The Wingham Advance Times, 1930-06-05, Page 6't. ;'• •",• ;;/,'1.• foe 1114 te. ; neeneeter geenteree 7aeieregeng "Se -',' ","'Ssi • , Vringharn Advame-Tinies. ' Published at IA/INGHAM - ONTARIQ Every Thureday l‘forning W. Logan Craig, Publisher ulbscription rates.-- One year Szoc. Six. months Sago, in advance. To U, S. A. $1,en per year. .Advertising rates ort application. , Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Co. . Head Office, Guelph, Ont. Established 1440 Risks taken on all class of insur- ance at reasonable rates. AMMER COSENS, Agent, Wingharn J. W. DODD Office Chisholm Block VIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH INSURANCE -- AND REAL ESTATE P., 0. Box 360 Phone 240 ONTARIO KUL'S IIALF.ACRE There Are Some Queer Plums c.-4 'Bilis Outlet of Ours. There are some queer places on the face .of this old planet or ours,. write - T. C. Bridges iu Auswers, and on of the queerest I (e'(?r $et eyes me is t valley near' (else:ain ti e state; of aVymaing, U.S.A., which goes by the sigalideaut name of Hell's Half -Acre. It is a IIILW3 of melts of shaper and colors so amazine thee you can hard- ly believe they Wlirt!aot OrlginallY by a workiee patty of ereentle giants. • • All the, same.• I have seen many; spot which far bettev merited Such a Liatue. Of them all, the most terrible Is that strange, green cauldron ou Sulphur Island, off the eoast of New Zeeland, This is, I suppose, largely water, but it contains vast quentitles et sal - Aerie and hydrochloric acids, whicll make the whole surface hiss aad bub- ble. The lake Is frightfully hot, and ; sr -ea -ter.; WiNGHAI4 ADVANCIS,T1MES ,te ARTHUR SOMERS ROC44E STAIATEP 13Y 00AfALI, RILEY SYNOPSIS Iy as easual acquaintances enjoy elm "Thene. all it i*----imeginat ion, Now, Mir. Cooper Clary, Leeson, an atttir- auuther; iliere had been none of the tete be legends," ;Twee, Meets Lucy Harkness, know as Devil -May -Care because of her ade venturous, eventful life. In a game in which .partners for the evening are chosen, is NV 01.1 by Tim Stevens soul -revelation which had ,chainetteal Ile siniled vanly end took her hand.. laed their plan -lone frieedshie.. 'Well, elell try." be Said. • she -would •try to, •I't tern tothat Fte came up eo Lee)/ tele evening at ground whieh they had occupied 'te-:, the Everglades. !She'd dined iasid Lucy e gether before. She dide't keen, j1.1$4 vhh the 1..ars PeterseuS, and was DOW who has a groat reputation as a heart, what site witnted from • I•atince, but loll(' of their gay party Seated outSide breaker, Leeson is a bit jealons. Tim whatever 11 WIIS, 1W C"illdsupply it' in orangerie, as the leeely dancing.: Stevens tells Lucy they are going \ ant t he the kiridest nail wisesi maa .1)-iaeL, is named, in; the world? And didn't she need ; "Your huSband the main person aboard his boat. the Minerva, and She kindness and wisdom? Wee, then , ;in the Se Lueie?-edevet- accedes in drder rot to be "a quitt- er. Asked if sheis sorry, that he Lucy Fame upon Faunce stretched (temente (luess I've seid enough." h t auriously before an open fire-7there slinugged catelessly. great columns of steam pour off it, . her eompauy SIie says Was the faintest hint Of chill in the "If you 'don't wish to tell nn'; if 5 IS steam which will choke you like poise end that evidently Fete has arranged ongas if you are fool enough. to .getno.1 air -smoking his pipe and reeding you. •think -it's not to be repeated. Per- --thereupu tee stop it. tells her into it a I. • frotii. It small volume. Ile .rose et her hen; vou'v 0'101 'X'Cd l'Irl 1101. parnen- a- C)e one side are huge blow -holes, ltioking reg,retfelly after Leeson. . . -• . cheery bail etok• .11-t hand end led, — 17-, 1 ' ' - , ,„ thousaud lee -omen -vet, and 07917 3:107 she replies With contemp;t fer him, - of his hive When 111.• to a '7.1n1)-clittir. • - "Is this Your island? Or, rather,' 1 She cotild itot have told, bad her . tremendous pressure, 'roaring like a Stevetts tells Lucy , and then hurligg ea) great Masses of . . doesn't me- husband ewn it. ithis rel. -nark. It was a vulgar retuark, i rock. A most awesome Place! , he grows violently angry end she be- , Another uncanny spot is the 1 - c 'd ' ' Isavs - . . _ He thoughtfully knotked the aeltesi I, ley af Tin Thoesand Sneekes." In he will never let her go frean: the from his pipe and slowly refilled it. • - J. W BUSHFIELD from. which pours mit steam under Aboard Stevens' boat, the Minerea, - s larls fond, of beaten t you, life depended on it, why she made 13arrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office -Meyer Block, 1,Vingliern Successor to Dudley Holmes ; 1.01.,2 an Alaskan volcano named Kate "Curiosity, my dear, is sometime:- . R. VANSTONE . mai blew its head off with sea fury Minerva until she accepts, him. To Victoria. B.C, 600 escape him, she leaps into the weter til(:' beeinnine of :wisdom." e .., , . , miles away, Kodiak, one hund.red'from her cabin window, swimJust abet do you mean by thatming a Ire aslwd. miles away, was covered a foot deess short distance under water. : The crater left wee no less 'than Lucy reaches land and meets Dr. "just what do you mean by wanting three miles across. But the strangest to know whether or not your husband ; Fergus Faunce on an island. ' He .„ es„ .,' „ • effect of this eruptioa was to turn a owns Mango eieg111/4.* cuntered. 'o number tit valleys north a Natinai takes care of her and takes her home. al : into .a wilderness, of deep fis"Oh; Fergus! I have a, right tosures. Everyone is worried about her, and k . . , . : . • from wbieb volcanic vents pour out -! Is 1 e - dl g I ;. t 1,r„ smokeIt is a- , when she nieets Stevens he is frantic, - • • inneemerable lets of steam an RI. en my maid has invested a/1 lo. , , ; nasty pla,ce to el:- regretful d still ardent ' te t - . i savings with hinit Is he robbing her ; IIARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Money to Loan at Lowest Rates Wingliane Ontario 1 A. MORTON BARRISTER. ETC. Winghana Ontario DR. G a ROSS DENTIST --- Office Over l'sans Sure- plore, for the ground is hot every- dans of love. and every one else? I want to know. where, told you require stout soles to 1- , teeesom n informs Lucy that Stevens "If Ivou'res tv, rried about your maid, A foot below tile geefeee thelkheat iist must raise a quarter of a inill'°n dois :then worry about nut, too.- - ' t , !ars or go to jail --at five o'Clesk'• r -You mean to say you've invested L tremendous spectacle is the cra- Lucy goes to her bank and raises the ,_geeguees ter of Kilauea., at the to of Mauna sum ' -I had a lease on this island whidi of Hawaii. You stand on the edge Lucy goes to Stevens to help him, eould not be eancelect by a sale. So, ; , of a mighty cliff of black rock and but he refuses to take money flaunt when ;eters:ens pet the situation before°, peer down into a vast take of liquid a woman to whom he is not married. roe. I re-tingle:shed ray lease for a cer- ; fire -molten rock boiling and seeth- ; So LUC Ing. Even at this height the heat Y' marries this man she hates, , faia ., n ntormt 411 1)1±. , beats up into your face, though at :and promptly ruus away from hint"And that', why yo. :speak kindly - your back the wind bites bitter cold, •-going to her staunch friend, Dr. Per -e of him. fle-ceu,er businees-Oh, Fer-; for you are staetding at a great height zee Faunce to tell what she has done. gus! that .you should put money be-: - • Stevene s teaout in search of Lucy, fort . . eufteieni to bell watei. B. W. COLBORNE, M. D. Loa, the great volcano of the island 4 Physician and Surgeon Medical Representative D. S. C. R. Successor to Dr. W. R. Hamlet,- Phone 54 \\Ingham DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND. 21.R.C.S. (ENG.) L.R.C.P. (Land.) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON DR. R. L. STEWART abuts seaelevel. • There are very few places where dry land lies far below the level of Mothr Ocean. One of the is that deadly and dangerous spot which well deserves its sinister title of Death Valley, and which lies on the borders of the States of Nevada and Cantor-; nia. It is thirty-five miles long and eight wide. Climb down into this terrible ; plate, but do not attempt to cross it ; In the day -time, for the heat will I blast your brain and drive you mad. t Graduate of University of Toronto,; Pa,culty of Medicine; Licentiate of the 'Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons. Office in Chisholm Block Josephine Street. Phone 29 DR G W HOWSON 140.4 DENTIST Office over John Galbraith's Store. F. A. PARKER OSTEOPATH All Diseases Treated Water there is, but it is poisonous, and you die if you drink it. Those who work for the borax coinpany which pursues its business in this desert say that one hour with -1 out water In Death Valley spells death, BO fearful is the heat. Indeed, ; there is no other spot on earth that ; seems more Igo the domain of his I satania majesty. • Office Adjoining residence next to, THE "ANGELS OF MONS." Anglican Church on Centre Street. Sundays by appointment. Osteopathy Electricity Phone 272, Hours, 9 a.m. to .8 p.m. I A. R. & F. E. DUVAL Licensed Drugless Practitioners Chiropractic and Electro Therapy. Graduates of Canadian Chiropractic College, Toronto, and 'National Col- lege, Chicago, Out of town and night calls res- ponded to. All business confidential. Phone 300. J. ALVIN FOX ;Registered Drugless Practitioner CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS PRACTICE ELECTRO-THERA.PY Hours; 2-5, or be Appointment. Phone 191 J. D. McEWEN • LICENSED AUCTIONEER Phone 602r14. Sales of Farm Stock and Imple eamets, Real Estate, etc., conducted with satisfattion arid at moderate- tharges. 1 E'VIJIYIFSO J' ELL AUCTIONEER . REAL ESTATE SOLD A thorough knowledeet Faint Stoen Phone 281. Wingliam . - RICHARD B. JACKSON AUCTIONEER r Phone 613r6, Wroxeter, or address' R. R, 1, Gorrie. Sales conducted any- where and satisfaction guaranteed. Visions Revealed as Motion Pictures Thrown on Clouds by Germans. One of the raysteries of the great war -the "Angels of Mons," seen by allied troops in Flanders stands ex- plained to- day as simply motion pictures projected on clouds and fog banks by Germaus. The secret has been disclosed by Gerxnat secret ser- vice agents after sixteen years af mystery, Tbe Germans hoped the figures would halt the British attack, but the ' "I can want -to see fair play without being psychoanalyzed, can't 1? want a fair fight, and-". oo.•••too..a:•.,,•.pr,••mm.o'mom..r meanwhile, Dr. Faunce and Lucy' launch a new boat. A hurricane :wrecks them on their first trip. Lucy is saved and finds herself aboard the Minerva wondering what happened to Dr. Faunce. Tonamies saw in them knights calling Dr. Faunce is aboard the Minerva to battle -and so fought even hard- aleo Stevens threatens to kill Faurice err.The F -la - i thegi tI ', ' characters the mut of Joan of Are, unless Luell sticks to ilitm To save and their attack, also, was even more Fitunce she accedes, but expresses bitter. hate for Steven's. A few minutes later The trick worked once, in Russia, lie startles her by saying he doesn't however. There the figure of the . g Mary, e want her, and meter will' • ' - ' ' as shown. The ignorant, superstitious _ peasants threw down their arms and And, once they had' been reduced to surrendered by the thousands. "The idea tbat the Germans were words they became something at which one might look could study. aecompanted by supernatural protec- 9 non failed to 'have effect moat And observation and study told. her cases," declares a statement by Col. that these motives were things that Friedrich Herzenwirth, former Ger- .could not be carried out into deeds. tn secret s a . , She knew riow that had not the storm lifted her from the arms of The Reaper -Thresher. Femme into the cabin of the Minerva A booklet issued by the Dominion Department of Agrieniture under the she would have retqrned, herself, title of 'Seven Years' Experience within twenty-four hours, to wherever witn the Combined Reaper -Thresh- eer husband might be. For site weuld er", poiuts out that "in the season of have realized, without Steven's -analy- la2S a total of 4,841 conablnet were In" in western naming this aegree sjh of her intent, that in injuring him wetting an outlay of about $9,984,- she must inevitably do dishonor to .80e. There were 1,973 windrow•rhar- herself, Not the mere picture of dis- veeters and pick-ups used, whith adde honor which public scandal would S1,578,400 to the total cost of the equipment used in this method of eVolte, but that real dishonor which is harvesting. The average Derformance of one's own soul. Revenge must in - for all sizes and makes of combines in 1933 was 616 acres. On this basis over 2,5.00,000 acres were harvested - 'by eotnbities. DRS. A. 1 & W. IRWIN • ono Doctor to Every Thousand. DENTISTS With the exception of the United ()fa MacDonald gioeg, wingbam statps, which has mut practitioner to for revenge had led her. Tim would every 753 people, Great Britain has not divorce her. lie would not permit higher number of doctors propor- evitably mean dishonor, for revenge is ignoble in itself. No more thought of revenge, then, wouldaenter her head. Rather, she erould selteme to discover a way out of this blind alley into which desire A. J. WALKER PURN/TURE AND PUNERAL SERVICE , A. J. Walker Licensed rutieral 'Director and Ernbalmet. Oleo Phone 106. Res. Phone 2,24. test Limousine. 14.theral Coach, • tionateiy thart any other country in the world. There is now more than one doctor to -each 1,000 of the pinett- lation, and in the last fifty years the number on the Medical Register has . creased, front 22,510 to 54,252. The Old, Old Sthteg. TWo friends, a Seotsmart and a Jew, stood suggestively outside a nubile house. At last; "Curse ye for the law ye are," growled the Scot, her to divorce him, Ilut there must be some way out. Also, there must be some answer to this puxxle created by Tim's sudden business energy. There wag only one person who could Possibly advise her, and butt was Fugue Femme, 00 those occa- sloes, since her return to Palm Beach when she had seen Parimde, they had kept their converse-0mi 00 the safe middle greeted impersonalities. They bad enjoyed eaC:11 other, but. 011- 41.44do* .4 S. "That isn't fair, Lacy. Money means little to me. 1 admit, I'm will- ing to make some. Put putting: you second. to anything, save fair play., . 1 haveint, Lucy, I want to talk to VOU., But ehe. shook her head arid tose eneerina at one's oWn husband, aed no one save Fergus Faience and ;Tintare seen as. the ereund" becomes frozen , . hen:tete had even hemat her state, "u 10111 a 1- sarakai. ezoi hard, •eover the rows ' With two or Thursday, June rith, 1930 2 2:421.N4 ts,stio r 'cta natuntaaraenimmaimowne '-zr41,0aLimir- A fine, fast, through train to the West, leaving Toronto daily at 9,30 P.m for Min aid, Winnipeg, Brandon, Regina, Saskatoon,Edmonton, jasper and Vancouver, tiOUIPMENT Radio -equipped Cotriparionent-Oh. servation --Library-- Buffet Car vvith Valet Service; Standard Bleaing Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars, Dining Car ' and Coaeh.es, Any Acent of Canadian National Rail, way$ unit WI y4141110rit SI bout this train nut qt.> TO EVERYWHERE IN'oANADA 0 __see. -...„._,...._,_... ......,.......... . work . . . make you s r11 eut, , ," from root -rot the previous yeat. Then • "Bless youl you d m't nevd to tell discard from these any plants which me why 1' erk,t,1 ;Ss. to, i,, II IS. , have blackened roots. . - 8.- Protect the plants during -winter, , I Iiineu tst\why yd (ilia) ;1„otit', . , . wh at do you by means. of a suitable Mulch. As since marriage, that she disliked Tim. . . lir actions may havo mik.irmed peo- ple, l'Ait not her tongue, 'I always wondered yea' kaow- ing whet you knew . well1 you won't mind learning that he's going to learn a little lesson to -night' t :tenon, that had be'. n unleashod by eombination of circmaseaneee, came hub: to him: -01x, well, you'll know to -morrow." She shrugged indifferently. Then she laughed cynically. W -Why do you laugh?" he inquired.. She was treetendeusly, overwhelm- ingly tolerant as she replied: "After all, Mr. Leeson, you're very brigin and all that, but . . Tim Steneus is . But I muete't hurt your feelings." ; "Yon don't think Couldn't out- maneuver him?" he demanded. \rant to see ntir play without being physeinenelyeed, can't 1? 1 want a fair fight, teoci-'" • Ste -grits leughed botneingly, "All right, Lucy! You'll see a .fight. Come on." He looked at Dr. Famice. 14e spoke with a rapidity and assurance .tbat dazed his wife. He teemed to grasp three inches ,,r1 dean straw. Graded Poultry One outstanding result of the first year's operation of the new standards in the grading and marketing of dressed potiltry is the popuiartiy 'which the Government certificate has l all'-'11z,III•geine$C‘l'aira -litttlialatltir.lii.ricin kanli1)1N:sillieliel'fer to bay by certificate and in ts It a won with the trade. Dealers now pre - Pulled PielliY Of 1'1\\ deal 8-"‘")111(41‘1 number of eases ca.rlots arriving on 'start anything- like this without old Ithe market without government Lin- John aw behind him, Probably has spection have been "pe.ssed un" in fa - sheriff or two; I'll be legally in the Ivor of •shipments rwhich have this fea- la wrong, Doctor. But they'll get away Lkoe, So thoroughly has the new sys- with anything over my dead Carcass, temof grading dressed poultry been and no way else. So . how about 1carnied out that the confidence of the you?" The firelight gleamed 011 Fannee's whimsical mouth. • "Why spoil what :Promises to be a ;cheery patty, by talk of illegality?" he She shrugged again, 4i Pa !laughed. "I've always disliked the ; Caution gnawed. right through its I to -negate ;leash now and fled yelping away. "Well, I have! His Lucy -or St. Lucie -cite isn't worth a hoot unless. In has a waterway. There's a Cloud 'upon the title to Seminole Creek, and. the bridges,' across it., My clients claim that they have an option oti the land east of the creek, 'Sterees claims it's his. Bue to -night de, stroying,the bridges across the creek, and tomorrow morning, _balgtatr and early we're beginning work On a dam that will deflect the creek, farther in- land, so that it will flow through our property, give es a waterway, and de- . prive him of his. It; means that our property, back from the ocean,' will be worth treble what it commands today, and thaa Steven's land will de- crease proportionatcl-y." "Ruh why deetroy the bridges?" she aeked. "Because those bridges give him ace; eessi by motor car, to the property east of the eteek, and we wale: to delay his developinent, It Will take him Weeks to replace the bridges, ev- en if the „court decides against us, and says. that we don't owe them and the disease can be found, while; in had not the right to destroy them. other 50 per cent. or even 70 per"crent. .So you see while he's iebuilding them front the camp -chair. • sq. don't want' to listen. Please, we'll be laying out oue development, of the plants are destroyed, The principal control measures can offer it to the pablic, so' Much Fergus -.-let me go." which have been fottnd useful are:- - earlier. It licks Lucy -St, Lucie, is' ; Leeson did not 'take dismissal so * -* it? -and makes Cl aryt ow n " I.' Practice a fairly long crop re- . in . • an0 his wife?" asked Tatry. ; "I don't know how much 'Mrs. Clary knows, but .you can bet that Copper knows all about it. Why, mostly: his scheme. He said that the Hardly. law, anyway: !Let't, slap on face! Stevens' great arm described a semicirele, and his palm thwacked re- soundingly on, the surgeon's haele. "Atta...kidl Any one with nerve enough to dig out an 'appendix has Plenty; heart. Let's go. Got a' gun?" Agriculture Leads According to an eminent authority the annual value of Canada's agricul- tural• and live stock products on the average of the past .hvo or three years is around the two billion dollar mark. 'The mineral prodection is given as being -280 millions for that period; the. lumber and pulp production 450 millionS and the fisheries 64 millions. Controlling Black -Root - Root -rot or black -root is a fairly. cemmon disease of strawberry plants. Atiparently plants of any: age inay` be Attacked but they are amet. stise c'eptibIe at two period, shottly after beieg- set oet and at freiling time. ,In eome pinches little or no evidence .of easily as she had. hoped. Whten she refesed his third invitation to lunch- eon, he telephoned and asked her if he might drop in for tea. She granted permission, and as they sipped the tea and nibbled cakes, she told him, quite gently bet nevertheless firmly that she was a married woman and that even if she weren't, 'she'd not be at all interested ht him. "Why don't you marry Elsie Dar- ragh?" she asked. l Young Leeson's face was miserable, "Shouldn't I be a fine cad to marry a girl I didn't love!" She iaeghed bitterly. "I married a matt 1 didn't love," "And are you happy? Certainly not. Goad Lord, Mrs. Stevens! 1 . . I know you're away above me, but well, 1 never could understand why = . , .after 'what I'd told you - . ." 1 "Arid, you were certain of your 1 ground?", she asked= He shrugged, I"Our client's case was iminmeaefi- ,able. Of course, 1 shouldn't talk to you this way, but . . ." "I shouldn't have Id t you come here shouldn't have Put into 'words things you hade't said to me, but you're a nice boy, and I could see . . . 1 was- n't conceited, was 1? You see, if -I thonght you teally loved me, I'd not have mentioeed it. But youearen't in love with me. You're piqued, about that race in the swimming -pool, you don't like Tim, and so you lineable that you care foe tee.' ' "Iniagieel" he said angrily, Site nodded, • I"Does Mr Clarykabouttl is teflon. Strawberries should 'not fol- low a similar crop in less than five, years if possible. 2, 'Avoid introducing the disease, \Vlien selling out it patch securer' tyade has been eecured, The . dealer - knows that when he is buyinga.box of government • inspected birds:he is. getting' exactly the quality stencilled nim the box. rrq Here a.nal I here _I (525) Twenty-two days will De OCC13•-• pied by the annual tbur across Canada to be conducted by Dean Sinclair Laird, of Macdonald Col- lege, when his party leaves the Windeor Stieet station, Alontreal, by special, train ever eanatban Pa, cifte lines on Sunday, July 20. This year will b.e the Seventh trip con- ducted by Dean Laird and, as in. past ,years, will include automo- bile drives over the fanaotos Windermere highway and from. Field, via the Yoh() Valley, tO Lake Louise, OS well as steainer trips across the Kootenay Lake to Nelson; from Vanemrver to Victo- ria; and on the Great Lakes, steamships from Fort William to. Port MeNicoll. Spring seeding in the west is proceeding at a rapid pace, ac- cording to report at the end of April from the agricultural de- , partment of the Canadian Pacific Railway at Winnipeg. Taking the, three prairie provinces as a whole it was then estimated that 43 per cent, of wheat seeding is complet- ed, with some districts in south- eastern. Alberta reporting between 50 and 65 per cent. finished. Heavy showers have somewhat retarded .progress itt northwestern Saskat- chewan. Twelve representatives of the New Zealand press are at preeent travelling through Canada via Can- adian Pacific on their way to the fotirth Imperial Press Conference to be held in London, Eng., next June. The members of this piartr with their wives and ehildrenhave been visiting Banff and Lake plants from a field which was free Louise in die Canadian Rockies. public wouldn't bite at two develop- i— - Merits, both so grandoise, so near to- . gether, eo . get mire ready first." "But the courts may say the bridges are Tint's eh?" ' He laughed, "And we'll pay him damages for destroying -his property, They may* esem make us destroy taw dam and return the creek to him, But we'll have been selling our property to the public and getting in some cash re- turns on our inveStenent. StovoUS, who's np to 'his neck this minute and must get in some public money, will be out la thc cold. We'll buy him, in on our own terms," sec," she said. She smiled brightly. Mucky that Tim and .1 are not a loving couple, isn't it?" CHAPTER VI A fire gleamed by Faunae's cabin, arid there, in its light, sat Faunae, - and Tim Engaged, they seemed to be, in amicable discourse over pipe and cigar. This Was tut amazing thing; the Lord knew these two had no reason to like each other, Thit It was not to be pondered on now. "Leeson , , Clary going to pull down bridges over Sendoole Creek, Leeson told me , , , Just saw Clary . , frockful of mee Hinder your --4 WHERE R-100 WILL "LAND" s. engettenteSeStietieeee • s'Sigeneg eine :nee neasteitaginesee Extensive prepaeetions for hand.. ling the liege crowds who are ex., pact -ed to greet the monster dirig- ible upon its arrival at St. I-Inbert Air Field, near Montreal, from England, are being made by the Canadian National Railways. Special trains will be operated from Bonaveriture Station to St. Hubert, where trackage is being in. stalled specially...ter the handling of this service. The photographs show: Lett, the huge mooring rnast eonstructed inpreparation for the arrival ot the R-100, `Upperl track,. men• at work installing sidings in preparation for the special tritleS whieh will be opetated during the dgibles visit, • eeeneeeteaterneneaneanten: asanana. Se...a • Fetrie ,'• ; , •