The Wingham Advance Times, 1930-06-05, Page 2ALL IN THE ONE SOX WEIGHTY DAINTY CHOCOLATES" PEANUT CLUSTERS MALT MILK FALLS ORANGE CREAMS . FUDGE BUTTERSCOTCH PISTACHIO MARSHMALLOWS PEPPERMINT STICKS FIGS ALMONDS VANILLA NUGATINt C'REAI4f Chola JELLY CtOVE MARSHMALLOW'S CARAMEL , COCONUTLLIN( RASPBERRY JELLY DATES FILBERTS is alltelanWeratineletittgaltilleteallinetielleneladnenall tedt — /2 2 he most precious thing has happened --what imean, it's positively ravishing- Lowe ey's have put out a ' new box of really dainty chocolates ---they're the most scrumptious things, only one bite to a piece, and the unbelievable number of 80 pieces in a pound box. I simply must have a couple of boxes for my party tomorrow afternoon. I'm not going to have the girls spoiling their dresses and the table covers with big, soft creams or melted chocolate at my party—it's so ruinous to the cards, too. So, be a treasure, and bring me two boxes from the Lowney dealer when you come up tomorrow—they are called Eighty Dainty Chocolates --and only cost a dollar." Tons of love, BETTY, e)OR1G1NATORS OF ,ACKAGE CHOCOLATES" a='. xx us Li-?Fti ar vk Mt ca TR Hints For Home odies %rs:t.es for The r' +de -5 <:e -Times By eerie Allen Brown Tclaers. With Initiative Tse : -e-ie ExLi. r tells of a tea- - ns taceL T edc a. a r .n y .r^• iii\'•.. 4 • _. a .. _ l ..wk .. v. . gin.. ,tere elass, roam seely. `o much r, a l t be dente ,. n,nal e Classes eta„ The trouble is teat ae a'teer,i,:• rte hate It be tie: aan.e- ieeet. acid ter,e'e,:r- alto hare have not .i" ,e 'ta'+ dee the ee they .Lauld lila tx'i'de, and af- ter .a yaiueiite thee 'elide down a, r:ya .,:"n.. hm J.'natir. Teacher - are ;:awed?.>tt tied ept,- ;gid taste -and ,:ere:,:erea . elteaei, tee, tine: ..t ac 's"a- :iy: d,. iiia teacitere .. et '2, :al eeenialca, .. Rickets la , a: <' .:. tale yan .hat a 7r. ti S1,1 177 hate e teal Ri ke to m etild r,ra thn:ek that they nn art mietake�•tta That is ju3et what I t�jeu i t. so I went t:. a 'La cter who ie in :he n*?ad,t of ineesti '3tk.0 Wore., ..gib. hire about 1'iica'.Cte. and he teed Lnte- that .50 per eent. of our bab- a, load !ticket:, :'h..' w Suet .:tens andd. think' about that That 4' means 4 that :out <eer3- Its babies have Rh:he.ti% Neel that dote nee utean that thee - .irk' in the advanced stagee with bete -- Zees s .and fat bellies .bait there iee eve e tax', ti aL:t ient Re: e ne. The a*afertaaa.c part ` 9t that . teat:tireee tee Rete..in itself d,ss - tat Qu.' s,.'.: 't ee Ina it leavee -t the baby ..6r ..;r mare t 'a,. disease -S. Which THE GIANT AND THE ' DWARF Via€ stee real iotas srte ceded i , " 7 es the e *isle sit I afe.. y 'known a n ng 4e" :ran ro lwaytr,en, stances alongside tt na+~dere Canadian ail f Iceernotive atnz na'ea.entea only as lung as the lattar's cab and .+Mier aeverthe` esa, "Curly,'", tiny� Ief en ammelled weetel-bnIter of p emcee ¢Pyne lana ak` atza a teemed seldom approached aacyywhene an the -world 'for long life, neefxilttese and ender a.tee, "Carp' was broaght to laritieb Cutiumbia irt 1Sa1 :eta W. $. (Belle Evans eitaeete, engineer of t'he fire Canadian Pacific passenger trait: to reach Pott Mealy in leS5,, says it wea..built in a Sate l ra,rerisea aLa [lu'�nYe., salve andkite- aided Count de Lesseps in Vit? l to eeta CATted region, alt ei ?mention cor..st tt eti a k zas Perez. Silty year.. of arduous week sere mpyeekR�t{{t c Cter*at �`, but new t engine :lifter refute at the Call:eda m CTry aeifi Y'm:V'omma es to be errhibit'etd at. the V',tt eketntser', ,citibition August, as a •taut:, ane piece of the early dap- Evana was eat ea eel of retirement for pu . e lea el tilts pictera'andl gladly donned the eta wet. is gain to show Itireelif otos mote to lisitan + Jeee WINGHAtif ADVANCE -TIMES Clea more barren:. than Rickets, Symptoms of Rickets The rickety child is ueiraliy a well - grown child and looks well nourished; so that the parent.a do not suspect apythirng wrong. The disease orders between the seccntd :month and the end of ths. sewed year. C'One of the syn'tptome cs Cen, tipation, but that in itself is not an indication of Rick- ets. The baby is restless and 'fre- quently' rubs the hair off the top t>f its head. Sleep is di:tttabed and the child is decidedly irritable. .Later the' muscles become lax. and the ligaments elongated: Then coulee the familiar pot -belly, bow-legs, square head, cur- vature of the spine and other deform aties. Cause The : rause of Vitamins is lack of Vitamin D. This Vitamin' affects the supply of Phosphorus and Calcium available for bone formation. Vita - nun D is not its: many common foods, butter -fat and egg yolk are the only tries. It is contained in Cod Liver oil, but our chief source is the sun. Rickets is e disease of the Temperate Zone. The children ca the Tropics play about with neat to neething on and their bodies are exposed to dir- ect straight, and so they get their supple ef Veitar a '.?. In the Arctic regiim they 'nee f, , :crud fish, or ani- znal, who have lived on fish and they get their supply of Vitamin 'le from the iietr. So you see it is only the poor little Temperate Zone babies who have Rickets. Prevention It is absolutely unnecessary for a baby to have Rickets. The tirne to start its prevention is before the child "e born. The expectant mother, should take cod-liver oil daily and should spend as inuch time as possible in the sun. Then the baby Will have a supply' of Vitamin 0 to form the bones and teeth. Summer babies may escape Rickets if they get sufficient sunshine. It is the poor little winter babies that are the worst sufferers. as they cannot yet as much sun. If they are given cod-liver oil, or "bottled sun,hine" they will escape Rickets. Babies are given it from the time they are three weeks old, A few drieps a day is sof-. ficient to prevent Rickets, When the prevention of Rickete is such a sim- pt matter, it is a pity, that. the know- ledge is not wide -spread. The gov- ernment spend considerable, more money to teach the fact, that cod- liver oil is good fir -tock and poultry.* than it does in teaching mothers that it is aoed for the babies. Clinics shtteuidbe as 'available as _ ehiaole. Bacon Sandwich Cover a siice of herr buttered toast with lettuce, and spread with salad' dr easing. Arrange slices of crisp ba - can and a fent rings rf thinly sliced onion den top of the lettuce and corer with a slice of toast. Johnnie Cake 1 ettp cern mea: 1 crap Rater 4 teaspoons baking powder CUD sneer 1 egg 1 tabieept at butter 1 cup sweet mill: Sift dry ingredients. Add beaten g eg, melted bane-. and mint. - - n 1,.: neat ywrtl and our into buttered pan. Bake an moderate rate o -en. THE. SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON LESSON XXIz —Jane Sth - sin ttt the Shadow of the Cross ea?ttitew 26t 1-75 Ga}den Test. --He went forward a little, and fell, on his face, arcs prayer, saying.. ley fattier if it be uossible let this cup aeass away from me, are€- ertheIess, not as I wile brat as thou win. Matt. 23:39. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING.' Tane.—The last supper. Thursday, ,' April tl. A.D. 30. Tee .sono its he {warden. einem.. 11 p.m., The ar eet,.1 n idrai ht, The " trials before Annas etel ;F a C� vas and the denials at Pet- .ez betw`ter, 1 and 5a.n: on Friday, Ap.a 1'e ee---T1.Fi 4 aeps r teem of Matne- l'I t Ga:rdere of Gethsemane er.t the unnt of a the .,. The palace prebab- y erecnricd by both Armee and Calx- phaa s.. • A THE AGONY IN THE GARDEN. i • Then ee th Jesus ionto theasa. A s i, they were on thele srazi it :n the upa- er renen to the t ardeva, 'til ye site/ obe, offended in e this night. diarist had epeeterabe pre,. •Ian:brei !ds corning -ruciii, en, ated neer lhe• declares that k:tt is i:are:iveat. and will ea se the dis ."4ipleii, tie fall away freer: /la -a-. For as ie written. See Zetas 13: 7. -1 foul eettiite-t the elinpitente,' and the sheep' cat IIlee (leek stall be scattered' abroad. Clat'ist often->-0ers icy Fkitnself .as. tle :event When he wa-s ameted, 't?e disiciasee's lift lam an fold9 (vr-ea5 "s"vy. They were ste,:ttt.dbe the e:ke . t s'w'u a ti is had repeatedly also foretold his re- surrection.,et should have been by Phis time an. idea familiar to the dis- ciples. I will o before you into Gal- ilee, , To the scene of Christ's long- est ministry, to his oid home' and theirs. .But Peter answered and said tanto hint, i'eter's great failing was over- confidence. if all shall be offended in thee, I will never he offended. Peter,. who was first in his owe estimation, itttst become last in bitter humilia- tion.. Jesus said unto hint. Verily I say tato thee. When our .Lord used this ntroduct'on, he was profoundly mov- ed. That this night, before the cork crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. Our Lord said, before the cock crow wire," according to Mark 14:80. Peter saith unto him, Even if I must die with thee, yet will I not deny thee. If Peter had believed Christ, humble- accepted the warning, nd betaken himself to tuuatching and raying lest he fall into temptation, ecter would not have fallen into his rierous sin; but Christ knew what vas in man, and so he put his warn- n ng into the forret of a sure prophecy. o Likewise also said to all the disciples. knd they all of them virtually denied Christ by deserting him at the time f his arrest—all, evert John, the be- owed disciple. Then cometh Jesus with then, unto a place 'called Gethsemane. Gethse- tane means 'the oil press,' Ii Jesus Insist be under the press, let no Chris- ianbe surprised that he. as a member f his body, roust be at time ander it oo." And saith unto his disciples, Sit -e here, while I go yonder and pray. He had to meet the enemy in all his trength, and there was none to i hicper a word of friendly =cheer as e buckled for the fray." And he took with him Peter and he two sons of Zebedee. James and c=hn; these three had become the in - innate friends of our Lord, the In 0 ,r Circle of the Twelve. And began b7 o be sorrowful and sore Troubled. 0 'he true explanation of the my'ster- eus .sorrow in the garden and the Thursday, June 5th, 1030 i=0=0 ._,. 0 0 01=01 .11 THURSDAY, JUNE 5, STU THE Ci �' CU CREAI..DAJS.SALE •-•'"�' ---'-� � to FRIDAY, JUNE 11 p SEE °u ARS ,� YO T SAVE O Q SEE WHAT 95c, WILL BUY isammenum fiT Q il awful agony on the cross—is that Christ, the -Godman, the' Diriue Sub- stitute, was bearing its some way the O iniquities of a lost ',ca:>rid. 0 Then saith he unto thein, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death, What he endured we can nev- er knu ; but the know that from his cross there flows a power of deans - s g renewal, reneal, a strength and hope ' C which have proved themselves the U salvation of, men. Abide ye here, and watch with nate. It was chiefly for their sake; that he etelled them to watch and be with hint in his agony. And he went forward a little. In - the deeper shadows of the oliive- trees. And so it is always in human life. We anust speeds no to the most eanred a_ dace of our life alone.- And fell on his face and prayed. The jews ordinarily prayed standing. and nailing face down on the ground to >r- ti. showed the deepest emotion, Saying, Mt Father. Christ could con- er all Borrows because he carried into them a profound sena: of the that presently'* .a great wave of sor- now, for opportunities past ca now iu-ins, Fatherhood of Grad. If it be row should come afresh over his soul, never be recalled. 13eintiid the hour possible Feasible. that is, in accerrd-: and he'mush again seek. to bear it . -" ' is at hand. Christ often spoke of his �J A. A C :EAT SALE SALE seasox- 4T ABLE THE GOODS `iGHT Ti E SAVE YOU !R imumuoimunien �I A PROFIT - II ABLE SALE FOR 11YOU 0 0 MONEY e ire. JF.,:tea r titVL*. WALKE RES LIMITED HAVE YOU TRIED THE NEW CHATELAINE PATTERNS 25c ANY PATTERN FOR 25c 't01= 0 ===i=2: mete with the divine plan ior the sal- alone. vatienya :resets;; Cl::is? world have no "]tour," the hexer of :the sacrificial And he to=rte again and found theist . ti eepe otherwise. Let tants cup pass el, . ideath to trhtc7t he had been ivtal.ton p i epnn g, for their eyes were heavy, forward for so long, And the Son awvay Irene reel- By t tt Jesus meant At the transfi uratiou they e\ had been ire fate that lianas for Hine Never- a littletoof neon is Petra*ed' into the hand: of !la- e • th a- I mtie' i�ttt' tl iii able bear the weight of sinners, That.. in �,. z..wasindeed., the begiisn- aiiL, s., + �. glory, as now they were able to bear in of. I : tire the ta. r . c. t Geth_etraatae ' g the power of Satan and the life - t ra eau Ilse weight of this exceeding sorrow; ..c. 1,..>c�1r that what tv,...ail the Lord..., and death struggle with sin. from and there, too, their eyes had been .•ry�T w too. �>als a .. gnt-, h a � which the Redcetncr'issued victorious. .ts fay Testis Chris, but was itself a vy with sleep, But now the leaden Arise, letus be going. Christ's s.ed lxy Nana at iea?t %is the bac% NI eights of a still more untimely words, Sleep on note," give place to ,slumber lay heavy upvtt •thein." the arum d, est dart int nE, "Tity. S.'ivi b''',' e dfniC.� And heleft ,.. • trumpet -Gail of action. Behold, :1r¢l, lFe r ni.etla sirs: + iair di>cnple , I eft them again, and went he isat hand that betrayeth nye. ztray,and prayed e nerd' time, saying Christ could see Judas and his sol- L:2stcdeth . tteem stn"?:::: These l�at'aht the sane words. The idea is, diens approaching through the trees. . tvz,2 Ue� a Leri S'i•cnit, . iTBt t�nv? 'r atltat the burden cif' his re -e was eo tip ended Christ's Gethsemane, tire. an they iutd iaate d�asoe they tlse ,ret e efrect as belore, ld have steea�thentel heir 'Mast darkest hour in his life save one. Qts stn Het ne+:�riyr krtt , 'r by floc i.noty- : Then- conical he to the disciples Gethsemane lies on theway to the la,d�e : c alien. wakeful, silenn sytnapa- ar'nd saith unto them, Sleep ou now, Kingdom where God's will is done flay. And saith mato Peter. The apes -!and take your rest. Yes, sleep no perfectly..' tie who had been bregging of hi: ¢ altd ts, What. could ye neat, watch ` �� � � t,a,_i ata:. one hour? 'Surely we can i an°"' ..a�®1111 p. awake and watch tido Ceariet trt Wt that little period. til cln anaad pray, that ye :eater no ration. How ;ftes, have rab5 +"a andandtatL$h_ `•anG�l It is so i$LBfLG:i:lt ^' IA to be jne d a Difficult. yes! but yet So CtIMIlplelety :p ;saber to the. eery r_r• is eal:est of yen ail that, 'if you trill int n,e the appointed tnettne which Godi c.ae pieced its year petrer, the daifi-l_� eta y 4ec ?lei be as little a barrier itt er�.tnr heavenward path as the ?*ia Bant- cr threads of sumtm r to one who!. :dee across lite morning fieldo- ` 1111 The spirit indeed is willing. but tine rp a fall is weak- They were too a: hare- ed to speak, but ttiteir matte -sorrow: e tl aieked his heart. and he added this i,111 kindly licensing thetas." , gain a seetend time he went at `at y it r*d prayed saying My Father, if this -a ataaa. t. lease .away, a eept I drink it, thy will be done. \ lien one isin i cera bitter grief aanad after being for :al one whine alone, •eulLaa es bath tone XI aett4 5y t ss %tbturt , a s x+', itut ti;idly` Li (' �n y e L veer.. sy.tt atlteaac, Minn*1111 POOL EGG Why Sell Eggs at These Prices? When We Will Store Them Until Fal flub trucks are on the road lad to give you pick-up service:- Open ervice" nSaturday:Eveningsa nd we will TO IJNI E» FARM R ' COOP . RATIV COPAL' , LIMITED, whighain, Out o Phoner`