HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-05-01, Page 4Mam ob 'wxhich. does not "dry tlIe. has X' a emoves Dandruff from the scalp. •.,.O Cocoanut Oil' Shampua Extra large bottle for 50e. cKebbon's Drug Store '4r1\owfttystelte /JGUitise taeSwitAtiliseeser etittial Stat.tV,Iterllig en\S_etestisettbseississem!.!R Ft cents' a word pet insertion ' V gran yr qtr tnrr�� Y' with to minimum charge of 25c. nn taut .POR SALE -Brick house, 8 rooms, large- lot, garage, all modern con- veniences. Terrns. Apply to Ad- vance -Times. wOR SALE -Baby Chicks from bred - to -lay 13. P. Rocks mated with cockerels purchased from L. R. Guild, Rockwood, T. H. Moore, Lucknow R: R. No. 5, Phone Wing - ham '612r3. SALE—Baby Chicks and Hat- ching eggs, O.A.C. Barred Rocks at $18:00 per ,100 and. S. C. W. Leg - horns at $17.00, for May. Eggs— $5,00' per 100. Above prices at the farm. Reduction on large quantities. All eggs set in our incubators or sold for hatching are produced from our own hens on our own farm. Although our prices may be a .little higher than you can buy elsewhere, they are worth many tunes the difference. I- can also supply Royal brooder stoves, feed- ers and waterers. If you are in need of any of these, better see what we have. C. G. Campbell, R. R. 2, Auburn, Phone Blyth 10-24, OR SALE OR RENT— 100 acre grass farm, near Gienannan. Apply to J. W. Bushfield, Wingham, Ont. FOR SALE - Barred Rock Baby Chicks $16.00 per hundred; White Leghorn Baby Chicks $14.00 per hundred. Two hundred or over of either kinds, $1.00 per hundred less. 'Hatching eggs $5.00 per hundred. Custom hatching done, four ceuts lief_eg of tolls'.. ltundrec? Set for t V1 ,Q0, Newani second hand in- cubators _ and brooders at bargain prices. Get yolil' order in now and get delivsry when you want them. I have increased my hatching cap- acity. Call, write or phdne Duncan Kennedy, Whitechurch, Ont. Phone) WANTED AT ONCE— First-class mechanic. Apply to Young's Gar- age. TWP. OF EAST WAWANOSH Notice to Drain Contractors Tenders will be received, by the un- dersigned up to Monday, May 12th, at 3 o'clock; for the construction of the Iiillough, the Wightman and the Elliott Drains in East Wawanosh PIans and specifications of the above drains may be seen at the clerk's of- fice, A rnarked cheque for 10% of amount as an evidence of good faith on the part of the contractor to ac- company each tender,: The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ALEX. PORTERFIELD, Township Clerk, Belgrave. AUCTION SALE Take notice that Thomas Fells, the undersigned auctioneer, has received instructions from Wm. McKersie, to sell by public auction at his house on Shuter street, Wingham, Ont., at two o'clock on SATURDAY, MAY 3rd The following: Dining Room suite, buffet, exten- sion table, 6 dining room chairs, set- tee, 2 rocking chairs, kitchen table and 6 chairs, bedrbom suite, dresser, stand, mattress and springs, 2 beds with mattresses and springs, couch, coal oil stove with oven, parlor cook coal stove, heater stove, 2. cupboards, quantity of tintsepm and oilcloth, 3 small tables, toilet Set, boiler and 2t>asFittib, btiffer bo',';}, strainer `paii, cooking utensils, coal. oil can, sewing machine, dishes, organ, lawn mower, and other numerous articles. TERMS—CA SH. THOS. FELLS - Auctioneer. 611r42. t CARD OF THANKS FOR SALE—O.:\. 0, No. 21 6 -rote- Mrs. John Davidson and family wish to ed Barley. Also some good maple P for lithe kindnessandtlei sincere thanksex- , syrup. Apply to John R. Salter. i sympathy ex- tended during .their recent bereave- ' ment, also for the beautiful floral tri - and ( butes. Ap- EOR SALE OR RENT—Story h,. brick house, '14ith garage. P y u� =at=i �" ,inley. POR SAE--Gooc1 frame building -SD x40, single boarded, double floor- ing, suitable for driving shed. Ap- ply to Wm. Shoebottom, phone - 629r2. POR SALE OR RENT— Comfort- able house, ';possession 1st May. Apply , &rlx,., ince `l imes Office. IF YOU WANT EGGS NEXT win- ter buy our chicks. They are pro- duced from culled flocks of heavy laying type. A large majority of our customers come back to us year after year. ' We are booking orders now for April and May, Barred Rocks, April 17c, May 16c; S, C White Legitorns, April 16c, May 15c, Mrs. Geo. D. Fortune, R. 1, Wingham, Wroxeter Phone. 12r 6 8. y:OST—Somewhere on the B1uevale ?road, ::crank for McLaughlin car. Finder leave at Arthur's garage. LOST- Ort the highway . between Idarriston and Lticknow, on Mani day, ,April 28th, A Firestone truck' tire and rim, .32x6. Finder please phone Ahner' Ackert, Lucknow, LOST—On Tuesday, between. Wing - ham and 10th VVawanosh, license plate o. E.F443. Finder. kindly Hints For Homebodies Written for The Advance -Times By Jessie Allen Brown Wien I see new lawns being made it reminds me of an. experience -we had, makieg a lawn. Up to that Luise I had known that there was grass and Leitch grass, but other than that, all grass was grass, and I did not know there were so many, varieties. Not: knowing; anything about making a lawn, 'i -e decided to get some expert advice, and so we went to the greens keeper of the adjoining golf club. Much to our amazement, within a radius of a few feet, lie showed us no less than 9 varieties of grass. Cer- tainly, we felt as green as grass on the subject, He advised us to plant a mixtute of grass seed, equal parts of Timothy, Alsike, Crested Feskue; and Canadian Blue Grass, The idea was,' that the Timothy and Alsike would give a quick growth, and would protect the slower growing grasses until they were all well established. 'Then these leave at Advance -Times Office. TO RF1' House with Garage. All irtodcrn conveniences, centrally lo- ,cated.<Possession the 10th of May. Apply to A. J. Ross, .Vinghazn. O S F:T—Grass. Apply on premises. John Turner, R. R. 2, Lucknow: Te-I'a,Sttti'e farm, 50 acres, O't snaayl cattle. Apply to G. H. Jlreeler,,,.I elgravc, or Miller ?rocs' R, 3, Wingham. O nlsalting Es' itnleerr , lVv A:en,13A,Lb. A»Sc, '(Tory ).;:•'0.',L'4.,'11.e •isterec1 Profesiori- it inecr' and L d Surtreytit' As- te NiCeMbef.:En riSSillii J' ,S'filute II. 44: Oi:fic04 "$eaft�i;rth Out. ELLIOTT MILLER AUCTIONEER Sales conducted anywhere. Wide experience. Best efforts put .forth on each and evetyy sale. Phone 70. - Lusknow, Ont. �. Ica *, I;ro itt0 .gxasses nid eventnti ly Itjll'the others and we would , ha good growth of the Crested Fesk and Cenadian Blue' grass. Grass would .be, showing ou .ti fourth day, and we wotild be'cuttiu it by the third week, so he told it It sounded like quick Work, Ota so happened. There on the fourth mor ng,was a tinge of green all over th awn, and we cut it the third week. Never would we. have had a law, we if had not done sentry duty, Th news spread forth '.among the bird that there was good pickings at th Brown's, and they came from far an near, to the party, The Sparrows ha the most relations, and were ther literally, ' by the dozen. 13ut tiler were a good many other varieties too We tried. rigging up a species of scar crow, by putting paper on stria and putting it'back and forth acros the lawn, wound around stakes. The was not much use. -It was effectua with a few more timid birds, but no the Sparrows. After the first look they perched on the strings, and le the rustling paper fan them, to kee thein' cool in the hot sun. You coul swoop on thein -with a fishing poI and sinless you actually touched then they rather enjoyed the performance However, we had planted muc more than the required seed, an there was enough for the birds an to make a lawn too. It grew so fast that it seethed like magic. I suppose never again will we get as much kick as out of making that first lawn. It is a shame to spoil a good story, but I must tell the rest of it. After much agitation, in which we joined heartily, the powers -that -be, decided to give us a concrete side -walk to re- place the cinder path; we were using. Our joy in the matter was somewhat lessened, when we found that the new walk was to be feet higher than the old one, and left our beautiful lawn down in a hole. There was nothing to do but fill it in. So the sod was cut carefully, as we planned to re- place it. However, it took so long getting it filled in, that the sod was all dried out and useless. To make a lawn story short, while all this was going on, we were moved to another city, sold our home, and the new owner had to put in the next lawn. What he planted, I do not know. More About Mail Order .Eggs. It certainly pays to let your wants be known. I have had several op- portunities of getting fresh eggs, re- gularly I heard from a good many producers, and those living at a dis- tance, wanted to ship•. eggs in 6 or 12 dozen crates. That quantity of eggs is tog Pinch for the average family, for by the time they are used the eggs are no longc-r fresh, Car- ton which hold 1, 2 or three dozen, and could be sent cheaply by parcel post, would fill a real need, and would be a benefit, to both producer and consumer. Virginia Baked Ham Cover a whole or half -ham, with boiling water and cook until tender, probably from 3 to 3;1 hours. Never let the water boil hard, but keep it just simmering. Let the ham stand in the water in which it has been .cook, ,until i -t is cool, , I like to let mine stay over -night. Remove the skin and rub the fat with brown su- gar until all the fat is well coated. Stick in whole cloves, and bake in a slow to moderate oven for an hour. Serve hot. This is delicious too as cold ham. Be careful not to bake it too fast, as the brown sugar coat- ing burns readily. Use the ham skin to flavor lima beans and to put in split pea soup. Cottage Pudding it cup •suga-sugar..1, cup milk 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup flour 1 egg 11 teaspoon baking powder Melt butter, add sugar and stir well, Add beaten egg, milk and flour sifted with baking powder. Bake. in a round cake tin in a quick oven for 25 minutes. Serve with sauce or whipped cream. Caramel Sauce 1 cup brown .sugar 3 tablespoons butter 1x tablespoons flour 1 cup boiling water /Vibe sugar, flour, and butter, and took very slowly until lsrown, stirr- ing occasionally. Be very careful not to burn it, as it would taste bitter, but it must brown •weld., When brown acid the boiling water and stir until mixed, Re -hot before serving, ve, rte le k 5.n - e 1, e s, e d d e e s t 1 t t p d e, n h d d• TIMOTHY GETS QUEER IDIvAS GEOR �,E WILLIAMS Official , Watch Inspector >ltepairing Oa oecialty;, Satisfaction c usranteed.: 1phone t Opt): queerxt 11041. To the Editor at/ alltbim Wingltarn Paypers. Deer Sur. e inoind I tould ye about arre thrip to 'Toronto few wakes ago. 'Twas :Mainlyfer, pollytickle faysoits" l whit;', but not altogether, Vle ould back has been iht theri,rt me clot trots' the winther',, so the noight befoor 1 shtarted ottt f' tould the tit>isstis that tottglit l wad cbttstilt vivid a al,pish- ►'INGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES Thursday',' ay 1St, 1.9$4 �Ili�lig�ll1.M111MNi�1ll�lll�lli�Iil�Ill�i11�11i�lit illI� ti na ��t ck ■ SiliCIPE56 ..• E I For Women :I ■ ' Seeing that Enna Jettick ▪ shoes will wear "two pairs'. of $l"".00 or $5,00 shoes,: they are r. much cheaper iii the end, in ad - r .clition to the fact of "perfect ^ fit" Which is the paramount f ea 11 _i torWoerraerirkr's foth1sot' wonwearderful, lime of a • ' Then, there is the matter of Class» for every shoe is a ■ "reral. pictur .suche"' anexpressiod we hearns evasp ■ ery day ,= a W Phone 129, Wingham The Enna Jettick Shoe Shoppe. IIRIIIRII1RI11RNIMIIImIII I,iiIII ISIIillgr!ilIiIII "Isn't that lovely" "Aren't they beautiful" etc., from women ✓ who try on Enna Jettick shoes. • We would like every, women 1 in Wingham and surrounding country to cone in and "try on" a pair of Enna Jettick is shoes, Have yoi r foot rneasur, ed and become acquainted 'with the "feeling of ease and com fort" that comes from wearing Enna Jettick shoes, Enna Jettick shoes for Wa- ll men can be purchased only in this District at ▪ W. H WILLIS 11110111113111•Il IRM■Il11111,I11RN1Ri UJ•111R111el1l Special Bargains _ Slightly used .Gramaphones in upright and Console models in 1 perfect mechanical condition, = E from $17.50 up. Write for photos and order blanks. . 12 Selections Free. GEO. BEST CO. Room 2-77 Victoria Street, j ▪ - Toronto, Ont. E t "Satisfaction Guaranteed. iIIMIIMIIMO IlMIIM■Ii O MM1llR11 UMMillIVRI11r EARN $5—$12 PER DAY Men wanted to train — Few weeks—Pay Raising job, getting practical, garage 'Mechanics, Elec- tric Welding, Housewiring, Brick- laying and Drafting—Guaranteed. Free employment service. Write today for free information. COMMERCIAI ENGINEERING SCHOOLS 57 Queen W, Toronto. Rupture Expert Here Do you suffer from rupture? If so, your big opportunity has now arriv- ed, Mr. Reavley, the noted rupture expert, will be at, the BRUNSWICK HOTEL for one day only WEDNESDAY, MAY 14th and will be pleased to gi.e free ex- amination to ..any sufferer, and. to de- monstrate his famous appliance. This - appliance will contract the opening in 10 to 15 days and has cured cases in from three to six months. This ap- pliance j$ positively demonstrated to you right on your own person with- out any charge. You do not spend a penny unless you are fully satisfied that it is the right appliance for you, A .consultation with lir. Reavley will cost you nothing. Don't let this op- portunity get away from, you. Re- member the date. i..list whin 1 wus in the city. "Shure," set she, "ye do git the 1 quarest oideas in yer head ev anny man I ivir knew. I hev heerd ay. all koinds av shishialists, but nivir av tan fer lame backs,' she sez. "Ye khats'- yer back has r.ivir been the shine since ye hurted it at Sandy Bankscs barrun raisin, whin ye wus woild wid the whiskey that wus in ye, an tought ye cud lift a whole bame be yctsilf, 1. don't belave much in this shpishialists annyway," sex she. "Anh t at s whet iy, er wrong, g, rn man," sez I, "fer, share, 'tis an age av slipishialists we do be, livin in, 'its in pollyticks I am mesilf, an 'tis wan ye are in iiousekapin, widall the oth- ed wisnmin on the shtcate' rennin to ye fer advoice about ,theer childer, arr fer yer resates fer marmalade an limon poies, arr to borry yer gtriltin frames." "1 suppose 'ye will hev yer own way about it," sez she, "so I nioight as well slitop talkin, but don't give anny shpishiallst more than tin dol- lars, fer the jawb ain't 'worth it," sez She. Ye can't bate. a Nort at/ Ireland wumnian fer droivin a harrud bar- gain, fer, shure, the Scotch ain't in the same class wid titbit, at all, at all. Whin I take a thrip I always git away wid more money than. the tots sus knows about,. be rayson av Ravin laid by a quarther, arr Ynebby fifty eints, are a dollar now an thin unbe- knownst to her, fer wakes, ail ordiler to thest it whits I nate it, Weil I •tviitt ta..,a shlsssltial'ist dtt bacteria no found he miss an otlld bye from Ilowiek who used -to go to school. wid Jai•ge Slipotton, an we gait taikin pollyticks till l nearly let - about Inc back, Whin we got er•rotmd to the prev- ious gturetion, so to slipake,. alt T tould him nut* thrubb'le, hesaid it loikeiy came frazti ane teens, 'Tis,' a shmart bye .ye are," so I, "an I belave ye guessed rroight the furslit tonne, fey, shure, me teeth are shtore wins, that the missus bought fer me fer a birthday prisint at Ayr - ton's big shtore wan toime she wus in Toronto, They nivir fitted ane roight from the fursht day I tbroid thirn, an thin Igot then mixed, so 1 don't know the bottom wares from the top wens, an I don't loike to ask thin dietists in Wingham, be rayson av, the teeth havin been bought out av town.' if good ould Timothy Ay- ton wus &pine T wud go slitraight to Mins, .an he wud fix thins' fer me be rayson av ben a namesake, an coin - in from the samo part av Ireland. "Mishter Hay", sez the doehtor, "theer used to be a lot av indiscrim- inate loiers on the Maitland River many years ago, an I see the shtrame hasn't droid up yit," he sez. That was wan on tate. Thin we got talkin pollyticks agin, an I cud harrudly git away from the dochtor, on account av his wantin to hear all the news from Nort Huron, an what chances the Tories wud hev at the nixt eliekshun. At lasht he tould me to shmoke an ate less, an ixercoise more an me back wud not thrubble me so much, an; whin I asked him the proice, he wudden't take a cint be rayson av the foine yarn we wus afther havin, so 1 had another tin dollars to shpind that the missus didn't know about.. Yours fer a bigger an betther Canada, Timothy Hay. 'BIRTHS Laughlsen—In Lower ,Wingham, on Monday, April 28th, to Mr, and Mrs, Victor Laughleen, a son. BELGRAVE Mrs. Buck and Miss Stella Nethery of Sask., .are --home helping to wait on . their another, who is quite ill. Mrs. Louis Hays. of Detroit, is staying a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bridge, Miss Jean. Scobie ishome from University at Kingston. Donald Young of Lambeth is visit- ing with his parents, for a few days. W. J. Geddes spent last week with his daughter, Mrs. J. Little of Win - ithrop. Mr. Clarence Wade has been on the sick list t7te last week. Mr, and Mrs. Lake of Fergus visit- ed. with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brandon last week, Mr. and Mrs, David Scott spent the weekend with friends in Goderich, Miss Corinne Scandrett visited with her mother for a few days, H. A. Dorrance, Agricultural Re- presentative for Brant County,. re- ports that the Brant County Council has passed the necessary bylaw to declare that county a better bull area. A county live stock improvement as- sociation has been organized for the constant and permanent improvement of Brant's live stock. THE BOY BEHIND THE BISCUIT Ever see a boy behind a Shredded Wheat B• iscuit? You will have to look quick before the biscuit disappears -- but wait and you will see him take another biscuit—and more milk. The more he chews the crisp shreds of baked whole wheat, the more he likes it and that's the reason' he is a real boy, full of bounding energy and radi- ant health. Just as good for grown-ups. Delicious with prunes, baked apples, sliced bananas or any fruit. ▪ HEAT risq� p n�l�tttl�t��'t v.ifivekvaddp.i THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY. LTD., WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT RENEW YOUR. SUBSCRIPTIONS NOW FOR THE ADVANCE -TIMES mmwmummismmommommimmemsEmmimmimmiusim u ■ ■ CREAM r+ EGGS ■ ® ■ lis ■ ■ OUR TRUCKS ARE ON THE ROAD NOW. ■ ii m ii ■ WATCH FOR THE YELLOW AND BLUE W • TRUCK. IS 1, ■ a■ ■ Potatoes For Sale. Open Evenings. Wellington Produce Co.■ Wingham, Branch Phone 166. , 1® NIB OMR a ®. MEM '»; ;ll • NSM per®®1�+. �V a e V:ese DOMINION TIRE DEPOTS? They are a great Chain of tire service depots; spread like a network across Canada. Each is the finest tire store in its locality and all are 'co-operating to assist motorists in getting the greatest possible mileage from their tires. These Dominion Tire Depots are painted in a uniform color scheme of orange and blue. All bear the Dominion Tire Depot sign. Prom these Dominion Tire Depots you may obtain: -Tires at the price you want to pay . each tire the best value at its price. —A periodic tire inspection service de- signed to check tire injuries before they become serious. . Pressures will be checked and everything possible done to add mileage to the life of your tires. —Reliable repair work, honestly and promptly executed at fair prices. Let the orange and blue Dominion Tire Depot front. guide you to Canada's fines eSt tire service. wJ lMc9adh:;