HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-05-15, Page 4ti �i�f111i11ki�111�I111�iI11�iIII�I11M1U�,lU�IiI�IiIt�I11MlIII�III'LOhhMIIlI�I11�1111�1UIMMIiII�IiI�I11�Il1�II1Mll1� I� rx ''oilet Soap ONE CENT SOAP SALE 3 Cakes 30c 3Cakes ,,,Ole 6 Cakes 31c Made by the makers of Colgate_ and Palmolive. McKibbon's Drug Store r9i- 11101I1511131111111111111101.111;1111S1111111162111S1111®IiI131iU®illiilll®1111111U031l l®H I12I I111111ISI I Ii111111111®III• BRING t; cents a word per insertion. with a minimum charge of age. L/a13-eai'il'vaet/aYSYA':,'i'+a7aY.rat'dYiliYaYeY`it&7�1'HYdkii\nraYdlaliYaldrift`i\nYa\uYal"dIl'SYirer'a`ratenYa a art • BABY CHICKS—We can supply you rI TO RENT—Dwelling house, all mod - with S. C. White Leghorn chicks i ern conveniences, with garage. Cor - for delivery in June at $10.00 per I her Catharine and Victoria streets. 100, Our leghorns are the famous Apply to Samuel Morton, phone Barron strain, big hens, heavy lay- I 624r15, ers of large eggs. We guarantee 100 per cent. safe delivery. Order I early while the best dates are avail- !WANTED—Rabbits and Groundhogs able. The Walter Rose Poultry etc., 15c each. R. Laidlaw, phone Farm. 366J. FOR SALE -House, two-storey brick on Diagonal road, ali conveniences. 1 Apply to H. J. Jobb. 3 The first sittings of the Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll for FOR SALE—Ford Coupe, '25, motor the Town of Wingham for the year Al condition newlypainted, mnotor :1930, will be held at the Town Hall, Wingham, Ont, on Tuesday evening, balloon tires. �A real buy. $150 cash. May 27th, 1930 at '8 o'clock. Apply John Fell, Bluevale, R. R. 1.: Dated at Clerk's Office, Wingbarn this 15th day of May, 1930. FOR SALE—Two young Shorthorn W. A. Galbraith, Clerk. bulls Browndale breeding Also t Berkshire pigs 6 weeks old from! NOTICEprize-winners at Royal. Chas. Bos-; man, Bluevale R. 2, phone 618-12. Citizens of Wingham are requested to clean their premises before 24th FOR SALE—Baby Chicks and Hat- of May. ching eggs, O.A.C. Barred Rocks at By Order $18.00 per 100 and S. C. W. Leg Sanitary Inspector. horns at $17.00, for May. Eggs- $5.00 per 100. Above prices at the farm. Reduction on large quantities. 1 NOTICE All eggs set in our incubators ort AUCTION SALE sold for hatching are produced from our own hens on our own farm. Although our prices may be a little higher than you can buy elsewhere, they are worth many times the difference. I can also supply Royal brooder stoves, feed- ers and waterers. If you are in need of any of these, better see what we. have. C. G. Campbell, R. R. 2, Auburn, Phone Blyth 10-24. • VOR SALE—Part lot 28, con 4, East Wawanosh, containing 12 acres, on main road, 3 miles from Auburn. Jas. Woods, Auburn. FOR SALE — Barred Rock Baby Chicks $16.00 per hundred; White Leghorn Baby Chicks $14,00 per hundred. Two hundred or over of either kinds, $1.00 per hundred less. Hatching eggs. $5.00 per hundred. Custom hatching done, four cents per egg or four hundred set for $15.00. New and second hand in- cubators and brooders at bargain prices. Get your order in now and get: delivery when you want them. I have increased my hatching cap- acity. Call, write or phone Duncan Kennedy, Whitechurch, Ont. Phone 611r42.. Take notice that Thomas Fells, the undersigned auctioneer, has received !instructions from Mrs. Ed. Hawkins, ;to sell by public auction at her house, :on Edward Street, Wingham, Ont., at !two o'clock on p SATURDAY, MAT 17th The Following: 3 beds and springs, . mattress, 2 dressers, 3 rugs, 2 carpets, parlor ta- ble, hall rack, leather couch, rocking chairs, morns chair, cupboard, Kit- chen table and chairs, writing desk, furnacette heater, coal oil stove and oven, washing machine and wringer, wash stand and stool, dishes, garden tools, kitchen utensils. Terris—Cash. Thos. Fells Auctioneer. FOR: SALE -7 Yearling ewe lambs. Apply to W. Jeffrey, R. 4, Wing - ham, phone 618r6. CARD OF THANKS Mr. Geo. D. Fortune and family wish to thank their friends and neigh- bors for their many acts of kindness and sympathy during their recent be- reavement, also the Salem 'choir for I their kindness in helping with the mu - I sic. They appreciate, too, the kind - I ness of the High School, the Salem Ladies' Aid, and others in sending flnnvprc • FOR SALE—Lawn mower in first- class condition. Cheap for quick. sale. Apply to Advance -Tithes of- fice. TO RENT Pastore, 95 acres grass, good spring creek through. Apply to Albert Fitzpatrick, FOR SALE—A number of sucking pigs, also quantity of potatoes. Ap- ply to Jas, E, Baird, Glenannan. TO RENT—House with Garage. AU modern conveniences, centrally lo- cated, Possession .the 10th of May. Apply to A. J. Ross, ° Wingham. TO RENT—Apartment. Apply to W. J. Greer. "1'O RENT—Rooms. Apply to John Galbraith.. n 1 oma to as- N NTED—A c't ah e �v WAP silt with ;.hauscwork pate time each day. Phone 349. Consulting Engineer 5. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Se, (Tor - otrto), O•L.S., Registered P rof ession al Engineer and Land Surveyor, As aoc"rate Member Engineering Institute +of Canada. ;Office, Seaforth, Ont. WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES HE FOUND NO EQUAL 1 OF SARGON ABROAD "A sluggish liver brought on con stipation that made me a slave to put, gatives, My digestion went to pieces and I wasn't free of sour stomach HARRY E. ROSE day or night. In a week's time after I started Sargon my 'liver was func- tioning right and my digestion was perfect. I eat now with more relish than I have since I was a soldier in the field. Every trace of dizziness and headaches have disappeared and my sleep is wonderfully improved. I: have taken medicines in England, Egypt, South Africa and Canada dur- ing the eight years I served in, the British Army but I never found any that approached the Sargon treat- ment."—Harry E. Rose, Box 151, Long Branch, Ont. Sargon may be obtained in Wing- ham at McKibbon's Drug Store. Mr. Everett Henderson, of Spring- field, Ohio, is spending a few days with his parents, in town. 0111®III■III®III®1111111111114111111111®11131111111 A■I I I mil ltl�ll!iI11Y11I II$I IlPltl I111111�11'I!$I I ISI I INIltf li#I I1Mll1' Beautiful Shoes p. For Women In the following makes F Tred-Rite, Perkins, Camille, pl Arch Master, and several others �! we might mention, KU Never in the history of our store have we shown so many ei and so beautiful designs. Prices from = $2.95 to $9.00 PER PAIR And in addition to the above THE PEST SHOE OF ALL, namely: — ITI The Enna Jettick We are pleased beyond mea- sure with the wonderful recep- tion the women of these parts are according ENNA JETTICK SHOES, but this is not to be wondered at, seeing that these• shoes contain everything a good shoe should consist of, namely: Superior Quality, Beautiful Ap- pearrace and PERFECT FIT. In fact we again make the claim • and are prepared to back it uR with the goods in every case ▪ WE CAN FIT ANY NORM- AL FOOT, NO MATTER ■ HOW SMALL, NO MATTER E HOW . LARGE. Listen to - the Enna Jettick Songbirdwho will entertain you EVERY TUESDAY at 9 p.m. (Eastern Standard time) over WEAF and associated stations. W. H. WILLIS Phone 129, Wingham i_ The only- store in this part of m t Ontario where you can buy ENNA JETTICK SHOES ITinill1IISIII®111011101111®11111111®III®111■rIIRI1l1 HURON PRESBYTERIAL 1! MisContinued from Page One) Ji s Consitt read the minutes of the last annual Presbyterial meeting, , p which were approved as read. As the delegates and visitors were, _r counted the roll call was taken by orij - der of auxiliaries, young women's or- 0 ganizations, C.G.I.T., Mission and 13aDy tsanas, 300, representing 138 organizations. ; Mrs. Greer gave a most interesting financial statement, stating that 22 auxiliaries exceeded their allocation, 17 auxiliaries reached their allott-'` anent and many others almost reach- ed the ideal. She spoke of some wo- anen who walked two miles to their, thankoffering meeting through slush and bad roads. They did this because they loved to do it for 'Others.' They gave more than money. They gave their service. It is this spirit of de- lighting td give. "We want all our women to have this spirit, and then we shall be able to say with the Psalmist, that 'our cup runneth over.' I4liss Consitt received ,and read many letters of condolence and sytn-; pathy of Mrs. Mollard. The following officers were elect- ed:— Past President, Mrs. J. E. Hogg; Clinton; President, Mrs. W. P. Lane, Seaforth; 1st vice president, Mrs, T. Gibson, Wroxeter; 2nd vice president, Mrs. F. Fowler, Clinton; 3rd .,vice president, Mrs. R. Wightman, Wing- ham; 4th vice president, Mrs. An- thony, 'Thames Road; recording sec- retary, Miss A. E. Consitt, Hensall; corr. secretary, Mrs. A. W. Barker, Brussels; treasurer, Mrs. Moorhouse, Exeter, sec'y Christian Stewardship, Mrs. Greer, Wingham; sec'y Y. W. work, Mrs. F. Irwin, ,Centralia; IvIis, 'Bands and Baby Bands, Mrs, Scobie, Belgrave; sec'y Associate Helpers, Mrs. Conner, Kippen; strangers' sec., Mrs. Forrester, Londesboro; supply sec., Mrs. Colclough, tl.yth; assistant supply sec., Mrs. Veneer, Clinton; literature sec., Miss Southcott, Exe- ter; Missionary Monthly sec., Mrs. A. E. Doan, Clinton; press sec,, Miss A. C. Lawrence, Seaforth; Temperance sec., Miss Jean Murray, Exeter. Mem- bers without portfolio, Mrs.. Jas. Hamilton, Goderich; Mrs. 'Wilson, Wingham; Mrs. Colbourne, Goderich. Rev. Mr. Stobie, of Belgrave, brought greetings from the Pr'sby- f over Special Bargains Slightly used Gramaphones in Ei upright and Console modelsin perfect mechanical condition, _ from $17.50 up. Write for i. photos and order blanks. Li 12 Selections Free. GEO. BEST CO. lei w Room 2-77 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ont. P. IA Satisfaction Guaranteed. III®111111111Rp1101111111■IIIm111101111111101111711110111® EARN $5-$12 PER DAY Men wanted to train — Few weeks—Pay Raising job, getting practical, garage Mechanics, Elec- tric Welding, Housewiring, Brick- laying and Drafting—Guaranteed. Free employment service. Write today for free information. COMMERCIAI ENGINEERING SCHOOLS 57 Queen W., Toronto. Group. We hope that' every auxiliary will soon be mothering a C.G.I.T. group. During the afternoon the memorial Service was conducted by Mrs. Clarke (Ways and .customs to these sojourners in Canada. Christianity: it a very !practical work. There is not a finer bit of work for the United Church, 'bit be a friend to stub people and help • them, I The tone of the East End is much (unproved. Many little Christians, when they become Christian, they want to be of service to someone else: There is also much improvement !along the lines of education. 'When 'the Mission started there was not one in the East End who had passed the Entrance examination but now there 'are sixteen who have entered the high. school and six pupils, have received their permanent second class certifi- cates and one of these is being sent as a representative to the Internation- al Sunday School Convention in Tor- onto. She told of another girl who was clerking in a store and who got an edudation by going to night school and business college, obtaining an ed- ucation. She taught in a school on the prairie and taught- the children all the •Bible stories she knew and all the hymns she knew and one day asked the farmers to bring their cars. and took all the children six miles to a church and this minister said he would come and preach for them in their little school. Another girl won a gold medal for oratory in Saskatchewan on the sub- ject, "Canada's Greatest Need.". We all feel we are better acquain- ted with this field in our home land. Miss Consitt gave the correspond - in secretary's report: It is a matter of great satisfaction to be able to present to you this our fourth annual statistical report and to think. I have the honors of presenting the best an- nual report that has ever been given of the United Presbyterial of Huron County. Out of the eight Presbyter- ials in London Conference Branch, Huron was the only one to report an increase in money and an increase in membership. We have 62 auxil- iaries with a membership of 2,271, an increase of 98. We have 1 Y.W. Auxiliary, 9 C.G. I.T. Groups, 17 Baby Bands and 14 Mission Circles, having a member- ship of 1,429. She told the story -of the year in a story form, using a river. In Huron county flows a mighty river, a river with 62 .tributaries, representing our 62 Auxiliaries. Tracing these tribut- aries toward their sources we find that these tributaries are fed by smal- ler tributaries, representing our 14 Mission Circles and 9 C.G.I.T. groups. Then if we follow these larger tribu- taries farther towards their sources we find that 35 of them are fed by streamlets, representing our 35 mis- sion bands. Following farther on to- wards their sources we find that 17 of these tributaries have at their sources, clear, sparkling, rippling bubbling springs of Purity—the Baby Bands, She closed by saying that our Auxiliaries are also distributing agen- cies carryingseeds of loving thoughts in books and missionary literature and plants of loving deeds in acts of kindness, from one part of a commun- ity to another, sometimes from one continent to another. The Missionary Monthly Secretary, Mrs. A. E. Doan, reported as follows: We thank you who so loyally sup- of Goderich and Miss Forman of Re- ported our most wonderful magazine. gine. brought a wonderful message. This is your paper, published solely 8 for your benefit . Hensall Auxiliary sent an invitation , for the use of every for the Presbyterial to meet with Christian woman within the great Un them. in' 1931, It was unanimously ac- ited Church of Canada. Every ineni- cepted. ber a subscriber, is our slogan this iAssociate Helpers' 100 year, or atopy in every home, Duff's. Church in . McKillop, takes seven Missionary. Monthlies more than their membership—Egtuondville took sev- enteen more. It was advised to read, mark it and pass it -on to your friends. Do not leave all the canvassing for your M. M. secretary, everyone read it and tell your friends. Last year there were 1,328 subscribers, while this year we have 1,428, an increase of 100. Mrs. Irwin, Young Women's Sec- retary, said there were many encour- aging features and many reasons for thanksgiving. We are glad to report an increase in membership, in atten- dance at meetings and in the number of meetings held. '" It is our desire members; $7.00; twenty-four auxiliar- ies have Associatesecretary; six' more than last year. Thereought to be sixty Assoc. Helpers' Secretaries 'because there are onl3 two auxiliaries where every woman in the church is 1a member of the W.M.S. Miss. Forman We missionaries, when we come, you expect us to give an account of our stewardship. Regina has a popu- lation of 60,000 of which 7,000 are mostly from the southeast of Europe land, who spoke twenty-three differ eat languages. IThese people are not heathen but their churches have not given them as full a revelation of Christ as, we have. We have 12 - churches in the East end of Regula. This Greek. that th ey tray be led i1nto, new paths .■ . Thursday, May 15th, 1930. We sell genuine LEE -?Of SHOES.We have applicatio blanks fcar the FLEET FOOT ATHLETIC CLUB Our new stock of Fleet Foot Shoes is ready. Many new styles, colors and features. Drop in and see them. We promise you perfect fit. We also have application blanks for the Fleet Foot Athletic Club. Just fill out one of these forms and mail it, and you will get a handsome membership button and certificate; and the Fleet Foot Sports Review will be mailed to you each month. W. J. GREER The Good Shoe Store the Huron. Presbyterial of the W.M.S. of the United Church of Canada now assembled in our 4th convention do hereby express' our thanks to Him, who hath been our: help, strength and Defender for all the blessings and answered prayers of the. past years. Be it therefore resolved that we con- tinue to seek His guidance in ourmissionary work in this very critical period in many of our foreign lands, believing that Snore things are wrought br prayer` than this' world dreams of.' . 'We would extend syn!pathy to the friends and relatives of our beloved president, Mrs,Mollard, and all other deceased members of our Presbyterial. We would also ex -tend our best wishes for a speedy and complete,recovery,to health of MrsHogg, our Past President, and Mrs. Colboatrne, our Temperance secretary, who -at present are laid on beds of sickness, and that we seek to perpetu- ate the memory of our deceased workers by more earnestly and wor- thily seeking' to carry out the last command of their. piaster and ours, 'Go ye into all the wrld,' "Whereas at the 'present tune rt seems impossible to promote the Temperance movement by legislation,therefore be it resolved 'that we, the members of the W.M.S., heartily endorse in every way we can any edu- cation campaign which may be laun- ched either by our church or by theWC.T.U, showing the evil effects of alcohol upon the bodies, mindsds and souls of mankid," "Resolved that we record our thanksgiving . and satisfaction that a Bill entitld the":King Bill has been brought into the Federl House—said Pill being for the prevention of grant- ing of clearance papers to vessels en- igaged inthe carrying of beverage al- cohol into any country in contravene,tion of its laws. Whereas the W.M,W.M.Sis' an organization which has for its object the furtherance of the. kingdom of God upon the earth and as webelieve one of the greatest hindranc- es, if not thegreatest hindrance be the liquor traffic. "Therefore be it resolved, that we,the members of Huron Presbyterial affirm that we are unalterably oppos- ed to all forms of control or regula- tion of the liquor traffic, believing that the only effective and' righteoussolution of the problem is the total prohibition of the manufacture and ale of beverage alcohol." ``I Was Skinny andPPYTired• New Pe . Gain 1 Lbs.ed 1 "Had tired; feeling, nopep. But Ironized "Yeastgave me pep; much stronger. Gained 11 lbs. Boils. and pimples dis- gappeared." = Mack Lat-toria.Amazin • new Ironized Yeast adds. 5to 15 lbs. in 3 weeks. Changes "skinny," weak body to strong, welldeveloped form all admire. Blotchy skin gets clear and rosy like magic. Nervousness, indigestion, constipation • disappear overnight. Sound sleep. New pep from very first dayTwo great tonics in one—special,weight-building Malt Yeast and strengthening Iron. Pleasant, littletablets. Far stronger than unmedi- cated yeast; Results in '' time. Noyeasty taste. No gas. Dont be skinny, weak, unattrac- tive. Get Tronized Yast from drug- ist today. Feel great tomorrow. Money' back from ,maiuufacturer if not delighted with quick results. iiimmanananimumainmasanaannamunanonmil CREAM ■ Church d Protestant, and they are of service and that some of thein EGGS shall ■ / very "reverent. respond to the call .to life service in • tutu some specific form of missionary tery and conduucted the installation I Miss. Forman told the story of I service for the new officers. Mr. Sco- their miesion started in Regina East work, j bie extended sympathy to us in thea End. A little girl came home and tuft's. Andrew gave her report on • OUR. TRUCKS ARE ON THE ROAD NOW: ■' loss we have sustained in the death 'of found a man there whom she was to the supply work, in■ ■ ■ •■ Mrs, Scobie resented a most beau- Mrs. Mollard, our President.: He said,, marry (to please her father), : Some P ■ WATCH FOR THE YELLOW AND BLUE• ■ that in the singing of the hymn, 'women belonging to .the Metropole- tiful report. The annual membership ■ ■ "Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus," we tan Church said, we are trying to is 639 with life members 177, making • gain a new impetus. help the children who have to marry a total of 816. This shows an increase TRUCK. 1! I The C.G.I.T. secretary gave a pro- in their childhood in foreign lands, of. 302 in tnernbership • Potatoes for sale. Open Saturday Evenings.. raising report. There are nine C.G. why not try to help thein here in our Up to date there are 85 Mission ■ having an average attendance of -106, the women of the other churches in ren connected definitely with the 'Regina: itta met and decided to form a work of our W.M.S. 51 i e 1 They held 72 meetings of missionary r g" , d , the East nature and contributed 69,20` They ;mission n ; End, rid, 1916. So The closing words were given by " studied the hook, "Heroes from Our they got a house which they hoped M, s Wilson of Wingham and MSis • ■ LT. organizations with 140 members, own Canada. So • these women, with Bands in active work with 900 child - 1 ■ Horde Land," which has created a 1 would prove to be "A House by the Parrnan closed the meeting with ■ st. Wingham Side of the Road," to be a `tend to great deal of intere gf " Drayer. ■ ■ ingt n Produce Co.. I. Wmgham, Branch! Ehont 166. C.G.LT, affiliated Bel rave Society:the assersby and that the missionary Resolutions presented at W.M.S, ; ■ . , 'might T'r r ter" 1, .,W . h of .®.������In�•11��110� this year and Brussels in their' Baby mi ht De ars inte�preter of Canadian e,by is , c, the niemhers 1 • CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. E.:Pot- ter wish to thank all those who did assist in any way during the long ill- ness and death of our beloved amoth- er; also thankful for the beautiful. wreath sent by the. U.F.O. CARD OF THANKS Mr, and Mrs. John Hutchison wish to sincerely thank all kind friends and neighbors, also the Rev. Mr, Pollock, and Women's Institute, for kind help i and sympathy in the loss of their home and contents, Pineapple Dessert i cup cooked rice a ib. marshmallows 1 cup canned pineapple } pint cream whipped Mix the cooked rice, pineapple and marshmallow. When cool add the cream, whipped, folding it in gently, Chili, garnish with cherries. GEORGE. WILLIAMS s Official C. N. It, Watch Inspector Repairing Our Specialty, Satisfaction Guaranteed. Phone 5., Opp, uteri Hotel, �►f2 � WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES HE FOUND NO EQUAL 1 OF SARGON ABROAD "A sluggish liver brought on con stipation that made me a slave to put, gatives, My digestion went to pieces and I wasn't free of sour stomach HARRY E. ROSE day or night. In a week's time after I started Sargon my 'liver was func- tioning right and my digestion was perfect. I eat now with more relish than I have since I was a soldier in the field. Every trace of dizziness and headaches have disappeared and my sleep is wonderfully improved. I: have taken medicines in England, Egypt, South Africa and Canada dur- ing the eight years I served in, the British Army but I never found any that approached the Sargon treat- ment."—Harry E. Rose, Box 151, Long Branch, Ont. Sargon may be obtained in Wing- ham at McKibbon's Drug Store. Mr. Everett Henderson, of Spring- field, Ohio, is spending a few days with his parents, in town. 0111®III■III®III®1111111111114111111111®11131111111 A■I I I mil ltl�ll!iI11Y11I II$I IlPltl I111111�11'I!$I I ISI I INIltf li#I I1Mll1' Beautiful Shoes p. For Women In the following makes F Tred-Rite, Perkins, Camille, pl Arch Master, and several others �! we might mention, KU Never in the history of our store have we shown so many ei and so beautiful designs. Prices from = $2.95 to $9.00 PER PAIR And in addition to the above THE PEST SHOE OF ALL, namely: — ITI The Enna Jettick We are pleased beyond mea- sure with the wonderful recep- tion the women of these parts are according ENNA JETTICK SHOES, but this is not to be wondered at, seeing that these• shoes contain everything a good shoe should consist of, namely: Superior Quality, Beautiful Ap- pearrace and PERFECT FIT. In fact we again make the claim • and are prepared to back it uR with the goods in every case ▪ WE CAN FIT ANY NORM- AL FOOT, NO MATTER ■ HOW SMALL, NO MATTER E HOW . LARGE. Listen to - the Enna Jettick Songbirdwho will entertain you EVERY TUESDAY at 9 p.m. (Eastern Standard time) over WEAF and associated stations. W. H. WILLIS Phone 129, Wingham i_ The only- store in this part of m t Ontario where you can buy ENNA JETTICK SHOES ITinill1IISIII®111011101111®11111111®III®111■rIIRI1l1 HURON PRESBYTERIAL 1! MisContinued from Page One) Ji s Consitt read the minutes of the last annual Presbyterial meeting, , p which were approved as read. As the delegates and visitors were, _r counted the roll call was taken by orij - der of auxiliaries, young women's or- 0 ganizations, C.G.I.T., Mission and 13aDy tsanas, 300, representing 138 organizations. ; Mrs. Greer gave a most interesting financial statement, stating that 22 auxiliaries exceeded their allocation, 17 auxiliaries reached their allott-'` anent and many others almost reach- ed the ideal. She spoke of some wo- anen who walked two miles to their, thankoffering meeting through slush and bad roads. They did this because they loved to do it for 'Others.' They gave more than money. They gave their service. It is this spirit of de- lighting td give. "We want all our women to have this spirit, and then we shall be able to say with the Psalmist, that 'our cup runneth over.' I4liss Consitt received ,and read many letters of condolence and sytn-; pathy of Mrs. Mollard. The following officers were elect- ed:— Past President, Mrs. J. E. Hogg; Clinton; President, Mrs. W. P. Lane, Seaforth; 1st vice president, Mrs, T. Gibson, Wroxeter; 2nd vice president, Mrs. F. Fowler, Clinton; 3rd .,vice president, Mrs. R. Wightman, Wing- ham; 4th vice president, Mrs. An- thony, 'Thames Road; recording sec- retary, Miss A. E. Consitt, Hensall; corr. secretary, Mrs. A. W. Barker, Brussels; treasurer, Mrs. Moorhouse, Exeter, sec'y Christian Stewardship, Mrs. Greer, Wingham; sec'y Y. W. work, Mrs. F. Irwin, ,Centralia; IvIis, 'Bands and Baby Bands, Mrs, Scobie, Belgrave; sec'y Associate Helpers, Mrs. Conner, Kippen; strangers' sec., Mrs. Forrester, Londesboro; supply sec., Mrs. Colclough, tl.yth; assistant supply sec., Mrs. Veneer, Clinton; literature sec., Miss Southcott, Exe- ter; Missionary Monthly sec., Mrs. A. E. Doan, Clinton; press sec,, Miss A. C. Lawrence, Seaforth; Temperance sec., Miss Jean Murray, Exeter. Mem- bers without portfolio, Mrs.. Jas. Hamilton, Goderich; Mrs. 'Wilson, Wingham; Mrs. Colbourne, Goderich. Rev. Mr. Stobie, of Belgrave, brought greetings from the Pr'sby- f over Special Bargains Slightly used Gramaphones in Ei upright and Console modelsin perfect mechanical condition, _ from $17.50 up. Write for i. photos and order blanks. Li 12 Selections Free. GEO. BEST CO. lei w Room 2-77 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ont. P. IA Satisfaction Guaranteed. III®111111111Rp1101111111■IIIm111101111111101111711110111® EARN $5-$12 PER DAY Men wanted to train — Few weeks—Pay Raising job, getting practical, garage Mechanics, Elec- tric Welding, Housewiring, Brick- laying and Drafting—Guaranteed. Free employment service. Write today for free information. COMMERCIAI ENGINEERING SCHOOLS 57 Queen W., Toronto. Group. We hope that' every auxiliary will soon be mothering a C.G.I.T. group. During the afternoon the memorial Service was conducted by Mrs. Clarke (Ways and .customs to these sojourners in Canada. Christianity: it a very !practical work. There is not a finer bit of work for the United Church, 'bit be a friend to stub people and help • them, I The tone of the East End is much (unproved. Many little Christians, when they become Christian, they want to be of service to someone else: There is also much improvement !along the lines of education. 'When 'the Mission started there was not one in the East End who had passed the Entrance examination but now there 'are sixteen who have entered the high. school and six pupils, have received their permanent second class certifi- cates and one of these is being sent as a representative to the Internation- al Sunday School Convention in Tor- onto. She told of another girl who was clerking in a store and who got an edudation by going to night school and business college, obtaining an ed- ucation. She taught in a school on the prairie and taught- the children all the •Bible stories she knew and all the hymns she knew and one day asked the farmers to bring their cars. and took all the children six miles to a church and this minister said he would come and preach for them in their little school. Another girl won a gold medal for oratory in Saskatchewan on the sub- ject, "Canada's Greatest Need.". We all feel we are better acquain- ted with this field in our home land. Miss Consitt gave the correspond - in secretary's report: It is a matter of great satisfaction to be able to present to you this our fourth annual statistical report and to think. I have the honors of presenting the best an- nual report that has ever been given of the United Presbyterial of Huron County. Out of the eight Presbyter- ials in London Conference Branch, Huron was the only one to report an increase in money and an increase in membership. We have 62 auxil- iaries with a membership of 2,271, an increase of 98. We have 1 Y.W. Auxiliary, 9 C.G. I.T. Groups, 17 Baby Bands and 14 Mission Circles, having a member- ship of 1,429. She told the story -of the year in a story form, using a river. In Huron county flows a mighty river, a river with 62 .tributaries, representing our 62 Auxiliaries. Tracing these tribut- aries toward their sources we find that these tributaries are fed by smal- ler tributaries, representing our 14 Mission Circles and 9 C.G.I.T. groups. Then if we follow these larger tribu- taries farther towards their sources we find that 35 of them are fed by streamlets, representing our 35 mis- sion bands. Following farther on to- wards their sources we find that 17 of these tributaries have at their sources, clear, sparkling, rippling bubbling springs of Purity—the Baby Bands, She closed by saying that our Auxiliaries are also distributing agen- cies carryingseeds of loving thoughts in books and missionary literature and plants of loving deeds in acts of kindness, from one part of a commun- ity to another, sometimes from one continent to another. The Missionary Monthly Secretary, Mrs. A. E. Doan, reported as follows: We thank you who so loyally sup- of Goderich and Miss Forman of Re- ported our most wonderful magazine. gine. brought a wonderful message. This is your paper, published solely 8 for your benefit . Hensall Auxiliary sent an invitation , for the use of every for the Presbyterial to meet with Christian woman within the great Un them. in' 1931, It was unanimously ac- ited Church of Canada. Every ineni- cepted. ber a subscriber, is our slogan this iAssociate Helpers' 100 year, or atopy in every home, Duff's. Church in . McKillop, takes seven Missionary. Monthlies more than their membership—Egtuondville took sev- enteen more. It was advised to read, mark it and pass it -on to your friends. Do not leave all the canvassing for your M. M. secretary, everyone read it and tell your friends. Last year there were 1,328 subscribers, while this year we have 1,428, an increase of 100. Mrs. Irwin, Young Women's Sec- retary, said there were many encour- aging features and many reasons for thanksgiving. We are glad to report an increase in membership, in atten- dance at meetings and in the number of meetings held. '" It is our desire members; $7.00; twenty-four auxiliar- ies have Associatesecretary; six' more than last year. Thereought to be sixty Assoc. Helpers' Secretaries 'because there are onl3 two auxiliaries where every woman in the church is 1a member of the W.M.S. Miss. Forman We missionaries, when we come, you expect us to give an account of our stewardship. Regina has a popu- lation of 60,000 of which 7,000 are mostly from the southeast of Europe land, who spoke twenty-three differ eat languages. IThese people are not heathen but their churches have not given them as full a revelation of Christ as, we have. We have 12 - churches in the East end of Regula. This Greek. that th ey tray be led i1nto, new paths .■ . Thursday, May 15th, 1930. We sell genuine LEE -?Of SHOES.We have applicatio blanks fcar the FLEET FOOT ATHLETIC CLUB Our new stock of Fleet Foot Shoes is ready. Many new styles, colors and features. Drop in and see them. We promise you perfect fit. We also have application blanks for the Fleet Foot Athletic Club. Just fill out one of these forms and mail it, and you will get a handsome membership button and certificate; and the Fleet Foot Sports Review will be mailed to you each month. W. J. GREER The Good Shoe Store the Huron. Presbyterial of the W.M.S. of the United Church of Canada now assembled in our 4th convention do hereby express' our thanks to Him, who hath been our: help, strength and Defender for all the blessings and answered prayers of the. past years. Be it therefore resolved that we con- tinue to seek His guidance in ourmissionary work in this very critical period in many of our foreign lands, believing that Snore things are wrought br prayer` than this' world dreams of.' . 'We would extend syn!pathy to the friends and relatives of our beloved president, Mrs,Mollard, and all other deceased members of our Presbyterial. We would also ex -tend our best wishes for a speedy and complete,recovery,to health of MrsHogg, our Past President, and Mrs. Colboatrne, our Temperance secretary, who -at present are laid on beds of sickness, and that we seek to perpetu- ate the memory of our deceased workers by more earnestly and wor- thily seeking' to carry out the last command of their. piaster and ours, 'Go ye into all the wrld,' "Whereas at the 'present tune rt seems impossible to promote the Temperance movement by legislation,therefore be it resolved 'that we, the members of the W.M.S., heartily endorse in every way we can any edu- cation campaign which may be laun- ched either by our church or by theWC.T.U, showing the evil effects of alcohol upon the bodies, mindsds and souls of mankid," "Resolved that we record our thanksgiving . and satisfaction that a Bill entitld the":King Bill has been brought into the Federl House—said Pill being for the prevention of grant- ing of clearance papers to vessels en- igaged inthe carrying of beverage al- cohol into any country in contravene,tion of its laws. Whereas the W.M,W.M.Sis' an organization which has for its object the furtherance of the. kingdom of God upon the earth and as webelieve one of the greatest hindranc- es, if not thegreatest hindrance be the liquor traffic. "Therefore be it resolved, that we,the members of Huron Presbyterial affirm that we are unalterably oppos- ed to all forms of control or regula- tion of the liquor traffic, believing that the only effective and' righteoussolution of the problem is the total prohibition of the manufacture and ale of beverage alcohol." ``I Was Skinny andPPYTired• New Pe . Gain 1 Lbs.ed 1 "Had tired; feeling, nopep. But Ironized "Yeastgave me pep; much stronger. Gained 11 lbs. Boils. and pimples dis- gappeared." = Mack Lat-toria.Amazin • new Ironized Yeast adds. 5to 15 lbs. in 3 weeks. Changes "skinny," weak body to strong, welldeveloped form all admire. Blotchy skin gets clear and rosy like magic. Nervousness, indigestion, constipation • disappear overnight. Sound sleep. New pep from very first dayTwo great tonics in one—special,weight-building Malt Yeast and strengthening Iron. Pleasant, littletablets. Far stronger than unmedi- cated yeast; Results in '' time. Noyeasty taste. No gas. Dont be skinny, weak, unattrac- tive. Get Tronized Yast from drug- ist today. Feel great tomorrow. Money' back from ,maiuufacturer if not delighted with quick results. iiimmanananimumainmasanaannamunanonmil CREAM ■ Church d Protestant, and they are of service and that some of thein EGGS shall ■ / very "reverent. respond to the call .to life service in • tutu some specific form of missionary tery and conduucted the installation I Miss. Forman told the story of I service for the new officers. Mr. Sco- their miesion started in Regina East work, j bie extended sympathy to us in thea End. A little girl came home and tuft's. Andrew gave her report on • OUR. TRUCKS ARE ON THE ROAD NOW: ■' loss we have sustained in the death 'of found a man there whom she was to the supply work, in■ ■ ■ •■ Mrs, Scobie resented a most beau- Mrs. Mollard, our President.: He said,, marry (to please her father), : Some P ■ WATCH FOR THE YELLOW AND BLUE• ■ that in the singing of the hymn, 'women belonging to .the Metropole- tiful report. The annual membership ■ ■ "Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus," we tan Church said, we are trying to is 639 with life members 177, making • gain a new impetus. help the children who have to marry a total of 816. This shows an increase TRUCK. 1! I The C.G.I.T. secretary gave a pro- in their childhood in foreign lands, of. 302 in tnernbership • Potatoes for sale. Open Saturday Evenings.. raising report. There are nine C.G. why not try to help thein here in our Up to date there are 85 Mission ■ having an average attendance of -106, the women of the other churches in ren connected definitely with the 'Regina: itta met and decided to form a work of our W.M.S. 51 i e 1 They held 72 meetings of missionary r g" , d , the East nature and contributed 69,20` They ;mission n ; End, rid, 1916. So The closing words were given by " studied the hook, "Heroes from Our they got a house which they hoped M, s Wilson of Wingham and MSis • ■ LT. organizations with 140 members, own Canada. So • these women, with Bands in active work with 900 child - 1 ■ Horde Land," which has created a 1 would prove to be "A House by the Parrnan closed the meeting with ■ st. Wingham Side of the Road," to be a `tend to great deal of intere gf " Drayer. ■ ■ ingt n Produce Co.. I. Wmgham, Branch! Ehont 166. C.G.LT, affiliated Bel rave Society:the assersby and that the missionary Resolutions presented at W.M.S, ; ■ . , 'might T'r r ter" 1, .,W . h of .®.������In�•11��110� this year and Brussels in their' Baby mi ht De ars inte�preter of Canadian e,by is , c, the niemhers 1 •