HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-04-24, Page 4sistneelgettaftelPeefuss Here's at Shampoo which does not dry the hair and it removes Dandruff from the scalp. Klenzo. Cocoanut Oil Shampoo, Extra large bottle for 50c. ribbon s Drug Store 21‘ P, . '!73:114 wan 0 vvinAtm,v,23, veto. 4k1tAsi.. ``cwt sYtiliesSV 1. LYr137eY&YiliYrlBYA� $T►�9al-'`i I ' i 1i • . dC ist/aY1Ya�HYsl cents a wordpetinsertion. with. $. minimum Charge of 25c. BABY CHICKS and HATCHING Eggs,O.A.C. Barred Rocks at $20 per 100, and S. C. 'Whitt Leghorn at $118.00 fist April ltith mid 23rd, from ottr Own choice heavy laying pens. Omit Chicks may cost t little now, but in the end are much cheaper than lost priced chicles We' have money satisfied customers through the -country. May Rocks are $18.00; I:eghorn. $17.00 per 100. Reduction on large €11 antities Eggs $&.00 per 100. The.c prices at the farm. 'If ynu are in need of brood- er stoves, feeders and waterers, please remember I handle the fatu- ous Royal line, niiich we are using almost •exclusively, Can also sup-, ply .Purina chick feeds, C. G. Camp- bell, R. R. No. 2. Auburn, Plaine Blyth 10=24.. AUCTION SALE Take notice . that Thomas Fells, the undersigned auctioneer, has received !instructions from Mrs. Skelding, to sell by public auction at her house on Frances Street, Winghant,, Ont, at 'o'clock,on SATURDAY, APRIL 2Gth The following, Parlor Suite, Lounge, Hall Rack, Buffet, Large Mirror, 6 Dining Room `Chaos, Extension Table, .Large bur eau. Bed room suite; 2 Iron beds, 1 • rocking chair, baking cabinet, Electric Washing machine, 2 small tables, 1 • Quebec .Kitchens stove, Coal oil stove, garden tools, lawn mower, chiffonier, knives, forks and spoons, dishes kit open utensils, 1 Tent. TERMS -CAST -T. 'THOS. FELLS Auctioneer BUSINESS FOR S11l.-'Restataratit with Fish and Chips_ Cash and TWP. OF EAST WAWANOSH Notice to Drain Contractors Carry Grocery. Tea Rdom and Furxtiture. Milk .Route. 1'htlne Syd- ney Suty the, Market Lane, I.; mdttn.: • • • COTTAGE F( l T. RENT - First of May, apply to _Mr.. John Rogers, phone 625r28. FOR SALE -Good Clean Std Oita, t. Prince of\4aIts variety at JOc, per bis. Also some good, clean yellow street clover with scene red clover mixed with it at $5.00 per bas. Jas.! Forster, Lucknow. FOR SALE -- l arrsd Rock Baby' Clucks $16.00 per hundred; White Leghorn Baby Chicks $14.00 per; hundred. Two hundred or over of; either kinds, $1.00 per hundred less./ Hatching eggs :5.00 per Hundred. i TENDERS FOR COAL Custom hatching done, four cants to- per egg or four hundred set for, F7' TENDERS addressed the Purchasing Agent, Department artment of .�15,Oi1 ?Kew arid secniY<I hand in- p� t:talaatoas and brooders at, bargain Public \\corks, Ottawa, will be receiv pekes:Get your t,rder in now and : tel at his office until 12 o'clock noon, get deiivery whim yon want theta.. (daylight saving), Wednesday, May 7. increased 1930. .tor the supply of coal for the it.hatching _ T have aeon. z y cap i)uutiimaon Bualdtngs thrctiglh7nt ,the suety. Call. write or phone Duncan sovanre of Ontario, including x}se. Kennedy. Whitetehureh, Ont. Phone' f=ro in Ottawa. 611.r42. Forms of tender with si ectaleatiOchi Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up to Monday, May 12th, at 3 o'eldok, for the construction of the Killough, the V ightnan and the Elliott Drains in East Wawanosh, Plans and specifications of• the above drains may be seen at the clerk's of - lige `Amarked cheque far, 10% of almnint as an evidence of good faith on the part of the contractor to ac- ct,mpatty each tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ALEX. PORTERFIELD, Township Clerk, Belgrat-e: WING -HAM ADVANCE -TIMES. LADY HONORED ON 85t11 BIRTHDAY Ora sktondny, April 14, Mrs. Moore- head, :oore he d, Sr., received the congratula- tions from: pt bot of friends in Lis, towel• and vicinity= on having readied her eighty filth birthday recently. Mr., Moorehead has Lived in Listow- el for many, year's and is a highly res- pected pected resident, She is enjoying good health and •delights int cunning attwa street to visit her friends. In the afternoon her daughter-irt- ]aw, :Airs Jame: jtioor.eliead, helot a 'birthday party in her honor and about tt:n friends Were guests. A large birthday cake centred the table and a delicious sapper was seated, Mrs. Moorehead, Sr., was presented with flowers and gifts and she also receiv- ed an air mail message of•congratula- tions from her .neice in Moose Jaw, Sask., and a bintgtiet:•frons her syn, also in the West,. • Gladstone.Circle of the Presbyter- ian church . gave Mrs, Moorehead an- other Surprise in the evening when they gathered to extend their congrat- ulations: and presented her with a beautiful brooch. The presentation. was Made by Mrs. Robertson and .Mrs. Sam Johnston read the''following ad- dress, There were 35, present and luncheon was served. Dear Mrs. Moorehead. It is my pleasant' duty, on behalf of 'your. friends of Gladstone Ward Circle, as- sembled here tonight, to remind you that we. are mit forgetful of the fact that you have reached another Mile- stone in Life's journey., You have been .blessed with remar- kable degree of health and strength, which enabled jou to carry on and be A true helper to our Circle, You neve er tired of working for your church which; you -love sci well. Recalling the pleasant years made agreeable : through your acquaintance your friends here desire you`'to ac- cept this brooch as a small token of their friendship, trusting that- each bine you p'ut it cin - it will bring to your 'Mind fond meiuories of by -gone days. We hope that ac •the years are added to your life that your joys may also be multiplied and that your life in general may be more beautiful as: it .fadetie • : Notw, in coiiclnsion. we trust that you u sit. t may r• . be spared to enjoy many more years of health and happiness, Signed on behalf of the friends ga- thered •here tonight. T.istowel Banner. RHEUMATISM? � cc NEURALGIA?. NEURITIS? Use T -R -C's. Get safe speedy relief from pain and stiffness. 'l.t was not able to get anything to help me,'" writes Mr. Wm. D. Hull, u1 �St. Dennis, "until I tried Templeton's Rheumatae Capsules. When I feel a twinge I start . using , T -R-,' C'sare equally ' good for Neuralgia, coral Neuritis, Sciatica, Lumbago. No harm- ful drugs. 50e and $1 at your dealer's. i sa t d t1 ) 18 TEMPLETteit - and c ',editions attached can be ob- 'w RHEUMATIC FOR SALE -O. A. C. No. 144 nate. faired from G. W. Dawson, Purcltas- CAPSUIA Well ckeane€t 85c per bushel. Kin ne Agent, Department of Public ler kleNnughtt.n, Route 1, Iihh=.retest Works, Ottawa; and R. 'Winter, Itis- 1 eon, 2, 'Pnra.berry. trier Resident Architect, 59-ti1 Victor- '__ _ in Street, Toronto. Ont. 9_ Tenders will nett be considered un.. 'FOR SA l., Y' --- l it' ler•c'y again less made on the ferns `supplied by Eggs fair ii•at.iutt: trt?c per Cestan:; the Department and in accordance of. 13 also Duet;' '4.','"- :5+. l'er stet with departmental specifications and bias of 11. Apply to Wm b, Van- e t.nditions. Ceram, I'ro• chs. Phone 1515. The right tit demand front the •u4 -Ft;s:,fitl tenderer a deposit, not exceed= -RNI T URE REPAIRING ti all ink; 10 ver cent of the amount. of she'. Lines: dune by Growsk, w\ Fianrni- tender, t, secure; the praiser fulfil- ment t _ >d,. t .anent of t8 e n reit a. reserved. �at1 across the street from- Bur3lan- aue, (hardware. Mirrors- resalvered',rtc, l;v order, also ante Irlass replaced - FOR. SALE-O.':'t, C. No 21 ti -row-' . r=ed Rarity. Also soe go ,d maple syrup. Apply to Sohn R 'alter: ag:anrra7c:nt L�trnna . 'N. DESJAR1:)IXS;. Secretary. i Public Wetrks, til 14, 11130. CARD OP THANKS 13t R SALE -Ford a'tud<.r sedan. new Fist,., tate 24, in first clas,. ;condi- : Nits.. \A ant, Dore mid ianiily• wai;h to t. inose, Snap! $100;sada- 3 .o. Fell, :'thank the friend for their many ex 't;r,tt 1, Turf/berry. 2 <.ati*e. i -'set of dart': kens of sympathy and kindnesses liilit,.i ale... durit.t their recent bereavement. iI.OL SE To %F N"1 t reoute,inside toilet, garage. Rent $10 month. R. J. Galbraith. C \ \:N'$ EGGS NEXT wine; s �« "\ � C ter buy our chicks They are pro- duced treat e ulted i'c eks of heavy laying' type. ."t tarot majority oi our eusto niers cons, back to us year after year. \Ve are beaking orders n,ea for .April and May.' l arr+d Rocks, 'titril ret, Mae 155..; S. C. 'White 1 ,c;,,ho ins. kayil tt%e:, May 15c. Mrs. Geo. 13 FortnziC, '1 \\"inaheas \l'roaettr fees CARD OF THANKS \l e. Rohn Shiell and family wish N. most sincerely 'thank, their litany friends and neighbor;: for their untir- ifin kindness daring the past few oxine nill„ Also z1Ye ., . . i snit go « -i'`' al Board and'. Ladiea A' p" United 1d of tl7t. L.an1< Church €<d C nu ria f sir their kind rerat:taninranct+. for the many beautiful floral tributes, also the I friends who so kindly leaned their tare-. ELLIOTT MILLER 612r8. AUCTIONEER ------ Sales conducted ,anywhere.. Wide ,Ceu Wing- experience- Best efforts put forth LO 1 t )ss 'Tnee ha; -:t and 10th \ ,awaatft s h, lien: nse 7 on each and every sale, plate Nt+. 1 1413 Finder kindly =?houe irrb. - LLtctznow, Ont. leave at :\cisetnec;- names t'tfiiae:. 7"Oiss\"1"-House with't::sonars, Mi -modern rt.attt7Yi neve. aeniraall.y its- r.atted. Possession the, 10th e f :pias•. Apply to A. J. Ross, \V'ingham. Consulting Engineer S.. W. ARCHIBALD, 13.A.Sc. (Tors €iato) Registered Profession- a1 Engineer end Land Soesteyor, As- aocinte Mettiber Engineering Instittete' of Cattzteht. Office, S tort:t, Clint GEORGE WILLIA1VIS "?fficial' C. X. Watch inspector Repairing Our Speeiait. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Isltatio Opp- Queens note] NOTICE .Ail persons riding bicycles On side- walks will be prosecuted after ubli- cation of this% notice • - f;y Order Thus. Fats, Mayor. LEARN TO BE A DRAFTSMAN Become an expert in few weeks, practical Pay Raising, Job Getting, Shop or Home Stndy Training. Golden opportunities. Clean, dig- nified positions for .Architects and Draftsmen. Grade ' education suf- ficient. All materials supplied. Earn while learning. Write today for $50 per week information, COMMERCIAL ENGINEERING STUDIOS, ro? Queen St. W., Toronto. EARN 56 TO $10 PER DAY \tatbiti€airs, reliable men .wanted at once. Part . •times pay white train- s.*' for Aviation, \t'cltanica• Gar- , Work, Driving. Battery, att- ic a i i t Housefe \,eete},w t e, r \'4 iii e, Industrial E€coir ct y, Ma - china.#, l;rtcklaw itis•;. Plastering, Drafting, Barbering end I'lairdress- arae. Act quick, net your appltcs- tit n in now. Write or sail for in-. ar, ...16 m. DOMINION TRADE SCHOOLS, LTD., 'a i-crza Headquarters, 163 Tins; St.. W.. Toronto. Employment services --coast to coast. INEXPERIENCED, AMBTfii'- IOUS MEN QUALIFY FOR TO $10 DAILY \\-anted for jobs at Garage work, Ignition, flattery. Acetylene-E1ee- trio 'Welding, Electrical Experts. Slu:trt. practical training. Part time piny whiles: learning. Increase your earnings. Be independent. Steadier employment. ACT NOW. Write or call for application, commtpCTAL ENG 'NEEi2TNG L ITED,. 7 Quetta W., Toronto. HAS TOLD FULLY 100 PEOPLE OF SARGON "I think I've told at least 100 peo- ple but the remarkable results Sari gon gave the and many of them have started casing it, MRS. N. C, PIRRIE "When 1 started taking Sargon 1 was hopeless. My knees were swollen, twice their normal size and I suffer- ed torture with rheumatic pains. I could hardly walk up a flight of stairs or get on or off a streetcar. Every- thing .i ate disagreed with i'ne, iny kidneys were over active, and no teed- seines I took gave nie lasting relief. Sargon reduced _ the swelling in my knees to where it is hardly noticeable, the rheumatic pains are practically gone and my digestion is perfect. My kidneys seem all right, any sleep is undisturbed and 1 get up mornings as fresh and strong as a robust girl. Ev- en the busiest day doesn't fag the out now." -Mrs. N. C. Pirrie, 58 Rose Hill Ave,, Torunto. Sargon may be obtained in Wing - ham at McKibbon's Drag Store. BIRTHS Gallaher -1st Turnberry-,' an Sunday, April 20th; to Mr. and Mrs. ,Stan- ley Gallaher, (nee d -al ian Hether-, ingtou) a son. TIM LAID UP AGAIN 7'o the Editur RV all thirst \Vin sham I aypers. Dear • l.asht wake fer ,twit air iree days' I n us laid up agin wid ane ould back, an had toime to tink•uZ a ISA av but _got feel up wid dais that sort av a slitunt afther a whoile, an hunted up a bottle ar t1itron., linimint that T kipt up un the top hilf, an rubbed up me bacils trid it till it wus all war- runned up, an, faith, it cured nae up at wance. If the ana„u; hadn't burnt up ire shknnk sltkin bill in a bonfire ttliin tvc wus elaitiin up the yard:Tashi kill 1 rat it wad Inv got so all carpp • lczd up. • \Well, anyway, the that marnin of this usin the linitniut, whin I waken ed up I tc,u;;ht I wudden't be in anny harry to :tit up, so didn't open up Inc oyes fer :a whoile, • an whin at i Iasht I did open thing, share the sun ' wife up, en the birruds sinein in the i trees, and the whistle blon-in at the f our dhre. • Whin 1 got all dl+res sed -up 1 bung up me noitie, an pule up .tate windier', and wits makin up me moind to have a good, day wid the byes down town, j whin the •nlissus shpoke up an said she wanted nig to shtart up the noire in the:wash room, an tvr shtir up the wan in the furnace, 'an to put up the clothes lvine., an to git up the tub: out av, the cellar, an 'to pump up a boiler 'kill a1- wather. :Anther a hurry up breekiasht, the .s. u1 , u. hunted up the cl€atheti, that; naided w• asfi.in t71}, an the shtarte.d up the•clrcktrick Lta:shin ntashren an be tun o'clock we had it ryting up un the I toim:s,'att the :kitchen an wash roonti. all Hatred up. As soon as I got up t from me dinner, an laivin •the tnissnc es wash up the dishes, I wint up t Actress. to see if I tad hunt :up anny '. news, ferastir a tc.Ila.i is shut sip an • the house'raid nobody •v'omin up to 't a hind• he can't kaps up wid iattfs'3, , .bout the fur.tht ting I noti.hed wt Cts a bill shtuek up or a posit, tellin r the big maytin _Targe Shpottun, is gittin up fer Mays 2. That's reight large, sez 1 to nsaesilf, thebyes are • in nade av standing to wake thin up, alt I hope ye will hev a lot av us euld • aditttatiis at the partite- up on the platfo Crrn avid ye i., t else'' tin, s up an ifilp up the color skates:. ss, to shpake. 11c.31f„ fer inshtance, an Tam Me - 1, -afY, oat awn Stepliernt in. an Jawn' Cas °crci:.rex ata Jaw3 C. Currie, an fawn ; iia.bnnson, an .liawn Morgan, an .jaw I?atitaa :+aa. i Can't sink asps the names tea 'aaany more Jawns at mishit who e far enough, up itt the parthy t€r desara e a etc up on the platfoorn; 3 rct iii aIi tlasrtri bnigh up ghat'/Iemits ye ii:ntind Ccs britt l'tip from Ottawa, Ja ge '' tsil. :".a criorse 1 • knits' icl;can an. Mesilf wi Cid be / Loner Li fe ...Greater Economy.. due to moderate engine speed � U' Thursday, Atiril 24th, '19$0 OURS of steady high-speed driv- ing are no hardship for the Pontiac Big Six. For its big 60 -horsepower engine develops maximum power and road speed at extrremdy moderate engine speed. The result is, of course, less wear on moving parts at all times . . , longer life_ for the engine . . . and less ex- pense per mile of driving, And this is only one reason why the Pontiac Big Six is so unusually long-lived and economical. New -type rubber mountings, which insulate the engine from the frame, , fit 1 cushion it also against road shocks. The crankshaft has a.harmonic balancer to counteract torsional' vibration. Crank- case ventilation prevents water vapour from diluting the engine oil. And, an an added factor of economy, the strongly-- built trongly-built wood -and -steel bodies by Fisher,. p reserve their beauty for years, and thus d result in larger trade-in values, There is much more to learn about the Pontiac Big Six. See it. Drive this "finer car with a famous name." Then, if you wish, use the G.1VI.A.C, deferred payment plan . , , designed by General Motors for your convenience. ?.1l30ti BIG SIX PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS. OF CANADA, LIMITED orham Ont. - l T* 5 BETTER BECAUSE I T' S CANADIAN :i: among the lucky w•ans, eaten if our names wus diffruat, fer, 'Shure, the parthy wud soon .lie bruk up intoirely in \\'inhale, if it wussen't fer Tam harrud luck 'tis always up to 'lam an ther usin wan little word too often, Tint to shtir up sonteting tv kape up an I tink I grosso give it sip, fer, the courage av the byes. .shure, 'tib a bad habit intoirely, so Ravin used up all ins payper, I tink it is. an Tim kaipixr the byes up to dicer I had betther close up this letther, an wurrnk, \\•hin the partly is 'up agin bs-soides that 1 foind I hes- been af- Yours fer a bigger an bettber Canada, sat ear .�. t. • :<'1': .G.•:. ._..,ns:,-•.>�'a,.-„�.• �:_.,,°.\:, .�....,.?.�.';?�•Wiz.,-�:,.aE3,.:::4`i.•urbr•�:.• ,,.:� ,•, IT PAYS TO USE e i .._' ` !N-SENOUR PRODUCTS CEMENT FLOORS CAN BE PAINTED SUCCESSFULLY q Neat, clean, orderly basements; are easily acquired -when your cement Boors are finished with Martin- S enour Concre-Tone Floor Dressing. Q No more endless tracking of dirt from basement to upper floors, for Concre- Tone dries smooth, hard and durable. Q And the cost is remarkably lows Half gallon, x.00, gallon $5.50. One gallon of Conere-Tone covers about 400 square feet two coats. And no special primer or hardener is required. motif Nal Morris-Settetir Froducts for every pure $6 for esteO' s7 r r foe`s, are sold hJ'