HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-07-17, Page 4"FREE" THE "NEW" GILLETTE RAZOR AND THE "NEW" GILLETTE BLADE With one of these: Palmolive Shaving Cream. Colgate's Shaving Cream Colgate's Shaving Stick For 35c Mc bon's Drug ore 7,* a K+ m.3 Situ'° Av.74%, A A" \ • ter ,sM4t _mak �Le e,! .09ti-Actlt��>Jt �1u4•?s!a.C�. .t+s��%,•.c1..24.10 y W:! is aPeeivtritYtiaY.:tiles'MYiediii7ttieffiSiR•e>'Yi11Ple'IYriz7;/i\Sii>?fil'MTv\'n"iYEYr'NrestA;riiiSiga%ALf►t1h�+'Jr►'1:h►�l(Ye`(3Yr> cents •a word pe insertion. with a minimum charge of 25e BOARDERS WANTED—A.11 con- WANTED Groundhogs, 15c each. to Advance-' R. Laidlaw, phone 366 . veniences. Apply, p i J Times. NOTICE TO CREDITORS EOR SALE -1927 Chev. Sedan and 1928 Ford Coupe, both in good shape,. Apply to R.:E. J•ackson. FOR SA.LE Used Lumber, Studd- ing, joke, . sheeting lumber, inside doors, window sash, plate glass, 3 bath outfits complete, one spare basin. Apply to A. M. Crawford. 3; OR SALE—Thirty : acres hay on field. Apply to William` Casemore, Pleasant Valley, 1\Tingliam, loss, are required to send by post, prepaid or deliver to the undersigned, SALE—i-Room R House on Ca- on or before thetwenty-sixth day of tharine str., modern conveniences, July, A. D, $.1930, their names and Situated north of Green house. A -addresses with full particulars of ply to Mark Cardiff. their claims in writing, verified by statutory declaration, and the nature sed 1 Sar - FOR SALE—Quantity of seed of the securities, if, any, held by them, FURTHER T le -v. Apply to Mrs. Jos. Chamney, AND 1 RTHER TAKE NOTICE phone 616r14. IN THE ESTATE OF .MARGARET KERR, late of 'the Township of Kin- loss in the County of Bruce, Married Woman, Deceased. NOTICE IS, ':HEREBY . GIVEN pursuant to the revised statutes of Ontario in that respect, that all per- sons having claims against the Es- tate of Margaret Kerr, who died on or about the nineteenth, day of June, D 190 t the Township f Kin - FOR a e v o P FOR SALE -Youth's Planet bicycle., excellent condition, $30 cash. Ap- ply A. M. Crawfords Garage. FOR SALE—Fresh Honey in 32 -Ib. pails for $2.50. 10 Ib. pails 1Oc a Ib, in my pails, 9c in yours. The larger amount you buy the less you pay. James B. Casemore, phone - 62.7r13. HOUSE TO RENT— All modern' conveniences. Centra1ly. located. Possession at once. A. J. Ross. IRIS ROOTS -70 named varieties. Apply to Mrs. J. A. McGill. Blyth. • OST -.On July 3rd, Duplex hot plate. The parties who took same are known, so if not returned to Miss Mary Beckett in a few days, will place in hands of police. • RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS—For sale that after the said twenty-sixth day of July, A. D. 1930, the assets of the said ,estate will be distributed by the executors among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice and the estate will not be liable for any claim not filed at the time of the said distribution. DATED at. Ve ingham, this seventh day of July, A, D. 1930. 3. W. BUSHFIELD, \\ ingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. AUCTION SALE Of property in the Township of West \Vawanosh. Under and by vir- tue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be pro- duced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by public auction by Thomas Fells, Auctioneer, at the at residence of Thos. 'cans, Shut Brunswick Hotel, in the Town of er t. Wingham; on FRIDAY, AUGUST.1 WANTED—Icor Wingham and dis- A.D. 1930 \t 2. forrup., the tollowing proper- trict, Good Salesman and collector, " iv namely: to represent anold` established Lite rile northeasterly ten acres of lot Insurance Co. Salary and Commis- number twenty-one in the eighth eon - stmt. Apply giving references, past \, wtan,.rs]T in the County' of Huron. cession if the Township of West \Va- etnployitient, age, .' et Wingham. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MARY ANN SCOTT. late of the 'I"0\n of Wing. in the County of. l-lurtin. Spin- ster, Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN PURSUANT to the revised statut.t' +if Ontario in that respect, that all persons .haying claims against the es- tate of Mary .\nn Scott. Wil'' died on or about the twenty-c'tghtlt day, :May, A, 1'.), 1980, at the Time of \\in: hath, are required to -ends by post, lir paid or deliver to Thomas Walker, Esq., R.R. \\ inghttin, t:1t:t ri: i l,rre. : . l a.ut l `I lxuatpa,i rt, A\ i.a.,lrtin, Ontario, the executors of the above estate, or to ilia: undersigned, :It or before the two-iiy first day of 'July A.l). 1930. thoir parses and addresses with full particulars and the stature iif the se- curitiesif any, heldby thetui, A,NI') FURTHER 'TAKE NOT- ICE that after the said tWentw firat day. +if July, A,1). 1930, Ilii assets of the said estate will be distributed by said "r. s. , the aid i:*ac e etc r. tit n the par- ties entitled tiro r te,, haying regard only to claitiis of which they shall then have notice and the estate' will not be liable for any claim not filed at the time Of the said distribution. DATED al Wingham, (.)ntarica,, this second day of July, A,.Il, 1980, 1, 1\r, B1.SH11ELD, Wingitant, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. 'WARNING To the Residents and Land Owners of Turnberry Twp. l'nniter the Provisions of the Weed Control Act every occupant of land add every corner t+f'nniicc.upted land is required to dextran; noxious wt:cIs before their seeds r'ipcti. If these precautions are not taken, the Ins,prestor may exercisu. his auth- ority and have the menace removed Before the wee& Mature. ';it ,rIrirt R„ '1',lie.te is situate arra this propertyy a rte -std ley house ab, sit 18 ft by 90 it., a small frame -:table and about two acres of timber. The land is in faint Terms of Sale—Tett per cent. +if the l•tnrih to Tn'Xle. on the day of sale, l ••cl the balance within twenty days t'.i. reafter." The purchaser will be en- to n - t , pOsstssion •.Tl completion of purchase. The property will be offer subject to a reserved bid. l'urtl:e't terms and conditions, of •ll he made kintun ai tit- time ,rt •k dpi' moa- be had tot application i. r c thist t$• Idot f this' A _ 19 3 0 THOS, FELLS, R. V.VNSTONE. 1\ in..lsrnt, t.)nt., }Vin: haiti, Ont.. .\uc l+,trees, 'Solicitor for the Vendor. AUCTION SALE The undir.it:ned has been instruct- d by lir:. Thos. Jobb Diagonal road \\'inelistitl, t•: sell by public auction 'at SATURDAY, JULY 19 1h. r,,iltexinte articles: \l' .Liar steel � , n t extension it hit,: dining table, 3 small tables, side- board, .warrlr.,be, kitchen " table,, 10 '::te:1Te11 chairs, 2 roeking dtatrs, 1 lounge. sofa, hall rick, 8 dret.sine ca.,. 2 t, t.lit ands, velvet .it;; 9x12, i,.l,. ser1, 7 is. iron bed ' nipltte, 2 wooden bc:dstc ads. 3 burner crlistove with erten, 2 tubs and ringer, floor crilclrith, chick, kitchen articles, gar - ‹it t; 1,1,1s, 8 ft, wy{,trk bench with vice', 4 doors, stepladder. pictures, TERMS 01 ;SALE Ca, -h. }louse and Property subject to re. served bid, solid brick lt+=tt.e..8 rocrins. and all modern conveniences and gar tgTHOMAS FELLS, Auctioneer. ELLIOTT MILLER AUCTIONEER Sales conducted anywvlterc. 1Vi,''ide experience. Best efforts put forth on each aaei ev+ry sale, Phone i 0,. Llatk td'whi,. Ont. WINGIHAM ADVAi+I.f E...TIIVIES Thursday,' July 17th, 1930 LOCAL AND PERSONAL Me. and MrsW. Logan Craig and :.f,)r, Marvin Craig left on Sunday to spend their holidays at their cottage at Crow's Landing.: . Mrs, John McCool spent a few days last week in Goderich.' I\Ir. and Mrs. A, 0, Smith and Ed- ith and Alvin of pronto, visited in town last week. • Mr, and Mrs, 'H. Schuette,of Dd troit, are ;guests at i'te lionte of Mr. and Mrs,' J, McMichael, Mrs,. T. T. MacDonald, of Toronto,, who has' been visiting with friends,: returned horite an Monday. ' "*Miss Louise Hanna, of Montreal, who has been spending the bast month with her mother, Mrs.George Hanna, on her return last week;, Was accompanied by her mother. Mr, and Mia. E. I=Iainmond and son, Bob of South Bend, Ind., are vis- iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J, J. Kerr, Lower Wingham, .\fisses Marjory end Mary Julia Preston are visiting with friends in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Walker and clau- ghters, Betty and Tell, motored to i3ridgeburg on Sunday where the girls will spend a short time, at the home of their uncles. Miss Ethel Simpson is visiting with friends at Toronto and Montreal. 114r. and Mrs, W. J. Kerr and son Jinn/lie, of Toronto; who have spent the: past week With friends in town, ieturned .hotne on Sunday. Miss Alberta Walker is' spending her holidays with friends in Toronto. Mr, and MM. Ted Elliott of De troit spent the past week with the lat- ter. s atter's mother, Mrs. J, Carson. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas J. Baker, Jean and Wilbert spent .Sunday with. Miss Clara Shultz of Auburn. Mrs.' H. Buchanan and daughters,: Doris and Donna visited with Miss Edna Campbell in Toronto for a few days. The Radio .& Electric Shop has on hand 2 used battery sets at $11,50 I$ h. One 6 -tube at$35.00, and one sac O e c at $45.00,all in good workingcon i - 5' ., go d })` tion; We also have a :Rogers Elec- (tric set at $75 Complete, a 180 volt 11 power unit at $22.50, a tungar, char- ger at $11:50, See the special bars gain we have in Kelvinator Electric refrigerators. Flour and Feed prices, bran $23, shorts $24, feed flour 1.55, barley $20. 00, wheat and buckwheat $20.00, feed Wheat $25.00, pats 37c, Five Lilies Flour $3.60. Howson .3Howson, Wingham, Mr. Andrew Dawson of Detroit, is spending a few days with his aunt, Mrs, Thomas J. Baker. Mr. and Mrs, Bert McElroy, also Mr. and A4ts, Geo. ,McInnis of De- troit, who are spending their holidays fishing up in new Ontario will spend la week with the former,'s parents, T. C. and Mrs. McElroy on returning home. I Mr. and. Mrs. Earl McElroy of i 1Pdnntiac, Mich., are .pend ng,part of their vacation with the farmer's par- ents, T. C. and Mrs. McElroy. Mr,. and Mrs. Charles Robertson of Mitchell, along With Mr- and Mrs. C. E. Wrath and Mrs. Reid of Chicago, ,visited with Air. and Mrs..T. C. Mc- Elroy this week., ] Mrs. Rachel Sturgeon of Alvinston, Ontario, is visiting with her Sister, Mrs. Tont Lrwin, East \\rawanosh. Mr. Riibt. Pate of Blyth spent Sun- day at Thos. Irwin's. Miss J. Miller of "1't:ronto is Visit- ing at the home" of her friend, Miss 1.Mt" .''Anderson, Catharine Street. I3LUEVALE INSTITUTE' ENJOYED EINE PAPER "The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Institute was held, on Thursday afternoon and was fairly well attend- ed. Airs. Roger Oke gave an excel- lent paper on Canadianartists, men- tioning in particular George R.eed, who was born in •Wawanosh, and the setting for some of his fainous haint� ings were in this'neighborhood. Hor- atio Walker was another worthy of mention, being born in the town of Listowel, Many of his paintings are taken from the land of the habitant and are very quaint. Robert Hoboes the piaintee of wild flowers is another of the Canadian artists to be proud of. kis ''death came very suddenly during the,past year while addressing a class Lin Toronto, Mrs, Oke has many prints from the hands of these artists which added much to the interest of the meeting. Roll Call was ,answered by sugges- tions for summer - drinks and a' diss. cussionon "canning vegetables," prov- ed very: helpful. Mrs. Hetherington and Airs,: S. Gallagher served refresh - /tents and an enjoyable half hour was spent. DEBENTURES TO BE SOLD At the June meeting of the County Council a By -Law was passed to is- sue $100,000 5 per cent. 10 -year de- bentures to pay the County's Provin- cial Highway Indebtedness. The Debentures will be ready for delivery about October 1st, and Coun- ty Treasurer, Gordon Young, at God erich, is prepared to give information to County residents alit to receive offers from those desirous of" invest- s ing, and.: correspondence is invited. It is the wish of ilte County Coun- cil that these debentures be sold_to ratepayers in the County, and anyone wishing to invest should write the Treasurer or the undersigned, 1 And• the an; -el of Jehovah appeared Geo. W. Holman, Clerk. unto him. This angel is called Jeho- vah in verse 4. Weare probably not Buildingwrong in. thinking of hint as the an - Tearing Down Old gel, of the Covenant, the - second per- son; of the Holy Trinity, who was later ,to reveal h Deitymen in theto e the .person of Jesus Christ. In a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush. Throughout the Bible - the Deity short's Himself as a brilliant light and flaming fire. And he looked and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed. Miss Evelyn Reid is visiting at the haeme a'f Dr. \iclnnie, Clinton, Have ruin• radio and equipment irt,.ked ,neer and tested. This is the i lune to hat e repairs diode. The Radio ane Electric. Shop have a complete 1 line Of accessories and re pair nares fear all makes of radio and our new te-,tin:; equipment retakes it possible Ito. test the set and tubes in a feat litinutes. Have your aerial circuit ;checked. Our phone n0. is 158 or 234. Li Ibrate WEDDINGS McLean, -Earls etty wedding was quietly' Bele at Wroxeter on July 11th, riton Edith Elizabeth, daughter of Irs. Agnes Earls and the late Rob tart Earls, was united in marriage to r. 'Ira \\%. McLean of Moorefield, eon of Mr. and Mrs, J. F. McLean r,f Listowel. In the absence of the brides minister, Rev. R. S. Jones, the marriage service was f earl by Rev. E. R, McLean of Vancouver, uncle of the froom. The bride who entered the' parlor kilt the arm of her brother, THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON LESSON' III, --July 20 MoAes, a. Courageous Leader.--Ex- odes 3; 1-12 Golden Text—By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured as seeing him who is invisible,—Heb, 11;27, THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING. Time, — Moses born,'13.C. 1578• R.atneses II. comes to the throne, B. C. 1567. Moses goes to Midian, B,C. 1539. Merneptah comes to the throne of Egypt, 13,C, 1501. Moses 'returns to Egypt, 13.C. 1499. The exodus, B. C. 1498. Death of Moses, B.C. 1459. Place. Egypt, Midian, the Red Sea, Sinai, .the wilderness south of Palestine. MOSES CALLED TO FREE PEOPLE Now Moses was keeping the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian. Jethro was head.of his clan as well as priest, the offices be- ing thus joined among nomads. Note that three of the greatest men of the Hebrews, .Moses, David and Amos, n -ere shepherds by occupation. And he led' the flock to the bac': of the wilderness. Moses led his flock ar- ound the head of it and then south- ward, seeking the green pastures of the Sinaitic Peninsula. And'came to the mountain of God. The mountain later made sacred by the manifesta- tion of Jehovah and the giving of the law to Moses. Unto Horeb. The names, Sinai and Horeb, are practi- cally interchangeable. Good scholars have sought to show that one or the other term is applied to the individ- ual mountain, or to the range of mountains, but there is no agreement: in this distinction. HIS The •� Crawford' .. r a�ord b � was loci: which' damaged by fire rer cntlY , is being torn down, In tallcnag with Mr. Craw' - ford on Wednesday he stated that he was undecided as to what he would do in regards to property when va- cant. In the days of, the open bar the building, then called' the National Ho- tel, was a busy place and was built a good many years ago. Returns After Fifty Years Mr. 3. J, Herbiron, of Montana, is visiting his sister, Mrs. T .0 McEl- roy. Mr, Herbiron was born in God, erich township near .Clinton, and ov- er fifty years ago left for Montana,1 and this is his first visit back to old Ontario in all those years. He sees a great many changes in this country but his heart still warms toward the land of his birth. Mrs. Ab. Belland daughter, . au ht r of De -1 troit, are visiting in town. I4'fr. Frank Earls, looked charming in la frock of orchid georgette and lace .nd carried a bouquet of sunburst ,1 res e acid baby's breath. The groom's gift tea the bride w a.s e white gold nee with pendant. After the lun- ched. tine happy c '+wale left for a i +.,tor trip :.: to Georgian Bay points, he: bride travelling in a navy hints stripe stmt and br'r wn4...ot first,' ' i o ,s:match. 9 }. Wath hat and alt -t,, W tat...cli. �7'fa t,rk.11t' :, , r �t err they will reside dwiwre'fatwd. e.t t y a ir. WA Belly GENUINE. BAYE1 A?.1:fr@t'� Know what you are taking to i ` h relieve that pain, cold,eadache or sore throat. Aspirin should not only effective, ffective.it must aise he safe. Genuine BayerAspirin is rel`rabs,,,, always the same—'brings prompt relief safely --does not depress the heart. Do not take chances -- get the genuine product identinied by the name BAYER on the package and the word GENUINE printed in red. GEORGE WILLIAMS •:Offici C. l+i. n. Watch inspector Repairing Our Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed. one o. Opp. tureens Motel. 1 CLEANER an DYER iM 1 N G H A M AGENT 'HANNA & CO. Limited PHONE 70 WE CALL. ANDD. DELIVER :CLOTWAS Cl adored 40leareire WJ J OH NIf''O IJ E0 C inrted X :!'11,0114TO anna Ltd. The bush was like the martyr church of all ages, the flames of persecution playing around it, but the church un- harmed through it all, and even more virile than before. And Moses said, I will turn aside now, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt. It is well to turn aside often from our; humdrum tasks, that we may commune with God and catch the divine fire. And when Jehovah saw that he turned aside to see, God called un- to him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. We are re- minded irresistibly of a peculiarity of Christ's speech, the repeating of the naives of persons whom He address- ed, as "Martha, Martha," "Simon, Si- mon," "Saul, Saul." And he said, Here ani 1. "The main point for each of us is to be able to answer God's sum- imons with the response, `Here am I.' Be always ready!" And he said, Draw not nigh hither. er. i 1Touch me not, said the risen Christ to Mary Magdalene, as she pressed toonear hint (John 20:17). We are ;to keep at a reverential distance, in body and mind, from holy things. Put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground. In the East for the expression of respect they uncover the feet, as we in the West for the same purpose uncover the head. BIRTHS Agnew—In Detroit on June 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Agnew, a son. (Nee Marion Allen). Wetherall — In Wingham General Hospital, on Saturday, July 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wetherall,; a daughter. Moffatt—In Wingham General Hos- pital on Monday, July 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. 011ie Moffatt, a son. $540 Daily. Make Motley Easier. • Men Wanted. --Quick, sure way to become EXPERTAuto Me- chan'cWsider ElectricianB>.ick- a layer or Draftsman. Earn 55e per hour, part time from start. Advancement in few weeks. Free Railroad Fare and -Employment Service. Write at once for 11- 4 lustrated Booklet. Commercial Engineering Schools 5.7 Queen St. W., Toronto, Suite One Hundred ,tr�r•t'r7�rt' : i^'rt°'Yr�•t•'Y`rYti`hT'CY4 w ,0.4 . • ,.. „ . EMPP-E T is Canada's oad to World -.wide conditions have created an economic e c o omic situation that presents problemsdemanding the highest qualities of statesmanship for their solution. Since the war period, new tariffbarriershave been created by many countries, restricting' the outlets for Canadian products and necessitating new trade arrangements. Earlyrecognition of this trend p`rovided the inspiration for the King -Dunning' Budget, which has indicated the path along which Canada must pakoceed to ensure a continuation of her com- nmercial prosperity. The prompt LOWER COST Budgets during the past nine years of Liberal Administration have lowered tariffs on many commodities and implements of production; these reductions have automatically lowered living costs to the Canadian public.. The 'King -Dunning Budget, which the TAX REDUCTIONS Sales Tax—Reduced from 6o%o;to 1%. Postal Rates—Reduced from 3 cents to 2 cents; penny postage re-established. Cheque Tax—Reduced from 2 cents on every $50.00 to 2 cents over $10.00. Receipt Tax—Abolished. Transportation Tax—Abolished. Insurance Tax:—Abolished. Telegraph Tax—Abolished.,, Reduction eie years estimated to amount to $116,000,000, ADI Prosperity development of trade within the Empire is the logical solution of the ' enormous problem involved; and the enthusiastic manner in which the King -Dunning Budget has been, received throughout the Empire ensures Canada a most favourable position at the Imperial Conference for the interchange of products. Providing a market for Canada's farm ptoducts, ensuring the building up of a home -market for her ;manufactured products, the policy of the Ikliag aclniin.' istration offers the greatest assurance of Canada's future prosperity. OF LIVING electorate is asked slz d to approve on July 2Sth,'is an extension ofthispolic p y; dairy equipment and machinery in general placed on the free list; tea, porcelian and china, free under the 13ritishrefere p r itxce TARIFF REDUCTIONS 1922—Sugar, agricultural implements, textiles, boots and shoes. /925—British preferential tariff reduced by 10 per cent. where goodsimported by Canadian port. . 1924—Instruments of production used in agriculture, mining, forestry and fisheries. 1925—Well drilling machinery unci fisher• men's engines. x926 --Sugar, automobiles, etc. 1928—Implements of production, la mining and fishing industries; fertilizers on free list. 1930—Tea, porcelain, china, vegetables, fruits, free under British preference. Reduction an %n, dutes'stteafls raliuctfonliJtrices. F3r Greater Empire Trade Work and Lower Cost of Living pprove the King,Durtning Budget Ontario Fiber' Carnpaign Corn "t Toronto