HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-04-24, Page 7Hints For Homebodies Written for The Advance:Tirr»es Jessie Allen Brown Pl inctuaiity Punctuality is a habit, and a most desirable one. We all know the hab- itually late persona It is .the same ones who are always late for church, their children are late for school, and you can depend on them to never be o11 time. If they are due at a committee meeting, the meeting is certain to be field up waiting for their arrival. We wait time after time, at a Bridge par- ty for the some 'woman to arrive be- fore the party' can begin. Sometimes lateness is a matter of indifference. They do not care wheth- er other people are delayed or not,. so long as they suit their own con- venience, More often the chronic late is an incurable optimist. They think that they can do this, that and the other thing, before it is time to go -and they never can, consequently,. they are late. Lateness is really a form of selfishness. There are times when it just seems impossible to be on thne-but that•should only happen occasionally. Give your children the habit of punctuality, both by precept and training. The Food Without a Substitute Spring and early summer frequent- ly find children and adults possessing, thatwell-known `tired feeling'. Ex- aminations and extra school work are in store for many young folks, and it is up to the mother to put the child in the hest physical- condition poss- ible, to stand tPie strain. Most moth ers are - anxious to do this, ° btlt do not always know the best way to ac- complish it. Togive your family • its full com- plement oal plea ent of milk, is one of the best way of accomplishing this. Are you using 1 quart for each child, and 1 pint for each adult? If not, you ought to b The milk bill should equal the niea bill. 1 t ll. is not valuable for its calories U ICS alone, r because eause almost an food can P i n s t n s t, C Meat i give you calories, It is valuable be- cause it contains all the vitamins and all the minerals, with the exception of iron. There is no other food that will do this, and that is why there is no other food that is an effective substitute for milk, Many a Y P ea Ple will say that they can- not drink milk, or that their children will not drink milk, and so on. If your children actually dislike milk so that they cannot drink it, say nothing about it, but give it to them in their food. Puddings and desserts of all kinds, soups, sauces, cakes and even cereals may be cooked in milk. You get: better valaie for the money that is spent in milk, than on any other food. Butter The amount of vitamins in milk and butter varies with the food the cow gets. The snore sunshine, the more vitamins, Doctors have been ad- vising that expectant mothers take SPRING DAYS are new -life days Now that the body is bounding into new life after the shut -in -days of winter -don't load it down with: heavy, indigestible foods. Shredded Wheat is the energy -food that supplies the vital food elements of the whole wheat grain in a digestible form-- vitamins, mineral salts and proteins. Eat it with milk for breakfast and see how it carries you through the fore- noon without fatigue. HRED HEAT WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT THE CANADIAN SHRDD ED WHEAT COMPANY. L ria.T.. cod-liver oil, to give them vitamin 1) 'which acts itt conjunction with the :calcium and phosporus to snake good 'bones and teeth. Many women find it impossible to retain the cod-liver oil. Experiments have been i:arried out, in substituting better for cod, liver oil, with most excellent results, It was found that the babies hacl firm bones and the teeth of the mo- thers were in good condition. De- tails of the experiments are not at hand, but I hope to learn More about it, and will pass it un to you. Ex- pectant mothers cannot be advised too strongly to take their full quota of milk, use butter freely, and take cod-liver oil if possible. Gelatine and milk stake a healthful combination, as the proteids in the gelatine supplement those in the, milk. Most children like gelatine des- serts. Spanish Cream 1 tablespoon gelatine 2 egg yolks 3 cups milk -3 egg whites 1 teaspoon vanilla z cup sugar 118 teaspoon salt Soak gelatine in cold water to com- er, for 5 minutes. Scald milk, pour slowly over beaten egg yolks, return;. to double boiler, add sugar and Vela,.- tine. Cook until thickened, stirring. Remove, add salt, vanilla, and beaten egg whites. Pour into a mould and chill. Vegetable Chowder Adel to a can of vegetable soup an equal quantity of milk and 1 teaspoon. butter. Heat slowly, and serve with croutons. Croutons Cut thick slices of bread' in cubes. l'ut in a single layer in a pan and put in moderate coven, until dry and nice- ly browned. Croutons may be butter- ed before browning-. •.aryl, F,t. _.. by ART-HUR SOMERS ROCHE The Strangest Romance Ever Written - e THE STORY OF A GIRL WHO MARRIES THE MAN SHE HATES! NEVER WAS. THERE A MORE EXCITING, THILL- ING, INTRIGUING STORY -AND IT'S BY THAT GREAT ACE OF STORY TELLERS, ARTHUR SOMERS ROCHE. STARTING THIS WEED READ IT EVERY WEEK _IN he Advance=Times ,: WINGHAM,ONTARIO Tilos4 , April 24th, 1.93O" -----''..*------.--‘111111111111111111'1' .AaRANY ra COUNCILSTANDARD f'rrRA HEAVY C1101,6 Crops,' property and livestock 'de- stroyed by fire and lightning last year amounted to more than $2,000,000 in Ontario, That's one of the reasons so many farmers, are now using RIB -ROLL -the original new -style roofing. It defies fire, eliminates up -keep, increases property values and lasts a lifetime. Pro- tected against Lightning when properly grounded and equipped with Preston Pointed Ventilators -as required by the Lightning Rod Act. Each sheet has seven ribs -a nail every five inches. It.is wonderfully easy and inexpensive to lay. Made of, the famous "Council Standard" quality.: Under the most severe weather conditions RIB -ROLL keeps every building on the farm safe and secure. Use RibaRoff Roofing and Preston Led.lied (Nails RIB -ROLL' and PRESTON LED -HED nails form an unbeatable roofing combination. The nails are scientifically designed to use with metal roofing. No punching or threading required. Remarkably easy and speedy to use. The lead on the head com- pletelyseals the nail hole -making it rust -proof, weatherproof and. a waterproof. to roof. r' for Write free sample of RIB -ROLL and PRESTON LED -HED NAILS. Preston Steel Truss Barns No barn made equals the strength and fire re REE Fsisting qualities of the PRESTON STEEL TRUSS SCG BARN. Built with th rugged Steel Trusses. Braced against wind pressure from every angle. No cum -Bon bersome cross -beams. Weil ventilated, well lighted. More than 1,000 in Ontario -not one lost through "The Preston lightning. We use your timbers and make liberal Book About allowances for them. Barns" is worth money to you. Gives a world Preston Barn Ventilators of information Abolish danger of spontaneous combustion, Use about modern Preston ventilators for roof, side wall adjustable barn building. windows and wide doors. They draw out the Write for it. warm, moist air and ensure proper ventilation. Guelph St., Preston, Ont. Sleel Fmducts. Tliteci) Toronto and Montreal , Inquire about our attractive ,special terms on Win4er Shipments PRESTON STEEL TRUSS °B BARNS, 9 LIGNTN.;I.NG HASN'T,,ISEST'IOYED'ONEI HIGH 'SCHOOL EASTER TESTS FORM IIA English Literature 'Class I -J. Pattison, J. Schaffter, A, Adonis, M. Rae, R. ;Thompson, V. Biffin, A. McGillivray, E. Weir. Class 1i -A. McLean,1). Walker, -SP. Deans, H. McBurney, M. Moore), (r1,. Moir, W. Moir). 'Class IIT -C. Farrier. Pass -L. Robertson, V. Broomer, J. King, J. Woods. .Fail -A. Coultes, W. Cruikshank. English Composition. Class I-V. ''Tiffin, A. McLean, (D. Deans, E. :Weir), (W. Moir, L. Rob- 'ertson, D. 1Walker), J. Pattison, A. �aldcGil livray. Class I1 -R. Thompson, J. King, (A. Adams, V. Broomer H. McBur- ney), M. Rae, C. Farrier, M. Moore. Class 111 - (W. Cruikshank, J. Woods), A. Moir, J. Schaffter. Pass -A. Coolies. Geometry Class 1-(J. Pattison, C. Farrier), (M. Rae, D. Walker), (E. Rae A. Moir), (V. Tiffin, A. Adapts). Class TI -H. McBurney, 0. Tiffin, (E. Weir, A. McGillivray, R. Thomp- son, 1). Deans), M. Moore. Class III -(W, Moir, J. Schaffter), J. Woods, A. Coultes, V. T3roonzer, K. Fry. Pass -A. McLean, L. Robertson. a t.. Fail -W.- Cruikshank, J. King, -.M.. Nicholson, Arithmetic Class T -M. Moore, A. Adams, J. Pattison. , Wash Day Is Easy Now Particularly if you have. a modern Connor E1ec tris' `Washer in your home. No tearing of clothes, no back -break- ing work. Just fill the tub with hot water, drop in the, clothes, turn a switch and"the work is done. vsgaMS4.`?-,:, i Wingham Utilities Commission Crawford Block. Phone 156. Class 11- A. Moir, J. King, W. MMloir,, D. Deans, V. Tiffin, Vass -R, Thompson, L. Robinson; J. Schaffter, A., Co i1tes, A. McGilli- vray, A. MacLean, C. Farrier, H. Mc- Burney, D. Walker. hail --J, Woods, W. Cruitcsitattic,':V. Browner, i\& Rae. French'. Class 1-(A, 1Vloir, V, Tiffin), R. `l:Thompson, C. Farrier, A. Adams, (H, McBurney, A, MacLean). Class II -J. Pattison, (A. McGilliv- ray, E. Weir), M. Moore, (D. Deans, W. Moir). Class III -M. Rae, ' D. Walker, J. Ding, (A, Coultes, i ,. Robertson). P. ass-Janel; Woods, D. King, Fail -V. .Broomer, J, Schaffter. Grammar Class I ---D, Deans, J. Pattison, C. Farrier,D, 'Walker, M. Moore, V. Tif- fin, J. Schaffter. Class II -A. MacLean, H. McBur- ney, A. McGillivray, R. Thompson, A. Moir, V. Broomer, A, Adams; J. King. Class I11 -L. Robertson, M, Rae. Pass W. Moir, ,A. Coultes, J.. Woods, - - Fail --33. Cruikshank;" , Latin Class I -C. Farrier, V, Tiffin. Class 'II- A. Moir, M. Rae, R. Thompson. Class III -D. Deans. Pass-H.•McBurney, A, Coulter, M. Moore. Fail -A. MacLean, J, Pattison, J. Schaffter, E. Weir, J, King, A. Mc- Gillivray, W. Moir, A. Adams, L. Robertson, D. King, R, Robinson, D. Walker, B. Broomer. Zoology Class. 1-A. MacLean, (1V. Cruik- shank, C. Farrier), .(A, McGillivray, J. ,Pattison), (A. Coultes, D. Walker), (A. Adams, E. Weir). Class II -V. Tiffin, (D. Deans, M. Moore), J. Schaffter. Class ass`TII-H, McBurney. Pass -R. Thompson, V. Broomer, M. Rae, L. Robertson. Physiography Class I -(C. Farrier, M. Moore, J. Pattison), A. McGillivray, ), ( A. Moir), (A. Coultes, D. Walker), V. Tiffin, A. Adams, (D. Deans, W. Moir). Class II -W, Cruikshank, J. Schaf- fter, (R. Thompson, E. 'Weir). Class III -A. MacLean ,J. King. Pass -M. Rae, H. McBurney. hail -J .Woocls, L. Robertson, V. 13roomcr. FORM IIB English Literature -� Class 1--J. Fortune, (M. Dobie, K. Lott). Class II -H. Fry, (R. Chettleburgh, S, Mitchell), V. Fry. Class III -D. Pollock, E. Metcalfe. I Vass- (G. Aitchison, D. Fixter), (H. Beattie, J. Herd), M. Cantclon, E. Johnston. Fail -M, Scobie, M. Nicholson, J. St. Marie, T. Kelly, M. St. Marie, E. Hamilton. • English Composition Class 1-R. Chettleburgh,. K. Lott. Class II -(M. Cantelon, M. Dobie, T). Pollock), H. Beattie. Class III -E. Metcalfe, (5. Herd, E, Johnston, 1:). ;Fixter), I. Kelly, J. Fortune, . Vass -H. Fry, S. Mitchell, (V. Fry, M. Scobie). Fail -J. St, Marie, E. Hamilton, M. St. Marie, M. Nicholson, G. Aitchison. Geometry Class III -I. Kelly, M, Cantelon, D. Pollock, C. Johnston, J. St. Marie. Pass - M. Dobie, H. Beattie, E. Metcalfe, V. Fry. Fail -M. St. Marie, I. Herd, J. For- tune, E. Johnston, R. Chettleburgh, D, : Fixter, S. Mitchell, G. Aitchison, H. Fry, K. Lott, E. Haihiltan, .M. Scohi e. Grammar Class 1---L Kelly. Class III -M. St. Marie,D.,:Pollock, T. Fortune. Pass -J. St, Marie, H. ;Beattie, M, Dobie, S. Mitchell, Fail -j. Herd, E. 1-Iamilton, 1'. Met calfe, R. Chettleburgh, K. Lott, V. Fry, M. Milligan, E. Johnston, M. Scobie, C. Johnston, M, Cantelon, D. Fixter, G. Aitchison, H. Fry. Latin Class' 1-,I. Kelly, Class T1-5. Fortune, V. Fry, J.' St. Marie. Class 111-J. Herd. Pass -E. Metcalfe, D. Pollock, M. Dobie, C. Johnston. Fail E. Johnston, M. Scobie, M, St. Marie, R. Harrison, E. Hamilton, S. Mitchell, H. Fry, French Pas -H. Beattie, J. Herd, V. Fry, E. Metcalfe, (R, Harrison, I kelly), Fail -J. St. Marie, J. Fortune E. Johnston, F. Ford, D. Pollock, M. St, Marie, (M. Dobie, M. Scobie, K. Lott), C. Johnston, M. Cantelott, Physiography Pass -E. Metcalfe, L Felly, (5, For - time, J. St, Marie), (E. Johnston, S. Mitchell), (M, Cantelon, D. Fixter)., Fail -M. Scobie, K. Lott, R. CNet- tleburgh, J Herd, 1). Pollock, M. Dobie, 14. Beattie, V. Fry, (H. 'Fry, E. Hamilton), M. St. Marie, Zoology Class 1.-M, ]Dobie. WINGHAM ADV, N'CE-" IM.L,a Class 11 M, Cantelon, Class II :1. Metcalfe, (J. 'Berl, J. I+ortune), Vaas-S, Mitchell, 1v1, Scobie, I3;, Beattie, (G, Aitchison, R. Clwettle- burgh, ;H. Johnson), K, Lott, .,Pixter, 1). Pollock, M. St. Marie, 1. Kelly, J. St. Marie, (V. Fry, E. Hamilton), H. Fry, Arithmetic Pass -A, Vttrdon, E. Jerking, J. Herd, I. Kelly, l+ail. -. M. Cantelon, ]J, Fixter, J. Fortune, N. McGee, H. Beattie, J. St. Marie, J. Coulter, 1). Pollock, H. Fry, (G, Aitcliosn, V. Ery, E. Johnson), M. St. Marie, E, Metcalfe, M. Dobie, E. Hamilton, M, Ssocbie, M, Alilligatt, K, Lott. FORM I English Literature Class I -J. Pollock, J. Weir. Class :11-J'. Thompson, H. Fuller, J. Wheeler, M, Phippen. Class 111-5. Beninger, (E. Gray, H. Manu), ,1•I. Mundell, J. 'Arbuckle, 14. Robertson. Pass -C. McLean, R. King, R, For- sythe, (A. Purdon, M. Stewart), (G. Henderson, D, Nicholson). Fail -M. Mason, H. Roth), D. Ait- chison, (E. Dickson, E. Small), J, McKenzie, M. Irwin, F. Howson, G. Smith. English Composition Class I -J. Pollock; H. Fuller, (M. Stewart, J. Weir), Class II -(J.. Arbuckle, M. Robert- son, H. Mundell), H. Mann, C. Mc- Lean, M. Phippen. • Class .III -(E. Gray, R. King, G. Smith),. (M. Hamilton, J. Thompson, Wheeler), ID. Aitchison, (J. Bellinger, F. Howson, J. McKenzie), (R. 'For- sythe, M. Irwin, E. Small). ' Pass- H. Roth, M, Mason, (E. Dickson, G. Henderson, A. Purdon). Fail -D. Nicholson. Geography Class 1 - J. Pollock, '. Weir, 5, Thompson, M. Robertson. Class .11-14.'Roth, (J. i3eninger, H. Fuller), F. Gray, J. Wheeler. Class III - F. Howson, H. Mann, G. Henderson. Pass --(C. McLean, M. Stewart), H. Mundell, M. Phippen, J. Arbuckle, (A, Purdon, G. Smith). Fail -D. Nicholson, M. Mason, E. Small, E. • Dickson, (:11. Irwin, R, Ring), (R. Forsythe, J. McKenzie), (D. Dickson, M. Hamilton). French Class I -M. Phipperi, (M. Robert- son, J. Wheeler), A. Purdon. Class II -J. Arbuckle, J. Pollock, C. McLean, J. Thompson. Class IIT --(E. Dickson, J \Veir), (H. Roth, M. Stewart), Pass -(R. Chettleburgh, H. Fuller, 1I. Hamilton, D. Nicholson, H. Mann, W. Cruilr'shank. Pail (M. Irwin; G. Smith), S. Mitchell, G. Henderson, E. Small, R. Ring, R. Forsythe, F. Howson, J. Mc- Kenzie, 1). Aitchison, (J, Beninger, H. Mandell), M. Mason, F. Gray. Botany Class 1:-J. Thompson. Class II -\I, Phippen, M. Stewart, C. McLean, 1. Pollock, M. Robertson. Class T:1I-PI \-Tann 1-1 Roth Pass -J. Weir, J. Wheeler, H. Full- er, H. Mundell, (1?. Dickson, 1). Nich- olson). Fail -G. Smith, 1;. Gray, M. Mason, 1!. Howson, (I). Aitchison, J. Bening- er), G. Henderson, (M. Hamilton, J. McKenzie), (R. Forsythe, R.- King), J. Arbuckle, M. Irwin, E. Small, History Class I ---\d. Phippen, 3. Weir,' J Arbuckle, J: Pollock. Class 11-C, McLean J, Wheeler, Class 'L11 -A. Purdon, J. Thomp- son, H, Mann, t1T. Robertson. Pass - H. Roth, J. Beninger, J. Woods, M. Stewart, G. Henderson, H. Fuller, E. Gray. Fail - R. Forsythe, G. Smith, F. Howson, J, ,McKenzie,' H. Mundell, 1i. Mason, I. Kelly ,1:). Aitchison, E. Dickson, M. Hamiltun, R. King,' M. Lavin, 1). Nicholson, .E, Snrall. • Art Class 1-5. Wheeler, M, Robertson, 4. Phippen. Class 1I -J, 'Thompson, C. McLean, J. Arbuckle, M. Mason, 14. Mundell, G. Henderson. Class 111-14. Fuller, J, Weir,. G. Smith, E. Small, :1.7. Nicholson, D. Aitchison. Pass - H, Mann, E. Dickson, R. Forsythe, M. Stewart, A. Purdon, F. :Howson, E. Gray; R, King, 14, Roth, J. Pollock. Fail- .M, Irwin, NI:. Hamilton, J. Beringer, J. McKenzie Latin Class I -J. Wheeler, J. 'Pollock, M. Phippen, 5, Weir, M. Robertson, Class ,I1 -A. Purdon, C. McLean, Class I11 -J. Thompson, H. Roth. Pass -M. Stewart, H. Fuller, I+ail �D, Nicholson, H. Mundell, R. King, H, Mann, 1VI,..,Srlanlilton, 5, Bell- inger, - inger, F. Howson, Pan Cakes Pan calves and maple syrup! Sure signs of Spring! Try making pourp' att cakes With about a quarter cup of corn meal to each cup of floor,. It snakes thein nice and crisp. -if you like them that way.