The Wingham Advance Times, 1930-04-17, Page 2if. Thursday, ,P►prl 17th, 1930 E4LSTER tGGE TIO S asons for New Arrivals For Easter Wear -- Include Puritan Maid HOSIERY NEW DRESSES GOATS Q MILLINERY A NEW NEW (( Gordon Quality GLOVES Woods' Lavender. UNDERWEAR Gordon Quality PURSES NEW NEW U NEW CORSETS Y HOSIERY L iINGERIE I NEW French Made SCARFS L SCARFS E NEW T NEW GLOVES PURSES Gordon Quality UMBRELLAS D & A Quality CORSETS Discriminating Buyers who Appreciate Quality at Reasonable Prices—Do not Hesitate—to Shop With Us -We Feature Style and: Quality—To Save you Money. 1'1! sl i fl,alni :I•• I "'.! ' ,`•!I'i:l.1 1 III i 11 ALKER STO YOUR FAVORITE LIMITED M D SHOPPING CENTRE PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS I E •. t �.rt ua !,•'f Pi •:ru . •:.i..: `iia•• •. I t ! ! 1 (Il tiil!'I'Ekig4b";rafNlifj II:::t!'l:rf,i; "i!iirt'i2:a r, wi.=i75'P, .. Wads, : i t.'K,... JfHESUNDAYSCIIOOLLE LESSON LESSON XVI. -APRIL' 20 Golden; Text—Forgive us our debts,. as we also have forgiven our debtors. —Matt 6.12, THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING. Time.—The summer of A.D. 29, in the third year of Christ's ministry, Place,—Capernaurn. THE SERVANT FORGIVETH. E H Thensaid _came e Peter and ,a d u neo him, how Lord, o ft shall m y brother sin against 'me, and I forgive hint?' Impetuous Peter was likely to bring down muchcriticism qn his head, and become involved in many disputes -with his brethren. Until seven times. "'There was a , mystical :atmosphere :.about the number seven; r symboliz- ed perfection. Three being the num- ber which spoke of heaven, and four the number of the world, seven gave. -the ideal of completion -the union of :heaven and earth," Testis saith unto him, I say not un- to thee; Until seven times;' but, Un- til seventy times seven. Peter was shown how low his estimate of for- ; iveness compared with Christ's. I His lord commanded Juni to be !what was done, they were: :exceeding jaw :t The money. s . Therefore ri� „ the kingdom heav- sold. The Mosaic law authorized the sorry. This scents to point tothe Av coorse Iamafther not aft ter blamin e en likened ted onto a certain king, whoselling: of a man into -.for theft common conscience of mankind 'a - the byes too much fer Y 1-' bslavery. p Y makin a m}sir 'would make a -reckoning with his ser- or bad debt. And his wife, and child -I proving or anticipating the divine sen- ,take, fer; bein Irish, I make thim Me 1 'vants. This was an Eastern monarch, 'ren, "A man's wife and children were ; tense. And caste and told; unto their self sonietoimes, • an mate thrubble whose "servants were his officers, ; his property. The order is also in' lord all that was done,this was not half way, as ye nioight say, Whin ,I especially here those in charge of fan- laccordapce with the Idea that the in anger; hut in grief,, and 'desiring wus in Toronto two air tree wakes ancial matter, such as the collecting whole of a man's family is responsible ithat justice should, be done, 'ago, shtrollin along an shwingin me Mof tastes, The "reckoning" would be • for his acts, And all that he had, .Chen the lord called him unto hint. ,shtick, I saw a shquad av elivin po- the payment of the taxes collected, hand ;payment to be 'made. The sale !He also was more grieved than an- lleeeentin corrin down the shti•ate ess as much as the,` officer dared to 'would go only a little toward paying : gry, though he :must have been ter-'roight furninsht me, an, whin 1 sats _ retain for his pay and his personal •the. enormous cicbt, but it would a- i ribly shocked at such cruel conduct. how 'nanny av .thim theer wus; 1 RI profit. mount to something. „„ 'And saith to hits, Thou wicked ser -,sought it tnusht be ;rite they wus afNI - rlat( when he had begun to reclean; t 1' he servant therefore fell dowti,vant. Wickedness should be f•ecog- ;thee. 1 oudden't reminiber annyting , i'• taurs hima. and}- r 1i ilii it. d and1t e tha ttsr Dived ten 4 e o sited him. 1��or hi e .cal editsr namen- t al tit t thousand lcs tedby right a I had n d to nts. APdo e that Wm l PI c talent was not a cunt but a weight is in the imperfect tense its the Greek, far oftener than it .is. I forgave thee maruin, ba,tin aivin sonic advoice to , g b _ •_ the shtr of!implying r ti s - •allat gold or silver.. There :were trob worshipful pful pi o.trat}ons re that :debt, because thou besought- e car conductor, to sli al:c ably talents of silver, each worth ' peated over and over. Saying, Lord, est me. Not because of anything in Plainer an lander whin he wus callin t}free thousand sheckles twelve ` rave patience with me, and'I will pay the man's character or conduct, out the Warnes av the shtrates, so that and tit i 1 thousand deuarii and the denarfus 'thee all. In his terror and anguish het Shouldest not thou also have mercy s itranet's in the city tvud know whin , I tgit oaff was the -was readywith promises I couldonf 11 s i 'his ould u bay's. wages of an ordinary ip n s t rat o thy e qtr eTva tt, even as :L had u bus. Thin I began laborer? In ottr money the sum never be :fulfilled', and.that ;the king :mercy upon thee? The kindness of to tuck rnebby. it wus .a skame av would be between nineteen and oven- i1 new could never be fulfilled, ; God is for our incitation, We can fol tltint Grits to het:Inc aireslited, so ty Million dollars a sum its tss- • 1 And the lord of that servant bein low; the divine example, in the tree- that I cudclen't prate Mishter Fer g - s t lac,. ibis � � 1 , s gu to pay;. Such is the debt which the inlayed with compassion. How often ;th which God will supply, son an hew a tall: wid hire. Annyway sinner owes to Gott; and he can ncv- lis compassion attributed to Jesus? And his lord was wroth. God's an- 1 shtud me ground, an, wild ye `be- er a it or hopeI Indeed pity Louhuman 'misery s l _ ;ger is righteous, an , lave it iviri, wan av thim pay to payit.. S g 5, d is for man's big Poteece-. I',tit forasmuch as he had not where- ,:the prime motive of Christ's mrss.on f good. 'Vho would have a God• who nein jist tuk wan look at' the soize with to pay: "Do the any of us real- , to this world. Released hint, Possib- was not angry with sin? And delis av the blacl. torn, I wus carryin an tr s _ y at once been thrown titin passed on widout Sa ` c., a. w e <t11 of us ought to da the ly he had Drys into ered' him to the tormtentors, The p ytrt a wurrud house clainin an; shute 1 can't be postage. rit' tv o m to Ottawa a i t'< r{ v day Y av me: Yours fer a bigger . an beater lot e gg critter f throyin to kape tings shtraight, Canada,- avert anada; aven if I kin• sind me letthers widout Timothy Hay. gasssssmeminsssssessam�raaessassaa sinsaal id Maitland Creamery : IN NI at le am Ri El g3 L�! a a 111 chains or into prison, but probably "tormentors" were torturers who Some payple same to tink that infinite number, and the transctdant wi greatness of our transgressions a_ ; this means merely that, the ling re- sought by barbaric means to force Mishter Mackenzie Ding losht his I gainst the 'Father?" lleased lum from his obligation. And the criminal to gist*e up any secret timper bc rayson av the'naggin' av SI YOUP VALUABLES Fire, theft and carelessness ---all have yourvaluables at their mercy. A safety deposit box costs so little that no one treed take the risk of losing hoods, stock certificates, con. tracts, wills or other valuable papers. Ask us about this service. THE DOMJNION BA A. M. Bishop, &ascii Manager, Wizlgham, Ontario Cream, Eggs and Poultry ' • WANTED a a itA CALL US FOR PRICES. 121 m THE UNIT ED FARMERS' CO-OPER t�.TI�E COMPANY, Wln haam Ontario. lt3il Phone 271 mllimeJ,9irwnoriman forgave him the debt: Cancelled the hoard he Wright have. Till he should the'Tory byes, an didn't mane all he MelliiillEglIMNS whole 'natter, staking the debt as if pay all that was due. An impossible Isaid. They tisk that. Mishter King, it had never :been,. task, implying lifelong imprisonment;. not bein a married titan, hasn't lamed • THE SERVANT 'UNFORGIVING: ; but he had sent his fellow -servant to t to kape cool tmdher difficult circuin- But that servant 'went out. L?tter- ! prison "till he should pay that which shtances, an nic.bby sheer may be ly unmindful of his own undeserved teas due," some since ice this oidea, but, share; I mercies, S t.ice� not in t � .o shall the least humbled �t}s my1 !I don't ' 1. ! r rb eel by :.a heavenly Father trnl. it wus the rale rayson, the experience, perhaps puffed up by I do unto you. Not cruel torments, lat. all, at all; so I don't. Mishter Ring, ' the vast favorshown him by the king. abut such punishnsent as is just, im-"although he is a Grit, is 'a putty And found one of his fellow -servants. Posed in sorrow arid not for revenge. shmart bye, an I often wish he wus Another officer, bttt an inferior one, If ye forgive not every one his bio- at Tory, fer he doesn't shpake wfdout 'Who owed hint a hundred sh(llings.lther from your hearts. Nothing else kinkin, an Twill tell ye my oidea ay. the whole business, Thing Grits an Progrissives hev been do ci a lot' av, tings tt y don't want us Tories toh foind out, an Mich - ter King's snatch wus only dhrawin a red herrin across the thrail to trow otir byes aff the scint, as ye ntoight say, Whoile the Tory paypers do be yellin thecr fool heads aff about what they tink wus a bad break be Mishter ting, thim Grits sit back an laugh at 'shim, aft git away, wid a lot av other shtuff. I `wondher whin our fellahs will ivir larn that ye can't thrust thim Grits to matte what they say. Here I am busy •hilpin the Missus wid the So pettyare tiie wrongs others have is forgiveness. Cherished reset trnent done to us compared with the wrongs Is not forgiveness," which we have committed toward God. And he laid .hold on hon, and took him by the throat, saying, Pay TIM MISTAKEN what thou owest, If you want to learn a matt=s character, do not look at his bearing before his 'superiors, but at his attitude toward subardin- Deer Sur:— ates. Sootetaitnes a fcllah shpakes out ay So his fellow -servant fell down and his turn, as the bye that wus oversays' besought him, saying, Have patience wud say, an this toime it wt's Mishter with nee, and I will pay thee. The Mackenzie King that made the break, debtor makes the satne plea which but I am afther tinkin that the pay- pers do be making more fuss about it than is nicissary, an besoldes that a To the Editur av all thim Wing}rare Paypers. the first servant had just made to the king, the difference ,being that the second servant could be expected to lot av thin) do be barnukin tip the fulfil his promise. wrong tree, so to shpake: Arid he would not: but went and What is the use av us Tories hall - east him into prison, till'"he should tris our heads aff be rayson av a M- inty that which was due. 'Usually its]- tle shlip loike that, whin, Shure, the rprisonment in the East was tempos ting fer us to do is to shtrip aff our ary; yet it was sometimes extended coats an git to wurruk, so that af- to years for debt." titer the nixt elickshun, thin Grits So when his fellow -servants saw won't hev army say in the shpindin PSiklI AntuallySeeThemyanish au-111°‘ tmpiMI cadet( Iotjuickby"Soothe. 1ua' you cm actually see them dry ManylCdei�eerniaht.flet Sootlta.ra"front drufgiat todaq'.lwei, o b►Nuly tQmuieo* thOtithia, RIM" SMEIMIii3li+t a V A LOSIGNAIDA ! New- vii3ACE.-• Dean Sinclair Laird's Seventh Annual All Expense Tour Leaves MONTREAL -- JULY 20-22 Days Leaves TORONTO - - JULYJ21-21 Days AU Expense Rate Fran MONTREAL 7b.00 From TORONT OthtrO Dolhts frond od;MI'sago-a You will travel by rail, steamer and motor through Canada's industrial and egricnitural regions through the Rockies with their crowning jewels Bang Lake Louise and Emerald LLak, , , , to'Vaneouver and Victoria. , , west by one highway east by another .. , Over Canada's Scenic Route Illustrated hank et on appliratiota to Dean Stnclalr Laird, Macdonald asthma P.O., Que., or Any Canadian Pacific Agent, or WMM, Fvx xdat, Asst. Genera! Passenger Agent, TORONTO, Obit.