HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-05-29, Page 4at ]. s r,l i II."s a; pr ret 0 • 11 EP istere � iesiestt2rzerhaeirek lite Lane Yi arwest aitese'haerYivreetre(Nateneetneereeteeiege erietewereig SPECIAL -- -- CUPS AND SAUCERS CERS Finest China ---• Regular $1.00, $1.25 to $1.50. Your Choice $100 .ia'8 rStore 4"Ivrxc�r�vrtty ge tete;mittlisseeaCs! / l! eaalVefteeneeeeetat +Wig\JMA_! testtagvh t.Seteeeli talk ie• le AN I% ttit1* , THESE WANTAD'SS siockthWoetee 1 re cents a word pea insertioxn, with rc minimum charge of z$c. BABY CHICKS—We can supply you with S C. White Leghorn 'chicks I for delivery, in June at $10.00 per 100. Our ieg••ltor n..ti a re the o t m us , Barron strath, big' hens, .lteavy lay- ; e undersigned, eTl aid en addresseend ers of large eggs. We guarantee ei. re undersigned, and endorsed "Tend- ers eon- 100 per cent, safe delivery. Order i G,, for South Pier be received until early while the: best dates are avail -1/2e do'clock Ont,-, will received until able: The Walter Rose: Poultry1noon (daylight 'saving), Farm. ;Friday, June b, I93Q for the recon- tstruction of the superstre o lruct a ._. ...._,._.---- ,S ,, u f the t 'South Pier, an concrete, for a length BABY CHICKS avid HATCHING?'of 300'feet,at Goderich, Huron Coun- Eggs that are produced on our own ty, Ont. farm front our own hens, not from • Plans and form of contract can be eggs purchased wherever we can seen and specifications and forans of get them. It is not wise to replen- i tender obtained at this Department, is€ t you flock with cheap chicks, ; at the offices, of the District Engin- when for a few cents more you can eer, Custorus Iuilding, London, Ont.; boy real quality. t:?,A,C, Barred: Toronto Builders Exchange and Con - Rocks $17.00; single Comb White .struction Industries, 1104 Bay Street, Leghorn, $15,00, :for May 30th. 'Toronto, Ont., also at the Post Office, June prices $L00 per 100 less for 1 Goderich, Ont. Rocks; $?.00 per 100 Fess for Leg-'lessenders made onprinted forms �Inot be adsuppliedun- horns- Ask to see our Galvanized feeders. 'by the Department and in :accordance C. G. Campbell, R. R. No. 2 Au- I with conditions contained therein. burn, Ont., phone. Blyth 10,24., , Each tender 'tttust be accompanied _� �.by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank payable to the order of the Min HEAVY HORSE FOR SALE -5 yr, Lister of Public Works, equal to 10 old, sound in body, bay with white ; Per cent. of the amount of the tend - face, weight 1600. Apply to Thos, er, bonds of the Dominion of Canada Taylor, con. 1, E. Wawanosh, phone ' or bonds of the Canadian National 613r6. ;Railway Company will also be accept- _ i ed as security, or bonds and a cheque - t if required to make tipan odd am - HONEY FOR SALE -I have a quare -fount, tity of No. 1 Clover in 32. Ib. pails! Note.—Blue prints can be obtained $2.50, or in small pails 10c lb, left at this Department by depositiing an in town. Jaynes H, Casenore• I at cepted"cheque for the sum of $20,00, __ _.._.;------ !payable to the order of the Minister HOUSE TO RENT sof Public Works, which will be re- - All modern turned if the irttap{1in5 bidder :submit and Shuler conveniences, on corner of AIfred a regular bid, streets, garagelat rear i By order, ' r f hottest. Apply ly to Advance -Times ; off"ice. N. DESJARDINS, I RDINS, ------------- --- ' Department of Public Vtrorkseeretary. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ott. a; Say 16, J930. AND OTHERS - _. ;NOTICE To CREDITORS ORS N?otice is herebv�gn't:n pursuant tt� R.S.O. 1927, chapterP-1.50, that all Bred- NOTICE IS HEREBY: GIVEN. itors and others having claims against pursuant to Section 56, Chap. 121 of the estate of Annie Walker, late of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that Wingham town in Huron County and all persons hating claims agairr't th: DREAMS It bas just occurred :to me, th irons the relation of the Dream 1 alts now recording it may be imagine that it was an unesuaily long one ouch, however, it tv,u not. Dream are all short, and occupy the stag prepared : in our ,Minds for their en actnlent for but a few minutes, it my' diary, the ,record of this l)rean covers only a single nage. In por treeing its incidents however, I have been obliged to use ninny words, have taken the liberty to embellish and have resorted to the interjections of many .asides. I ask pardon for .haay- ing done so. A writer is usually giv- en such 'license, and I trust T have neither abused my prerogative, nor strained the patience of my readers by my, perhaps tedious and profuse, and, as some may think,' profane am- plifications. In reply' to the Donkey's "have you seen enough?" which had reference, of course, to my church experiences, 1 proffered a ready assent. "Put why did you show me these things," I ventured. "Did I not tell you," he' rejoined, " 'ere' we: started on our pil- grimage,.. that I had seen the light, and was therefore under obligations to spread it." "But, so far," I said, "you have shown ane nothing but darkness." "That was my intentions," he replied. "It was necessary you should see the darkness, and. I am pleased you realized it was darkness. Anon, even as I see it now, you will see the light - "When 1 told you there was no real religion on the earth, you thought my statement harsh. I think you even considered it false." "What think you now." "Indeed," said I, "indeed, I hardly know. I saw' no evidences of real' religion in either of the churches WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES Thursday, May 291h, 1030 •e visited. 1 must confess tha t, lint religion, itself, cameo. be dead. It at surely is ,tomo'' alis, 'flee religion of .Christ, Christianity, that surely sur- d vives and is santetvhere still with us." "It survives on our lips," hastily in - S terposed tete Donkey, "When' is es - e cape, theist it perishes instantly; It proceeds no farther, Folks profess to be Christians.' But, alas, many of their 1 everyday acts, and most of their Sun- - day ones give their profession the lie. Iditto others they do exactly the 1 reverse of what Christ said: they should do. rl o the weak, they show no mercy. The fallen do not Lift up, they press theca further clown,. so that their own exaltations may appear the mightier. When bread is asked of them, they deliver a lecture on thrift, When they stiffer transgressions, they are furious, and now to get even with the transgressor. By so doing, of course, tltey don't get even, tltey get lower. When they are smitten on the cheek, they return the blow, usually below the belt. They sing "Onward Christian Soldiers" and march a:regi- me int of ruffians. They build churches with one hand, and prisons with the other; two kinds of" houses of ,correction"' very similar in many respects. In the one they iittprison and shut up ideas, itt the other, men. They—""just a minute, i\�I r .Dor e• , Donkey," I was really getting ex- asperated, "Try to be fair; what about our Hospitals, for instance surely these show the Christian ,spirit?" "Not to any extent" snorted the Don- key, "they* serve. more to exhibit the unchristian spirit 'Victims of war' are placed there, of pestilence, fam- ine and disease. Were folks living, as Christians, such things as these sinip ly could not exist, and therefor would not have to be taken care of," "Gotd- ness gracious," I, exclaimed, "we are not angels, this earth is not quite a heaven, yet." "You are a• fool," shouted the' Donkey, "Don't you pray that God's -rill may be done on earth, as it is in heaven. That - was Christ's prayer. He thought earth could be made like heaven, "Now," pursued the donkey, "No one really knows what heaven is like, yet all agree it is a good place. It must be oud, because God's will is done ere, 'When God's will is done on arth, earth will be a good place." 3ut," I asked, ''What is God's will?" According to Christ; said the Don- ee-, "God is good; his'will therefor ust be good w•il), 11 God realty ars you good a jI; the good -will a Fatlter, i fittitely fatherly, you, his children, in trying to be good He is good, must realize your real nship, your veritable daughtership d conduct yourselves at all times, that the sanctity and sacredness of ur relation to Him-, and to each oth pray be maintained, preserved and undantly made manifest, As Christ d, you must love God, and tour NO MORE : Itching - Ends hi 1 Minute }'End eczema for months. Single application of Soothe -Salve ended itch and burn in 1 minute. 1 box ended disease for good," Jana Paula. Soothe -Salva" ends Eczema uickest time ever known. Itching a tops instantly. All druggists. �1J11�111�I tiE�1l I8"11lgll I�llI�1111r�1 i 1�1111itt1Hlli�€lq SpecialsSunworthy Paper at 25c it- . KE Several Patterns at 5c. LARGE i! ASSORTMENTS q The Wallpaper Shop l,ei Elmer Wilkinson .is Decorator , rovtnce of C3ntarty, widow, who died • &titan• 11f Robert tiheill late stf t on or about the 6th day of May A.D. , `! r,avn of \V ingham in the Province 1930, are required to send on or lee- , t'nt triti, Retired i»armee, decease fore the 9th day of June A.D. 1980, who died on or about the fifteen to the undersigned Executor, oI the day of April, A.D. 1930, are requir said deceased, their frames and ad-: to send by post, prepaid, or to deliv dresses, full particulars of their claims to R. Vanstone, Winghant,: Ontari and the nature of the securities, if Solicitor for the Executors on or b any,. held by theist. AND further take fore the seventeenth day of June, notice that after such last mentioned D. 1930, their names and adrese day the said Exeeut,,rs wili proceed with full particulars. in writingof h to distribute the assets of the said de- claims, and the nature of te secu ceased amongst the per.ons entitled tic. (if any) held by them duly ver hereto, having regard t", the claims fled by a statutory declaration. of which they shall then have had not- ANIS TAKE NOTICE FURTHER see, and the said Executors will not be that after the said seventeenth day_of liable for the said assets or any part June 1930, the said executors will pro - 'thereof' to any person of whose claim need to distribute the assets ofIthe they shall not have had notice at the said estate ernong the parties entitled aline of distribution. thereto, having regard only to the Dated at Winghana, Ont,, the 16th claims of which they shall then have day of May A.D, 1980 r had notice; and the said executors. Mrs. Florence Madeline Baker, shall not `be liable fur the said assets and J. A. Morton, Executors. 'or r any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then have !received notice. NOTICE TO CREDITORS/ Dated at Win Barri this s ttti=enty- sixth day of May, A.D. 1930, to AND OTHERS 1 R. VANSTONE, Notice i4 herebygiven r • Wingham, Ontario, pursuant tot Solicitor for the Executors. R.S.O. 1927, chapter 150, that all cre- ditors and others having claims, COURT' OF REVISION `S " against the estate of Caroline Grigg,' late of i3elgravevillage in .Huron 1 Township o County in the Province of OntariG, , p f East Wawanosh 'n'idow, who .died on or about the 6th .: day of Aril A.D. 1930, are required.' age court of Revision on the to send, On or befrare the 9th day of \ssessntent Roll of the Township of June A.D. 1930, to the undersigned East �7atvinitsla, trill be held itt the Oliver G. Anderson, lielgrave, P. O•, Foresters Hall, l;elgrat�e, Tttesclay th el k m be of as as Sp an so yo e r - ab sat he 111 1111111111it1111t11111114I10111)C131141liii;lg113111 Ci of. lr ed er 0, A. it r tor a their valises and , yp r p sc take notice Tenders will not be considered un- taculars of; their claims and the nature an" ,govern tltcrnselres accordingly. of the sectirities, if any, held by them, 1.:Porterfleld, Clerk. re`s made on printed forms supplied AND further take notice that after }'elgrave, Mav 27th, 1930 by the Department and in accordaucc EARN $5—$12 PER DAY Men wanted to train --- Few weeks—Pay Raising job, getting practical, garage Mechanics, Elec- tric Welding, Housewiring, Brick- laying and Drafting -Guaranteed. Free employment service. , Write today for free information. COMMERCIAI ENGINEERING SCHOOLS 57 Queen W., Toronto SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undesigned, and eitfjorsed "Tend- ers for North Piet' Reconstruction, Goderich, Ont,", will be received until 12 o'clock noon (daylight saving), Friday, June 6th, 1930, for the recon- struction in concrete, of the Super- structure of the North Pier, for a length of 484 feet, at . Goderich, Hur- on County, Ont; Plana and form of contract can be seen and specifications -and forms of tender obtained at this Department, at the offices of the District Engin- eer, Customs lluilding, London, Ont.; Toronto Builders Exchange and Con- struction industries, 1104 Bay Street i' t re said deceased, r, at 1 o clock pin. All par addresses, full par- interested will please (rodertch. if or unto, Ont., also at the Poet Office, such last mentionetl day the said Ex-, ecutor with proceed to distribute the ELLion. MILLER assets of the Said deceased amongst . AUCTIONEER flee persons entitled thereto, having? sales regard to the claim of which be shall conducted anywhere. Vfirrt then have had notice, and the said Rx- 1 axperane Best efforts put put forth ccutor will,irot be liable for the said' °n each and every salt, assets or arty., part thereof to any per- s Plione 10. tuck : o. :,,,,0of whose'claiart ha, shall not have i . n N', O►tt. Irad notice at the time: of distribution, f --- w -- Dated at Lingb:\tarr. OW., the 16th t �"""" day of a, ,. D, 1930, GEORGE WILLIAMS ()liver G. And.crzott, Executor, b Morton, by J ! ,, 4Vr ttg Itaitt ff" a cfa t Ont., Solicitor herein. I C. N.:.,, 'Watch Inspector : suiting' Engineer ARC fYEAr:,l), d3.r1.$c, (Tor-'" tet), .J.I.,.:a, ,Regist'ererl Profession- neer rofession-rtecr and Land Surveyor, .As• t ember 1 ttgineering Institute Office, Seafortii, hist, Repairing Our Specialty, Satittf"aatiettl Guaranteed, tone fir. .Opp, , Oat:etts Hotel. www.. was wawa. .. IJet>trtt I"7tiat ghbours, who is your brother or ter, Ste ourself. filet is to say, love must be made versals It - must be, unrestricted, it st recognize no confines, be sub - t to no limitations, Christ spent s life doing good, manifesting this e, Those He did good to, were the ,r, the weak, the sick and sorrow - the outcast and criminal, the Be- aded and the fallen. He continual - sought out the underdogs and es - ed to lift them up. Are those who fess: to be His followers imitating example. Is there any concern ng shown for the underdog, to- % There is, indeed concern, but it oncernecl with Bolding theist down keeping then in their place.' You root, help each other," continued donkey, "you fight each other, maim and imitate, and kill each er. You call your life here a strug- ou cheat heat each lather, .You lie each other. Yotz have to do these. gs in order to live. You would to act otherwise, but you cannot:: nmstances are against you. Are se terrible circumstances the out - e. of God's goodwill, or •arc they t -made? Most manifestly man- e. Then why' not unmake theist institute in their stead, stick eir- stances as shall tuak& living in. noisy, not only possible, but pro- ble, in the best sense of these ds, When men cease to be fools, will begin to be philosophers," Bated the donkey, "when they phil- hise they will learn the wisdom ove, the propriety of living in e, the sact-edness of service; the stupidity of selfishness, the sin of self seeking, They -will learn that co-op- eration, and mutual aid are:infinite- ly better than competition and beg- garing your neighbour, They will ze that there is no place for pov- in a world so providently funiish- T1iey will realize that the poor ung mu jec Hi Nod. PO fol, gr ly say pro his bel da is c an d do the you oth ales fo thin �4lilae Circ tho cog may mad and CUM have fits loot they rep osop with conditions contained therein. dor , Each tender nanst be accornnanicd: Peat l os an ,accepted cheque Ina chartered bank payable to the order of the Min- ister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cern- of the amount of tate, tender, Bonds of the Dominion of. Canada or blonds of the Canadia.n National Rail- way Compxrty will aim) be accc:ptectti•eali as security, or bond; and a chegtrr erty if required to stake up an odd am-' ed. mint, t Note,—Blue print~ carr he obtained atthiis . Department by accepted cheque for thstdepositing rt oft $20 an ofpav.Piilelie t+rW rl grilwhiich of tlwill tbeisr e- turnzed if the intending' bidder submit a regular bid. By order, N. 1)1?:.SJARDINS, Satre{a ry, rept of Public Works, a, May 16, )980, neednot always ttt ways be with its Should ret f •• ts,r be with its. 7fu.;t never Tae with us. So long as there is poverty, there is Something seriously a 111 iSS tVitla synr Christianity; a woeful avant in blight upon it, an influence on "rf, subduing , its verility,'retarding its fr;acticability, stu'Itifyiit'g its intention d'elnnol-glizirtl; rt'+ nature, 'This sin -i i tier stain on Christianity itrtrst be effaced, poverty must be abolislled,;t riches made universal, fraternity es- tablished. t ;bushed. Men must be made to feel that they have equal rights and equal 'l duties. All privileges must be des- - 1 troyed, save the' one gr eat Supreme, " l: Christian privilege of rendering sere- la see." I.11111 As the Donkey delivered the last 'lN sentence, there was a took in his eyes ' m which reminded sue of a loot T ltad sten hi the eyes of Ramsay McDon- ald which I had noticed there the , week before as he sat with us at our t supper table, and when he asked my i n father what he should say at a meet- ' m ing of miners, he was to address that ' 0 evening. Jas. G. Webste Mr. and 1•Irs. Jos, 3, Kerr motor- ed to Toronto,' visiting while there Mr, and 1:firs. Buckman; going from there to Oshawa, visiting there Mr, and Mrs. W. G. Bunker; returning by. Galt they visited Mr. Kerr's nieces, Mrs. John Simpson and Mrs. C. Guy - ling; from there to Tavist ' T belt, callrn� on Mr. and Mrs. D. :McKellar, for- mer residents of East Wawanosh Mrs- Buckman returned home with them. 1 El FOR SALE—Part lot 28, con 4, East done 23 Wawanoslt, containin • Wilt7t 1s6 12 acres hang g on � Ina' - l ar road, as # _ d, miles from Auburn. Jas. Woodsy Auburn. In 1111 <� .� =ti' a El E111� ��.:, , ,,s 51611111 rrG `..> 1 111111111 1' ▪ iremonsfassmonownsonnoranininanut Sport TENNIS SHOES, GOLF SHOES, BOWLING. SHOES, SCHOOL SHOES' �+ IN HIGH CUTS, OXFORDS AND STRAPS ALarge Range to Choose � � Fromat �# EEr. 9S i Agent for the FI"eet Foot Brand 1 SES OUWIND 4.1k? >rtr• LONDON'S F High-Grade Reconditioned ALL MODELS In Every Price Range BUY NO ALL MODELS Buy With Confidence, --Our Reputation is Your Protection. Chevrolet Sedan , . , 1925 Ford Coupe $139.00 • .,.. • $145.00 1926 Ford Touring . , .. ; ... 1923 McLaughlin Touring • $150.00 1925 Chevrolet Touring .. . $150.00 Dodge Coupe .... .. .. , , $175.00 1925. Essex Coach $175.00 1922 McLaughlin 'Tourin • ..... • $195.00 Maxwell Coach . g. $195.00 1922 McLaughlin Sedan $195.00 1927 Ford Tudor ' ' • ' •. • • $195.00 .. . 245.00'. 1926$ Overland Coach $275.00 1924 Hudson Coach $295.00 1923 Hudson Coach ... , ..... . 1925 McLaughlin Touring••••••• • $295.00 ` g .. .. 395.00 1925; McLaughlin Special 6 Coupe dupe Z -Pass. , , .1929 Ford $425,00 Tudor ..• 495.00 1926 McLaughlinSpecial $ p 6 Coac•••••• •h .. . 1926 Nash S p ecia 1 Sedan $525.00 1928 Pontiac Coach $595.00 • ... ,. ... $650,®® '1927 .Hudson Bron 'h . g c1i$!• , $695.00 1928 Chrysler Sedan .. 1929' Essex Coach. • 695.00 95.00 1927 McLaughlin Special 6 Coach . 1928 Pontiac Sedan . $695.00 .. ,• 1928 Oakland Coach $695.00 192.7 McLaughlin S ecial 6 Se $695.00 P darn 1927 McLaughlin Special 6 Coupe 4 -Pass.. + , $745.00 1928 Nash Standard Sedan$745.00 610 ... 745;00 Graham -Paige $ g Sedan . 1928 Erskine••• $745.00 Seda�i •••, 1927 Studebaker Coin. 4 -Pass. $795`00 ,Coupe , .... , ,. 1928 Oldsmobile Sedan$795.00 .. , .. .. . 1927 Mc' $795;00 L axcghlin Master 6 Sedan 927 Mcl.aug'hlih Nlastet• 6 $850.00 1929Brougham , . , . , , , 895 Chrysler Sedan • 1 .00 104 . 1 930 Mar uette Sedan�$ 5.00 u 'VV( V41•, .. $1350.00 Watch• for our Further List of Values in next Week's Advance -Tinges SPECIAL g G. M. A. C. TERMS HUDSON BROUGHAM 5 Passenger « 1927 Model $595.00 Your Present Car Taken in ExGha - �rige G. M. A. C. TERMS McLaughJin Limited - Factor;,.. Branch Richmond at Bathurst, London. Open Evenings. Ine4etcalf 2872. 15?