HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-07-17, Page 3Jorrie 125 Million Explosions • in each grain of wheat ... thus making Puffed Wheat • • and Puffed Rice virtually as nourishing as hot cooked cereals. T.TERE'S an utterly different ready -to -eat cereal! Crisper ,a—s• . . . crunchier .. more fiavory. And with virtually the same nourishment as .hot cooked cereals! That's because Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice are made in an entirely different way from all other cereals. Plump, choice grains of wheat and rice are sealedin, huge bronze guns. The guns are revolved in fiery ovens. The. natural * moisture in each grain is changed to steam. Then the guns are fired. 125 million explosions ,occur in every grain. Each tiny food cell is blasted open. Thus every particle of the grain is made as completely digestible as though they had been cooked for hours. And so Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice attain the virtual nourishment of hot cooked.cereals. This process explains why Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice have an extra delicious flavor . plus a crisp light daintiness that ,tempts the appetite. Serve these little nuggets of ridi grain nourishment for breakfast, • luncheon and Ripper. They digest so easily that they're extra good for children's evening meal. Your groceehas Puffed Wheat and Puffed • Rice. Order today. The Quaker Oars Company. 5759 QUAKER PUFFED RICE AND PUFFED WHEAT 0.000mmie. 1 MmX•mormayy. Am10••• reere-,77.•FT7Vg, News Thursday, July 17th, ino lepeat Sunday at the honie of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Brown On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. A. McDonald and children of Winnifieg; Man., arrived in town on Monday by motor to vis- it the latter'e sister, Mrs. , Lorne Campbell for a time, A SiPpell attended the funeral •of dhaisy cousin . Mi-. and Mrs, HenryHerZog and in Shakespeare on Thurs.- arl Harper visited with friends in . . . Rodney on Sunday. Mr.': Vanstone and s..n, Garfield, of London, are visiting friends in town. Miss Lois McKenzie of Ashfield, is the ,4uest of her sister. Mrs. Earl Howes. , .. rine i:W. siirti at ebb of, t7111.t.eGeneral Sound,ena eral%l sNtle ial - 'speaker at St.: Stephen's chttreh, on Su nineciEyo Mr.• and Mrs. _Tones of Leeds, Eng., were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. F. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. W. Earngey and son, Joe, and Lawrence Short, motored to London and spent the week -end with • friends in that city. Mr. and Mrs. De W. Dane of Tor- onto, are . visiting friends here for a few days.. Mr. and Mrs. Bolton and family visited at the home of Mrs. M. Par- kers at Atwood ont Sunday. • Miss Eileen 'Hyndman of Kitchen- er is spending a. few days with Mr. • and Mrs. J. HYndrnan. 5. G. Armstrong and son of Tor- onto were guests Of the former's fa- ther, Dr. J. and Mrs. Armstrong, over the week -end on their way horne from Point Clarke, Lake Huron. • Pr. and Mrs. Armstrong visited the foritier's sister, Mrs. W. G. Scott at Blyth on Thursday. Mrs. McKenzie of Ashfield has i-e- turnedhome after spending a short time with her daughter,' Mrs. Earl Howes. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wylie and daughter, Francis, also Elizabeth Love of •Winghani visited friends in Gorrie on Sunday, F.,Wa.rt Whitfield, 'teller, in the Can- adian Bank of Commerce is on his two weeks vadation. William Edgar, Mervin Stephens and Lawrence Short have returned home ft-0in camp at London where they spent two weeks. Ff. A. Pritchard sang a solo in the Presbyterial church on Sunday af- ternoon which was much appreciated. Miss Mrytle Short,. Toronto spent the week -end at her Ito* here and took in the :celebration at Hanover n Saturday. • We are pleased to state that Mr, Herbert Neill is improving in health. Mr. and Mrs. N. W: Huller of Mit- :ellen ,spent Saturday in Gorrie. Mrs. George' Foster is spending a couple of weeks at tht home of her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Jefferson in Owen Sound. t Mrs. F. Irwin of Toronto is visit- ing friends in Gorrie at. present. • W. A. lrwin is spending a few days in 'Toronto at the twine of his sun. His granddaughter, :Visa •Lucille, will accompany hint home.' Mr. and Mrs, R. Lowe, also Mrs. Fairbairn of Kippen and James Rob- ' erison of Hensall were guests of the Misses Murray over the week -end. Mr. and mr$, John if yndutan have returned after spending a short, time at Lions Head. Mr. and Mrs. E. Radford Of \Vale: ton were guests at the home of R. A. and Mrs, Ashton on Sunday. Miss • Mary Breckenridge spent Sunday at her home in Wroxeter. Congratulations are eXtencled to the following pupils 011 seething their Normal examinations. They are as follows: Miss Bessie Wyne, Miss Jean Sparling, N,Liss Nrah4,tret Doig, also Mr. J. W, Kahle. ,1N1r, and Mrs. Joim Jardine. and dangh t or, Miss A 'Iberia, " Of Tngaskc, Sash,, Motored east and will spend a few :weeks with relatives and friend,- • ." N.l.r, anti Mrs, E. W. Carson and Lain il y in 0 to red to Jackson, Mich., where they roil spend -Hick' 'vacation. GORRIE Miss Janet Murray hag returned 5, W. Gamble. home from Kippen where she spent Miss Lyle Ouerin and Mr. J. Ryler two weeks vacation. of Toronto, returned home on Friday. The Anglican Church has engaged after spendingeten days ,with the for - the Glee Club of S. S. No. 12, Howick n5er'S aunt, rs. unro. to present their play 'Hickorle. Farm," church will meet at the home of the Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Bell spent the at their garden party, to be given in president, Mrs. D. Whitney, at 2.30 week -end with friend in Listowel. the a Master Whitney Dane and MissIVI. r ' ' k Gorrie on 'Wednes- pin. Thursday. day July 30th The Harmony SiN-. Miles of Toronto are • guests at the - . ' Mr. and Mrs. M. Abram also 5. T. orchestra will give musical selections Shera visited at the home of Mr. and home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wade. and play between acts • • •• I Mrs. Sellers at Wroxeter on Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. A. Edgar have re-' Mr. and Mrs. Mackay of Chesley. Mr, and Mrs. Buchart of Waterloo, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Annie and d. Deihl of Mildmay, Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Holmes, also Miss Perkins were week -end. visitors in Goderich. The Ladies' Aid of the United turned after spending a week with friends in Ayr. • 121101311011111311011 6 6 One of the oreatest dangers on the highway is the driver who insists on passing other cars when there is no space for him in the traffic line ahead. If he should meet a car coming in the opposite direction, a crash follows—with injury to persons or It's a good rule to keep in line, unless you have a clear view of • the road ahead, and there is a place in the traffic line which you can reach before' you :meet on -coming traffic. Don't be a nuisance by "cutting in". It is discourteous to • other drivers and creates needless danger. • You may have a crash . and even if you .don't, you are liable to a fine under the Highway' Traffic Act. The Keystone of Safety on The King's Highway and alt other roads and streets est mmittee • The IION. GEO., S. HENRY Chairman ess.......a.ssiewoosesessiessemeefielatilstoshigessosemassisesk 1180 • rs, R. 5. Clegg and Mrs, W. sjett; son visited friends...I' Fordwielt week: Airs. Sta fford Harris an d daugh ter hldith, of Toronto, were guests' last vveele at the home el' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simson, 'Thomas fennel Torm7to, 1.;) frierids in and around Gor- rie. Everett Snarling. is ill and, tinder the doctor's care. Mrs. C. llritehard and sons are'. visiting at James McLeod', at Molesi,-,' j worth, for a few days, ' j Mr. and Mrs, lif (I'M illaii , and famil:., ' of LiStowel. spent Sunday at the lat- ices home here. Miss Mark, rpitirtivd honte with.her parents after spending twu VneiVi with her grandparents. Mrs. J. D. McEwan and daughter, Olive, also Harold Eoxton, all of Winghata, visited at the • home of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Deyell on Mon- day. Several front Gorrie attended •the different celebrations on Saturday. Some went to Kincardine, the lodge going to Hanover and bringing home the prize for the largest lodge pes- eri t, Mrs, Wm. • McDonald and grand.; daughters, Ruth and Evelyn Neelon of Chesley, are guests of Dr. and Mrs. Whitley this week. Miss Alberta Willits of London called un the Misses Potter on Sun- day, • Mrs, L. B. Eighmey and daughters Ruth and Jean of Saginaw, also Mrs. C, A. Young and son Jack, of La- peer, have returned home after spend- ing a few days with thcir sister, Mrs. Abram, Master Vern Abram is spending a • two weeks vacation with friends at. Kin cardin e. WROXETER The garden :party .which was held on the 'United Chitral lawn last ,Thursday evening was a sUccess, the weather being favorable. The play, which was,giVen in the hall after the !supper, by the Listowel people, was Iwe1 received. The •proceeds amount- ) ed to $14.7.00. Quite a number frOm here took in the celebration at Kincardine on Sat- urday. Mr, and Mrs. R. W. Berkinshaw, of Toronto, were guests of the lat- 4 44 Panorama of '06 Brilliance and Splendav Partrayinti World ProQress A IAN ALt I:k:1930 YEA It During the last week in August and the first week in September, the largest annual exposition in the world will be in progress. Features, displays, buildings, attrac- tions, so huge, inagnificentand diversi- fied that two million people from alrocust every country will visit this unique and colossal enterprise. The 1930 Canadian National Exhibition promises to eclipse all previous years. "LES VOYAGEURS." a brilliant pageant reviewing Canada's develop- ment from its earliest days will be staged each evening by 1500 per- formers on the world's largest stage. Thirty military and concert bands, includingthe ALL PERMANENT FORCE BAND (by permission Department of Militia and Defence), an especially recruited organiza- tion of seventy-six skilled instrumentalists taken front Canada's Regular Military Establishmeras. '11 • 2,000-VocEXHIBI-tionallYf"s 1 CHORUS • in four coricerts--Aug. and 28, Sept 2 and 6, Tremendous Agricultural displays and com- petitions irt all branches. Trotting and Pacing Races including $5,000. Futurities. Fifth professional Marathon Swim for world championship laurels—a famous unforgettable sport spectacle. Seaplane, outboard motorboat, towing, canoeing, sculling and yacht races and other thiflhlng aquatic events daily, Canadian National Motor Show in world's largest Automotive building. This is a big year at your Exhibition. Arrange to come. SAM HARRIS. President. H. W. WATERS General Manager, The Low Cost of 'ealth Some people spend a lot of money for Health and don't get it. No matter how .much you spend for it, health will not come with wrong food habits. A bowl of Shredded Wheat and milk for breakfast every morning will go a long way toward repairing the dam- age done by foolish food habits, A: simple, nourishing food that contains every element the body needs—and so easily digested. .11110.1.11.0•2••••••1 e.:17fIli,'41%\17.1011. 410,414Abso WITH ALL THE BRAN, OF THE WHOLE WHEAT' CANADIAR SHREDDED %MEAT CO f...iPAHIN LTD.. • ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kitchen, over the week -end. Mr: and Mrs. White of North Da- kota are at present at the horne of the former's brother, Mr. Neil 'White, of town. ) Misses Marion and Elsie Gibson of Winnipeg arrived in town one. day last week and are spending the holk days with their mother; here. The tar, Which the county placed on the street during the past Week, has made a wonderful improvement' in laying the dust. Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Edgar of Lon- don spent the week -end here. Mrs. Arnold Edgar returned with them with them after a week's vacation. Miss Aileen Schaab, stenograhper` at • McKercher's office, left Saturday for a two Weeks' vaeation. She ex-: poets to spend part of the time with her sister in Chicago. Messrs Harvey Timm and Bill Wright spent Sunday at Hayfield and Grand Bend. A number u fthe Orangemen front around, the vicinity celebrated the t Wel ft h at. Kincardinv and Hanover. Miss Howe is spending a few hull.: days with friends at Brantford. Miss Cassie Harris is spending her holidays with her sister, Miss Mary Harris. A. good crowd attended the Garden Party of the United Church anThurs- day evening. Ross Pop... is visiting, with his par- ents, \i r, and Nfrs. C. Pope, George Town Jr., spent the week- end at his home here. Laurie VanVelsor and sister, Rona, .101,1,,red 1,1 Nlidland and spent the week -end there. Miss Baxter is visiting with her cousin, „Jr(. Stewart NIeNaughton. The Vvening services of the United Church will be held at 7.30 beginning 1 on July 13, in order to give the far- mers a better opportunity to attend the sertice:,. liELMOttE 'North of July 1)aSsed in the village with 11 fery beats of 030 drum, Siete spent the(l0 itt X in ea r<li no, The 1\lornt.a's institute held their July metsting at the home of Mrs. Jack Ilarris, Huntinefield. .k hoot 26 10 enthers were in alt 00(1011c e, c- neNt meeting will be lidd at the home of Mrs. Reubtli API))01)S', 1;110411111111. Ladies of the community are cordial., ly invited. NIrs. Herd, Nittrit:',ry and jean, are holithr,t•ing al I.i.ons Hold. tis, Eklen 1)01tnilatl uf Df.tiN)it , VISI Ittl In sI wer.14. 1„vith returning Sunday. VisitOrs out of the village last -week were: Misses Mary Stokes and Eleanor Jeffray with Fanny Longley, Salem; Mrs, Elden Peterman ind Miss Minnie Jeffray, at Rettben Stokes, Glenannan. Mrs. Harry Perkins of Teeswater and Mr, and Mrs, Frank Perkins of Oakville called on old friends in the village on Sunday. e MUTH Phm. B., Opt. D., R. 0. OPTOMETRIST Phone 118 Harriston, Ont. "The Best Equipped Optical Es tablishment in this part of Ontario". ILIW:10.11-01.4111,1111.17111MINMIry -E2ii=15.9iiirdaMillanEZTFATiatriEMMAYS OA Urinal SWElilierS ?tdiovers Boys' Black Pullovers, wing - wheel, $L50 Men's Fancy Stripe V -Neck Sweaters . , . . 82,73 Men's Fancy Silk and Wool Sweaters 83.00 WORK PANTS and CYALLS Men's Khaki stripe pants something new $1,85 Men's Grey covercloth work pants $1-75 Men's Work Shirts, fast col- ors, from $1.00 to Boys' Bine Chambray Shirts '7,5c Boy's Khaki Shirts 95c All new goods. Note the prices Orders for Made -to -Measure Suits Taken any tirne. GROCERIES 0. M. jelly Powders, 3 Inc 20c. Peanut Butter in pails, lb...17c Quart Bottle Catsup . . 25c 2 Cans Clark's Pork and Beans 25o Redpath Sugar. .100 lbs... $5:50 ERING US YOUR EGGS, WE SAVE YOU MONET, DAVE'S STORE IWIOXErfirs