The Wingham Advance Times, 1930-06-12, Page 4jfl W1NGH, NI''Al VANCE-TafIgS Madernistic Puff and Case with uitee1 Face Powders, 85c value for 50c One of the many bar- gains at our "SUMMER TOILET GOODS SALE„ ,,bbc ry rug -mr 'Sae.. 'eaten ;fatal „eagle weer osier. aserowovasuat ....04104..aolKoman.menwes4wroateessomumial 'IEE WANT AD'S cents a word pet insertion. with, rr minimum charge of asc. ar'iicarsfriiir Mi14YiYligilltil7tY\ireeelyYhaeYallitreeltWialliatjeeltreeltrie'reetrintriil7intYetelatYtrall'eaaYaldYilitte 1taG APARTMENT TO RENT Corner IN MEMORIAM' John and Minnie Streets. Apply to A. J, Ross. In loving memorytwo of our tvt a dear girls Velma and Laura, who passed BABY CHICKS—At final low mid- summer prices. 0. A. C. Barred Rocks $14,00 per 100; Single Comb White Leg1iorns $12.00. Our chick's are all produced from eggs laid on our own farmby selected disease- free hens. This means something to you when buying chicks- They will live and grow. Above prices are effective on and after June 9th. Don't forget to see our galvanized feeders, C. G. Campbell, R. R. No. 2, Auburn. Phone,Blyth 10-24. Executors' Sale Of residence and household effects of the late Caro- line Grigg in the village of Bel grave, at 2.30 on Saturday, June 14, 1930, Jas. Taylor, Auctioneer. FOR SALE—Shorthorn year old bull Apply to. Webster Willits, R. R. 1, Wine -ham. FOR SALE -3 -burner New Perfec- tion Oil Stove with oven, in" first- class condition. Apply at Advance- Tulles office. away two years ago on the 6th' June, 1928, also my granddaughter, Audrey Jarvis and my ` father Thomas Cal- vert. They were only'Ient to us for a little •while, God only .meant His own To stay with us a little while, And then to journey home. Mother, : Father, Sisters and Brother. NOTICE Parties dumping refuse, .stones and garbage on any of the Township of Trunberry roads, will be prosecuted. I. J. Wright, W. R. Cruikshank, Reeve. Clerk. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. John Ward wish to express their sincere appreciation for the kindness and sympathy shown by the many friends of Wingham in their recent bereave- ment. At one of Lady Astor's meetings at Plymouth, a country yokel, thinking AOR SALE—One hundred and fifty he would floor her on a farming prob- acres, good brick house, large barn, ileal, suddenly called out:. sixty acres in crop' the farm must "Say, missus, how many, toes are be sold at once. Bargain, terms, there on a pig's foot?" Alsb several good homes in Wing Lady ;Astor flashed out the reply: ham, every cortvenitnce' Onb bungalow to' close estate. These properties must be Sold. Apply. T. ;count for yourself." e brick "Take off you boots, uoi t: i s, my man, and Fells. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL Meeting' for their June session in the afternoon of the Ring's birthday, the Hur<,n County Council opened their proceedings with the singing of the National :anthem, on the sugges- tim of the Warden. A photograph of tlw .Bing; draped in patriotic calors adorned the ,lodge's dais, In his upt'nin;g'retnirk;; the Warden mentioned the bereavement t'hieli had 'came to tvvu homes, that of Mr. Henderson, and that of 11ir, 1-Ir,1nran, and he expressed the sympathy of all the members of the. council. He said 11e had came in contact with die .work of the various com- mittees ont- 1111 t e is t and had d teen over the r.ount y wish t1rc:. Good Road, Commission, a county' that extended fur ;90 utile:, from north to south anti 45 from east to west, and when lie looked at our roads he felt, as the Ministerof High- ways had stated that the County of Huron was an 'outstanding;' county icer good roads, -Many requests had conic in for portions of roads to be given attention and he felt that the various municipalities were justified in asking that these roads be taken over. The present he felt was the proper time to take care of a number of small bridges, on roads that had been wid- ened to 24 feet, while some of the bridges remained only about 14 feet wide and constituted real danger sports. Now also was the time to clean up the $15,000 which had been in curred several years ago. Following the requests of the county council the commission would spend ;up to 'the 2 -mill highway rate and would then stop work. The work of the Children's Shelter committee was one which imposed quite a burden on the county. A •spee vial meeting had been necessary to consider the case of a family with seven children in an institution in London at the expense of this county, Mr. Edwards was sent to London and a special arrangement was made whereby six of the children were ta- ken care of for $30 a week and the youngest was brought back to this county. To have looked after this family in the shelter here .would have necessitated the appointment of an assistant matron of the shelter.: A meeting was held at the County Horne last Friday, The Agricultural representative was asking for ten ac- res of land for demonstration purpos- es. The county home needed all its present land, but 46 acres to the northeast of the home could be pur- chased, but he felt it aright be better to sent this land for five years or NOTICE TO CREDITORS FOR SALE—The' residence and lot of the late Mrs. Annie Walker, on NOTICE IS HERE/3Y GIVEN, the north side of John street, Wing_ pursuant to Section 56, Chap. 121 of ham. Intending purchasers may itlle Revised Statutes of Ontario, that view the premises on application ;all persons having claims against the to Mrs. Garnet Baker, Josephine' Estate of Robert Sheill late of the st., Wingharn. Town of Wingharn in the Province of Ontario, Retired Farmer, deceased, I who died on or about the fifteenth HOUSE TO RENT — All modern , clay of April, A.D, 1930, are required conveniences, on e',rner of Alfred' tosend by post,prepaid, or to deliver ' and Shutes streets, garage at real' to R. Vanstone, Wingham, Ontario,: of house. Apply to Advance -Times Solicitor for the Executors, on or be office. fore the seventeenth day of June, A. — D. 1930, .their names and addresses, with full particulars in writing of their I-IOLSE TO RENT—Corner Cath- claims, and the nature of the securi- Grine and Victoria streets, modern ' ties (if any) held by them d 1 conveniences, Apply to Sam Mor fled by a statutory declaration vert- ton, R. R. 1, Belgrave, phone 624 AND TAKE NOTICE FURTHER r15, that after the said seventeenth day of ;June 1930, the said executors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the SEALED TENDERS WANTED —; said estate among the parties entitled Tenders will be received by the un-' thereto, having regard'; only to the dersigned for all privileges for the claims of which they shall then have Blyth Rand Tattoo on June 25th, had notice, and the said executors said privileges to consist of Bane -1 shall not be liable for the said assets ing, either open air or in hall, re- or any part thereof to any person of £resliment booth, games, etc, Ten-: whose claire they shallnot then have dors may be for part or all privy- received notice, leges and raust be accompanied by , Dated at Wing -ham this twenty- marked cheque for full amount.sixth clay of May, A.D.;1980, Tendersreceived until June 18th.R. VANSTONE, Wingham, Ontario,. Solicitor for the Executors. Highest or any tender not neves-1 sarily accepted. Mark on envelope "Tenders for Tattoo" and adress to ' R; D. Philip, Blyth, Ont. , Consulting ]Engineer TENDERS WANTEfJ-'renders will I S1 W. ARCHIBALD 13 A Sc (Tor - be received up to (i o'clock, July 2, l onto), O,L.S,, Register'ed Profession - for the painting of the inside and, al Engineer and Land Surveyor, As - outside of Schoolhouse U No, 3 soclate Member Engineering Institute East Wawanosli'and Morris, W. G. of Canada, Office, Seafortli, Ont. Netltery, secretary, Tt. R. 4, T3rus- "` gel. I" EA CHER WANTED --For Uniort School Section No. 8, Turnberry and Morris (Junction School), Ap- plications will :.be received • .until .Tuesday inornin; , July 1st.. Appli cants r ectltll•ed ter .state -experience,. qualifications and salary eispected. Apply to W. J. Henderson, see''y„ Box r Win h asst. PURE [.iRk Ir JERSEY , UrL FOR Sale — 11 months, from imported stock, Apply to G, N. Underwood, R. R, 1., Wingltanr. WOUNG- MANeage 20, desires work, garage prreferred, Experienced. I'1tine 629x14,, ELLIOTT MILLER AUCTIONEER Sales conducted' anywhere. Wide experience, Best efforts pat forth ort each and every sale. Phone 70. Li/airflow, Ont. GEOPottl WILL TAMS official ... C. It F. Watch Inspector Repairing Ottr Specialty. Satisfaetion Guaranteed,. Phone 014), Queens Hotel %a of TOTAL, FARES to CANADA ADVANCED BRITISHERS in Canada may naw bring forward th e i r Families, .Relatives and Friends on Easy Terms, For full details apply: 1. D.'CAMERON Dist. Supt. Colonization Canadian Pacific Railway, Toronto BRITISH RE -UNION ASSOCIATION EARN $5-$12 PER DAY I Men wanted to train — Few weeks—Pay. Raising job, getting practical, garage .Mechanics, Elec- tric Welding, Housewiring, Brick- laying and Drafting—Guaranteed. Free employment service; Write today for free information. COMMERCIAI ENGINEERING SCHOOLS 57 (Queen W., Toronto,' NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pure scant to Section 56, Chap. 121, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the es- tate of Jane t'urdon, late of the vil- lage of k Wiutechnrch in the County of 13ruce,`Widow, deceased, who died. on or about the twentieth day of Feb-' ruary, A.D. 1930, are required to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to R, Vanstone,; Wingham, Ontario, Solid - tor for the Administrator, on or be- fore the twenty-fourth day of June,. A,D, 1980, their names and addresses, with full particulars in writing of their claims, and the nature of the securit- ies (if arty) held by them duly veri- fied by a statutory declaration, ANI) TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that after the said twenty-fourth day of June, A,D,, 1930, the said Adminls- tr.a c tr r will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among .the parties entitled thereto, haying regard only to the clairrts of which lie :shall then have had notice, and the said Administrator shall not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to arty person . of Allose claim. he 'shall i not then have received notice. DATED at Wrirttha,n this second day of June, A.D. 1980. J1.• VANS'roNE; Wiinghain, Ontario, take an option 'on it rnthg,r than pu elitist: a.1 the Present time, The Old Age Pension scheme ha resulted in 567 applications beim; r ceived for the poasion so far. 15 new applicattuas had been receive since Ueceinber. 486 1;ad' been gran ed by the Provincial authorities an a0 Mare ltad.-passed the county- cent inittee, 'Tae pension fund was cos int, the county $1600 a Montle and thexpense so far would take half a mi on the asses'g11e11t lo Med. There bad ,been a great deal of cri ticislti of the pension committee '''fo the number of tines they nisi <ind fo the amount they received, but • th \Varden said he would 'sooner sit o any other cutinty committee' at $3 day than un m this cuinittee at $10 day, on: account of the unpleasantne and hard feelings occasioned' by til turning dov,n of applications that r ,neinber felt he could not honestly recommend, $10.a day for committee r• - chairman and toastmaster; Warden i; A.' C. Coker, of,lluron gave the address til of welcome, snail Mayor H. -J. A. 11fac- e- Ewen gave a civic welcome to the a6 guests of the evening, d Others sneakers • were: 1). Mane, t- t- 11 r r e n a a 0 meetings and $4, a day for time spent on investigations and ten cents a mile for travelling be ,said was less than the $8 a day and 20 cents a mile stat- eel by the court judge as a fair al- lowance for such committees,. The time was not far distant, the Warden thought, •wheat we ,would re- quire a second traffic cop for the county, for the work in the south of the comity kept him busy and there should be another officer for the north. It may be as has often been stated that. county councils are losing a lot of their former powers but if they are they are certainly watching the legi- slation that goes into effect at Tor- onto and petitions from other counties for co-operatiori in memorializing :he legislature are a regular part of ev- ery session of the county council now. The United counties of Northumber- land and Durham ask Huron County to co-operate. in asking the Legisla- ture to relieve counties of contri- butions to the Old Age Pensions, Wentworth county :wants the legisla- ture to assiime the whole cost of Provincial Highways, Lincoln county wants all registrations of births made in the municipality of which the par- ents reside. And so it goes. All such communications were referred to the Legislation committee, a new coni- mittee organized a year or two ago. The provincial grant on highways.' work done last year amounts to $86,- 466,72. The . Old Age Penssor, conlnrtitec reported three rneetinrs since Jan- uary and 152 cases . dealt with, an average of 38. per 'neeting, average per meeting since tae Act carne .into force, 32. In: all 570 rases have been dealt with, 436 of these being, grant- ed, and these with . the number sent down will bring 11 e number of pen- sioners in the county in June up to 500. In the House of Refuge 'we have 50 pensioners all ge sting the full pen- sion of $20 per month. This means a total of $12,000 ,oi which the coun- ty refunds $2 per month or $1200,, leaving the county $10,800, The total payments made to pensioners during the working of the Act are as fol- lows: 306 November payments $ 5,771.75 339 December 6,816.43 383 January 7,841.98 404 February 7,588.06 436 March " 8,985.63 430 Aprii f7,723.75 $44,727.60 Average monthly payment $ '7,454.60 Paid by the County 8,945,52 Paid by the Dominion 22,363,80 Received into the county from the Province 13,418,28 Total received froirt Prov- - ince and Dominion $35,772.08 The average pension paid per mon- th to all pensioners is $19.45. The finanace committee reported on a nurnber of accounts, recommend cd that the auditors' report be accept- ed and that curtailments of expendi- tures by all officials and committees be made as far as possible, - 'The jailer reported 58 prisoners ad- mitted during the past five months, 16 for breach of the L,C.A., 11 for theft, 5 for assault, 4 for carnal knowledge, 4 for insane, 3 vagrancy, 2 attempted suicide, 2 breaking and entering, 2 under Games and Fisher - 1e5 Act, 1 false Pretences, 1 non-sup- port, 1 held as witness, 1 for cruelty to animals. Eleven prisoners at pre- Sent in the jail. Cost of daily rations per prisoner 121c. The committee of ways and nteane reconr.srtended a tax -rate of 7 mille (3 1 for general county rate; 2 for county roads, 1 for provincial high- ways, acrd '' for Old Age Pensions, and that $100,000 10 -year debentures be sold to wipe out the Provincial Highway a y indebtedness.. The memibers of Bruce County Council were entertained by ;Huron County. Council: Thursday, TJu r in !� the afternoon a softball game and a quoit contesttook place at Victoria Park, and in the everting a. compli- mentary banquet was held at St. George's Parish iall, G,W. Holman, clerk of Harron County, preaided aa revive of Ripley;; W. Trewartha, coun- ty:, cngincer of Huron; W, Warder, reeve of Lions Head; :W. .H. Roberts, son, eclltor of (:iudc'rich Signal; Camp» bill Gr,tt, reeve of Walkerton; 1), Willoughby, warden of .Bruce; 1V. J, Simpson; reeve of St Rdmutrds;:VV. G; Medd, M,L.A.,; 'T., McMillan,' M. 1' George Spotton, ilia'., J. A. Mc- Donald, editor of Chesley Enterpirse; J. W, McKibboon, reeve of Wing- hant, J. W. :Beattie, reeve of Sea- darthe ja A. Johnsto,r, of Mildmay Ciali '.t .tz ( e �• 1d Ix , C.:Hays of Goderich: The musical part of the program was led by H. McGee, of Auburn, THE GRITS NEED 110.01 WATCHING To the Editur av all thim Wingham paypers. Deer Sur:— Weil, our skame to git thinr'U.Ii. O's to put uP a man didn't wurruk out'as we intinded it shad, but nlebby 'tis bett•Irer so, fer, shure,it ought to be aisicr fer us to bate wan man than two. I tisk' rnebby it was a rnishtake fer our .byes down at Ottawa to. shtump: thin'i Grits to bring on the elickshun this summer, fer, if we had let thim hev the runnin av tings fer another year, it moight hey been a bad ting fer- the counthry, but it wud have been betther fer the Tory : par-. thy. Av coorse thim Grits shtole our anlanunishun, an our clothes, an our polisher, an ourlatfoorm - 1 p Arvin us widout a leg to shtand on, so to shpake, barrin ar'tifishial wens which the sante isa mixed meta fer y , as ye moight say, but it is the shtraights truth all the' same. Shure, 'tis lucky we don't hev to go into the foight in the whither toirne wid sorra a shtitch to our poliytickle backs, bar- rain-Mishter Mackenzie King's foive gs o ve cint shirts. I don't nioind adruitt•in to ye that, 'tis goin to be a harrud foight fer us Tories, wid thin Grits' trowin up shmoke schraries, an poison gas clouds, an bombardin us wid all theer heavy artillery, an camoflagin the whole ting wid a little British Peale - ince paint ('Tis frum me bye who wus oyersays.that I lamed all thim 'can SincI: fj,"' fr ' s eeray1 � ,n al xpense T vie Leaves MONTREAL - - JULY 20-22 Days Leaves TORONTO - JULY .21=21. Days AU Expense Rate Frain, MONTREAL - - $371.00 FromTORONTO ��$340.00 yOlbert points gaoled on application on will travel by rail, steamer and, motor throug`h Canada's industrial and agricultural regions, , through the Rockies with " their crowning jewels, Banff*', Lake Louie and Emerald Lake to Vancouver and Victoria ... west by one highway , , , east by another ... Over Canada's Scenic Route \\la�l\.\'\fix•` Illustrated booklet on application to A Dean Sinclair Laird, Macdonald College $•O. Que., or Any Canadian Pacific Agent, or Wort. FULTON, Asst. General Passenger Agent, TORONTO, ONT. la 42111Matalnata al tary i prisbuns.) Mebby it is too soon to make a guess *hat the re- sult -will be, although a lot av fellalis do :be throyin theer hand at it, but many tings may happen befoor elick- shun day, so I will only say fer tlie. prisint that we will gain as manny seats' in Quebec as we will Tose in ]TTrtiish:: Columbia, an that we will gain as mainly in the perarie prawv- inces as we will lose down in thim Maritimes, so ye see 'tis in Ontario wheer the harrud foightin muslit be done, an 'we are the byes that kin do it. • Av coorse we have cur wurruk cut our fer us in Nort Huron, fer I un- dhershtandt him Goderich 'Grits do be shkamin an plannin noight an day to rowl up a 'majority fer Mishter Robertson in that fish aitir 1 town. Thine lads figure tings this way: Grey an Howick, fifty-fifty, Blyth an Brus- sels aven up, Aist Wawanosh . an Wesht Wawanosh, a toi, wid Morris, Turnberry an Wingham bein natch- erally Tory, the Robertson fellates• know purty well that if theer man can't shwing a majority, an a purty good wan, in Goderich, .that Wing - ham will elickt Jarge Shpotton agin. Av coorse thiol Goderich Tories hey- the ev•thee avil propensity av votin fer tbeer local man aven if he is a Grit, an, thin too they do be always wantin money from the Governmint to dig- some igsome more mud out av theer harbor, but I want to tell thim roight now that if they defate Jarge, an theTor- ies git into power, we will wurruk the Mackenzie Ring shtunt on thine, an "not a foive cint piece" will they,be.- afther gittin. I hev been appointed be the Tories av Wingham to watch thim Grit re- gistrars to see that the names av none av our fellahs are lift .aff the lishts. Mebby I will . git some pay fer me toime, an rnebby not, it depinds on how the elickshun goes. Yours till the ind av the campaign, Timothy Hay,. 'vrites NIr, M. McArthur, Thousands say constipa- tion, liver trouble, indi- gestion, gas end overnight:`Crlitiiti'f;:liD with"Frtuta.tives Nerves• quiet. Get "Fruit•a ttves ,iVERUt)Tl,$ from druggist today.11EA1)gH dillaillIMMEIMNIEWSROIRsoggiagmatesamas m..,.•••...,A. :,.. USED C 1926 Oakland Coach 1925 McLaughlin Coupe 1926 McLaughlin Coach 1926 Nash Sedan , 1928 Pontiac Coach 1928 Pontiac Sedan 1928 Willys-Knight Sedan 1928 Erskine Sedan .. Madel 65 Chrysler Sedan 1929 McLaughlin -Buick Sedan • • $350.00 , • . $425.00 $525.00 $595.00 . $650.00 , $695,.00 $745.00 .,. $745.00 ` , . $945.00 $1-200.00 Buy With Confidence ---Our Reputation is Your PI'®teCt1c1E3 McLaughlin Motor Limited Factory Branch Richmond at Bathurst London, , dan, Open Evenings. Phone Metcalf 28i'2, It