The Wingham Advance Times, 1930-06-05, Page 4Thursday, June 5th, 1930, SPECIAL CUPS AND SAUCERS Finest aim, ---- Regular $1.00, $1.25 to $1.50. Your Choice $1.00 mew iet see 1P' 141 i a1 ...i. bon's Drug Store • n.�tGxX .SAIPC woo oanaoo.. ...o-..owalu .w w®.e. •../.wm o+wnnm. 9. eetealleel 16 ee1edeLeteee' .' ••2Wellgela..V7 L eeeelee elteII7!1denee. THES WANT • BRING LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. Alex Ross spent the past Week in Detroit. Mr. Mutch .of Goderich called on friends in town. :11r. I-lat,get'of Detroit called on Mrs. Aitchison one day last week: 1Ir. 'Fred Manuel of Detroit, has been spending a few days with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McKay„uf Ham- ilton, visited with relatives over the week-end— Miss Cara. Metcalf of town, spent the we.elc-end with:her parents, •Mr. and Mrs, R. Metcalf _of Belniore, Mr. Lionel Rich of Toronto, has been spending the past week with his parents, .lefr. and Mrs, 13. '_Rich.. Mr.. and Mrs: \'Vin, Stone of 13os- ton, N.Y,, 'visited their cousins, Mr:. and Mrs: William S. King of Turn- lerry. lar. and Mrs: Stanger, Miss Tillie and 'l'rarga •'et Aitchison' of Detroit, were calling on Mrs. E. Aitchison this „eek. Mi s. Eldon Peterman and daught- er, Lillian, of Detroit, are visiting friends in and around town for a few, weeks.' •Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Rahlves of Toronto inotored up and spent the Week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs: John Galbraith. • Dr. 13. F. and Mts. Anderson and daughter, Virginia c .Miami, Fla., are visiting the fornler's father, Mr. Fin- lay inlay Anderson of Belgrave. 'Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Wilford, of Windsor, and Beverille • Griffin, of Cleveland, spent the week -end at the home of Mrs. C. N. Griffin. Mrs. J. Gray of Brandon, Man., and' who was a delegate to the Presby- terian Women's Missionary Society, held in Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. H. F. McGee. cents a word per insertion. with e minimum charge of 25c. ci reeneearieUYAltael s\AY�i M'Yaileie eialee Melteeeeneeti d 'gielle� aYateri19R eieeeeteia tletiYWielrielea1ti'N�r, APARTMENT TO REN'('—Corner \\I1'..L THE PARTY who left a set. John and Minnie Streets: Apply to of wheels at Mr.'Dore's shop, in A. J. Ross. \Vingham, to be repaired, one year ago or more, conte and get :goods and pay for goods at once or they will be sold. Mrs. Wm. Dore, BABY CHICKS—At final low mid- summer prices. O. A. C, Barred Rocks $14.00 per 100; Single ;Comb' White-Legiiorns $12.00. Our chick's are all produced from eggs laid on our own farm by selected disease- free hens, This means something to you when buying chicks. They will live and grow. . Above prices are effective on and after June Oth. Dont folget to see ,our galvanized feeders. C. G. Campbell, R R. No. 2, Auburn. Phone, Blyth 10-24. BABY CHICKS—We can supply you with S. C. White Leghorn chicks for delivery in June at $10.00 per 100. Our Ieghorns are the famous Barron strain, big hens, heavy lay- ers of large eggs. We guarantee 100 per cent. safe delivery. Order early while the best dates are avail- able. The Walter Rose Poultry Farm. Executors' Sale— 0f residence and household effects of the late Caro- line Grigg in the village of 13e1 - grave, at 2.30 on Saturday, June 14, 1930, Jas. Taylor, Auctioneer. • NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 56, Chap. 121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the Estate of 'Robert Sheill late of the Town of Winghant in the Province of Ontario, Retired Farmer, deceased,. ho died on or about the 'fifteenth FRIENDS SEE GREAT CHANGE IN HER NOW "A eevcre attack of influenza left my system so weakened and rundown I could hardly hold a broom to do my sweeping. I Was so nervous that ACTION COMMENCED ON DRAIN CONTRACT 'The firth of Broderick Bros., who had the sub -contract from. the Mc- Namara Cu., of Ottawa, for the drain- age?' work done on the Teeswater, by order of the Drainage Referee, have commencd en action against the Mc- Namara Company, They claim that the latter firma represented that there was not more than 13,862 cubic yards of rock to be removed. The defend- ant Company has served a third party notice on Culross 'Township, claim- ing damages for 'misrepresentation, and that municipality has now made application for an from the Supreme Court of Ontario to have the IViunici pal' Corpurtion of the 'Townships of `1'urnberry, Carrick, Kinloss,' Kincar- dine, Greenock, Brant, H:owick and the village of Teeswater added"so that these municipalities:: may be bound by .any judgment that may be entered' in' this action against the. Township of Culross. The En ineei"s report in connection with the removal of the rocks bars estimated the yard- age age only and. distinctly provided that the contractor must snake' his own estimation and rely on same in ten- der. day of April,. A.D. 1930, are required•, to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to R.-Vanstone, Winghani, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors, on or be- fore the seventeenth day of June, A. D. 1930,their names and addresses, with full particulars in writing of their claims, and the 'nature of the securi , ties (if any) held by them duly vei;i- ! fled by a statutory declaration. . AND TAKE NOTICE FURTHER ;that after the said. -seventeenth cla o y June 1930, the said executors will pro - ceed to distribute the assets of t'he said estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, and the said executors. , shall not be liable for the said assets any part thereof to any person of FOR SALE -•e -Part lot 28, con 4, East or whose claim they shall not then have Wawanosh, containing 12 acres, on received notice. main road, 3 - miles from Auburn. Dated at Wingha.m this twenty - Jas. Woods, Auburn. FOR SALE—Set of 2000 lb. Truck sixth day of May, A.D. 1930, R. VANSTONE, Wingham, Ontario, Scalee.' Cheap for quick sale. Ap- Solicitor for the Executors. ply at the Advance -Times Office. *FOR SALE—The residence and lot of the late Mrs. Annie Ikalker, on the north side of John street, Wing - ham. Intending purchasers may view the premises on application to Mrs. Garnet Baker, Josephine HOUSE TO RENT — .All modern conveniences, on corner of Alfred fore the 9th day of June A.D. 1930, III and Shiner streets, garage at rear Decorator i to the undersigned Executors of the i — of house. Apply lei Advance -Times — office. said deceased, their names and ad- 111111111811110111111111511111S111 111B111111111111111111111111fi dresses, full particulars of their claims NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Noeice is hereby given pursuant to R.S.O. 1927, chapter 1.50, that all cred- itors and others having claims against the estate of Annie Walker, late of Wingham town in Htiron County and Province of Ontario, widow, who died 1930, are required to send on or be-. Elmer Wilkinson � .N`uwL"s..�..� '�..�.a;2.3"'�"`"•'sir'°a...:'a`•'�"'}ra.;�':•:::!�S�.";b'°.Li4 MRS. V. M. BOOKER sound sleep igas almost impossible, 1 had very '•little appetite and my stomach was so disordered that, 1 couldn't retain solid foods. at all, My liver was inactive and I was badly constipated. I started Sargon and it is wonderful what it did for me. I have a splendid appetite, every trace of stomach trouble is gone, I sleep fine and have so much strength and energy I do my housework in no time. Nothing depresses me now and Im happy all the time. "Sargon ':Pills regulated my liver, and overcame niy constipation." — Mrs, V, M. Booker, 92 Peter St. Ham- ilton, Ontario. Sargon may be obtained in Wing - hairs at McKibbon's Drag Store.' Mr. and Mrs., A. B. Britten, 121 Dease street, Fort William, announce the engagement of their eldest daugh- ter, -Viola E. Britten, to. John W. Chapman, youngest son of Mrs. Wm. Attridge, formerly Mrs. A. Chapman of Rapid City, The marriage will take place on June 18, 1930. ig 1!-I Specials Sunworthy Paper at 25c F! Several Patterns at 5c. LARGE The ASSORTMENTS uy Your LOTT r.� S here allpaper Shop HOUSE TO RENT—Corner Cath- arine and Victoria etreets, modern conveniences. Apply to Sam Mor- . LINOLEUM Will wear longer, look better if Varnished with "Lowe Bros:" "Neptunite Varnish." It dries quickly with rich gloss, does not scratch or mar white nor dis- color the pattern. Sold by Bach- anan Hardware. LOST—About two weeks ago, 2 red yearling caetle. Anyone hearitig or knowing of whereabouts kindly no- tify Harry Cook, Belgrave, Phone notice that after such last mentioned day the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said de- ceased amongst the. persons entitled hereto, having •regard to the claims of which they shall then have had not- ice, and the said EXecutors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any perSon of whose claim they shall not have had notice at the time of distribution. Dated at Wingham, Ont., the 16th :day of May A.D. 1930 Mrs. Florence Madeline Baker, and J. A, Morton, Executors. COURT OF REVISION Township of East Wawanosh ! The COurt of Revision on the Roll of the Township of LOST—A leather key bottler with . Aesesi'lneru East Wawanosh, will be held in the kevs, Finder please leave at the Foresters' Hall, Belgrave, Tuesday, Post Office. 'June 10th, at 1 o'clock- pen.; All par- _ ties, interested will please talte notice and govern themselves accordingly. A, Porterfield, Clerk, Belgrave, May 27th, 1930. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Notice is hereby given pursuant to R.S.0, 1927, chapter t50, that all ere- ditors and others having claims against the estate 'of Caroline Grigg,' late of Belgrave village in Huroa County in the Province of Ontario, Widow, who died on or about the 6th day Of April A.1). 1930, are required ; to send on or before the ete, day of ; Jane A.D. 1930, to the undersigned ; Oliver G. Anderson, Belgrave, 0,, ! Execmor of 'the said deceased,' theie manes and addresses, full par..1 iculars'of their claims and the nature f the securities, if any, held by their. AND !further take notice that: after such last mentioned day the said Ex- ecutor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regaed to the claire of which he shall then have had notice, and the said Ex- ecutor 1vill not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof' to any per- son of whose claim he shall not have had. notica; at the time of, distribation. ()liver G. Anderson, Executor, Ont., Solicitor herein, Consulting Engirteer onto), 0.LS., Registered Profession- al Engineer and Land Surveyor, AS, sociate Member Engineering Institute of Canada: Office, Seaforth, Ont„ ELLIOTT MILLER AUCTIONEER Sale conducted anywhere. Wide experience. Best efforts put forth oft each and every sale. Photte 70. Lucknow, Ont. GE ORGE WI LL I AMS Official gepairing our Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed. . titans Hertel. phone EARN $5—$12 PER DAY Men 'wanted to train — Few Weeks—Pay Raising job, getting practical, garage Mechanics, Elec- tric Welding, Housewiring, Brick- laying and Drafting—Guaranteed. Free employment service. Write today for free information. — COMMERCIAI ENGINEERING SCHOOLS 57 Oueen W., Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Earl. McElroy, of Pontiac, Mich., also 111r. and Mrs. J. Burk of Stratford, spent the week- end with the fornxer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. McElroy. Mr. Wm. James Finley announces the engagement of his daughter, Min- erva Jane, to 'Mr. Robin E. Camp- bell, of Turnberry. The marriage to take place the early part of June. Look! The hot weather and .mos- quitoes are coming. Be prepared, have your windows and doors screen- ed. Winslow -screens made to order, doors rewired at moderate prices; Chesterfields, chairs and couches re upholstered; wooden beds, sideboards and washstands rebuilt at low cost. T. ' Trowsse, Furniture repair shop, Winghani. MANY PARTICIPATE IN RECITAL The following pianforte pupils took part in a recital in C.O.F. Hall, Bel grave under the direction of Sarah A. Cole. Velma_ Wheeler, "Valse Chopin; Margaret Cook, "Rocky Brooklet", Theo. G. Wettach,• Cela Coultes, "Twilight Reverie", Patti' Ducelle; Eileen McCallum, "At Even- ing", Arnoldo Sartorio; Nora Wheel- er-, "Vaise of the Nymphs", Couperin; Hilda Black', "Fairy. Queen", Krog - man; . Enxaline Nicholson, "Pixies Ganatee", A. L. Brown; May Frisby, "Little .Prince", Krognian; Charles Scott, "Rose Petals", Paul Lawson; Janet Scobie, "Lullaby" Theo. Press- er; George. Grigg, "Down in the Deep Blue Sea", F. H. Gray; Ross Ander- son, "On the Train", D. W. •Slater;, Duct, Dorothy Vinc..nt and I. Mc- Callum, "Japanese Fan Dance", l3on- heur; Duet, Corinne and Donelda Mc- Lean, "Little ,Patriot March", Krog - man. TWO dances by U. Jordan and M. Young: Assisting artists were: Miss E. Snider, A.T.C:M.; Miss M. Stewart of Clinton, and Toll Bros. Orchestra, Blyth. PRIZES COME TO HURON At the recent Temperance Educa- tion Contest, eight Provincial prizes came to Huron County. William Sutherland of Goderich, who last year won not only the local and Provincial prizes, but the Nat- ional as well, has again taken the first prize in the Senior Boys' Class. Marga.ret Doan of Clinton, has won the first prize in the Senior Girls' Class. Each was awarded a ten -dol - ilex gold coin. Audrey E. Carter of Clinton won a very close second in the Senior Boys' Class and was awarded a camera 'of exceptional quality. Margaret Watson of lenucefield, won in the Intermediate Girls' Class "Stories from the 1?bets." a beautifully illustrated book entitled in the Junior Girls' Class Caroline Wellwood of Wingham, Mary Cole- man of Hensall and Annie Coletnan of Hensel', along with Jack Snyder of Clinton in the Junior Boys' Class, won handsomely bound Cambridge Wm. Sutherland and Margaret Doan are in the race for a National prize which prize list to be published early in June. NOTICE TO: CRED I TORS NOTICE IS H.EREBY GIVEN, par-, suant to Section 56, ChaP, 121; of the Revised Statatee of Ontario, that all persops having claims -against theees-, tato of- Jane 'Pardon, late of:the ol'Bruce, Widow, deceasede who died on or about the twentieth day -of Feb- A.D. -1930, are required to send Vanstone, Wingham,- Ontario,' Solici- tor for the Administrator, On. Or be - fare the twenty-fourth -day of June, A.D. 1930, their names and addresses, with full particulars ia writing of their clahn, and the nature of the securit7 ies M. any) held by them duly veri- fied by a .stafulory declaration: AND''''rAxE NOTICE FURTHER that after the' said twentyefoerth day ator, will proceed. to distribute the assete of the said estate amOng the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the Claims of which he shall. then' have' had 'notice,' and the said Administrator shall :not be liable for the said assets 'or any part thereof to any persien of 'whose claim he shall not then have received notice. DATED at Wingham this second Winghatn, Ontario, IN MEMORIAM in fond and loving memory of our dear sister, Floe Fleuty, who passed through the vale to her Heavenly Home on June 4th, 1929 and words can express how much we miss her, Mrs. J. W. Dodd and Mrs. D. TUFUNIBERRY COUNCIL Meeting held at .Bluevale, Monday, .May 26th. Members all present. Min.: utes of last meeting read and adopta Moved by J. McTavish and J, Baird that we provisionally adopt the report of Engineer F. A. Edgar on Howick Drain No. 12, our Clerk for by-law SCHOOL REPORT and become a member of the FLEET OOT ATHLETIC CLUB Havey ou seen those nifty little member- ship shi buttons for the Fleet Foot Athletic Club? Lots of the boys and girls are wearing g them. membership; Get yours now....and your membp, certificate .. , and receive the Fleet Foot Sports orts Review each month. We have application blanks ... and, all the newest, smartest styles in Fleet Foot y Shoes. We will right r fit i ht with the shoe you like best. W. 3. GRE printed and served. Carried. At 3 o'clock the Council opened 'Court of Revision and two appeals were heard. Moved by R. Wilton and J. Mc- Tavish that Court of Revision be closed for year 1930. . The following accounts were paid: 'Thos. Gilmour, Assessor $90.00; )3. Crtikshank, part salary $50.00; W. R Cruikshank, part salary $75.00; 'W. R. Cruikshank, by-law for Flowick drain No. 12. $20.00; Municipal World ace., men, J. McGlynn $13.10; 'W. Brecken- eviroampel 50; Fred Hogg $19.50; J. McKinnon Moved by*P. S. McEwen and IL Wilton that we adjourn to meet at Bluevale on Monday, June 23rd, Reeve. Clerk. Miss Evelyn Leopard, of Toronto is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Leopard. IS FULLY It /M TANT AS T Pupils were examined in Grammar, :Hygicee, Composition and. Arithmetic.: HUriors. 75-elo, Pass 60%. IV -e- *Myrtle .Montgornery 87, 77. Sr. III—Dean Gibs'on 91, Laura Newton 70, Jean Snell 68, Jr, III—*Jack Millar 61, *Fred Montgomery 59, II—Marguerite Nicholson. 64, Ver; non Snell 39, *jack Griffith 37, *Gor- don Sanderson 23. Sr. Pr.— Excellent—Mildred. Grif- fith, *Olive Newton; Pbor—*Ceeil No. on roll, 18, Average ,attenda ance; 17,59. Perfect attendattee Mark. Bessie Lant, Teacher, Buy With Confidence—Our Reputation is Your Protection. Chevrolet Sedan, Good Shape McLaughlin Sedan, Master Four ..... .. . . . . . Overland( Coach, 1926 McLaughlin -Buick Coupe, 1925 Ford Tudor, 1929 .. McLaughlin -Buick Coach, 1926 . Chrysler Sedan, 1928 Model 62 Graham -Paige Sedan, Model 610 IVIcLaughlin-Buick Sedan, 1927 Chrysler Sedan, Model 65 $195.00 $275.00 Limited - Factory Branch Irchroond at Bathurst, London. Open Evenings. Phone Metcalf 2872.