HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-07-03, Page 14
Single Copies, Five Ceats
Early Monday wonting the Bugle
Band was heard, as the Wingbarn de-
tachment of the 33rd Battalion par-
aded to the C.N.R. station where they
took the train to London to spend
two weeks under canvas. There was
'no acarcity of recruits this year as
about eighteen had to be refused, the
local detachment was thirty-three
Those who are attending carnp are:
Major E, Corbett, Lieut. N. McLean,
Lieut. H. Towne, Sgt. -Major C. Top-
ham, Drum Major H. Sehatte, Sgt.
JC. Denny, Sgt. A. Sturdy, IJtes, Dol-
an, H. Dennis, F. Mellor, G. Finley,
Cruickshanks, R. Chettlebtirgh, 5.
Schaffter, H. Finley, McNeil, 5, Ben-
inger, H. Templeman, Waller, Mar-
tin, Edgar, Short; Buglers, R, Cope-
land, N. Williamson J. Ellacott, H.
Skelding, A. Scott; Drummers, A.
Stokes, M. Groves, P. Lediet, Wm,
Jaediet, H. Braley, S. Scott,
• Appoint Second Teacher
The second vacancy on the Public
School staff was filled on Friday,
.when Miss Eunice Tyndall of Hol-
stein received the appointment.
Love Breen
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
the United. Church parsonage, Wing -
ham, by Rev. S. Davison on Satur-
day, June 28th, at 2 pan., when Mar-
tha Irene Breen, R.,N.„ eldest daugh-
ter of Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Breen, of
Turnberry, became the bride of Mr..
Geo. W. Love, youngest son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Jas. H. Love of
Chatsworth, Ont.
Immediately after the ceremony the
happy couple left for a short honey-
moon, after which they will reside
at Chatsworth. Their many friends
wish thern a long and happy wedded
Davidson -Lewis
A quiet but pretty wedding took
Place in Kitchener on Saturday, June
21st, when Janet Isabel, eldest daugh-
ter of Mr .and Mrs. Harry Lewis of
Stratford, became the bride of David
H. Davidson, eldest son of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Davidson of 'Kitchener.
The ceremony was performed. by Rev.
Finlay Matheson in thc presence of
guests from Stratford, Waterloo, Galt
and Hamilton. The .bride looked
pretty in a gown of brown flat crepe
-with hat and shoes to match and a
fox fur, and was attended by Miss
Vera Davidson, sister of the groom,
who evaa attired in a dress of green
ci epe with hat in harmonizing shade,
while the groom was ably supported
by Mr. Albert APpel. A reception
was held at the home of the groom's
parents immediately after the cere-
mony. V
The •bride is well known in this
locality, having been born and lived
Turnberry until a few years ago,
and her many Wins:sham friends ex-
tend congratulations.
A very pretty wedding was soletn-
rtized at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
T. W, Pickell, Culross, Saturday, June
21s1, at 12 o'clock when their only
-daughter, Annie lquriel, was united in
marriage to Mr. Howard C.. Pocock,
youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. George
Pocock of East Wawanosh, The Rev,
Glen Wardell of Toronto officiated.
The ceremony was performed be-
neathan arch cec white blossoms at
•one corner of the living -room. The
'bride entered on the arrneof her fath-
er to the wedding march played by
Miss Gladys E, Johnson of Owen
Sound mid was prettily attired in a
gown of evhite chiffon designed in
Princess • lines with long full skirt.
Her veil of silk net was caught at
the head with orange blossoms, her
• shoes and gloves were of white kid.
She carried a bouquet of pink roses.
The brideattendant, Miss Louise
Haena of Montreal, was gowned hi
printed blue chiffon with hat and
crepe-de-chene shoes to match and
carried a bouquet of mixed flowers.
• After the ceremony a luncheon was
served to about thirty guests. Later
Mt, arid Mrs. Pocock left on at.insoatoot;
trip, the bride traVellihg 11'
pie -crust
•i hat, shoes, glov-
excise eomaine with re wn
and sand tweed coa
es and putse to mate 1, She also wore
the gift of the groom, a handsome
brown fox fur.
Mr, and Mrs.. Pococtkheeact;erootoit: re -
side in Ottawa where
pted ee ()ego° e
a positiati a member of
tire staff of t d St S611°01
With Which is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News,
Mr. 1*. R, Bennett of Flint, Mich.,
spent the week -end in town.
Mr. Carl Deans is spending his hol-
idays with friends in Toronto.
Mr, Bruce a Edgar of Toronto, is
home for a few emonth's rest.
Mr. and Mrs. ..D Hamilton are vis-
iting friends in Lansing, Mich.
Mr. Ralph Carr of Toronto, spent
the week -end at his home he're.
Miss Mae 1-lowell of l'oronto, spent
the week -end with friends here.
Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Anderson of
Fort Frances, are visiting in town.
Miss Elizabeth Johns of Port Col-
borne, is visiting at her hime here.
Mrs. Arthur Magee, Bluevale Road,
is visiting her neice in Grand Rapids.
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Baker spent
the week -end with 'friends in T,on-
Miss Alice Williamson is spending
the summer holidays at her home
Miss Anne Geddes is spending her
vacation with friend's in Detroit and
Miss M. Arbuckle, Toronto, is visit-
ing at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm.
Mr. and Mrs. R Arbuckle of Tor-
onto, were visitors in town 'Over the
week -end.
Mr. Gordon Cruickshank -s of St.
:;_pontas, spent the week -end at his
home here,
Misses Margaret and .Marjorie
Fisher of Toronto, are spending their
holidays in town. ,
Brick Church Sunday School held
a successful picnic at Goderich park
on Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Clive Scott of Regina, Sask.,
visitor last week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. R. A. Currie.
Mrs. John Agnew and son, Ernest,
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Sutton last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bell, of Re-
gina, Sask., visited at the home of
Mr, and Mrs, Jack Ernest.
Dr. M. L. Craig underwent an op-
eration for appendicitis in Wingham
General Hospital last week.
Mr. and Mrs. VV. A Canipbell and
family of Toronto, are visiting at the
home of Mrs. Thos. Gregory.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Shrigley and
family of London, arc visiting at the
home of Mr. George Shrigley.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Amos of Tor-
onto, spent the week -end at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, j. W, Dodd.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Helen and son
of Marquette, Mich:, are visiting at
the hOine of Mr. J. M, Graham.
Mr. and Mrs. Sid 'Johnston of Tor-
onto, apent the week-eed at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Robertson.
• Mrs- McPhadden and Mr. j. H.
Timmins of/Toronto visited 1)r. and
Mrs, Stewart over the week -end.
Mr. and. Mrs. Thos. Drummond of
Toronto, visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. T. j. McLean a few clays.
Rev. and Mrs. Armstrong, of Lon-
don formerly of Wroacter, were call.
ing on friends in town on Monday.
Mrs, Geo. W. Schaefer and child-
ren of Goderich, are visiting at the
home of her mother, Mrs. John Mc-
Cool. . •
Ma and Mrs. Elgin Currie of Is-
lington arc visiting at the home of
Mrand lairs, James Isard, Victoria
Mr. and Mrs: A, L. Porteous of
Scaforth, visited over the week -end
with their neice, Mrs. W. McMichael,
Mrs. N. Taylor and daughter and
brother, George, spent a few days
with the latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. T. Taylor.
Misses Marjorie and Margaret
Fisher of Toronto, have returned to
their home in Wingham for the
summer holidays,
Mr., and Mrs. A, McD. Haniia of
Toronto spent the week -end at the
home of the latter's mother, Mra,
Tbotnas Jackson, Scott street,
• Mr, and Mrs, B. Brown and son of
To'ronto, were guests over the week-
end at the home .of the former's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Broare.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. H. Gannett and
little daughter, of Kitchener, also Mr.
and Mrs. Robt. Galbraith and daugh-
ter visited overthe holiday with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wit.
• Mrs, Stewart Cowan and daughters
Wanda and Betty are spending two
weeks vacation at Detroit and Kings-
• Mr, D. G. Small and son, Herbert,
of Grand Rapids, • Mich., spent the
_week -end with the forzner's mother,
Mrs, Margaret Small, Diagonal Road.
Miss Eleanor McLean, representa-
five of the MacLean Publishing Co.,
spent the week -end at the home of
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. T. J. Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. 5. a Murdoch of To-
ionto, are spending their vacation at
home of the latter's parents, Mr, and
Mrs, George Ef: Edgar, second line of
Miss Eva Rintoul of Grace Hospi-
tal, 'Toronto, was able to return to
her duties on Monday, her mother,
Mrs. W. H. Rh -limit is considerably
improved. •
Mr, Wm. Kent and Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Kent of Brampton, spent a few
days with Mrs. Charles Elliott; Blue -
vale road, and Mrs. Eugene McDon-
ald of town.
Miss Mary Brandon of Drayton,
spent the week end with her cousin,
Mrs, Wilfred Reid, East Wawanosh.
Miss Brandon rendered a beautiful
solo in the United Church on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs, Skinner and two chil-
dren, Mrs. Harris and son, Billie, of
Windsor, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Johnston of Kincardine, were week-
end visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs C. R. Copeland.
Wroxeter Garden Party
A Garden Party will be held on the
grounds of Wroxeter United Church
on Thursday, July 10th. Supper serv-
ed from 6 to 8 o'clock, a play entitled
"Willowdale" will ba given by Lis-
towel Dramatic Club,
Wingham Band Attends Tattoo
The Wingham Citizens' Band under
the direction of Bandmaster Schatte,
took part in the Band Tattoo at
Blyth on Wednesday of last week.
Six bands were in attendance: Listo-
wel, Lucknow, Brocihagen, Harriston,
Blyth and Wingham.
Judge Reserves Decision
The appeal of the Walker Stores
against their increased assessment
was heard on Saturday morning, be-
fore Judge Lewis in the council cham-
ber. Valuators were heard regarding
the value of -the building, and the
decision of the judge was reserved.
Open Jitney Monday Night
The local bowling club are staging
another open jitney on Monday ev-
ening next, when it is expected that
a .large number of outside bowlers
will be present. If tire outside entry
is larger than expected the local
bowlers will withdraw in favor of the
Two -Year Normal Course
Announcement was made last week
by Hon. G. Howard Ferguson, that
the :Department of Eudcation is Pre-
pared to inaugurate in September
eext a two-year course of training
for teachers at normal schools "Tea-
chers are permitted to teach four
y rs," aaid Mr. Ferguson, when
qnestioned on atm point, "before they
are required to take their secuel year
norrnal training. ft is uncertain at
the present tine how many teachers
desire to take up the second -year
work this fall. If they come forward
in sufficient wombats to warrant the
second -year class of this course will
be set up„ It all rests with the tea-
chers themselves."
Mail and Empire Trophy.
Won by Wingham Bowler
At Cargill Annual: Bowling- Tour-
ney' the two' local links . atteitcling
were snccessful in entering theprize
list. The Mail .& Empire Trophy, and
four leather Club Bags ,,vol7c: won by
Habkirk C. Armitage, 0, Thom. -
son and Jack Mason, skip, They de-
feated the strong ,tink from. South-
ttfhpton skipped by W. Downey in the
final. by 17-7,
Score by ends
Wingham 4 1 1 1.•4 8 3
Southampton 1 1 :2 2 1
The rink composed Of A. Taylor,
E. Harrison, H. MacLean and D. Rae
skip, won thefaerth prize each re-
ceiving a silver Sandwich •1asket,
Fire broke out about nine o'clock
this morning in the Crawford block,
whicb is occupied by Abell's Mosic
Store, the Hydro Shop, Armitage
Gents Furnishings and Dry Cleaners,
on the ground floor and by Miss
Beckett, George Day and Thomas
'Hardie upstairs.
The fire which was caused by a de-
fective chimney wai first noticed by
Mr. Elwood Armitage, who heard the
soot and ashes dropping on the tin
just above the furnace that it used for
steam pressing. 'rhe alarm was im-
mediately sounded and in very short
time water playing on the building.
Many willing volunteers were soon
on the scene and before the water or
smoke had entered. any of the Stores,
their entire stocks were removed to a
safe distance.
Due to the prompt action of the
firemen the fire Was soon under con-
trol and was confined to thd attic and
in about one hours time was com-
aletely extinguished. •
The household effects of the people
upstairs would be partially destroyed
by water as three streams poured
water into the buildin,g.
Successful ,at Musical Festival
' Miss Grace G. Tucker was winner
in the Contralto Soloists Class at the
Musical ,Festival held in St. Thomas
for Elgin County.
Men's Fine Shirts $1.59
Good Broadcloth and Percales in
Plain Shades and Neat Stripes, regu-
lar prices to $2.50, now $1.59 er 2
for $3.00; 75c Holeproof Socks, now
50c! Wool Bathing Suits $2.98. Straw
Hats at various prices. King Bros.
Orange Annual Church Service
L . 0. L. No. 794, Wingharre will
hold its annual Church Service on
Sunday, July 6th, at 7. p.m. in St.
Paul's Anglican Church, where the
service will be in charge of Rev. 13ro,
O. Gallaher of Lucknow,
A Recount Necessary
We print an item below picked
from the Chesley Enterprise, in refer-
ence to the Teeswater-Chesley game.
• "Norm. Geddes hopped into the
game just long enough to show that
there are still 44 hairs on his bald
plate. Last year there were 46 giv-
ing • "Baldy" a net loss of 2 during
the twelve months,"
W. C. T. U. Convention
The annual. county convention of
the W. C. U, will be held in the
United Church, Brussels, on Julys 8th.
Moming session at 9.30 a.m., after-
noon session at 1.30 pm, In the ev-
ening at 8 o'clock, a four act drama,
"Who Cres' wil be given by Mrs,
George Johnston of Goderich and her
class of girls. Music between acts.
St. Andrew's W. M. S.
The regular monthly meeting. of the
W. M. S. of St, Andrew's Presbyter-
ian Church will be held in the church
on Tuesday, July 8th, • at 3 o'clock,'
The meeting will be in charge of the
1 -lame Helpers, the topic "The Glors
ious Compery," will be taken by Miss
Farquharson and Miss McLaughlin.
A report of. the Presbyterial meeting
will be given by the delegate.' All the
ladies of the congregation are cordial-
ly invited to attend,
Bluevale Anniversary 'Services
••Anniversary services were held.in
the Bluevele Presbyternietas, Coliurclt
Ripley, on
Sunday. Rev. Mr. Han
occupied the pulpit aud Preached two.
:splendid .sermons to large congrega.-
does,. The choir, under the leader-
ship of Miss 'Margaret Gareiss, ren-
dered suitable selections, consisting
of anthema, a male geartet and a dttet.
In .the • evening Me J, Reavie • of
:Winglaue„ sang "Otte Sweetly
emn Thought."
Correction re Mr: Spotton
Spotton wishes us to elate that
he was not correctly reported :in his
statement regarding Old age pensions;
He said he was itt favor of the Old
Age Pension Act properly adminis-
tered but ;did not say it was,lnisman-
aged at present, Mr,,Spotton told us
that he had not yet heard of....orie case,
of mismanagement in • this county, in
fact, he said great credit was due the
committee of comity council who,.pio-
neered in getting the Act in 'working
shape and were eminently fair in ev-
ery case he knew of.
junior Fourth to Senior Fourth
.Passed on year's work ---E, Coutts,
C. Nortrop, E. Patterson, D. Buchan-
an, T. Reid, G. Robertson.
Total 650, Honors 487, Pass 390,
F. Currie 565, D. Forsythe 509, 13.
Mundy 493, 3 Preston 488; V, Car-
ter 474, M. Brown 472, L. Deyell 459,
E. Fothergill 454, D. Hutchison 452,
L. Brown 444, M. Fraser 442, G. Ma-
son 440, F. Collar 433, C. Stewart
411, L, Clark 407, P. Deyell 405, A.
Stone 403, N. MeEvers 392, L. Bok
• Senior Third to Junior Third
• Passed with honors onyear's work
-Ruth Mitchell, Jean Zurbrigg, Isa-
bel Habkirk, Gracey King, Winnifred
Carr, Edith Field, Elizabeth Schaff -
ter, Helen Miller, Beryl Brown.
Total 550, Honors 412, Pass 330. •
Benson Hamilton 469, Caroline
Wellwood 442, Ross Howson 426, El-
sie Webb .419, Bernice Mundy 417,
Grace :Brackenbury 416; Ralph Ham-:
mond 401, Charlie Chittick 384, Nor-
mae Blatchford 381, Donald Rich 378,
Helen Burgess 377, Edith Finley 375,
Mae Wilson 362, Mary Cruilcshanks
353, Winnifred • Small 330, Stewart
Carter 330, Reggie Broome 330.
Junior Third to Senior Third
• Passed on year's work - Emma
Krohn, Lloyd, Eljacott, Lorraine Car-
ter, Laura. Campbell, Velma Stoalcley.
Total 550, Honors 412, Pass 330.
Zora Cameron 445, Winnifred Mc -
Nevin 434, Irene' Mellor 426, Ray-
mond Carter 421, Marvin Smith 414;
John Lamb 404, Billie Davidson 402,
Thora Davison 393, John Bunn 393,
Stewart Forsyth 392, Helen Groves
390, Hazel Hawkins189aGeorge Carr
389, Billie Lepard 338, Albert Camp-
bell 386, Alicia Wilson. 380, Laetta
Bok 380, Wornold Finley 375, John
Currie 372, Irene Clark 365, Betty
Collar 364, James Broome 349, Bea-
trice Forsythe 340, Douglas Waram
830, Edith Campbell 330, Stanley
Henderson 330, Norma Graves 330,
Senior Second toejunior Third
Passed on year's work -Mary Pres-
ton, Verne Walker, Doris Armitage,
Jean Cruikshank.
Total 550, Honors 413, Pass 330,
Bobby Rae 451, Muriel Williams
449, Clarence Cantelon 444, Jean Mel-
lor 437, Evelyn Gamble •435, Harry
Posliff 435, Lillian Fuller 429, Alice
Dore 429, Irlina Harrison 427, Marie
Hopper 424, Bert Vansickle 424, Lloyd
Dark 424, Isabel Lamb 420, Hazel
Lediet 417, Edith Mundy 415; Jimmie
Lee 410, Marjorie Forsythe 399, Irene
Fitt 393, Evelyn Carter 355, Evelyn
Campbell 353, Edward Finley 337,
Harry Ross 830,
Junior Second to Senior Second
Passed with honors on year's work
-Patricia Parker, Szott Reid, Russel
Zurbrig,g, Betty Rae, Ruth Hamilton.
Total 550, Honors 412, Pass 330.
• Charlie • Wellwood 428, Margaret
Marsh 426, Mabel Fothergill 423, Lil-
lian Howard 420, Lloyd Hutton 418,
Elma Attwood 414, Evelyn Edgar
412; Adeline Vansickle 386, Eilene
Curtis 384, Charlie Krohn 377, Doris
Fitt 368, Robert Casemore 364,
• Edythe Campbell 347, Carl Bondi 345,
Allen Small 340, Billie Groves 340,
George 'Boyle 337, Charlie Baskerville
336, Mary McKibbon 336, :Kathryn
Patterson 330, Harold Ross 330,
Charlie Ross 330, Harold Stephenson
330, Orval Stanley 330, Kathleen
Saint 330,.. Frank Angus P., Alvin
Lecliet P,
First Book to Junior Second
l'assed with honors on year's work
-Margaret Hornutle Noreen Bene-
dict, Kenneth Jackson, Reba Marshall,
131113 13tirgman, Frances Lockridge,
James Schaffter, Marion Templernan,
Betty Lloyd, Hilda Brown, Jeanne
Total 225, Honors 169, Pass 113.
Virginia Currie 203, Betty Saint
Trevor Davison 201, John Lee 199,
Mac Habkirk 197, Noel Stephenson
196, Bertha Co,sentore 195, jean Lee
194, Donald Adams 191, Harold Cant-
elort 188, Jack Fraser 187, Gertrude
Finley 185, Kenneth Johnson 182, Ar-
nold Stoakley 180, Bill Sturdy 178,
Donalda. Henderson 175, Louise Dore
167, Nora Finley 165, Roy Dark 155,
Billie Forsythe 149, Fenton Barnes
186. ,
Primary to First Book
Passed with Honors on year's work
-Agnes • Seli, Marguerite Ingham,
Helen Hammond, Billie Harris, Mab-
el Campbell, • Louise Lloyd, Velma
Ohm, Hem, Lee, Betty Groves, Don -
:old Fitt, Elmer Deyell, John Wilson.
Total 150, Honors 113, Pass 75.
Billie Scott 141, Billie Seddon 137,
Elva. Haines 133, Louise Thompson
131, Billie Smith 130, Dorotliy Mellor
129, Carl Veneer 125, Junior Nivins
124, George Johnson 122, Reggie Col-
lar 121, Florence Finley 120, Harry
Montgomery 119, Norman Fry 114,
Jack Gorbutt 108, Laura Collar 99,
Helen Patterson 98, Margaret Dob-
son 90, Kenneth Crrawford 83, Fran-
ces Robinson, recommended,
Look! Men •
White Shirts on Sale, collar attach-
ed and separate collar styles of fine
Broadcloth. Just the thing for fac-
tory or inside work. Regularly pric-
ed to $2.00, now 79c. King Bros,
Leaving For Old Country
Miss • Olive Cruikshank left on
Tuesday for Montreal, where she will
join a party of fifty from Toronto
University, leaving on Friday for a
trip to the Old Country.
Ladies' Rink Tournament.
The annual rinks tournament of
the Ladies' Bowling Club will be held
on Friday of this week, when four set
of prizes and a special will be offered
in competition.
Cotton Model Shows
The Cotton Model Shows, with
Ferris -wheel, eveerry-go-round and
concessions, will be on the town park,
Wingham, from Friday, July 4th to
Thursday, July 10th.
Managing Hanover Store
Mr. Charles Mason, who for some
time has been employed at Dominion
Stores branch at Wingham, left on
Monday to take charge of the Han-
over store. Miss Scott of Teeswater,
has taken his place at :the local store,
Buy Groceries at king's.
9 Castile Soap 28c, Seedless Rais-
ins, 2 for 25c, King Oscar Sardines 3
for 49c, Kellogs Corn Flakes, 3 for
29c, Heinz Catsup 25e, Handy Am-
monia, 3 for 23e, Toilet gaper, 6 for
19,c. King Bras.
Won Two Firsts At Goderich
Messrs. Chas. Elliott and j. H. Mc-
Kay were successful in winning first
prize in the horse shoe pitching dou-
bles itt Goderich on Tuesday-, receiv-
ing silver salt and peppers. Mr. El-
liott also won first priae, in the singles
receiving a dozen silver spoons and
sugar tongs.
Our New Serial Story
This week cincludes the present
serial "Devil -May -Care" and neat
week we will commence a new one,
"The Tiger Trail" by Edison Mar-
shall, in thirteen instalments. Start
next week to read i arid we feel sure
that you will be so interested you
won't miss a single instalment,
YOUNG LAD IS many Attend Ball Game
About three bemired Winghamites
SEVERELY CUT attended the ball game in Goderich
on Tuesday between the Colored Gi-
ants of Detroit, and the whiskered
teem of the House of David. The
games proved a slight disappointment
but this was in all probability respon-
sible to the cool weather and the
high wind blowing off the lake,
Attend Family IZe-Union
"Ruddy'," son of Me and Mrs. Paul
Van Ness of Toronto received a nas-
ty cut in his leg while Orville with
the rabbits at Mi-, Geo. Phippen's on
Wednesday' of last week. Mr. Phip-
pen had just finished cutting some
weeds and had ,hung the scythe tria.
on the side of the rabbit pen, front
where it fell:cetting the young lad's
Dr. Redmond was called, but the
wound was bleeding so freely that it
was necessary to hold the leg tightly
to check tile circulation, and took 8
stitches to dose the wound,
• While only it little fellow he show-
ed he had great courage and didn't
(WM W hint pCr while the doctor was
sewing up the cut.
A very pleasant family re -union of
the Edgar family was:field on the old
Edgar homestead, near Ayr, an July
lst, • The weather was ideal and about
150 gathered and spent it :delightful
day renewing acquaintances. Among
those who :attended the relation were
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Edgar of town,
and his son, Mr. Arnold j. Edgar and
family of Wroxeter.
• MilAr.:,31.4!t,.!Vit..
Subscriptions, $2.00 Per Year
Messrs. 5. Mason and 0. Thonip
son attended the Grand Valley don
les tournament on Tuesday, defend-
ing the trophy they nave held for the
past two years, hut dropped uu
game, the first in three years the,re.„
winning first in the Association event
receiving bowler's shoes,
A rinlc composed of N. Walker, A.
Taylor, W. A, Miller and A, M. Crave -
ford took in the 'tournament at Ches-
ley on Tuesday, going to the final
game before they lost a game, there-
by winning second in the trophy ev-
ent, receiving cut glass water sets.,
Another rink composed of W. Van-
Wyck, E. P.. Harrison, I). Rae and D.
B. Porter were unsuccessful at tize
Atwood rinks tournament on Tues-
Sale of Women Wear
• Silk Dresses, White, 13lues, Green,
Sands, Navy and Black, $5.00, Dimity
Dresses, $2.95 and. 5'3.95. Children's
Coats $3,29 and 35.49. King Bros.
Hullett Farmer Takes Life
Having returned •anly a week ago
front. Guelph Sanitorittra, where he
had been undergoing treatment, W.
Yungblutt of Hallett township, coma
mitted suicide Wednesday morning of
last week by hanging from a tree near
his barn He was 53 years'of age and
Fire Siren Works Too Well
• On Saturday afternoon the wail of
the fire siren was heard and the fire-
men rushed to the hall and had the
reels out and all ready to go, but
no place to go to. it appears that •
a lady on slamming the rest room
door made the switch of the siren fall
in causingihe alarm.
New Sweaters For Shell Gas
When the Shell Gas softball team
appear in action again they will be
arrayed in new sweaters of yellow
and red, the Shell Gas colors. Mr.
Cecil Merkley, the manager of the
team, has •purchased ten sweaters
which he will distribute to the play-
ers. This will make a good sbowing
as far as sweaters are concerned, and
the opposing team should strengthen
up, as they are out to make a good
showing in their playiug as well.
United Farmers Garden Party
A monster Garden Party under the
auspices of the United Farmers. • of
North Huron will be held on Garner
Nicholson's lawn, 4th Inc, Morris,
miles mat of Belgrave, On Tuesday,:
July 15th. Supper from 5 to aao.
Program by Cowan Concert Co. of .
Toronto. Twenty minute addresses
by the two candidates for the coming
election, George Spotton Conserva-
tive; W. FL Robertson, Liberal...Dan-
cing after program, eood platform,
good muaie„Admission. adults. 50e,
children 25e. 4 4
Charged With Serious Offence,
Wm. Astrof, in charge of the
"Caulking Peeve" who caulked •the
tracks in many of the homes in town,
was arrested by Prov. Officer Nelson
in Walkerton on Monday of last week
on a warrant charging him with false'
registration in an hotel :in Goderieh„
the girl in the case, who hails front.
Toronto, being also arrested there„
and lodged in the county jail until
the arrival of :Prose Constable Whites
side front Cxoderich, who took them•
to that town to stand trial. The lady
admitted to Constable Nelson there
that she had never been wed to the
-accesed, who it seems, has a wife and
family in Montreal, They were (Tacit:
assessed $100 and costs.
Francis Lutton.
Foliowine a. lingering illness is
three years, there paeecd away at the
Byron sanitarium, lamdori, Wedeese
day morning, Francis 1 On, n rl of
Mr. and Mrs. Tollerton l'anton of
Wine:item, in hie 29th year'. He., was
born in the Northern part of Ireland
adn Came to Czmada abotit ten Years
ago. Surviving, beside, his Parents
five brothers, John of Toronto, James
and Thoma.: *of I.ondoe, Sam-
uel in llelfaio, lie:laud, and Jerry of
Wingham and three sisters, Rachel of
Winghem, Ida' of -Fort Francis and
Annie ia: Ireland. services
will be conducted at the home of his
parents on Saturday afternison. Ins
terment will be made in the Wingham