HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-04-24, Page 8e quality of Salado is
e only premium offered
from the gardens'
Mr. and Mrs, Aldin Pardon of
Leamington, also her lather; Mr,
Goyeau and sister .Mks Vera, spent
the week -end at the htime of his par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Pardon, Miss
Vera is visiting here for some time.
Don't forget the Play "All of a Sud-
den" which will be presented by the
Young People of the United Church,
Bluevale, in the Institute Hall here
on Friday, May 2, under the auspices
of the WAS, of the United church.'
Miss Marion Simpson of Wingham
spent the week -end at ' the home of
Iter aunt, Mrs. Frank Henry.
ivirs. Roy Patton of Lucan spent
the week -end with her mother, Mrs.
A. Fox.
Mr. Melville Beecroft of Western
University, London, visited over the
holiday with his father, Mr. -john Bee-
croft, of E. Wawanosh.
Miss 1vVinnifred Farrier of Cedar
1 Minut,En>l Etch
DOCTORS bad terrible eczema. 'Soothe -
Silva' ended itching In 1 minute. Disease soon
art."—Mrs. J. Laurence. Stops itch, burn, pain
In 1 minute. Eczema goes for good is few days.
;QYia becomes clear, smooth. A11 Druggists.
Old Huron & Erie
can repay every dollar to its
.debenture owners and
depositors and still have the
large surplus of—
$7 600,000
Huron & Erie trustee
debentures earn 5'?o upon
$100 or more.
Applications are accepted by
SunworthyPaper c_
■,,a P 5
Several Patterns at 5c.
The Wallpaper Shop
Elmer Wilkinson
Ir11111m ninar11111111.1111111i itt11111eN1ci
Valley is spending 'her holidays at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
R. Farrier,
Miss Pauline Deed of Listowel vis-
ited over the week -end with her. par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs: Bert Reed..
Mr. and Mrs, Orval Newby and
Mr. Carl Lott` and Mr, Wesley Lott
of Attwood, spent the week -end at
the home of their parents, Mr, and
Mrs, Walter Lott.
\'Nord was received here on Mon-
day of the death of Mr. Lew. Wil-
liams of Blyth,. who had undergone
an operation: `in London from which
he did not recover. His wife, form-
erly Minnie Golley of Morris, sur-
vives, also one daughter, Many rela-
tives and, friends in this district ex-
tend sympathy to the bereaved fam-
Mr, and. Mrs. Albert Cameron and
fancily of Ashfield visited on' Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Purdon.
\Ir. and Mrs. Robert Stewart and
children of .Kinloss spent Sunday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mar-
Mr. Harry McClenaghan and child-
ren of-Belgrave, spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barbour.
Mr, Alec Middleton of Edinburgh,
Scotland, has been .helping Mr. J. D.
Beecroft with his seeding.
Miss Kathleen Ter -riff, Mr. Malcolm
;Ross of Toronto, and Mr. Cox, of
Palmerston, were visitors with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ross. Mr.
Ross, we are pleased to .report; is.
improving. nicely after his long heavy
illness.. -
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Nicholson
and sun of Auburn visited on Sunday
with her sister, Mrs. George'bMcClen-
Alec Coulter,son of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Coulter, has been laid up
wvith an attack of lmcumonia. He is
improving now, Miss Isabel has also
been laid up.
Mrs. Jas, E. Robinson and Frances
of Wingham spent Friday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft.
The Young I'.eople's Society and
Mission Hand of the United Church
. I
areholding h o dn��• a social evening in the
church basement on Friday evening;
April 25. Everyone welcome.
Mr. F. MIcK. Paterson left last
Wednesday to visit with his sisters,
in Toronto over the holidays
Mrs. Robert S. 1?urdon visited last
Tuesdayn t
a tI her Parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Archie Anderson of St, Helens.
Miss bertha Mackay and Mr. Carl
Judson of Stratford, spent Sunday
.f IVS.sels, spent Sunday with their
daughter, Mrs Walter Lott.
Mrs, Eli Jacques spent
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.Fred Davi,
5011. •
Mrs, lance Gram Sunday.
with Mrs, Jack Casein ore of Turt 7
Miss llarbara Weir and her broth, -
e , are spending their holidays in
faintlton tvit:h their sister and other
Mr. Wmn, Falconer 'of Langside, and
Mrand Mrs. I ester Falconer of Ctak
robs and Mrs. Mason and daughters,
and son, Charles, of W'tngliam, were
Sunday visitors with. Mr. and IvILrs.
John Falconer.
Mr, Fred. Clubb of St. ivtarys and
Mr. and Mrs, Fred ;Harris and child-,
ran front St. Marys spent the week-
end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Clubb. h '
Miss Annie Kennedy of .London,.
visited over the week -end withher
parents, I1 -Mr. and Mrs- David Ken-
Mrs, Walter Mason and family, and
Miss Baird of Blyth, visited on Sun-
day with Mr, and Mrs. Victor Einer -
Mrs. Milton McBurney and Baugh
ter of Windsor were hone attending
the funeral of her uncle, Mr. Robert
Sh:..:1 of Wingham.
Mrs. John D.' Ross of Huron twp.,
spent a .few days last week at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
David Farrier.
IIMr. Matthew Scott .of Calgary, art
rived here on Thursday to visit with
his father, Mr. Scott, who has been
very ill for some time, and who is
gradually getting weaker. He return
ecl to Calgary on Monday.
Mrs. Alec , Reid returned to her
home in the village on Friday, She
was accompanied by Mr.- and Mrs.
Russel Reid of Brantford and Mrs,
Will Reid of Paris, who returned to
their homes on Saturday.
Rev. j. Pollock and' son, Rhys, mot-
ored to Rochester, N.Y., and are vis-
iting with relatives there.:.
Miss Mayville Scott of Toronto,
visited on Sunday With Ida McQuoid.
Mr. and Mrs. John MacGregor of
Acton visited with Mrs. A Emerson
and Mrs. 13. S. Naylor last week af-
ter attending the funeral of Mr, R.
Shiell of Wingham.
Mrs, John Haggitt ,of Blyth is vis-
iting with her mother, Mrs, Emerson.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newiriari and
son, Donald of Hamilton, spentthe
week -end with Mr. and Mrs. 13; Nay-
Mr. Thos. Gaunt purchased the
Chevrolet sedan owned by the late
Dr. ferric.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. MacDonald of
Guelph visited on Saturday with Mr.
and Mrs. Malcolm Ross,
Master Billie Tiffin is visiting with
his uncle, Mr, Dan MacDonald of
I„ ucknow,
Miss Mabel Johnston of Elora is
Spending her holidays at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack johns-
- tat,
\irs, MacGregor anent last week
with daughter, ughter, Mrs. Jack Hender-
son, of Paramount. Mr. and Mrs.
Henderson are moving from their
farm to one nearer • to :Paramount.
There passed away at his home in
Wingham a fine .old 'man, in the per-
son of Mr, Robert Shiell, in his eigh-
ty-third year. He Was a pioneer of
East Wawvaeosh and spent most of
his life on his farm, now owned by
his son, Greg., on the 10th eon. He
was always a man of his word, up-
right in all his dealings and will long
be remembered as a splendid Bible
'Class teacher, as he had a wonderful
memory stored with splendid gems of
thought, lie'" was taken 111 before
Christmas and has since been confin-
,ed to his bed. Ile leaves to mourn
Mini, his wife and two sons, Andrew
and MacGregor, also one sister, Mrs.
Albert. Rintoul, who helped to nurse -
him; and one'brother, John; of East
\'Vawanoslt. He was buried on Fri-
day, his pastor, Rev. 5. Davison of
the united' Church taking the sere
ices at the church and grave. .Chis
community extends sympathy to the
bereaved family.
Mr, and Mrs. Jack MacGregor of
Acton were here for the funeraland
visited with other relatives here.
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Hec-
tor Mackay. . ,Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Mackay and babe of Wingham, • also
spent Sunday there.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gillespie and
Donald spent Easter with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins of Holyrood.
Master Tommy Lee of Toronto:is
spending the holidays with his uncle,
1,[r.- Kenneth Weaver.
Mr. and .Mrs. Cha;. Mackay of
11!■■■i■■11■11,1111■■■■1111■11011■■!t■111■11■11111 r■!
■ Thursday, Friday, Saturday, April 24, 25 and 26
Two Shows each night, starting at 8 p,m.
Admission—Adults 35c, Children 20c.
Monday, .Tuesday, April 28th and 29th
Ramon Navaro
Anita Page
hn -=--
Wednesday, Thursday, April. 30th May lit
Lila Lee
Warner Rh:hmand
N !
• ■
r�r�ll l rr�wurr;�w�w l u.u.�lusiu■�1si.iiu.u�11���
The pupils of school section No, 1,
Howick, have organized a Bird Pro-
tection Society. This society has its
headquarters at Hamilton, and is
known as the T•Iantilton 'Bird Protec-
tion Society. There are a great num-
ber of these societies in Canada and
the United States. If others who read
this want to join this society write to
the Hamilton Bird Protection Soi:iety,
Hamilton, (ant, They will send you
information on .how to form a club,
It costs just l0c to be a member,
Besides being a member you, get 6
beautiful pamphlets of birds painted,
and 6 that are to be painted by you.
You also get a pin with the name of
the society ort it, For the last 6
weeps Uncle Jack . Miner. has been
speaking over the radio, and is mtich
in favour of it ititnself.
The. Easter Tliankofferinj meeting
of the W,M.S, of Knox United ehttrclt
was held la the basement of the
church the president presiding. The
meeting- opened by surging atynnn 100
follon'ed bythe Lord's prayer in pri-
son, P11 eparation for Easter Thank -
Offering "He is counting on you" was
'given by Mrs. Chamney and Mrs,
Millet This was followed by respon-
sive reading; from .differe.nt• chapters
carr}�1rat, out ilio. Easter thought The
lSecretary, J1+ is 5, Wheeler, read a
Call for Prayer for far off China and
Japan, Cela Coultes then sang an .ap-
propriate solo "Jusf a little help from
you." The Scripture lesson, Psaliri 90
was given by Mrs, J, A. Geddes,fol-
lowed by leaflet "Easter Chimes" by
Mrs, Seobie; after singing hymn 220,
Mrs, Wilkinson closed the meeting
with prayer.
.The Belgrave branch of thg Wo-
men's. Institute int at the home of
hers. Herb Wheeler an Tuesday when
they held their regular monthly Meet-
ing, The president, Mrs. Carl Proct-
er, was in charge of the meeting
which was opened in the usual way.
Several items of business were dealt
with, after which a very interesting
program Was enjoyed. A ,very ap-
propriate paper entitled "Spring," was
given by Mrs. Jesse' Wheeler and was
much appreciated. This was followed
by several short poems dealing with
the beauty of spring, Miss Veltna
Wheeler gave•a Piano so`l'o. The meet-
ing closed by singing the National
Anthem, after which lunch was serv-
ed by the hostess, assisted by Mrs.
J. M. Conites and Mrs: Carl Procter.
The speaker from the department
will be present at the Next meeting
and all are incited to be present.
Mrs: C. R. Coultes, Jim and; Mabel.
are spending the holidays with re-
latives itt Detroit.
Miss Cela Coultes is spending a
week with her sister, Mrs. \Mitchell,
at .Rothsay:
Miss Louise McKenzie 'is visiting
with relatives in Windsor.
Mrs. M. Robertson of Rockwood
is visiting with her dt tighter, Mrs.
Orval Taylor.
Miss Stuart is spending the raca
tion at her home.
Goldie Wheeler of. Stratford Nor-
mal School is home for the Easter
Miss Ruth Cole' is visiting at her
h here.`
Fanners are convnencing their
spring work on the land. '
'number of ladies from Knox Unit-
ed Church attended the special East-
er meeting of, the :Vvotnen's Mission-
ary. Society- tri Wingham on 'Wednes-
Easy .t
Quick! Glycerin
Mix For Constipation
Simple glycerin, buckthorn bark,
saline,e etc.,
as mixed in Adleri.a, re-
lieves constipation ,in TWO hours!
Most medicines act on only lower
bowel, "but Adlerrka act on BOTH
upper and lower bowel, removing.
poisons you -never thought were in
your system. Just ONE spoonful re-
lieves GAS, sour stomach and sick
headache. Let Adlerika give stomach
and bowels a REAL cleaning and
see how good you feel! McKihbon's
Drug Store ' 2
\MIr, and Mrs,' Chas. Coulter and
Miss Grace of Liston -el spent Sunday
with. Mrs. Snell.
Mr. Norman ]:-fall is spending the
Easter holidays with his aunt, Mrs.
Jas. Masters,
On Sunday .morning Mrs. (Rev.)
Bolingbrokb of Wroxeter' occupied,
the pulpit in the United Church here
and gave a very fine address on,the
work of :the W.M.S. which was lurch
appreciated by all present.
Mr. and Mrs. s. Neil Robb of Strutt
fords visited with friends here on Sun-
- The stork left a 'fine baby boy at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, Stanley
Gallaher an Saturday.
btirs, Arthur Shaw is at 'Toronto
attending the funeral of a relative.
A very pleasant social .time was
enjoyed. an Good Friday evening at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter: S.
McEwen when the choir and a niurt-
ber of the young people of Knox
e b t .
s y cr�an Church were entertain-
ed. The evening was spent in play-
ing games and instrumental and,svocal
music. The young people greatly ap-
preciate the hospitality of Mr. and
Mrs. McEwen and all present pro-
nounce the social evening a real suc-
The Executive Committee of the
Literary Society held a meeting on
Saturday evening at the home of Mrs,
I2.. F. Garniss when it was decided
to purchase .Geo.. McDonald's piano
which will be tuned and regulated and
put, in first class condition by. J, C.
Blackstone of Owen Sound, The
piano will be placed in the Foresters'
Hail for use there and the square
piano will be offered for sale.
Robert acid Janet Hogg, Thos. and
Chas. Dickson and- Miss Watson, of
Seaforth were Sunday visitors with
Thws't ,Yi'Abri
24th, I9;341
isi■••■•••■•■■■i ■..aasiu1'aauu■uNMui i ai uiuu10iusuiiiiaiasriisl
■ . x
T �-^ Of
Spring Coats, s. Dresses and Hats
■ Come in and make your choice early when the sizes are complete.
■ Trefousse Kid Gloves Nemo Flex Corsets and Girdles.
• •■
■ .
Mr. _and Mrs. A. 13. Scott.
The Easter meeting of the W.M.S.
of the United Church was held in
the schoolroom ort -Tuesday, April
15th with the President, Mrs. Ed.
Johnston, in the chair. There was a
large attendance, forty of the ladies
being present, Solos were sung by.
Mrs. A.. Mann and Miss Beatrice
Thornton. Mrs. Fell gave the read-
ing "Easter Chimes" and Mrs, Cur-
tis read "The Ideal W.M.S. Member"
after which the Watchtower was giv-
en, Orientals, Mrs, R, McLennan;
Temperance, Mrs. L. Jewitt; South
China, Mrs. 5. Breckenridge, Mrs. W.
McGill read the leaflet "Persecutions
then and now" and Mrs. G. Gannett
gave a fine synopsis of the, 4th chap.
of, the F •ly hook', while Mrs.' A.
Shaw vorufteered to take the 5th
chapter at our' next meeting. Mrs, R.
Shaw was anointed delegate to the
Presbyterial to be held at Seaforth on`
April 3011i. Mr, Mann closed the
meeting with prayer, after which a
social half hour was spent, lunch be-
ing served by the ladies .ot the Aux-
Quite a nember of the members of
the W.M.S. of the Bluevale •U.lnitecl
Church attended the Easter meeting
of the 'W.M.S. of the United Church,
l'Vingharn, on April 16th, and enjoyed
a very pleasant afternoon.
The following is the School Report
of S. S. No. 9, Turnberry. The stand-
ing is given in percentage.
Forni.V-Geo. Wheeler.
Jr, IV—Joe Higgins 85, Mary Van-
stone,. 79, Mary Powell 78, Mary
Wright 74, jean \McBurney, 69.
Sr. III—Stanley `Douglas 74.
Jr. III—Edith Weir 64, Jack Me -
Burney 62.
Sr. II --Andrew Douglas 50.
Jr. II—Marguerite Henning 79.
Jr. I—Pe} eral Breen.
Total enrolment; 12; average at-
tendance 11.5.
Gladys M. Huttoh, Teacher.
the crushed material• on. the road at derson $30:75; John Craig $25,131 F.
so much per yard, contractor to lair
dish men and cartage to deliver the
crushed material, to furnish a 10%
bond of estimated contract and to be
responsible for 25% of breakage in
the crusher; the work tobe done on
West end of "Concession 7, the long-
est haul to be 3.1 miles from the
The- following accounts were paid:
Indigent funeral expenses $60.00; Iv-
an McArter, winter road $5.00; patrol-
Beirnes $22,00; J. P. Kelly $17.25;
Earnest Noble $16.40; Rus Slander -
cock, McKillop br. $5.50, Millet br,,
$11.50; W. C. Thuell $4.60; Len Jew-
itt $1.75; Martin Garniss $17.62; Ed.
Johnston $8.35; . Frank Little $21,25;
Stewart Procter $1.00; Chas. Work-
man $24,25.
The Council will meet as a Court
of Revision on the Assessment Roll
on Monday, May 26th, 1930.
A. MacEwen, Clern.
melNiiiiit ie1had1cU1111111111ti11111l11tlIKI1e1IMINII11Ii1■1111111111111111e111111111111111111111tr
We have an excellent selection of
At most moderate prices, for the Brown leather kind with
Panco or Goodyear soles, as low as.
Very superior'quality work boots in Soft pliable kip, in all
sizes for men and absolutely guaranteed; at per pair
a And we must not overlook the kind with the Goodyear _
— welted soles, no nails, no thread, absolute cornfort. Just like the
F. kind the writer's Daddy used to make, and we feel justified in say-
! —
ing they are just as good and that is saying "a lot". ' �_
a . . This extra quality Goodyear welt sewed, for actual wear and ,
comfort are 'the best value we have to offer in Work Boots, and 1
7 the price is, per pair
i $6.00
's a Q Willis' .Shoe Store, 'Phone 129, Wingham
The Enna Jettick Shoe Shoppe. � PP . :�
Ilmmell o 1 u I111111I1111Ie11111Aeltle!11eme Nomo IIei11/1t1m111ona Um1 eme11111ilerlllrlII
S. S. No. 11, East Wawanosh
The following are the results of
the Easter 'Pests of S. S. No, 11, E.
Number represents per cent. of to-
Sr. IV—Robert Scott 76, Roy Pat-
tison 68, Cecil Armstrong 58.
Sr. III—Dwight Reid 86, Creighton
Reid 72, Stanley Irwin 70, Howard
Irwin 47.`
Jr. 'III—IIenry ,Pattison 68, .Anne.
Scott 53.
Sr. I. --Willa Reid, 87, • Dicl,: Irwin
86,.. Helen 'Thompson 80.
Primer -June Irwin.
Mary H. Vipond,, Teacher.
Don't forget the 8 -act comedy-!
drama "Only Sally Ann" to be pres-
ented in the T3cltnori: Comniutiityj
Hall by the young people of S. S.
No.,. 5, Turnberry, under the. auspices
of' the Beltnore Women's Institute,
on 'Friday evening of this week, Ap-
ril 25th, Everybody welcome,
Minutes of Council meeting held in
the Township Hall, Morris, on Mon-
day, April 14th, 1930.
Members all present, the Reeve pre-
The minutes of the last meeting
were read and adopted,
Moved by Watson and Brown that
Duke Gordan be appointed Weed In-
spector .for the present year. The. De-
partment does not allow a patrolman'
appointed as weed inspector, Salary
50 cents ,an hour 'employed, inspector
to furnish his own transportation.
Itxwas decided to advertise for ten-
ders for the construction of the Mc-
Nichol and Phelan Drains and Clerk
was instructed to prepare Debentures
in connection with these drains.
On motion of Brydges and Brown
it was decided to advertise for tend-
ers to work the crusher and deliver
WE take pleasure
in announcing that we have been suc-
cessful in securing the franchise in this
territory for "ROYAL YORK",tailored-
to-measure clothes.-
lothesThis new line 'of tailored -to -measure
suits and overcoats is made by Canada`s
oldest clothing house to meet the
increasing demand for a high-grade
garment at $27.50.
At this price we believe we offer the
public a dollar for dollar value never
beFore reached.
We can guarantee that the Finest of
Woollen fabrics, in the newest and most
popular colors constitute the materials
used in the , making of "'ROYAL
YORK" suits and overcoats. Only the
best of workmanship will be Found in.
their construction.
We invite tyou tocomestore
to our
and inspect the new `ROYAL YORK
models and samples.
to •mlwu .,,yl:wwxn is