HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-05-22, Page 7Jnr n 7717. Every fibre insulated with rubber ENEATH the rugged safety tread of toughest rubber, Firestone. Tireshave the strong- est, most durable cord construc- tion ever known. Layer upon layer of cords are scientifically twisted for greatest strength and elasticity-- then dipped in pure rubber which protects every fibre against internal heat and friction. Gum- Dipping doubles flexing life and adds thousands of extra miles of dependable, trouble-free service. Only Firestone Tires are Gum-Dipped—No other tine has its advantages. Because of this extra process, Firestone tires hold all world records for mileage and endurance. Seg your nearest Firestone Dealer THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON LESSON XX.—May 18 Jesus Teaching the, in the Temple (Temperance Lesson) -Matthew 22: 1-23: 39 Golden Text.—Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the great and first 'commandments. And second like un- to it is this, Thou' shalt love thy nei- ghbor as thyself. -Matt. 22:37-39. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING. Time. -Tuesday, April 4, A.D. 30. Place.—The temple in Jerusalem. Parellel Passages.—Mark 12:13-40; Luke 20-47, THE CHRISTIAN CITIZEN HON-, ORS GOD. Then went the Pharisees. Tlie strictest of the Jewish- sects, whom Christ had offended by his insistence on freedom from their man-made, multiplied, and hampering rules for the religious life, such as their for- mal ablutions and their absurd regu- lations for the Sabbath. Anel took counsel, how they, might ensnare hint in , his : talk. They planned to draw from him by crafty questions some admissions and statements which would sh o1 the people and give the authoritiesndle against him. The heckling of public speakers today has- this asthis Same object. And they send to him their dis- ciples. "The question would Took an. innocent inquirY Coming from young g scholars", With the Herodians. These adherents of the Herods, hold- ing office under Rome; were the very opposite of the Pharisees, who were uncompromisiing patriots, hating Rome and the Herods who were tools of Rome. Moreover, the •Herodians were skeptics and lived licentious lives, while the Pharisees were strict in their theology and ,lived lives of purity and uprightness. - They were united, . however, by their common hatred of Jesus, and knew that: from their diverse viewpoints they could more quickly discover any ;flaw in Christ's armor. • Saying Teacher They approached as learners desiring to be taught; in reality they were bitter critics seeking to convict. \Ve know that thou art true. They believ- ed the very opposite. It was men of this sante party who after Christ's death called him "this deceiver." And teachest the way of God in truth. "Nothing could exceed the insidious hypocrisy of this attack on Jesus. His enemies approach liiin as a teacher whom they trust." And carest 'not for any one; for thou regardcst not the person of inen, This was an indirect challenge to Jesus, for they were go- ing to ask ltim a question the answer. to which, whichever side he might take, would embroil him, they t:xpect cd, with some powerful party, either the rulers or the people. They dared him to express his thought fearlessly. Tell us therefore, What ihinkest thou? This gradual approach to the question w'as to emphasize. its hnpor- tants in the minds of the bystanders sh SY Now Particularly if you have a modern Connor Elec- tric Washer in your " home. No tearing of clothes, no back -break- ing work. ack-break- itig'work. just fill the tub with hot water, drop in the clothes; turn a switch and the work is done. WxgliamUtilities eo mesio. Crawford Block • Phone 1.666 1 pm,; y.asry and to fix their attention, a coi.inloi. device of jury lawyers. Is it lawful to give tribute. unto Caesar, or not? Giving tribute was paying taxes, the various taxes collected by the hated Publicans, "Caesar" 'was the title of the Roman ^Emperor, front which we have derived Kaiser and Czar. But Jesus perceived their, wicked,. ness. They were wicked ltecause, their question was not an honest one. They pretended to be undecided, while each party had made its own unalterable decision. They pretendedto want Christ's guidanee, while actually they did not carr; what he said. Either of the two replies' he night give would afford 'them a charge against him, And said; Why make ye „trial of me, ye hypocrites? Jesus welcomed test- ing, if it was an honest attempt to learn the truth, such, for instance, as was made by Nicodemus in his night ly visit.; but probably nothing offend- ed our Lord More .than hypocrisy, - Show me the tribute money. "The `tribute money' had a foreign naine,— census, a Latin word, The term 'it self was full of prejudice. Matthew the collector would well know its sig- nificance And they brought unto. hint a denarius. The denarius .was a Silver coin worth £roiii fifteen to sev- enteen cents, but having a purchas ing value of about ten timers that much, 'And he saith 'unto: thein, Whose is this image land superscription? The Jews held it unlawful to place human effigies'on their coins, though Herod. Philip, out of compliment to his Ro mon masters, placed on his coins the. head of the Emperor. They ,say unto hint., ,Caesar's. They did not know what he was aiming at. Then saith lie unto them. Condens- ing in sone masterful sentence a whole treatise on political economy .and re- ligions principles. Render therefore unto Caesar the things that are Caes- ar's; and unto God the things that are God's. Our Lord did not evade the question, but lifted it to a plane of highest reason. It is a matter, he virtually said, of paying your just debts. You owe Caesar, that is, the Roman Government, . for certain. things which the Empire is doing for you.I t is affordingyon a stable cur- rency Which you use. And wheit they heard it, they mar - veiled. ,Acute reasoners and power ful .controversaliasts; they .could not withhold their admiration from that wonderful reply, even though it came from one whom they were seeking to destroy. And they .left him, and went away. Their discomfiture I was apparent to the people, and they c`ouid do nothing further. Even if they had brought other questions 'to propound, the did not dare risk another _out- right defeat. THE CHRISTIAN CITIZEN LOVES HIS NEIGHBOR Rut the Pharisees, when they' heard that he had put the Sadducees to silence. Literally "muzzled them," The Pharisees, much as they desired the defeat of Jesus, Would chickle at 'the discomfiture of their foes, the Sadducees; for the Pharisees were strict patriots .and nationalists, while the Sadducees favored the Romans. Gathered themselves together. They were Christ's implacable foes, bitter, determined, returning again and again to the attack. And one of them, a lawyer. He was a scribe, Mark 12:28, a man learn- ed in the written law of the Jews and skilled in interpreting it and tea- ching it. Asked hint a question, try- ing him, The .ctuestiot he asked was one that was often debated in the Jewish theological schools; one in which the lawyer felt'hintsel.f at home. Teacher, which is the great com- mandment in the law? In the deep- est sense, all of God's commandments are so great, ',so vastly "i nportant,,that they cannot be compared. And he said Tinto him, Mark gives Christ's full quotation of Deut. 6: 4; 5, the "Shenia" or "Hear" which was written on a slip 'of parchment in- closed in the little leather box, the phylactery, which the lawyer was probably wearing on itis forhead, and to which Jesus probably pointed as he spoke. ' Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart. 111 feel- ings, emotions, the purpose and will, And with all thy soul. All the spirit- ual faculties, man'sthroat, highest being. :And with all thy mind. All thinking' faculties, the reason. Dcut- eronotny say "heart, soul, might." lvlark adcls:'to 'the three r. here given, "and with all thy strength all phy- sical,powers, completing the list of human capacities 'This is the great and first com- mandment, It is first, i.e,, greatest, because ,it calls for ":the greatest` hu- i:uan power, that of love, to be ex- ercised fry' greatest way, toward the greatest of all beings, God. And a second like unto it is this. Christ quotes from. Lev. 19,18, which sums up the second table of the law, as the verse front ;Deuteronomy al- ready summed up tho_ first table.: It is like the summary in being complete and perfect', and also in being based on love. Thou shalt love thy neigh- bor as thyself, In Luke (10;29-87) Yr A.h11MHA$ ADVANCLT#,MAS NEVER SAW EQUAL OF SARGON, HE SAYS "In spite of tonics and special treatments I took, I steadily lost strength and energy, and I kept going down hill, JOHN HARRISON • I suffered with indigestion and bil- ious spells and hardly passed a day without a headache, I couldn't half sleep and would get up mornings completely fagged out. Four bottles of Sargon restored my appetite, my weight has increased 10 pounds, I sleep fine and have more 'strength and energy than I've had in years, In iny. opinion there's nothing to com- pare with Sargon! "Sargon Pills 'put, my liver in fine working order and rid me of consti- pation:"—John Harrison, well 'known farther, Woodbridge, Ontario, Sargon nlay be obtained in Wing- , ham at McKibbon's, Drug Store. Cberncal Weed Killers Every farmer in Huron ;County is very much concerned with the weed situation and all are interested in any development in the use of Chemicals to control weeds. If has been found in experimental and field tests, that there are certain chemicals which may ebought bat a -reasonable cost iyhiclt are very effective in killing weeds. The most serious objection we have to these chemicals is their cost, which in the case of some materials now on the market makes their use almost prohibitive. However, one way of cutting down the cost of these Mat- erials is in ordering them in bulk. Already a number of farmers in Hur- on have placed: orders and we plan to secure a quantity of the material, which when bought in bulk can be secured at reasonable cost. In tests conducted in the 'province of Ontario it has been definitely provenat a inumber of Chemical .Weed Killers now on the market are absolutely ef- fective in controlling such. weeds as Sew Thistle,* :Bladder Campion, Wild Carrot and Twitch Grass. These weeds represent the majority of the commoner types of plants whichare giving the most trouble and we know that many of thecal when they first appear start in small patches in the field. In such cases culivation is very often not practicable 'and it is under Circumstances of this kind that chem- icals would be of very great value. The material which a number of the farmers in the county: plait to use is Sodium Chlorate. This is the cheap- est chemical now on the market and may be secured at 8c per lb. in 112 ib, drums. In smaller' quantities the price would be 10c per lb, and one pound will cover approximately 200 square feet, and one application has ,been found sufficient to kill the weeds. We believe that it would, be in the best interests of every farijmer in the County to give one of the commoner- weed killers a trial. If you wish to secure this material or desire further .information, write the Ontario 1 the lawyer, desiring, to justify himself ,for asking a question,.whose answer he should have known, as it was drawn froth the law on which he was supposed to be an authority asked far- ther for a definition of: the word "neighbor" alit! Christ answered with the -beautiful and very pointedparable of the good Samaritan, the resultant definition being that a neighbor is one who, like the Sainaritait, • nlinist- ers to another's need. On these two commandments the whole law hangetlt, and the prophets. Ily "the law and the prophets" the Jews would understand the entire Old Testament to be meant, Strictly they divided the Old Testament into three divisions, the Law (the five Books of Moses, the Pcnatettch),'the 'Proph- ets' (in which were included ':certain historical books), and the Psalms,; in. eluding writings, mostly poetical. After years of rheumatism, now in perfect hearth" says Mr. A. Duch- arme, Thousands write rheumatic ludas, neuritis, vanish lilro magic vita"Fruit•Arives".Consripation,indi- rS 3tdon end overnight. Nerves quiet. fret `Pruit.a:tives"ftomdruggasttodt , Your Breakfast Shot fro .. ns so you don't have to cook it Read how this amazing in- vention gives Puffed Grains the virtual nourishre t ..t of hot cooked cereals. WHEN Professor Anderson found the way to shoot wheat and rice grains from guns he solved an important problem. He gave these crisp, delicious, ready -to -eat cereals the -virtual nourishment of hot cooked cereals. Every grain of wheat and rice contains 125 million food cells. Every food cell must be broken before the grain can be completely digestible, It takes long hours of cooking to do this. But Professor Anderson found a better way. He seals grains of wheat and rice in bronze guns. Revolves them in fiery ovens. Then fires the guns. This causes 125 million explosions in every grain. It blasts open every tiny food cell. Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice are thus made completely digestible. Hence "practically as nourishing as hot cooked cereals. The grains become 8 times normal size. They have all the buttery crunchiness of fresh toast. They are made to taste like sweet new nut -meats. Never before was rich grain nourishment made so delectably good to eat. You owe it, to your family to give them this extra delicious grain food that tastes like nut goodies. Order Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice from your grocer today. The Quaker Oats Company. QUAKER ' UFFED WHEAT AND PUFFED Mrs. Saphead had just arrived c from a tourof Europe, and her bac! ro o p , long-suffering acquaintances had no opportunity to forget the fact. "And. Paris," she gushed; "Paris is just wonderful! The people are all so well-educated—not at all like they are in this crude country, my dear! Why, even the street cleaners talk French!" Reggie's father was angry. 1gic. "We children do all the work "Your teacher tells me that you land the teacher gets paidid for it." haven't done your homework," he thundered. "Is that quite correct?" Reggie gave a defiant nod. "Yes, father, it is." he said. "I've decided not to do any more." His father looked angrier than ever. "And why is that?" he asked. "Because it's not fair." replied Reg - Said the clergyman, looking sever.e- 1ly at the bottle, "1 am sixty-five years 'of age and I have never tasted a'drop, of whisky." "Dinna worry yersel'," said his fel- low -passenger, "you're no' gain tae start noo." Trans -Canada Starts Season he twelfth consecutive season. of the Trans- Canada Limited, Canadian Pacific flyer de luxe across the Dominion will commence when the train leaves. the Windsor station, Montreal, at 6.45 p.m, daylight time, Saturday, May 17 next. Canada's Permanent head boards divide each of the eight sec- miles between Montreal and Vancouver in • 89 hours, fifteen minutes and return in 86 hours, :fifteen minutes. in the period of its running between these points the Trans -Canada Limited will make 08 trips up to September 27. Eight inillioi dollars has gone into the cost of equipment for the Trans -Canada and this service will absorb 12 trains crews and 24 engine crews. The sleeping ears—of .all steel—are finished in rich walnut, upholstered in a colorful flowered tap. estry 'pattern, fitted with speeially designed fixtures and carpeted and curtained in a deep shade of brown. Permanent head boards devide each of the eight sec- tions from its neighbor giving increased privacy; and two compartments: and a drawing room, finished in similar style, take up the balance of the sleeper, apart from the 'unusually roomy dressing rooms for men and women. The dining ears are finished in e like manner and have forced ventilation whereby used air is sucked out of the ear by powerful fans, ensuring 'a fresh atmosphere. Rear end equipment, as it is technically called, is featured by the unique solarium lounge ear containing green tile bathrooms, spacious dressing rooms and a lounge compartment glazed with vita -glass to admit the ultra -violet and. most beneficial sun rays. Lay -out shows Trans -Canada leaving the Windsor Street station, 1Vl'ontre§l, on its long journey; Solar- ium olaniun car, Lounge car and Ladies' shower,