtnartest lawyer in the whole counthry. If thio Grits srus sent so dumb, an shlow -on- the uptake, as the bye who tires overlays wed say, we 'wud hev a lot' more thrubble in winnin elickshuns. Now:.byes we bey only a few more to isy 'days -urruk so tit bus. an.kape y1 r ser .oyes open. en. It is all roight to kape 3 P i' 1o an oye on thing Grits, fer they naele it, but don't fergit that thio lads do be watchin us as well. An ould Tor = frind av moine from `Hot=ick tvus,in town wan day an ask ed me wheer the parthy 'Committee Rooms wus. I tuk him to the place Danger lies in careless selection al laxatives! By taking the first thin, that comes to hind tvlaen bad breath, ' headaches, dizziness, nausea, bilious peas, gas on stomach and bowels, lack , of appetite or energy warns of consti pation, you risk forming the laxative habit. Depend on a doctor's judgment in choosing your laxative. Here's one, made from the prescription of a specialist in hotel and stomach dis- orders. Its originator tried 1, in thousands of cases; found it sale for women, children and old folks; thoroughly effective for the most robust titan. Today. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, as it is called, is the world's target popular laxative, . It is eompoCed of fresh feel bs and tither pure ingredients.' Von can get it, in generous bottles and ready for use, at my drugstore. - GEORGE WILLIAMS Official C. N. rit, Watch Inspector Repairing Our Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed,, Phone 5. Opp, Queens Ffotel. Tkttxrsday,e 1''611jf 4th, 930 CLEANER and, DYER WINGHAM AGENT HA.N N A & CO Limited PHONE 70 WE CALL AND [DELIVER �y CI OTK wf c/ adored measure Was LJOHNSTOH E'CO4rn ted:TO na 14TO co. Ltd. where us Tories foregather, an, wud ye belave it, he wars as tread as he cud; be. "What's the ntainin av this?;" he sez. "Isn't the thrue ould name Con- sarvitive, good enough to put on the av Grits an U.F.O.'s' into his net be raysonav puttin his own name on the windies." 'Tis a great skamc intoir•ely, so it is," sez he, "if it only wurruks, but front av our rooms?" sez he. "Hould yer whist man," sez I. "Ca.n't ye see it is part av the game? targe ixpickts to git the Tory vdte annyway, an hopes to ilhraw a lot -a fellah has to be a purty good man to run on his merits. The ould par - thy is good enough fer me, an unless I change my moind whin I change me shirt on Sunday, 111 not :vote on Monday at all, at all, so I won't." Isn't it quare what a lot av shtub- born ould birruds ye foind in the counthry. Yours fer the new Tory Govern- it-unt, Timothy Hay. Pat: "Why are you wearing so Many coats on such abot day?" Mike: "Int goin' to paint me fence and it says on the can: `To obtain: best results put on at least three coats'. „ Empire Games at Hamilton amilton, Ontario, will be the centre next month of the British Empire Games to which athletes from all the Dominions and the Mother Country will flock. E. W. Beatty, chairman and presi- dent, Canadian Pacific Railway, is chairman of the national commit- tee . of the A. A. U. of Canada for the Games, and promises of sup- port have been received by the committee from Australia, New Zealand, Africa, British Crown Colonies, the Irish Free State,,, Northern Ireland, while a strong' and representative British com- mittee has been formed to ensure full. British participation at this notable sports gathering of the British .peoples, Canada will, of course, be' very fully represented, practically, every province sending its outstanding athletes. • The Games are scheduled to be held August 16-23. Noted Comedy -Success to Open Canadian Chautauqua •SCIENE F OM "BROKE11r 1)IE413.BS" "Broken Dishes," the popular }Broadway comedy by Martin Flavin which will e presented at the conning Canadian 'flhautaugua here,seems to strike a resp l b. of eri ponsll*C chord in 11]9 heart of everyone. Pa llumpstead. the central figure in the play. is one of the most: lovable characters to reach bate stage in a decade. For twenty years Pa has beet as meek as a lamb in his own home,but events transpire 'Which cause hien to pluck up his courage and roar like a lion, to the intense srprise of the Bump'- stoad.o'Brten Dishes" is a very nnan comedy, .filled With lauglt9rr roir��9 1tlathes•Ttpc1 Lt 11 h Presented here by the wellltnowhi artik�in Players Ctaudt. At W1 GHAM CHA.UTAUQUA, AUG. 4, S, 6, 7 and 8 •u m• hlf..rv�iYl;,uxu..,.w:w,.<:al