HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-07-24, Page 2TEs{E GHW M
The Reckless, Careless Driver
s Penalized by
The Safely ,$Responsit iii ty Law
of Ontario
Which becomes effective Sept. 1st.
Every motorist, even he who drives with the neatest
etre,; should know the details of this new law.
It encourages safe, sane driving
and provides that the Driver
who offedsMUST P,.Y.
motorist who drives recklessly or causing dam-
age, is not insured ami unable to pay, will Ilse his
driving license—a.nd cannot have it reinstated
unless he ;shows proof of Financial Responsibility.
The suspension of an owner's permit applies to all
cars owned by the offender.
Observe the Rules of the Road
Drive with
fihe new law provides suspension of license for any
one of several offences, all concerned with safety on
the road.
The penalties of this law cover Ontario motorists in
other provinces and in. the U. S. £ and visiting
motorists as well.
PmphIe s explamiang the coo !tons of the new w
can he pr cared without charge from fee agent
ane company a mernber o
TheCanadian AlitL obi w
Und r riters Association
�,'Q 1S'S� SITA♦ EeTer Imoi1'1
{BER SYSTEM CVAs Ramah and Bethel. Ranxaie nt w
one of turn '!lost Miserly Meat, Waal
Worth £854.0114 at His Retitle. "Int so raasac
One of thin greatest. misers of eli}getnt .since 1
tures was John Elwes. member at,harely keret rtes
Ram, yy^as a town n enjan d i
IC CO 1t ]ITIvN some identify it with the tamah off'
t Sa nett . Bethel "`the house of God,.. 1
is mere alert and enter- lr nay the
place where fact,b had his i
tarred Sargon that I
fianaruS drrain, shahs eleven galea. e
asoli' lei the same icer- z
north of Jerusalem. In the hall-cvun-
tri of hphriar. The tribe of Eph-
riam dwelt in the heart of the cora-
Pe laar: et for .Berkshire ou three a�;an,
different oet 1reens. er ;ts as writer in
London Tit Bits. 3tiserlliess wee in
Y, the family. Hae mother possessed. gas'
la widow, the same a £100,000. and
i it was commonly said that «Rte kept it.;
only by starving hersee;'f to death.
His uncle, :ir Henry Owes, need on
.1100 a year. and cited worth a Quer-
' ter at a raillioaa pounds:
John Elwes himself builta num-
.1 her of fine Loudon streets, but lived
most of his life In one drab room,
eoniaining only two ettaire. and a ta-
b1e. Ass he grew older, be became ...
more .and more thrifty, although his
inheritance from his mother had in
creased enormously se a. result of his b.
shrewd methods.
Latterly, he eoseted the windows '!
{ of his 'country house with paper. to
save having theta re -glazed. and rode
his horses on the grass by the side of :.
the road rather than wear out their I
shoes. At his death he was Lound to
be worth 2850,000-
Another man whose miserly habits
were the talk of Ws day was the late 1
I Marquis of • Claericarde, who died ;
t tearing £3,400,090. He did much of ' Gam..:.•.. a_ ._ L ••:— ::La
his own clothes -mending, and wa
often seen: with stitches an inch long IaIRS. E. [ai7ILKi%iSON
l in his coats. One of his idiosyncra-
isles in hard-boiled "I'd been troubled with indigestion
tri^, north of Jerusalem, and Deborah
lived in the southern portion of Epli-
riam, the region being a plateau. And
the children of Israel 'came up to her
I ttor judgment; While judging tine f
causes of the people, "she 'learned of
thee' poverty and deepair."
And she sent and called Barak. His
vtame means -lighting;a name that'1
would seem= more fatting' for Deborah. It
The on of Abitioate. We know no- ,
rising more of him than that his name :i . N inspiring world exposition
satisfies the desire to see
eans rias . father of sweetness ori A which-
grace" Out of leedesla-,iaathtali. Thus ; the unusual and th e extraordinary—an
1 was a fortified circ of the t anaaaaztes a taintneat and educational features.
Lea the extreme north of Palestine.i yoyageurs,'.gorgeous grandstand
i And said unto hire Nath, not Jehovah ah i pageant depicting the picturesque ry
he God of Israel, commanded. . '!/��� .•t- � y��d't
eaks a• a tarteglaetes_, ansimmc«'e 1 formers on the world's largest stage. Sept l 0
AN , ; .' ANNA At
1111 111 N
td "She romance of North American develop- a
God's commands, not her own opin-1 Seats25c, $1.00, Boxes $1.50.
is ns; declaring God's promises, not i Fifth annual Marathon sw4m for aggld�
th unplonsbip and rich cash prlaes, Frida'r
merely her own Mapes or wishes." So S Avg.22E'Wonienj,Wednesdateet .2'7(open),
speak. Say- Per bands, includinq the tixInlgr
should every Christian FrrmanrntForce Band oE.aevantY•six losuu i
Go and draw' unto Mount Tabor mmearut$ [by speeiai permission Dept. of }
i nr,p,Gl}ga sad befence).
meet, presented :sightly by 1500 per-
• Les Consisted of carrying This flat-topped peak, near Nazareth, ; Pour concerts by tee internationally famous 1
St. 'b Cb A 23and2ft
1 whileon " h 1 d 1aaFerlaun2 the the pisses of Esdraeian
e ms's in his pockets to obviate the for eo sears. .He. -da. hes, poor circus
necessity of buying a mea dation and chronic constipation a pe - g Manufacturers' exhibits Ecom almost every
a journey. would doubtless ran e
Pull nee down; my calor yi'2S sallow ya t Nabonal�o 0
Edward Yates, a South:London : p � ai branches -Canadian
rot for the H
2000•voaceExbt •don onus vg. 1
Sept.2and 6. Seats 25e, 75'e and $1.00.
h There Sisera
forces and made an ideal reticle-
coapt. —Arlin two galler[es-A suituu���in'
t e 5'aoa
-Eaginredag and Electrleal displays
responsible .for the ereo- land my whole system toxic Sar on ebreat troops. sand infarct for
builder, wasPo
tion of numbers of fine residences m !brought me remarkable improvement. t
life, but a1- ea a trace of
ohis aiiYe 1food without r >a ors
the c,avurse f � iar iaiy` a= eanrarsd Fxbr6:t o ,
' I en. _Pag
h he was a millloxs:ire, he pre- i - , - .. , and Feel lce'£he children of Nagtiva,. and of the • ctgveermoneyorder
thong indagestxon, I sleep -tans,
(erred to lige out his days in a lowly Ithildren of Zebulum The tribe of `
dwelling, in Walworth. He stinted I'd been made oyer. .. - Zebulaiaaa was immediately south of F
Ked -
:himself even of penny' bus rides, but "Sargaxx Pail: never Leaps the et ,
rid to = Leine but ce. —:'s Tribe of \7apthali, and north; meet as well as in- arose, and went with Barak too -Ked -
i t his niggardliness did not extend feet of hatiing. taken mad divans re enforce
in. is a reels of others for z.� ofpoisons of m4it_ Taltar. ash. It was a long journey for those
tl resist the p- them cleansed. my s ..tcan e
l 1 e vie away eousiderable r leo 'spire the troops with additianal can- days, one of about ninety miles, but
h d will d thee. f !
Reduced rates by rail'bus'aiTY and Yearn'
site with thee ten thousand'men of d
boat. Make reservations nw or Gnaw stead
Cub s Cower Send
President General Manager -
This is your year ... a
picturesque occasion for
ail Canadians.
, e &- An _ yr'i rays ante; ee. e
j sums to aiaarity, and died leaving pro-' and completely ended my canctipa- , -
a rids of i ^-firs. E �l ail rescue, a7�Willisa rali.is spealesrig tiara armee. iael3ovalt. To fidence " Deborah did not hesitate. She prob-
g pe tg worth hundredia of thousa riot . I • lably rade a donkey, with Barak. wall-
a g Hamilton. the river Kichon It is the most int-: And she said, I will surely go with 1
� ae
are StronerTOU,
Si r as6
pounds. t., at on, '-•tag alongside.
f t of Palestine, h tree She was a woman, and the, bat -
But if Byer a history o - the grey - ,Sargon may be obtained Ming- +portant .:ever nett to the; � i . ° .
ens is written, a name that will g rye S• -a ,f abin'= tie would be a terrible one,. but' she And Barak called Zebulon and 1ap-
est itis .. •sera, the captain s J
Prominently in it is. That of ham at. I4icliibbon's Drug Store. Jordaax, flinch though it would have thali tamether to Kedesix. "It �'as the
M. Vandille, a one-time chief a trate of Boulogne. His 'fortune, in his LESSON IV -julY fig titude.It pas a terrifying prophecy. I been easy for her to make an answer
p army, with his chariot, and hes mull , did not, 1` a
tlm h f magic
first time since the conquest of Can -
Deborah, A Leader is a National. •:that this formidable host .should be •'that would have put Barak to shame. alai that the national spirit had been
seventy-eighth year, totalled .e.900; .
000. and it is recorded that by this
than its Emergency. --Judges 4:- 1-'5 ranged against Barak Se improvisedelsottrithstauding, the .tourney
time he had converted everything peasant force And i will deliver him i thou takest shall not be for thine hen
possessed, save his scanty wardrobe,
or o
custrxinary diet was- Golden Text. Say to them
that God's ilio cash. His
I tained in the form ai samples for —Ica' ^
analysis seized by him from milkmen
m his capacity of mab strate.
bread and tnelk, the latter being obs of a fearful heart. Be strong, fear not.
into flip hand. � 's promise, andnotJehovah wall sell Sisera
Deborah's. It was enough for Debor the hand of a. woman. The words sand men at his feet. They went up
all and should have been enough for s x+ere not hers, but God's; and Barak to the rendezvous on Mt. Tabor. And
Barak p should have acted on them' without ei- Deborah went'. up with him. She.was
l So much store did he set by as THE LESSON rid Psi rak _sad unto inns f t' ou' ther reservation or doubt. Instead of the animating spirit of the Hebrew
1 ix1 k that when he was offered 'a. Tints —I .C. Fiat- yrilt g•o asitia ,me. tinraa 1 -will go, but :.which we `rind him taking a condition -host, and it was she who gave the
more important post in Paris he iiesi ' _ .. —Deborah s lai,aaie it Eslx- Q it a Wit, with Free. 'I ssiiY , to his obedience; and refusing to obey signal for the battle; crying to Bar alt,
fated, fearing to lose his free drinks t laic. d thou wait not y
li T asalrrea Barat.'s ,thath 1if that condition were not complied "Up- for this is the day in which Je-
roused to such a pitch or the tribes
brought? to act together to, teich an
extent." And there went up ten thou -
OS trdtlk direr aceeptina the Bast, be riaita, north or _ern Ina ire. He felt her presence a_ ; ;tla For the expression "sell S'as
1 walked to the capital, begging his 1Kedesh, in the north of the [ is not delivered Siset,a into shy hand;
.tiennC in _
ie hong the sprit of Jehovah '
lived by the way-
country. The Plain of Esdraelon
southeast of Mr- Carmel.
The apothecary asked in advance a And the children of Israel again did.
r orbitanc, whereupon the man lef • Teliuyala. The evil thing which they.
tient for„
one on come - era, compare d Deborah is not Jehovah: out before thee"
On being seized with w provedhad would insure the sense or
to be his last illness, 3i-andtlle
sent for an epothec to breed •aims. THE NATIONAL EMERGENCY. I
fee which the raiser denounced ass eex- that which was eFil in the i_ht of
did was a lapse into idolatry. They
;his terms 'being three sous evert time
he opened a vein, ;with a reduction if :intermarried thein. They visited their
the necessary amount, of blood 'avas g- r feet as temples, and fell victims to
i tentative, and died as a result of it..e
Finally a poor barber was
her+ h
tet in one operation. M. vthis 2t., tht sensual appeal i their abuanin-
3 miserly to tc`xe last, agreed to this suis ere unable to
xai are verse _. An
ERE is a test which easily proves the
,aide of ' Gurn-Dipping --the extra.
patented Firestone proems •t f saturating
and insulating every fibre of every cord in
a Firestone tine with rubberto eliminate
internal heat and friction -..--the greatest
enemy to tire
A two -ounce weight is suspended on the
end of ore strand of a cord (a) takenfrom
an ordinary tire. The strand breaks in 15
seconds. A simiiarwnight is suspended on
a Gum -Dipped strand ibt taken from a
Firestone tire -it remains unbroken for
45 seconds - • - t 6r es t k rtes as l rig
c your nearest Firestone dealer equip
your car with a. set of these stronger,.
tougher, ,:.are depoer:Isl...e tires that hold
:ha world's records for mileage and endur-
ance. See him to -day.
lea anter w Ontario
builds the ort y
able rte i tae}
:stand before their enemies. When l
ENGGAA-N-D'et FIRST TYPJST. : Ehud was dead. The etaaracttr of any
-_scut is largely dependent on Haat
Alfred Farrow Advertised iv1 a
Good Piano-P13y nem
, of their rulers. Most a nusual tapiig�ht- I
e'r. -s s irength are required in a
Who used the first typewriter in 'polarises if they are to resist t rise scab:
Britain^. ' ie in Eiuence of ,:rid=e -s rulers,
cY t
Sir Alfred a arrow. the Veteran i shipbuilder of eighty-eight, claims '1' And Jehovah sold them. his term
the honor. "In the year 1876." he represents the absolute _airing up into
says, "Remint toe's sent over the first , he h
tand_ of : their mescals:. The ex- i
consigmnaeut of typewriters from the pression is frequently *used in the ;f
halted States. A dozen of these ma-
chieee were packed La a case and Rook •.f Judges. Into the bands of
when it was laeieg lifted out of the : labia Klee tef Canaan. This ,.mie the
ship et was and
the bottom of Invacit'axa nares finer :II nc.rth eau I*al 4
t_t ,
dropped to
the mock, unci, remained in , n muni .s ire where remained the descend- `:
for some tame. Thu case was, evemtu- ,
any raised, and, thinking that the gams of those of the original tribes of
machines would not have suffered by .canaanite: --hich jesttaaa had failed to
their immersion, a friend- and 1 i.ubdue That reigned i:i Hazer.
bought them for a few shilhngs,:as 'The enact site is n°'"hrararrti haat at
- ` no one knew anything about them. I
took one to my works, had it eteaned was aplaarently near Kedesh-Nathtaii.
and oiled, and then the difficulty was . The captain of whose hest was 'SS:-
to And someone to use it. Realizing ems- name et this general
that it required a person with active :ratans "`battle array. aZ.ho dweltiu
'fingers,. 1 advertised
for a shorthand -
,. •iiian.>. Cre
am a
are a the' roa slid T will e
to, give you pic .up sews, e,
Open Saturday Event
Onttl: '
holt i
aper who oozed teas the siaio. A ,I-laroslaetlt c s the Gentiles, No .site
very clever young man applied
or 'seems' t.a meet ��§.. .:.
the Joie, 1 engaged him, and hir' re- :the narrative as well as Y-sariitiveo.
ry`n` my etattloa until his ,
ima i'^c0 in
And d the children. o 'Israel cried en- ,
1' d f ,_ - nr et the requirements of
e Jehovah. They, had f'renanten their
He Almost Collapsed. '440,--.n, at+ tunes- of safety and material
There is a sentry in London who:,i-.4.i out aifitrtk-n lmas :.tarn,
is nee rerittet from tb: results of. a sesed to taro. , em 1.'0+ the For
mischievous prank played by 3 rince.'s:�.^..3 di'e't fl,:5k'�T'7i•'1. ' ear:
ElizabethThe Little,. - t.. ne' ss wa.,-;,,an' .''sak u•
i'-sdral '' rn. , i. mea'st
sentry, and paused w.'m. 7.114 e, .en _....e and . it l'!% a: exta-n ti 4 seal -
C' pr'n died amnia. Pr__cEs E.° 2.izci i:.. the i': a3£;'g'1i us. ',"xn 1' warc t _.l,:t c,-,;
?., hough this �zeat iv. and pass- Anti 4S't`r•ears
im a<a Tb.,e same= t,ai
aii,kitt' byhe qt whene.sl-“x9-a of - )d 'fan me",, W-at4 the : ranar& 1 Pah-
54vgham, pa -laze
wed, r, she. ltdtpt =n p ,3 w t'm
e'” zh t e receiving tbe saltaa?.until
"aw..... - s: 1."�.....g S'shansted
Twer.trr minutes tate t ',v+ tit r vie
an' s
rom c. . He saw what
was Seeppening. hurl° .s off to find a
nurse, and no i Cieiady i,os tt'.oi
l.. chneki.tag at the centre s
A chorea a buillt ct ?
'3rd1.rea d. and paper u'_'".S .r,>a k".>"aixi.
dart' cl an estate at Be coni. abort
twenty ... Bess from m Sohanne b rg, is
e mored as h stands to another
was sent from England in sea-
sire atuent t —tnty-One 'years .age.
and tea<.:tgh miuelt used has proved
higi:ly efficient.
Shaking 'Children's Toy's.
a.'1akinS sissesa ehileir sn' love
,:s motnr-ears mesal • :sinim:us.
Cteatiag w
wed d arts' peeia3s and ZtotLees, r`i:t?"'a',1
`ln+r >L: tadted � tales a>ra01 tit r -
ma sty both at /tettte and it the tear-
ta -
Vt ,t ikaet�tiJ
, '_.a 7l4drie x of al5= ae`l. The
a •.. 't:ad rdet t.y -a s tars' and
n"d:ti?'l4, try
dal ma -ey 1 Si.;c wf
r.. -r:. e r q^ 4r-bouttel r ianr.:, t
,,.t Deh.,,rAk. Her nanat-
shields ?y
A prophetess.. The ffetaaa':e
f' isra `, fiat
the- male. 'tceYe
not at, setts. but all were religions
leaders. The wife of Lap*,pi:i,::il , 9L, ay'-
,pi&soth moans 'lamps- or " orches: it
e' a that s we hare arauslaaa-d tixi-
nines. _ #'a."wife" is "niers
rtia "'a
woman 4,f
e '6 ea red fY ;W'i at that K.., ., She
sd user ;:end 'tier 5,:al s,
s im lr
dwelt :trovl, 't., ,.
r the ee aa. �� ,.
This rt't'.1t b s st1:. ed
- uysT sl
. i ...C' scit_rs... to hare teen 1�'.1t,
R.,be. 5,r^•
.x., .,. ;,s. is �
..�° i!'d' was
first' �;,h - ,�
y a'K
eta -et -et e
4M555" ea. :tie
bath room where the traveller may 'enjoy the
-cries; of bath or shower; a gymnasium where
y work out "the Liths " which nett' have been
used by a day's t::ar'ei; a barber shop with all
the "la'tessi appliances and .appebtanent or the mod-
ern beauty parlor, and valet service to ensure that
tae'tzsreiier may leavethe train fit and ready for
anya.thingt these .are part of the sersices, provided
by the renovation cif new bath -room and barber
shop lounge ,ca as on The Confederation of the
Canadian National Railways.
In keeping, with its icy ofproviding "firsts"
for the use of its patrons, the Canadian Netional
Railways have letroduzed eciany new features in
the new iottrge ears,, of whit -twelve
are being placed in service on this
train for the'comfort of terns -con
tir.ental tourists. The miniature
gymnasium, with its Swedish mas-
sage and other ellectrical exercisers,
is the first of its i'.ti;-id p'laaed`on reg-
nant_. - arty railway. In addi-
tion this ear `haS aiieee'tfromwhich`
sa ed ilt� taaar;' saodas may he served;
al-rdb-ifaatitFxt iio and grantophon
set with food- peril er and headsets;
the barber shop with appliances for '
both nen and women patrons, and
the entire lounge section fitted with
Vita -Glass windows to provide the
passengers with the beneficial violet
rays while they are travelling. The
Confederation operates between Ton
onto and Vancouver, and the cars
are being planed in strike as quick -
they at* ttqkfear Vttstor
builder nounee there the linea
piece of railroad equipment yet turn.,
ea mit itt Canada. They are finished
with a', specially selected English
silver htu'awood, With thairs azul
settees of solid 'Honduras nrahogaatay.
tlpiaer Wt, the btrtii and shower
comportment with exercisers; Cett'
fibs the train body of lounge and
lower right, the barber ahoy rim; tltit
Ao‘ot 100.110 ter a