HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-05-15, Page 7Thursday, May 15th, 1930 WINOPAM 4DVANCR-TI1VilgS 'SALAD TEA SAME NOW FLAVOUR AT ALL GROCERY STORES -0110•11.111•1011•1111M1211011=1M•M '1FAVA 1.114 )0.14.477 4.411 '04.40 '.1 flj„ cOVALSI Gi Build up, by regular savings from your current earnings, provision for the developments of the future. Put by a definite proportion of your .salary every pay-day. Regular saving leads to financial independence. TH DOMINIVIEN BANK A. M. B shop, Branch Manager, Wingham, Ontario 230 Saying unto them„ Go into the vil- lage that is over against you, The two disciples probably made a detour from the main road meeting jestis farther west on the same road. And straightway ye shall find an ass tied, and a colt with her. If Peter, accord- ing to 'tradition, helped Mark with his Gospel, since Mark's Gospel is here so full of detail, it .is likely that Peter was one of the messengers. No one had ever ridden the colt; it had been kept, in. God's providence, for this special sacred use (Mark 11;2). Loose them, and bring them unto me. The other Gospels speak only of the colt, since that was the animgron which Christ rode; but the mother probably stepped by the side of her colt. • And if any say aught unto you. As they did; see Mark 11:5. Ye • shall say, The Lord hath need of them; and straightway he will send them. Je- sus, -without laying aside his sover- eignty, had taken a nature full of needs; yet, being in need, he was still the Lord, and could command His subjects and requisition their proper- ty. Whenever we have anything of which the Lord's cause has need, how cheerfully should we hand it ov- er to Him!” Now it is come to pass, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken through the prophet. Matthew quot- es both Zech. 9:9 and Isa. 62:11. Matthew beheld in the event a clear fulfilment in a most unexpected way of the utterances of prophecy many centuries before Christ's time; and certainly he was right. (.Saying) Tell ye the daughter of Zion. Zion was the hill in Jerusalem where David dwelt, and the kings af- ter him. "The daughter of Zion" was Jerusalein itself, all the people of the Holy City. Behold, thy King cometh unto thee. Jesus was King of all men because He made them, because He had received. from His Father authority over them peculiarly His own by ransoming them for sin. Meek, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass. The horse was regarded as the beast of war and the ass as the animal of peace. The Oriental ass is a large and lordly beast, with a smooth, glos- sy coat, and there was no degrada- tion in riding it, And the disciples went, and. did ev- en as Jesus appointed them. It was a lowly task, and the disciples had been thinking about the thrones and princely dominions; but they went without murmuring.. Afterwards, for all the rest of their lives-, how glad and proud they were that they had even that small share in Christ's tri- umphal procession! No one can tell, when asked to do a small thing for Jesus Christ, •to how great a thing it may grow. Ancl brought the ass, and the colt. There is never any loss in letting; our possessions go when the Lord asks for them. If we give them entirely to Him, we always receive manifold in return. And put on them their garments. They spread on the colt, for a saddle, their outer garments or coats, wearing' their inner garments. And He sat thereon. Thus He- enter- ed, in lowly state, the proud city of which His ancestors, David and Sol- omon, had been the greatest kings. • THE KING'S TRIUMPH. And the most part of the multitude spread their garments in the way. They were giving Christ royal hon- ors, for thus •they would do if a king were advancing. And others cut branches from the trees, and spread them in the way. They were palm branches for the most part (John 12.: 13), the feathery fronds of which are often ten feet long. In memory of these the day is called Palm Sunday and is so celebrated in our' churches. And the multitudes that went • be- fore him, and that followed. Crowds of Galileans, hearing that Jesus was at Bethany, had come out from Jeru- salem_to see once more the beloved prophet. They were augmented by many who had heard of theraising of Lazarus from the dead and wish- ed to see the Wonder -Worker. These, meeting .Christ's little coinpariy, turn- ed back and formed the van of the procession. The rear was madeup of pilgrims from jerico who had learned of the opening of the eyes of I3artimaeus and the_other blind man, together with people from Bethany. Cried, saying, Hosanna to the son of David. "Hosanna" is a rendering in Greek letters of the Hebrew which means, "Save, we pray." The multi- tude shouted "Salvation! Salvation!" much as a modern English crowd would sing' "God Save the King,' They were shouting more wisely than they realized. Blessed is he that gm- eth in the name of the Lord. That is, "'Blessed is he that cometh as God's anointed, God's appointed Mes- siah!' X-Iosanna in the highest. In the highest degree. Other shouts are reported in the other Gospels, snatch- es of jubilation picked out of a grand chorus of rejoicing. And when he was come into Jeru- salem, all the city was stirred,. All is.“100.1•160111MO.M• THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON • LESSON VL—May 11 Jesus Acclaimed as King,--1Vlatthew • 20: 29-21: 46. Golden Text —Hosanna to the son • of David; Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest. —Matt 21:9. THE LESSON IN ITS ,SETTING. Time.—The triumphal entry, Sun- day, .April 2 A.D. 30. Monday, the • cursing of the fig -tree and the cleans- ing of the temple. Tuesday, Christ's last day of public teaching. Place.—Bethany, the Mount of Olives, the temple of Jerusalem. THE KINGS REQUISITION. And when they drew nigh unto Jerusalem. Proceeding westward on the uphill road from Jerico to Jeru- salem, our Lord and His disciples reached the village of Bethany, on the eastward slope of , Olivet • (the Mount of Olives) near the crest of the mount. A.nd came unto Beth - phage, unto the mount of Olives. Bethany Means ."house of dates" and Bethphage "house of figs." -The mediaeval Bethphage was between the summit and Bethany.. Then •. Jesus sent two disciples. Very likely Peter and John. Wash Da Is Easy Now ••=1,04,8020•Ma••••••••Mal. . . . . eimmonowel Particularly if you have a modern Connor Elec- tric Washer in your home. No tearing of clothes, no back -break- ing work. ' Just fill the tub with hot water, drop in the clothes, turn a switch and the work is done. Wirigharn titiiities Crawford B1ok Commission. Phone 156, SENDS PHOTO HOME TO SHOW BENEFITS "I was terribly weak, nervous and rundown and finally I left England and came to Canada for a complete change, StMll'&11M.:MOMPA MRS. J, BEAN Nothing I ate agreed with me, I seldom slept more than a few hours at night and felt perfectly miserable day and night too. Then I started Sargon. I've gained ten pounds in weight, I am eating breakfasts for the first tune irr 10 years, and never have a trace of indigestion. I am full of new strength and energy and am 'ng to send my photograph back so my family can see what a marvellous change this medicine made in me. • "Sargon Pills got my liver acting normally and ended my constipation." —Mrs. J. Bean, 33 Earl Gray St., Tor. onto. Sargon may be obtained in Wing - ham at McKibbon's Ding Store. the city rocked; as with an earth- quake. Doubtless there were some anxious moments for the authorities. It seems evident that the leader of that multitude, if He were so minded, could have cleared Jerusalem of the Roman power. Saying, Who is this? It is the question which men every- where have been asking concerning Jesus through all the ages since, and the answer to that question has de- termined their lives—for the heights .or for the depths, for eternal death or eternal life. And the multitudes said, This is the prophet, Jesus, from Nazareth of Galilee, Galileans made this answer, we may be sure. They were proud of Jesus, and wanted it to be ,known that He came from their' province, even from that little village of Naz- areth, which had been. so despised. that Nathaniel, on first hearing of Jesus, had asked, "Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?" (John 1:46). But the multitude, in spite of Christ's wonderful words and works, had got no farther than to recognize Him as a prophet; He was not the Messiah to them; He was not the Son of God. HEALTH SERVICE Of The CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOC- IATION ....—... SUNSHINE FOR BABIES The baby should spend a large part of his life out of doors in the fresh air and sunshine. The baby needs fresh air and sunshine in order to build up a strong and resistant body. Not only are sunshine baths pleas- ant, but they bring to the baby some- things he needs. One definite good resulting from the sunshine is that the action of its rays upon the body of the baby prevents rickets. Sun baths should be taken regular- ly each day, and, as the weather gets warmer, these should be taken out of doors rather than in front of the op- en window. There is a right way to take sten bait's, and this way must be followed or harm will result. On the first day the hands and feet are exposed for five minutes. Next day, the time is ten minutes, and so five minutes a day are added until the bath lasts for an hour, As the time is increased, so should there be an extension of the area of the body which is exposed to the sun. On the second day, expose the legs below the knees, then the whole legs, after that the abdomen andlastly the chest, front and back, ' On the day' each arca is first exposed, the time of exposure is five minutes, and this period is increased by five mintues each day for each part until the whole body is given an hotressun'bath daily. The baby Should not have his atm bath just befOre or after a meal. In the really hot weather, his Still bath should be before eleven or alter three so that he may not be exposed to the mitt -clay sun, 7 In addition to the good that conies directly in the sun's rays, there is no doubt that the exposure of the body to the air, the air bath„ is of benefit Ito the child, • • . Taking the on bath out oi doors • 0 011000taffreocoaikid (lvV'tfeys he old-fashioned "opera drops" owed popularity to dainty size. • They were "one -bite" chocolate creams. Lowney's has capitalized and improved upon this idea—has r provided the well-known Lowney quality in an infinite variety of tasty, chocolate -covered tidbits — eighty pieces to the pound—appro- priately styled ErS In 1 and 2 ib. packages El Gifire Durr CliocoLATES Here are more than twice the usual number of pieces—double the candy satisfaction in variety of flavors and • range of selection. So "Eighty Dainty" Chocolates are the smartest confection you may send or serve a real innovation for the modern hostess. • Among the popular and unusual pieces in Lowney's "Eighty Dainty" package are chocolate. coated Almonds, Filberts, Nugatines, Pepper- mint Stix, Pineapple Wedges, Orange Peel, Rasp- berry Jam, Lime Jelly, Caramels, Malted Milk Morsels, Clove and Piatache Marshmallows and many other special flavors. 'ORIGINATORS OF' PACKAGE CHOCOLATES" 1'140,1, ok „ "."," . "A... • ' AL - The famous Lowney Chocolates including " Eighty Dainty" are for sale by McKIBBON'S DRUG STORE, WINGHAM, ONT. • or in front of the open window gives the baby the benefits of both the sun and the air at the same time. The ancients worshipped the sun as a god. 'We today should appreciate and use the sunshine as a giver of health. Questions concerning Health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical As- sociation, 184 College Street, Toronto will be answered personnally by let- ter. Won't Shrink We have a large stock on hand, consisting of 450 fine all wool suits. —Handbill of a Rochester Clothing Store. IIMMONNAMononmamora, tt.rAtzse- "" ... '',444101.• •-• ‘4%, YS TO USE MARTIN-SENOUR PRODUCTS FOR EVERY PURPOSE-- FOR EVERY SURFACE This COLORFUL Brush Neu-Clos on that faded interior wall, wood- work or that dulled, wear -marked furniture. It will dry to the touch in Two hours. Four hours more and the newly finished surface, glowing with captivating color, is ready for use. qf What need to tolerate a shabby home interior? This wonderful medium gloss enamel is so easy to use. It dries so quickly. It transforms dull, shabby things with color beauty to delight the eye. q Not a bit of objectionable odor in Neu- Glos. A wide range of exquisite eolors. Moran -Smear products for every puipose, for every surface, are sold lvy Rae & Thompson Wingharn