HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-05-01, Page 21=101=0=0=101=101=0=10 0=14,===101=0===0=0 YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO GET A GENUINE CONGOLEUM MONEY ON THESE SPECIALS CHIFFON FULL FASHIONED HOSE st uality New Shades,, Reg $1.51, pax 98 FANCY TOP NEW LISLE GLOVES eption .l Value, Sizes 6 $ to 8, Pair , .39c Exceptional SMART TRIANGLE SCARVES regular $1.50 Value, Specially priced , .98c WOMEN'S BALBRIGGAN BLOOMERS A fine summer weight. Regular 40c value 29 c Women's PURE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS Priced real low, 8Oc dozen or, each ... ..7c WOMEN'S NO SLEEVE VESTS Sizes 36 to -1=#_ Come Early. Each 19c GIRLS' NEW PANTY DRESSES Choice styles and colors, worth to 1.50, ea. 98c GIRLS' '7 to 14 YEARS SIZE DRESSES New goods, New Styles, New Cloths . .1 29 LACE CURTAIN PANELS Don't Hiss this Exceptional Value. Each .79c PIZ (36 in. Broadcloth Yard 22c EXTRA SIZE BATH TOWELS Worth 50c, Priced low at 3 for $1.0d or ea.. 35c 54x54 DAMASK TABLECLOTHS A usual $1.25 value. 3 day Sale Price ... 89c 40 OR 42 -INCH PILLOW CASES Buy these for House of C6ttage use. Each 21c ON SALE FOR THREE DAYS ONLY THURSDAY — FRIDAY — SATURDAY Rules of Contest Every effort has been made to ensure the utmost simpilicity and fairnessin this con- test.... everyone has the same chance of winning. 1. Simply enter the number you think is hidden under the Gold Seal on the Congoleurn Gold Seal Rug on display. 2. The guess nearest to the actual number will be awarded the rug FREE......._...in event of a tying contestants will guess a second number which will be selected. 3. Entries roust be deposited at this store before 12 .noon on. May 10th. (Winning number will be an- nounced in our windows at 4 p.m. of that date. 4. The judges decisios on all matters pertaLning to the contest will be final 5. The contest is open to anyone excepting the em- ployees of this store and their fan:talks. 6. Ordy one guess will be allowde to each entrant__ viola.Uon of this rule will disqualify the offender. 7. The hidden number is ifetween 1 and 5,000. 8. Anyone purchasing a gertuine Congoleum Gold Seal Rug during this contest, will, if declared the winner, be refunded the full purchase price of the rug pur- chased should the rug purchased be larger than the prize and awarded the full cash value of the ptize rug should the rug purchased be smaller. EE SEE Attractive WINDOW DISPLAY Entry Blanks in the Store Make Out and Deposit Your Guess—NOW! ASK TO SEE THE NEW 'GOLD SEAL" CONGOLEUM RUG FATTERNS. THEY ARE MOST ATTRACTIVE WE CARRY THE MOST UP-TO-DATE RUG STOGIC POSSIBLE IT WILL BE A PLEASURE TO SHOW THEM TO YOU o Our Regular Prices Beat Most So -Called Sale Prices A$K TO SEE THESE LINES AND BE CONVINCED' 24x48 STENCILLED RAG MATS You can't have too many at this price, ea. 43c MEN'S MEDIUM WEIGHT SOCKS Fancy Stripes, assorted colors, :Pair ..... ,19c BOYS KHAKI COVERALL SUITS 3 to 8 years sizes. Worth 85c, each 59c MEN'S DOUBLE -STITCHED OVERALLS TWO PIECE LEGS HEAVY WEIGHT 1.69 Black or Dark Blue. Smocks to match. MEN'S BIG 3 WORK SHIRTS Khaki, Blue, Navy, Black. The kind you usually pay $1.25 for. 98c MEN'S SEAMLESS MERINO SOCKS Often featured at so-called Sale Prices at 3 for $1.00. Our Regular Price, Pair ....29c MEN'S BALBRIGGAN COMBINATIONS Short sleeve and Long Leg style usually sold at $1.25. Our Price ... ..:......98c MEN'S QUALITY BROADCLOTH SHIRTS Absolutely- Gtiaranteed A usua71 $2.50 priced line. Our Reg. Price 1.98 BOYS' POLO COLLAR JERSEYS In sizes 22 to 32 Usually sold at 50c.. Our Reg. Price. Each 39c BOYS' SUMMER COMBINATIONS Usually sold at 75 and 85c, Our Reg. Price 69c Hundreds of other Values equally as good can be had from day to day at Prices to save you money Pay a Visit to Our Ready to wear Department CONGOLEUM CONTEST May 1st to 10th Thursday, Friday,. Saturday COATS - DRESSES - HATS CORSETS - SANITARY GOODS BRASSIERS AT MOST ATTRACTIVE PRICES JASPE - LINOLEUM - CONGOLEUM OILCLOTH FELTOL - GRASS WILTON & AXMINSTER RUGS WALKEii STORES, LIMITED WINGHAM Picturesque Yukon House Has Bottles in Window a. house of hospitality whose owner coMbined las' ex- vagance in entertainment with /anent modeeti In home ecore .tereer 'by Using' the bottles left after guetts had tleparted to Make' * substantial and anklets tilling ' ter au empty Windoer frame, Win- ,' elcivr panta Were smarts in the Inkten in thciske day* of 'the Gold Bush and. the. chances *re that, 'refers the betties Were placed In the Opening, eittPer Ot hide was *lied to let the SO :rill it and keep Otifett possible ffit.the celd end rain. 'The "taken ' end itilaakt , are ihitt,fs deed. bath tufa:Mee thou - wade cif tbelriete trent the 'Milted States atid Chtnadith awl many ,teettesetts Weil,: take the Jeattiet aerate the Min thrtenght the, great Wheat' f the :poloist and hit ,.Ttnee - and Motet RobSen t peak the Roeleiles—to Vancouver and Prince Rupert where steamers equipnead with every modern deh tall take them through the In -i side Passage to the glantenrons. land of the Midnight Bun. The lower picture shove the. Prince Henri, newly ,construeted.:. ship of the Canadian National Steetaahips, which will make its first 'Voyage on this pophlar run from Vanoetiver Sult 3. daughter of the British Prim*, ?.fluister, it is the lira of three neve fiteamers tier the Canadian National Peelle 'Coast Serviee. Two others', the Prince tobert and the Prides DaVid Will ply be. The Priffee Retry Will stipple - Meat the Alaska Sercie0 already afforded let the CNS Prince same Ilne width hale beeome on the Patine Coast e km...twat-moron ..... murnmzullatIlm smarm. ate the ancient church of Englarid. See the Stock in Our - House Furnishing Department 3 DAY SPECIAL SALE May lst, 2nd, 3rd. See Special Window Display acens Vi the hills and defeated them The rescuers withdrew direct- ly victory was certain,hbet,since they enough to win a way for them with The outsta di i id FAVORITEHYMNS life preserved to us show that he -was fi a soldier Q1 some renown in the Ro- bore his cross and caned upon his .... eeeeeeieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ...... eeeen , man army, that he was a devoted name-, the British crusaders ascribed Lord God of Hosts, within whose: Christian, that he boldly defendhd their help' to St. George. He is said hand a e ore t e joint Rornan to have been buried at Lydda in Pal - 111ost congregations. This hymn could be appropriately 'used for Empire or Dominion Day 4 Emperors, that lie suffered marterr-lestine, where he was born and where ' Dominions rest on sea and land; ,The strength of nations is but breath: . Before whose word of life or heath dote, by beheading, for, having public-; he died. • ly and indignantly toin down a• not- i The -church council of Oxford in .;0 King, enthroned ail thrones above, ice posted in a public place, defeat- 1222 ordered that his day of martyr- ing the Christians and threatening ',then, '...aZPril 28rcl, should be obsetved I Give strength unto the land 1Ve love. them with death, in 303, and thet he'tes a holiday in England, and under Theeit Breath of Life since time beian left behind n rhernor es ot a noble dwar TIT S Geor e leas OrIlitall3 4 life spent in eedressing wrongs, and. '', recognized as the country's patron i Breathing upon the lips of man, race . defending weak innocence at great t saint. .,Hast taught each kindred peril. The Moharnmeciane also revere the true nighele .oldier ot right- value of St, George, and he is recog- „Limed word to sound Thy praise; 1 A eousness he evidently was, or never uized as a saint by all divisions of ' evatild his name have been so heener-, Christians. ' ally revered in as many countries,. The hymn printed herewith is ap-1 - The legend of his fight with a drag- propriate and devotional, and it will to resciee the maidens of a e'er- be noticed adopts the common sense in count*. from a daily or at least theory that the dragon St. George ON -- periodical toll of death, must have ,r threw was sin, the destroyer of in - is been founded upon some famous exelnocence. pipit of which history failed to keep ;' It was written bv Lawrence Hous - in this land, join, we Beseech - ;All hearts and lips in loyal speech, George our Saint Thou nave grace i'SVithout one fear all foes to face, And to confess by faithful death ,That Word. of Life which 117aS t 0 help es, Helper of caint George, record Some are inclined to believe distingeished as a novelist, bi- derived from ',ogmpher, poet and artist. Born in l To fear no bonds that man can forge. that the dragon was . Dagon, the ancient god of the Philis-11805, Mr. Housman, has produced a ns like him, who in Thil., trust f tines, and that a conflict St George 'Iong list of books his first being. geost iBeat down the dragon to the dust; had with the priests of his temple at ;;appropriately a collection of "The "So that we too may tread down sin Jaffa gave rise to the lee4nd. OtherslWritings of William Blake,” rnystic ';Ancl with Thy saints a crown may 1 thiuk that the dragon typified "that iwriter and painter.. He has published wilt. old serpent" the devil, or sin over- ,several volatiles of poems including ;Help us, 0 God, that we may be come by the ChAStiall. They Still ex- rtfendieant Rhymes" which won a IA land acceptable to Thee. - hibit at Jaffa the place on the rocke good deal of praise for the poet in ; where a huge monster was said to 9.906. He has also written many re - ! Most of the facts of the life a st. have beenechained. ligious books such as 'The Lord -of St. George is identified also th ,ehe Harvest7 "Nazareth," "The Heart 1George, patron saint ei the English 'lave beef(' Inst in the ceurse tinte. :lea perhoaprhioett oEf ifiijraehLuilt7ravIYelseaeruoug: ;'t6lhePheaesetell amndode'r•BneEthingelhies:111i:raattivuir: That he had no connectiori with the it havig been thought in the East ' PlaY." that that prophet who left this earth ,,, In fact Mr; Housman rePresentS rascally army tontractor or the Arian He came into tngEsh history 4/,_ their way into arefully compiled his world and for a time assumed He has written or transiated many the form of that saint. hYmas, some 'Thiel' have niade parently when near' the city of An- ',111trnn books—. ioch an army of British crusaders!' The tune of St. Chrysostom corn - Y a white cloaked scarlet crossed gattist sit i. Baritaby who died it helped in a terrible emergency i posed hy the celebrated English ot- P 'which bort down upon the ,Sar- iI898 stills' the w0tds, and is -Woeful ;bishop of the same name, confuened *his "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - is now generally agreed i upon. I Nor is there any connection, a Ilately it has been claimed,. betwee St. George and that Pope Gregory, Who Missionaries to reinvigor- Change in Personnel Appointment of W. 13. Roadhouse'," Deputy Minister of Agriculture, to the pest of Chairman of the Ontario Development Board, and the appoint- ment of a ‘new Deputy Minister in the person of James B, Fairbaire of Beat/Ise-die, hes heed anneereced the Hen. John. S. 'Martin, Minister of ekgriculture, Mr, Roadhouse has been acting chairentia of the Development Board since last summer, and Much of the tredit for the Snccessful work in 1929 -was due to his admieistrit- then, Mr. Roadhouse has been Depu- ty Minister for eighteen years. He entered the Ontario Civil service tnore than 21 years ago, and was from 1909 to 1912 secretary of the Department and. of the Ontario Gov- ernment Milk Commission. Mr. Fair- bairn, the new Deputy, Minister, has been actively engaged hiln farming, chiefly fruit growing, since 1911. In the past twelve years he has held many offices asSociated with the ag- ricultural industry'. In 1917 he wae president of the Ontario Experimen- tal Union; ie.1918-19 .president of the Beamsville Farmers' Club; in 1922, preeident of the 0. A. C. Alumni; 1922-23, preSident of the Nia.gara Peninsula Fruit Geowers' Asiociation. Mr,' Wetherell, sr.; madeea busitiess trip to Detroit this week, 111111.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 • POOL EGGS 12 Why Sell/Eggs at These Prices? al a Our trucks are on the road and we will 6 1 m glad to give you pick.up servio. is is is MI III IN IIII II III 111 III II 111 IN MI MI II 111 IIII Open Saturday Evenings. COMI)ANito LIMITED. VI/Ingham, Ontario. ilailliallaitaltittilltill1111111111011111.111011111111111110 it