HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-05-15, Page 3Irr *^mIT. F^ma"n 1i ri•i� Yidette and Wroxeter Thursday, May 15th, 1930 ews Taking A Hill on High It takes tots of power and ag ood start to climb a hill without shifting gears. Get a good start for the hills of the day's work by eating a breakfast of Shredded Wheat and milk. There is a quick "get -away" in this delicious, whole wheat food. No need for shift- ing gears in the middle of the hill— just go right on up with increased energy and power. And Shredded Wheat is in such a delicious, easily digestible form. SHREDDED HEAT ip/d, dibhi oxr WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT Than CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD.,' DREAMS We proceeded at a terrific pace; ob- ejects shot past us with unbelievable velocity. I perceived we were travers- ing the Glasgow Road, evidently Glasgow was our destination and we overtook it in a fraction of a jiffy. We tore through the City streets, and 1 recognized them all, until coming to a "Detour Sign." We detoured and continued along streets that were al- together strange to me. We sighted a tremendous Church, and I noticed a vast crowd flocking towards it, a crowd of exceedingly well dressed persons. We drew up in front of this edifice, and I was commanded to Keep F~E .!a E at Bay with GYP OC IRE seldom visit. houses having Gyproc `Va ;hoard ceilings; prrtitcons, walls and sheathing. Ott the contrary Gyproc has saved many homes. This pioneer Canadian fire -safe gypsum board has a clew Ivory coloured finish this year that makes decora- tion unnecessary (when pan- elled), It just the thing to use for making extra rooms in the cellar or attic. Quickly erected, inex- pensive, structurally strong, Gyproc Wallboard gives per- manent fire protection. Your dealer's name is listed below. Ask him today for full information 6r write for interesting free book, "Building and Remodelling with Gyproc." ' GYPSUM, LIME AND ALABASTINE, CANADA, LIMITED Ontario Paris ?/eW[W [IVO For Sale By RAE & 1 HO11IPSON, Win yhsm Ontario H. BUCHANAN HARDWARE, Winghltm, Ontario l R. J» Hueston, Gorrie, Ontario alight. "We 'visit here," said my. coin- a:ander.. I immediately recognized the donkey's voice. I, was''greatly relieved to find that I had been somehow restored to his charge, that 'Oscar hacl vanished, and that the collier was no !wager " with Before entering the Church t Donkey reminded me that we we invisible. "Come in," he invite "choose your Pew, mount a pillar, roost yourself on.a transept, it doe n't matter, no one can see you." invaded the place, and positioned ou selves, 1 don't know exactly when, anyway we commanded an extensiv view. Looking up at, down on, at around the assembled worshippers, noticed what I have already referre to, that they were all fashionabl dressed. Directing my gaze on the buildin I found its decorations, costly an sumptuous, From its Altar., so beau tifuliy draped; from its images, neitl er human nor angelic; from its Sta uettesof beings, absolutely foreig to earth and with nothing of divinit about them, I concluded we were i a Roman Catholic Chapel, a fastidi ously fashionable Chapel, A Priest started chanting some thing in Latin. His sing -song sound ed terrible to my ears. I had no COME to scoff, I could not RE MAIN to pray. I was in a place o worship, but could not make out wha I was to worship or why. The atmosphere of the place wa chocking me, the Priest's words con founding me, the congregation's list lessness (for which indeed it was no to blame) irritating me. I becam restless, perplexed, distressed, an perceiving no antidote for my stat in the service as it proceeded, I beck oned my companion and we with drew. Just within the outer doors w encountered an old blind beggar wo plan. 1 remembered seeing her, crou ched on the steps of the Chapel, wit a tin mug on her lap, as we entere the building. Though she could -no see ,us, she knew of our approach Accosting pie in a very plaintive though pleasant tone, she asked if• would kindly direct her to the spo whereon the "Box for the poor' stood. I had observed this box, i was a fairly large one, so I drew the woman towards it. , She had a shilling in her hand, and disclosing it, muttered: "Some one gave me this, in mistake; must have been a mistake; I never had a shilling given' int before; indeed, here, .1 sel- dom get anything. I cannot, I dare not keep it. I wish to give it to the poor." I conducted her hand to the slot in the Box; I heard it rattle down, and settle at the bottom of the Box. It made no clink against other coins in its descent; it rested at the bottom of the Box, alone. I noted surprise on the woman's countenance, and asked her, had she heard. Sorrowfully shaking her head she said, "Yes, 1 heered." Instantly brigh- tening, however, she added, "Well, anyway, the poor will get something, if, if" she continued falteringly, ,"if the Box is ever opened." "They call. this a Christian Church," 1 reminded her. "Yes, oh, yes," she said, "they ca it sich; God forgee em for leeing." The Donkey was very much af- fected. He laughed a laugh that had more genuine sadness in it, more pure pity, more true sorrow, than freight- ed any laugh, or any. _sigh, that had ver reached my 'dreaming ears be - ore; and then we hurried out, out of he House of Bondage." "Mount again," said the Donkey,' `we have yet at leakone more call o make before the Sun set." I obey - d. We lept to the other end of th,e ity, Again our destination was a hunch. This Donkey was evidently very religious one. We entered this hurch, It was either a Presbyterian ✓ Methodist. I could not tell which, aving failed to notice the superscrip- on on the Announcement ]oard out- ide. We arrived in time to hear the econd Reading. A youngish, strikingly handsome an occupied tlie Pulpit. He was eading in Beatitudes, of course in nglish. I listened and was deeply oved. Christ's simple, wonderful, quistie words, rettttered by this an, went straight to my heart. Af- ✓ the "Reading" the Choir sang, ..ead Kindly Light," and too, touch - ane. Then carte 'a short prayer, its of which 1 did, NOT like. Why, h, why should Ministers ask that the oyal family, .the Houses of Parlia- ent, sundry high and nighties, be essed,. and then, last of all, the poor d lowly? Surely, in so doing, they reverse rises, order, and give His beatitud- the lie. Then came the sermon, tett, "The inch Man and Lazarus." h e re d, or s - We r- e, e 1d I y g, d 1- t - n y t f t s e d e e h d t T t t e f ' t t e C C a 0 11 ti s s i- E m ex m to ed pa O in bl an Ch es its ,4v..rlJ.,... Of course the Minister had to be very I GORRIE careful in• preaching from this text to an audience of rich, upperclass 1 Mr. and Mrs, 11, V. Holmes were folks, He had to show that the rich London visitors on Saturday, man went to Hell, not because he was I Mrs, T. W. .Ralph and ,Harvey rich; oh, no, but because he was un- ,Toronto called on friends in town, charitable. Yet Christ said it was not `Friday last. •- easy for a.rich than to enter the Ding- ! Mr, and Mrs, Geo ..Foster also Mr. dom of Heaven. He did not say an and Mrs., Gordon Jefferson and child- uncharitable -rich man; he simply said ren of Owen Sound spent the week - a rich lean. Christ •evidently did not end at the formler's home here. recognize two kinds of rich men; nor; Miss Velda King of 'London spent two kinds of poor: men, deserving and Sunday at here home here. undeserving, as we etas's them. I can I Miss A. Townsend of'Parkhill spent not imagine God, dealing out, as de- the week -end with friends here, serts, riches to this man, poverty to1 w Mr. Herzog was a visitor at Cargill that, -1:)o the rich, in God's eyes de- recently. serve their riches, the poor their pov-i ' Mrs. R. Ferguson, IVIr .and Mrs. erty? If so, the charitably disposed 'Joe Bennett and Miss :Dinsmore spent rich are the sinners; they sin against Sunday with Miss Margaret Bennett God's decree, against what he has gat Hamilton. proclaimed good. Uncharitableness is ! Mrs. Martin visited friends in 'Car - therefor God like, and cannot be con- gill on Sunday. deinncd by Him. So this Minister's 1 Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Doan and dau- interpretation of the Parable fell to �ghter, Bernice, of Mitchell, spent Sun - pieces at my feet. I turned to my day in town. companion and said "I cannot listen ! Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Greer and Mr. to this man's message; it is false, and and Mrs. A. H. Musgrove of Wing maligns both God and Christ. We ham spent Sunday evening with Mr. made a hasty exit. Outside the Don -and Mrs. H. V. Holmes. key said "Tarry a little, did you not- I The Anglicans are planning a Gar - ice the Poor Box here? Come and den Party in the Gorrie Park on Fri - see where it is now. Just peep through day evening, June 27th. this window." 1 peeped into a small. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Armstrong at- antiroom; I saw the Box; it was open, atended the funeral of the late Mrs. its contents spread out on a table. Jas. Walker of Wingham, Friday af- Silver and copper •coins were there. ternoon. A man was separating and counting I Mr, and Mrs: S. W. Ferguson vis - them. The coppers numbered ten, the ited in Goderich last week. silver, two three -penny pieces. Over l Children's Day will be observed in three thousand rich persons attended the United Church next Sunday. The the service. Twelve of them were Juniors will occupy the choir seats at charitable, I said. "Even so, said the the morning service, when Rev. A. W. WROXETER Mr. Thomas Jacklin who has been visiting friends in the West, returned of home on Wednesday. on Mr, Leslie McLaughlin of Oshawa is at present visiting his mother in town. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Hemphill left on Monday to visit friends at !'ort Huron. Mother's Day was suitably observ- ed in the United Church on Sunday, Fordwich lost its main business sec- tion when four blocks were .burned by a disastrous fire early Sunday horning. It is a serious platter for those small villages to be devastated' this way as in all ,probabilities very little of the burned area will be re- built. Mr. Lloyd McMichael, Toronto, vis- ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mc- Michael, Monday. The Bell Telephone Co. have quite a number of men with three large trucks repairing their line in this vic- inity with their headquarters at Wroxeter. The W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Stocks on Thursday, May 8th, with eleven members and three visit- ors present. The devotional period was taken by Mrs. T. Gibson. Meet- ing opened with hymn 191, Scripture lesson taken from the 42nd chapter of Isaiah, prayer by Mrs. ivIcKercher. The roll call was answered by a verse containing the word King. It was de- cided to hold the first meeting of the newly organized Baby Band on the 22nd of May. Hymn 118 was sung. The first number on the program was a leaflet entitled "Excuses for not be - Donkey; "have you seen enough?" ;Barker of Brussels will give an ob- Here, the word "enough" so piercing- ject talk. Parents will endeavor to ly pronounced by the Donkey, was re- bring the children to this helpful ser - echoed by my brother's voice, and re -; vice. Rev, Craik will preach at 7 pan. peated more than once. "Enough, en- regular choir rendering music. ough," he cried, "stop your pinching,' Services on Mother's Day were well Horner, it hurts." I thought in a dull attended. The mother's choir sang sort of way of the crab I had placed two appropriate selections. Rev. F. in the other bed; evidently it was do- ,Craik had for his theme ."The influ- ing its duty, I also realized in a kind ence of mother's life." Rev. R. Turn - of dazed way that 1 was half awake, bull of Iielmore preached an excell- and felt sore about it, ent sermon at the evening service. A I did not want my dream interrupt- choir of young men rendered three ed, much less terminated. It was a selections, one being "What a friend wonderful one, and I desired its con- We have in mother." tinuance, so I impelled myself asleep Ladies Aid will meet at home of again. Mrs. W. Pyke Thursday afternoon at 2.30. . 10th LINE I-IOWICK Several from here heard the fine --- sermon preached by D. H. Savage in Mr. Elmer Schworiver of Clifford. Winghain United Church recently. Mission 'Circle monthly meeting is called to meet Tuesday evening of this week at the home of the Presi- stein, spent the week -end at Walter dent, Miss N. Dane. Horsburgh's. The Junior League will have their Mrs. George Epworth and Mrs. D. annual picnic on Saturday afternoon, Zeigler of Clifford,' spent Sunday with May 24th. Mr, and Mrs. Hugh McLeod. Visitors' day will be observed in the Mr. and: Mrs. Russell Fleet and United Church on Sunday, May 25th. family of Hanover spent Sunday with Rev. C. G. Gifford of Harriston will relatives here. preach at 11 a.m., and the pastor at Mr. Mel. and Blake Fleet of Hamil- 7 p.m. Members 9f the church are ton visited Sunday with their father, asked to invite a friend to enjoy the Mr. Wm. Fleet. service in the old home church, Spec- ial music by choir. Hymns you will ss•yi '<Qle, 1rt �,b:.:,h"1 \"Y'M',aPilyf.�.. enjoy singing. >?.. osrtva -ESr T'l'a. t spent Sunday with Mr, Warren Zur- brigg. Mr. Kile, music teacher from Hol - 5' a vacation's El Dorado —the trip of golden ex- perience, An "inland ocean" cruise, between towering glaerers and totem -poled isles. Shores so close you look in on quaint Indian villages. Dozens of glaciers flash. ing rainbow colours in the midnight sun, Six fascinating ports o' call. Mysteries of the Klon- dyke. Greatest trip in America for the money, we believe, 11 As low as $90,00 from Vancouver Victoria, Seattle -,-to • Skagway and Several from here attended the special Masonic meeting held in Wroxeter, Monday evening, when District Master Scrimegeour of Palm- erston gave his annual report. There was an excellent attendance. The April meeting of the Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Thomas Brown. 'After the usual business proceedings the programme was given. A debate "Resolved that active middle life surpasses youth in the joy of lift" was the main feature. Those taking part were: for the af- firmative, Mrs. Stocks and Miss Mary Pope; the negative, Mrs. Lovell and Mrs. IVlacNaughton. The decision was given in favor of the affirmative by 3 points. The roll call—a quotation or poen) by a Canadian poet. Mrs. Brown served a dainty lunch at the close, and a delightful half hour was Ispent over the tea cups. Our hostess for May meeting will be Mrs. John Wendt. A discussion -- future Insti- tute work, will be led by the Presi- dent. The election of officers will al- so take place. The roll call will be rtturn—including meals and berth en- answered by paying of fees for the oute, except in Skagway. On luxurious I coming year. Princess liners—largest, fastest to Alasii, Make your reservations now while the choicer Princess cabins are available, Vancouver Island West coast cruises. 7 days. Meals and berth enr•oute. Minimum $39.00. RA1LWAY LINES Fttll ietfor?natcon front. nearest Casadlan Pa- eifie hckel agent, or W. Fulton. Assistant , General Passenger Agent 'Toronto Canadian Fussy woman (to bookseller's as- sistant): "Yes, I know it's a best sell- er, but is it pure and clean? Can you guarantee that it is perfectly ;clean?" Assistant: "Well, madam the hero's a white hope, the heroine works in :a laundry, and her mother takes in washing. I don't know what more yon would like in the way of cleanli nets," Feathered Progress Set emir >and The land of former landlords has etha the wayg peasants take ro aci lc beendls#ributed Aman the h +. w o have formed a huge eooperadve iiiinilamiligulielliiiiiMilliallithth Movement.. -New York Times. 'Ito more stomach trouble. Can eat anything," writes Mrs. E. White. Thousands say indiges- ion, 'isartburn, gas vanish like magic with Fault-a-tives". Constipation, sick peadaches end overnight. Nerves, heart quiet, sound sleep at once. Rheumatism flies away. Complexion clears quick. Get "Fiuit.attives" from drugeis* today. A woman was buying a portable wireless set. "Now do you definitely assure rue," she asked, looking an- xiously at the tangle of wires, and connections, "that I shan't get a shock?" "Madam," said the assistant im- pressively. "I do definitely assure you that you won't get a shock—un- til you hear some of the programs." Slice 2 bananas in a serving dish and sprinkle with V clip sugar. Pour over the bananas 4 cups of hot sweetened cooked rhubarb. Chill thoroughly. ing active in work for missions.'" A. Wearying grave the excuses and Firs, Sellers answered by verses of' Scripture, After singing hymn 861, Mrs, Wendt gave a splendid report of the Presbyterial held at Seaforth. Hyman 15.6 was then sung and elosing prayer by the President, Mrs. Boling- broke, DR. C. C. RAMAGE DENTIST, GORRIE Phone 21 (Stinson residence). Fordwich 'on Wednesday. 1 to 9 o'clock. VIUTH F. e AJ. Phm. B„ Opt. D., R. 0, OPTOMETRIST Phone 118 Harriston, Ont. "The Best Equipped Optical Es tablishment in this part of Ontario". I Spriog8uitiogs Hats and Caps Our samples of "Made to Measure Spring Suiting are now in. We have a big range to choose from. The prices have been reduced 10% and the gaul- ity was never better. Suits at from $23.50 to $45.00 in all the latest checks, stripes and plain serges, made to your order. Hats, Caps, Shirts and Sox for Spring and Summer wear. Overalls from $1.98 to $2.25. High Top rubber boots for men, women and children, sell- ing at cost prices. Bring us your eggs and Cream. DAVEY'S STORE til OXETER. ER. ONTARIO Have You Renewed Your Motor Vehicle Operator's License .a.TF you are operating a Motor Vehicle in Ontario, you are breaking the law unless you are the holder of a 1930 Chauffeur or Operator's License. Traffic Police are -now apprehending motorists for the purpose of examination of licenses., In case of accident, traffic officers or police will immediate- ly call for your license card. Be sure you have it with you whenever you sit behind the wheel, It is prima facie evidence that you are qualified to operate a car. Its absence will render you liable to a fine and also may be interpreted to .mean that you are not a competent driver! Do not lay yourself open to inconvenience and needless blame. Application forms for new or renewal licenses may be secured from the Department of Public Highways, Motor Vehicles Branch, from any of the Department's Agents throughout the Province, or from any Licensed Garage. If you seek a renewal, have your license card of 1929 with you. If you have lost it, a duplicate will be issued by the Department on •payment of 50 cents. • New and renewal Licenses are issued by the Department or any issuer of Motor Vehicle Permits. There are one or more issuers in every county. The fee is $1.00. Applicants for new licenses must undergo examination which the issuer will arrange. The fee for an examination is $1.00. Carefully preserve your License. Have it an your pocket every time you drive. Produce it whenever called upon by an officer of the law. Do not allow anyone who does not possess a Chauffeur or Operator's License to drive your car. Ontario Department of Highways Motor Vehicles Branch. TORONTO