HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1930-04-10, Page 3orrie roxete r Thursday, April 10th 1930 ML1pt= IATT: IG, 111101011.101111 STEELE, Brands that are ideal for all kinds of stock feeding. Large, sound roots full of nutriti- ous, health giving proper- ties are assured by sowing Prize Mammoth Long Red Giant Yellow Oval Yellow Leviathan Giant Yellow Globe Giant White Sugar Royal Giant Sugar Beet t� r Sold everywhere m Canada Send for new illustrated catalogue tV STEELE,BRIGGS SEED �Lt�M17�D. "CANADA'S GREATEST SEED HOUSE " TORONTO- HAW LTON-WINFIIPEG - REG ItdA-EDMONTON._. DREAMS • last article, I .must reveal something of -the antecedant evants which sup - Before proceedingp to relate the plied the substance whereof it was marvellous' Dream referred to in my compounded, and from which it 're - Delved its generative impulse. There existed in the town *of Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, .Scotland, at the time of whieli 1 speak,• an, herculean New- foundland dog. It belonged to a Bank Manager. • Notwithstanding the fact that a bank manager's ward is seldom to be trusted, those .who were intro- duced by this one to his gigantic dog, bel{eeved that his description of it "as the largest extant of its species," Fitt- the dog to a nicety and was snore- over, beyond peradventure, a true bill of its estate. This dog •was called Oscar. It was at once, the terror and the delight of the neighborhood. Its. neighborhood, as the dog viewed it, was an extensive affair, and spread itself all over the county. One day the dog would, be in Ayr, the next in Barrhead. Ordinarily, however, and for the most part it was to be 'found at the headquarters in' a mighty ken- nel, at the .rear of its owner's man- sion.. One day the owner a met my father, and casually remarked that he and those of his household intended tak- ing a vacation, ui north. 'What about Oscar," asked my .father, "do Dominion of Canada Income Tax Returns DUE APRIL 30tH ACT PROMPTLY— 1/4" Accept the help offered by Income Tax . inspectors Where Income Tax Inspectors are Located OTTAWA, ONT. Daly Building BELLEVILLE, ONT, 27-29 Campbell Street KINGSTON, ONT. Customs Building TORONTO, ONT. 21 Lombard St. HAMILTON, ONT. Lennox Building LONDON, ONT. Carling Block FORT WILLIAM, ONT. Customs Building and Avoid Penalties_ Every person who during the year 1929 liad an income, from any source, of as much as $1,500, if single, or $3,000 if married or supporting a family, is required to make an income tax return. If you are situated as above described,' failure to make 'this feturn by midnight, April 30th, to• gether with cheque or cash for at least 25% of amount of tax, will render you liable to a penalty equal to 5% of tate total tax payable. (Limit of )penalty $500.) To avoid incurring this penalty, obtain NOW, from your postmaster, or from the Inspector' of 'Income Tax in your district, the necessary forms and make your returns at once. These forms are as follows: Form TI For Individuals other than Farmers and Ranchers. Form. T1A For Farmers and Ranchers only.. Form T2 For Corporations and Joint Stock Companies. Each form contains in itself instructions for filling out. By making your return by April 30th you gain in two ways: First, you avoid penalties for delay. you qualify thq, Second[, ' q y yourself for privilege of paying in instalments. INCOME TAX INSPECTOR WILL. HELP YOU MAKE OUT YOUR RETURNS If there is anything in in the income tax return which you do any glad to not understand, Income Tax Inspector will be explain what is required. The Department of National Revenue Income Tax Division OTTAWA HON. W. D. EULER, Minister of I`ratialtat Revenue C. S. WALTERS, Commissioner of Itscome Tax you take him." "No," said the .owner, "we can't take hini, he is too big. Besides he has an inveterate repug- nance to travelling by train. Even if he could be persuaded to .enter a train there is no- railway carriage that would be strong enough to detain him long, He would destroy ltis carriage and probably wreck• the entire train. He will have to be 'left behind," he. contiirued, "and I 'thought possibly you would like to have hini, As you When we tried tostraggle into our shirts, he lept upon us, and simply would not permit the bans. I find slay allotted space lull, 'so 1 must askyou to take leave of my friends and self shivering on the Ayr- shire coast for another week, Jas. ti. Webster. • GORRIE Mrs, le .0 Taylor was in Brussels know, he is very much attached to on 'Thursday attending the funeral•of you. He, and your own little dog are her brother-in-law. on the best of terms, and he simply Mrs. Robt. .Ferguson has returned worships, your little kitten. Your home from Owert Sound• where she. home is a mile and'a half :from town has spent the past month. and the. seclusion ttrul quiet of it 1 Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Ashton spent would just suit .Oscar." My father Sunday at Dr. :R Hamilton's in 13rus- always had an absurd liking for dogs, sels: and as Oscar was one of his favorites; 1 Mrs. T. Bennett and Mrs. Earid ti in a spasm of madness, he ,agreed to 'Patterson and Wilda of Fordwich, temporarily house the brute: "But," called on friends here on Monday. he said, "how can I feed your dog, 1 Mr. and Mrs. T. Bradnock return you know we never have any meat ed last week from a trip to California, in the house, (my father and his 1 Miss Pearl Stinson has returned of household were,, all vegetarians). "1 ter spending a week in Toronto. have thought about that," said the t Mrs. E. A. Fallis of Fordwich was banker, • "and will arrange with my a visitor in town on Monday: butcher to call at your house, twice' The many friends of Mrs. Robt. a week, with an assortment of liver Stinson will be pleased to know that and bones for Oscar." So, the vile she is somewhat improved in health. contract was concluded. • + Friends of Mr. and Mrs. John When Mr. Horner, my brother and Montgomery were surprised to hear I -arrived at Kilmarnock for: our week- of the death of their infant son, Bruce end, we found Oscar in charge, mon- winch occurred he Toronto last Fri - arch of all he surveyed. Our own lit- day. The body was brought to the tle dog, Browney, who was deeply home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Williamson versed in calendar1 ore; and knew on Saturday. A short service was when Saturdays.' .might be expected, held at the hone on Sunday afternoon having figured with his usual preci- after which the procession went to sion that his' big day had arrived, had Gorrie United Church !where Rev, F. left .home with all its attractiveness W. Craik conducted an appropriate and .rushed down the roar to meet service. The choir an,., "Sone day and welcome us. We encountered he'll -make ii plain home." A large Win about a . quarter of a mile from congregation was present for the bli- the house. All three of us immediate- pressive service. The parents are as- ly recognized a certain strangeness sured of the sympathy of their many in his demeanour, and as we petted Friends in this community. hini we noticed an unwonted -Uristful- The Easter Thank -Offering service. ness in his soft brown eyes. He carne for the Women's Missionary Society to tell us, as we knew afterwards, of the United Church will be held that a certain stranger was within next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. our gates. He bespoke an. unprejudic- Several of the members will give short ed survey of the situation however. addresses on different aspects of the He, himself, liked the newcomer and work. The president, Mrs, T. O. he wanted us to like him too. He was Johnston will preside. The envelope evidently afraid, however, that we offering will be received for W.M.S. might not have sufficient dog affec- funds on Easter Sunday morning, Ap- tion to bestow on both Oscar and ril 20th. A social evening will be enjoyed at himself, and that he might lose what Oscar gained. However, when Oscar the League service ofi Friday night loorned on the horizon, and Browney when members of The Wroxeter Lea- noticed our looks of alarm, he patted gue will present a program, after himself on the back and in a series which -lunch will be served. 2b beatific barks, expressive of right-! Mr. Cleve Stafford. left for Toronto last Saturday, where he will yisit with ecus relief, acclaimed himself there-�, atives by, favorite sttllt and elicited 'great rell,afvre going West for an joy from hls nage iVery. We were_ 'extended trip. now within a few yards of the mighty Rev. Craik spent a couple of days did opulent Oscar. He regarded us in Toronto, steadfastly. His brows puckered, his Mr. and, Mrs. Isaad Wade are in tail pendant, his ears erect. Then get- .Toronto at the_ home of Mr, and Mrs. ting his clue from Browney's conduct D. W. Dane. Mrs, Wade is taking he evidently concluded that we might treatment for serious eye trouble. really be friends of the fancily. He , Mrs. Robt. Hastie left on Saturday therefor, plucked the puckers front morning for Toronto where she will his brow, reversed the attitudes of his visit for some time with relatives. tail and ears and lept upon •ns«. enc-, Rev. 1-1• and Mrs. Bolingbroke were .braced us, and gradually becoming recent visitors at the parsonage. satisfied that he had licked off all ''Members and adherents of the Un- the dust accretions from our eyes, and ited Chttidi will remember the Pas- ears and clothes he, led, his procession sion Week services to be held April of newly formed f+liiiettels towaras The 14-18. Rev.'s Mann, Jones, Chandler, house, with almost as much dignity Davison and Hart will conduct tate as the mightiest of 'Stainer Marshals seaviic'es. could possibly :Meese hitteeself With, Norman Craik has returned front and displayed it wiiiin an •osten'tation Belleville for Easter holidays. worthy of. the ,oecaga^on. On 'the back The regular meeting of the W.M. door steps stood nay father with his S. was held at the hone of Mrs. R. long flute at 'I Tis 'lips' Playing lustily H. Stephens Thursday afternoon, rep- and with very ;pleasing variations that ril 3rd. The leaflet, Easter Chimes, dear old: tone "`See ,she conquering was given by Mts. H. Ashton. Duet, heroherocont.�es." 'Oscar was the •conquer "l heard the voice of Jesus say„ by ing herrn, he ball subordinated his fetaMrs. C. Pritchard and Mrs. M. Ab - to his ilu7atcsticity in a very ,bee ram. Selections tion, the study book and beconi"i xg manner. We..soon were given by Mrs. A. E. Toner, Mrs. learned however, that his feracity A. Edgar, ,ars. C. Hamilton, Mrs. J. was usually lin the ascendant and was Wylie. A solo was given by Mrs. W. of a chinch !more reliable nature than Clark. The roll call was answered by his doniestkiity. The following day, an raster Thought, Twenty-two mein - Sunday, when we had packed father hers were •1'rresent. and sister off to church, we three in- vincibles sett off upon a hike. Brass- ey, on the ,'ter coast, and a dip in the Sea were aur objectives. The two The terra "Seed" when applied to t dogs insisted upon accompanying us, potatoes must mean something in fu-: We disdained the highways, and' took tare. It 'is 'illegal to advertise or offer short cuts through fields. We passed for sale potatoes described as "Seed" several farms, all of which had 'hen unless they are vigorous and free hotises attached. Oscar was extreme- front scriou:s diseases and have been ly interested in these, visited their all sii certified by an inspector of the and aroused pandemonium in thein. 'Federal rcleral Goveirntnent, who has i:n pee - His emetgeneies were triumphant, his ted tate growint, crop and also the execution e:ctensive. His mouth wagtubers after 'harvest covered with the'blood of his Victims,; This is governed by regulations of his body ft•elghted with their feathers. 'the Destructive Insect and Pest Act, We •were all thoroughly ashamed of areendteents to which becainc effec- him, but werc.•prepit,ed to depone, if tine oe March 12, 1930, accosted, that he was Ito dog of ours, which would' have 'been true ,enough. WROXETER 1Ir Ed, Gibson of the Bank staff, is visiting his brother in Chicago. He expected tis travel, by a.uroplarike from) Detroit. Mr. Archie Gibson of 'Thorold, for- merly teller in the Bank here, is vis- itng his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wil- liam Gibson. Mr. Herbert Edgar and fancily, who have been visiting his brother Arnold and other friends during the winter, are leaving shortly for their home in Edmonton, Alberta, by motor. A team of horses belonging to Ric- hard Griffith, hitched to a sleigh, took fright while standing in, the yard and ran out into the .road; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Edgar, who were on their way to visit Mr. Edgar's brother, when the team ran into the back of their cutter, were thrown out. They were both badly shaken up; Mrs. Edgar re- ceiving severe injuries to her back, and Mr. Edgar was badly brused on and Mr. Edgar was badly bruised on arm and shoulder, but fortunately no bones were broken.' While both are suffering from shock they are .prg,- gressing favorably. Mrs. 1d. Bolingbroke opened` her home for the March meeting of the Women's. Institute. In the president's absence, Mrs. Wendt presided. After items of business were disposed of, Miss Ellen MacEwen gave a very practical . and interesting address on window boxes and perennial borders. This was followed by an excellent pa- per by _Mrs. ,Joseph Lovell, her sub- ject being, Home influence and the young. At the close the hostess serv- ed tea and a pleasant social half hour was enjoyed. The April meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Thomas Brown. There will be a debate "Re- solved that active middle life surpass- es youth in the joy of life." Mem- bers are asked to bring a suggestion for next year's programme. Roll call,' ,, a quotation or poem from a Canadian it is too early yet to make definite poet {• statements about the condition of fall wheat and clover, a great deal of an - 1 xiety prevails throughout the south- - !ern part of the province. 1 Renewed attacks on the corn borer Sunday being a beautiful spring- are described in the report from. Es - like day the Union Church was well 'sex County. Brood sows are bring - filled. The Rev. Ralph Turnbull gave !ing as much as $75 apiece at sales in a fine discourse. • !Lanark County, while in Leeds farm- Mr. Conrad Baker is not enjoying 'ere have been disappointed over the good health now. Miss Maggie Bell ( stopping of the sap flow. In Mus - Stokes is confined to the house with ikok'a and Parry Sound live stock is a sore knee, the result of a blow re -!better than had been anticipated with ceived at school. conditions in general about Mrs. Mulvey has returned front Lu- 'Norfolk will use about 325 Bert where she was visiting her sister, fertilizer in 1930. Seed Potatoes Plan to enjoy the pleasures and convene iences of an escorted tour this summer. Visit Jasper National Park. See the great Canadian Rockies ... the Pacific Coast ... or Alaska. Or go east—the Maritimes and Old Quebec. Choice of dates and itineraries available. Full information, descriptive booklets and reservations fronn.. any agent of Canadian National Railways. g`m_ a " UJ� BELMORE Mrs. McLean, Mr. James Dewar is renewing ac- quaintances in the village at present. The ice in the rink seems loth to leave. Both curling and skating were indulged in last week. Mr. John Gallagher, through the columns of the Advance -Times, wish- es to thank the entire community for sympathy and kindness shown in his recent sad bereavement. Minnie Jeffrey visited Monday at \Vit. Mendell's on the boundary, al- so Mrs. Hawes. Prison Chaplain; (to Prisoner about -We reached the shore, divested ottr- to be discharged) "Now, my mail, selves of our garments <tnd ,plunged try to remember what I said Make into the seae Oscar carte with, us. up your mind neves° to i•etnin to this We stayed in the water for about half place." an hour, When we had dried oat- Prisoner (deeply moved): "Guv'not 1 selves, we essayed to don our clothes no men ever 'card yott preach would bill: Qatar .3vouid not standfor that., avant toconte back 'ere again." Took Soda For Stom- ach For 20 Years Adlerika relieves GAS and sour sto "For 20 years" I took soda for indi gestion and stomach gas. Then 1 tried Adlerika. One bottle brought complete relief."—John 13. Hardy. mach in TEN minutes! Acts oe BOTH upper and lower bowel, reg moving poisons you never knew wen there. Don't fool with tnedicin, which cleans only PART of the boiv• et Adlerika els, but I A leril a g ive stomach and bowels a REAL cleaning and see how good you feel. McKibbon's Drti1 Store. "Darling, I've lost all my money. Haven't a penny in the world." "That won't make any difference to our love, dear. I'll love you as much --even if I never see you again'," Mrs. Shifty:—"I must ask you for your room. I'm one of the 'easy ones to get on with, I'm sure, hut I can't see heye to heye with a boarder ale, snakes a 'abit cif hangin' 'is 'at over 'is key -'ole.' Aunt (talking scandal.l .— "Mrs.. Mashie? Oh, surely not! She's an awfully good woman --so devout. Ninee--- "But•she flirts outrageous- ly ,, "Yes, but only with the clergy." Better Seed in Demand The erop report for the latter part. of March comments on the inereased interest which has been manifested iii better seed. The demand .for regist- ered grain and certified potatoes is keen and supplies of such stock are rapidly becoming depleted. Althou gh witiaiwitimitrojammataNimoisoi normal. ears of DR. C. C. RAMAGE DENTIST, GORRIE Phone 21 (Stinson residence). Fordwich on Wednesday. 1 to 9 o'clock. F. F. HO RUTH Phm. B., Opt. D., R. O. OPTOMETRIST Phone 118 Harriston, Ont. "The Best Equipped Optical Es tablishment in this part of Ontario". SpringSuitiogs Hats and Caps Our samples of "Made to. Measure Spring Suiting are now in. We have a big range to choose from. The prices have been reduced 10% and the qaul- ity was never better. Suits at ,• from $23.50 to $45.00 in all the latest checks, stripes and plain serges, made to your order. Hats, Caps, Shirts and ,So:c for Spring and Summer wear. OveraI:ls from $1.98 to $2,25. High Top rubber boots for men, women -and children, sell- ing at cost prices. 13ring us your eggs and Cream. DAVEY'S STORE ROX1?E I.